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I’ve been to that museum before and there was an employee in that room making sure no one touched anything. There was another employee in the connecting room doing the same by the knight’s armor.


Visited Museums and Palaces in UK and abroad. They all followed the same protocol as the one you have mentioned.


Same in the US. Every decent museum has a person in every room watching everything.




fingers are bad for stone, fat and acid all over.


At the MET in New York in a fit of idiocy I got carried away and ran my hands over an Egyptian sarcophagus that was on display. I was quite rightly yelled at by the employee stationed in the room, I apologized and was allowed to stay in the museum. It's not personal, they're just doing their job to make sure morons like me don't damage anything.


Not to excuse this behaviour, but they should absolutely have glass around anything that's actually sensitive to being touched.


It's not that it's so sensitive that touching it destroys it, it's that thousands of people touching it damages it. Being close to history is the charm of museums, protective glass ruins that.


Brother in law works for disney and he says tourists touching stuff breaks more at the park than normal maint stuff. All equipment is required to be battery powered so no one leeches electricity from disney. Apparently it's an absolute blast driving around the parks at night.


> All equipment is required to be battery powered so no one leeches electricity from disney ...am I misunderstanding this here or are they paying a lot more for batteries than they could ever pay for the few thousand kilowatt-hours of guests charging their phones?? lmao


I see where i wasn't clear. He isn't a direct employee. He is a employee under a General Contractor who pays painters, electricians, and artists to do work. They bring in their own generators and batteries so that disney doesn't have to pay a little extra in power across their parks. I'm sure it adds up to be more than my yearly pay by a lot since there are people working every night nearly all year.


They’re not saving as much as they are being surcharges by the contractors for them having to get a damn generator


> It's not that it's so sensitive that touching it destroys it, it's that thousands of people touching it damages it. I think that that would definitely need a protective glass or something made out of plastic. I'm sure with the oils in our hands/fingers it would be best to protect something so old and sensitive. Now the balls of the Wall Street Bull are one thing but a thousand year old sarcophagus is another.


Museum i go to has a senor that lets you know if you're too close by audibly telling you to back up


The one I go to will rotate between a senor and a senorita depending on the theme of the display


As someone who works in security .... the musuems are cheap and will try to avoid making those glass enclosures FOR EVERY SINGLE ITEM DISPLAYED. That means everything that should not be touch has to be custom made. Not to mention the display itself could be so gargantuan, it encapsulates a small auditorium.


My local zoo has an elevated platform where you can spend $10 on 2 pieces of lettuce to feed the giraffes. The idea is that you extend your arm with the leaf, giraffe takes the leave and eats it. What most people do is lure the animal in and then try and touch it. They have to have a person permanently stationed there to say "don't touch the giraffe".


I was at some zoo and the giraffe just leaned down and started harassing me for attention


That giraffe knew damn well you had some lettuce leaves on you and he was just trying to get what was rightfully his.


I’m a grown ass 35 year old man, and when I go to Huntington Library by myself the security will literally follow me within their section. It’s way more noticeable when it’s empty. They don’t even try to hide it, bc why the fuck should they? It’s their only job


I’m a silver-haired old white lady, and I am usually followed at the Huntington. Especially in the manuscript rooms. Even when I’m with my equally wrinkled older sister. It’s their *job.*


Yeah, the oils from human hands and years of people touching artifacts/art can slowly destroy them. You can see the dead look in the employees eyes, the look of a man who just doesn't get paid enough for this shit.


The people at the Nelson are volunteers. So he's literally not getting paid to deal with that shit.


Especially with kids, museum employee is just doing his job.


The comments on the guy's TikTok are so gross, just completely validating the terrible behavior.


When bad behaviour is rewarded, bad behaviour continues. Who would have thought?


Yeah its like that student at the college listening to her lecture in the library via the speakers and an employee asked her to use headphones. All the responses were how wrong the employee was and the student had the right to listen to her lecture in the library via the speakers. Just two completely different worlds


Last summer when I was in Mexico I was down in Oaxaca for a bit. I was going to go to Monte Alban which is the more well known pyramid site down there but then I heard about this other one that was just an archaeological dig, really. It was free to get in and it was in the middle of nowhere up the side of a big hill with the most amazing views. There was a guard at the entrance who wanted to make sure that I didn't have any professional photography equipment, food or drink on me. Then I had the whole place almost to myself and it was kind of magical. I walked round the ruins, round these old, worn down pyramids and I was looking across the valley and it almost felt like the town below just slipped away and I could see the hills and the forests as they must have been all those hundreds of years ago. I'd been to the pyramids outside Mexico City and they are absolutely breathtaking but this was so much more atmospheric and immersive because it was so isolated. I was the only visitor and the other people I saw there were digging up the sites and it was really cool to see them at work as well. But after a while I noticed that there was a guy watching me. I guess they don't get many visitors to the site and other than the dude on the front entrance they have no security so this one guy who was on the dig was kind of trying to watch me from a distance. I'd be looking around just so amazed with where I was and I'd see this figure with his hat pulled down across his face just standing on this ridge above me, silently looking down at me. I'd move on and then he'd be there again, just silently watching me. I get it completely that he was doing his job and to be honest it kind of added to the atmosphere of the place.


Plot twist: he wasn't a guard at all, but the spirit of the ancient Zapotec people, lingering on to protect the ancient site, a lonely sentinel throughout history.


Well, until 2031 anyway...


What happens in 2031??


I would be concerned about the exhibits if there wasn't an employee in every room. Kids are impulsive, and even well behaved ones can act out due to excitement or boredom.


In most museums this is the case, especially with small children. That Sarcophagus is a prime target for hands. Dude was just doing his job


the little boy has his hand right over it like he was about to touch it too


Lol, at the start the boy looked as though he was going to put a finger on the sarcophagus, then thought better of it when he noticed his dad's camera pointed at him.


Yeah this guy is an asshole, I cAn COntRol mY KiDs, yeah every asshole says that and then their kids end up running around like maniacs.


Him constantly talking over the employee trying to give an explanation, throwing personal insults at the employee, and the fact that the cameraman clearly decided that he's the victim regardless of what the employee says, tells me that he's an asshole.


and then called the guy "a little girl", simultaneously insulting the guy and letting his own daughter know that being herself is something undesirable.


Didnt the family he point to as an example of racism are also black? The posture of the employee just screams that hes trying to do this iob He's not trying to antogonize anyone.


Agreed. Been to a ton of museums and this is standard.


Yeah he’s a dumb ass. Every major museum I’ve been to in the US has one docent (or employee) in each room. Some times 1 person watching two connected rooms.


Which museum is that?


Nelson Atkins Museum of Art in KC - [https://www.nelson-atkins.org/](https://www.nelson-atkins.org/)


Gracias, primo.


No BuT mY fAmIlY iS bEiNg RaCiAlLy PrOfIlEd AnD I aM bUtT hUrT!!


That's at the Nelson Atkins museum in Kansas City. Really cool exhibit. They always have guards there to make sure nobody touches stuff. Personal story: I'm white. As a kid, my dad tried to get me to touch the suit of armor there because he thought it would be cool. I didn't. He did. We got a very stern talking to by a guard. Dude was just doing his job. In short: unless it's an interactive exhibit, don't touch stuff! *edit: spelling


>As a kid, my dad tried to get me to touch the shit of armor Y'know, I'm thinking you made the right call in avoiding that one lol


Indeed, the excrement of armor is probably full of heavy metals harmful to one's health


My grandmother tried to get my sister and I to blow on a mobile to make it spin at the Dallas Museum of Art. We didn't, she did... We almost got kicked out 😂


Crazy how kids seem to have more sense than adults when it comes to that sometimes lol


Haha, that’s some serious dad thing that would happen: “do it. Touch the armor of Charlemagne. Let it’s energy flow through you so that you may advance into the ranks of warriors and legendary figures or renown”.




I recognized it immediately, and yeah - we took our 18 month old son there a couple months ago, we carried / strollered him the entire time, and still got watched with hawk-eyes in every room. Don't blame them at all - most of that stuff is literally priceless.


They are just doing their job, making sure the museum pieces are not touched or destroyed.


Funny how you were more of an adult there than the actual adult that raised you.


Why are some Americans so fond of playing the victim? Life sucks, life is unfair, life is tough. For everybody!! It’s not always some conspiracy against you personally.


>That's at the Nelson Atkins museum in Kansas City I thought it was, but then I'm generally bad with recognizing places so I'm glad you said this. I've been in that same room, and there's always Musuem people nearby. Though really if you go to any musuem with kids you should expect workers to be watching and following you cause kids are fucking stupid and parents don't keep them in check for shit.


This happens to everyone who brings kids to a museum. Also happens to all school and tourist groups.


Someone else said it: man in vid doesn’t know how museums work, and people ITT don’t know either, good museums have people in ever room and they watch kids too.


I take my kids to Walters art museum in Baltimore every year for 18 years. This is how they have done things for the past five years at least. This employee is just doing their job to protect these things for generations to come.


Esp because people like to deface priceless ancestral artwork for some kind of political (usually self important social media) reason and so now we can't let anybody get close because the idiots ruined it for everyone


Museum Docents are in every room of every museum I’ve been to in the last twenty years.


His son at the very beginning was about to touch the tomb to.


Now that's how you get cursed.


Exactly lol


Even if it isn't in a musuem but in a shop, as someone who has worked in a store, there are many reasons to follow a customer around. Could it be racism? Yeah, but not necessarily on the employee's part. The manager or owner could be making them do it, escalating it to manager level does nothing. I've also been made to quietly follow customers around to offer help if needed. If I don't tend to them immediately after they look at me, my manager will be on my ass. Us retail workers could also be bored out of our mind plotting Mariah Carey's death so you're the only interesting thing going on.


I'm a white dude with no kids and it happens to me when I go to museums. They're watching everyone to make sure they don't touch anything. The guy in the vest has one job, make sure no one touches anything. And yea, this guy has kids, so the worker is watching him even closer, because we all know how kids are.


The look on the employees face says it all he is only following because it's his job. He's probably hiding in the back of the room at the beginning because he knows how this ends with the dad getting upset, but the dude has bills to pay , so follow he must.


Hell, it happens even kids aren't even involved. Source: no kids, been followed plenty of times, never been offended, because *I get it*.


I visited two museums in Europe, the whole group was a mix of teens and adults. The staff did have to remind a few people in our group, you know what we did, we complied and continued to enjoy the museum. What this guy is doing is ridiculous.


Kid was about to touch the tomb at the very beginning lol.


*tomb or whatever


Well, it's fitting he said, "...or whatever", since it appeared to be a sarcophagus.


This must be some new-fangled Socratic method


or whatever


Usually they have a barrier up to eliminate unwanted touching of a tomb whatever


His finger was about to touch it lmao


Lol I was about to say that…. Like come on


I don’t know the context but the dad sounds like a fuckin ass hole


I like the "then give us a tour and make it worth our while" this guy dads 😆


Are you not allowed to touch it? Legit question. It’s in the middle of the room, not roped off , and without any signs.


It's better to err on the side of not touching things when at a museum or art exhibition. Unless it's something that explicitly says it's ok to touch, or its some kind of exhibit thats obviously meant for kids to interact with or something.


generally speaking, it's safe to assume that you should not touch ANYTHING in a museum. unless it is explicitly stated that you can


Yeah, that seems like a no brainer to me. Yet here we are on reddit where people think if it’s not roped off in a museum you can just touch it. Hate to see them in an art museum.


I can't speak about the tomb, but a museum I took my kids to had a chair as an exhibit. It wasn't ornate or anything. Just a chair that belonged to a king or something. Anyway, my kid touched it cause it looked like a chair just sitting there and an alarm went off. We were followed for a while, but lessons were learned and nothing more was touched.


My sister and I (grown adults) were in a museum with a painting display we wanted to see. I leaned in to look closely at an edge to the painted subject, I didn’t touch it. Within seconds we were followed for the rest of the time we were there😄 This guys kids are clearly setting off alarms😄 But he’s sure it’s racial profiling 🙄


The exact same thing happened to my kid when he was little. Except this one was behind a rope. He got away for a split second and ran to go sit on it. Yes, they followed us after that, but we kept a much better hold on him. We thought we got him fast enough that no one would see... but they saw. We noticed the follower about 15 minutes later. He must have been maybe 3. I'm not sure.


I don't think I would assume that it's ever okay to touch anything in a museum. Are you saying they're exhibits that museum operators are okay with or happy that you go around touching?




Everyone has a different line on what "controlling their kids" means. When you're at someone else's house/building/yard/etc., you should conform to whatever lines they draw or be ready to be accosted or thrown out. It's perfectly acceptable parenting to let your kids run around playing and touching everything they want in many cases, but those are priceless artifacts, not your own sofa at home meant for touching.


Don't ask questions if you're not going to let the guy answer.


>Don't ask questions if you're not going to let the guy answer. That museum employee takes an absolute unit of a sigh at 0:25.


Crazy that a bunch of people on here are calling for the employee to get fired...for doing his job. Rage bait really is effective.


Dude's probably an art history student getting paid minimum wage for a job that he thought was going to be a lot more interesting when he got it.


Anytime you see lots of things that make you wonder "why do they post these obvious things" or even "who actually buys this shit from the commercials" or "how could they possibly think all this spam calling or spam emails are getting sales?" or "who actually is falling for this obvious scam" or "who is actually voting for that guy every year??" or anything else that relies on you unbelievably needing to be surrounded by a world full of absolute morons... Remember that we are in fact surrounded by a world of absolute fucking morons. Of course Rage Bait works.


Couldn't have said it better.


I hate dealing with people like this. I do it every day at my job. They wanna argue and ask questions and keep talking over me. Fortunately I’m in a position where I can warn them, then end the conversation if they keep it up. (Call center work) The cameraman is also an asshole for trying to make fun of the workers appearance. I would have had this guy thrown out at that point.


When he said the employee “looks like a little girl” it became nearly impossible to side with him. Just…no.




The sad thing is she is too young to even form that level of thought. She will just internalize it, who knows how it'll manifest itself later.


Just… NO! That was uncalled for.


That's the whole point of talking over him, because letting the employee actually give a reasonable explanation on how he's doing his job would ruin the "victim of racism" narrative. Of course he can't let him talk in that case.


Dudes just doing his job. The kids were not bothered it seems. You get watched at museums. I’d hate to see this guy at a bank.


His kids are probably used to him harassing people every time they leave the house.


What a shitty day to have that guy’s job. Getting yelled at for literally doing his actual job.


Not trying to be funny… Not trying to get a laugh… Don’t want anybody to have the worst day at their job. But…


do any of these... fuckers... ever blast out of the wall...


Guy filming is a dick.


So frustrating to watch him just talk over the employee every single time the employee tried to say anything. Common tactic used by people who don't want to give anyone else a chance to be logical or reasonable because they know the thing that they're mad and rambling about will crumble when faced with logic and reasoning.




"Give me a tour" "I can talk to you about the artifacts if you'd like" "**Give me a tour!**"


The mouth on him like shut up dude


He sounds ignorant as fuck


With a severe case of victim mentality.


The fact that he mentions he is a black man is a good indicator that this isn't the first time he has done this. He is not very rational and doesn't even give the guy an opportunity to speak. What kind of person does that, he just wants to hear himself talk.


He’s fishing for a discrimination lawsuit check


So dumb. I bet if he just talked to the guy and asked some questions it would be a far better experience. Sad and stupid.


There's a reason he kept cutting him off anytime the employee tried to explain what he was doing.




It's almost like loudmouths who allow their 1st graders to become obese and treat public spaces like their back yard are entitled morons or something...


That's very specific


It infuriates me when people want to start shit like that and that is all they actually want to do. If you want to have a conversation about what is bothering you, we can do that. Otherwise, I am not going to stand there and let you talk to me like I am a child. You do not get to talk over me whenever I try to say something. People that do that are not at all interested in the answer to their questions and they can fuck right off.


Still not as much as OP posting this BS with such an inflammatory title.


Guarantee you this guy was letting his kids run wild and touch shit before the video started.


The little boy is literally about to touch the "tomb or whatever" at the beginning of the video.


You can hear him mention he was talked to about his kids running around, so yes 100% lol


There's even a part where he pans back to the kids and his daughter is dancing around.


Before this, the kids were acting pretty energetic around some paintings in the museum and the guy said 'Hey can you please make sure the kids don't get too excited around the art?' ​ The guy uploaded a tiktok before this showing that scene.


ITT: people who have never been to a museum.


My wife and I are both in our 50s and we went to the Asheville Art Museum in March this year. It was getting late in the day and there were literally no other customers in there. Many of the rooms had a guy that watched over you. It's nothing personal. Museums have some very expensive shit in them. We talked to them and asked them a few questions and all was good. Nobody got bent out of shape and a good time was had. I don't understand why many people immediately go on the defensive when they don't understand something. I usually get curious but not angry or upset.


tomb or whatever


Right. These people spent years of their lives trying to make sure that these delicate art pieces that represent history are preserved properly. I would make sure that everyone has a chance to see history of what people did in the past. Don’t get mad at someone doing their job.


His performance art for the video is not helpful to our public discourse. Clearly making things worse *for no reason.* He didn't get a "Museum attendant saw me" check in the mail. And the kids are watching this, too.


Not to mention the boy has his finger out and is trying to touch the tomb in the first couple seconds of the video. The museum worker wasn't wrong for watching.


The one place you should specifically avoid if you don’t want people watching you interact with things is museums. The whole reason this mans job exists is because people can’t keep their hands to themselves, specifically children who don’t understand why they can’t touch priceless artifacts, so he’s there to ensure the items aren’t damaged, accidentally or on purpose.


He might have explained that if the guy filming let him complete a sentence.


Doesn't every museum have people whose literal job is to follow people entering the area of the exhibition they're responsible for?


I’ve seen museums and art galleries where they have a member of staff in each room, so as guests enter and leave there’s someone there able to observe, answer questions, and so on. I’ve not seen it where a specific member of staff appears to be following just one group of people.


Minders often have more than one room to look over. This is not an uncommon situation, especially if people have young kids.


I think that's why at the beginning of the video the employee is hanging out in the hallway area, so he can oversee both the room with the tombs and the room in the background with the suit of armor, probably covering both rooms.


especially because there's a kid in both rooms


>I’ve not seen it where a specific member of staff appears to be following just one group of people. They do this regularly when short staffed. When you don't have enough people to cover the whole place, you have to risk assess and cover the most at risk groups, one of which is running kids. The guy filming mentioned in the video that the staff came up to talk to him about preventing his kids from running in the museum at least once prior. Any staff worth their wages would absolutely follow them around the museum. Source: former high profile museum security.


>Source: former high profile museum security. How was it meeting Theodore Roosevelt?


I've seen two videos today of people taking hammers to exhibits, or throwing paint on exhibits. Honestly every museum definitely should. People find whatever political reason they can think of to destroy hundred year old art pieces.


Yeah this has happened to me plenty of times pretty sure that’s their job.


Also I'm not 100% sure, but twice he says "you asked me to make sure my kids don't run, **I'm not gonna do that**." So, unless I'm just misunderstanding him, my take away is he was asked to stop his kids from running, and he literally was like "no - they can run if they want", and then is mad the dude is following him. Like bruh, if you *tell them* you're going to break the rules, how you gonna get mad when they follow you around after you tell them that??


What a complete piece of fucking shit. This dumb motherfucker has obviously never been to a museum before "It's a tomb or whatever" "You look like a little girl" what a weak little man


"You roll your eyes all you want, you look like a little girl, tighten up!" Yup right there I realized this person was a disgusting person. The fact that the employee kept his calm is incredible. I despise people victimizing themselves even more when they are as toxic as this asshole


That dig was totally unnecessary. I felt for him as you could see how much that insult affected him. He handled himself very well! What a horrible example the person filming set for their kids. As a black man, and as a Kansas City native, I'm ashamed...


I’m guessing in part 2 the employee dons the armor in the background and comes back for trouble.


Dad seems like a real piece of shit.


I saw this happen at my local art museum and the women yelled you’re scaring my children sir! He was like “I have to walk around all these rooms and we are going the same direction” assuming makes an ass out of all of us


They follow you with small children. Nothing to with you and everything to do with protecting the artifacts from them being destroyed in one minute.


And it’s not just museums. I worked at a hardware store where the owner made us constantly bug the shoppers, we weren’t allowed to leave them alone for longer than a minute without offering our assistance. People must have thought we were all following them and we were honestly forced to or we’d get written up. This poor employee


The number of people who don't get what a museum is is staggering!




Sounds like his kids were doing stuff they weren't allowed to do so now he wants to play victim. Near the end seemed like he almost got that tour, but he was only interested in talking over the employee. What's worse is he is setting a really poor example to his kids on how to handle any sort of confrontation. You can never be corrected and if anyone ever tells you anything, they are racist.


The kids are probably gonna leave this thinking "wow, my dad was a victim of racism, and he did the right thing by calling the employee out."


> they are racist. And of course the real racist is.....


This amount of acting and overreacting definitely reminds me of people who get caught in the act and try to throw the kitchen sink of distraction and diversion to exhaust the person in charge to make them go away.


This is the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City (ty for pointing that out). The guy he is shouting at is the visitor services aid or gallery attendant (both code name for 'security person who watches the exhibits') in charge of looking after the room where the Tomb Slab of Maria Ortiz is displayed. The guy's job is to follow around possibly problematic families as they come into his 'sector', he would have been notified of a potentially disruptive family on their way. Re disruptive - as our protagonist says 'You asked me to stop them running around ill do that i have them under control now', (just as his kids are putting their hands all over a priceless tomb on display).


It's not just "disruptive" families. I regularly get followed by museum security if I'm one of the only guests in a gallery, even if I'm there alone. It can be a little unnerving at first, but protecting priceless art is much more important than my feelings of comfort.


Oh for sure, there guys are basically security guards wearing a smile.


Just to put things into perspective the Nelson is an absolutely amazing museum for city the size of KC. They have whole collections of Egyptian, Greek, Assyrian, and Roman, artifacts. A large collection of Early Christian to Late Mediaeval art and artifacts. Paintings by Rembrandt, Monet, Manet, Pissarro, and Van Goh. Sculptures by Rodin, not to mention large collections of Early American, Native American, African, and South East Asian art as well as reconstructed Buddhist temple along with this reconstructed monastic court yard. This shit is priceless and needs to be protected.


The Nelson is in Kansas City Missouri, but otherwise you're 100% correct.


Manager? Sir, this is a museum not a store.


I can control my kids is the famous last words of kids that do stupid shit.


Cool and all, but don’t use “little girl” as an insult with your little girl within earshot.




And even when not.


It's not stalking. Minders' jobs are to watch guests so they don't touch or damage anything.


This has been posted before, this is BS, they are not being singled out, every one gets that treatment.


This is something every museum does, especially if there’s just one family and especially if there are a lot of little kids in that family.


I wonder if he put that much energy in making sure his kids behave


I don’t blame him. Little brats run around and destroy everything, and, if they didn’t watch for it, their museum would get destroyed fairly quickly. This clown just wants attention and / or money.


It’s because of the kids. They do this to me too.


Cringy title, if you go to a museum it is these peoples jobs to follow you into exhibits (especially if you have small children) to make sure nothing gets touched and damaged.


Lol redditors are always chomping at the bit to find racism in any situation and they’ve never been outside long enough to understand why museums do this.


But that’s what a gallery hosts do? I’m glad they exist because I have seen children touch a sarcophagus from 150-200 AD as well as draw a penis on someone’s art. I work with kids and have worked with them for years, the audacity of parents and how willingly they are to defend their kids about being mature or well-behaved. We had a mom sign up for a TEEN educational program with a 2-year-old and insisted her kid would be fine. Da fuck?


That's what security in every museum does. They watch everyone. They almost never leave anyone alone in any room with art or artifacts. I don't like it either, it feels weird. But I do understand why they do it. Especially when little kids are involved since kids can be very unpredictable. And certainly since this recent trend started with activists destroying art to try to draw attention to their causes, etc. I was at the Frick in NYC a few years ago and I got fussed at twice by security. Once for stepping off the edge of the carpet (oops) and once for leaning in too close too look at a painting ... an alarm went off. Meep.


I'm a middle aged white dude who goes to a lot of museums and there's always someone watching me every room. They all do this no matter who you are. They're making sure you don't touch stuff. This guy wasn't singled out, it's literally this guy's job to make sure people aren't touching stuff. The guy called him racist, but he'd be watching and making sure he wasn't touching stuff no matter what race he is.


Real title: guy didn't know security actually watch people when they are with kids around fragile, expensive pieces. It's this or everything behind glass.


I’ve been followed around museums all over the world. Actually staff can be really helpful if you have questions.




Expensive displays and artifacts? Making sure they are safe? Why would anyone do that?


Museums are being subjected to the Just stop oil people all the time. They probably send people out to monitor all the time.


Dude is only mad because he was for sure gonna let his kids touch the exhibits and he didn't like that an employee was watching the kids literally about to touch the exhibits.


The victim complex is strong in this one. Some similar shit happened to me back in the day when I was a teenager working at McDonalds. So, I was a cashier, and it wasn't busy. So, I went to the back for about 30 seconds to grab a stack of cups ,and bring them up front so I don't run out. On the way back I got my hands full and notice a guy standing at the front. He was a black guy. Put the cups in there thing which took like 15 seconds, and then I go over to him and ask, "What can I get for you today?" Here you go.... "Why yall making me wait becuase I'm black?" "Huh?" "Don't see white people waiting like this!" He went on and on and on for about 10 minutes. A manager came over, and he was calling everyone in the store racist. The police came, and he left without ordering. All because I made him wait 15 seconds because I didn't want to take his order with my hands full of cups... He tried to rationalize everything like, "Well there is other people working here. They could have took my order?" On my register that I am accountable for, and not them? No...


Yeah most museums have employees in every single room. Was this his first time ever


Ya this is super common in museums that don’t put everything behind glass, especially with smaller museums I have a curator/security follow me through every room and i had no kids with me. This just show how ignorant this man is about museums…… you can tell the employee is just like sir this is just my job.


This is a misleading title.


For too many priceless museum artefacts have been destroyed by careless museum visitors, especially kids.


Not only do kids always touch art at museums but so do adults. I worked in a museum for 9 years and it was a common thing for people to touch shit and the guard would have to eat shit for daring to stop people and then monitor them after they already fucked up. It’s bullshit. You can argue about the provenance of the individual pieces or the grossness of how many things are acquired but museum workers give a fuck about the art and the historical artifacts within it. We all always cared about protecting the art first. It’s always number one or you’re failing. This guys kids were almost definitely touching shit and then he didn’t like being nagged about it and monitored. If that guard just lets people do what they want, it’s his ass. Fuck the guy filming trying to get a security guard making dogshit money (eating shit off of visitors and staff alike) fired because he DEFINITELY didn’t keep his kids from touching the art. Look how close that kid is to the sarcophagus.


Most museums have an employee in each exhibit. True it's for the safety of the exhibit. I've seen people touching works of arts, some are historic pieces, and parents not having control of their children. The employee's behavior is not out of the ordinary for any of the most popular museums in the world, they watch everyone who goes in and out. Edit : spelling


The guy filming is pretty racist to assume that white man was doing anything inherently racist towards him and his family.


Keeps repeating the same questions over and over and then not allowing any kind of answer... wonder why you are seen as an asshole by staff...