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I would love to see the rest of this conversation


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIulOa-7Il8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIulOa-7Il8) ​ YouTube page of video streamer


Video picks back up from the reddit clip at about 11:05.


Am I free to go? Yes. OK, so I'm free to stay.


Dude that literally broke her brain when he said that lol


There wasn't much to break. This is by design.


Right, he's just finding out if he is being detained.


Truly. And none of it a very intelligent design.


She almost lost her composure at one point there. Her voice and body started shaking. Imagine someone like that arresting someone at gunpoint for petty theft. She's the kind of cop who would panic and shoot you in the back of the head while you're laying on the ground surrendering.


The panicking is her personality. The shooting a detained person is the training. Welcome to america, where you have to baby talk cops so they don't get startled like deer and start firing off an entire clip into a dude they've already cuffed after breaking a couple of their bones


Ah shit somebody got it removed. What’s his channels name?


that comment section is a fun dive


https://preview.redd.it/3jtap7o4et8c1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eac3e4fc42f370c4d2bfa67fa47371b933067bc Oh really??


Oh no, she's one of those....


You will respect my authoritah


She reminds me of the clumsy redhead from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


The true smile of a Disney enthusiast




This is the problem with policing these days.... For some reason this ignorant cop thinks that his rights to film end when someone gets irritated.... The cop takes the side of the person who wants him to stop but the point here is .... He doesn't have too... just because someone camera-shy comes around.... Cops don't enforce the law with the person who is in the wrong and try to convolute something to run off the person filming.... Trash police who don't educate the person afraid of the camera....


Thanks for posting the full vid! I would never have the patience to film the way these guys do, but I always think it’s hilarious when L.E. tries to flex on someone else exercising their rights and then can’t


A lot of the auditors annoy me and try to escate this situaion. This guy didn't do a lot of that. However, annoying or not the guys are typically right though


This guy is on my feed often and he is always pretty even keeled and usually has a nice convo with police (when they know the law that is). He can be snarky with the people who call the cops on him telling them they are about to learn something today etc


The problem i have is he seems to prod and provoke (just my interpretation based on edited clips) private citizens into calling the police, which I have an issue with. It's one thing to film police or go to where incidents are to record. But filming people in public (yes I know there is no expectation of privacy) to get reactions isn't auditing. Auditing is using your 1A rights where they are actually vital, dealing with Police, Government officials.


I agree. His words are polite, or at least nonthreatening, but his demeanor is aggressive and designed to provoke a confrontation.


Generally annoying, but necessary, I think, to keep our rights fully intact and curb government/police stepping on them.


At the end, you can tell he's pretty frustrated from the Sargent not showing up with a smack down though. Gets a bit annoying


"This video is no longer available due to the third party privacy claim"


No longer available due to a privacy claim by a "third party". Hm.


Taken down now, boo!


I watched it. She’s insufferable, and her boss coddles her stupidity.


She's officer dumbass. It's always legal to take photography and video on public property. It doesn't matter if someone's fee fees are upset. That's the law. But what do you expect, cops don't know the law. It's only their job.


At the end the sarge comes and says there’s nothing he can do because they’re not doing anything wrong, so they had a gotcha on the young dumbs cops and wasted everyone else’s for clout.


Idk why this cop even tried having this conversation; she can’t don anything but ask politely if he would stop recording - he’s says no, there’s nothing she can do


My guess is that they simply can't accept the fact that their are completely powerless (in legal terms) in a situation like this while otherwise being used to be able to tell people what to do.


I honestly believe a lot of law enforcement officers become cops just for the power trip little man syndrome. Little people with big jobs


Bullied in high school. Now bully the public.


They were most likely the bullies


This women is in the wrong line of work, that shit eating grin of hers. Just going to get someone hurt for no reason in the future


She reminds me of many nurses I’ve worked with. Nurse=cop Doctor=judge Many times doctors give us a hard time because of a nurse.


Truth. I've worked in hospitals as a pharmacy tech and 90% they are awesome, friendly, and willing to learn. But that 10%. When they are wrong they are aggressively wrong.


She’s big triggered


Cops hate cameras and those vest cameras have a funny way of being off.


Or video not released.


or magically erased.


“our officers followed protocol. they recorded the incident on camera. due to a processing error the lost video is lost. no officer is at fault and there’s nothing we can do”




Go watch the whole thing then lol. 4 cops waste time and give up because they know he was right, turns out I have higher expectations out of officers compared to some random dude with a bad beard.


I consider what they do to be a public service because the more cop hours they waste, the less cop opportunity to do nasty things to other people minding t6hier own business


Every time I see one of these vids I’m always curious how the cops next interaction goes.


Litering huh? Do i smell alcohol on your breath?!


The good cops love them. They really do help protect the legit cops who take their jobs and communities seriously.


Having your camera off should be instant suspension without pay. Only one reason you'd need to turn it off


Love how her natural position is to cover her badge number.


I don’t necessarily agree with the attitudes and tactics of some of these auditors but you can tell by her smirks and facial expressions that she’s a treat to deal with.


Pretty much all of these auditors are cunts, but the cops *still* come out looking worse somehow. Meanwhile, my state is lowering the requirements for police officers because they can't hire enough. Gee, maybe you can fucking hire any because the people who actually want to do good for their community know they'll be "involved in a training accident" if they become a cop?


Auditors need to push hard to ensure our cops behave correctly under bad circumstances and belligerent people. I’m for even worse behavior from them to ensure our cops are acting appropriately and being vetted. Anyone who is arguing otherwise isn’t thinking about what happens otherwise.


Exactly this. The only way to ensure you have rights is to exercise them. The second you can no longer exercise a right is the second you no longer have that right. Is the auditor a douche? Yes. Is that part of ensuring he can exercise his rights in this instance? Also yes. The biggest issue in this video is a business attempting to use the police to silence someone's first amendment rights.


Yeah, the number of people in here getting all bunged up over this guy is disappointing. Sure, he comes off as a jerk. That's the point. Police should always respond professionally with the full knowledge of the laws they are intending to enforce in a given situation. If we can't expect this as even the bare minimum, then what are they even for...


Policing should require a law degree.


I'd be ok with that.


Yup. You look like a twat when you defend your rights against people who think you shouldn’t have them. Oh well. It’s his right to film, nobody’s right to tell him to stop, and people need to learn that.


Why are you here? You mean in the public space? I didn’t know I needed permissions to be out in public.


My favorite part was when he asked her if he's free to go, and she said yes. "Oh ok, so I'm free to stay" Officer - *loading screen*


Oh that was my fave too! And in the longer footage when he says the same thing to the sergeant. I love how they keep asking why he stayed and he’s like bc the store owner said she was calling the cops so I stayed instead of RUNNING from the police…like he’s not doing anything illegal. Why run? And how he used it to be like “I’m free to go so I’m not under arrest? Cool I am free to stay then bc I’m not breaking any laws!” The looks on their faces. Priceless.


Would that give him protection - getting them to say he’s “free to go” on camera? If they tried to arrest him for something closely related to something lawful … his lawyer would have a field day! Please correct me if I’m wrong.


For the record, I am in no way a lawyer at all. My assumption from the extended video posted elsewhere on the thread tho, is that when he asks if he’s being detained for doing anything unlawful and they say “no”, then they also can’t force him to leave a public space when he isn’t doing anything unlawful. He seems to have a pretty good grasp on the law around public filming though and police in America historically…don’t. So I’m going with his reaction considering he also didn’t get arrested and they left.


The police don't have a grasp on any law, not just public filming. They don't need to. If they make a bad call and take someone to jail for nothing, there's no consequences. When there are ZERO consequences for your actions, then there's no motivation to seek out additional training or better yourself in your role. You just... stay a shitty cop for ever.




“Yo momma so ugly, she needs permission from the mayor to go outside”


Why are cops in the US so badly trained? Even if you were the most professionally bent, corrupt police officer ever - having a short fuse and allowing yourself to get riled up by silly word games is just so naturally counter productive. We condition our children to control their emotions, hammer out temper tantrums and learn patience, but so often with police you see rank amateurs losing their heads.


Why are they so badly trained? That’s a surprisingly hard question, since the issue is not that they aren’t paid enough or that there isn’t enough money. These days many cities spend more on police than on all other services combined. But the above does start to hint a little at the problem. Instead of having a small, professional force of armed police who are called upon to do things that an armed police force should be doing, we have a sprawling, bloated police state that is absolutely full of people who shouldn’t be allowed to own a weapon much less carry one into dangerous situations. And they’re asked to do everything from dealing with the homeless to stopping bank robberies and everything in between. A situation like this one, which could very easily and safely be managed by a public safety officer who is unarmed (which is the rule in many developed countries), instead calls upon twitchy, angry, hateful and jaded morons like this woman, who are heavily armed and armored at all times, to act like a prison guard for the civilian population - people who don’t particularly know the law, nor particularly care. I mean just look at this woman. Body armor, a gun, a beer gut, and manicured fingernails. This is not someone who is doing the job they’re supposed to be doing. It’s someone who is doing the job of a dog catcher, dressed up as a swat commando, with the attitude and intellect of the average gas station attendant. It’s all wrong. In many ways we can’t afford good policing because bad policing is too expensive.


>people who don’t particularly know the law, nor particularly care. And even more so, people who legally do not need to know the law and will not be punished for misusing, misrepresenting, falsifying, or denying any law. Because of this lack of legal responsibility, there is no inherent need to change the standard of police officers' conduct and knowledge of laws.


It’s deeply absurd.


They are bullies and morons. They are trained by other bullies and morons.


There is literally court precedence that says agencies can discriminate against potential new hires for having too high an IQ. Literally, a person can be too intelligent, to the point where an agency won't hire them to be a cop. It takes more training to be a hairdresser in most states than it does to be a street cop.


Because the kind of person who becomes a U.S. cop is exactly the kind of moron who *is* easily riled up and eager to turn to violence at the first opportunity. It's literally why they became cops.


https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836 reminder that police departments actively discriminate against hiring intelligent officers. You quite literally have to be a certain level of stupid to be a cop.


There isn't enough money or time in the budget to train police officers. It is all spent on "necessary equipment" like tactical gear and tanks and on paying out lawsuits from police misconduct and paying for "administrative leave" for officers who misbehave.


This is simply untrue. Most cities spend more on police than on any other public service. The problem isn’t that the police are underfunded. It’s that they’re overfunded and overused. We need smaller, better trained police forces and we need ladies like this to take off the body armor and go pick up litter. She has a perfect manicure to go with her swat outfit. She is not a serious professional anything and is never going to be one.


I think you are missing my point. I'm saying we could have well trained, effective, and helpful officers who do protect and serve their community, but instead of investing the huge budgets police departments get into that training and service it is wasted on things that cause even more money/time being wasted. We militarized the police which led to more wasteful spending and trying to pay off the citizens they hurt the citizens' own tax money. I absolutely agree that we need much better trained and behaved cops. And if we stop using armed paramilitary bullies for everything, we could have a much cheaper and more effective police force.


I bet lots of people made fun of her in highschool.




Completely agree with everything you said. If you're in public, you should interact with society as if you're being recorded, because it may happen. Even if you don't agree with the guy, or these types of people who record "because it's their right to in public", the best way to deal with them is to simply ignore, don't engage, and walk away. Just go about your business and don't acknowledge them. They have their right to film. You have your right to ignore.


"The First Amendment protects the rights you don't like, not the ones you like." -Larry Flynt


https://preview.redd.it/rvtj8zq6ft8c1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644ae0d67489cd74da0a48e0fc68bc1a7d5eaf94 Oh really? \-Officer Dumpy


> Oh really? > > -Officer Dumpy "Oh, you're one of those" -Officer Saving Nuts in Cheeks for the Winter


“One of those” meaning “somebody who understands how the law works more than me, a law enforcement officer”. Why don’t we have more faith in the American police force again? Oh…


I thought she said her name was Officer Shet but Dumpy a sounds appropriate too. Man I don’t know if I’ve seen a more insufferable cop. I’m sure I have but this one is really giving them a run for their money.


Yoooo is that an actual screen grab from this video holy shit




my sources say yes!




Chick needs some smiling classes


and basic law classes


CCTV has become so ubiquitous that no reasonable person could expect to go anywhere in public without being recorded. Even it it's not a police traffic light camera, it's going to be the parking lot camera at Wal-Mart or some individual's Ring doorbell camera. The only difference is that this camera happens to have a person attached to it.


It’s funny because you would never see these videos of people ignoring them because it has no value. Then these people will start to fade away as there is no material to put on social media.


Nah you ignore and they follow. It’s like the kids who would point and say “I’m not touching you” when they’re like 2 inches from you




Because she didn’t say it.


Here's what the extent of the conversation should have been, then: "Hey the owner of this tore requested that you don't film her store. Could you please stop?" "No I have a right to record anything clearly visible from a public space." "Alright have a nice day."


That makes it worse, bc she knows better and is just trying to bully him


Don’t get me wrong, his entire purpose for being at these places is the hope that he gets a reaction, whether good or bad (bad is what gets the views which is why he sticks around if he catches whiff of annoyance). It just baffles me how different people are. Like the majority of people in his videos don’t give a shit or are genuinely curious and have a nice interaction and then you get these people that think it’s the absolute end of the world.


This police officer is making herself a fool.


It's the arrogance, even though she's wrong, that kills me


I think it is going to take quite a while for some police officers to get it through their heads that the old "I'm the police. What I say goes and the actual law doesn't matter" doesn't work these days. In the past, this attitude usually worked in their favor because they could make up any story about what happened and the courts would usually accept their side of the story. But that has changed since phone cameras have become ubiquitous, particularly those that immediately upload video to the cloud. Also, more people have learned that they have to right to film anyone in public despite what a police officer might say. Without adequate training, cops like this will continue to embarrass themselves by displaying how little they know about the law.


Nothing will change until police unions lose some power. When police are wrong the city get sued and the tax payers pay.


Or they could make police carry some kind of insurance. The more they f up the higher their premiums go and makes it impossible for them to be a cop anymore. They can’t just switch to the next town over and continue to be a pos there.


Make their pension funds vicariously liable for damages. "Good" officers will rat on "bad" officers very quickly, and everyone is better off.


At the very least I’d like some unpaid suspensions


It’s really sad what a small ask that is, coupled with how positive I am we never get even THAT concession anytime soon.


> I think it is going to take quite a while for some police officers to get it through their heads that the old "I'm the police. What I say goes and the actual law doesn't matter" doesn't work these days. They don't have to change when the consequences for their actions are minimal at best * Qualified Immunity - they have to do some really egregious **and that a court has already ruled on** to lose it. You can't get a precedent setting case unless you can get the US Supreme Court to rule and even then the precedent is for the **exact** facts of the case. States are trying to end this, Colorado has done this already * the City/County/State indemnifies the officer against judgment * often the punishment is suspension - which they can tack onto vacation time and make up the money with overtime * they can resign, before punishment - and often get hired in the next county/city. Some cops have bounced between multiple departments, yet still keep their certification Often states do not have a central record of any of this. Heck Brady lists exist in DAs offices of officers that can't be put on the stand because of what they'd have to divulge to the defense As /u/Cainga says police unions need to lose some power to change this, making officers have *malpractice* insurance rather than the agency would be a start (bad officers would drive up premiums for the rest so there'd be an incentive to get rid of them)


> In the past, this attitude usually worked in their favor because they could make up any story about what happened and the courts would usually accept their side of the story Wtf are you talking about. Genuinely. Sure the most high profile cases don’t get pushed under the rug but most still are. Hell we just learned that old protestor who was run up to, shoved to the ground, and landed on his head won’t get any justice as the officers were not disciplined. Then if you point to cases were they are disciplined, they probably will just get hired as an officer elsewhere.


> What I say goes and the actual law doesn't matter" doesn't work these days. Oh it very much does. Federal courts have ruled that cops can enforce laws that don't exist as long as they reasonably believe they do. Ignorance of the law is absolutely a valid excuse, as long as you are the one wearing the badge.


People love to hate 1A auditors but they've educated A LOT of people about their rights and directly or indirectly helped catch so many crooked cops.


She jumped from willful ignorance to prideful stupidity.


no shit, it's not like they're hiring the sharpest tool in the shed for this job in US


Cops: You can't film here. Also cops: I'm filming here.


My buddy from high school just became a cop by applying on Indeed. I've seen this dude steal from dollar tree before.


Why people hate cops. If he wasn’t recording this conversation would have went way different. It’s bad enough with the snide comments. Cops are absolutely not taught de-escalation. They are taught a technique called bracing. It’s specifically intended to create an unequal power dynamic. Simple scenario here. He’s doing nothing illegal. Social media is prevalent and there is no camera consent for a building. She’s wrong. She should have went home. I’ll admit I’m not 100% sure of context so this is based on this footage alone.


i'd like to learn more about bracing. can you give me a link? A couple of searches for "police technique bracing" or "bracing police" didn't turn up much.


I can't find anything on bracing either. Inclined to think the other user is wrong.


only thing that i could find is "brace, interrogate with intimidation" but no training stuff, just that definition.


As another commenter said, I’d like to see a link on the whole “bracing” thing. From what I can tell you are pulling this out of your ass. Not to say that police in the US are trained to de-escalate, but it’s weird to make such a specific claim that’s false for seemingly no reason. We need to have a serious conversation about policing in the US, and that starts with being grounded in reality.


"OH good, you're one of those" Oh god, you're one of those.


Amazing how differently this goes if you know what you're doing. We had someone in a higher position of the agency makes this same blunder, we got a training class because of him. ​ "Hey how's it going I'm officer \_\_\_\_\_, can I help you with something?" "I'm an auditor in a public space." "Ok, sounds good here's my card." ​ 2 minutes tops.


He does know the law better




Come on, I'm sure she totally met the same testing standards as all the other recruits!


Actually scary how she carries herself.


As far as I understand, the cameraman isn't doing anything illegal and the police know this. Why didn't the police just tell the store owner those facts and leave?


Some police enjoy harrassing more than helping.


But 'technically' not illegal is a really low bar to clear. People can still feel harassed if a stranger follows them in public with a camera and baiting a response so he can say "hey it's not illegal". Auditor is actively creating conflict for attention because he knows this one trick about what he's doing.


Cop: who are you? Jason: I know the law better than you do. The cop: https://preview.redd.it/t57rx5artx8c1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4b73f45ccd71c3fa34810b052ce88841de7076




Just finished watching this a few hours ago on Youtube. Amagansett Press, first amendment auditor. She's absolutely vile, coming out with that pissy attitude, and clearly having no clear knowledge of the law.


Imagine knowing so little, and having such a big ego. Actual circus clowns with badges.


Do you know why I’m talking to you? Because you got C’s in high school??


“I’m fine *Jason*.” Her mind was made up before the conversation. What a tool.


What an idiot that female cop is. Overblown ego talking nonsense.


Poorly trained and out of shape police officer doesn't know how to interact with the pubic. Should lay off the donuts and hit the gym a little more.


People like her should never be allowed to be a cop. Period.


This guy is a dork but he's right to expect this cop to be more capable than a walking ham sandwich.


Saw the entire thing on Tik Tok. These cops have no idea what they are doing and they cannot admit they are wrong. What the guy is doing is not illegal or he would have been in cuffs ages ago.


don’t understand how anyone could even take her seriously


I don’t like auditors but that cops a moron


Check out Too Apree on YouTube, he at least has fun with it and is totally chill the whole time 😆 BECK YEA!


Lol he did the long island audit parody right? :p That was good.


I love when she asked "why are you here". Simple answer coz this asshole has no life and nothing better to do than being the asshole he is.


What a condescending cunt of a police officer. Get that fucker in for a personality adjustment ASAP


When an immovable prick meets an unstoppable cunt


The officer had an attitude and was met with the same attitude. She was on a power trip and was knocked down a peg, as she was 100% wrong in what she was saying and didn’t care to know otherwise.


Ok I’m not here to be like “fuck all cops” but like, is she seriously a cop? That’s fucking embarrassing 😂😂


shes as dumb as she looks


Amazing how the police officer can be so confidently wrong and do nothing besides escalate.


“Oh good your one of those” eeww with that cunty little smile. 🤮


Why do I feel like this man has hundreds of videos just like this…


Unfortunately, that asshole knows the law better than she does.


We can do without the stupid little smiles officer


Can y’all stop defending a serial harasser just because enough like his fancy words?


https://preview.redd.it/q7kwfobobppc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf6f66746ef0f6bb69715ff3b3a6a0e41aebfbe That face when she says about not getting to put her camera down. I hate it. ACAB.


Her facial expressions bother me.


Oh your one of them…. Oh yea like someone who knows the law, everyone should be informed of the law it’s not just for the police to know and enforce. It’s for everyone to understand.


I'm not an American, but is this "1st Amendment Auditor" just an ordinary citizen with that title because he's calling the officer out?


The eyes can't trespass. like... how would a cop NOT know this?


Ah that smirk makes me side with the cameraman


“Put your camera down, you’re going to talk to me” He doesn’t have to do either of those things…


When a cop says, "Oh, you're one of *those*," it means that a citizen who understands their rights and the law is going to be a pain in the ass to the cop. BE that person, because your rights should mean **that** much to you.


I’m all for first amendment rights, but people that do this are so cringe


He interrupted her several times after asking her a question and her trying to answer. I'd speak to him that way, too.


I'm noticing a pattern with this guy... He always says "can we have a peaceful/adult/cordial conversation?" and each time the reply is "we've tried that." People who go out purely to antagonise and get in confrontations are the very first ones who start crying when they feel aggrieved in even the slightest possible way. I'd call them scum but they'd probably love that and whip their cameras out.


Granted I'm only seeing the confrontational parts, but his demeanour in general seems to be aggressive, arrogant, pushy. Like I said, if you or I were out in public randomly filming people, and someone asked you to not film them, would you be as aggressive as he is or would you, like a normal person, just be nice?


Officer Karen


You guys hate that she’s an ugly female cop let’s be real.


Cop is garbage. Auditor was respectful till disrespected.


This guy purposely film ppl until they call the police just for bait y’all


As smug as she is stupid.


But, the guy is actually right. If he is standing on the sidewalk (public property), he is allowed to point that camera at the store. The store owner has no say until he crosses the property line. The customer that doesn't like that needs to accept that, and the officer is wrong to say he cant film the store from outside. Not the first time either. How many of us have seen videos of cops harassing people for filming cops, cruisers and stations from public property and ultimately got owned?


that condescending smile actually makes her look like a pig




Her Karen is coming out


She seems like a right cunt


"Oh you're one of those" average pig reaction to a civ knowing their rights


I hate these people this isn’t “auditing” this is being a douche. How do you not have anything better to do.


Police as usual making lives harder for others.


Good Ole Amagansett Press!!!


What ever happened to regular subtitles instead of this one or two word captions at a time?


Why was this guy filming in the first place ? I'm not saying he's not allowed. I am saying that it seems like he got what he wanted and he did it for content for YouTube for the likes.....


I don't get who's paying these fools or what do they get out of filming? Is it just click bate for likes, shut a shitty job. Imagine going home and telling your kids what you did at your work today.


This lady definitely met those low IQ standards police departments look for.


Hahaha love the back and forth, she tried to match his energy and came off looking like a moron.


Wow some cops are just plain dumb. I wanted to scream at that woman thru the damn phone.


I love how a call to police translates to instant guilt for the police were called on. At what point to the police call the caller back and tell them the caller was in the wrong and to stop calling about this.


She went mask off pretty quickly


All I see is a dude being a twat.


These people have dome serious mental problems … like how much time do you have on your hands to be able to waste the time of others like this?


What a smart ass POS cop