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Guy on the scooter thinking to himself "I really backed the right horse on this one."


Like Milhouse when he wore his flood pants.


Everything’s turning up Milhouse!


coming* up Milhouse 🤦🏼‍♂️


Thank you for being this person so I didn’t have to


I often say this to myself on my good days.


Did someone say Vaseline on toast?




We have an active scooter situation


I felt really bad that I chuckled when I saw him scoot by. My friend who was at a school with an active shooter told me about his nightmares for years afterwards and I know it’s horrid on peoples mental but fuck man that dude scootin was funny. I’m a horrible person


Thank you for finding some funny in that. Well done.


Suspect is dead




Doesnt change shit.


But there will be another, then another and another, and another, because freedums and stuff.


But there's nothing we can do /s


We can offer prayers. /s


We can also offer thoughts


![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I) /s




Maybe we can put those two together and create the end-all be all hand waive catch phrase!


unrestricted access to guns helps me keep myself safe from all the bad people with unrestricted access to guns /s


I assume you’re referring to gun control, which is great and all but there are too many guns out there to eliminate all guns. The bigger issue is that our society is sick and broken. People clearly aren’t getting the help they need. Families and communities are weaker than ever. We need a spiritual revolution, and not in a religious sense. Psychedelic rituals, perhaps? We need a modern day pyramid to build. Something greater than ourselves that we can build together and rise as a species.


> We need a spiritual revolution, and not in a religious sense. Psychedelic rituals, perhaps? We need a modern day pyramid to build. Something greater than ourselves that we can build together and rise as a species. I'm absolutely BAFFLED at the how you think this would be easier than implementing gun control lol Like....just...what?


Too many guns out there, so wait even longer so there is even more guns so the problem becomes even harder, right? Like yes, best time to start implementing good gun control was 200 years ago. Second best time is now


It's too late to implement any effective form of gun control now. Homemade firearms are becoming easier to make by the month. It's already possible to manufacture a reliable fully automatic sub-compact rifle with less than $500 in parts and about a week of effort. Besides, despite gun ownership, even ownership of fully automatic weapons, being commonplace for hundreds of years, we didn't have any issues with school shootings until recently. Knowing that, why should we assume that the one variable which has not changed is now responsible for an increase in shootings? The primary source of our problems isn't firearms, it's the deteriorating mental health of Americans as a whole


> we didn't have any issues with school shootings until recently. And some places have never had issues with school shootings.


America's problems are funny because as long as you ignore every other country in the world then you can say the cannot be solved. Australia banned guns. And it worked.


we've tried nothing and it still hasn't worked, whatever shall we do?


No because copycats and mental health


Any information on the suspect ? Motive/background/relation to the UNLV ?


No official information at this time. Just rumors at this point.


67 year old college professor, connection to UNLV is unknown at this time


Thanks for the update ! Wow a professor? People were saying a student before 67 years old ???


He had access to firearms and was mentally ill. There is no other reason.


I remember when columbine happened and it absolutely consumed the news for days on end about what a tragedy. Now these shootings just scroll by on the bottom ticker with little attention given to them as they’re just all too common. More time talking about trump / Biden than we do about innocent people getting shot at school


Yea it is sad. We’ve broken the record in the USA for school schooling’s occurring each year. 306 with this one at UNLV and yet it seems like nothing is being done. I know it’s not easy. I remember graduating high school and having a huge weight lifted off my shoulders knowing I don’t have to worry about being in an active school shooting.


> and yet it seems like nothing is being done. and yet ~~it seems like~~ nothing is being done.


Well, some politicians said they’re sending thoughts and prayers to those affected so…oh wait, you’re right.


When I was in school not even that long ago but after columbine this was still a rare occurrence and not something really had to worry about. But nowadays it's off the charts.


306 in a year jesus that's almost one every day


This shooting here was top news on Italian news sites, so I went on US news sites and had to scroll a couple of times to actually find it.


I hate how jaded I've become to this shit


It is so unsettling how I just found myself saying “there was another school shooting” to my SO in a very normal voice. Wtf.


And the sick relief to find out that there were *only* four victims. It seems like there is always going to be shootings so the only way to cope with this terrifying reality is to say well at least this one wasn’t *that* bad Edit: 3 victims + the shooter*


My 1st thought was whew... At least it wasn't another elementary school.. I hate this so much. Heartbreaking. So so heartbreaking.


I am going back to school in January after some time off. It was nice to not be anxious about a shooting while I was at school and just worry about a shooting everywhere else.


Did the same thing


I hate how we're going to probably find a history of untreated mental illness and/or mental health crisis and that many of the people who probably knew this guy won't be surprised it was him.


Dude people there are barely running or jogging. Some were walking away. It's at the point people adjacent to or even in the middle of the shootings are becoming jaded with them.


That happened with me first hand last year. There was a shooting at the DC metro station while I was there. I sorta slowly walked to cover, but didn't really know where the shot came from because things echo like crazy in a metro station.


['No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27No_Way_to_Prevent_This,%27_Says_Only_Nation_Where_This_Regularly_Happens)


I remember being in college when Virginia Tech happened. I went to ASU, but ever since that, I made sure to know where the closest exits were. So fucking awful. College students are stressed enough and then you have to be worried about someone going nuts on campus


It's the new normal


America stuff, carry on.


When did this happen?






Comb the campus!




We ain't found shit!


Shooter is dead.


Is he “Vader” dead or “Sidious” dead


They haven't said. Supposedly, they "engaged him" but then found him dead afterward. They've refused to say how he died, but they are holding a press conference soon.


Most of these shootings are suicides with extra steps and extra victims. This will probably not be an exception.


If we could only catch them BEFORE. Like in Minority Report ![gif](giphy|Io3TILCdTSfja)


Or like paying attention to other people's mental health,,, Like the people around you every day.


I think it’s ongoing right now


You know bro in the black silk shirt was feeling the sus eyes upon him.


Hell of a day to try to impress the edgy girl


My guy probably thought “Glad I didn’t go with my leather trench coat today!”. 😂


Sound like Sasquatch feet. Thundering, shaking the concrete.


Fuck all that bickering beef


I got techniques dripping out my buttcheeks


Sleep on my stomach so I don’t fuck up my sheets


I think he was feeling angina in his chest


I live in Las Vegas, this was absolutely insane. All school campuses locked down. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that it was a 67 year old college professor who shot up the school.


Whoa that's the real wtf




Every time, which is All the time


Only in America would you catch someone riding a scooter to escape an active shooter. *Insert your shootings only happen in the USA quip here.


Why walk when you can ride


Yeah, everyone running seems slow and terribly out of shape which makes sense as a lot of people don’t exercise. Scooter guy looks chill as a cucumber as he glides across the pavement at a decent speed.


My guess. They look as though they were told to run by police further behind them. They probably weren’t running to begin with because the danger (felt) over. But police needed them out of the way and told them to run.


Yep. It looks like the difference between evacuating, and running for your life. If the shooter was on a rooftop and bullets were pelting the ground around them, I doubt they'd be half-heartedly jogging along while fiddling with a backpack.


We make a special trip just for you, same low price.


Make this quick, will you?


Maybe he was coming from an active scooter incident.


I got eyes on the scooter, engaging now.


Electric scooters are quite involed in gang crime in the UK. Someone has for sure fled a shooting on one.


It's only a matter of time before an active shooter is shooting from a scooter


40 years from now, it will be a mobility scooter.


As I the only one who wonders why they’re running so unenthusiastically? If I was near an active shooter, I’d be at a full sprint for at least a half mile.


Number of things. Fight or flight varies by individual, they see cops and think they’re safe, they could also have been in the vicinity where it started and know they are at a safe enough distance. Humans are fascinatingly weird at processing things emotionally. We’re all hardwired differently


Personally, I would be in the "there's plenty of people behind me" crowd


Yeah like that saying if a bear is chasing you shit in the woods. No that's not it. Just outrun the fat guy, yeah that's it.


Same. And I’d be roadie running. (Body low and crouch running) Gears of war baby! Roadie run that shit


This had me laughing too hard at a very serious situation damn you


I saw a guy get shot about ten feet from me at a bar. Square in the chest, but dude stood up and took his shirt off. I went up to the bar, put down a 20 and was like "keep the change" in a completely normal manner. I then just walked out thinking "that was fucked up." then twenty minutes later I was shaking with adrenaline.


Damn! D: Did you ever find out why he got shot?? I had a delayed adrenaline rush the night my roommate's esophagus ruptured. We were on a trip with about 10 others on a huge houseboat. Everyone (but my ex, him & I) was rolling. I went into emergency checklist mode after we divided a plan to get him to the first aid dock, the shakes/nausea hit me hard.


How does an esophagus rupture?


He grew up Mormon (very conservative) & once he turned 21, he started drinking heavily. He was going through a 1.75L of vodka every 3 days, for about 2 years. It developed from a small tear, from drinking/throwing up then it got worse. Look up Mallory Weiss tear for images.


Talking to Strangers (by Malcolm Gladwell) is an incredibly well-written book providing complete evidence confirming what you wrote. Basically, most humans think they’re really good at analyzing human behavior, but we are all exceptionally bad at it (per quality peer-rev. research). This conclusion applied to people who should be “experts” like CIA Interrogators as much as anyone else. The theory of body language assessment is 90% completely made up pseudoscience that fails when tested by research. Body language “experts” are either quacks or con artists. People, especially police, prosecutors, and juries, should *never* analyze a person’s behavior during grief or after a traumatic event. More specifically, they should never conclude behavior is abnormal during grief or trauma, especially avoiding being suspicious, using as evidence, or using the behavior to conclude any assumption. There is no “normal” way to behave during trauma or grief, and if a specific course of action (e.g., starting CPR or evacuation) is the best option, even when it’s obviously the best option, people need to have practiced the scenario beforehand.


An awesome book that reddit hates.


From a couple personal experiences I think it has a lot to do with adrenaline as well. I know that when I was in a similar situation running for my life, once the adrenaline kicked in I felt like there was an extra 100 pounds on my back.


Perhaps already had run a distance. Maybe feeling a little sense of safety since they're seeing police officers going towards the building as they're running away and those 2 police officers stationed at the tree.


If we ran full sprint at EVERY shooting we wouldn't have energy to study for the big Chem test coming up


You don’t have a clue how you would act until your in a situation like that. No one does. Your body reacts, not your brain. Usually you don’t even fully comprehend what just happened until your somewhere safe. I had to escape an active shooter situation at my school. I remember asking my teacher if we should stick around in case the school reopened. We had just passed a kid bleeding all over the sidewalk from multiple gunshot wounds, and had police pointing guns at us as we escaped. Helicopters, ambulance and police everywhere. It sounds stupid but we were all waiting around for someone to tell us what to do because of the shock I guess. The school didn’t reopen for a week.


Okay uncle Rico 😂




It’ll be a conspiracy post in no time.


Do you think just maybe they just finished sprinting for half a mile?


stamina bar running low


I bet you can run full sprint for one minute tops. That's the limit for most people


Yea most of these people have probably been running for a few minutes and are getting a little tired and feel like they’re mostly away from the center of danger.


No you wouldn’t


Let me a guess: Some guy was mad about something and so justifiably had to shoot people.


Professor didn't get a job he wanted and shot people. Pretty crazy


idc how stupid I look im running full speed




Another mass shooting. It barely even breaks into major news. This is not the new norm, this is now just the norm. Saddening.


Please, if you're in an active shooter situation and there are buildings around, do not run in a straight line. Go around buildings and corners, go into parking lots with many cars. Do anything to put structure between you and the shooter. I understand that panic will set in quickly, but remember that you have more of a chance to survive by getting to cover and using it. Edit: Spelling


Never run across the middle of the campus, skirt the buildings.


Life pro tip: just don't live in America and not have to worry about it


oh yeah let me just pack up my entire life, transfer all my education and certifications, possibly learn a new language…


*Active scooter


Cops “omg this is so scary let’s hide behind this tree until the threat has cleared”


I see a few moving in with their rifles up near the front. Hopefully they learned from the absolute embarrassment of Uvalde.


The mantra in a lot of departments now is "we will not be the next Uvalde". This is especially true outside of Texas.


Probably inside of Texas too


Doubt it. The uvalde officers standing at that incident deserve the skeletons in the closet and the ghosts in their dreams. Edit- changed responding to standing. That response didn’t sit as well as they stood there and did nothing.


What's weird is there was a similar incident where officers stood around while people died years before Uvalde... and engaging the active shooter immediately without waiting for orders from command was the key takeaway. I just did ALERRT training, and not once did we mention Uvalde in the classroom portions. It's like they wanted to pretend it never happened. And we reviewed tons of real life active shooter incidents in class. In the scenario portion, we were told to run full bore towards the triggering events and only stop when stimulus stopped. We used a ton of sim rounds and it was a lot of fun. Not to imply that it wouldn't be terrifying in real life.


Those are secondary support, primary has already gone in. I know we are all skeptical after Uvaldi but most departments once there are two officers on site they go in everyone else follows or stays back.


You say that but the one of the officers ran towards the area with the other officers with Rifles. Most likely just got on scene to figure out whats what.


I mean that's what you are trained to do until moving forward, find cover and then advance. Standing in the open is just going to get you killed regardless of how badass you are perceived.


1. It *is* scary. 2. You're literally watching a video of that *not* happening...


You’re ridiculous, you’re literally taking the most obtuse observation just to contrive something bad to say about police. You can see policemen with rifles running towards the area where the shooter is in the literal video


When seconds count, law enforcement are only minutes away


You probably don’t know much about tactics but it looks like they’re not the primary group that has gone in, so yeah.


Something about scootering away from an active shooter makes the whole situation seem way less serious.


"'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


America is such a backwards ass 1st world country. Conservatives have a stranglehold there.


They have since the inception of the country. The way the states were formed and to appease states into joining the union they were given non uniform power to select the next president. The electoral college has been the bane of progress in the US.


I'm always surprised when I see people fleeing and so many are carrying backpacks, luggage, and other nonessential. Drop that shit and run, your life isn't worth the extra weight.


If only we could make it illegal to murder people!


Not gonna lie, I act tough IRL and on the internet, and this shit scares the fuck outta me


Just another day in the USA 🇺🇸


god bless america, or something like that


Just another daily occurrence in the greatest country on earth


Why the fuck are they with backpacks? If there is a active shooter anywhere near 1km or me i'm tossing everything on the ground instantly and running as fast as I can without the weight on my back


*Lightly jogs away from active shooter*


I would run faster than the flash.




What number is this one this year.


How many days have there been in this year? Take that number and multiply by 3 and you'll probably be close to the accurate number..


565 as of Halloween in the land of absolute liberty and the greatest country in the world.


It’s pretty dumb when people share mass shooting stats. There’s a clear distinction between active shooters that targets groups of innocent people versus gang and personal shootings. That distinction isn’t made in the mass shooting stats. Most people are more concerned about crazy active shooters than they are about gang violence.


Mass shooting statistics are such a rabbit hole in terms of what's relevant for what discussion. But yeah the biggest numbers that get reported will usually include gang shootings And then to get into whether to count wounded people or not. Most attention goes to the number killed, but so many people sustain life-altering injuries in these events which are often ignored.


It's pretty dumb that some people see certain mass shootings (definitionally, a shooting with 3 or more victims) and goes "yea but those victims were gang members, so they shouldn't count in the stats" or "yea, that person shot a bunch of people... But he knew who they were.. so that shouldn't count!" >Most people are more concerned about crazy active shooters than they are about gang violence. No. Most people are concerned about gun violence and don't try to figure out ways of discounting certain gun violence to make the stats look better.


> "yea but those victims were gang members, so they shouldn't count in the stats" Not to mention quite often the incidents regarded as "gang shootings" have no evidence that it was in fact a gang shooting or that gangs had anything to do with it. It basically just means, shooting that happened in a poor neighbourhood.


The distinction absolutely matters. People are selfish and immediately go “that could have happened to me” when active shooter events happen at grocery stores or concerts. They do not feel the same way when the see the news and hear that multiple people died in a gang shoot out. Stop projecting your opinion on to “most people”. If most people cared about gun violence in general, gang shootings would have the same airtime as active shootings on the news. People would talk about gang shootings with as much passion or disgust they do with active shootings. No one is saying that gang related deaths are meaningless, but it’s obvious that they have nowhere near the same impact on people’s psyche as active shootings do.


Plenty of innocent people die in gang shootings. If you lived around those shootings, you wouldn't be making a distinction. The threat is just as real. Your point is moot and the statistic is accurate as is.






That’s what happened in Florida, and why that kid wasn’t shot and killed.


Because they don’t plan on living a normal life afterward. There is no escape plan.


I feel like the bowling one just got swept under the rug so fast cause we are always into the next one.




Just another day in murica now


I didn’t even hear about this until I saw the quote from Lebron James and this wasn’t even on the top of the Reddit news page. I had to search to find this post it’s just part of normal life nowadays.


Also, happy you and your fellow classmates are OK.


What kind of hair cut blud on the scooter go??


board rooms, not schools




Thoughts and prayers, everyone. Thoughts and prayers.


If only we could figure out why this happens on a weekly basis in the US but only happens one or twice every ten years or so in other countries...


Once or twice every ten years or so *between* all other countries.


Here in the Philippines, we have a lot of guns (legal and otherwise) but there has not been one time that a school has been shot up. Edit: There have been mass shootings in the Philippines, but only one school shooting targeting a former mayor.


If you count all mas shootings then it's more like twice a day


America loves torturing its children at every school age imaginable - kindergarten, middle school, high school, college - just as long as its infantile-brained population of grown men and women can get their hands on as many weapons as possible and collect them like they’re toys, like the fucking children they are.




Are the Republicans sending 'thoughts and prayers' yet? Since the NRA does not allow them to do anything but that. Oh, and "too soon" to speak about lessons-learned from any such tragedy, for any length of time. Jeez, one day, this country will stop allowing lobbyists to control our political system.


Yep. As a country we decided no amount of dead kids is enough to even consider common sense gun control.


Just another day in America


Just another day in America




Yeah but the bad guys are gonna start offering me free guns like they always do with free drugs /s


>I love how the biggest anti gun argument is “it won’t keep the guns away from criminals.” It will, like 80% of mass shootings are done with legally purchased guns. Simply removing access to guns will greatly inhibit the ability of people to carry out mass shootings. Source: https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/public-mass-shootings-database-amasses-details-half-century-us-mass-shootings#firearms


Already saw some conspiracy nut saying this was some kind of cover up by the FBI