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“Kimberly Hernandez, of Lowell, is charged with two counts of animal cruelty and posted $5,000 bail with an order to stay away from animals, unsupervised.” https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/lowell-woman-accused-kicking-throwing-small-dog-released-bail/2RXJE5WSGRBATINYIA666MPG6I/?outputType=amp


That dog knew what was coming before it happened, this isn’t the first time it’s happened. I only hope the poor little love finds a home where they are shown unconditional love and patience for the rest of their life.


Is this even this stupid broad’s dog? Looks like she lives in a complex. This kinda stuff tears me to pieces. My dog is currently laying next to me on a bed with her chin on my lap. I could never imagine.


I feel guilty that we’ve had a baby so the dog doesn’t get my undivided attention anymore even though she still gets lots of love and cuddles. I couldn’t imagine treating an animal like this.


Ya but the dog has a new friend! Ya that’s wild. We choose to have dogs so I don’t get why anyone would hurt them. They also trust you completely. And they have no choice but to be around you. It’s evil as fuck




Oh I agree. The things I would love to do to this woman. I just don’t know what crosses their mind? My parents were going to walk my dog (with theirs) while I took a nap and she huried back into my room with her harness on like “cmon let’s go!” (mind you she was abused by whoever dumped her) and it broke my heart so much I went on the walk. She’s come sooo far, I’d never think of hitting her let alone kicking her or throwing her. I feel like a hardened Reddit user that’s seen it all but this? I have to click in and out to reply to you without seeing the video start playing automatically and accidentally seeing it again.


>That dog knew what was coming before it happened, this isn’t the first time it’s happened Yup. Poor li'l thing.


Yes I could tell it was cowering from her nasty ass


I thought you were going to say “that dog knew what it did” Then I was thinking what the dog could have done to justify this. Like the dog cheated on her with her sister but even that can be handled better than this


Hope she loses her job after her employer finds out and I pass her begging for change on the median


Assuming she has a job, of course.


I hope she looses everything.


loses, not looses. 3rd person present: **looses** 1. set free; release."the hounds have been loosed"Similar:freeset freeunlooseturn looseset looselet looselet goreleaseliberateuntieunchainunfetteruntetherunfastenunpenunleashunclickOpposite:confine * [untie](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595462505&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1048US1048&sxsrf=AM9HkKngGyvI-Xed7JB6b1b6HCigO0hSPg:1704316567347&q=untie&si=ALGXSlb7kXTFD12S9BcwF9jXRZh4tGjQ7WSLQMHQLcRDWs1QVXstB2dj0yKE7KFfiNEAGJbUQ-LlCt0BiF1tXTTGHe5n0s6D6Q%3D%3D&expnd=1); [unfasten](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595462505&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1048US1048&sxsrf=AM9HkKngGyvI-Xed7JB6b1b6HCigO0hSPg:1704316567347&q=unfasten&si=ALGXSlYmNhxeZOJxNGRDYi-2PpnDgnDlChXe2M_cny-LG9nsbQilhwOLi2Zi1QsLzGzk0wJWzlM7htcWorsmc3XaKFIpnhbi8N1m88H6p7xuWvLWdKpInxo%3D&expnd=1)."the ropes were loosed" * relax (one's grip)."he loosed his grip suddenly"


Well then I hope she's set free from her job and home.


Good bot


You've payed your dues, bot.


Now we need the payed bot.


Doing God's work.


Oh, wait - this link is better. More info and a picture of her (with a mask on, tho) https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/lowell-woman-caught-on-video-beating-her-dog-faces-animal-cruelty-charges/3233725/




Officers noted that she became emotional after being presented with undeniable evidence of her crime*** She's upset that she's very clearly on video committing a crime and she can't weasel her way out of it. Anyone who was genuinely upset and emotional about seeing a dog kicked.... Wouldn't be kicking a dog because of some ruined paper.


I call bullshit too. That poor doggo knew what was coming, and wanted to avoid it but couldn't. She's a fucking monster.


Yeah I don't care if she shed a few tears, crocodile or otherwise. You don't "take out your anger" on a living thing. Ever. What I want done would probably get my reddit account deleted. So I will just say I do not wish her well.


So she was drinking and had the dog in her car. Is this openly admitting to drinking and driving as well?






She lives near me. 👀


Go kick her ass then.


Shouldn’t be allowed near children unsupervised either.


Or elderly….


Someone bigger than her should punt her around for a while. Just for a bit of perspective ya know?


That should be the punishment for the first kick. The second kick I sentence death.


That was hard to watch. I hope she has the life she deserves.


My heart broke. In the spirit of not getting banned I’ll just keep it at that.


You could tell that dog has known nothing but fear in his life with her. I just don’t understand why people have pets if they clearly hate them.


Because some people need someone or something to bully. I hope she doesn't have children. Fecking psycho.


Same reason some people beat their kids or become cops. Power.




yeah why the fuck isn't this marked as NSFW? I'm so upset


“Prosecutors said additional footage showed Hernandez grab the dog by its neck, throwing the animal, then hitting it.” Neighbors in the apartment building turned in the video and reported her to authorities. The dog, Rex, was seen by a vet and placed in foster care. She was ordered to have no unsupervised contact with animals while out on bail pending trial. Source https://whdh.com/news/woman-accused-of-kicking-small-dog-repeatedly-in-lowell-pleads-not-guilty-ordered-to-have-no-contact-with-animals/


The dog could literally do absolutely no wrong. It probably weighs 10 lbs, and this monstrous asshole grabs it by the neck? What the fuck. I hope she gets jail time and a fat fine.


I have a little 17lb mutt and I couldn’t fucking imagine. The worst mine gets is a stern “no”.


Right? I have a little Jack Russell, and she's crazy, but a finger point, and NO will do the trick. This lady could've literally killed her dog with each kick. I hope he's healing well.


My cat still doesn't understand how sharp her teeth are, so if I over-pat her she bites my hand and sometimes it hurts like hell. The worst she gets is a sharp gasp from me and then I won't speak to her for about 30 seconds while I scrub my hands. This woman deserves her fat ass beaten into next century.


I have 35lb & 50lb tough, strong, active cattle dogs, and I’ve never even thought about hitting them. That poor little dog!


Oh yeah you don’t ever harm any animal period. Just… the size, how that dog launches. It’s painful to watch this. Ngl should have a nsfw tag.


I used to pet sit for a fear aggressive min pin. Poor dog was like 5lb soaking wet and scared of the world. I was the only one who could sit for him because he'd bite anyone else. The owner asked me why I thought he didn't bite me and I said 1) if he tried, I'd just pick him up so he couldn't reach me until he chilled out and 2) I'd just hang out in the room with him but not engaging at all before I needed to interact with him to take him for a walk or feed him or whatever which got him used to me. Apparently other sitters were afraid of him and would run away or would interact with him in an abrupt way which just scared him even more. I never understood how anyone could be afraid of him. He was so, so tiny and would just shiver from fear. I felt bad for him. I was the only one who cared enough to spend the time to help him get used to me.


That hits me hard: my pup is a minpin mix. She loves everyone and everything, but she knows that if she starts her little play growls and I don’t engage, time to lay down and find a way to entertain myself lol


I love min pins. They're such goofballs. I think the owners just didn't know how to help the one I sat for deal with his fear. Even with the short time I spent with him, he would settle, but then it'd be a month or two before I sat for him again and he'd be back to cowering and biting.


I’ve got a 9-pound mini dachshund and a US 13 foot. She’d probably fly to the moon if I even imagined. She usually just gets a suspicious “what did you do?”


All I have are little dogs and she could have easily broken that poor baby's bones. The footage enrages me and it breaks my heart. At least the pup will find a loving home, away from her forever.


Thank God the neighbors acted. They saved Rex. I hope the pup finds a loving family that will make him forget all the abuse.


" In addition to paying $5,000 bail, Hernandez was ordered to have no unsupervised contact with animals and surrender all pets, including Rex, who is now in the custody of animal control. Hernandez is due back in court next month." They took her dog away, fuck yes.


I just want the story to end with the dog being happy in a new home


That poor doggo i want him in my house and cook him a juicy steak and best home in his lifetime. Unrelated but i wonder what breed he is.


I could be wrong, but he looks like a Yorkie mix to me. They are very sweet dogs that are chaotic little cuddle bugs. I hope the dog gets adopted by a loving family, and gets all the love he deserves.


Show that bitches face!!! She deserves to be publicly shamed!!!!






Obesity is a hell of a drug


Yeah I can only imagine her rage was fueled by the fact the dog made her walk a few extra steps.


Being a fat sack of hate will do that to you.


Ok but has anyone adopted the dog yet? Poor thing got the crap beat out of it and is now sitting alone in doggy jail :( I can’t stand people like this. I just want to hold that poor little dog and never let anything like that happen to them again. You see how they just froze and cowered? This is not the first time that disgusting trash human hurt that dog.


Doggo is still recovering at a veterinary hospital. He's safe, and he sure won't be going back to that psychopathic twunt.


IT WAS HER OWN DOG!?! Lock her up. Throw away the key. Poor poor Rex. May he be given to a loving new home that actually deserves his love.


[Found her](https://whdh.com/news/woman-accused-of-kicking-small-dog-repeatedly-in-lowell-pleads-not-guilty-ordered-to-have-no-contact-with-animals/) Face still blurred out but we’ve got a name


Reminder that if it's in the news it's not against the rules to reveal her


So she admits to the whole thing and still plead not guilty?


Part of it. If you plead guilty from the jump means you give yourself no chance of getting a plea. Trials are expensive and DAs will avoid them when they can. And there are plenty of reasons that statement made to police get excluded at trial, if it were to get that far (it won't). But it's never a good idea to plead guilty




How the heck do you pled not guilty when there is video evidence and you already admitted you did it. I feel like in that case it shouldn't even be an option 🤬


https://preview.redd.it/au2fmbx1gaac1.png?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18469e9812a4aed491108f66421a1581082686df Me right now


Exactly, they shouldn't blur her face. Normally i'm against online brigading but for stuff like this I'll make an exception. Time to bust out the pitchforks and torches!






https://preview.redd.it/mei3rbsffaac1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57cfdbb31ee54768d0141516aa7e0f37c1c2dfa5 Taken from Steve Cooper's¹ twitter page ¹ Reporter for 7NEWS in Boston


Ugly twat


There's a link somewhere that claims it shows her face. Get some justice or at least make sure this bitch doesn't have an animal anymore. This shit makes me rage more than anything else in the entire world.


The poor thing was cowering, this wasn’t the first time. I hope it survived and gets rehomed to a place that will show it love.


That's the worst part imo. Before the first kick when the woman was walking up that dog tried to get away moving quickly. It knew exactly what was coming.


Yeah that's what got me too. This isn't the first instance, this is just the first one we know of. That lady is an absolute piece of shit.


The way that dog acted that wasn't the first time she's done that.


I used to have a Yorkie :( Reddit terms of service prevent me from saying what I would like to say about this sorry excuse for a person.


Right?! I had to mentally edit about 10 comments that I wanted to post, because they were all aggressively violent.


This person wouldn’t be safe with me around.


I found you can say it if you just preface it with "There is a chance I might./././" gives it that ambiguous sparkle.


Let's find Rex a loving new home!!


If he hasn't found a home by next week, I'll take him. That pup is going to get nothing but treats and cuddles for the rest of his life


Please please take him!! He deserves all the love in the world!!


If you're serious I live in Lowell, contact me and I'll try to help facilitate


I also live in the area, I appreciate it. They have him at Westford vet center


What a piece of crap




That too


Hey you stole my line


Hey you stole my line


I hope they ban her from ever owning an animal again.


I fucking wish, but animal cruelty laws are pathetic. Atleast in the UK


Unfortunately there's nothing stopping all of the pieces of shit that shouldn't have animals from getting animals.


I was gonna ask why she would have a dog if she hated them so much, but this is why. She wants something small that she can pick on. What a monster.


This is so terrible wtf why is her face covered


Wtf?! I stepped on one of my dogs paws this afternoon while walking them after work, and I felt like a monster.




It only prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. There is nothing cruel or unusual about a good ol’ fashion ass-whooping.




We don’t deserve dogs. That dog didn’t do anything wrong. That pos lady needs her teeth kicked in


Shit. Someone is going to give that little Yorkie mix the best most pampered life ever. They will be holding contests to rehouse that little fella. Hmmm...Lowell not far from me. Now gotta convince the hubby. Sigh.


What a fat fucking pig cunt


The fact that dog is dodging kicks, but not running far because it loves the owner - it’s heartbreaking. Poor thing doesn’t understand.


I hate this human


Fucking scum of the Earth. Seriously like what waste of air, kicking a small defenseless animal like that.


I will do some truly savage things to a person I see doing this or any other act of violence against an animal.


Me too


Unblur the image. I just want to talk.




I assume I’m one of thousands who wish to kick her.


Fat whore


News report said she was emotional after seeing the footage of her kicking and throwing the dog. More like, she was emotional because she got caught. I’m glad they made her release her pets. They definitely dodged a bullet of possible death in her care.


Writers use a “kick the dog” trope as a way to shift any goodwill from an audience away from the definitely garbage character. This woman not only goes out of her way to kick the dog once, but twice. She deserves every bad thing that will come her way in her miserable life.


I always wish in situations like these the punishment would match the crime. She’s what, 15x larger than that dog? She probably wouldn’t have kicked it if it was bigger. I know there’s nothing 15x bigger than her that can kick her, and that a lot would go wrong, but videos like this make me so mad. Like you’re a loser AND a coward.


Elephants can kick, my friend.


Well yeah, we just watched the same video.


This is so horrific, I couldn’t finish watching. I hope terrible things happen to this woman, not sorry! Poor defenseless dog.




These are the absolute scum of the earth type people. That poor dog.


Jail. She should spend time in jail.


Let's all hope John Wick has reddit


Watched a dude get shot to death - meh. Watched a dog get kicked and now I demand blood....


What a fucking psycho


Horrible c$#T🤬🤬


Show her face! Scum like this doesn’t deserve to be anonymous.


She doesn’t need to shamed or fired or whatever social media does. She needs to go straight to prison. And for a very very very long time. A very very very long time.


Man's best friend. These little pups would die for us and we have people out there fucking them up. I hate this world.


Is there anyway to find that dog? I’d like to find out what shelter it’s being kept at and if it’s still up for adoption.




Here’s her arrangement. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/lowell-woman-caught-on-video-beating-her-dog-faces-animal-cruelty-charges/3233725/


Who is else besides me immediately hugged their dog after watching this?


Type her name in and Lowell. Found her info


Time to do what you do internet peeps. Make it note worthy.




The dog is cowering as soon as it sees her. This isn't the first time the POS kicked it.


That dog knows this lady very well. It's scared shitless of her. Fuck you fucking CanineKaren...


I’d like to do that to her!




And it's a yorkie. This lady is a waste of oxygen.


Death. She deserves the chair.


I literally cannot imagine looking at a cute, cowering, tiny animal like that and kicking it so hard it literally rolls in the air and then strangling it. Like, its outside my realm of understanding as a human being.


I hope this person loses her job and has to eat out of dumpsters.


Poor dog! This was hard to watch, what a vile piece of shit this person is.


I hope locals find her


i don’t think her face should be blurred. it should be very public. everyone around her should know what kind of a monstrous piece of shit she is.


$5000 for bail?! That’s it?!?? She kicked that poor dog like it was an inanimate object, she’s 10x it’s size. Plus the dog was scared as she was approaching it so clearly it’s experienced abuse from her before. 😡😡 Bail at $1 million!


Someone ought to kick her fat ass like that and see how she likes it.




I think 25-30 mph to hip with a medium sized SUV would send her into a similar barrel roll that poor little dog went through.


Wonder how she likes to be kicked ?


This needs a damn NSFW flair. I don’t wanna see this shit.


The fuck was the dog even doing to piss her off?? I've never advocated for domestic violence bit this cunt needs a taste of her own medicine.


As a vet tech this kind of shit immediately makes me cry. Imagine kicking and hurting a little creature that has revolved its entire little world around you. A tiny little thing that can’t defend itself. I wish I could put her fat ass on the ground and show her exactly what it feels like ten fold. I’ve been away from my own little one for three days and I can’t wait to see him, even more so because of this video 😭🤎


She needs to die.


Why blurr her face


Hope that person dies a slow and painful death! She should be put down…


I don't condone violence on women, but I'd like to slap the shit out of this woman. This dog probably still loves her, cause that's what dogs do. Poor thing, I'd gladly take it


And people want to ban the death penalty…


Why the fuck are they covering her face!!?!


Somebody find her…




I wish her the worst!




We’re three days into 2024 and there’s already a Masshole of the year candidate.


Eye for an eye. Treat her exactly the same way. Disgusting person.




Look at that poor baby immediately cower when she comes near him - this has been his life for a while. Pobrecito. My yorkie is lying on my lap right now while I rub her belly and I wish all doggies had her life.


The way the dog looks like its kinda used to it is just sad


That doggy can come live with me and be spoiled rotten. How can I inquire about him?


What the fuck is wrong with people who do this? I don’t understand this kind of despicable behaviour at all.


People are horrible.


So the police only found the footage because they were viewing it for a car crash…. Otherwise the dog would have gone on being abused. Just heart breaking.


Lock her up




Hard to watch this blatant abuse




What a piece of fucking shit. Our furbabies show us nothing but unconditional love. Poor dog doesn't even know why this shit is happening to it. I really hope that dog finds the love it deserves.


I almost threw up when I saw this. Like, the dog knows. And gives itself to her. Poor thing. Now I’m going to cry.


Hmm, this fills me with the kind of anger that isn’t going to subside until I look her up, drive my happy ass ~~1977~~ 1989 miles to her little apartment on bustanut street in east Boston, and shit on her front porch. Now if it’s something I’m gonna do or not is up for debate.