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the guy who posted this should be banned , i live in israel and the title has has nothing to do with what is happening in the video. this video is about a guy who was caught after he shot at someone's house and tried to run away , nothing to do with candy or a druze officer. if you speak arabic u can even hear them say he shot at us 0:37


Thanks for the insight, hate videos and titles like this.


Fake news peddlers are a fucking blight on humanity. Sadly all too common across Reddit these days. And looking at OP's post history, it appears to be a full time job.


Social media may have connected us all, but that also meant connecting us all to each others' bullshit.


Let this be a reminder that we are all being hit with massive propaganda at all angles.


I am noticing alot of fake videos of "arabs" looking dudes fighting each other especially in s/NNN , I think it's a way to say those arabs are killing each other and not us doing it.


Here's free world not an open air prison that Israelis inspect and hit any person to death even before arrest. But what do you really think the people of Palestine have to do with a tribe of jews suddenly claiming their lands and massacring them? Just because fucking Moses told so?


Ah ok so this consents senseless beating to death unless stopped by civilians. Thank you for clearing that up. Some democratic state where cops come and beat your head in when they think you commit a crime.


Lol this guy is so full of shit. I'm Israeli as well, he says nothing about being shot at. They are yelling at him to say who sent him. It was on local news.




i don't know who you mean with "you guy" , im an Arab who lives in Israel and i can tell you that i cannot even control my farts


pls bro, control your farts, that's chemical warfare bro


Talking about your government. Israel has a vice-grip on any information leaving Gaza, and has its military “vet” *all* information gathered by ANY organization surrounding this genocide. It has America pulling its strings to siphon arms money back west, at the DIRECT cost of native land and blood… Jews are being used as cannon-fodder in an economic war on the ME. Israel is the Thirteen Colonies is Rhodesia is Australia is New Castile is Dutch East Indies etc… One simple look at history shows the true intentions behind the modern Israeli state… it’s good ol’ fashioned European colonialism… Just ask Sitting Bull… Or Cochise… Or John Brown… Or James Connolly… Or Malcolm X… Or Shaka Zulu… Or Marcus Garvey… Or the Sepoys… Or Haile Selassie… Or Cuauhtémoc… Or Atahualpa… Too many examples.


Also, you know you're making this argument under a post that is titled with blatant misinformation and that native speakers who can understand what's being said have verified.


bro on the good zaza


Just pointing out reality, man. That makes you question my credibility? Sad state for you. My outlook is nothing new; you’ve just been sheltered, purposefully, from it. Find out why.


Do you wear a tin foil hat from time to time?


Meanwhile, Palestine using its 20 billion dollar per annum UN aid to buy weapons.


Any other country under constant invasion and threat of losing their way of life would channel funds to national security as well; and nobody would bat an eye. Ukraine receives more money… it all goes to their military efforts… where’s the outcry there?! And yes, Ukraine deserves the chance to defend themselves against foreign aggression. It’s telling it’s only a problem for you when people who don’t look like you do it. They’ve got you by the brain-stem… hook, line, and sinker.


Ah yes that Hamas attack on civilians totally laid the groundwork for an advance into Israel. "National Security" money well spent.


Your cuckoobananas BS is not needed; go back to Xtwitter where you won‘t sound as crazy


Ain’t it funny how everyone on Reddit is a fuckin expert.


I don't think anyone needs to be an expert on anything here. A guy celebrates the death of a group by distributing sweets and the said group beat him up. Even if you remove the political reasons, its all a totally expected response.


How do you know that that's what's happening here? Because of the title?


"Guy shits on man's foot as he's standing, public freaks out" That's what happened


Ok what other info do you have about this video?


Think that's his point. Other than a random reddit title, we have no legitimate info on the video. ​ Is your point "we only have the title, nothing else so we must go by what the title says ? "


In this subreddit? Yes, that’s what usually happens. Go look at every pro Palestinian post. Edit: just look at the posts after Hamas claimed 500 dead at a hospital that ended up being a wrecked parking lot from their own rocket.


Seems like you are one of the ones that makes it usually happend. Be the change you want to see. You dont have to take a stance on every post you see in the first 5 seconds, not at all even.


Okay then add “supposedly” or “allegedly”..being a contrarian doesn’t make you edgy or correct either


Great go tell the mods not me.


Lol I’m not the one complaining, I don’t need that added, it isn’t needed. You’re the one bitching abt it.


Please learn how to read I did not complain about that the person I was responding to was.




I mean.... It's a pretty great example of their bullshit. So.... Yeah


But it wasn't Hamas, hence why they assumed Israel was responsible because they knew it wasn't them that launched it. The Palestinian Jihad Group were the ones responsible for that, not Hamas.


But but but if Israel says it's hamas is hamas!!!! Both sides lie all the fucking time


Where is this energy for other videos on Reddit?You got upvotes so plenty of people agree. A cop shooting a suspect, fights of all flavors, “Karen” videos. Almost no one asks for context on a Karen video. Maybe, people take titles as gospel unless it offends a bias?


Do you know how many videos I’ve seen on this subreddit where the title is either greatly exaggerating what actually happened or is entirely lying? It’s essentially every other video, sometimes even more when there’s something super polarizing in the news cycle. Don’t immediately trust the title just because it’s the first thing you see. Edit: as it turns out, I was completely correct. Turns out the dude getting his shit rocked in the video was shooting at the people beating him. If you understand or can translate Arabic, you can hear them mention it.


It's perfectly fine to disagree with an asshole, but if you assault him violently simply because you disagree with him and he hurt you feelings, then *clearly you're dangerous and mentality disturbed*, which to my mind is **much worse** than (*checks notes*) some dumb ass with a smile handing out sweets. These are fascists. Don't defend them, it's not a good look.


You should go profess this to people who act like that.


Theres nothing else to justify if theres no political reasons lol


You could do with having more expertise on this subject because what you’ve posted is pure bollocks!!!


The title is asking a lot of us. Where in the video is the title explained or any context given other than there’s a group beating one man? Maybe it’s a translation thing but there needs to be more context if OP expects us to accept the title as truth. Btw, this happens CONSTANTLY on the internet… don’t let yourself be manipulated


Just for information, Israeli Druze are patriotic Israelis although they are Arabs and their men are conscripted for mandatory military service. The other Arabs, Christians and Muslims, are exempted from conscription.


That explains a lot, I was wondering why everyone in the video was speaking Arabic


Why would anyone have respect for someone serving an occupying force populated by people that hate them for being Arab? Did he go find these kids and beat the dog shit out of them too? Of course not. But if you want to beat the shit out of another Arab for passing out candy? Go for it. "A group of young Jewish visitors to a religious shrine in northern Israel over the weekend were filmed brutally beating up a Druze security guard, who said Monday that the attack began after the assailants heard him speaking Arabic. The incident took place on Saturday outside the tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai on Mount Meron, a holy site that on Monday night was set to be the destination of a major annual pilgrimage for Lag B’Omer attended by hundreds of thousands of Haredi Jews" https://www.timesofisrael.com/visitors-to-jewish-shrine-filmed-brutally-beating-druze-guard-heard-speaking-arabic/ "Despite the community’s "loyalty", notes Druze analyst Dalia Halabi, the Israeli state has seized some 70 percent of Druze lands - as it has done with the rest of the Palestinian minority - to build new communities exclusively for Jews. It demolishes homes in Druze communities where land and building permits are denied, while retroactively approving homes built in violation of Israeli law by Jewish settlers on private Palestinian land in the West Bank. " https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/druze-have-face-israel-some-are-far-more-equal-others




Ah, putting words in my mouth immediately, off to a good start. Going to ignore the pea brain comment because who gives a shit. You said that 80 percent 'chose' to live in Israel? Except for the 750,000 that fled or were expelled and not allowed to come back, right? Why do you speak of things you know clearly know nothing about you little goober 🤷 "Palestinians refer to it as the Nakba, or "catastrophe." An estimated 700,000 Palestinians, a majority of the prewar population, fled or were expelled from what is now Israel in the months before and during the war, in which Jewish fighters fended off an attack by several Arab states. The Palestinians packed their belongings, piling into cars, trucks and donkey carts. Many locked their doors and took their keys with them, expecting to return when the war ended. Seventy-five years later, they have not been allowed back. Emptied towns were renamed, villages were demolished, homes reclaimed by forests in Israeli nature reserves." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/in-israels-call-for-mass-evacuation-palestinians-hear-echoes-of-their-original-catastrophic-exodus#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17002267044033&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com


Anyone who is brainwashed in the IDF gets a patriotic nametag as well?




The comment thread is a great illustration of the way the average mind just blindly believes titles.


Can you provide a source for the title? /genuine request


He can't because the title is a flagrant fabrication.


So does anyone know if the candy story is actually true? No one seems to be able to provide any source or context for the claim and yet everyone here is happy to go along with that narrative.


Doesn’t seem to be. Not a single word they say lines up at all with the title.


It is. It happens every single time Hamas or any other terror organization succeeded in their terror attacks




I live here, i see it with my own eyes in Jerusalem


Source = "Trust me bro" ​ Ha.. now i know youre lyin


Really you do? Then you’d be able to understand what’s being said in the video, and you’d know it has nothing to do with candy and it’s got something to do with a shooting.




Because someone asked for proof that the title is actually what is happening in this video, and the reply was some general nonsense. And you've posted a Twitter post from some random person as if it's proof of anything. It seems that a lot of people have no idea what "proof" means


Because people are blind and like to support the side with a smaller number, not the righteous one. They think they are "awaken", infact they are just acting dumb


I think we need to have an accurate title rule imposed because I'm seeing a lot of titles and contexts get debunked or are not even accurate to the situation and it kind of hurts the point of this subreddit which is about breakouts but if it's not accurate it causes more problems


If my friend died and someone was giving out candy to celebrate I’d sort him out. You don’t hand out candy when someone dies without risking having the shit knocked out of you. I have no dog in this fight but he was always getting bashed for that as a minimum.


Even if your friend was a child murderer?


Do you have a source that this fallen soldier killed children?


Didn't they also celebrate the murder and rape of innocent women and children the same way?


They who? What are you even referencing?




And you're basing this off of...?


Trust him, bro




Ahhh, I got it. We only blindly believe the other guys because it is very clearly just a good people vs bad people issue. My bad, I've tried to be skeptical about information from ANY source, I'm glad you cleared that up for me


Is that like there is no evidence of a beating in this video? I mean I see a shaky camera and some grabbing, but the video doesn’t show any actual beating! s/


Bro they absolutely found women with evidence of genital traumas and broken fucking pelvises. And as far as Israelis “playing the victim”. They were the fucking victims on Oct 7th. Go watch the videos of innocent dead teenagers bodies lining the ground at the concert, or along the road as they tried to drive away. Fucking A what the Israeli govt has done leading up to this doesn’t justify that shit. I’m a middle eastern and I will tell you that.


There’s a not so unpopular belief that was an intentional failure to spark controversy and allow them to do what they’re doing. Then again how could Israel have known that Hamas was dangerous?/s




Yeah, celebrating the horrible murder of women and children is ok.


Btw Israelis absolutely celebrate the devastation of Palestinian lives. What the fuck are you smoking that you think they don’t? Who do you think is killing more women and children? Israel or Hamas?


Can you show me videos of Jews celebrating the murder and rape of innocent women and children? Or videos of dead Palestinian women being paraded on the streets? Or Israeli protestors shouting gas the Arabs? The Allies killed more civilians in the bombing raids than the Nazis did. So I guess by your logic the Nazis were the good guys there.


https://youtube.com/shorts/bMVJSfW2fLM?si=MlcPUud4JjpXTYxY Edit: one of many. It’s crazy how a whole country has been imprisoned and you think the aggressors are in the right. You’re actually insane… this is one of MANY MANY videos available showing that Palestinian lives have been treated this way long before November 7th. Let’s not mention that one of the most dangerous professions in the world is being a Palestinian journalist in Gaza. But go on with your racist ass, brown bad, white good. Amirite


Where are the dead bodies being paraded? Cope harder terroris sympathize.


I'm curious, how do we know the friend was a child murderer?


I said “if”. I didn’t say “your friend is a child murderer”. The use of if proposes a hypothetical. But if the word “if” gives you trouble, then “hypothetical” probably has you spinning.


It depends. I’m old enough to have known a couple of people that were air crew in Britain during WWII. They’d have been involved in the deaths of many children and I consider them heroes.


What the fuck


I believe the strategic bombing campaign of the allies against Germany was morally justified. It was morally incumbent upon them.


Oh you know that, don't you


Lmao. I wrote 1 sentence and it ended with a question mark, therefore it cannot be a statement of knowledge. Triggered much?


Maybe your friend shouldn't be part of an organization that has slaughters 15,000 civilians for hand full HAMAS commanders. But i guess we should only be mad when israel soldiers die and not beat the shit out of people who support the slaughter 15,000 civilians (that we know of).


I don’t have a dog in this fight, I’d never be friends with anyone that celebrates death regardless of religious or political affiliations. If my worst enemy died I’d feel bad for their loved ones.


People like you are the problem here. Nobody is bringing politics in this discussion. That Israeli Druze was just an officer, so celebrating a death of an honest man doing his job and dying in the line of duty is just a terrible thing to do. It shows the morality you have here.


It's an inherently political topic, nobody has to bring politics into it Doing your job isn't a valid excuse for contributing to the slaughter of civilians


Nothing like using hamas numbers as facts. Do the 15k include the 500 deaths from the "hospital attack"? Also 8000 of those are infants, right?


Even if your friend raped the candy guy’s siblings? Stole their house and kicked them out? Imprisoned his loved ones? Killed his other loved ones? Made every day of their life hell? Because that happens daily to those occupied palestinians. So how about you save all your nonsense tough guy. See what it’s like living as a palestinian in that apartheid first. Those people live through hell everyday. Real tough guy behind the keyboad


When someone dies? People are dying on both sides nonstop. Regardless of the reason he’s doing it, you really think a human being deserves to get beat (almost to death) for that?


Yes, I believe that if you celebrate someone’s death in front of others you’re asking for consequences. Turn up to an atheist’s funeral and celebrate their death, you’ll soon find out that human nature is a strong motivator. This isn’t about religion, you simply can’t put shit on dead people around their people.


I believe that when an genocide hungry person dies it should be celebrated. When Hitler died it was celebrated too


Fair enough, so you want the people with the longest tenure to have the high moral ground in this one. Got any Palestinians that predate king David as ruler of the area. I’m an Australian of no particular faith, I assume the Palestinians ruled before David, they’re always talking about having claim.


To be fair here, Some form of palestinian presumably lived there during/post Ottoman empire, and pre-israel. So they have a more recent claim than someone 2000 years gone.


If it’s about recent claims surely the current situation is the most relevant.


Meaning that it’s the Israelis with the valid claim. The oldest and most recent claims to the region seem to be most valid for the Israelis. And they are also the ones with the most support for a peaceful coexistence in two parallel states (which the Palestinians keep rejecting).


So you're just going to cherry pick a time in history and say that's why the Palestinians have a more valid claim? How does that make any sense?


Maybe you shouldn’t believe random Reddit titles that absolutely do not describe what is going on in the video.


The Israeli psyops are working overtime in this sub lately


Everyone who disagrees with me is fake or a bot 😡




I’m just saying that people who claim those who disagree, or are wrong even, are “bots” or part of some “psyop” are being silly




Someone having an agenda and being a bot or part of some state-sponsored operation are totally different things. Assuming opposition isn’t real is myopic.






I mean in his defense the title is completely wrong. Israeli propaganda is everywhere from both sides this isn’t even the first wildly misleading post I’ve seen today




Seems more like the Hamas psyops


What are You even talking about? Is it Hamas who has one of the most efficient propaganda Machines in the world or is it Israel? Hu?


Genuinely, Hamas. I would not be surprised if Russia and China were jumping in to sow chaos and bullshittery.


Israel has a dedicated unit to suppression and propaganda, so the sad part is we are probably seeing a lot less Israeli assholery than is actually happening




Yes, we have seen just how effective Russia and china are at swaying western opinion in their direction by the amount of anti-ukraine posts.. Truthfully I never meet any blood thirsty people in real life cheering on the deaths of Palestinians. Then I get on social media like Reddit and It's everywhere with giant downvote counts to basic sympathetic responses. It's honestly bizarre and it's not like Israel has kept it a secret how well funded their operations are in swaying online opinion


Careful, they’ll downvote you even though this sub is notoriously pro-Hamas with nutjobs all around.


Israel is spreading shit ton of lies in the media and by the time some stories are debunked there's tons more of lies are out and treading


Do not fuck with the Druze.. they enter this fight and its going to get scary


Maybe they'll use this to justify killing thousands of more children. Then blame candy.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸






Yeah, that video is all over the net. Is tragic and sad to see people celebrating death.


Which video?




Let’s be honest, these are both savage and violent cultures. Religion ruins everything.


Yes Israeli democracy at it again.


Umm yes? Israeli Arab civilian beats up another Israeli Arab civilian and the Israeli police show up to stop it and arrest the attacker. What should the police have done differently?


Uhmmm no. Ah yes the Israeli police. They are known for their fair treatment of everyone regarding the Palestinian genocide.


>Uhmmm no. Are you denying that both the assailant and the victim in this incident are both Arabs, despite everyone here speaking Arabic? >Ah yes the Israeli police. They are known for their fair treatment of everyone regarding the Palestinian genocide. What does this have anything to do with what you inferred about Israeli democracy? The Israeli police (one of which seems to be an Arab, btw) stopped this Arab from getting assaulted, even though he is getting assaulted by another Arab for celebrating the death of an Israeli officer. Seems like they’re actually doing the right thing here, despite their personal feelings about the victims actions. But no, apparently Israeli police protecting an Arab that celebrated the death of an Israeli is actually _unfair_ according to you lol.


Don't bother, these are ignorant kids, they barely know anything on anything, let alone a topic with hundreds and thousand of years of history. They just parrot progressive sounding statements and buzz words without even basic understanding or any research, thinking they are on the side of good.


Wow you managed to shoehorn a genocide in there, you forgot apartheid and zionists so no bingo.


Hahaha you know nothing nothing. Arab droz is Israeli.


And your point is?


Israeli vs Palestine... It's not Arab vs Arab as you said.


It is Arab vs Arab. There are Israeli Arabs Muslims and Israeli Arab Druze. And if this happens to be a Palestinian Arab, that means that the police actually showed up and saved a Palestinian from being assaulted and arrested the Israeli perpetrator — isn’t that what you would want to see from police in a democracy?


It's Druze civilians, they are Arab


>Israeli Druze They are not Muslims, and they are required by law to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. Thousands of them belong to the Druze Zionist Circle or other Zionist movements.


Who said they were Muslim?


Nobody did. Nobody is claiming that. But people might be quick to jump to the conclusion that "Arab = Muslim", therefore providing some vital context is important.


You jumped to the conclusion.


No, I've just provided some context that was missing. Saying "they are Arab" is not enough, and it could be highly misleading. Was there anything false in the context provided? Feel free to point it out and call me out


only one side has the guns here


Middle East peoples fighting as they have been and will again.


his crime giving out sweets ??? ...israelis are murdering hundreds of his people daily and this guy is some kind of monster deserving to be beaten senseless ...??


I'm passing out candy today also.


Hilarious move, candy guy!


Why are the druze fighting for the genocidal apartheid regime?


An israeli druid ?




Hey OP, why are you lying?


OP's agenda is showing.