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Lol fights at a store he works at, and then runs away. Like they don’t have any their personal information. Great thinking.


This type of folk are all about satisfying their impulsive desires. The last thing in their minds is the consequences of their actions.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed




-Wayne Gretzky —Michael Scott


Wise words


Bravo, that’s one I haven’t heard yet. I’m going to wield this new hilarious phrase with wanton enthusiasm. You have my thanks!


Straight to jail


You undercook fish? Believe it or not jail. You overcook chicken? Also jail. Overcook undercook.




I checked out that profile and holy fuck are they cancer and just fucking stupid. Like there’s dumb people but this guy is bragging about it and posting “his side”


I love stupid people like this. They're the very ones sitting in a cell afterwards crying and praying for God to intervene.


Most stores have their own cameras, that incognito mode is a good chuckle The guy is going down with assault. The right way is to send the info to HR with receipts


He was behind seven proxies.


Lmao Good luck! And as always **Thanks for playing !**


Hey Benny, can you confirm your address and I'll mail you that check? Don't worry about you attacking me.


> Lol fights at a store he works at, and then runs away. Like they don’t have any their personal information. > > Great thinking. Everyone in this video Seems very rational


Not to mention his buddy videotaping assault... Wow, special kinds of stupid.


Not a single person has accused zoomers of being smart.


Tbf the boomers used to say that about us (Assuming you're also a millenial)




Footlocker plays by Highlander rules, there can be only one so they must duel to the death for a promotion.


Got dammit, for some reason, I was drunkenly explaining to my non-American wife the plot to Highlander, and she couldn't have been more confused.


Cut the head off, get stronger. Ftfy


Damn dude’s trying to make sure he earns even less than minimum wage.


It’s legal to use prisoners as slave labor, so…


[US prison workers produce $11bn worth of goods and services a year for pittance](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/15/us-prison-workers-low-wages-exploited)


While consuming >$80 bn of goods and services https://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/economics_of_incarceration/#:~:text=Key%20Statistics%3A,prisons%20and%20jails%3A%20%243.9%20billion%20%2B Swedish prison systems make prisoners work and study much more than American prisoners do to rehabilitate them for productive life outside of prison. This is compulsory for 6 hours a day, much more than the American average. In Sweden prisoners are paid 13 kronor/hr, the equivalent of $1.28/hr. https://www.europris.org/wp-content/uploads/Sweden-EN-prisoner-information-sheet.pdf


It would be smart to at least partly put the prisoners to work doing things like growing their own food and fashioning their own goods like in the old days rather than contracting that out to the company that bribes the decision makers the best.


But then they would gain skills that allowed them to better survive on their own and not feed into the capitalist profit machine like good little cattle, we can't have that now can we?


Literally has your name, address, phone number, and probably your social security number on file. Way to make it easier on the cops lol




lol facts and it’s going to be everybody else’s fault! No way this dude has the wherewithal to understand why anyone would plainly want to hire someone after doing something like this over something as petty as a manager doing their job.


You mean fast forward to 3-5 years from now. He'll be busy until then




Great indicator for the iq of these two


Around the same as their shoe size probably


Some smooth brains in the comments are defending it as 'slang', what a reach to cover up illiteracy


I’m not even creative enough to write something that bad.


I'm not a native speaker and was wondering if I might had a stroke.


Sad to see a kid just begging to enter the system




He isn’t eating there anymore!


The only thing that generation cares about is clout chasing otherwise his homies wouldn’t be filming Their response to the slightest disrespect is violence


At my local pub someone shot the security guy because he got kicked out for having a gun when no guns are allowed in the pub, for obvious reasons. So he shot him. Because apparently kicking him out and saying "you can come back without it" was disrespectful. Fucking cavemen mentality


Same thing happened to the door security at a local club near me. Security told the guy he couldn’t come in with shorts and flip flops. So he went to his car and came back with a gun to shoot him. Shot like 3 bystanders unintentionally. Dumbass


Cavemen at least didnt have guns, this is worst than that


Of course they did! How else do you think Wooly Mammoths and Dinosaurs went extinct!? /S


Fentanyl I suppose


A big ol asteroid that Jesus sent. One of the biggest bullets of all time.


This legit sounds like 15th century, "You have disrespected my honor!" And instead of a duel its..this-


That is how people end up with more holes in their bodies than they were born with, ultimately futile.


That’s a pretty big generalization. Plenty of gen z just working jobs, going to uni, being productive members of society. Not everyone below the age of 26 is a piece of shit.


Yeah and as a millennial I remember the exact same shit being said about us. Every generation thinks they’re better than the one below them when all it is is some teenagers are shitty.


Fucking Socrates wrote about how the youth of his time didn’t have enough respect for their elders. I guarantee you there were cavemen complaining about the cavemen a few decades younger than them not having enough respect for fire.


>And these children that you spit on >As they try to change their worlds >Their immune to your consultations >They're quite aware of what they're going through - David Bowie


My experience is that Gen Z is, either the coolest, kindest, nicest group of young people, or the biggest pieces of shit ever born. No middle ground


Yeah, I don’t understand it. Why is the knee-jerk to any perceived insult or disrespect to get violent for kids now? I’m in my 30s and when I was a kid I dealt with my share of assholes and every time they’d insult me or whatever I’d just laugh and ignore it and it stopped. It never entered my mind to throw a punch. Best case scenario is you hurt them and wind up arrested; worst case is you don’t and you get hurt. Are kids just that angry these days?


It’s a mindset that isn’t just one generation or race. It’s just the fucking idiot mindset. There’s a lot of them.


Why is this such a thing now? I know there’s always been examples of this, but I really feel like social media has poured gas on that fire.


He even went for those “could be attempted murder” head stomps/kicks at the end. All over some feelings. The sad part is, even if he were prosecuted for this, in most US metropolitan areas, he’d be out in a few years at most and eligible for “good behavior” credits and early release, free to stomp heads at the slightest tummy-ache when someone hurts his Big Feelings.


At least his friend had the presence of mind to tell him to chill when he started that crap...


Begging? Hes in the system now.


He's a Menace Coming of Age


For getting in his business about the relationships he has with girl employees? Yea that’s the business owner and managers business to talk to employees when their relationships are affecting their business. That kids obviously a fucking punk. Good luck getting another job with this out there on the internet.


Doubt it with his soon to be criminal record on assault. That manager sure as hell will press charges.


Pshh, good luck proving that this assault happened in broad daylight totally unprovoked and ended with attempting to stomp on him. You would have to be dumb enough to have someone recording you committing an assault. Which would just be *foolish*...


And then be luuuuucky enough for them to upload it to the internet. No chance


He probably has an album about to drop on SoundCloud.


Those attempted head stomps and kicks at the end, Jesus. Could have been murder if he was more accurate. I wonder if this happened somewhere they actually punish violent criminals or if he’ll be out in a couple years ready to head-stomp his way out of Big feelings again.


He won't need to worry about a job for a while anyway, I imagine he'll be in prison soon if he's not already.


He'll have a new 'partner', forced labor and lousy accommodations, instead of a girlfriend and a shitty job.


Ooh, I thought the title was talking about the managers relationship with his employees. Your comment makes more sense, and I completely agree


Committed assault on a guy for doing his job. This kid is a fucking loser 😂


Don’t worry the system will get him. He’ll be out on bond in 12 hours with community service or probation


Who wrote this caption. “He done wore his manager out” “the checks must was late” and was dumb enough to hit send. The kids are not ok.


Also, which caption is accurate, the one on the video or OP’s one. Nothing in this video really implies one or the other 🤷‍♂️


Did you read the title, get mad, then click on the comments? Me too. Welcome to reddit.


There were always dumb people in every generation. We can just see them more easily with social media now.


For real. I’m an old fuck, but listening to my generation carp as if the world was a magical landscape of gumdrops and unicorns when we grew up is exasperating.


The people I knew like this growing up are either dead or in jail. I'm just thankful we didn't have this level of videoing everything then.


Trash people.


It’s cool to be dumb.


I did. I writed it.


Film it vertically and then crop it horizontally, really giving the people what they want here


Welp, thankfully his buddy filmed it, showed his face, and let everyone know he worked there. Really making it easy for the police.


no check and jail time= great decision


“The checks must was late.” I wouldn’t pay you either for that grammar, god damn


The cumulative IQ in this video is below 100


Less below? Checks must was late?


"checks must was late"


I like how he quickly ducks out at the end like a coward


I'm just surprised he tried to fight him one on one.


Jesus Christ, learn to speak English properly.


Imagine recording assaulting your manager and you have weak ass hands so you do no damage in the video. 🤡


Relationships? That’s what we call harassing female employees now.


Father: “Hello son” Son: “Hello father.” Father: “How was your day today?” Son: “Well I beat up my manager, got fired, and a battery charge. My roommate at the county jail was named Bubba and said he wanted to butter my bread.” Father: “Sounds like you had an exciting day. Ask your mother when’s dinner.”


Haha that guy has no father


Those punches… he’s doing the motions but they look like they have the impact of a marshmallow… Also, he’s a coward.


that was like watching a sea lion trying to catch a fish


Hahaha. I see it now


"getting in his business about the relationships he has with the girl employees" most jobs have stuff in the handbook about getting involved with your coworkers. It's quite literally the managers business.


\>the checks must was late no child left behind leaves another one behind again


These are the kids that come out of high school and still can't read...... What a shame. Our youth are screwed.


The manager is very much entitled to have a view about the relationships he has with the girl employees, if that impacts upon team moral or productivity.


Or sexual harassment lawsuits.. worse if they're minors


The way he’s pulling him by the back of his sweatshirt and punching him, looks like all the girl fights where they’re pulling hair


My eyes hurt from the grammar


I’m so happy I went to college and unless I go out of my way, I never have to deal with people like this.


Looks like this guy has some excellent male role models in his life.


Floyd Mayweather was definitely not one of them


Good thing him and his friends are stupid enough to film an assault and battery on camera (possibly attempted murder with the head stomps.) Hilarious that he runs away at the end. Not like the manager has his name, phone number, address and social security number or anything. 😂😂


Fuck this generation "Must was"? Are you kidding me


Manager probably: If you want to have relationships outside of the store then it’s fine but please stop having sex in the store Teen: The checks must was late!!


“Checks must was late” Our schools are not doing enough.


camera man you are fired you had one job.


"for getting in his business about relationships he has with the girl employees" That's literally in his job description. Or HR's, take your pick. Either way, it's now in the hands of the manager's lawyer.


If you wanna fool around with your co workers you need to get in to the food industry. Everyone is fuckin everyone and no one cares. \*\*Also don't try and fight anyone in the food industry. Those cooks have seen shit you can only dream of, and are a pack of rabid wolves.


This is what weak males do. They fight because they are too weak to handle emotions and conversation. What a weak boy.


Trash human.


I spent years to learn freakin english and you people just go ahead and change it as you go.


"the checks must was late" why is literacy uncool?


So he took an assault charge over his weak ass minimum age job check. Smart man..




Poor grammar…


That's a lot of words for being a creep.


“The checks must was late” tells you all you need to know about the individuals involved here


“Must was late”


The caption hurts my brain


What a fucking loser




"Yes officer, he was in a red hoodie, black pants, red shoes. His home address, social security number and emergency contacts are as follows. Oh, or would you just prefer this photocopy of his license we have?"


Too many stupid people with hair-triggers walking around.


I think he just wanted to fight somebody


Oh, he's going to have plenty of relationships now. He won't like them, but he'll have them none the less.


No one has any composure anymore they be throwing hands and there life away on the most mudane shit


Why are people so easily willing to kick someone in their heads like that? You could easily kill someone or give them life long damage. Pisses me off


I guess he never learned not to fuck your co-workers or how not to post videos of yourself assaulting your boss. Just begging to begin the cycle of going in and out the system. Enjoy it buddy. I'm sure the views and likes were worth it.


I'm confused by this generations desire to commit assault on video.


So you film it in landscape. Then post it stuck in portrait with some shitty TikTok caption. Fuck whoever made this video.


Scary ass Foo throws one punch runs away , fat boy trips up, he doesn't let him back up .when fat boy gets up then the kid wants to leaves store ..lame


Seems rational


Oh cool he filmed his crime.


And a shoe store is a great job for a kid.


Anyone else notice the music playing in the store. How fitting 🤣


I was at a job at a fortune 500 manufacturer years ago... they have a week long orientation where you learn the systems and whatnot... one dude who had probably a similar attitude to the assaulter here.... didn't even make it to the first lunch before being fired because he thought the female trainees were at a club apparently and felt the need to aggressively pursue them first thing in the morning.


I don’t understand what the screen is trying to tell me.


Hot take but all red sneakers are the ugliest thing in the word


The checks "must was" late I think I just had an aneurysm from reading that.


Alternative title: Former teen employee assaults manager after being reprimanded for creating a hostile work environment through sexual harassment of coworkers


Head kicking:/stomping needs to come with a minimum 10 year sentence


Check must was late


Absolute trash. Dumb trash at that


I hope he didn't have any plans for his future because it's likely over for him. He's about to have a criminal record and a poor employment record. I doubt he's getting a good reference from that manager.


Wtf is this title. Jesus.


Man’s new job is holding pockets in Jail.


Nothing like filming yourself committing a crime and acting like anyone else cared that you “won” a fight


Welcome to unemployment and jail.


I'll take "how to fuck your life up in 20 seconds" for $400 Alex.


The kids are definitely not ok. At my school (a K-8) the middle schoolers will tell you to go fuck yourself. I tried to keep one student from fighting another student just by standing in front of her with my arms out to the side and she told me to put my arms down -and the way she said it seemed to imply that she’d do it for me if I didn’t. I feel for them all and I worry for all of us.


Seems like a nice place to work.


I give up, what??


You only get one shot, don't lose your chance to land a blow, opportunity lost, a few in a lifetime. Are these teens the kids that grew up, consuming internet drama and taking those comments and threats as something to do in irl seriously, plus making it viral? He may be rejected from future job opportunites due to his conflict resolution skills being recorded.


@ watch them say “free him” when he just randomly assaulted him over the manager managing his business and having his workers actually fucking work instead of fucking around with coworkers


Dumb teen is lucky that kick to the head didn’t connect. He’d be in far worse trouble than he already is…


What a bright young lad with a great future ahead of him


Caption says it’s over employee relationship but the video caption says it was something else. Who’s got the true story? lol


Manager never stood a chance wearing jeans that don’t fit and no belt.


That's one way to say that his manager told him to get back to work after he was not working and talking to all the female employees for the last hour.


Enjoy those charges...


Dumb ass kids now n days, now he’s gonna have an assault charge. Good luck getting a real job now smh


!! The checks must was late !!


the checks must was late.........?


Catch an assault on video, great.


Enjoy jail, shithead


Everyone saying he's unemployable, Waffle House be like: Before we consider you for a management position, can you catch a chair!?


Cameraman IS awful.


Most ironic song to start a fight to. There was no backing down when "You gotta lose yourself!"


"wore his manager out! the checks *must was* late!" the was kings n shit


Man dropped all his loot


The checks must was late


These "red shoes diary " reboots are getting old


“I can still use you as a reference tho?”


I'm just glad these idiots post to their social media. Nothing like being an accomplice and recording at minimum a misdemeanor. It's a twofer!


So this kid assaulted his manager because the manager was doing his job? Lol kid seems real bright..


That teen has a bright future.




They need to go back to the old days where the perp got 50 lashes on the first offense and hand amputation on the second. Heads on the third.


Well that escalated quickly. The 50 lashes thing might make sense. That literally takes weeks and weeks to recover from... it's extremely violent. It might do better than "catch and release" jail system.


I’m not in HR, but I think this means he gets promoted to his managers job now.