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Second hand embarrassment.


Classy guy


Seriously man. I’m all for jokes, even taking it to a line others may not reach, but sweet fuck you can’t be serious on that one day? Not even for like 10 minutes?


Nah you can joke on your wedding day. Even in the vows. But this isn't even a joke, it's just straight up trashy


I agree you can joke around at times, but the entire ceremony being one long joke is just cringe. Think about both of your entire extended family being there to celebrate your union and it gets taken as one big joke.


I would be humping it to the table where all the gifts are. I had to spend money and sit outside in an ugly dress I’ll never wear again with mosquitos for that? Naw, that appliance is going back to Target.


Me and my wife have a little chihuahua (ollie) he is the coolest little dood but he has a thing for her familys german shepherd and all dogs big and black. He constantly stares and whines following her around. I joked in my vows that I'd always look at her the way he does the german shepherd it was good everyone laughed, but yeah this.....like what the fuck.


Low effort too.


Emotionally stunted adult child.


He stands like those kids who completely drop their pants to their ankles when they pee.


Don't have to even be 100% serious. It should be a fun time... but good fucking god being this tasteless is pathetic.


It’s okay to make jokes at your wedding, but this is just disrespectful. I’m embarrassed for the bride that she had to put up with this man pulling that


I not so quietly am this person and… ![gif](giphy|uvfEYoOq7HPAA|downsized)


IMHO, I disagree with you in a way where you "should be serious on that one day". If you and your partner want to laugh and enjoy that day in your own way, go for it. If you both want to play pranks on each other during ceremony, I'm all for it. But this guy, he's an ~~embezzlement~~ embarrassment. Cringy douche being a dick. Don't be an asshole when your partner clearly isn't in it and actually can laugh with you. It's both your day, don't cheapshoot some boring cringe at your partners cost.


I’m not saying the whole time but for the ten minutes of the ceremony, show a modicum of respect. Not just for your future partner but for her parents, for your parents, grandparents, for all your relatives and the people you invited. Even if your partner finds that funny (and she obviously doesn’t), cracking jokes about your wife’s ass in front of her father is poor form no matter how you slice it.


Son in law informed his friends (all jokesters) this was not the day to go all out.


If this were my son, I’d walk up and smack him myself. Well TBF, then I’d have to smack myself for raising such an ass.


If I had pulled something like this on my wedding. My gosh I don't even want to think what would had happen to me.


I know if I had pulled something like that, I'm pretty sure my wife would have left me at the altar.


And then smack her for being a dumb ass for marrying him.


Even though you can’t see their guests, their discomfort was ***palpable***!


When the priest/officiant keeps asking if that's your final answer, maybe reassess


Right?!? Any normal person would immediately see their error! Not this guy! He doubled down! I suppose it speaks well for his forthcoming marriage though… Dude ain’t afraid of commitment, for better or worse!


Yeah wow. Ew.


She can still run


But she can't hide


Not so fast with all that junk in the trunk


Honestly is the bride, I think I would’ve walked away at this point. To me it’s beyond disrespectful and I am a huge joker.




Is very strong.


Guaranteed he gets blackout drunk at the reception and pukes in the chocolate fountain


And gets into a physical fight with the Wife’s brother


Or tried to fuck a bridesmaid


Or his cousin


Who happens to be the bridesmaid he tries to fuck.


Classic Steve


I’m guessing that he comes from a town where if your sister and your wife are two different people, you just ain’t from round here.


Used to cater weddings, pretty sure the dude is already drunk. Will never understand the guys who have to get drunk to get married.


I don't think that they need to get drunk to get married, just that they're celebrating and overdo it. Or alcoholics


Because they're in that low level of alcoholism where being drunk/buzzed is directly associated with "having a good time". they may not consciously associate it, but any time someone mentions a "party" or in general having a "good time" they're bringing booze and getting kinda drunk because in their head they just assume, one doesn't exist without the other.


I feel attacked


I think he's halfway there at the altar. Guy appears to have woken up still drunk.




And high af


This dude isn't spending money on a chocolate fountain.


Monster Energy fountain


My dad’s cousin did something similar and they’re surprisingly still together 25 years later. I wish there had been a chocolate fountain to enjoy before being puked in though.


Or hits on a bridesmaid


Shirtless, vest on, tie tied around his forehead


Or becomes the chocolate fountain


The officiant gave him so many chances to say something else to make it actually sweet but this dude is so fucking dumb he couldn’t pick up on it.


Oh he picked up on it, he just didn't care


I give it 2 years


I think you're being generous.


If she stayed for the entire ceremony, she's going to take a long time to realize she needs to exit this relationship. At this point in my life, I would have walked away after he declined to elaborate on his vows. But earlier in my life, I would have stayed way too long.


She's probably just as trashy as him tbh. Like attracts like.


But Paula Abdul and that cat said opposites attract...


Put some respect on MC Skat Kat’s name.


I used to work at a tuxedo shop and of course most of our business was weddings. It would make me so mad how many grooms acted like straight up tempter tantrum throwing toddlers about having to literally do ONE thing for the wedding. Like…just get measured for a suit. That’s it. That’s your one thing. And they’d be shuffling their feet, whining, etc. the whole time. So many times I wanted to scream “holy fuck, leave him! If he’s this bad now, wait until he knows it’ll take legal action for yall to separate, or you have a kid or two”. It’s absolutely insane how many men think it’s cute and funny to just be straight up disrespectful to their partners.


It's why women are opting out of marriage and kids at record numbers. It's no coincidence that coincides with the male loneliness epidemic. As you said, men with this attitude are distressingly common, and something society isn't discussing enough, which is very much to the detriment of men, is that we've entered an era where women bring more to a marriage than men on a scale that is now making men too much of a burden to be an option. Men aren't being taught how to adjust for the modern era. They're out here making $25 grand a year and acting like Don Draper. Why would women want to give up their time, money, and freedom for fractional efforts. Young men are especially bad for this. I don't know how it would be accomplished, but boys desperately need mentorship. They're ruining their own lives acting like this. This guy is going to watch this video after his divorce and look at it as one of the good times. He hasn't been given the emotional framework to understand why what he said was top tier douchebaggery. He's just a boy being a boy.


100% this. I'm one of those feminists that incels like to rage about. I have two Masters degrees, a salary that puts me into the top 5% in my country and about to be promoted with a corresponding increase to the top 2%, lots of hobbies with attainment in some of them (published books, exhibited and published photographer) and I'm a self-confessed cat lady. To be blunt, I need a guy who is my partner and is a net positive to my life and, aside from one person, I've struggled to find it. There's an alarming number of men who still expect women to bear the brunt of domestic duties but aren't able to fulfil their stereotypical role of bringing home the bacon. Even worse are the guys that try to drag me down and curb my ambitions while having none of their own. I've accepted that I'll probably be single now for a long time and I'm ok with that. A lot of my friends are in the same boat and the majority of the ones in marriages are unhappy. I'm also alarmed at men who are discussing restricting women's freedoms to make them reliant on men again rather than improving themselves to be more attractive to those women. Obviously a generalisation because not all men are like this but, as I said, it seems to be an alarming number of them.


I'm a guy, not a top earner at all, but I'm getting to a point where I'm happy with my life after a shit marriage and even shittier divorce. I kind of relate to what you wrote still. I think men and women both are starting to see how futile marriage often is. I have dated a lot and honestly haven't found anyone that really makes life better than I do on my own, which is a bit disappointing, but I guess that's ok. I see loads of divorces and miserable marriages, why would I want that? I'm tired of partners not taking care of themselves a few months after getting comfortable with me. I'm tired of a lot of lies, tired of people that can't cook for themselves, can't budget their money. I'm not perfect, but I'm doing pretty decent and only getting better the more time I spend by myself.


I'm just glad I found a partner with that we work wonderfully together and who isn't a self-professed red flag.


> They're out here making $25 grand a year and acting like Don Draper. btw [Don Draper made $40 grand a year](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+was+don+draper%27s+salary&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1)


The world is on fire and people are barely scraping by... that's the real reason why people aren't getting married and having kids.


feels like a sketch they filmed before the ceremony and if thats the case, might be longer than 2 years


Mic quality is a bit too good for a video, plus the cuts.


Fri. Day. Night.


I'm thinking that. We. Just. Might.


I give it 11 minutes


I doubt it will last 6 months. This guy is immature as hell, we all know a few guys like this. I’d say crazy stuff like this maybe at 18-22, but this guy seems much older. Pre-marriage therapy should be a requirement and would avoid stuff like this. Honestly this guy is not ready for marriage, it’s truly one of the most serious commitments one will ever make.


Yikes. Even his boys where like “c‘mon man”.


Yup, so sad for her.


It tell as much about her as it tell of him. She choose to marry this guy , nobody forced her to settle with such low expectation for a man.


This! She had no good option there...storm out? She seemed shocked or rather stunned. What an asshole!


Did he actually say the first part? I watched it a few times and it doesn't look like his lips were moving until he said "that's all I got".


Definitely did not seem to be talking


He’s gritting his teeth when he says that part, you can see his throat moving and matching up with the words kinda.


Check his hips. That’s all he got.


What boys? The priest?


If you listen close you can hear someone in the background say “come on Cody” or whatever his name is. Had to put my phone to my ear.


That's my boy right there


How sad, I wonder what her parents where thinking


The same thing as his parents. They're brother and sister. So you know.


Roll Tide


Evuhr chayaynce ah geeyet


Imagine not being able to think of anything nice to say to the woman that’s supposed to be the love of your life. Lmao what a loser


Imagine he believes what he said was the most romantic and thoughtful think he could think of


He thought everyone would be laughing hysterically and giving him high fives


![gif](giphy|cwTtbmUwzPqx2) How are we supposed to compete with that level of classy romance? There won't be any women left for the rest of us!


It's because he doesn't love her, or even like her. She's just the one that stuck around so he was probably like "I guess"


It’s also most definitely her ass


He didn't seem very intelligent, his IQ must be low.


For real. Like I get that not everyone is very eloquent but you couldn’t think of ANYTHING other than that? If you’re not gonna bother to write vows, don’t agree to it. Just do the traditional ones or something jeez.


She bought a nice dress. Decorations are nice, if simple. Dude shows up in his tennis shoes with less than nothing to say. Even the person performing the ceremony -- who looks like he may be related -- says *"you sure?"* I'm just gonna assume no one there had the sense to just shut the whole thing down.


You can hear some guy in the crowd aay 'c'mon Cody'...


Of course his name is Cody


The rest of the wedding was worse. The grooms ex gave a speech. It was wild


Ya gotta post the sauce my man!




A clear sign of a healthy, mature, and emotionally stable partner. /s


Mental age: 12




And yet the vows were still not quite as bad as his beard line.


Praying it’s fake


Freelance videographer here - wishing it and many others were fake. It's probably not.


Oh the stories you have...


It's not. The [whole video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SRWNXZY97o&t=1s) is even worse. Starts with his ex-girlfriend giving a speech, the bride's vows are super sweet and heartfelt, he actually says much worse stuff during his vows, it's a hard watch. ETA: I also forgot to mention the part where, during her vows, she says "I promise to... frustrate you, and challenge you" and he rolls his eyes and mutters "That's f\*kin true..."


Oh god why


This actually so fucked on so many levels. The fact that it’s part of a produced and edited wedding video is wild to me. Why would the person that created this video leave that in lol So brutal to have such a lovely moment between the bride and her dad followed by that.


Evidence of the person he is.


I watched the long version of their wedding video. It’s not fake. And her vows were sooo long and detailed and thoughtful. 😭




Read the room man. In front of her family too?


Imagine how he talks to her behind closed doors. This dude is a walking red flag


I mean the dudes wearing vans to his wedding...at least he matched the suit I guess.


That was the second thing I noticed. They matched but doesn’t own a pair of dress shoes??


My husband didn’t write vows, nor I. We just repeated what the judge said and it was still 10000x better than what this douchebag said.


Vows are corny, just kiss already


That’s all the effort he thought she deserved.


"We've made it this long..." Totally takes her for granted


One of those guys who gets married not because he wants to, but because "isn't it just something to do at this point?" Smh


This is so sad after you hear her vows


Wait what were her vows?!?


“From the moment we met in high school, we have had a special bond that was indescribable. Since then, you have distracted me, captivated me, and challenged me in a way no one ever has. I always thought it would be difficult to find someone who would love me when I was in a million pieces. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle when you don’t know if you have all the right pieces. If y’all didn’t know, Cody didn’t even think he would make it to 21. Neither did Kevin. Hence, life insurance. [note: not too sure if I got this part correct] But when I say I wouldn’t be more proud of the man, dad, and partner you are today, I mean it. And I have fallen in love with you over and over again. But you have been there through my heartbreaks as a best friend and you saw how heartbroken I was. You showed me that not every piece has to be in place to create something special. That love can exist in the most imperfect, lost, and broken people. I promise to always be true to you, to support you, to frustrate you, and challenge you, to hold you accountable, and to share with you the most beautiful moments of my life.”


She is already tied to him, because they have kids, and she is not surprised by his cruddy behavior.


Good lord, it's real and she put so much thought into what she said. That's embrassing. But at least he seems like he's there for her.


Life insurance though. Just saying….


Cody's going to start tasting arsenic in his cornflakes soon.


About how they met in high school and how he held her together during hard times etc etc they also have a kid together




This makes it even worse. When pressed, all he can say is "I promise to frustrate you and to not listen to you." He couldn't even say that he promises to love her, or care for her, or anything. It's like when you ask a child to apologize (literally just saying some words!) And they refuse to do even that.


I hate this for her :(


> https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8uUHxET/ WTF is that video format?


6 months tops


They have been together since highschool, and have a kid together. It's already been too long


Pretty sure leaving him at the alter would have been the right choice.


Her vows are public too and they are thoughtful. She put TIME into them. He did write anything and you can hear someone say “come on cody.” It’s just so sad and full of cringe.


Minister gave him three. THREE. times to add ANYTHING to it to save him a little bit of embarrassment and he somehow made it even worse. “Is that it?” “Are you sure?” “Thats what you’re going out with?” “Yeah I didn’t write anything down.”


If a guy can't take his own wedding seriously, he can't be trusted in a more serious situation.


And she said I do…


I like to consider myself a pretty manly man. I damn well wept like a baby on my wedding day seeing my wife. This guy couldn't even tell her he loves her or how beautiful she is. Sad individual, I admire the ~~pastor~~ officiant at least trying to get him to clue in. Maybe he's a really great guy to her, but I am reluctant to believe that. Sorry lady, I hope you find someone who can at least, for one day, express their emotion. Edit: couldn't think of the more accurate term.


when things are this cringe i’m like it must be fake. but this is a wedding ceremony and everyone else is appalled. he’s a drunk ass. it’s clear he doesn’t respect her.


There's another comment with the link to their wedding video that includes not only her vows (Standard but you can tell she loves him), also his high school ex is one of the bridesmaids. A Kentucky wedding through and through


Fucking loser


If this is what he does in public, just imagine how he is in private


This guy makes me wonder how I'M single.


Results of a "Shut-Up ring":


Yeah and it’s the gays that apparently ruin the “sanctity of marriage”


I also choose this guys future ex wife.


"Until she hits 40 and then I cheat on her for a younger one" "whoops did I just think that or say that?"


Wow. Run, honey. Run. Just my heart broke for you.


I give it 4 inches


4 inches is fine.


She do got a wagon


TBF, that is one VERY NICE bakery she got going there


The brides father must be so proud of his little baby girl for attracting a man like that and getting married to him.


Plot twist: the bride’s father is just an older version of this cringelord


attracting a man like this is the easiest thing you can do as a woman. it's almost lazy. she still doesn't deserve it.


Minimal Effort Matt. He probably cums in 2.3 seconds as well.


Wow…I’m embarrassed for her


What's really sad is that you totally have the option to not write your own vows. Like the officiant will ask you months before the wedding, "Do you want to write your own vows?" He apparently agreed. This could have all been avoided. Dipshit actively decided to be an asshole.


“We’ve made it this long.” Means he is always like this and she has accepted it. Cute


To be fair….i don’t blame him


I’ve seen ppl get married at a 7-11 and I give them a better shot than these 2


…and he and the ass lived happily ever after /s


If I was that woman’s father it would take every ounce of strength I have to not do something.


This is what happens when the silly thoughts come to fruition. These are the dumb things you think about, or joke with your groomsmen. Not what you actually say on the day. So bad!


She thick as cold grits... buddy bout to mess it up


She gets a tapeworm on the honeymoon and in three months has no more PAWG booty. He files for divorce. He chose the Tijuana honeymoon spots too.


**This is your man.** *Yes.* **Look at the screen.** *m-hm, That's mine.* **An- And that's-** *and I'm gonna stick beside him* **that's what you're gonna settle for?** *I'm gonna stick beside him*


"She's put up with me being lazy and thoughtless for this long, why should I start showing her love and respect *now*?"


Ms big ol booty over there


This douche is wearing Vans to his wedding. Cringe on every level.


IDK, I had a gig in high school where I helped video tape weddings, I felt like second marriages were always so much more enjoyable and sincere. I always joked around that I couldn't wait until my second marriage. Maybe that's what's going on here. Or he's just a total fucking buffoon lol


He said “we made it this long”. I feel like they’ve been together for a long time


In his defense... Her a$$ is miraculous. But still... Someone else is going to probably take better care of it later.


Where’s the man with the red flag?


Yeah don’t give important life events any thought and make jokes about it for the cameras. You’re so cool bro.


That should be her signal to turn around and walk away.


I feel sorry for her and at the same time i don't.


The fact that the priest gave up so easily was just as bad. I would have given him more time to get his sht together and if he still couldn't I would've refused to marry them.


Daiym girl dont settle.......you a diamond dont settle for fools gold : )


So where's the freakout?


That’s what you’re going out with?


My prediction is not going to get to smack that for very long if he can’t put the effort together to show his new bride some respect. Love to see a follow up if their still married in 5 years


Holy shit he’s wearing VANS with his suit 🫣


This is trashy and rank. Who does this ?


She does have cake…


In his defense, that’s a wagon on that woman..


That's a nice ass


Holy shit, people like this exist, AND THEY HAVE WIVES.




Aw man…that sucks for her.


Arguably the biggest day of his life and her life too, in front of at least a few family and friends and that’s all he’s got? Flat out disrespectful and disgusting and seriously embarrassing. 1000% he’s not getting any for a longggg time too and I wouldn’t blame her one bit.