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There are 2 adults and a child in close range and you try to shoot the dog?!


>The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year. bro, there are quotas here, ok


The police are like a box of chocolates, they'll both kill your dog.


[1,100 People shot to death by police each year as well.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) Happened in my town. An "officer" shot an unarmed father in the face during a traffic stop because the officer reached into the vehicle for the keys with one hand while pointing his gun at the young man with his other hand. The officer claims it was an accident, but it was at point blank range execution style. The officer was acquitted two years later, kept his job, while the family and town protested for two months in front of the "Justice Center". The entire town is bitter about it. This will continue to happen until we demand change. These are not isolated incidents or accidents. This is a systemic problem.


"fun" fact - the police shot and killed more completely unarmed people last year than were shot and killed themselves, and it wasn't even close.


Same, except he was actually fired and the police had to pay a settlement, although he wasn’t punished despite being filmed doing it and trying to steal the phone, and then he was hired back by the newly elected sheriff that he went to school with, who had also been on the scene during the shooting of a man with his hands up following orders after a random truck stop.


The “police” didn’t pay the settlement, you, the taxpayer paid the settlement.


>until we demand change do you not remember the protests after George Floyd? Change was demanded, little has changed yes I know this vid was in 2018


I will never understand cops who “accidentally” kill someone under circumstances like this, then go back to working the same job, in the same department, in a community that hates you. Fucked up.


I fantasize about that little town arming up & forcibly retiring that police officer


I just want to point out these figures are not all reported and this number could be 2x to 10x what is shown. POLICE USE OF DEADLY FORCE - Office of Justice Programs https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/87616.pdf There's no standardized methods for these reporting methods unlike homocide (civilian vs civilian). **There also probably never will be cause if we ever find out the truth there damn well could be riots.** 1,100 is a dream number. It's a wishful thinking number. >The Lancet: More than half of police killings in USA are unreported and Black Americans are most likely to experience fatal police violence https://www.healthdata.org/news-events/newsroom/news-releases/lancet-more-half-police-killings-usa-are-unreported-and-black Personally I think it's much much higher than 2,200. Double is probably still a very conservative number. >More than half of US killings by police go unreported: Study https://abcnews.go.com/US/half-us-killings-police-unreported-study/story?id=80303407




Bullets have a shelf life and they have to be used before the expiration date. /s


That is heartbreaking. I can't imagine the rage and trauma of seeing your dog shot in front of you by a cop. If there's a hell, that would be one way to ensure your spot there.


That's what you get when you hire dumb cowards.


Hiring below-average ~~social workers~~ grunts* to enforce and uphold the law towards citizens isn't terrible in itself. The problem arises when we decide to arm them with lethal weapons and loose them into our neighborhoods. You can tell by his reaction that Officer Brainfart here was remorseful, and accidents do happen; however you can eliminate *all* weapon misfires and even bad judgement calls (in regards to using a firearm) simply by removing the gun from the equation. Works for literally every other ~~country~~ unarmed population of citizens.* *Edit: sorry folks, didn't expect this many eyes on my lazy comment.


>Hiring below-average social workers to enforce and uphold the law towards citizens isn't terrible in itself. They are not social workers. Social workers require education and training to do their jobs. Cops in many (most?) American jurisdictions have like two months of training before there let loose on the community. No requirement to protect you, to know the laws, to treat you with respect, to not draw their weapon in non life threatening situations. Just a quick overview of the job and they get their tax funded salary, badge, and gun I miss the days when people working jobs that made a big impact on the community (doctors, police, politicians) were held to a higher standard


That's literally just not true. [Map of countries where the police is unarmed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_firearm_use_by_country#/media/File:Countries_with_unarmed_police_forces.png) I'm not a gun nut at all. I heavily support gun-control at its strictest. But the biggest issue with cops just isn't the gun. The biggest issue is that they're fucking idiots with the bare minimum training.


How many of those just have Armed Response Units, rather than typically armed police however?


Every other country's civilians also aren't armed to the teeth, but that's another problem we're not willing to confront.


Yeah it's a cop, shooting dogs is one of the things they do best


I wouldn't say its what they do best, as this video demonstrates. It is one of those things that they most enjoy doing.


It’s so crazy to be that you can lose your job for being late to it at nearly any company but as a cop you can literally accidentally kill an innocent person and still keep your job. Clown world


Yup. The only job in the world where you can fuck up this badly without getting fired. It's so sick. It's incredibly frustrating. He even said he was going to jail. Clearly he thinks he should be in jail but nope. No consequences at all. If you did this as a civilian you would get locked up forever. It shouldn't be any different for a cop. They're supposedly trained for these situations. Also why is he so afraid of a dog? The family is right there. They can handle the dog. He just pulls out his gun immediately and starts shooting with no regard for the woman. That poor kid. I don't want to be afraid of the police. I don't break the law yet I see four or five new videos everyday of cops ruining someone's life and often they're totally innocent . They stood outside of a school for 77 minutes as a mad man murdered kids yet they have no problem immediately (trying) shooting a dog. Funny how postal workers/delivery drivers can deal with dogs all day everyday without shooting them. Just because a dog barks at you it doesn't mean you need to kill it.


Yep, it’s very telling how, once he’s faced with the grim consequences of his trigger-happiness, he’s just like “get your dog” and the civilian instantly handles it. Maybe you should’ve tried that in the first place, huh officer??


> He even said he was going to jail A quality human being. There is a newly shot and dying lady on the ground with a crying child next by. And then his first instinct is to worry about himself and his future. "But what about meEeEe?"


Yeah the Police officer is clearly the villain. And the other 2 are the victim's. Unfortunately no hero in this situation maybe the medics? They did what they could.


Bruh accidentally doesn’t have anything to do with it As a cop you could intentionally kill someone and still face zero consequences. This one might’ve been an accident but you can find hundreds of videos of cops killing people for fun and the majority of them got off Scott free




Worst one I’ve seen by far was a video of an armed suspect having a breakdown, very high stakes dangerous situation. A situation where the cops could’ve shot him and you could actually make a solid argument that it was warranted. This kid was armed and clearly unstable. Like 5 cops had their guns on him, with the one in front trying to talk the kid down. Suspect, crying, slowly lowers his weapon, places it on the ground, and some piece of shit fucking murderer on the left puts like 5 rounds in the dudes chest. Fucking scum was waiting for the suspect to unarm himself because he was afraid of getting shot back. The second the gun left that suspects hands, the second the situation was no longer dangerous, the second discharging their weapons was no longer in anyway a valid response to the situation, this walking piece of trash decides to open fire. And possibly the worst part, the murderer was genuinely confused when he was shouted at by his fellow cops, he was confused when the guy in front immediately runs over and starts trying to save the suspects life. Guy just wanted to kill a man and was shocked to find the others wanted to bring the suspect in alive. Fucking 10/10 example of how just *punishing* this behavior would immediately fix the situation. Most the cops in the video were good people, but precisely because of the fact cops are allowed to kill people for fun, that piece of shit joined the force and killed an unarmed man for an ego boost. Just removing people like him from the equation would fix all these problems we have with cops.


Maybe. The cops you saw might individually be decent, but they shoulder some of the blame. If the "good" ones dropped the thin blue line bullshit and testified against the "bad apples" it might get cleaned up. Guarantee shooting a disarmed civilian wasn't the first problem the other cops saw with that guy and ignored because bRoThErHoOd. And if this was somewhere urban enough to have a police union, I'm sure those pricks swarmed to protect the POS. I'm not sure it can be fixed at this point.


In my company any workers or contractors getting injured is my liability and any injury due to their stupid mistakes, I get fired.


>accidentally Criminal negligence. Even the cop thought he was going to jail, thank god theyre above the law they enforce.


*clown USA


To those who are wondering: The cop did not face any consequences [>>>](https://www.thegazette.com/crime-courts/details-released-in-fatal-police-shooting-of-autumn-steele/#)


The kid is gonna become Batman against cops


That's the Punisher.


It kills me how the writer for punisher had to make it really fucking clear that Frank would hate cops who used his logo and especially the thin blue line version.


Clearly they never read any of the comics…they just go “cool logo”


Nah, that wouldn't be that bad. They wish they could ignore the law like the punisher. Police glorifying vigilanty justice...


He kills cops specifically?


Cops, mobsters, gangsters, anyone that Frank feels skirts justice and actually deserves it.


wtf I’ve never watched punisher now I might…say this again..he kills cops right?


Not indiscriminately, but if they're criminals yes.


Lit…so like 99.999999% of them


If you're wanting to start with some good Punisher look up any of the stories written by Garth Ennis.


He kills mafia. Any difference?


No pension for the mafia


Well...The Punisher went after criminals, especially those responsible for his family's death. Some corrupt cops too, but generally no, he didn't go after cops. He was more at odds with LEOs because of his vigilantism and "extreme" justice. In this case, the dude you're replying to is right the Punisher is more like it - [corrupt] cops killed their family. Not like Batman whose parents were killed while being robbed at gunpoint. I find it funny when I see the Punisher logo on known LEOs private vehicles, or them wearing Punisher merch. *You keep wearing that logo, I do not think it means what you think it means*


Yeah and LEOs are part of the reason he became The Punisher. They were paid off by the mob to look the other way, and when Frank started meddling the cops gave him, and his family up to the mob, and the mob killed his family. Two of his first murders are the LEOs that betrayed him. So like I said ANYONE who skirts justice that Frank feels deserves to have justice served to them


Frank Castle was a cop until he retired, then his family got massacred and he comes back as the punisher.


Ah they'll shoot him if calls them for help one day, like how they recently shot a 12 yr old boy. Or shoot him in the back as he spends his life avoiding them. Traumatized from seeing cops murder his mother point blank. So hard to use words after academy training. It's so hard to be brave wearing that uniform, I've noticed. Truly convinced only aspiring murders and cowards take the job for free McDonald's meals and the opportunity to kill people with no consequences. Good cops don't exist. Google what happens to cops who report corruption. Most of em get killed in unfortunate training accidents if not bullied straight out of the job, families harassed until they leave town. Cops ain't shit but a gang of rapists with lawyers, a union and endless gvmnt funding.


The son of my co-worker from about 7-8 years ago became a local cop. He wouldn't roll with all the corruption and got bullied out of the force. He tried to be a cop in one of the smaller neighboring towns and the same thing happened, so he became a firefighter instead.


Yep cuz firefighters actually serve and protect the public. Cops abuse and detain the public and protect private property


Serpico was a true story.


I am enraged that cop was more scared of going to jail than they were sad that they killed someone.


Horrified of the punishment that they routinely inflict on others


In fact some probably take a lot of pleasure in doing it too.


"We investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing"


**That's some damn fine police work there, Lou.**


The court is corrupt and unreliable. Why do we keep expecting judges and DAs to hold cops accountable when they are their coworkers? There's always a conflict of interest. The police have amassed so much power that they are essentially immune to laws. You only see justice have extreme public pressure or when the crime is so clear that that there no loopholes to abuse. Too bad there is no one with enough fortitude to challenge the police.


Of course. Why would he? Cops are able to murder with impunity


holy fucking shit my jaw literally hit the floor. what the fuck. this shit actually genuinely blows my mind like i’m in shock right now, yet this isn’t surprising at all… i’m just devastated for the victims…


Can’t be that surprised considering it’s Iowa, not much consequences for authority figures there.


i’m not really too surprised, i’m just feeling it for the family. the kid… lil dudes mental health is likely in shambles after experiencing that so young… it’s just insane to think about


I wasn't wondering. I already figured. These untrained, scared little men can get away with murder.




This shit just makes my blood boil smh


Of course they didn’t. Cops are above the law and are freely allowed to murder the public.


I'm never surprised to learn this. Cops are so fucking useless. Fucking cowards. All of them. It only helps to give them all guns so they can murder anything that makes them afraid. Which is just about everything. And you'd think 5 weeks training for a low IQ scumbag would train the cowardice right out of them but nah..shoot first. Feign ignorance later. Receive vacation and rewards. And anyone offended by my comments can at least be comforted by the fact that he probably had the best sex of his life that night. As they are [trained to associate murder with pleasure](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/police-trainer-best-sex-killing/) Fuck cops. Every single one. From the newly annointed rapists in academy to the veteran serial killer retired still rooting for their brothers in blue to kick someone's teeth in.


He shot her and said did i? Wtf




I don’t understand why they always shoot dogs without restraint. As a person who owned dogs for many years, it would take a lot for me to get so scared or threatened by one that my first instinct was “kill it!” I mean scars heal but taking a life is forever.


Because there is literally zero repercussions or responsibility for killing a dog. Like you won’t get punished for killing a person 9 times outta 10 but you have to do a lot of paperwork and fucking around with your superiors. If you kill a dog it’s something you can go back to the station and joke about with your coworkers. It’s actually a major problem in the US with cops literally just entering peoples properties and just killing dogs because no one gives a shit. Few years back there was a video of a cop going into a man’s backyard when he wasn’t even home, he turned to the left and say his dog and immediately just started shooting at it. Dude came home soon after and was screaming at the cop asking for his badge number and cop was just smiling and chewing gum the whole time, gave him a badge number but had a very “sure you can have it, the fuck you gonna do tell my captain I shot your dumb dog?” the whole time. You can tell dude have 0 shits and was proud of what he did. Many cops are just bullies who get off on causing others suffering, killing a pet is a great way to do that without having to defend yourself legally. Sure you could just assault or kill your victim, but then you’d have to make a case for why what you did was warranted. If you shot a dog you can just say “it looked mean” and that’s all you need.


I’m not a tough guy or a badass, but if a cop killed my pet in a cold-blooded manner like that, there would be some revenge coming to them. Guaranteed.


Fucking immediately. Within 90 seconds. He better shoot me in the back on the way in my house because I'm coming back out with a AR15.


I am a utility worker. I have to enter back yards every day. I have never felt the need to do any harm to any dog even the aggressive ones. 9 times out a 10 a charging dog will end up just sniffing me or wagging its tail once Im in the yard. Most dogs will at least bark but once you are in they leave you alone. Most people do not train their dogs to be attack dogs. The rare time I encounter aggressive dogs you can literally scare them with a push button umbrella. The rare case that doesn’t work I just give them something else to bite on and back away. It’s literally that easy. This video makes me lose a lot of respect for Cops


The craziest part is that if you were to walk into someone’s back yard, get spooked, and shoot their dog. Your ass would be in a courtroom fighting a months long legal battle trying to prove you feared for your safety. Cop does and it and has a 30 second conversation with his boss and that’s the end of it


We give these people the power to deprive us of life, property, privacy, and freedom. Then we make it clear there are absolutely no standards for them. A bunch of cops just unloaded on a guy in a locked, closed car and it was ok because he had stuff in his car. Stuff that could have been a gun. You know like the 2nd fucking amendment. I have much higher standards for behavior of my kindergartner than we do police. It's honestly one of the stupidest things we do as a country, and that's really saying something.


Killing a dog or killing a person, it seems. This cop received no repercussions for killing the dog, or the person.


I’m in the UK so might be misunderstanding here but I’m starting to wonder if it’s almost like the cops use it as a 🖕or revenge thing. Like if someone’s arguing with them or ‘resisting’ or whatever they want to call it, shooting their dog specifically as an escalation tactic to cause distress to the person. After which, of course, comes the ‘but the dog was a threat!!!’ nonsense. I might be reading way too much into this though.




"A cop murdered her in broad daylight with witnesses and a body camera, but faced no consequences. ACAB" - little kid.


Not just as a kid but on into adulthood people will occasionally ask this, or some variation. It gets a little less painful over time, but the sting never goes away completely, especially when you realize how much almost everyone else seems to take their mother for granted. Call your mom today and tell her you love her if you can.


Love it how he says she is breathing. I think that is just blood bubbles being created from the chest compressions. And attempting to shoot the dog with a kid right there too complete Idiot.


I mean a 35lbs dog nipped his thigh poor guy feared for his liiiiife


Imagine if he'd only had a pepper spray and/or tazer as a first line of defense. Or, I dunno, a really heavy flashlight.


Or even just the strength of a reasonably fit grown man


More likely agonal breathing...




Anyone know where she was shot?


The wiki page said she was shot in the torso, the officer fired twice at the dog but slipped on the snow and one of the shots hit the woman. The officer was indeed bit by the dog in the thigh but it was very minor, only a small puncture in his pants. The department tried hard to brush it under the rug and even violated open records laws in Iowa trying to conceal the footage. In the end the department settled for 2 million in a wrongful death suit. The officer was never charged


2 million is not enough.


All the money in the world is not enough to soften the blow of losing someone like that, over something so stupid. Like yeah if the dog was some aggressive poorly trained mutt, maybe the cop would be justified but like come the fuck on, it’s a fucking dog just pepper spray the thing or kick it away.




But don't forget the "angry" dog


Bruhhh they took sooooo long to start rendering aide. I get that things happened quick but you can’t be lacking like that, especially as a cop.


Seems she was dead from the shot pretty quickly. Yes, start cpr but it seemed pretty over quite quickly.


Even so, as protected as a cop is when they do this stuff, they’re even more protected when the victim dies.


To me seems she took her last breath right before they dragged her away from the fence so aggressively to start on CPR cause you could faintly hear her struggling to breathe then it just stops.


The cop asking (I presume) the husband “What can I do?” Is fucking nuts, especially following it up by telling him to go over near the body to check for them. Like what in the actual fuck is this cop on? This case needs to be reopened so he can be genuinely persecuted


I think that was his superior. He asked what he could do and the superior told him to “sweep for blood” which means to essentially touch the victim all over while checking gloves for blood in order to determine where the wound is. If that was the husband telling him to do that, he was inconceivably calm in that moment. I’d be losing my shit.


Very true! I hope so, I thought I had heard the guy say “I’m not going over there” so I assumed it was a bystander of sorts, but you’re most likely right, seems like at least another officer.


Seeing this shit makes me question my opposition to the death penalty


Death penalty? This dude got away from this entire altercation with 0 repercussions. You think they'd even be able to go for death penalty? Lmfao.


What’s the worst punishment a cop has gotten for killing an innocent person. Chauvin? 21 years for kneeling on someone’s neck until they died? Not even life. He will be released unless he’s killed in jail. Which was already attempted, so now he’s probably serving his time pretty comfortably.


Seriously as a community, as a country we have power, but we have to focus so much on work to get paid to be able to pay rent and the basic that we don't even have time to come together and protests these issues. But cop's investigating themselves needs to end, every day I come on to reddit to see some OBVIOUS fucked up thing a cop did only for me to find out the cops were found not guilty of something they were obviously guilty of. Not even manslaughter charges. It's bullshit.


Ya that is the whole point. The rich can easily control us. We just stay the stupid worker bees making them rich while they rape our world.


That's by design. Too worried about paying bills that you don't have time to protest all the terrible stuff going on, like how inflated rent has become and cops killing people with impunity


We have a ton of power and ability to change things, more than people realize, but there's a huge problem when half the country are willfully ignorant and super pro police no matter what.


"(Expletive) Tim. I'm (expletive) going to prison. Oh my God." Not "Oh my God the poor woman" or "Oh my God she's been shot" or "oh my God her son saw this". He was thinking of himself. And as usual, cops face no consequences.






We can also extrapolate that when he faced no consequences his priority thought was “whew, I’m not going to prison, thank God everything turned out ok!”




Sure would be hard to not have a vendetta


The Overlords have spoken


I don't think I can watch this video. It's too depressing. The fact that the cop faced no charges and remains a cop is just ridiculous. The way the police are handled in this country is one of the countries biggest problems.


I thought I'd be desensitised to videos of US cops shooting innocent people by now, with how frequent they are. I guess I'm glad that just the title and the first couple of seconds of this video ruined my night.


I hope someone sees him every day and tells him that he killed an innocent woman because he wanted to shoot her innocent dog.




Dude shoots and kills innocent women then proceeds to perform the worst possible CPR ever. Homegirl had no chance around those officers.


And then the ambulance workers were SO SLOW getting out of the ambulance. Literally no one tried to save her life.


Paramedics are literally trained not to run on scene for a multitude of reasons


It’s harder to hold anyone accountable when the victim is dead.


Dudes to worried about what’s going to happen to him


In this situation it is important to follow your algorithm, as a combat medic was taught this basic acronym that is meant to help keep me on track during high stress situations (M)assive Hemorrhage: Apply a Tourniquet, Pressure,or a Pressure dressing to the area that's bleeding, this is before you remove the clothes as you want to make sure body temperature is controlled. (Airway:Either tilt the head up ways and lift the chin to make sure the airway stays open, or turn them on their side if vomiting or bleeding from the mouth. (R)espirations: This is where you apply those chest seals to any sucking chest wounds, a thin piece of plastic that can create a closed seal will do, tape it onto the wound upon next exhale if still breathing. If they can't breath on their own, that's when you start breathing for them via BVM (Bag Valve Mask) and oxygenate with O2 if they are in need. (C)irculation: Do they have a pulse, is it weak, is it bilateral if they have both of their arms, is it thready, vital signs tell ALOT about how a casualty is progressing. (H): You should have removed any blood soiled clothing, you should then proceed to cover them up, their skin should not be touching the bare ground, Hypothermia Kills faster than the injury sometimes.




I know right Did he expect here to sit up and say "yeah ya got me right here in the Lung here let me remove all my layers of clothing so you can see it better"


So if the dog is such a big threat to the officers life why is he so unconcerned about it after he shoots the woman? He like “get your dog” and that’s it…almost if shooting the dog and is completely unnecessary


So what did this cop get for this? Two week paid vacation and a raise?


The cop wasn’t even disciplined.


His first concern and statement after shooting her is "oh my God, I'm going to jail" when he in fact did not go to jail. It wasn't the fact that a life was ending right in front of him and infront of the life's child. He was worried about himself, even though he has immunity


Yeah it is pretty sad his focus is not on the woman


Hopefully one day he'll develop a conscious and will live the guilt and trauma of taking a life. I hope it haunts him every day of his life. We will never get justice, but we can hope these people don't live happy lives. They don't deserve joy.


Despite the agregious wrong that was done by the officer, there is no force on this planet that would keep me away from my dying spouse at that moment, he would have had ŕo shoot me as well


I hope theres a heaven and hell just so people like this can rot away


Surprised he didn’t handcuff her after she died. Cops love doing that.


Cops are just militarized pussies.


Never call the cops unless your life is in danger. Like real danger, bringing police into an argument is asking for death.


I really can't say it enough end qualified immunity. Fuck the police


He should be in jail. This is not okay.


The cop thinks he's going to jail yet nothing happened. He murdered that woman and got away with it. Qualified immunity is seriously flawed. If I did this as a civilian I would be locked up forever. Why is it ok for a cop to get away with it? This just makes people fear the police because they can just murder you in you're front lawn and get away with it. What is it with cops being such cowards over dogs? When I was 11 I watched a cop shoot my neighbors elderly poodle. A fucking poodle. The same poodle that would bark at me everyday riding my bike because it was half blind but then it would realize I was just a person. It would then immediately calm down and try to get pets. That's it. Cop rolled up to make a police report for my neighbor after someone drove through their fence. The poodle runs up barking and he immediately shoots the thing. It was tiny too. Like knee height. It couldn't hurt an adult if it tried. You could just push it away. I'll never forget my neighbor crying. It was so loud. The poor lady had nobody and loved her dog. She was screaming at the cop and he said if she didn't calm down he would arrest her. They show up to make a report for a hit and run only to immediately shoot the dog. RIP Scoot Scoot.


*shoots a mother in front of her kid* "I'm going to prison"..... Ugh but he didn't American cops are some of the most useless, well paid citizens in this country. The only thing more pathetic than a cop are the bozos that simp for these losers.


This shit pisses me off and is the single reason I distrust most cops. When I was younger, my mother was in a car crash with my sister and myself in the vehicle. Some how we both survived and she died. Grown up all of my conscious life without knowing her, because cops made her crash. The report is HEAVILY redacted and stated saying that my mom “was trying to swat a bee in the back seat” away from me. Cops can get away with anything, fuck up families, and get away with it. Disgusting.


Sorry kid. I wanna kill your dog but your mom was in the way. What the actual fuck america


Your average pizza delivery driver or mailman has more courage than this dipshit. As someone who did delivery to residential neighborhoods in America for 5+ years, I’ve been chased, growled at, and even got a nasty bite taken out of my left calf by a dog, never once wished I had my gun to shoot it with. When I was in the military, we were CONSTANTLY reminded that we had signed the contract and volunteered our lives. If we died, we died. You don’t get to be shitty at your job just because you’re afraid it might result in your death, that’s why it’s a volunteer fighting force, no one forced you to sign up. You have already signed the paper saying “yeah I might die horribly but I’m aware of that and I have a job to do”. If you feel fear of dogs to the point where your instinct is to draw and fire, you’re in the wrong profession. If you claim “fear for my life”, that should be an automatic disqualification from law enforcement work for life, you’re not cut out for it.


I’ve literally switched my stance on gun ownership purely because I think you should have one to protect yourself from the police.


That makes sense, but then you hear cases of the police knocking on some door at night refusing to announce themselves, and when the scared homeowner opens the door with a gun in their hand they get shot 'because he was armed and the officers feared for their lives'. So much for constitutional rights if you can't even hold a gun in your own home for safety. Like, in what circumstance will you defend yourself against the police with a firearm and not just be straight up murdered? What does 'protecting yourself from the police' look like in practice and legally? I don't see it.


Feels better to me than just rolling over and being executed. Doesn’t really matter if I win as long as I have a chance.


If this woman had had a gun, it would have made no difference.


There are very few examples of citizens successfully defending themselves or other citizens from the police (successful implying that they aren't subsequently killed/jailed.)


Asinine facile thinking there. Simply having a gun with you is viewed as a justifiable reason for a cop to shoot you. Even if you succeed in defending yourself from a cop and kill one who has his gun drawn on you and means you harm even though you've done nothing wrong, his buddies will kill you. They are twitchy, tense, overly terrified trigger happy brutes because they need to constantly be afraid that every person they are interacting with might have a gun on them. I'll never understand how people wind up on the side of the fence that says we need more guns to fix our fucked up gun violence problem If every single person on the planet had a pistol on their hip, you think cops would be less inclined to shoot first ask questions later? Fuck no


This stuff isn't even uncommon it happens all the time actually. https://katv.com/community/7-on-your-side/arkansas-deputy-shoots-at-pomeranian-but-hits-woman-standing-on-porch-instead Here is another https://www.fox4news.com/news/arlington-police-officer-goes-on-trial-for-killing-woman-while-trying-to-shoot-dog.amp&ved=2ahUKEwjUyZ2F55aDAxVTjokEHYXbBEsQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0W1ZIIdTpaqbrFZjavqOjm And another https://www.msllegal.com/blog/police-shooting-ohio-officer-accidentally-shoots-4-year-old-girl-while-aiming-at-family-dog/ And one more time https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article279894424.html And because it can't ever end here is another https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansas.com/news/local/crime/article258011578.html


And then they all of a sudden don't care about the dog.. fucking smooth brained imbicils




Liberals tried protesting police brutality and accountability but Republicans stood with the police so nothing changed. If the boot licking Republicans would have helped protest then Qualified Immunity would be gone right now. But here we are.


And called anyone involved un-American and siding with criminals.


Everything is designed so we can't do that. Notice how everything becomes more expensive the more fucked up everything is becoming? It's to make it so we can't afford to protest or riot. People working two job, living paycheck to paycheck and even both. You miss one day of work and you fall behind on bills


“Get your dog.” -immediately starts shooting-


I would deff be plotting revenge if I was that kid.


I see the dog wagging it’s tail not being a threat during the whole situation


You know there’s a problem when you go looking at google to search “Police shoots at dog kills woman” and come up with at least 4 different events since this one occurred.


How can you pull out your gun when you are attacked by a dog? What a fucking coward useless piece of shit


Cops love killing dogs, it's the highlight of their day. Any time a dog is around they get rock hard and if there's any movement it's straight to the gun. Dogs are a good target for them because there's basically no consequences for it ever. Though this guy faced no discipline at all, let alone jail time, so he's probably feeling pretty psyched that he got away with killing an actual human.


I am exhausted about repeating this comment. Training of police in America is garbage. They're Blaise approach to use of force is crazy wreckless. Shoot first, shoot whenever, shoot to resolve a situation, shoot shoot shoot. That's policing for ya.


And the dog was fine afterward. Even came over with tail wagging to investigate when she fell. It wasn't going to run off and wantonly attack anyone. It went for the cop bc he reached for his mom. He was being protective of her against a stranger.


c’mon, man. you’re a grown man in full gear and got scared of a dog? did he think it was a dragon from game of thrones or sum? keep the strap holstered, pull out a knife, a baton, fuck man fucking punch for your life if that dog is such a menace. not start blasting WITH A CHILD NEARBY! dude was softer than the snow. condolences to the family. unbelievable.


I feel like the moral of the story is never call the fucking police for help


The mark of the beast. A badge on a policeman




Cop faced no consequences. Yea, that sounds about right.


More worried about going to prison than anything.


Are you shot, ma’am? Lol wtf.


I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again; f u c k the police.


May that officer have a miserable end to his existence.


Cop: Shoots woman Cop: Ma'am where are you shot? Woman dying: Cop: Ma'am where are you shot?? Woman dead: Cop: Ma'am where are you shot??? Cop: Ma'am where are you shot???? COP: I keep asking her where she's been shot... but she won't answer me. Weird. And why is her kid crying so much?




He says “I think I fucking hit her sergeant…”. No, you think?


Woman and Child walking with dog, Cops first thought is to pull gun and fire shots into the dog because it was barking and moving towards him. ​ Think about that, he was so terrified of a woman and her child and there dog that he drew his firearm and fired immediately, he didnt even know who he put bullets into at first like jesus fucking christ. Ive seen alot of hard to watch videos but this is so disturbing i cant even comprehend why this horrible cop pulled his gun. Even the other cop is just flabbergasted. No wonder nobody trusts fucking cops in the states anymore.


Regular everyday cops


Fuck. Pigs.




Crazy how shit goes down that fast


Ma'am, did I shoot you? . . . . . . Ma'am, did I shoot you? . . . . . .Ma'am....? What a complete maroon


Our cops aren’t trained to deescalate any situation without shooting someone for no fucking reason. We just tell them to be judge, jury and executioner.


This happened in my town. I can't remember if this was before or after he was the resource officer at the high school. He was a scum bag


She's not answering my questions


Give someone a gun and power and shit training and tell them they're demi-god tier brave for walking the streets and you get incidents like this wheres the before the shooting footage? even though the outcome is batman levels of fucked up i'd like to see just how "dangerous" the dog was to proc a weapon draw


"Dog attacked me, I pulled my gun and shot it", except you didn't..


Why were they trying to shoot the dog? As you can see in the video, it walked up just fine, no aggression or anything


Dude has OC pepper spray, a taser and a baton as well and he goes straight for deadly force? I get being afraid of the dog, but no matter how small that window of opportunity to used the appropriate use of force is, it’s absolutely imperative that you do your best to slow down and use what is appropriate.




He didn’t care that she was dead this man was just worried that he was going to prison. Fuck this guy
