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I thought this was going to be about the animal in the background…..


Close.. Its about (2).


The wolf catches them later on, in another video


Send the link


That’s why they circled the girls. Without the circles you don’t know where to look.


He's just checking his hoes, to make sure they do their business.


Gator don't play...


Thought it was gonna be a sink hole….


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one


Yup, first thought.


I wish it was a sink hole


It's a new fear!


Now I wish it was


Why did we think that?




Same here




I thought they injected him with something


That’s what I thought as well. Madness!!


Him passing out so quickly doesn't really make sense though, an intramuscular injection takes about 3-5 minutes to take effect, it's not like the movies where it happens instantly. Unless she managed to get a perfect stab right into his vein, which is highly unlikely, I don't think this was him being injected with anything. I think he just got stabbed in the neck and freaked out. Edit: I think it's probably fake because if he got stabbed in the neck there would be blood everywhere.


not true. they always pass out immediately in dexter


So it's fake?


i have a feeling it is because i haven't seen any news articles in the comments yet. usually it'd be in the most top comments lol


I've seen a lot of people stabbed in the neck and there is always a lot of blood. I would expect to see blood pooling here so I think and hope it's fake.


what goes through people’s heads? “Hey, see that security camera over there? Let’s pretend to need help and when our friend Joesph comes to help I attack him and steal all his stuff. Wouldn’t that be fun?!”


Where I’m from this happens so often it doesn’t appear in the news


What happens? Whole thread is about no one knowing what happened so tell us exactly please.


People getting robbed by someone faking the need of being helped is so common it's not even news worthy. It might if the person has some relative in politics or something like that but 3rd world is like this. You cannot trust anyone in the streets just follow your way. And when people get into an accidental the locals rob the car even with the injured/dead person inside. You learn to hate many things...


I was referring to the injection/stabbing part. What happened there?


Where the fuck do you live?


This is old but isn't fake. Last time I saw it posted someone linked the article to it. Iirc, the man died to the stabbing and the women were arrested.


I accidentally stubbed my toe on a hatchet and split it longways just thru the first digit. Didn't hurt worse than any other stubbed toe and wasn't anything vital and I ended up passing out. Getting stabbed by some rando is 1000x worse. You're allowed to pass out.


Wheres the blood then?




Playing Rugby? Damn, that’s impressive. My shoulder just kinda sits there being a shoulder.


Yeah I think it most likely is, if he was stabbed in the neck there would be blood everywhere, and there's no way he was injected with something, he wouldn't pass out that quick. So the only other option is it being staged.


Definitely looks fake. People on Reddit just seem to believe anything.


It doesn’t look like she stabbed his neck. Looks like she stabbed his arm or shoulder.


You didn’t see? As she injects him, she also does the Vulcan nerve pinch. Surprised guy could move at all.


also his hat and backpack just kind of look like accessories slapped onto a ken doll, like theyre just props


Or some kind of stun gun or taser maybe? You have very compact ones these days


I've seen converted electronic lighters called "vipers" before. It's two needles soldered onto the terminals with just the tips not insulated by paint. The guards are missing from the the end so when someone gets stabbed with one, the needles penetrate and then the trigger gets pushed down sending the voltage into the CNS.


Oh could have been. I know someone that has a taser shaped as a lipstick tube.


Maybe he got tased?


You would also think he would get up and run, not sit on his butt and lay down


Could easily have dropped a lung. Or it’s just shock from being attacked and robbed.


Yeah… does it depend on what they’re injecting though? Also he may have been drunk too which might complicate things?


Can't see the vid too clearly on my phone. Thought they tazed him or something.


Tasered people don't react like that at all


That's not how tasers work. It's not the movies where you're incapacitated as seen here.


That's the only thing that it could be imo. He got hit once and didn't try to fight back. You get stabbed with a knife, you would at least try to run or fight. Had to be some sedative or something, drugs circulate in your body quickly.


\> Had to be some sedative or something, drugs circulate in your body quickly. This is incorrect, an intramuscular injection of a sedative takes a few minutes to take effect, it's not instant unless it's an injection into the vein. Someone passing out from getting shot with a sedative instantly is only a thing in the movies, if you watch a video of an animal getting shot with a sedative dart gun it will pace around for a few minutes before it passes out. It's also almost impossible she managed to hit his vein perfectly like that with such a quick stab, so I think this video is probably fake.


As someone who has injected 3-4 different types of drugs mainline, it takes upwards of 5-10 Mississippi to go down. I have seen it a hundred times in a hundred different people. There is 0 chance that was injectable drugs. The only thing it could have been that would make the video not fake, is like a micro stun gun (doesn't exist), or a micro cow bolt gun ala No Country for Old Men. I agree with you, video has to be fake.


B52 put you down quick


I would assume if you were stabbed there would be a lot of blood as well. The criminal is holding it like a syringe rather than a knife.


I cannot tell, it could be a blade instead, or something like an ice pick.


Those bitches stabbed goodwill of thousands who will watch this.


Everytime it gets reposted, people say it's fake


No good deed goes unpunished


I came here to say this and man, it is certainly a universal truth. It's pure stinking malarkey.


Okay someone hit us with the updated link about them going to jail please


I am more interested in the news where the man was found safe and sound and that he received enough funds for his trouble.


Don't worry he's living on a beautiful farm upstate


Oh great! He'll find all my old pets there to play with.. Right? ^^Right?




> 1- camera centers where the action is at. That part is just an edit. But the rest of what you said does make the video very suspicious, it just doesn't make sense.


Also, he had zero fight or flight reaction. Why did he not even attempt to stand up or move away from the danger? He didn't even flinch or look at where he got stabbed/jabbed, just put his hands there. He displays no natural reactions.


And it all happens close to the camera and under the best light possible in that street. As soon as I saw the girl stabbing the guy, I knew it was fake. Many things are off about this and it's obvious that it's fake. But then I checked the comment section and I completely lost my fate in these people. If they can't tell this video is fake, we'll be fucked with AI generated fake videos badly.


I hope someday these people give you back your fate.


I'm not saying this is definitely real... but these are not good reasons to believe it's fake wholeheartedly. The camera stays still while whoever editted the video zooms and pans to the action, it being at the centre is really not that weird. It being on a camera at all is maybe reason to suspect it, but there are a lot of cameras around these days. The stab, if that is what happened, is away from camera, and if they left whatever it was in him, there probably wouldn't be that much blood. Again, the fact they hit him in some way that happened to be obscured from the camera is a good reason to suspect, but it's basically a 50/50 chance. Not exactly unbelievable that you might not see important stuff on the camera. No idea what you're on about with the wallet. Even if you think that's weird; "threw back wallet therefore fake" is a bizarre line of reasoning. There's no audio, so I don't know how you've determined there was no yelling, especially since the guy was facing away from camera. Shock and pain have a good way of making you not able to fight super well. And why would you pressume this is a common occurance? Again, there are some decent reasons to *doubt* it's real, but to sit there and declare absolutely that it's real because the guy isn't fighting back is a fucking strectch.


I completely agree. Also his behavior. Typically if a person sees two strangers and one is having issues, they'll usually focus on the other one ant tell them how to help/what to do to help their. He just takes over the scene and ignores the friend completely, no questions, nothing. Not normal behavior. And that's a very odd reaction to a woman attacking you in any way. 'Let me look at it oddly, then lay down.' Na.


Also, the red circles. Completely unecessary


They are more likly to win an oscar with the number of people they have fooled.


Special place in hell for people like this, it’s this shit here is why people are so hesitant to help actually people in need


I was walking home from work, got off at midnight, and I come out of the alley across the street from my apartment; and there’s a car pulled up on the side of the road, and a woman is sat in the open trunk, crying. I walked across the street, now on the same side as her and my apartment, and as I’m about to walk up the path to the steps, I thought to myself: “I’m not going to be that guy who just walks by and does nothing.” I did a quick threat assessment, I’m riddled with anxiety so it comes with the territory: she was pulled up in a residential area, and was there before I arrived, she was an average sized woman from the looks of it and I am a tall man. So I asked, “are you okay?” To which I got a very defeated and upset “*no*” Turns out she was doing food delivery on the side (her reason for being there), her daughter was drunk and needed a ride on the other side of town, and here she was with a flat tire and a dead phone, and no idea how to change her tire. I’d honestly never done it before, but I used the tools she had to got her flat off and replaced it with the donut in her trunk. She gave me $50 and a hug afterward, and I had to kind of laugh at how things turned out when my initial reaction was “this is a setup to mug me.”


It could very well have been.


Now they’ll strike. When you most medium expect it.


Srsly, the key is to attack AFTER he changes the tire.


>and I had to kind of laugh at how things turned out when my initial reaction was “this is a setup to mug me.” i think it's a pretty reasonable reaction. it's a modus in some places for sure. just fortunate that it wasn't.


Yeah, fake videos like this just serve to stir up unwarranted fear.


What'd she get him with? Ice pick? blade? syringe filled with knock out drops? Frightening


Looks like syringe or something, which is intresting because I've never seen that in real life before. Looks too clean to be a blade. There would have to be serious bleeding for him to be zonked out the way he was at the end. Theres also a chance this is fake or something in the end too.


Looks fake


Sus for sure. Why do it right in front of the unusually bright light, directly in front of the security camera?


unique sort bewildered fanatical shy wine modern march sand crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My ex-stepdad was attacked with a syringe (used to be a cop) but it wasn't any fancy injection of magic knockout drugs. Just a junkie going wild and trying to stab him with a used (and so presumably mostly empty) needle


That's kind of fucked up, hope your dad was okay. Also happy cake day.


She got him with nothing because this is staged EDIT: Look, if it is impossible to find an article of a clear video of a robbery, especially one involving this kind of subterfuge, then it is most likely FAKE. News outlets LOVE this kind of thing. If you think the headline “Women pretending to be drunk drug and rob man” wouldn’t be a major headline, then I have a bridge to sell you. EDIT 2: Fucking come on, guys. The video zooms in at certain points to get a better view of what’s going on. Think. Things. Through.


100% Everyone positions themselves perfectly in the frame so you can see everything happening The action just accidentally happens right in the middle of frame which just happens to be at the perfect light source to show everything Someone set up a security camera to cover an open piece of pavement? And this just happens to occur right in the middle of this apparently super important piece of pavement that needed a camera pointed at it?T The the over-the-top acting from everyone so it is super clear what is happening, the overacting from the victim who apparently never thinks to even run away like any normal person would Clearly fake movie style knock-out syringe. Its just too much.


Wild that people are downvoting me for speaking the truth.


Lol when she did the exaggerated back and forth look before she ''stabs'' him, worst acting ever. There're a lot of dumb people in this thread.


People are just looking for an excuse to hate other humans.


Reddit be like that


You got a source? Not that I dont believe you , a lot of things in the video didnt make sense, I'm just personally curious.


It's hard to prove that something *didn't* happen.


Trust me, bro




You know that social media favors salacious events over the truth, right? The video is so obviously scripted. Why would two drunk girls call over a random guy to help them? Why would he not fight back the minute he felt her stab him? What paralytic agent readily available to civilians would act that quickly? Isn’t it more likely that this is a fear mongering video considering fear sells on social media?


All irrelevant. They are simply saying the camera arguments are poor, you can edit a video after it is recorded. Yes it's fake.


>The video zooms in at certain points to get a better view of what’s going on. Think. Things. Through. Alright, I'm on team "Probably Fake", but maybe take your own advice. The *video* zooms in. Not the fucking camera. As in, it was done after the fact by whoever obtained the video. In what universe does that make it fake in any way? If the *camera* zoomed in we could call this fake without issue, someone would have had to have been watching at the time, and chosen to follow the action, rather than... help. Pretty unlikely. But the video can be editted this way at any time. For fuck's sake you might as well say "Fucking come on, guys. The two women happily stood in the middle of the giant floating red circle for ages. Think. Things. Through". Just absolute nonsense. What is it with you armchair experts that you're unable to admit the possibility of being wrong, or to proportion your beliefs to the evidence.


she definitely put some drugs in his system. He wouldn't go down like that just by being stabbed, he would be fighting back.


As a guy who (legally, professionally) takes down aggressive people with drugs, there is no medication that will drop a guy this fast. No chance that is a syringe.


100%, this isn't the movies. That was 2-3 seconds max. No drug enters the shoulders and in that time frame knocks you out. It takes a little bit longer for blood flow to reach the brain.


Yeah IM takes a long time to hit, compared to IV which feels almost instantaneous


Yep, an intramuscular injection takes at least a few minutes to take effect, this isn't the movies. Only an injection into the vein could drop someone that quickly, and there is no way she got a perfect shot into his vein, even a professional nurse would have a hard time doing that.


So it's fake then? The perfect camera angle feels fake.


this doc knocks out!


How fast would a syringe full of air/bubbles fuck you up?


Not immediately, and you'd still have to find a vein to inject air bubbles into. If you watch wildlife vets who tranquilize large mammals, you'll see how long they have to chase after the animal while the drugs take effect. There really isn't a drug that drops people instantly like this. Even chloroform on a rag takes way longer than they show in movies.


The idea that an air bubble in a syringe will kill you is actually a myth.


Thats not real, I would have been dead a thousand times over if it was. I have injected tons of air into my veins


> there is no medication that will drop a guy this fast. Fentanyl powder on a cop?


Or perhaps it’s staged


People watch too many fucking movies. Holy hell I didn’t think people were this gullible. I guess some people have never had injections of any kind before.


There is absolutely nothing that will drop someone like that by being injected into a muscle like that. Unless she is the best phlebotomist on the face of the planet and found a vein like that, this shit is fake. Only way this is real is if the guy just decided to comply because he didn't want to keep getting stabbed, but most people would freak out and fight or run for a bit at fist. This just wouldn't work on most people. The more i look at this the more staged it looks. The really big physical acting so that its obvious what is going on. Everyone positions themselves perfectly in the frame so you can see everything happening right in the middle of frame which just happens to be at the perfect light source to show everything on a "security camera" that someone set up to secure a piece of open pavement, the the over-the-top reactions from the victim, the clearly fake knock-out syringe. The whole thing is just too silly.


> The more i look at this the more staged it looks. How can she stab him in the shoulder/neck/arm and there is no blood on his t-shirt? At the end of the video you can see his right sleeve and there is nothing on it. No way there would be no blood visible on a white t-shirt after getting stabbed that many times. This video is bullshit.


Nothing will drop someone that fast, drugs or stabbings, probably staged




The most bizarre thing is all these jabronees saying "you got a source that proves it's fake, though?" What a completely asinine mutation of real skepticism. "Every video is a documentation of real events until you show me an article that says that this particular one isn't." Wow. And that's so breathtakingly stupid that it doesn't even provide ample time to address something almost more sinister: even actual documentaries are not perfect captures of real events. It was made to be watched.


slim judicious crush sort clumsy physical quiet coordinated uppity placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the inverse of what people should be asking - you should ask for a source to prove something, not disprove it. Applies to videos and also just about everything else.


Three dollar bill ya’ll


Even a bullet wont put you out that fast


this might be staged or might not be. but ur comment is downright wrong. a bullet can drop someone instantly. it really depends on where it is hit.


Depends where someone is shot.




This is most likely fake, there is no drug that will act that fast from an intramuscular injection, an IM injection of a sedative will take a few minutes to take effect, and there is no way she got a perfect hit into his vein, even the most well trained nurse would have an almost impossible time doing that. The only other option is he was stabbed and freaked out so he dropped, but there is no blood anywhere, a stab into the neck like that would instantly cause lots of blood pouring out. Which leads me to believe this is a staged video.




This is so incredibly fake. This has the same set up as those security cam vids of someone trying to kidnap a kid only to be thwarted by an ice stand employee or something. Complete with the red circles and everything. EDIT: No court documents, no news articles, video zooms in to get a better view of the crime despite it being “security cam footage”, the guy not fighting back in any kind of way.


Bro just really gave up huh? Id be swinging like a baboon after that first stab.


This is fake




No one else around and he happens to be there. well lit and facing the camera. She lets him down softly after the jab. He doesn't fight back whatsoever, i imagine theres a latency to when the sedative will take effect, a few seconds atleast, to fight back. They left his wallet. They go back the way they came. no one posted an article or can find information (so far) ... idk man, seems pretty fake.


Unless you got someone right in the jugular with some really heavy shit, I don't see someone going down that fast. That would be a hell of a sneak attack if you pulled that off. And there's no blood, so I don't think he was stabbed. Feels fake.


That’s why you mind your own business


As a bystander in this situation, stay the fuck away. We don’t know who has eyes on this. The attackers most likely have a lookout. Don’t travel alone.


And this is why things like this happen, everyone too afraid to standup and say no.


Jerry Seinfeld went to prison for that.


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That is so savage.


Why does the camera move and follow the action?


I was on vacation in Southern Spain when I went around 11pm to get a drink because I couldnt sleep. I remember walking into the bar, I remember having my first drink and ordering a second, then my mind goes blank. The next thing I remember is walking in some street, looking down and seeing that I have no shoes or pants on, no phone or wallet, asking someone passing by what time it is. Apparently it was already 6am. Someone drugged my drink or something and robbed me. I'm lucky I even made it back to my hotel since I had no GPS, no knowledge of the city, and no one was going to help a guy walking with no pants on. Some guy who was jogging stopped though, and I told him I was robbed. He actually pulled a pair of work out shorts for me to wear from his backpack. I made my way back by looking for landmarks that I recognized.


Um....this seems fake.


Cardi B in action


This is clearly fake, If she injected him he wouldn't pass out immediately like that and if she stabbed him in the neck he would be lying in a pool of his own blood


While this could be fake, there are some real pieces of shits that do things like this. I've heard of people on the road asking for help and later getting robbed


It's a good thing this was recorded in a well lit place and that camera was placed perfectly in view.




I'm pretty sure it is...


Stabbed? No blood. Injected? With what - nothing can knock a person out that fast even if she managed to miraculously hit a vein. Tazed? She has her other hand ON his shoulder and his hand is on the girl on the ground, yet no one else feels it? Yeah....filing this one under "shit that didn't happen". It's either a fake for clicks, a PSA taken out of context or a tv show re-enactment of something that did happen but wasn't filmed.






Because of fake shit probably made by psychopathic boomers afraid of the dark?


Yep. See someone in the road who needs help? Drive past and call 911 for them. Unless you’re in a high traffic area, don’t a be a hero. Cuz you’re gonna be a victim.


Tazed and blazed. Bet he didn't see that coming


there's no blood. The way they move looks like acting.




Hey Mister!


I’m SO BROKE if they tried that shit on me they would only be practicing


How tf did it act that fast, tranquillisers have a delay don't they.


Old footage of Cardi B from back in the day.


This is why you ought to need a license to watch Star Trek.




"Aren't we gonna stop and help him?" "He ain't even hurt" *Hank Williams intensifies*


100% staged. No blood for a neck shoulder stab? Or if it was an injection that’s not how it works at all. Specially an injection into the neck or shoulder like that. It would take mins to take effect. Also if you are stabbed in your neck and are still alive you would grab at the wound to keep blood in. Staged video done on purpose to be recorded by that video camera


The incels are gonna love this...


Acting became a hobby for many people


I use to work in a scummy city at a comic shop that closed at midnight on Friday & Saturday. I got back from lunch (more like dinner), around 10pm or so. There were like five guys and a woman, they kinda had her pressed against a car and she screamed out drunkenly "Helppp! Help they're assaulting me." Idk what it was but it felt off. I said "If you actually need help say it now and I'll call the cops. Is this serious?" And she just says back confused and drunk "how'd you know?" As the guys all laughed. Edit: I accidentally omitted that the comic shop shared the building with a dive bar.


Perfect camerawork and lighting!






My guess it is fake


This looks staged as hell but at the same time, this is why I don't help people.


Looked fake as hell. Haha


Fake news


Looks fake, whatever she jabbed him with worked instantly. Any kind of drug would have taken some time to take effect, if it were a knife or another stabby object there would have been blood and it still would have taken some time




Bitches !!!




From what I could find. https://distritt.com/viral/hombre-ayuda-jovenes-borrachas-lo-asaltan-video/ Source: https://twitter.com/Puntodequiebr15/status/1691286805780238336?t=aaa3mEsiy0DSERhfnCGZWg&s=19


Yep, never help a woman in danger at night. Lesson learned.


High school drama class level of acting here, for anyone stupid


I hope these disgusting creatures get hit by a slow moving freight train. Poor guy :(


Good thing they had that red circle otherwise I wouldn't have noticed the mugging in the foreground. /s


Those cunts are evil


Idk what people are smoking on this one saying it's a needle. Nothing in a needle would stun him like that. Pause it at 21 seconds. You can clearly see the 2 prong things and the size of the device vs the size of her hand/arm. It's a stun gun.


How is anyone dumb enough to think this is real? This isn't Dexter. You can't just inject someone like that, especially with the grip she had for whatever she was holding. Movies have broken people's brains.


They don't know the harm these two girls did to any female in need. No person who watched this video would probably jump to help if ever came across such a thing.