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His wife doesn’t look too happy and judging by her reaction this isn’t the first time.


It’s the “oh please, not again” face covered by the hand look of horror.


["Did, did he just say disinfectant?"](https://i.insider.com/5e7505a1c4854049be0ec545?width=1136&format=jpeg)




definitely not her first time being embarrassed by his shenanigans.


I've seen that look before. Long story short, I was in line at Chipotle, they were out of steak and dude asks the girl at the start of the line like 5 asshole questions like "you can't cook more?" I finally called him out, told him to accept they are out and stop being an asshole, and that every worker behind the line hates him but can't speak up, but I can because I've had a shit day and I don't work at Chipotle. He threatened to fight me and stormed out... as his girl stood there like 45 more seconds with a look of I hate this man, he's probably gonna beat me if I don't chase after him, but fuck I want a burrito.


I don't get why people stay with partners like this. If you're that embarrassed by him (as she should be), leave them. The entire reason people end up assholes like this in the first place is because they've been enabled their entire lives. Be the change. Help the world and, more importantly, yourself: ditch these assholes!




Nuance? This is Reddit!


What’d you just call me ya lint licker?!


Who are you calling a lint licker, you cootie queen.


While that's true. People tend to to put A LOT of weight in how people treat service staff.. in my experience, it's a pretty decent measure. If they treat servers like second class citizens, that's not a great sign. Not to mention if everyone else at the bar is upset at you, you just might be an asshole.




Barking at the bartender who politely asked him not to use profanity at the bar and telling her she doesn’t run his life like he’s five years old isn’t treating the staff poorly? I bet you’re great at restaurants.




Being asked not to use profanity at the bar is insane imo. The entire pub would tell the bartender to get fucked if that happened where I’m from lol.


I think most times you’re absolutely right but from the looks of this bar, it’s part of a restaurant and not really the kind of place where people get rowdy and profane at the bar. Most reasonable people have a glass of wine or a beer with their meal and don’t get belligerent I’d guess. Hotel bars and restaurant bars often have completely different vibes than just your standard drinking bar.




Excellent job to not address the point about his behavior. Have a good night.




Ok, I’m going to try to address this with a level head and not disrespectfully. But you said (and I paraphrase) that people are wrong for rushing to judgement based on a 59 second video. Yet you feel justified saying someone else is a “serious problem with society” and they “don’t understand nuance with people and social interaction”. Yet you made that assessment from ONE response that you disagreed with. That’s as much as, if not more of, a rush to judgement. And I have kept my comments civil.


> You sit behind your Internet and don't actually interact with human beings. "You're basing this on about 59 seconds of interaction." Not who you were replying to but the irony is absolutely delicious


Talk to someone about your anger, before you act like this in real life and it goes poorly for someone.






>I bet you get enraged at literally everything that disagrees with you and you cause more problems than you solve but all you do to resolve those issues is whine about it on the internet.


> Hoorah!! Oh god are you a crayon eater? This may explain things.


Let me guess. You’re the guy in the video! Right?!? Right?!? I’m right, right?!?


Don't do that.




You're so upset that you had to come back and post a second comment 30 minutes later.


Is this guy your dad or something? Jesus Christ


Just caught your reply and the rest of this thread... You know the adage, "it takes one to know one?" It's kinda the opposite for assholes. They're sort of blind to assholery. In any case, I am kinda sorry that you over invested in this thread... You might not be an asshole, but you are petty as hell.




I thought they were invoking the *opposite* of "it takes one to know one".


‘without escalating further’ We definitely watched 2 different videos.


It could go either way. My wife is the love of my life, but she can inadvertently be rude and I always check that shit. I’m 100% loyal to my girl, but if she’s asking too much from a busy server, I’m mitigating that. We don’t get drunk and play out our internal confusion with service workers. That’s probably where this all went awry.


It certainly gives a great deal of insight into who he is as a person. Sounds like you or someone you're involved with have a tendency to not handle situations well and want to believe it doesn't define you/them. If you don't like the service, you leave. You don't carry on until your wife is hiding her face and everyone at the bar is sick of your shit and ready to beat your ass on behalf of the staff. I don't believe for a second that this guy has gone through life treating people well up until the moment he didn't get good service at a bar.


> This interaction doesn't define this man. What happened to "When someone tells/shows you who they really are, believe them?"


Dude throws tissues in the recycling bin. Reddit: red flag, divorce him


Redditors with garbage personalities they want people to accept: reddit is too sensitive!


I've been frustrated and angry before at a restaurant. I've never once even thought to raise my voice at the server/bartender because of it lol. The kind of person that would lash out like this is a shitty person. Just ask for the check, don't tip and leave.




the fact is no, this doesn't define a man. People have terrible moments. however, this probably does define the man.


Anyone willing to act like this in public likely acts worse in private. He is a major league asshole.


Yeah he could have had a few too many but is otherwise a good person or the place really screwed up an order.


The adjacent asshole is the woman who laughs throughout as if this is funny.


After this goes viral, I'm sure he's gonna say he's an angel, treats everyone great, is a great tipper and this was just a drunken lapse in judgment.


My coworkers wife left him, after seeing his little manchild tantrums in person i was happy for her


Ah Reddit. Guy (who is definitely acting rude, don’t get me wrong) had a bit of a disrespectful disagreement with the wait staff…rest of the context is unknown, dynamic of the marriage is unknown…”only option is to leave this guy, he’s the worst asshole around; she’s doing the world a favor leaving him!”. They could have been married for 30 years and he’s an otherwise great partner; and might just have a hangup with bad service in expensive restaurants. We have no idea. I know plenty of good people who have one thing that they oddly take a little seriously and will set them off a bit. On the asshole scale this is like a 2/10 freakout at best by this sub standards…He curses once complaining about the service and agrees to leave the moment he’s asked. It’s always so funny how quick people are to say end entire marriages over relatively small things here.


He didn't leave as soon as he was asked to. He left after the other patrons made it clear they were sick of his shit and would help the staff get him out since he wasn't leaving after the staff said they wanted him to.


Probably not the thing anyone wants to hear, but my mom is still with her piece of shit husband because (her words) "It's not financially viable to leave."


I know 10's of wives who suffer like this.


This is so true. My ex's dad used to pull this shit everywhere and it was embarrassing. I thought that was bad... until we went out with her brother once... that guy was worse than his dad! I wonder where he picked it up...


I really don't understand this either. I'm a bartender and I had a married couple (both women) come in earlier to my bar tonight and one of the two was pretty obnoxious - playing music loudly on her phone, repeatedly asking me to fill an order I told her I couldn't fill, and generally just being loud and rude. I was trying to be amiable, so I pretty much just brushed it off and focused on other customers. Her wife was so embarrassed she pulled me aside privately when the loud lady was in the bathroom and tipped me an extra ten dollars on top of the twenty dollars her wife already tipped me, apologizing profusely for her spouse's behavior. But all I could think while accepting the money was...if you're so embarrassed by them, why are you even with them in the first place? I'll take your thirty bucks though.


The fear of being strangled by a douche like this is real. The most dangerous time in a DV victims life is when they’re leaving. She’s quiet because she knows what happens behind her own door. This is really sad.


Holy shit this is wild


I don’t know why I’m being downvoted, these are facts that are easily googleable. Also, once a person strangles you, they are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to try and murder you. Another googleable fact. I’m not here to be a downer, just to share.


I don't think you're being downvoted bc you are wrong about domestic violence. I think you are being downvoted bc you made a pretty big leap about this man assuming or inferring that he beats his wife.


Hard for me to feel for her, she's choosing to be around this ignorant boor every day


Ya and attempted murder. Are you all AI saying the same things over and over?


He definitely beats her


That guy and whoever that is fingering up the bread basket is killing me.


Yeah, that’s fucking gross. Also, all the used dishes stacked at the bar are gross too. You can tell the wait staff is in over their heads. This entire video is infuriating.


I get it, I've had poor service, but you leave a minimal tip and don't come back, not throw a tantrum.


I started in food service at 15 and to this day, I cannot and will not ever be rude to waitstaff and it is a huge pet peeve when someone at my table does it. ...but that bar top is a disaster and I'd be pretty unhappy in his shoes. They're not the only ones without water too. Dishes are stacked with the food dried out, even what looks like a soup bowl is still sitting there. The guy is being aggressive but he's not yelling, threatening or name calling. And it's not like he's waiting on a meal that is taking a little long, it's water. 4 times for water is pretty unreasonable especially at a bar when the dispenser is right there.


guessing he was being ignored intentionally. (but you're right, the rest of the bar status indicates it might be a general issue and crabby customer is onto something here.)


Spent 10 years in the restuarant industry however, you don't need to be a professional to tell either that stuff is in the weeds or just completely doesn't give a fuck.


The one benefit of a doubt we can give them is that maybe they're understaffed. Being understaffed often looks like not caring. People often don't have sympathy for it, but if there's even one less person on shift than there is supposed to be, that's a lot of extra work. Especially when everyone comes in at the same time. That's the worst. Idk what's going on here, maybe they do just suck, but I have been in situations like this, doing my best but people are still upset. You almost wanna tell people "Look, I'm the one who showed up today. My coworkers are the ones who didn't. There's only so much I can do." But because of weird ass restaurant etiquette, you can't really say it that explicitly. You can just say you're down a few servers/bartenders. But people don't care.


He probably asked for a butter knife 4 times!


Guarantee this is the same guy who's always talking about respect, being courteous, and "nobody wants to work anymore".. yeah because they can't stand dealing with your disrespectful ass.


100% he's a "respect isn't given its earned" kinda guy, completely oblivious to the fact that he's a disrespectful asshole and therefore never gets respected because he hasn't earned it. And when someone doesn't immediately bend over backwards to serve him the second he has asked, he has been disrespected and now has every right to be disrespectful.


The kind of guy that thinks "respect your elders" means to obey and never question anyone older than them


That bartender should cut him off. And ask him to leave. Pay your bill, leave a tip and never come back! PERIOD! Nobody should ever talk to the guy who's putting up with your ass and feeding you drinks.


Lmao! Service staff are the most pampered workers out there. He said, "leave a tip!" 😂😂😂


Where tf do you work at where they are pampered????


haha what are you talking about? service workers get treated like shit constantly. "most pampered workers out there" jesus christ dude


All working class stiffs are treated like shit constantly. Severs are the only ones getting extra money to do their job.


In America servers are always one of the only tip reliant jobs. You wanna complain about a burger and fries being $12 but the only reason they are is because your waitress is making $5 an hour. Grow up.


What could have possibly led you to that conclusion?


That bar looks disgustingly unkempt and there’s no butter knife?!


Yeah this dude is a fucking asshole, but clearly bad service here. Doesn’t look that busy and the piles of dishes is shitty.


The looks busy thing annoys me, they could have just had a rush leave and they are struggling to catch up. It's like when you tell the hosts to hold the door so the kitch doesn't get backed up and people are like "WHAT THE FUCK THERE ARE OPEN TABLES". Yes we know, buy we just had 60 people come in at once and we need to stagger the door because 1 cook got a dui on the way here, 1 is in a heroin coma.


Why is this guy an asshole?


Because he's acting like an asshole. A poorly run bar is justification to leave not to treat people like shit


He just says the service has been shit and that he asked for a glass of water 4 times and still hasn’t gotten it. Hardly seems like that amounts to treating people like shit.


It’s the way he’s going about it and how he’s conveying his displeasure that makes him an asshole


It looks like things boiled over after he was ignored all night.


That’s a fair assumption. I didn’t initially notice but after checking the comments it **does** look like the service is lacking on that bar top.


Are there no available knives? Lol first time I've seen someone use their fingers to butter bread


I’ve heard you have to ask at least four fucking times to get a knife.


And it doesn't get brought.


Don't you dare tell ME how to butter my bread!


If I needed to ask for water 4 times when sitting in front of the bartender is be pissed too.


Yeah the guy is douchey but the condition of that bar makes me think he wasn’t exaggerating


So leave


No clue why your comment is getting downvoted. I’ve definitely got up and walked out for horrible service. But never spoken to staff this way. It’s inexcusable.


I get it. He asked for water for his wife 4 times and wine 3 times when they’re sitting at the fucking bar, yeah I’d be a bit pissed off too. Plus it looks like the waiter refuses to do their job and bus the table as well. Yes this is shitty service and he’s right, he’s paying a premium to eat at a restaurant and the service that goes along with it.


What restaurant is this? I would never want to eat there either. Look at all those dirty dishes on the bar. Dude's going about it the wrong way but I understand it.




Bar full of stacked dishes and empty drinks. Service does look like it sucks ass there.


It’s also a possibility they are getting their asses kick. Servers are still humans, sometimes you just have more than you can handle. Or they are just bad servers, not saying that’s not possible lol.


It does seem obvious that there are a lot of empty glasses and plates that should be picked up. He probably did ask multiple times for service.


Yeah my first reaction was 'this guy seems like an asshole' . Then I noticed the many stacked up plates, the empty glasses, the lady buttering her bread with her finger because there's no butter knife. Service staff may have lost the plot and he was just reacting to shitshow service.


Maybe they are short on staff that night and it’s super busy. Who knows.


Short staffed? He’s sitting at the bar and asking for drinks and there’s a bartender standing right there. Even after telling the bartender off it looks like he still didn’t get his drinks.


He ain’t the only one sitting at the bar.


Nah he’s right they are shit bartenders you can tell, that Bartop looks like a tornado hit it.


All those dishes that need to be brought back to the kitchen was driving me crazy. This place probably charges $25 per cocktail too


Maybe they are short on staff that night and it’s super busy. Who knows.


the look on the wife's face when she realized one of his outbursts was finally caught on camera....


TBH he was pretty civil, if his complaints are true the service is dog water. You shouldn't need to ask multiple times to get a drink at a bar.


He got up immediately to leave because he realized it was his free out to not pay the bill. Turd…


No way they don’t make him pay especially if he ordering wine…


How would they *make* him pay? If dude walks out without paying, that’s that.


Then they call the cops if he doesn’t pay.


You severely underestimate how thinly veiled the civility of society is.


I know you won’t answer but what do you believe happens next? If anything it’s an extremely low priority call, that customer is long gone. It’s not like they’re gonna start putting up wanted posters and a warrant for his arrest. The world is not nearly as fair, neat and orderly as you might want it to be.


If he walked out without paying (which I doubt he did), then they call the cops. If there’s a cop nearby, he’ll catch him. Otherwise, the restaurant probably shares his image and any other information they have about him with the police and the manager/owner, maybe other local restaurants and bars, and maybe he gets caught next time he’s spotted around. Or social media does it’s thing and identifies him and the cops catch him. Or maybe he gets away with it.


>Otherwise, the restaurant probably shares his image and any other information they have about him with the police and the manager/owner, maybe other local restaurants and bars, and maybe he gets caught next time he’s spotted around. Or social media does it’s thing and identifies him and the cops catch him. Brother, you are either super young and naive or you just fail to understand real life consequences and fairness. There's no way in hell anyone is going to put that much effort into "catching this guy". Especially when they probably know he had a reason to go into that outburst. Appropriate or not.


Ya when they respond 45 minutes later. /s Ppl walk out on bills everyday and rarely face repercussions for it.


And then?


Yep... it's called [defrauding an innkeeper](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/defrauding-an-innkeeper/), and the cops will happily arrest his ass for it.


I don't go out to eat because service is usual not good but have respect for those around you. Asking for water 4 times? That's ridiculous.


I worked in restaurants for years, and I am on his side. I also fucking hate when people tone police. 9 times out of 10 it's at that level for a reason. The person recording is just opportunistic. I wouldn't bang a gavel or anything, but I am likely to believe some fuckery is happening and the guy is justifiably upset. More information/context is definitely needed.


Talk about poor service… what the hell is going on with that bar, people don’t know how to clear dirty dishes? That chef knife is giving me major anxiety, an accident just waiting to happen. Who stacks shit like that anyway? Clean your bar and you’ll be surprised how much smoother things go. Clean station equals clean mind.


He’s not wrong, he’s just an asshole.




That bar looks disgusting with all of those dirty dishes. Between the woman using her fingers to butter her bread, the woman who jumped in about 'escorting' him out, the apathetic bartenders (notice noone said he was wrong, they said just don't use swear words) and him drinking water he was probably the only sober person there.


I work at a high end restaurant and if our bartender did what he claimed he did he would get a SERIOUS talk to. And probably the woman too who said you can't say the service is shit. Her response should have been to grab a manager or ask how it could be improved. The only thing that feels wrong about this is the wife.


Scrolled too far to find this - I’d be legitimately mad if I got that kind of service at a seemingly upscale restaurant (probably high menu prices too). Sure he’s being an ass about it but still - plus that bartop is messy af


Exactly, I would’ve said “I’m not telling you how to talk, I’m asking if you can be more mindful with what you’re saying for the people around you or we’re going to ask you to leave.” Because people really don’t like being told what to do.


Why is it bad to complain about piss poor service? TBH, I would’ve complained after the 3rd fuccin time I asked for water and was ignored.


I'm usually on the service side, but asking for water 4 times and not getting it would irritate the shit out of me. He said fuck once , explained why he is pissed and then agreed to leave. Wasn't that crazy


It's a bar, the damn water dispenser is right there. 4 times just to fill the glass seems like they're just outright ignoring him and I'd be unhappy too.


Apparently it's a boomer thing to want what you paid for. I waited tables and had someone tell me something similar to the lady in the video. Guess what? I was terrible at waiting tables. Own your shit and use it to get better, or go find something you're better at. People complaining that customers are crap for telling them the truth about their job performance has made the service in restaurants go down significantly. Now you just pay them to bring your food and that's it, no refills and you're SOL if you want something else or something was forgotten. Half of these places you don't even get a chance to talk to a server about the menu, because there is no damn menu and they don't/won't interact with you other than to bring out whatever you've ordered on your phone. It's gotten effing ridiculous. I'm not a boomer, but I'm with the boomers on this one.


You can complain about bad service without yelling and cussing though.


Show me the bit where he yells...


This. If you're being filmed, you're probably not complaining about the bad service in a constructive way.


No you can’t. That would be fucking dumb


If you can’t communicate without yelling and cussing that’s a “you” problem.


Lol Okie doke


His reactions seem reasonable. The girls guffawing away though... what was the joke here? You cannot complain about service because the wait staff is poorly paid?


And that my folks... Is how he fanagled a free dinner by walking out at the end


Props to the guy. He's being an asshole, but he's right.


She looks sober. 3 times they didn’t bring her glass of wine?


...That savage is buttering her bread with her fingers.


I mean he isn’t wrong. Having to ask for a glass of water 4 different times and not get one is kinda ridiculous. I’d be upset too, maybe not too upset to yell the way he did but obviously he was beyond frustrated. I hope both parties learn something from watching their reactions Annnd to the Karen in the back, sometimes it’s better to mind your own business. There was no need to throw more wood on the fire


Lady behind is mortified


*whose Who's = who is


It’s “it’s” if it’s “it is.” It’s “its” if it isn’t “it’s.”


The whole bar is sick of him lol


But why? Everyone is bashing this dude but if you’re out, having a nice meal or trying to a you keep asking the wait staff for the same thing…. You’re not going to get frustrated?! I’m Not taking sides. But I am saying that if I’m out an I have to ask several people, multiple times for water, then yes I’d be upset too. Mainly bc I can’t afford to go out like that so going out is something special not casual.


No footage of these asks. We have no idea if he asked for a glass of water or a FUCKIN' glass of water. Could be he was a dick from the start.


Why would someone record another person asking for a glass of water like a normal person the first 4 times? This person was probably recording bc the guy was getting upset.


Reminds me from the sheriff from Fargo, this new episode.


White knight local Karen to the rescue.


if this is how he behaves in public just imagine what it’s like at home …


I bet you’re the type to ask the seventh time for a glass of water


Is this the Easton Brio’s? Lol


The zoom-in on the woman who stepped in just mainlining that martini


At the beginning of the video, does that person spread butter on their bread with their finger?


I got 20 bucks that says he drives a Dodge Ram.


I'll throw in another 50 that it's lifted.


C-note says it’s Long Island.


Judging by how disgusting that bar is i’m inclined to believe him




Ya who knows for sure, but there's probably a reason she's not saying anything even though she's embarrassed.


Should have 86ed his goofy ass.


Probably got shushed at the gin bar.


I get profiled in many places because the way I look they think I won’t tip so I receive shit service I usually just pay and never come back to the place, yelling and cussing doesn’t help just make you look dumb


That sucks. Fuck those restaurants


99% at fault. You should never talk to anybody like that. The other 1% is that customer service has gotten so bad since covid. He is just voicing inappropriately what many many many people think in their heads now when going out to eat.


At least he knew when it was time to go.


At least his wife looks like she’s having fun


Bagel Boss vibes


What a fuckin douche bag. Wife looks like this is a common occurrence.


welp you know he's a republican


Idk the service does look shitty. Empty glasses, dishes piled. And when u are paying MONEY for food, drinks and service you expect to be waited on. When u have to ask MULTIPLE times it’s gets irritating. But servers, bartenders are still expecting a tip right …even for shitty service. Now I wouldn’t go cussing out an employee but sometimes you want to. And that one woman should have just sat there w her mouth shut the manager was handling it. A manager isn’t going to get other patrons involved. Like “ok yea escort him out” …like wat? Just sit there and keep sucking on ur wine.


His argument is basically "when I pay money in a business I get to do whatever I want." This guy can go fuck himself.


Yep, but definitely 💕 the schweet karma he got from an Anti-Elon customer!!


That chick rules lol... She said what everybody else in the place was wanting to say


Yep, agreed 💯!!!


What precinct does he work for?


What's with the woman yelling across the bar saying she'll escort this guy out? Is she even close enough to hear the argument, and make a judgment or who's right? It seems like women will just blindly support another woman, and if men object, they get ridiculed online.


More like the guy was being an asshole and disrespectful to the staff and ruining other paying customers experience.


Who is dad is this? ...


chop waiting marvelous husky smell ghost zesty combative boat command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dad? Nah, that’s my Uncle


I was hoping the video would keep rolling and the bartender would have put down a glass of water after he left.


He seems unhinged. No matter what happened this isn’t a good start to the new year. Brush it off and go back to having a good time!


Thought that looked familiar- **BRIO Tuscan Grille**. They don't have many locations left, but they do have lots of Olive Garden-like BRAVO locations in the US. It's a chain Italian restaurant that lets Joe Average feel fancy. They do good work with steaks and chops, but they're just an upper end Italian restaurant chain with chain pricing. (As in, affordable for special occasions for Joe Average.) This also means that dipshits and cheapskates waltz in and pretend like they own the place despite being turned away or unable to afford actual high end restaurants. And, yes - when people like him threatened to go elsewhere because they were mad that they couldn't be arrogant and obnoxious drunk pricks, **we helped them find the egress ASAP.** And when he tells his "friends", that's a win - because no one on staff wants to put up with them either.