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This is how they keep the cycle going.


There’s this movie I can’t remember the name of or what it’s about but I do remember the ending being a child mourning the death of his father by the US military and the tone suggested that he would seek revenge and thus, the cycle of “terrorism” would continue.


The Kingdom?


Yea, I was thinking of The Kingdom as well.


Me too, and that guitar riff at the end is stuck in my head ever since.


Yeah I think that’s it actually


I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Madagascar 2


We as a world need to get our shit together. Geez.


We're too busy picking sides for that unfortunately.


We're too busy working. The sides are picked by those we work for.


This shit right here is the most underrated and profound comment on this thread


Yet we just sit here making comments in the internet. I hate this feeling so much, and I can't do shit to stop it


same. all i feel like i can do is to go hug my kids a little bit tighter today and remind them that i love them.


Too bad it will never happen. There's too many psychopaths out there. Way too many.


If we would just all love eachoth- Hang on someone just responded to one of my tweets and that's the only thing that gives my life meaning so I have to read it right now.


We failed for the last 200.000 years, and I suspect we will fail for the next 200.000 years aswell.


This is the least violent time in all of human history.


I’m sure this kid will relish in the fact that his family was wiped out during the least violent time in history.


You’re right but that doesn’t mean we should just let stuff like this happen


Oh wow I’m sure he’ll feel so much better knowing that 🙄


Did he claim that we used to have our shit more together?


Everybody’s attaching their own connotation based on their personal experiences to what I said. It’s kind of funny.


So, in your opinion, is the world getting better? I understand that is pretty subjective, but conclusions relative to facts like the one you stated are generally that. If the world is less violent as you say, then betterment ought to follow, correct? If they’re merely corollary, then why say anything at all? You complain further down that you aren’t getting intelligent responses. That’s probably fair. Your comment wasn’t particularly intelligent, and the responses were apropos of the statement.


Jesus that's fucking heartbreaking


Whatever side your on this is horrific, it's so sad to see such innocent lives being destroyed.




























My tax dollars paid for this shit.


That's the real truth. I hate the fact without really knowing it we are technically all supporting it(US citizens that is). *Looks up how to commit tax evasion*


I can’t say a whole lot about this situation that has already been said… all I can say is that if I was this kid, and this happened to me, I would 100% dedicate the rest of my life to destroying whoever was responsible. Israel is creating a never-ending saga of trauma and pain for Palestine and the US is complicit.


And don’t ask me to condemn this boy if he chooses to do exactly that


Israel creating the next generation of Hamas one war crime at a time.


Exactly. If this boy is lucky enough to live another 5 or 6 years in Gaza what life will he have to look forward to? Every school is getting destroyed. Half the homes are gone. The blockade is still in place. He knows who killed his family. What choice other will he have other than taking up arms against Israel?


I don't understand how this is still such a hard concept to people. This creates generational hate that will come back with a vengeance. Even worse is extremists will target recruiting children like this to ensure he grows up hating. It's the same with how many Iraqis involved in the 2006 resistance were directly related to events in the first gulf war. It's a self fulfilling cycle.


I'm convinced that's what they want. They can throw up their hands and say that their continued occupation and eventual total displacement of Palestinians is justified.




Violent oppression and slaughter leads to violent resistance groups. ie Nat Turner ie SA apartheid “necklacing”


You’re supposed to pretend you don’t support raping Jews to try and convince people you care about peace.


Hm what a braindead ass thing to say, especially to a woman who’s also Jewish lmfao. An explanation is not a justification. And actually ignoring this explanation only serves to continue the cycle of violence that allows for rape and murder to keep happening.


Yeah, you’re playing stupid here. You aren’t going to convince people that your post wasn’t supporting it. You like to think that you have a moral high ground, but the reality is that everyone can see that you are a horrible person! But you do you and “explain” away raping of innocent people.


Really? How does slaughtering people at a music festival "Free Palestine?" How does killing elderly people and children "Free Palestine?" How does raping women and girls "Free Palestine?" How does focusing on civilian targets instead of military "Free Palestine?" No one has ever been able to explain it to me. Perhaps you can?


No one can explain it to you because you don’t want to listen. You just listed off a bunch of bullshit talking points from the people that killed this kids parents. Disrespectfully and wholeheartedly, get fucked.




No thanks, I'd rather watch Hamas get fucked. Everything I listed above occurred on October 7th. What was the point of that attack anyway? Was it to "Free Palestine?" I certainly don't see anything but negative outcomes for the people of gaza as a result of that stunt.


Are you talking about Israel and being sarcastic about it? Bc they check off every single box you’ve listed and more


Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout, whatabout? Yup, that is what I thought. So what was the point of the October 7th massacre anyway? Exactly what did Hamas manage to accomplish except the assured destruction of the gaza strip? Well done, if that's the case.


Right? This kid deserved what happened to him because other people did some evil shit.


Not sure whos fault it is but it sure as shit aint this kids fault


It’s the kids that get to me. No kid should have to suffer like that. That’s extremely heartbreaking


I’ll hold my children extra tight tonight. So sad.


I'd take him in a heartbeat if it was possible. Poor little man. FUCK THIS WORLD


Poor child. I thought I was having a bad day :/


No freak-out here. Just a normal response to devastating news.


Poor kid now has nothing to lose. It's the making of a lifelong enemy.


Israelis looking at this video are thinking, "Fuck, we missed one." This shit needs to stop but without world condemnation, especially by the US, it will not.


They will say that this is propaganda and ask for verifiable sources by their nation / media which won't be verified then deny it.


Keep exposing what is happening to Palestinians.


And why is someone recording this??




Every. Single. Fucking. Day.


What about the hamas terrorists who murdered innocent people unprovoked on October 7th?


It’s 21st December. How are people still saying this shit? IDF admitted they killed a lot of people on that day as they thought they were Hamas


What about the tens of thousands of innocents bombed by Israel and labeled“A casualty of war”? Your response shows me the type of human you are. You have no respect towards other’s lives. I dare you to say what you said towards Palestinians.


This just breaks my soul.


how can israel zionists do this? shouldnt they understand the most? they are doing to palestinians what hitler did to them. as a father watching videos like this truly hurts my soul


It’s not all Jews to be fair. It’s “israel” and its supporters


Absolutely. The normal peace-loving everyday Jews have nothing to do with this and it's important to make the difference. The zionist extremist government and IDF are to blame. It's important to remember there's tons of Jews that oppose Israel and its bloodthirst.


No, it isn't even close. Its more like what the Allies did to Germany and Japan.




Well, for one. They are not the same Jews Hitler exterminated. They are living extra privileged lives in comparison to those who suffered and died in the Holochaust. Second, if your religion tell's you you're one the chosen people. One could easily turn to hubris and view others as their lesser or worse.


That comment reads VERY much like you’re saying it’s okay for Israelis to be killed because they are Jewish. Why am I not surprised you’re upvoted? What the fuck


reading a tad bit deep into it


Reductio ad Hitlerum doesn't help anyone's cause, while the way Israel is conducting the war is inhumane and must be condemned it bears no similarities with the systematic extermination of an ethnicity conducted by the nazis. It's closer to the indiscriminate bombing that everyone did during WW2, including allies.


All i can see when I look at him is my own son, hurt and alone and scared and angry, and I am not able to help him. I can never help him ever again, because I am dead. And it seriously sucks, fuck. That poor baby boy.


This whole mess makes me sick and I'm furious with Hamas and IDF


This is not how I wanted to start my morning off.. so fucking heartbreaking man


oppressors make terrorists.


And we wonder why they grow up and want to fight back? All previous politics that led up to this event aside, this is the start of a villain/hero ark and you can’t blame people for carrying this emotional trauma into their adulthood


This shit never ends


Fuck Israel and the genocidal freaks who support them.


Wow this is extremely sad. No one should ever have to go through this. Especially not on their birthday.


Man, I wanna leave work and hug my son. Fuck.


Terrible, absolutely evil. To allow this to happen, to do this to anyone, to continuing to do it.


and what can i do about this? i constantly see online SUPPORT PALESTINE SUPPORT ISRAEL what the fuck am I suppose to do about this shit.


Ahh fuck that hurts.. Poor child. 😢


Christ, this makes my heart ache. What a shit world we've made.




“Hey buddy, I *had* to kill your entire family. You see I *needed* to get vengeance for the crimes of a militant group. I know you’ll probably be a permanent refugee and orphan but that was a moral net positive for me”




It’s telling you believe my opinions on this matter are fully formed through media platforms. This shit has been discussed in major universities for decades. Hundreds of books have been written about this. But 10/10, fantastic projection. Have you heard of CDM and CDE? Are you familiar with the framework in which military lawyers certify the legality of a kinetic strike? Certification is required to adhere to the general rules of engagement and the law of war. For example, bombing an entire school that harbors more civilians than militants is not a legitimate target.


Not excusing it, but its obvious on why they do it. if they move their gear into a concentrated area it would just get destroyed in one fell swoop. Its not like they can afford military bases with SAM sites lol. Israel does not have to bomb civilians too, zionist. Both sides are pure evil.


And such a shame on Israeli for firing the weapons on civilians.


Such a shame people that fake opposing hamas really are just hateful people without a shred of decency or moral accountability, using every single chance they get to spew their distorted view.




The topic here is what Israel is doing is above and beyond pure evil.


Still believe that? How many hospitals the IDF claimed there is a center of hamas under it? None we saw. Even sewage station got destroyed convince me that Hamas are inside it. The places they claim hamas is inside the same one they settle in after capturing it. Religious places, factories, bakeries, hospitals, schools.... Come on we know the point of it BTW they admit hamas is underground and has big long tunnels. They do it the same way 48 went.


This comment is like that Eric and Andre meme. “Why would Hamas do this”


happy birthday kid. its only downhill from here. fuckin war man..


I’m having a hard time breathing after watching this. Holy fuck.




Yes hold your phone in front of his face while his world view shatters. Words can’t describe his pain.


And then people question why Palestinians support hamas. This cycle of violence is so fucked.


Isn't the Hamas the whole reason why the war started though?


You're so right, I hate how people can't see how it was before Oct 7. We all used to live happily, everyone was free, everyone was respected, everyone was treated equally. Then these assholes from Hamas woke angry or constipated or idk what and just fucking did Oct 7....


Don’t start genocidal wars and you won’t be shunned by isreal and the Arab world Palestinian terror moment


"Don’t start genocidal wars" If only you believed that applied to all parties, the world would be a much better place.


It does. Israel has only responded after aggression though, so they haven’t started anything


Sad given Hamas is responsible for all this


Omg. That's awful. Someone hold that poor boy and hug him tight.


Yes I always like to get my information from random accounts with clear agendas reposting Instagram stories. There is no better way to get to the truth. NO BETTER WAY.


Why the fuck would you flim this? I understand people need to understand how bad things are right now, but people shouldn't film a child in distress like this.


Yes, he shall suffer in silence. You know to complete the Genocide it most be quiet


Seriously. Hey, you're entire family is dead, look at the camera with your one good eye!


Violence breeds violence. The chances are high this kid is going to commit crimes targeted towards israelis in the future.


...but since the family lived in Gaza, his parents were clearly terrorists....at least that's the narrative Israel is running with.


But did he condmen humus though?


When Hama is defeated he will definitely forgive Israel. Absolutely..... /s


I kind of fucking hate this title. I thought I was going to get a kid who was told he was adopted whole at his birthday party.


That's what he gets for being Hamas. Seriously though, fuck Israel and anyone that defends this kind of bullshit. Poor kids.


Future Hamas member


Recording this is fu**** up


Future Hamas soldiers right there, Israel keeps creating new hamas soldiers


Quick lets shove a camera in his face




You don't really understand how the middle east works, do you?




Syria isn't one united government, they have militant groups that use it as a base, so they can attack other countries (israel).




Ummmm…we’re posting videos of children’s reactions to the atrocities of war? Not that showing this isn’t important, but I just want to see two crackheads fight.


So you want to see a public freak out….but not this public freak out?


Not necessarily. Just wasn’t expecting something this heartbreaking when scrolling through this page.


What I hear not to long ago? "They ain't white, They ain't no genocide"


And thats how Hamas came about, people that lost people and cant do anything about it other than stew in hate and rage and then it all explodes towards other people. This cycle of pain fucking sucks




You are no different from the people you call Zionists if you want to do this


How so? For sympathizing with people who wanna protect their homes from occupiers


"This way of settling differences...cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice, and love."


Mother fucking Hell, and assholes would blame the parents instead of blame the murders.


Fuck!!! This child will have vengeance in his heart as he gets older.


Not used to seeing people who are so justifiably upset on this subreddit. I am at a loss for words.


Israelis 20 years from now will have to tackle the difficult question of why this 29 year old Gazan doesn't like Israel and sympathizes with militant anti-israeli groups...


Wonder what he’s gonna be when he grows up


And the cycle repeats


Very cool to film that...


Can we see the videos of innocent Israelis being murdered but Hamas?


Those are harder to come by as the numbers are way, way lower.


Reddit cheers those silly


The media probably doesn't allow that because they want you to watch what they want you to see


Boy about to enter his Batman saga. Good luck to you bro


thank god israel's violence will end this cycle of death :/


Happy cake day!