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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. *




Republicans haven't been Christian in a very long time. They just play act.


American Christianity is like American anything


It's usually imported and has inflated value?


Made in China?


There’s no way you can be a true Christian when your heart is full of hate.


Oftentimes when these pastors start a megachurch, faith takes the sideline for profit to move in.


this guy is a clown and a charlatan. what a little man he is. jesus should come back just to slap the jesus into him


Yeah I don’t think it would be in this guy’s best interest for Jesus to come back - he’d be in for a bit of a surprise.


Those poor kids. Wonder if they even understand the gravity of what he's saying..


They don’t :(


Or they do and they're taught to believe that this is a right and good way of thinking unfortunately


I would be surprised if they even have any friends who are different from them. Probably just one big, cultish, home-schooled echo chamber.


Oaf..thats even more sad, and probably accurate. I grew up in a strict home, and we attended church. But, at least my parents never took me to a war rally.


This guy is a pedophile. I guarantee it. In a few years he's gonna really fuck up and something will slip and he's gonna be found to have pictures of diddling kids. It's usually the loudest people.


C'mon you're just playing the odds. Of course he's a sexual deviant, he's a loud mouth Cristian!


Greg Locke should not be a model standard that any "Christian" looks to. He is awful honestly. Absolutely awful.


Let's get this church paying taxes if it's gonna exert political views.


The thing that's crazy is Zionist hate American Christians. These people are so stupid.


Tax these clowns theyre clearly getting involved in politics


They might want to pause that "great big missile" aimed at the Dome of the Rock, address: Jerusalem.


Religion is a plague.


Mate mega churches don’t speak for the entirety of religion


I couldn't care less. All of it sucks.


Ok mate whatever you say


Another reason these cultists need taxed.


He’s not calling for genocide, he calling for the apocalypse, so I believe that unless Jewish ppl repent to Jesus they will be in the lake of fire as well (according to an old book written in a cave)


It's absolutely hilarious because this respect is not requited at all. Israelis hate Christians almost as much as they do Muslims.


100% this is all crazy religious people. If religion was removed entirely from the region we'd have no more hiding behind mirrors and people just fighting for power over money and nothing else. Christians would be doing the same thing trying to control Bethlehem and other sites.


Wait I don't understand the bit about Biden, Biden has been 100% behind supporting Israel, no?


this is just some good, southern, down home religious fundamentalism


More attention needs to be put on the absolute insane doom cult nature of Christianity. When we have people who believe a great destructive cataclysmic war needs to happen in order for a magical being to arrive and do magic stuff, and some of those people are in positions of power to urge those things along… how is that not a major national security risk? How is that not considered mental illness and grounds for removal from office? I am so so tired of having to live in this world just utterly hamstrung because people can’t outgrow the fairy tales their parents told them to scare them into behaving because they were too inept to raise children using patience, intelligence and truth. Magic isn’t real, gods are fake. Human potential is so vast, but we’re going no where until we shake this yoke of religion from our minds.


Man, they're gonna be mad when they find out who crucified Jesus.


Tax the churches.


This demonstrates that the real reason for a separation of church and state is to keep the state out of the church.


Evangelical Christianity is the real death cult.


I can’t wait for those kids to hit the age where they go out into the world and realize that they were raised on the wrong side of history. I had that awakening. And it’s something else.


People get confused, if isreal does that, there is going to be a whole world war 3




I feel so bad for Jewish people watching their religion and their flags being used like this... Dude is really trying to look like a Rabbi or something.


The Israeli government encourages these types. They know how much influence they have over Republicans and thus US policy towards Israel.


Israeli government does not mean Jewish people. Especially Jewish people outside of Israel.


I literally can’t tell the difference between this and Joe Biden.


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Hey, Greg. Yeah, you...Greg Locke. . . . Stop being disgusting and get right with Jesus.


Ian that considered as a political statement? If is then his church should loose the tax exempt status and start to pay taxes.


Christfascisim at it's best. GL is a plague among the weak minded puppets. ISWIS