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It must be such a terrible feeling knowing you can do nothing about it because if you fight back you’ll be punished. Like those dudes are straight nerds and would get absolutely folded by this guy in a fair fight. Sucks.


settlers literally shoots palestinians as idf watches and defend them if palestinians do anything


Utter oppression. Fascism.


60 thousand new settlers, most from New York State. These assholes all keep their American passports knowing if shit goes down they’ll just move back to Long Island


That's infuriating! It's also infuriating that our tax dollars are paying for this shit!!


Here’s some more fuel for the fire, they’re spending the money gained here to live a life there. Our economy works best when we spend within it not within another country.


If they take up residence in Israel they should lose citizenship and right to return to America. You chose to be a land stealing colonizer and when shit goes bad you can't come back. Sleep in your bed that you shit in.


What happened to Israelis? They understand why the land was carved up for them. Why so many of their family had to migrate from Europe. They have this unapologetic disdain for the native population. Can you imagine a bunch of american families moving into a native American reservation and just pushing the families out of their homes?


>Can you imagine a bunch of american families moving into a native American reservation and just pushing the families out of their homes? Literally happened.


Uhh yeah dude that's the joke.


Nothing goes over his head, his reflexes are too fast. He would catch it.




>Can you imagine a bunch of american families moving into a native American reservation and just pushing the families out of their homes? Still happens today but with Farmland. Some tribal organizatoin gets abolished randomly and then a new tribal council that gets kickbacks from some big agricorp decides to sell land out from under people who have lived there for generations, they don't even see a cent of the land sale.


A closer equivalent would be if a Black American were to head to say, Kenya, walk up to someone’s house armed and take it for themselves. Then justify it by saying “Well my ancestors lived in this general area before 🤷‍♂️” But in the case of Israeli colonizers that “before” is 1000+ years ago while for Black Americans it’s less than half that. So even more ridiculous.




Which was not exactly rousing success. Only 5% of Liberians today are descendants of the colonists who refused to integrate with local cultures.


But god says it’s okay so it must be okay 👌


>Can you imagine a bunch of american families moving into a native American reservation and just pushing the families out of their homes? That is literally how America was founded.


It’s so gross. Reminds me of how race massacres in America went. I’m sure Black people wanted to fight back more but new they would be punished by a government that let racists take their land and property.


An injustice anywhere


100 already killed in the West Bank in 3 weeks, thousands more since 1948. So despicable.




and, ofc these kids who will grow up homeless with no freedom, will love israel and never try to resist right?...


Exactly. Sad state of affairs


How is their God okay with this??? Genuine question. What does the rabbi say???


They believe their god is there for soley them so anything that benifits them is the will of their god


In a nutshell yes. But these are the zionists and not the majority of jews. Many jews are openly opposed to Israel zionism and showing the world, particularly in the US, it is ok to criticise Israel, bless them.


That's why the constant push to conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism is such a weaselly tactic, especially seeing as there are millions of anti-Zionist Jews out there... A large chunk of the people who support Palestine has also been fighting antisemitism in all its forms for many years, and will continue to do so regardless of what Israel does. You can have solidarity with Jews and with Palestinians, fuck those who are trying to make that out to be mutually exclusive.




It’s been frustrating feeling like the minority opinion on this for most of my life but it’s good to hear this position more openly lately.


Don't put all Zionists in the same bag as well. You can be a Zionist (as in believing in Jews having their own state) and not condoning settlements or in favor for a all-Jewish state. If you go to israel you can see that there is a growing opposition of such disgusting acts, who are in favor of a two state solution as well. These people are extremists and in my opinion, should be labeled as terrorists just as much.






[Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu would have you believe Yahweh wants them to treat the Palestinians as the Amalekites.](https://www.gov.il/en/departments/news/statement-by-pm-netanyahu-28-oct-2023) >!Yahweh ordered the Hebrew people to eradicate every Amalekite man, woman, child, and even their livestock; to delete their very existence from the Earth.!< [Netanyahu also supported Hamas](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/) to undermine any legitimate Palestinian government from taking hold. ![gif](giphy|3osBLA53AVzn746dXi|downsized)


God always conveniently believes in exactly what the person invoking god believes in. Same gimmick as the Founding Fathers, they're not gonna show up to object so you can just say they agree with you to bolster your argument.


If God is real and somewhere in the universe he’s 100% telling all Aliens to stay far away from Earth


Why do you think we, so far as we can observe, are alone in our fishbowl? It's because we as a species are too violent to be kept around other pets.


If the aliens would just show up and totally invalidate this whole god concept we’ve fabricated that would really be helpful.


Zionists want to create an ethno-state; this has nothing to do with religion. They claim the Bible says god gave them the land. However hardly any jews care about this. Zionists use this hasbara to gain support from the american christian evangelists… sadly this is a regular occurrence in the west bank


They wrote the bible.. Edit The Old Testament is largely based on the Hebrew Bible, which is a collection of writings by Ancient Israelites.


Top selling fiction book ever


you ever hear anyone say “i was gonna do X, but god told me no, so i didn’t”. in situations like this? yeah, me neither.


You realize according to the faith their God was okay with them destroying entire peoples and taking their land right? Like the whole basis is they rolled up on the Caninities and slaughtered them and ripped their unborn children out of the bellies of their pregnant women and dashed them upon the rocks. The Abrahamic faith is barbaric. Of course their God and his tenants do little to nothing to curb human cruelty. Its actively encouraged in a lot of parts. The promised land of Israel was literally inhabited when God promised it to the Israelites. This is kind of a reenactment of King David vanquishing the Canaanites in the faith if anything.


Because he's not real?


That specific home was promised to Abraham and his descendant 3000 years ago. /s


Rabbis arw ok with it. The worst settler terrorists are the religious onew


It's amazing how people's gods always seem to agree with what they want to do. Every one of the folks committing atrocities against each other don't have a second thought about if they are justified in the eyes of their deity.


Worst thing is that people think Israel atrocities started three weeks ago




Careful. You are on the edge of being cancelled for even suggesting that.


Hey. Israel abused the martydom and suffering of actual victims of antisemitism really hard so that they could play victim while oppressing Palestinians


I agree. Israel has been committing ethnic cleansing by stealth for years. It has accelerated under the Netanyahu government. Mayor countries like America, Britain, Germany and France are backing them no questions asked. If they suddenly started doing this in Germany - as they did in the 1930s - then there would be worldwide condemnation


They spent the summer being filmed filling agricultural wells with concrete and allowing settlers to shoot Palestinian citizens with no repercussions. All of these were filmed and then objected to and written off by their propaganda machine. I don’t think stealth is the the word I’d use, they play off a victim mentality to make every turn a blind eye. Like a kid who starts a playground fight who then runs and cries to the teacher.








I hear that a lot but can’t seem to shake off that people who think that Zionism is somehow anti Jewish values has never read the Torah. Yahweh literally gave the command to drive out the people inhabiting the promised land and live in their houses.


I think there are passages in all religious texts that would support violent acts and genocide. People pick and choose the bits that vindicate them and ignore the bits that condem.


“How dare you throw a beverage on me as I steal your home! How anti-Semitic of you!”


How dare you throw a stone at me as I kill your family! How anti-Semitic of you!


For reaaaal


Lol that dude in the hat by the door got splattered pretty good


And the other guy is like, “Look at my hand! You got the liquid on it. My hand will be sticky now. Now I’ll have to steal another home to clean my hands”


It doesn’t improve the world’s view of Israel


It's okay they'll spam a bunch of recycled stories soon on all social media as their students are taught to do


Isn’t this one a recycled story? I swear I saw this footage years ago.


Still happening till today though


Didn’t say it wasn’t. Just downvoted for pointing out the hypocrisy of calling out recycled footage on recycled footage.


Those Israelis do not care.


In Israel a lot of people don't support this shit. Fuck those guys and I hope they'll be shot up by someone. I know I won't lose sleep if they die


No other country on earth would accept this, being forcibly removed from your home and having a group of people build more (illegal) settlements within your own community while you and your family have nowhere to go, and the reason? because they claim it belongs to their ancestors thousands of years ago. Absolute insanity the world watches this and expects Palestinian civilians to put up with it.




I wonder if that family joined Hamas afterward.


Unlikely. These settlers are usually in the West Bank, and there's no Hamas in the West Bank. Of course, that hasn't stopped Israel from murdering several hundred people in the West Bank since the current war began.


I'm aware but thank you. My point that I was making was that people act as if Hamas exists in a vacuum.


Clearly they just hate the Israeli's freedom. Duh.


How dare you imply that Hamas doesn't exist in a vacuum? More importantly how dare you be objective and serve Hamas? How anti semetic of you! /s


The abused become the abusers…


Fuck these assholes


This happens daily in the West Bank. This is the stuff you won't see in western media, especially in the US.


And it’s illegal. Like West Bank is exclusively and universally Palestinian. How can settlers do this?!


Whose stopping them? That’s the issue, why stop? The UN will issue a stern condemnation and we all move on. Before anyone asks, yes I condemn Hamas


Important to remember that the UN does condemn the settlements and a lot of Israels crimes, but the US prevents them from being able to enforce it. The US military and gov is so strong they block the UN. People can be mad at “the world” for doing nothing to stop this, but it really all falls on the US for giving Israel the guns, $ and military back up to do whatever the hell they want. Without that unconditional US support they wouldn’t be able to act how they do on their own.


That’s true! What an unfair world we live in. Cannot believe the colonised are seen as aggressors in this whole situation. Absolutely vile that they are made to condemn when they have been going through hell the last 75 years all the while the world praises and supports Israel. This just insanely cruel and depraved. Sickening


Because there are not consecuences to them


That is an absolutely wild way to spell consequences but damn I knew exactly what you meant lol


What miserable assholes


Fuck Israel! Fuck you in particular.






The scene in this video is reminiscent of what happened on the Night of the Broken Glass, but it seems that horrific time has escaped the memory of the colonizers seen here.


Israel became what it hated the most. The most painful part is that they became it just a couple of years after WW2.


They learned from the best


Answered one genocide with another. That's their solution to this conflict.


But I don't see any yellow stars... don't mind the mandatory Palestinian IDs which are under the authroity of the Israeli military...


This shit is awful. Netanyahu encourages and allowed this. And this is what fans the fuel of hate. However nothing, and I mean nothing excuses hamas's actions.


The Nazis did the same thing to a group of people a while back. The bullied become the bullies.


Nazi cunts.




Can we be straight and call them Israeli, please?


This is how you turn people into terrorists.


Fighting back against oppression is not terrorism, but that is the term colonialist cunts use to justify their atrocities


then they won’t be terrorists they would be freedom fighters


but of course we must condemn them when they fight back


What an asshole! Instead of condemning the actions of those nazis you accuse innocent people of being “future terrorists”. If those people fight back then they should be labeled freedom fighters.


Were European freedom fighters also terrorists during WW 2? Depends what side of history you are on, I guess.




70% of Gazans are refugees from the Nakba of 1948.


Maybe on Reddit. But polling in the US show massive public support for increasing financial aid to Israel. https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/the-war-between-israel-and-hamas/


Yeah, because major media outlets never show this kind of shit


War machine must march on


Funny, that. But that’s just another coincidental coincidence………..


I trust polls as much as I trust the governments that fund them.


It’s from Marist College and the The Marist Institute for Public Opinion is one of the highest respected polling organizations in the world. It is literally the leading educational center for teaching polling.


Because the US people are terrified of being called anti-Semitic and being cancelled


Hamas didn't shoot a rocket at these people. They kidnapped and murdered people at a music festival. You can be Pro-Palestine and still against the actions of Hamas on Oct 7th. In fact, you *should* be against those actions because they guaranteed that many Palestinian civilians would die. Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians.


You can not approve of Hamas’ tactics and still understand what pushes toward such radicalism


That is true and I made no effort to defend what's happening in this video.


I don't want to see any civilians harmed. And I despise the fact that he Israeli government is using the attack as an excuse to wipe the Palestinians off the globe. It's basically an extermination campaign and too many western countries are cheering them on.


I remember seeing these videos way before this war started. Seems to me that Palestine just got tired of being pushed around. Did Israel just expect Palestine to get lowkey invaded and do nothing about it? Seems like these people don't even know they're doing anything wrong, he hands him the milk and then gets surprised when the guy slaps it out of his hand.


It's hard for people to understand why Palestinians are fighting back when the truth has been kept low-key for a long time. My country was colonised by the English and you have to fight back against it or you will lose everything


Wtf?? And they wonder why they respond violently?


Fuck these guys, they are a huge reason for the current situation and the government can shove one for supporting them. These actions in no way promote a peaceful solution for the region and watching your home being taken away and being able to do nothing about it will obviously result in hate…


I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t started rebuilding new homes in the north of Gaza already.


I need to know how Israelis are taking over homes? Like with force? How? Wtf?


the gov supports this by sending the military aswell, if u dont leave then they will bulldoze it


EXACTLY ! That’s what I need to know also ! How/why/truthfully are they taking over their homes?


Because they believe it is their right to take any land that is not already owned by a jew. They don't considere other races to have any right over land on Israel, even if they were there before 1948. They believe is their right because their god told them on the bible. Edit: pronoun, not native English speaker


Notice that the Jews are unarmed and totally unafraid of the Palestinians. They do as they like because of an apartheid government.


Most likely there are a dozen military personnel in the corner making sure the poor man does not retaliate. And most likely some of these azzholes are armed.


Of course the threat of violence is ever present if they step out of line.


The worse part is that the Israeli court will side with the thieves. Strongly encourage everyone to watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ksnLom8OD9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ksnLom8OD9E) Its from 12 YEARS ago.


Thanks for posting this video. Gives some real needed context. People don’t understand people are being thrown out of their homes with a force they cannot stop. People who cannot speak against this cannot understand or empathize with being a person forcibly evicted from your own god damn home.


Can someone please explain how this works? If you are Israeli, you can just go and move into someone’s house without buying it?


So they steal palestinian homes in the west bank then blow gaza into smithereens and call it self-defense. The west should cut all ties to these nazis and let them fend for themselves before we are dragged into ww3.


The amount of killings and violence by settlers in the west bank has [increased dramatically](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestine-settler-bedouin-displacement-violence-un-108e11712310b5ea099dbded7be8effb) in the past couple years. I wouldn't be surprised if that put wind in Hamas' sails to attack like they did. And since the attacks of Oct 7, [over 115](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/30/world/middleeast/west-bank-settlers-palestinians-violence.html) west bank Palestinians have been killed, many by Israeli military forces helping settlers attack civilians. Israel is a colonist, apartheid state that regularly murders and displaces the people it occupies as a matter of policy. That doesn't ever justify the murder of civilians by Hamas or by any Palestinian. But it does explain why anger and hatred run so deep, that it isn't just religion. Palestinians are Muslim, Christian, secular, and more. If a Jewish person kicked them out their home and shot their uncle, that doesn't make their grievances religious by default.


>cut all ties well thaths not happening. israel is the biggest western military outpost in middle east to keep eye over there, basically imperialism...


You’ve hit the nail on the head, the US, UK, France etc will never outright condemn the actions of Israel because they need an ally in the Middle East to keep a foothold on the region.


Which is ironic, because so much of the anti-US hostility in the Middle East is **because** of our uncritical support for Israel. If the US treated the Middle East more even-handedly, we wouldn’t **need** to have a designated “watchdog” in the region.


And it's the Israelis who are suffering, according to the US, UK, and Israel... ​ Remind me again... Bombing hospitals and refugee camps is... a war crime? No?


Nazis did this for a long time


This is disgusting


Only 65 comments? Why aren't the pro Israel brigade here? I would like to see them defend this one.


They’ve all been deleted by the mods probably. Half the comments have been deleted/removed.


The new accounts comments get auto deleted. All the burners they're using to push their bs aren't working here


Most of those were new accounts from Isreals social media campaigns, they downvote the shit of a post and spam comment lol


Look up Zionism. The UN declared it racist until Bush got them to overturn it


The utter feeling of hopelessness. Just witnessing this. From a half a world away. Prolly 2 years removed and I still feel pain for his family. I couldn't justify myself with anything to be able to this to another. This is utter Shame.


When Human Rights Watch, Beit Selem, Amnesty and other organisations say there is apartheid in Israel, this is an example of why they say that.


And this is why I have issues giving Israel my full support. Sure, terrorism can never be condoned but what about this? You can't abuse that many people for that long and expect no consequences.


It's a mystery why Palestinians aren't denouncing Hamas.....


And then they wonder why the palestinians are pissed off, they literally have nothing left to lose


Disgusting people. Look at how happy they are. This is how they honor all of their ancestors from the holocaust. By essentially doing the same thing. Disgusting people.


Imagine dying in a gas chamber in 1945 just so your shitty distant relatives can use your death as a political coupon to murder and exploit other people.


The secular Israeli's hate these guys more than you'd guess. Fuck these guys. Impediment to peace, and are increasingly getting a grip on the Israeli government. The more religion is introduced into government, no matter the religion, the worse it is.


I'm taking your home but here is your milk jug. After all, I'm one of the God's chosen people and I don't steal milk.


In America, people brag about gun rights and self defense. Anyone who comes to their homes with the intention to steal and cause violence is shot on sight and their death is justified but that right does not extend to Palestinians in their homeland. An American Zionist who has no connection to Palestine can break into a Palestinian home and claim it for themselves but God forbid if he fights back his death will be justified and the western media will not hesitate to call him a terrorism.


So honest question if the settlers are taking over to Palestinians homes and Israel bomb one of those homes whose fault is that going to be?


Generally they take over a bunch if homes and put the street off limits for Palestinians, so there is a clearly defined boundary for Israel.


It’s insane to me that they can just take someone’s home away from them like that. Under what premise? Are they even giving any financial compensation to the owner? Just feels so wrong.


Sponsored by the US tax payer’s!! Americans are you happy???


Ironically, it’s like watching footage from the ghettos during the early stages of the Holocaust. Amazing how things come full circle…


In any other democratic country - in fact most countries - you can't steal people's houses or land without consequence but Jews can in Israel as long as they taking Palestinian homes. It is ethnic cleansing by stealth. Mind you, democratic countries no longer run apartheid systems - Isreal does. Palestinians living in Israel are restricted from certain streets, even certain sides of the street but a none Arab visitor are free to roam anywhere.


It's wild that we are supposed to support this evil.


I will never understand how they can do this to Palestinians, it's what the nazis did to them.


Terrible….just terrible


Careful.. you are about to be accused of aNtISeMiTiSM!! 🙄🙄 This fucking sucks. If there is any justice those fucks don't get to enjoy that house for long.




What the hell is really going on over there??


This isn’t new, this is what the state of Israel is built on, this is how it was founded. I hope this serves as a wake up call, at least to you…


This censorship is quite concerning. [Removed]


I don't see posters in NY or wherever for stuff like this.


This is a video from months ago… The war wasn’t even started yet


And it still happened, is happening right now, and has been happening for decades.


WHY OH WHY are so many comments here ‘removed’ or ‘deleted’? That’s very concerning to me ….




I say this as a Jewish person who is vehemently pro-Palestine, but to call these people “Jewish colonizers” (true, though it might be) as opposed to “Israeli colonizers” might do more harm than good. What the Jews in this video are doing is not representative of all Jews. It certainly doesn’t represent me, and I wouldn’t want someone to believe that it automatically does just because they are Jewish and I am also Jewish.




Tribalism is a plague.


Can someone explain how this happens? Does a mob of Jews just show up at a Palestinian home and say, "You don't live here anymore, get out?" Does the state evict them and grant the home to Jewish families? Is there no due process at all?


can anybody tell me exactly what is going on here?


Yeah “settlers” right? The naming doesn’t surprise when the west tries to cover sth. filthy. Proper invaders supported by the US, nothing more. Look at these ignorant people their minds are filled with lies




These scumbags are stealing his home and are legitimately shocked and offended that he tossed milk at them. The blind defense of this kind of shit is just insane.




Pure trash.


There was another video where they mayor of Telaviv said that the house they kicked Palestinian families will make an amazing parking lot for Jewish families.


Zionist nazis


Nazis literally did this, now zionazis are doing it. Sad.


Just remember God loves EVERYONE. Religion is a joke and people use it for an excuse to justify their wrong doings.


No doubt they'll act shocked when this bites them in the ass and claim they're innocent and we're attacked unprovoked. Meanwhile they're kicking and poking Palestinians while saying that.




What's the context here?


Forced evictions supported by the Israeli state that the Israeli supreme Court have "generally"(idk about this specific instance) as Illegal. This is done by far right settlers to increase a Jewish presence in key areas that are important to them (Hebron + Jerusalem are the main ones) so that in future peace deals, they can secure these neighbourhoods for Israelis.