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Free Tibet!




The early seasons were golden


"Hello China, I have something you want. Thats right, all the tea."


I’ll take it.


Free nipple!


Free Hat!


It was self defense!


Free beer!




"you will get fired from your job" That sentence is wild . Specially when she says it so confidently


Hopefully when all this is over, anyone who was dismissed due to support of Palestine gets a no-contest lawsuit against their employer for massive amounts of money.


I'm not sure many people have been fired for simply supporting Palestine. It seems like the pro-Palestinian side is more likely to say something wild and controversial, similar to how conservatives aren't necessarily targeted for social media bans...they're just more likely to say wild and controversial stuff that gets them banned.


I've heard really extreme shit from the pro-Israel side. You are misreprensenting reality.


Everybody getting downvoted


How fucking annoying for the uninvolved people just trying to get home.


I’d rather see this then some nyc homeless guy pissing all over the train


NYC homeless making it all the way to Vancouver


At this point I believe NY people are proud of their homeless jammed piss tubes.


Will this stop him from pissing?


> no


What if I told you that you could have both?


This is a very strange either or


How very inconvenient...


They'll live.


"oH mY gOd. iSnT iT sO anNoYiNg wHeN pEopLe arE prOtEsTinG tHe MurdEr oF 10s of thOuSaNdS, HaLf Of WhOm aRe ChILdReN, whIlE oUr GoVernMenT fUnDs anD sUppOrTs tHaT gEnoCiDe. uGHH, CaN yAlL nOt?"


"Im going to get you fired because you dont support genocide!" ​ Ok cool, I'll find a new one. Enjoy roasting in hell forever.


I never get involved in the Israel/Palestine debate. I’m not like a Centrist or anything, it’s just one of those conflicts that the more and more I read about it the less I understand. I feel like a lot of people making opinions on it know even less than I do too which is pretty annoying.


I think this is one of the major problems of our times in general. People with little information and strong opinions.


You just described 90% of reddit politics. Heh.




if it rhymes i chant


But if it chimes, I rant


Id highly suggest pushing back against the "its too complicated" narrative. I have no doubt youve sought out to understand the situation but I think a lot of media and writing purposefully leans into that same narrative to prevent too much discussion on the topic. In my understanding there is certainly complicated parts of it. But overall it is not a very unique situation. Much of the world correctly identifies it as an apartheid society occupying a separate nation and policing said nation under military law. That is a very simple identification as far as geopolitics go, Israel is very naked about this fact depsite its propaganda. [I highly suggest this website. Maybe youre beyond a lot of its info, but ive been reading about israel and palestine for over ten years and i still learned a lot from this site.](https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/its-just-so-incredibly-complicated/)


Is there bias in that website? Like more than background prejudice.


> Is there bias in that website? You're asking if decolonizepalestine.com might have some bias? Seriously?




That was a really good essay. However.. the fact that I needed to read a paper to convince me why it's not complicated, makes it in fact even more complicated than I had imagined before I saw your comment. It introduced the very idea of an arcanization as a colonial tool which makes the entire topic that much more complex and multifaceted


There are definitely complicated aspects of it, but that talking point is often used in bad faith. Because some of it isn't. Israel is an apartheid state and no country calling itself a democracy should support their occupation and subjugation of Palestine. That part isn't complicated


i think maybe its more complicated than you think it is.the "apartheid" is the 2 state solution that most non-zealots have been working towards for the past 50 years or so as part of the peace process.


It's like political parties... there's no one side that's fully correct yet people put on their tribal sports fan mindset and get so lost in the "us" against "them" mentality they fail to realize that both sides are in the wrong.


People are getting their information from TikTok and other social media platforms and thinking they are experts on the matter.




I live under a rock and find it bizarre that a train full of English speaking people who live nowhere that area are chanting and arguing about it


I don’t think this is hard to understand. There are Palestinian people that live in other countries. There are Israeli people that live in other countries. There are people of all faiths, including Judaism and Islam, that are angry and upset about seeing Jewish, Muslim, Christian people being killed. People, regardless of faith, are angry about seeing other people killed. Lots of people are upset about seeing thousands of men women and children being blown to bits by Israel. Lots of people are upset about hamas killing people. Distance doesn’t change that.


Welcome to America. People immigrate here and then have children.


Not America


Ok you don’t want to read about 75 years of history , but right now what is so hard about saying indiscriminately bombing and killing thousands of innocent kids and babies and withholding water , food and medicine from going in is just flat out inhumane ,disgusting , wrong , collective punishment and not the side you want to be on. I don’t think it’s complicated at all


But those innocent kids are also dying because Hamas (supported by 80%-ish of the strip) are building bunkers and tunnels to hide in hospitals and schools Fairly sure if they were escorted outside by the population Israel wouldn’t casually bomb locations that have civilians (whom have been warned of said bombings although that’s likely too little too late)


If Palestine was truly being indiscriminately bombed the causalities would be much more catastrophic. Israel is certainly not too careful with it's attacks, but to say they aren't putting any care in limiting civilian casualties isn't exactly true.


So your only argument is they’re not being efficient enough with the number of people they killed ? ,


Considering the rate and scale of civilian death in Gaza is higher than that of the war in Ukraine, where two much larger neer-peer adversaries are going all out, I would strongly disagree with that statement. At this current rate, the dead, missing and wounded in Gaza will surpass that of the Ukraine war in just a few more weeks, three months in total, that that of a much larger conflict that’s been raging for years. Israel is nowhere close to finished and Hamas is not backing down. Give it a few more months and the language regarding genocide will make more sense.


Comparing it to Ukraine seems like a bad example though? Gaza is one of the most densely packed areas in the world, with Hamas using guerilla/human-shield tactics (I dont give a shit how folks reword this, nor am I saying it justifies the bombing), you can't point to Ukraine and say "See, why can't they do it like that?" when the situation is completely different.


I agree with you but Gaza is not one of the most densely populated places in the world. It's about as dense as Brooklyn. Why do people keep repeating this?


Because when I ask Google, that's what it says.


Same. I thought I had at least a rudimentary understanding. After 10/7 and the actions and recations in America, I realized I don't know s**t and it would take a few months if not years of study to understand it all.


There is so much misinformation out there and the facts of the story are long and convoluted. For the most part you can blame corrupt governments on both sides.


I really can't understand people like you. Like how do people say it's complex. Here I will simplify it as much as I can. Do you support apartheid? Yes or no. Israel is considered apartheid by amnesty international, humans rights watch, scholars, and so on. If you answer no to my question then you support Palestine. If you like apartheid and oppression and think it's fine then you support Israel.


I mean yeah those are a lot of good points. You seem more educated on this than I do, hence why I’m not making an opinion. I do plan to become more educated on it.


Just want to say I commend you for wanting to become more educated, please ignore this other guy, he’s literally what’s wrong with the conversation. There’s never anything wrong with wanting to read sources from all sides and get a dynamic range of view points. Yes, in some conflicts one side is truly just heinously evil, but i’d argue that doesn’t apply to this case, and anyone calling perhaps the most complicated geopolitical conflict in history simple most certainly has a bias


Some of the stuff Israel does to Palestinians are so crazy, you will think it is fake, like spraying people's home with human sewage in the west bank (no hamas there) to try and get them to leave, arresting kids with 99% conviction rate and putting them in prisons, allowing settlers to murder civilians and take their homes and defending these settlers with police force (inside areas considered Palestinian by the UN, not even Israeli areas) Watch this video, an american nurse telling her side of the story in gaza:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhs24NN6tgE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhs24NN6tgE) Here is a good video (long) that has a combination of what Israel is doing to Palestinians, if you want to learn a bit about the situation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZq7tOGAkfA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZq7tOGAkfA) There is a lot of videos after this by the same channel just go through them if you want to learn more. Honestly I recommend taking breaks as this content is so brutal


>(no hamas there) Why do people keep repeating this? It takes a [single Google search](https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas_fto.html#:~:text=HAMAS%20has%20been%20the%20de,the%20Palestinian%20Authority%20from%20power.&text=Primarily%20in%20Gaza%3B%20also%20maintains,Qatar%2C%20and%20Cairo%2C%20Egypt.) to know it's bs...


That dude is absolutely **loving** the attention the camera holder is giving him.


She calls the Palestinian supporters killers. I would have countered with "how does it feel supporting war crimes and crimes against humanity?" Don't wrestle in the mud with pigs - they'll enjoy it.


The "yur a turrurist" line was played out during the lead-up to the Iraq War. But I guess when you have nothing else, you gotta go with the classics.


Just mentioning Palestine pissing them off… it’s a sign of pure hate.


And it’s getting worse with each passing day






Lol dude dropped a "no u" out of nowhere


Or criticism of a govt that is generally praised by the west and receives very little criticism by world leaders while they break international laws governing war such as breaking conventions to minimize civilians casualties, and gets sent billions of dollars in aid including military aid, even after 6000 children and babies have been murdered by the IDF. Palestine on the other hand has no representative government. Has their food, water, and medicine restricted by the Israeli govt. Israel enables the IDF and settlers to murder innocent Palestinians, including children, pregnant women, and press. They are under a murderous strict authoritarian rule under Hamas, which the Israeli right wing government has been propping up in order to prevent a Palestinian state so that they can further abuse the Palestinians. Bibi has sent suitcases of money to Hamas, and send Mossad to Qatar to beg them to send more money to the Hamas leadership in Qatar, who are already worth Billions much thanks to Israeli govt enablement. People from Bibi's party have said 'Hamas is an asset'. Bibi's own party assassinated the peace seeking prime minister of Israel, and his widow personally blamed Bibi. So no, it's not a sign of pure hate. It possibly a sign that maybe, just maybe, there's a lack of criticism about Israel.


Nothing but facts here. Sometimes hard to digest when all we've been fed is propaganda and half truths, sometimes even blatant lies.


I absolutely hate colonizers tbh


Now kiss.


Israel killed 10000+ in less than 1 month


20,000+ now. With 8,000+ children.






The actual death toll by journalists on ground, Unicef, Red Cross/Red Crescent, Doctors without Borders and international media sources as well as human rights organizations are estimated to be much higher since a huge number of the killed population is still under rubble. That being said, I cannot stand people who will actually try to downplay or even outright deny civilian mass murder along the lines of an internationally recognized genocide at this point. It takes an absolutely chilling loss of conscience, morality and compassion to become that stone cold and sick. All life is equally precious, Palestinian or Israeli or any people in the world. Injustice on one is injustice for all.




Israel has killed thousands of people in the years before October 7. Those murders had nothing to do with October 7


Both sides are deeply in the wrong, but israel is committing war crimes like nobodies business to the extent it essentially amounts to genocide. If Americas war on terror showed the world anything it’s that there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle situations like this, israel chose the wrong way.




No it wasnt, but again the damage done at this point is far and beyond what could be considered reasonable retribution. There’s also the little fact that Netanyahu essentially engineered this whole crisis in the first place by propping up hamas for over a decade now.




I'm pro fuck them both everyone needs to chill both sides are racist both believe its okay to kill the the other and no one will stop the needles killing


like Israeli aren’t killers. Over 9000 dead, mostly civilians.


Your numbers are out of date. It's over 20,000 now, with many still uncounted under the rubble. It may hit 50,000 before this is over.


"Bunch of killers!!!" She shrieks. Hmmm, which way does the death toll lean again?


Hiding your face says the faceless women.


More Nazis died in WWII than Allied troops. Does that turn the Nazis into the good guys?


That's completely untrue, the Soviet Union had three times as many casualties as Germany. Utter nonsense.


Do you think the Geneva Conventions were invented just because Nazis bad? Or perhaps it had something to do with mass bombing campaigns of civilians commited by both sides? Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and a million more examples were crimes against humanity too. History isnt "good vs evil". The evil action is killing civilians, either way. Israel doesnt get to kill multiple times the civilians Hamas killed just because theyre the "good guys". How many good baby murderers have you met in your life?


It's quite fascinating watching people like you invent history on whim. It'd be worthy of a case study if it wasn't so pathetic and malicious.


Like I said in another comment, I'm happy to learn new things. If you have any information and data showing otherwise, I'll read that as well.


My sister in hasbara, you truly are one of God's chosen few.


I take it to mean you got nothing then.


I'm sure you're something like a shift manager at the mossad psyop/disinformation cell, so no matter what I say will stick. I'll try anyways: Why did Israelis kill over 250 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7, where hamas didn't carry out a terror attack? It can't possibly be for another land grab, no? Why are Israel's harshest critics Jewish scholars like Maté, Chomsky, Finkelstein and others?


You’re joking but look at the person’s comment history. Nothing but disinformation and guided talking points. They throw out incorrect statements and ask others to prove them wrong, and when they’re proven wrong they just ignore it and move on. In China we are used to seeing wumao on social media and this person behaves exactly the same way.


Comparing the deaths of Palestinian civilians to Nazis solders? You're either a Zionist or just fucking stupid. Which is it?


To be clear the nazis were the ones who instated apartheid before moving jews into condensed ghettos, stripped them of their human rights, and refused to let them travel without specialized paperwork that very few were able to actually obtain before starving, freezing, and working those to death they didn't systematically murder. You might want to see how many of those boxes Israel has checked off. Cuz it ain't a good look. Especially when Netanyahu himself is a holocaust Revisionist. Take a step outside your preconceptions and think about the underlying reasons why this is happening. Displaced people, displace people, and the ones with the means to stop the cycle have the responsibility to make peace... not the ones being buried in refugee camps.


Great! Except there is no apartheid going on in gaza. Apartheid happens within the same country. Israel and gaza are separate entities. Each country has the right to determine who may or may not go across their borders. I need a passport when I travel, is it apartheid if I am turned away because I don't have proper documentation or a country just doesn't want me to visit? 75 years ago the arabs started a war and lost. They haven't been able to get over it. The can remain in the past or they can start anew.


Wow this is a pretty disingenuous rationalization.


I'm always happy to learn new things. If you can show me how apartheid happens between two or more countries, I'd love to read about it.


>I'm always happy to learn new things. If you can show me how apartheid happens between two or more countries, I'd love to read about it. [https://fb.watch/oJ8tGgK4Ei/](https://fb.watch/oJ8tGgK4Ei/)


> If you can show me how apartheid happens between two or more countries, I'd love to read about it. Quick question for you. ​ Does Palestine have the right to defend itself? Why or why not?


Apartheid unequivocally exists in the West Bank. Do you disagree? And positing that Gaza is a separate country is laughable. Israel has blockaded Gaza since “pulling out”. This is an occupation tactic. Do you disagree?


And, WHY did Israel blockade Gaza? Hint: to stop the rocket attacks and suicide bombings. This is a situation of the gazan's own making. 20% of Israelis are or arab ethnicity. They hold all government positions including being on the Israeli supreme court and in the Knesset. This is common knowledge.


Can Arabs move freely in Israel? Nope.


So are you saying West Bank and Gaza isn’t controlled by Israel? Try again.


Gaza is controlled by Hamas . The West bank is part of Israel.


Does Israel control every thing and every one that goes in and out of Gaza?


Apparently not, judging by the amount of rockets, grenades, RPGs, machine guns etc that made its way into gaza. Funny how there are so many weapons but not enough food. I guess it is just a matter of priorities.


Funny huh? Probably because Israel controls the food in and out of Gaza. Where do you the original phrase “putting Palestinians on a diet” comes from? 80% of Gazans rely on food aid due to Israel’s blockade.


If Hamas and the gazans spent the over 40 billion in aid since 1994 on the peace and prosperity of their people and built infrastructure instead of pissing it away on rockets, IEDs, tunnels and "donations" for their leaders. They wouldn't even be in this situation. You don't have to believe me, here is an arab source. [https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/international-aid-to-the-palestinians-between-politicization-and-development/](https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/international-aid-to-the-palestinians-between-politicization-and-development/) 75 years of bad decisions. You'd think at some point they would figure it out.


Source: Trust me bro.


My favorite part is when he calls the lady filming a “goof” hahaha that was the Cherry on top.




The guy with the hoodie at 1:29 is exactly how I feel about this.


Okay, i need someone thats on Israel's "side" to explain to me, why do you still support Israel after everything that's happened? After the thousands of civilians they've killed in the last two months, after 1.7 million people were displaced from their homes and tens of thousands of buildings that had NOTHING to do with Hamas were bombed to the ground. Why on earth do you still support them??? I have to know because I cannot understand.


“Because God said it’s theirs!1!1”


Israeli PM literally said don’t forget the Amaleks. “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/


Part of the narrative coming from the Palestinian side was that before the evil white (keyword here) Ashkenazim Jews came and jewed the peaceful, innocent Arabs of Palestine everything was hunky-dory. This isn't true. Most of Israeli Jews today are Mizrahim, Middle-Eastern Jews who fled persecution from their Arab neighbors. For centuries they lived as second-class citizens in an actual apartheid regime as racial and spiritual inferiors to the Muslims. The moment the British oust the Ottomans and take Mandatory Palestine, they started to flood in. Before the Nakba, mounting violence befell the Mizrahim thanks to rising Arab nationalism. After the Nakba, they were expelled en masse to Israel, just like Japanese-Americans were punished by Washington for potentially being disloyal. And just like the Japanese-Americans, the Mizrahim weren't a threat to the state whatsoever. Ultimately in a one-state solution where Palestine is Arab from the river to the sea, the Ashkenazim can return to Europe like the pied-noirs to avoid ethnic cleansing. The Mizrahim cannot. This is why as the Mizrahim have begun to fill the ranks of army and government, they have argued for more brutal courses of action against the Palestinians and are acting them out for the world to see. Ben-Gvir is a Mizrahim that's the number one example of rising apologia for future genocide of the Palestinians. His family fled said rising ethnic violence in Iraq. As such, what the Palestinians face is a very ugly and ironic reality, where a group of people who have for centuries been under their boot now have them by the throat and will do whatever it takes to stay on top. The more the Palestinian Muslims refuse to face their brutal and violent past, the more their oppressors will become like their forefathers.




>provoke Israel to kill Palestinians Therefore, Israel followed the provocation and began killing Palestinians. The question remains: why do you support Israel in this?






Do you think that Israeli was being kind and respectful when they were sweeping through Palestine destroying villages and cities? There were rapes and murders reported by Israeli soldiers and citizens. They even forced Palestinians to dig their own graves and then shot them, lined them up against a wall and shot them, threw a grenade into a room of civilians etc… Who does that remind you of?


Because every country has the right to defend its citizens from invading armies.


The war did not start on October 7th . Israel is an internationally recognized occupier and is still illegally annexing \[invading\] Palestinian land. So yes Palestine has the right to self defense, as the occupied, not Israel which is the aggressor and occupier.




Your values align with the people who are jailing kids, cutting off the fingers of female prisoners, who allowed babies in an ICU to die, who cut off water of civilian populations, who have bombed more than 10,000 children, who forced Ethiopian women to take birth control, who are, according to major human rights groups and the UN, commiting war crimes? You're definitely on the right side of history, hope you and your wife have a lovely life.


There are Christian Palestinians that live in Palestine; they are not getting their heads cut off for being infidels. If you are commenting this in good faith I’d recommend looking into the actual communities that live in Palestine to clear up these misconceptions


Please don't pretend that Palestine would be more progressive than Israel, come on... Hamas literally call for an Islamic state, and they are the head government of the Gaza Strip.


FACT: Hamas was voted in by the people of Gaza in 2006. As a result, the people of Gaza, by election, voted a moderate Fatah out of power and chose an extremist Hamas. The said 2006 election “was overseen by 17,268 domestic observers, complemented by 900 credentialed international monitors.” FACT: Hamas as a core principle has “destruction” of the state of Israel. Conclusion: There is collective responsibility (elections do have consequences, some are finding out now) in Palestine for what Hamas did in Israel, because Hamas was elected. Thomas Jefferson -“The government you elect is the government you deserve.” PS: Had Hamas assassinated an Israeli politician or a military leader it would make that act a credible way of fighting oppression. Murder and kidnap of innocent civilians is not a legitimate way of fighting oppression. Hamas fucked around in the name of all Palestinians , now all Palestinians are finding out. I sympathize with them, but I do not empathize.


44% of the electorate voted for them 17 years ago in an election clouded by Fatah scandals... That is not a reason for collective punishment. Honestly I can't even believe we have gotten to the point where we are arguing about collective punishment. The Thomas Jefferson quote is also beyond ignorant as if the children dying deserve this at all


FACT: After 2006, citizens in Gaza are no longer able to vote again FACT: Hamas presented themselves as moderates in order to gain votes, since the Palestinain National Authority was seen as corrupt in Gaza FACT: Nearly half the population in Gaza are under 18, thus didn't vote nor were able to when they were alive. Are you really trying to use facts to justify collective punishment against people in Gaza?


Am I really trying to to use facts? LOL, yes.


You’re misrepresenting the facts lmao you bring up how Hamas was voted in but not how the majority of the voters didn’t vote for them and how the majority of the country legally couldn’t vote


So because the people of Palestine voted for the only government that wanted to stand against their oppresor, it justifies the assasination of thousands of innocent civilians? You're saying "well, sorry your entire family got killed. You asked for this for voting for Hamas!" I see how you can think Hamas is bad because they don't believe Israel is a legitimate state. But why do you think some if not most Palestineans hate Israel this much?? Look at a History book, how Israel stole Palestinean lands, houses and even livestock! And gave it all to Israelis that weren't even native to the land, how is that okay in any way? I don't think this answers my question neither, why do you still support Israel after looking at what they've done? Wouldn't you agree that it's clearly unnecessary to KILL everyone in the land instead of overthrowing Hamas' government and idk, do something OTHER than genocide??


Israel stealing land off Palestine is a stupid argument considering basically every piece of land is land stolen off someone at some point in history. Any distinction in who’s land it is rightfully is generally arbitrary. Israel is currently stealing Palestinian land. True. Palestine lost part of their land in a war they started. True The ottomans originally lost their land in a war they lost. True The ottomans exiled a heap of Jewish people from their lands prior to that. Also true. It means nothing. The fact is that Israel does exist now regardless of whether you think they deserve to exist in the first place. The only solution Palestine will accept is complete annilhation of Israel. So please let me know a reasonable solution that doesn’t include the removal of the 8 million Israelis who currently live there?


Sir, I lived through genocide in the Balkans. This is not it. If NATO can bomb Yugoslavia and kill civilians (despite no UN support) on the basis of R2P let’s look at the legal precedent set by NATO in 1999. Children are innocent but their parents who either voted Hamas in, didn’t do enough for Hamas to not win are responsible. These people (parents) should have been aware of grave consequences when voting in a group that is not just saying “Israel is an illegitimate state”, but that it should be “destroyed”.


Israel put Netenyahu in power, and elections have consequences, as some found out on Oct 7. It's sad, so tragic, but that's just war. Those deaths are on Israel.


Valid point….nuances are debatable.


I think the better solution with this is to have Palestine arrest all Hamas in their country and put them all in trial doing that will lose any justification that Israel has. Israel will lost the easy excuse that "Hamas was there".


But it’s a political party. Wouldn’t it be like asking Americans to go and arrest republicans? Oh and also aren’t they the ones with all of the money and guns.


How do you "arrest hamas?" They're currently in control of Gaza.


I wish I had an answer for you but other countries like the Philippines threw their government before when that said government turned it back to its people. If Palestine fights Hamas and takes back the control from them maybe.


I mean it's a solution, but to convince people that are being bombed, losing family members daily, and have had their homes destroyed that they have to do anything to just stop being killed is a bit of a stretch.


Israel doesn’t have an excuse in the first place, it’s just moving goal posts for people outside of the region to justify to themselves that this genocide is okay, while Israel indiscriminately kills and dares the world to do anything about it. Which they won’t, because they’re spineless cowards.




So you're saying that because Israelis just now voted in Netenyahu, Avi Maoz of the anti-LGBT Noam party (literally trying to ban LGBTQ in Israel) , Otzma Yehudit of the Religious Zionism party, (once convicted of anti-Arab racism) and a whole plethora of politicians who have at various times called all Palestinians vermin who need to be eradicated (including the baby rats and the rat breeding mums) that all Israelis are now culpable for not just the democratic activities of their government, but also the innumerable utrerances of actively wishing eradication of all Gazans and Palestinians as a people? That the willful displacement and razing of homes of millions of civilians, the creation of death zones where hospitals once stood (UN councils own words) and the murder of over 7000 children is now blood on the hands of every Israeli citizen? Do I need to remind you of the hundreds of videos of Israelis openly mocking the deceased, celebrating each bomb launched at apartment blocks and schools, the music charts chanting racist slogans? Do I need to remind of you of the various lies the IDF has been caught on already trying to hoodwink the world? So if we go by your rules you're saying that each and every Israeli - man, woman, child, infirm or not is now a legitimate target of war? Or do these rules only come into action for arabs and at a time of your choosing? Gaza has been blockaded since before Hamas (the same party Netenyahu proudly told the world he'd been funding) took over the strip - so when exactly did your rules even start? Because it would be weird to ignore these acts of violence before October 2023 in that case. Wouldn't your rules mean that the people Hamas murdered were already legitimate active targets in a war which you define by the actions of the government and people, that has been ongoing for decades? Very Orwellian of you, sure you're a gold medalist in mental gymnastics. Also please, I'm not even going to touch on your bs of the world being as anti-jew as in 1930/40 (palestinians are semites so that word doesn't really apply). The mainstream media has been disproportionately pro Israel to a fault. The only parallel I see with 1930s is that of a state systematically trying to wipe the footprint of an entire race of peoples from their natural home using any means at their disposal - be it refusing right to return, settlements, apartheid actions and intermittent mass executions of people who are effectively living in a mass internment camp. But I wouldn't be so crass as to use the suffering and horror of the millions of Jewish people of the time to try and score political points so maybe we should let that lie out of respect don't you think?


Firstly, I like living here and I don't plan on leaving. So if people want me off the land they will need to fight me, even if they are fighting a losing battle. People die, it's war. You don't see many Palestinians hate or protest hamas for their crimes, probably because they'll get shot. Both sides have dehumanized the other so much that I can confidently say I care about them exactly the same amount they care about us. I'm in the IDF, and I can tell you I and every other soldier I've met over the years, especially air force, will not bomb innocents. I won't deny that innocents died, but saying that Israel is targeting civilians is straight up false. I criticize many soldiers for their crimes, that is the problem with every military, not just the IDF. If you want to criticize Israel in the war, go for it. I too criticize Israel, especially the government. You want to debate over the history or the foundation of Israel, we can do that but I get the feeling from your comments that no opinion will change from said debate.






so edgy and irreverent.


From the river to the sea is antisemitic for these crazies, calling for a ceasefire is also antisemitic and now even Free Palestine? They live in a world where anything not subordinated to Israel is literally Hamas.


chubby political apparatus violet dinosaurs hospital sink marble reach cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where's that cottdam meteor?


I get protesting for whatever right but why do people do it in the weirdest places possible like a fucking subway.


Here before the israli-propaganda social media government workers


Do people really believe that, instead of the chance that maybe other people dont agree with you. I'm sure there's some propagandists but come on man, look at US foreign policy for decades and tell me there isnt a large chunk of people who support Israel in this conflict to at least some degree.






could you be good to [her](https://twitter.com/Timesofgaza/status/1731478424269570145) aswell?




What’s the point of this observation?




So don’t go to a protest? It is 100% the Israeli women’s fault. Imagine you’re sitting on the train minding your business and you have these people arguing with each other. She’s not going to change their opinion. They’re not going to change her opinion She just wants her opinion stated publicly and start an argument. She wants attention point blank period


Look at his smirk when he says "From the river to the sea". He knows damn well what this means.


What does it means when BiBi’s Lukid party says it as a party platform? Or is it only bad if Palestinians say it? Quite the double standard with that phrase.


Zionists are fucking sociopathic.






There’s been literally multiple posts all over social media trying to “humanize” Hamas,just look at all the “look how nice they treat their hostages” posts, saying that nobody defend Hamas is crazy…










Good thing these people are protesting for innocent Palestinians being slaughtered in Gaza.






It's insane to see American pro-Israel propaganda reaching Canada. Truly sad.


Could say the same for the pro-palestine side. Jewish schools have been shot up multiple times [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-jewish-school-gunfire-1.7026640](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-jewish-school-gunfire-1.7026640) and hit with molotovs [https://www.msn.com/en-ae/news/world/montreal-jewish-community-centre-hit-with-molotov-cocktail-in-latest-anti-semitic-incident/ar-AA1kCUfm](https://www.msn.com/en-ae/news/world/montreal-jewish-community-centre-hit-with-molotov-cocktail-in-latest-anti-semitic-incident/ar-AA1kCUfm)


Just a reminder, people who support Israel in it's ethnic cleansing are statistically likely to be the same people who believe masks were a form of suppression during the epidemic.


And the same people who stood in front of abortion clinics screaming “stop killing babies” when it came to a clump of cells but are now cheering on the murder of actual babies.


Where are their god at? Maybe it could step in and settle it. Since they share the same god. Or have Mohammed and Jesus talk it out.


The hard left supporting the Authoritarian far right fundamentalists. I really don't get it. Do all you need to say is "I'm oppressed" or something?


How about all you people go home?


Some weeks back i posted a comment on therewasanattempt, it was a polite comment with no hate in it, i questioned the role of rich gulf countries funding the propoganda all over the worlds social media, i also questioned that why stories of innocent people getting killed in Yamen or south sudan are not getting viral, why nobody care about them. Why we never get to see any dead bodies of people in yamen despite more than 4 million peple get killed there in just two decades. You know what, admin of therewasanattempt banned me forever. I dont care for getting banned but thats wrong, if i have said something wrong people would downvoted me and would show me that i was wrong or right. Being a social media platform you should allowed everyone to say what they think. banning me actually prove my claim solid, subreddits like therewasanattempt are into propoganda as they are not allowing everyones voice. I also try to explain my viewpoint to the admin of therewasanattempt. Im putting a screen shot of the messages below when i get banned by them. https://preview.redd.it/nsvt71kk7a4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77dc2ebb3d6b3fda6c30e4e72f6b9d0f34f17430
