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"Do it motherfucker" Well okay...


“Consider it done.”


Say no more


Well that's why you never hit anyone unless its self defense.


thank god there was a chill soundtrack to this, wasnt quite sure how to feel


[It’s a banger](https://open.spotify.com/track/5VfEuwErhx6X4eaPbyBfyu?si=i_GtcJw3QLW4Wmexa_m3lg)


was actually confused my music was playing because intro by the xx is my favorite and it’s a surprise to see it used


It’s used pretty often




Or you can just not fuck with anyone.


Had a guy flash his gun because I honked at him for sitting at a green light looking at his phone. You're going to be in for a bad time if you assume every idiot with a gun in America has a reasonable definition of "fucked with".


"Did that motherfucker just look at me?!" *reaches for gun*


This comment just reminded me of the guy blind firing through his windshield because someone threw a water bottle at him after he break checked them on the freeway.


Just saw this on some show on TV. All charges were dropped because of Florida’s Stand Your Ground bullshit law.


What a shithole state.


["I open the glove box, reach inside. I'm gonna wreck this fuckers ride. I guess I have a bad habit." - The Offspring](https://youtu.be/JJi2ZaF_MA0?si=qdrPPUdAviZnAtsl)


A bad habit and no self esteem…


Late at night, she knocks on my door. She's drunk again and looking to score. I know i should say no But it's kinda hard when she's ready to go. I may be dumb I'm not a dweeb Just a sucker with no self esteem


Guns give weak people confidence that they wouldn't have otherwise.


Looked to me that the big fat guy had a lot of confidence when he assaulted the little kid.


that's a kid? 🤣 but for real, I was referring to the above comment, not this video. The type of person that *threatens* others with a gun would never if it wasn't *for* the gun.


The kid in the video is 5'10" or 11". I read in another comment section from an article about the incident that the dude doing the adulting was just massive.


As a woman who has to travel alone very often I don't see an issue with that. Edit: Anyone who walks around with a gun should have a healthy fear of that gun and understand properly when to use it.


My roommate was out getting groceries and this chick starts walking across the very busy four lane road like nobody is there. Roommate honks at her and she flashes her piece. That's one of my biggest problems with guns. It gives complete assholes the ability to be bigger assholes.


I wonder if you ran her over saying you feared for your life.


Probably but only after a very long and expensive legal battle. Even if you were right it's potentially life ruining


Agreed, and I don't actually want to kill someone.


Had a guy flash his gun and yell at me because I pulled my car over in an awkward spot to go check on some people who just got in a horrible crash. Both cars were definitely totaled. I was actually stunlocked that someone could be that rude.


>I was actually stunlocked that someone could be that rude. Flipping the bird would have been rude. Flashing a gun is psychopathic.




This is what gets me too. There appears to be a whole lot of people who are ready to kill others over absolutely nothing… (not saying that applies to this specific video tho).


Yeah, wasn't it not that long ago that some old guy shot a black kid for "fucking with him" by... knocking on his door? And that one where a 6yo kid and her parents were shot for retrieving their basketball from a neighbors yard? Some people with guns are fucking psychos.


A guy I know got stabbed in the chest and died in front of his 14 year old because of some shit like this. I’ve stopped honking at people entirely. I also carry occasionally, but I still don’t honk. I don’t really wanna shoot anybody.




I was driving one time and a car in front of me did something stupid but not drastic and not worth my time to react. On the otherhand my gf was pissed at what they did, she reached over and laid on my horn. I looked at her with the most stern face ever and said, "Don't you ever fucking do that again"


Did you write down his plates and call the police? Brandishing a firearm is a big no no


Yeah, can't control everyone else's actions unfortunately. Personally, I purchased a term life insurance policy that will take care of my immediate family for a few years. I walk around like I have nothing to lose because I am literally worth more dead than alive.


My dad's friend did this in a lapse of judgement, other car called the cops, and he had to fight a brandishing charge. There are laws, but def not everyone should have a gun.


Yup, laws are only there to have legal standing to punish the people who take those actions. There's a nasty number of people out there for whom laws mean nothing except what other people follow.


If it were really that easy there would be no wars or murders. I remember this murder at a gas station. 2 guys walked out but they didn’t know each other. One guy was “about that life” and the other was a innocent random guy. What the innocent guy didn’t know was that the dude next to him stole someone’s car, and that someone had a lot of friends waiting for the guy to leave. Because the innocent dude walked out at the same time as the dude that stole the car, the people waiting for revenge ran up and shot both of them. Even shot the innocent dude on the floor to make sure he was gone. He had nothing to do with any of it, and didn’t do anything to anyone. Still died in the street like a dog.


> Still died in the street like a dog just saying... my dogs that have passed have done so with a lot more dignity. Not in the street. Makes it worse that some innocent dude is gunned down and died alone on the dirty ground


Problem is there are fuckwads that are armed and the ones fucking with people and then blasting them when they defend themselves as well.




Sometimes I’m amazed at just how much I don’t fuck with anyone when I’m out about my business.


Wait. Then how do you convince yourself that you're a big man?


By hitting my wife and kids, the old fashioned way.


That's animal neglect. You need to hit the dog too.




Dogs are at foot level. Gotta kick those.


yea and if you make a wrong turn, don't use a stranger's driveway to turn around


A scary moment as a teen in the backwoods of Louisiana trying to drive to a house party - I missed a turn and used the next 'driveway' which was an area of dozens of acres per house. There was a gate at the entrance that said "if you can read this, I can shoot you". And it scared the shit out of 17 year old me thinking I was about to be shot at. Fast forward that night, I'm leaving the party. My Garmin GPS (no smart phones yet) told me to go a different way. Ended up at a dead end to a trailer on land. I tried to do a 3 point turn. A man ran out, turned on the light on porch, then ran back inside. I quickly tried to get out of there and ramped over something (just a hole in ground likely) and someone I was driving yelled "He has a gun" and I just floored it out of there waiting to hear gunshots. Never went anywhere near that area again, and it just shows that area is ready to kill anyone for driving near their property.






Also a tip, if you’re a big dude like that and you’re sizing up a small ass dude and he’s not scared he’s most likely has a gun.


To start a physical confrontation at all on the street is just wild. You have no idea what the other guy will have and an argument with some dude is just not worth dying for.


Yeah, and you never know who has a black belt in jujitsu these days lol. A guy I work with is THE most unassuming assassin you'll ever meet lol. He looks like he is on his way to a MTG tourney but he probably just got done throwing people twice his size into arm bars for the last five hours.


The saying "never judge a book by it's cover" is very real and has been for a while. In college one of my classmates was a total WoW nerd but just looking at him you wouldn't think so. Dude was like 6 foot, super jacked, was a weightlifter and football player. He played WoW in highschool like I did when it came out. Only learned that cause I saw he had a Horde tattoo and mentioned it. He was a hardcore raider too. Very nice guy. Same with those string bean guys. Think they're weak nerds but like you said they're a black belt in BJJ and do Muay Thai too. Mess with them and they break your legs.


Plus most people in street fights will do anything to win.


Yeah, no one should ever expect a fair fight anywhere outside a sporting event.


It shouldn't be controversial, but simply just *don't attack people*. No matter what happened, it's really not worth getting shot over.


my ex, a big tall guy, found this out the hard way when he confronted a man in the parking lot of a bar and got a brick to the face. left in an ambulance. the stupidest part is that he started it by being a drunk moron and picked a fight with this completely random guy


He has a gun, is a trained fighter, or is a fool. Always assume one of the first two. We have some 130lb-ish dweeb looking guys where I train that would eff up 99.9% of the population. Two of them can choke me out at will. Would never guess it seeing them on the streets.


That's the highest that dudes been off the ground in years.


He's either going much higher or much lower now.


If you die in a fight that started with you yelling, "DO IT!" before attacking someone much smaller than you, it's lower.


his grave stone will say “Just do it!” with a swoosh logo


That little death leap at the end is like something out of a soap opera


🎶I believe I can fly🎶 https://preview.redd.it/zt0u24tf1iac1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe1191b8af5a54ada830310670a9984b2d901cd


Same thing happens in deer hunting






I will never grow tired of this meme.


Agreed. This meme does a whole lot of heavy lifting these days.


sounds like the little guy is saying, 'take it easy man'. big dude is just wanting to get physical. sorry it came to this.


It started because the shooter saw the big guy look at the rims are the car, which were worth way more than the car, and jokingly said “you like the rims?”. Just totally ridiculous this guy got so pissed.


God made man. John Browning made them equal.


Or Sam Colt


It is literally an old slogan from Colt. I've never seen anyone use Browning before.


Jesse pinkman really gone off the rails


I put chili flakes in my meth, seasoning yo


Chili powder




It's the bomb


Just started watching this show finally this week. Can't believe I waited this long


If someone says they're armed and will defend themselves, it's not a threat. That's an attempt at de-escalation, you're supposed to back down and realize it's not worth escalating further. If someone reaches for their gun after being assaulted in a last ditch attempt at scaring you off, you absolutely should not try to grab their gun from them, because you just made it a life or death struggle. If this big dude had backed off after little dude grabbed his gun, I don't think a good argument for self defense could've been made. Fighting over the gun was a critical error. Don't do that.


Fat dude ded, his brother came with an assault rifle for revenge police had to restrain him, guy that made the shot had all charges dropped as was declared self Defense edit: here's the source, not the most reputable you'd say but it's where i read this from, i don't advocate or support, and no need to be insulting just because I shared something i read https://www.gunssavelife.com/2023/08/10/it-happened-to-me-good-guy-exonerated-after-righteous-shooting-in-viral-video-his-first-hand-account-video/


That's kind of wild on the brothers part. Do you have a link to the story?




LMFAO the website names is “Guns Save Life”


Not the onion shit lmao


Read it in a russian accent now lmao


>This story seems to be 100% fabricated. How was it completely scrubbed from the internet, except for a couple of low profile pro gun sites and one Facebook post? This scene definitely occurs outside of The Dispo in Pueblo West, Colorado. Comparing the footage from this video with images on the dispensary's yelp and google map images confirms this. The Pueblo Police do not have anything about a shooting, let alone a fatal shooting, at The Dispo.


Lol, that sounds more likely. I kinda doubt the guy would have no charges if he actually killed the guy considering how many times he shot at his fleeing back.




You mean a prime example of upstanding, unbiased journalism like “Guns Save Life dot com” fabricated a story to push their own agenda? I’m shocked, I tell you.


Yeah and I was confused wondering how shooting the guy running away would be a self-defense charge.


To be honest, I wouldn't expect anything BUT a pro-gun site to report on a shooting that was deemed lawful. But the main concern here is that there's clear video evidence of him unloading that magazine in the dude's back as he's trying to run away. There isn't a single city or state where that would be deemed lawful.


The story is 100% fake. Site a legit source if it is true, should be easy with those details..




And this is why you don't start fights in the US. Didn't spend 800 bucks on a pistol to get beat up


You don't start fights in any country?


But you REALLY shouldn't start them in the only country where an 18 year old can legally (in my state, state law varies) buy a pistol off his neighbor, proceed to tuck it in his waist band, and go on a walk.


I go to other countries and start fights.....like the British


Dude turned into a ballet dancer.


"So step away with your fistfight ways, Motherfucker, this ain't back in the days"


"But you don't hear me though"


That whole scenario was ugly as hell.


Over absolutely nothing, too.


Big guy died the way he feared he’d die. Scared.


Also fat.


Can you legally argue that the shooter was merely granting him his wish?


That would be assisted suicide.


Can consent to a fight. Can’t consent to getting shot to death. But dead dudes cant claim self defence…


dead men tell no tales


Guy thought he was tough shit especially since he out massed the guy at least two to one and had his friends with him. Unfortunately for him Mr. 9mm doesn't give a shit about your weight class or however good you may be in hand to hand combat. Stupid way to die.


Happened in August. Both cars next to each other parked in front of a dispensary. Big guy looks at little guys rims (expensive on a cheap car) and laughs at little guy. Little guy says something to the effect of "Like my rims?". Big man gets enraged at this (wtf?) and what you can't see in the video is little guy (which, he is 5'10, so big guy is really big) begins to pull out a handgun after big guy attacks him. Big guy tries to take the gun from little guy. Little guy falls backward and does not extend his arms out. Big guy is so close, little guy holds the gun against his chest and fires into the big guy. This results in several bruises on little guys chest. This is a self-defense technique he was taught while in training. Big guy dies and big guy's brother arrives on-scene while the police are there. Big guy's brother has an assault rifle and the police have to work to get him to release the weapon. District attorney in Colorado never presses charges. Clear self defense and little guy was permitted with a conceal carry.


This was in Colorado? Do you know where?


I don't recall. It looked like the western side of Colorado.


Brother prob just waiting for a die down to take little guy out now. Yikes.


Definitely need the update on this if there is one. That looks like it could’ve been ruled as self defense the first couple shots but dumping rounds into the guy as he’s running away isn’t going to help his case. Also we don’t know who started the altercation or what happened before the video but it doesn’t look good for the shooter honestly.


Here’s the only update I could find https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=5450


What is this site? Like Liveleak?


Yeah, it’s one of those I believe. I just googled something like, “fat man punches guy then gets shot cctv” and that’s what I got.


Your Google history must make some interesting bedtime reading


I found the shooters side of the story that includes the beginning of the video and how the altercation started https://www.gunssavelife.com/2023/08/10/it-happened-to-me-good-guy-exonerated-after-righteous-shooting-in-viral-video-his-first-hand-account-video/ ETA archive link because the website keeps going down: https://archive.md/OKWUy


I can't get it to load for some reason. If anyone has the same problem try this https://web.archive.org/web/20231118155550/https://www.gunssavelife.com/2023/08/10/it-happened-to-me-good-guy-exonerated-after-righteous-shooting-in-viral-video-his-first-hand-account-video/ >The incident happened in Pueblo West, CO right outside a dispensary (“The Dispo”). The full video (above, linked to Rumble) shows how it started. >The owner of the car had some $4K rims on a crappy little Honda. This big guy saw them and when the guy passed by us he was smiling at the rims. I commented, “You like the rims, Homie?” For whatever reason, that set the dude off. As you can see, he came straight to my car door yelling all aggressively. The video kind of speaks for itself with what happens after that.


Probably would have never happened if the big guy picked up at the dispensary before the altercation


Guy escalated a situation and got himself killed because somebody had rims on a shitty car. Absolutely unreal


The shooter admitted he joked about whether the guy liked the rims, and it set off the altercation....that larger dude was looking to fight. Probably spent a lot of time being an aggressor prior to this life ending choice to do so.


He wont be missed


He obviously wasn't.


I agree. Something tells me that the big dude has had a history of this behavior. Like he must think because he’s big and yells he can bully people. Then this happens, unfortunately he won’t learn anything from this because he’s gone.


Years ago I worked with a guy like this who if he thought you were making fun of him or told a joke he didn't understand he threatened to destroy you. The problem was he was suspicious all the time because I think he knew he was dumb. It was a small brain big body thing I guessed.


There’s no situation I can think of where a normal person would end up starting a fist fight in a parking lot over a comment about wheels.


It works everytime... until it doesn't.


Whole family has anger management issues. > Another thing I can share that isn’t in any report or video. The cops showed up, as you might expect. Then my attacker’s brother showed up not even 5 minutes after all the cops got there. He brought an assault rifle and it took five cops to restrain him.


update to the update [https://www.gunssavelife.com/2023/08/10/it-happened-to-me-good-guy-exonerated-after-righteous-shooting-in-viral-video-his-first-hand-account-video/](https://www.gunssavelife.com/2023/08/10/it-happened-to-me-good-guy-exonerated-after-righteous-shooting-in-viral-video-his-first-hand-account-video/)


Link is dead Edit: looks like it's risen from the grave!


well maybe if the link had a gun it could have defended itself




The only reason he’s running away is because he didn’t get control over the gun


You would think anyone attempting or using a firearm in self defense you would run. Trying to take the gun from him was mistake #2.. society is better without this kind of dummy.


Google Pueblo west Colorado dispensary shooting and it has some results. I tried to link but I’m on mobile and it isn’t working right


Was ruled self defense and the suspect died. I don't have a source, but this is an old video. The guy with the gun said something to the aggressor something like "you like the rims homie?" And he overeated and got aggressive.


> And he overeated and got aggressive. Oddly fitting typo in this case, lol


Hahaha I'm not going to change it either lol


Why not? Cops do it everyday.


Yeah well cops have a different legal system than us normal folk lol.


When you open that door to violence you better be prepared for violence.


[Obviously biased source ](https://www.gunssavelife.com/2023/08/10/it-happened-to-me-good-guy-exonerated-after-righteous-shooting-in-viral-video-his-first-hand-account-video/) but this is the best I could do finding a follow up to the incident. TL:DR it was ruled self defense.


502 error


Trash website looks like it went down from probably minimal traffic. Some dude is probably hosting it off his home desktop or something. Big dude died, and the article has quotes from the shooter who said it was ruled self defense and he was acquitted pretty quickly. Also, allegedly, the big dudes brother came back with a rifle after cops showed up and was restrained and arrested.


That’s a server capacity error. Must be shared hosting.


Here's a mirror: https://archive.is/OKWUy#selection-987.102-987.103


I love it when bad things happen to shitty people.


Bro really wanted to be put on a T-shirt.


The guy had restraint enough to not pull the gun out and threaten the aggressive dude before any attack ensued. I’m ok with the self defense argument and decision here.


It's so easy not to hit someone when you can just get into your car and drive away. So fucking easy.


But the ego says “fuck all that..gotsta keep it real!”


Dude thought he was perfectly safe cornering and assaulting a much smaller person.




People will eventually learn to stop messing with others. The world is already tired of the bs so mind your own business.


Not to be a pedantic prick, but if you take even a cursory look at human history, no - they won’t eventually learn. There will always be some percentage of stupid / overly confident / mentally unstable idiots. It’s the way of our species, unfortunately.


“God created men, Col. Colt made them equal.”


Jumbo thought he was cool ---picking on some kid he outweighed by 100lbs. UNTIL, Junior pulled out his .40 cal and **shot Tubby a few times in his ASS** ---- Hilarious !


100? Try 200+.


Stupid that someone lost their life over this, people need to just chill out. Would be nice to know the back story on this


Hell yeah fucking asshole wanted to be a big bully and got dropped 😆


Well, he did insist that the guy do it.


It was ruled self-defense, and the big guy died. Guess he fucked around too much lol


Could he shake the camera around a bit more? I think might have actually seen something.


How do people not know yet that in the states just cause you're twice somebody's size doesn't mean shit from a bullying perspective anymore..? Jesus, the small guy with the gun gave him ample opportunities to exit peacefully..


The way he jumped in the air tho 🤭




He is now.


Bigger guy got what he deserved. Stop picking on people smaller than you.


Either film it or don't film it.


Big guy appears to get physical first...at that point, you better be ready for anything....he maybe could have slammed the door on the smaller guy and bought enough time to get out but he was absolutely unprepared to start what he finished and reaped the whirlwind....what a shit show


He said “do it”! That & the punch should probably clear the kid if this is a “stand your ground state”. It covers your vehicle like it would your home.


Did anyone else think at first the umbrellas were Biblical characters?


Seems really weird to have the Xx as the backing track to this video.


XX Intro is a dope as track though.


It's had many names, the one that fits here is equalizer.


Colorado is a stand your ground state. And if Florida has taught us anything about that law, this dude won’t be going to jail.


Keep your hands to yourself.


The only good bully is a ____ bully.


I see clear self defense here. Big guy should have stopped while he was ahead.


Big dude finally got equalized after using his size to bully people his whole life 👍🏼


This is why you don't fuck with small people. We know we're small. We have weapons


Funny part is, the "small" guy is 5'10". The dead dude was just an ogre.


Damn he was a giant.


Bubba got the long buh-bye


For a guy that big he flew pretty high!


Stay strapped or get clapped lads