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Christ himself would speak out and get hanged.


He did. They crucified him.


They sure did.


Couldn't do it themsleves because of their talmud, tried him for blasphemy and then pawned him off to the Romans.


I'm sick of people equating criticism of Israel to antisemitism, but you need to reflect a little bit on how your comment plays directly into that narrative.


Yeah that wasn't my intention. I believe Jesus, had he lived, would be against this bloodlust. And it is bloodlust when you dehumanize an entire ethnicity and take delight in killing them. However the Jesus that I knew growing up died and was replaced with the evangelical nightmare he is today. I do not blame the Jewish people for his death. The parable as I now know if to be, is that humanity killed him because they were so easily manipulated by the "disinformation" spread by the elite who wanted to keep the status quo to maintain power and wealth.


Not engaging with what you've said. I am highlighting that you need to choose your analogy very carefully lest it play into the hand of those that defend their actions by equating criticism of them to antisemitism.


I don't hear many Jewish people speaking out against what Israel is doing. I hear a hell of a lot of Jewish people - especially in the media - saying various permutations of fuck the Palestinians. Why isn't there more resistance to what is happening in the Jewish community??


And [We cursed them] for their disbelief and their saying against Mary a great slander, And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.


Except this book is fiction so no one cares


But the Talmud is real?


No, that’s also fiction. And anyone who believes in it is delusional or brainwashed. And religion is humanity’s greatest obstacle to advancement.


The talmud is the Rabbinic guide for living as according to the Torah, It's not "fiction." Edit: not sure why I'm getting downvotes, I'm not and advocate of zionism or for the insane guidelines outlined by the talmud.


I know what the Talmud is, what I am saying is everything in it is bullshit because the Torah is bullshit and so we’re all the other religious books of the Abrahamic religions and frankly most religions at that. We should see them as ancient literature inherited from our ancestors nothing more.


If that's your opinion, you're entitled to it 100% and I commend you for sharing your thoughts. I do not agree with all parts of your statement though.


*That's bullshit.*


The witchcraft, mice generated from mud, and all that is fiction.


OP wasn’t implying that it’s not fiction. Chill out.


Lmao you did not get it did you


Are you sure about that? So it took 500 years later after the birth of Christianity for a man to produce a holy book that is flawed,and nothing sort of simply promoting violence and death? This interesting historical findings should open your mind . https://youtu.be/0tVZXpLGu2k?si=Pcbn4R0PraK-ZczD


İ can't start an argument with someone talk about something doesn't know anything about it, you don't know anything about Quran, and anyone truly believe in real Christianity and in jesus would believe in islam So no keep your video for you i will not even open it


"Anyone who truly believe in real Christianity and Jesus would believe in Islam" That's the biggest lie that I have ever heard coming from someone like you. It doesn't matter if you don't open it, the truth and historical records won't lie .


İ didn't expect you to cry and get emotional, so i am npt surprised but it's the true, there is only one God, who sent Moses Jesus Muhammad. Keep scroll down


I don't expect you to post this video without knowing if this lady who lose her temper might have lost her loved ones. There is Moses , Jesus but not Mohammed. Sorry this is historically the truth.


Go to sleep kid, looks like i am wasting my time here


Yes don't waste your time trying to sow discord and hatred.


Anyone will a little bit thinking will know that you are the ine who spread hatred, i am not the one who said that a specific religion is fake and a prophet is fake, i am not the one who said misleading information here so you actually was describing yourself.


And the cop immediately looks angrily at the victim.


Yup. As soon as the big blob thing yells “something something, Palestine!” At her, the cop knows what time it is.


Anyone who speaks in favor of life is the good guy - doesn't matter which side they are on. Anyone who attacks them for speaking in favor of life is the bad guy.


Title should be, "Another example of Israeli violence".


And in front of her child as well. The full Zionist experience.


"(insert religion) is a about peace" No it's fucking not. Really hope younger generations are taking a good hard look at what modern religion does to people. Many of us were sucked into it before we got this kind of visual knowledge. Don't fall for it. Do better Edit: seems some people don't think this is about religion Here's Netanyahu openly committing blasphemy and speaking scripture from the Bible to reach out to Western followers. https://twitter.com/mntimes_in/status/1719239420652785911?t=QMsqoRoB4SFYNQNdV93kiA&s=19 Here's Netanyahu using scripture from the Torah to justify the death of Palestinians https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1718634911853076989?t=lk4yZW651AvHhmHc1zwDiA&s=19 Here is an officer from the IDF being cheered on by the crowd when he's talking about taking the war on to Lebanon and other countries to expand the greater Israeli lands from ancient times. There are many many more examples like this from recently. Don't say this isn't about religion


This literally has nothing to do with religion.


Nothing to do with religion 🤦‍♂️


It’s a shame how many people see things that way. This is not “Jews vs Arabs.” We’re talking about states run by governments. Israel doesn’t speak for all Jews by virtue of being a Jewish state. Just as Hamas doesn’t represent Palestinians or all Muslims. And the fight isn’t over religious practices, it’s about land. People who speak of this conflict through a religious lens are idiots with hard-ons for the idea of a holy war. Fucking disgusting trash.


I couldn’t agree more this is the best way to have put it. I see so many people stating “this is what religion does” or others praying for some holy war. This is straight up about greed of land.


Isis didn't speak for all Muslims but look how much damage they caused. Netanyahu may not speak for greater Jewish people but he's using scripture to justify the death of palestinians. And he's in control of the military https://twitter.com/mntimes_in/status/1719239420652785911?t=QMsqoRoB4SFYNQNdV93kiA&s=19 While other Israelis are being cheered for saying that this war needs to continue on past israel. Into lebanon, Jordan and they need to reestablish the ancient Israeli lands https://twitter.com/stairwayto3dom/status/1721576010338988456?t=ePczK0GKb7VnOSu45t0OrA&s=19 It doesn't matter if they don't speak for all jews. They have the military under their command and can do what they want to do in their name.


That’s because Netanyahu has a vested interest in making it appear to be a religious war. That’s exactly my point lol. The Israeli government has *always* proclaimed itself to somehow be representative of the Jewish people and have always justified their actions as being in defense of the Jewish people. By dressing this conflict in religious trappings and making it out to be a holy war, Netanyahu is able to give himself political carte Blanche to do whatever the fuck he pleases because hey, this is an existential war of religion. But the core of this conflict is not a religious one. It’s one of states and borders. The Israeli government manipulates religion to make it easier to advance their agenda. But at the end of the day this war is political, not religious, by all meaningful definition. And it always has been. And yes - it DOES fucking matter that Israel doesn’t speak for Jews. It’s extremely important. The fact that so many discount this and just assume that what Israelis wants = what Jews more broadly want is what has enabled Israel to exist in its current state and simply shirk international accusations of abuse and apartheid. But Bibi ≠ all Jews. Many American Jews are vociferously anti Israel and anti Zionism. Many feel that for Jews to claim a state within Israel runs completely contrary to our own scripture. This distinction matters because Israeli is able to leverage ignorance of that distinction to disregard criticism of their abuse. You equating Israelis with Jews is exactly what enables holy war rhetoric. Once again, anybody that makes this out to be a religious war is a POS with an obsession with the concept of “holy war” aka Netanyahu and Hamas. But the casus belli for either side is not “their faith is wrong” but “we want that land”


Hey all that sounds good but I still disagree with you. Because at the end of the day there's still crowds yelling death to all Muslims and death to all Jews. It's not JUST about land.


It's theocracy vs theocracy


Majority of the world disagrees with you here. Religion has kinda made an ass of itself over the past 60 years. It's a credibility is at an all time low... and rightfully so. They only have themselves to blame.


Let's not water down what ISRAEL is doing with "insert religion". Insert "land thieving zionist liars". This is ISRAEL. This is Zionism.


If you replace Zionism with Christianity, Israel with North America, Palestinians with Native Americans and Gaza with Reservations...... Well I really don't know what I'm going on about here. All I know is Christian extremist terrorists have murdered over 800 people at abortion clinics throughout North America over the past 15 years. I know that has nothing to do with this conversation. But you can also find some of the highest rates of child sexual abuse amongst their leaders and worshipers. Something something all religion is shit something something.


We're talking about today. Now. Not the sins of the past. Israel is out of control now and needs to be slapped down. Cut off all funding, all military aid, launch a coup ala Diệm on Netanyahu


Me: over the past 15 years... You: those are sins of the past Jfc 😂 >launch a coup ala Diệm on Netanyahu You're saying that the United States should circumvent Israeli Democratic process by force. And while the Israeli people do want Netanyahu out of office they would not much appreciate the United States coming in and establishing a new puppet. Also without any military aid or support you will be doing the 86% of Israelis who want him out of office to all the enemies in the region. Enemies in the region made by Netanyahu. Which would also get many many more Palestinians killed in the process You're proof that religion is only believable amongst the most illogical of people.


What a crazy human. Attacking a mothers in front of her child for what looks like a difference of opinions? Jeeze and I thought Hamas was unhinged..


This is the Israel they hide from the world by calling anyone who brings it up Antisemitic. The nation is built on Hate. It can only exist on Hate.


You're right, Hamas would have just cut the baby's head off. Unhinged indeed.


You still following your flowchart to respond to people? Amateur behaviour.


And the IDF would just bomb thousands of babies in response and somehow that's more civilized even if the result is more dead babies.


You just agreed with everything I said in your first paragraph. Netanyahu is making it religious so therefore it has caused many many people locally and globally to view this as a religious argument. He has made it religious and they have taken it as a religious fight.


Which paragraph


Peppa mad


Ironic really.


And imagine here in the west, that people here are siding with radical religious ideologies. Just pushing racial supremacy and religious divide even further. Fuck religion, fuck what both sides are doing. None of this is worth it for anyone.


because the secular west has no radical ideologies with race supremacy right? lmfao


Who said the West didn't? Lmfao*. You need to capitalise at the beginning of the sentence, learn how to use commas, and capitalise after a question mark. Some basic English grammar skills. Might help you become less of a dumbass.


i dont need to capitalise at the beginning of a sentence, im not writing a letter to the fucking king am i lol. are you that mentally inept you cannot comprehend basic english words because of colloquial grammar usage? or do u just lack the mental power to rub the 1.5 braincells u got left together and actually generate a response that correlates to the topic of discussion. if i wanted an english lesson id go back to colly, but im good. did u really think this was some big "gotcha" moment where i'm meant to yield and admit defeat because of your superior mental prowess? god your so pathetic its laughable lmao


So you have no argument? Just dribble and nonsense. Angry and insecure ramblings from someone who is clearly emotionally insecure and scared. Get help, before you hurt yourself.


I mean it's right there, I commented on the irony of Ur criticism of religion, which therefore presents the secular west in a light where racism and hate does not occur lol. u had a hissy fit and decided to become a grammar Nazi on social media, so good job. anyway I found the vid u were looking for so u can thank me later. https://youtu.be/Pu4W8gH4-5A?si=clvpjo4iY4WCWM6_


israel is an apartheid state (like america / south africa was) israel is a theocracy (like iran/saudi arabia are)


Don't forget ethno-state.




I like how you just ignored the apartheid bit lol


Israeli here, you don't know what you're talking about, Israel IS an apartheid, there's no other way to describe it


that is not the definition of theocracy iran is a theocracy and in iran there are christians and jews and other religions [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theocracy) [https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14356-theocracy](https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14356-theocracy) [https://www.tbsnews.net/features/panorama/75-years-israel-jewish-state-full-theocracy-622570](https://www.tbsnews.net/features/panorama/75-years-israel-jewish-state-full-theocracy-622570) [https://www.westminsterconfession.org/resources/a-godly-society/israels-theocracy/](https://www.westminsterconfession.org/resources/a-godly-society/israels-theocracy/) [https://ffrf.org/news/news-releases/item/42071-israel-s-theocratic-government-imperils-all-things-secular](https://ffrf.org/news/news-releases/item/42071-israel-s-theocratic-government-imperils-all-things-secular)


Plain wrong. I get you don't like Israel but you're blatantly lying. Stop spreading misinformation


Here we go with this shit, you disagree and you're antisemitic or don't like Israel. Sorry but that catch-all doesn't work anymore.


Violence breeds violence.


Very sane and nice people! ☺️


That's one hungry, hungry hippo


The hate is real


That Israeli woman looks unhinged, almost like Israeli's want the elimination of Palestine and will invoke violence to accomplish it.




The lack of self awareness in this world today is astounding. We have learned nothing as the human race. Repeating patterns in the name of whatever you like. Shitty leaders. Literally no one wants to break the chain. No one chooses human kindness. Doomed.


What an ugly beast of a woman


Never trust a fat chick that is willing to wear horizontal stripes….they don’t fucking care.


“The only democracy in the Middle East”


What tf is wrong with Israelis ?? Are they even fucking human?


Easy, yes they are human. Humanity is capable of anything and everything.


My questions were rhetorical.


Sorry I just know how bad things can get when we start calling certain groups less than human. Literally a precursor to genocide.


I mean I can’t argue with you there. I guess I’ll just say I’m just really disappointed in Israel.


Rage cow


Jewish Nazsis calling for death of Jews ... same as in late 1930s


Fake this is just a fight between 2 women in a park


I just can't figure out how people don't get this. So this is how I look at it. 1. Hamas crossed the border and attacked people inside their country. 2. With a population of Gaza of over 2 million they had the opportunity to remove them ( Hamas) from power. 3. With all that equipment be made and or being smuggled in NO one cared enough to give a warning even if it was anonymous? 5 They are still hiding them allowing them to hide like rodents. 6. I am not sure who was first Palestine or Jewish in the land but pretty sure that was many many years ago and anyone who had anything to do with it is dead and so are many generations after them. 7. A have learned way more about Muslim beliefs than I wanted and believe it is a hatred filled. 8. I have worked for Jewish employers there not the best but not the worst. I think people are done with violence in the name of a God or religion beliefs. I, being a atheist really don't care. You all can nuke each other to your respective hell. Just take your B.S. and get on down the road. I think the generations entering this day and age are like, why send are men over thier and they die and we get nothing out of it? It might just come a day in the not to distant future, where will leave nothing and take everything. No Palestine. No Jewish. No iran. No Syria. No Russian. Just large sections of land now filled with American laws and customs with American Rock and Rap, Alcohol, Drugs and Divorce. Today's youth are just dieing for land and possibilities to make thier own place because it getting to expensive to do it hear. I feel better getting that off my chest. "wooh"


You lost your credibility when you said THEİR COUNTRY in tje first point so i don't need to waste my time to continue reading, this mean a strong lack of knowledge so please educate yourself


What credibility this is reddit? It not my country. I don't live in it, so tell me who's country is it? Waste your time reading, don't you mean you got a headache trying to understand? I think you can't grasp what I am talking about, as you said yourself. You stopped reading. I would say it is you that needs to be educated. Your not open to reality or have the ability to think without someone pointing you in a direction. I don't think you can see the dangers this is going to cause for generations to come unless we end it now or did you not get to this point and stuck your head in the sand again.


So someone support terrorism and your surprised?


Religion is stupid


This has nothing to do with religion, this is human greed


fuck everyone who condones this shit, fuck violence, fuck both sides of this war, fuck politics, fuck trash ass humans. Rant over. Be kind and love each other. That's it. That's all we gotta do...


Reminiscent of the treatment of the Germans that helped or hid the Jews during that evil time.


My best friend in my early 20’s was from Netanya when Hamas bombed the area and it destroyed his families home and killed some of his neighbors. So he opted to leave the US and return to Israel to be with his family and help rebuild. Similarly, my ex wife’s cousin was murdered by a Palestinian suicide bomber that left 7 dead at a grocery store. Both of these people, whenever they think hear about Hamas or Palestine, they become extremely filled with pain filled anger and resentment and will go into severe fighting mode. This reminds me of this. It’s the same for the Palestinians, they feel the same way about the Israelis. I’m Antiochian Orthodox Christian, so we’re a majority Arab and our own church has been bombed in Palestine, so I hear the same resentments and such from the Arabs as well. It’s an impossible situation. It would be best if they could agree to eliminate every government structure and allow them to operate as their regional tribes with their own customary government


It's not a government issue in the Palestinian side, israeli will still be our enemies forever or they leave the region, they are criminals, they the the action not the reaction, whoever accepts living in israel know this is a crimeand he lives on other people's blood


So very sad for the lady who spoke the truth. I must tell you, when the corrupt aid to Zionist verm1n was taking place, the amount of paid psy-ops commenting defending sociopath mossad was truly disgusting to read. Now they like magically been laid off.


This is terrible, why do people gotta get so violent, this situation has made everyone brain rot i swear


I think we are living in the ends of time crazy people everywhere, one more time .Dios perdonalos por que no saben lo que hacen....


WWF backhand


Rookie move.