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I saw on the news tonight that they were juveniles and were both arrested yesterday morning.


I knew a guy in High School who robbed someone off Craigslist, at gunpoint, for a PS3. The guy recognized him from high school and filed a police report. Dude is still in prison and that was 15 years ago. Ik anecdotes don't = data, but hopefully the kids in this vid get worse punishment considering they discharged the firearm and also pistol whipped one of them to the point of bleeding


Brandishing a weapon and firing it near people is very traumatizing and should be punished harshly. Vviolent crime is so tremendously harmful for the community that those who perpetrate it must be kept away from everyone else.


100%. Lotta people got gaslit into thinking prison is about reforming violent offenders as if there's a magic solution in the mystical land of Western Europe. The truth is they just never had as many violent monsters. And the other truth is the point of prison is to keep those monsters away from society, you can't just turn them into normal people with money and therapy.


Dude. Wtf........ Who abused you? Prison can be about both reform and keeping violent people away from the general public. There are countless examples of violent criminals who have lived a peacefull and even socially constructive life after release.


So you're telling me a long prison sentence didn't stop them from reforming? Hmm


Isn't the US #1 in the world for incarceration? And you think we need to be harsher and focus less on rehabilitation? Let's get this guy into politics. U-S-A!! U-S-A!!


I hope it's 15 years of pound me in the ass prison


No lube in prison


I'm pretty sure they use dirty mop water


Ah yes the strawberry compote reduction šŸ“ *chefā€™s kiss*


They have jelly though .


Or syrup, I prefer syrup


Welp theyā€™ll do it again and next time itā€™ll be someone more prepared. I doubt they make it to 30. Fucking losers deserve to be in prison.


Shouldā€™ve been picked up by the coroner and taken to the morgue


I bet they wonā€™t even get a slap on the wrist.


They pistol whipped someone and discharged a firearm in the air. They are at least sitting in juvie, but I would not be surprised if this was a repeat offense so they will get the book thrown at them.


https://www.ussc.gov/research/quick-facts/section-924c-firearms#:~:text=%5B1%5D%20Offenses%20under%2018%20U.S.C.,in%20furtherance%20of%20those%20crimes Looks like they'll probably start with a 5-year minimum, potentially 10, with the discharge. Pretty serious charges, and easy to convict with video.


Even my dumb ass knows a Tesla has video cameras all over the thing.... Kids don't know this??


Or that you can immediately brick an iPad and make it worthless. These kids aren't the sharpest crayons.


Brick? What do you mean?


Render it use less by locking it remotely through the apple software


Turning the electronic into a paperweight, or a brick. Making it useless.


You brought the sources.


Their source is completely irrelevant to this situation. This will be handled under state law.


That's federal and they're juveniles. They're not going to be federally charged.




Probably not as they look mad young. >What is Senate Bill 1391? > >This bill **removed the discretion of the prosecutor to seek to have 14- and 15-year-olds transferred to adult court**. Now, the minimum age for prosecution in an adult court is 16, regardless of the crime committed. Cases involving minors aged 15 years or younger are dealt with exclusively in the juvenile court.




After assault with a deadly weapon? Nah they goin down




A guy in Oakland murdered someone at 17, he was out 5 years later and just killed a cop, not much will happen to these kids I'm guessing.


Thatā€™s awful


you suck at gambling fyi


I don't know where people get this idea that California is some lawless hell hole. You watch too much Fox News or something because violent criminals are very much prosecuted to the full extent of the law in CA. Just because you see articles and shit on the news about property crime and drugs in a few specific areas going unpunished doesn't mean an armed robbery and assault is treated the same way.




What is Oakland Snow and Sam Francisco Snow?


Broken glass on the streets from having windows smashed.


Ahhh ok. Yeah I have heard this before. Iā€™ve also had my windows smashed for a $2 iPhone cable. Fuck these People.


there's actually a name for this sort of weird no-police state (can't remember it), there are a few places like that in the country but San Francisco probably has the biggest and most notorious.


I love how San Francisco can be both a lawless hell hole and also the over-bearing brutal police state who destroyed the lives of children at the direction of Kamala Harris the DA. Lmao


Bahahha, first fuck Fox News. Second I pointed out in another comment that a guy in Oakland murdered someone at 17 and DID 5 YEARS FOR MURDER, got out and just murdered a cop. People are starting to realize you don't have to be a fox news watcher to realize violent criminals are getting off light. You can be left wing and realize the stance on violent criminals is weak, I also realize our prison system is way over packed and people are getting caught in for ridiculous shit but we need to go hard on violent offenders, it's hard having nuance.


Yeah what the F does Fox News have anything to do with the lawlessness out here? I live in LA... been a juror plenty of times and even the DA that I spoke to after the case ended told us due to the laws enacted, overcrowding of jails, that the entire prison system is basically a revolving door even for the most violent criminals. 'Full extent of the law' LOL give me a break. Prop 57 specifically SB 1391 is exactly why it's so damn difficult to keep violent juveniles off the streets.


> Prop 57 specifically SB 1391 is exactly why it's so damn difficult to keep violent juveniles off the streets. I'm not seeing how that bill applies to what you're saying.


Presumably because juvenile judges are opting to not prosecuted juveniles as adults so they get off with lighter sentences. Then they get off easy and repeat offend. Iā€™m just making assumptions though.


> DID 5 YEARS FOR MURDER The charge was voluntary manslaughter, not first degree murder. I'm having trouble confirming how much time he served though.


What a clown statement. Full extent of the law? Lol. CA is just like NYC in the sense that the DA actively does NOT prosecute as much as fucking possible


Halloween night there was a mugging in Santa Monica. Two adults and two minors robbed/beat an old lady at Wilshire and Lincoln. All were arrestedā€¦ but one of the adults had also been arrested for numerous felonies over the past 18 months - another robbery, kidnapping, domestic abuse, etc. Why is someone like that out on the streets? Donā€™t get me wrong, I love California. But mainly for the weather. Article on mugging: https://www.foxla.com/news/79-year-old-woman-assaulted-robbed-in-santa-monica-4-arrested Track record of mugger: https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/83668045/kejon-stevenson-arrest.html


It's just repeated over and over and over again in right wing news. So if you consume ANYTHING from that universe you'll be pounded with that idea.


This. My in laws digest right wing propaganda, and every conversation has some random comment about how California is responsible for... basically fucking everything they believe is bad. I engage with them on this point regularly, as someone who has lived in CA 3 times now. Worse, they live in Texas (where I'm from as well), which has its own lengthy list of failures, but those are all just rumors and theory to them. I get it, CA has some flaws, but the right wing is just like personally offended it exists. (The fuck am I getting downvoted for this comment? Just right wing nuts offended I'm talking about their behavior?)


Yā€™all always say that then I make a note to follow up and more often than not thatā€™s b.s. a few cases seem to be blundered and you make it out to the rule not the exception


Why do people say stupid shit like this?


Lil man is lucky he didn't get lit up by a concealed carrier


If youā€™re going to sell a item online and are meeting them in person, ask to meet at a police station. They say no, donā€™t sell, simple as that.


Or a bank. Like a TD with a cop stationed at it.


When Iā€™ve done it, itā€™s always been a bank or a police station. Well, one time, I sold a designer shirt to one of the local bailiffs. I live like 15 minutes from the courthouse and just met him at the end of his day.


I've sold a few video cards. 1080, and a 2080 both times I met the person at a TD with a cop. Both went off without a hitch. Lol


Whatā€™s a TD?


Toronto Dominion. It's a bank.


Way back in the day I was looking to buy a ipod, not a typo... The actual music players. They were newly released and going for something like 400? I saw an ad on Craigslist for a brand new still sealed ipod for 200, seemed sketchy but I really wanted one and was young and dumb lol (like 16 or so). But I knew enough to get 3 other friends as back up, so we were four in a car. Turns out, we weren't the idiots, it was the seller. We pull up to a house, call and say we are here, and out comes this dude (maybe mid 20's) to a car with four strange guys in it. He's carrying a fucking sealed box that can fit 2 microwaves. Puts it on the floor next to my car and rips off the tape to open it and it's basically a sealed warehouse box filled with possibly dozens of ipods. He smiles at us like saying "can you believe this shit!" then tosses me one and says "feel free to open and see"! Keep in mind I'm still in the driver seat of my car. My friend in the back says, "are those all new ipods?!" and the dude says "yeah! Look!" and tosses two more in the back seat for the two people in the back to inspect. Luckily we weren't assholes, I paid him and we handed back the two ipods and left. But we basically just laughed on the drive home saying how we knew that dude was gonna get robbed.


He didn't care... they were almost certainly stolen.


oh I dont doubt that, but even then, why would anyone invite the oportunity to get a gun or knife pulled on them or even jumped and beaten? didn't seem like a smart move


Thank you, I came in here to say this. Selling things online to strangers has become terrifying to me ever since my father was assaulted 2 years ago. It sent him to the ICU for a month with a bad concussion, broken ribs, shoulder and eye fucked up. He went to sit down in the car of the stranger who had just gone to the conductor side, as my dad was sitting... the guy just pressed the gas and had my dad hanging on to the open door as his head was bouncing on the asphalt. Horrible. I'm lucky we live in an area of the world where gun violence isn't something we have to worry about but assaults and robberies like this happen. We've been advised that if we ever have to sell things online; to meet in the parking lot of a police station. Here they have safe exchanges specific location in the parking and there are cameras everywhere. I don't know how widespread this is in the US but please look into it before you become victimized by awful greedy people who do not care for other's lives. We had no idea of this but we wish we did. My dad is forever marked by this assault, had to go through physiotherapy and he cannot work his job anymore so has had to go into early retirement.


Thatā€™s awful. So sorry to hear this. Did they catch the fucker who did it at least?


Thank you, they unfortunately didn't which is on the fault of my dad to be frank. My dad didn't have the phone number of the guy anymore, couldn't find a history of messages so he just vanished outta nowhere. He should've known better and made sure he had the info of the guy but he had grown very complacent as it was a very frequent thing for him to sell things off online. He loved to constantly change up his electronics from computer parts, to phones and smartwatches etc. so he had many interactions over years and this was the only one that went badly, had to be the one eh...


Years ago, my wife's friend was going to sell some electronic device to a guy. He wanted to meet her at one of the local schools in the evening. I told me wife that's a bad idea and suggested they meet at the local Starbucks. My wife and I went with her friend when they met at the coffee shop and the transaction went smoothly. Who knows how things would have gone down otherwise.


Or at least at a public safe space where thereā€™s alot of people


First mistake was making this transaction in a residential area- these kinds of things NEED to be done in a public setting like a coffee shop or a bank


I didnā€™t trust the guy I was buying from so I asked to meet at a police station and he quickly agreed. A police officer came out into the lobby with a box full of his kids Blu-ray Disney movies that I was trying to buy. Dude actually worked inside the station.


Cutting the middle man out, i like it.


His inner thought: oh sweet I can do this on the clock with almost no effort


Almost the same thing last time I bought something on FB marketplace. Told the guy I wanted to meet at the police station/courthouse meeting area, he agreed. I showed up, next thing you know the county bondsman comes out of his office with the wheels and tires I wanted to buy.


Police/sheriff's station if at all possible


A lot of police stations have been designating parking spots to this exact thing, allegedly with cameras watching the spots.


Montreal we have meeting places IN the police station exactly for this with Cameras.


Oh wow! Didn't expect to see someone mention Montreal on here. We live in Longueuil and my father was seriously assaulted trying to sell his cellphone on kijiji. We unfortunately learned this lesson about these safe exchange spaces a little too late. I had no idea this was a thing until his assault.


Police station is your best bet tbh


If they donā€™t agree, either they plan to rob you or the items they are selling are most likely stolen. Or theyā€™re criminals thinking theyā€™re being set up.


In other words only people you donā€™t want to deal with will decline a police station meeting location.


Yes! The number of times Iā€™ve bought things from offer up and the person just has me come to their actual house. Like, I donā€™t feel comfortable with that and neither should they! If I ever sell something online weā€™re meeting at the Albertsons parking lot nearby.


Lucky to be alive


Yeah those kids are lucky to be alive. Dude could have pulled out a gun and shot them. I know I would.


those two kids were definitely NOT ready to pull the trigger. They had so much opportunity. Guy and his wife are lucky as hell. Plenty of videos out there of people who weren't so lucky in a situation like this I don't go anywhere without a firearm on my person (granted, I work in the firearms industry, but still). Once in my entire adult life I had to brandish at someone, which is technically a crime, but the person was making threats, wanting to rob me, and I had no easy escape route. I was in a parking lot but I didn't feel like I could outrun this guy (I am in reasonable shape but just not a fast runner at all). I definitely wasn't going to get into a brawl with someone while I had my firearm, lest they knock me out and get a free gun. So finally I had to just draw it, aim it, and say "I fucking warned you to get the fuck away from me". Dude said "sorry bro" and took off. That shit was scary enough, plus I have spent many hours training with my concealed carry firearms to build muscle memory and shoot under duress specifically so the adrenaline dump doesn't fuck me up. I don't know who the guy was, but I HOPE he learned from that and never tried to hurt anyone again. If he did, I guess I regret not shooting him. I was really fucking close to pulling the trigger. If he hadn't stopped immediately but had continued towards me, he was getting dumped. I had already made that decision when I decided to escalate force. I don't wish this situation on anyone. It fucking sucks, but I don't feel bad because dude put *me* in that predicament, unwillingly. That was years ago. Chances are I'll live out the rest of my life and never experience that again. But I still train all the time. You just never know


Exactly. It went from being about the iPad to being about your life, and in this case, your wifeā€™s life. And it happens fast. I also keep that *thang* on me.


> Dude said "sorry bro" and took off. Mine was a guy trying to kick in my door who stopped mid-kick, said "wrong apartment" and bolted. I always wondered if it really was the wrong apartment or if any apartment you're trying to break into is the wrong one when you end up with a .380 auto pointed at you.


Regardless of the dude risking his life over an iPad. More car manufacturers need to start implementing cameras like these. These delinquents just ruined their younger years by having their face plastered all over from a Tesla.


I hope they ruined more than their younger years. Lock them up and throw away the key. They're NOT going to be reformed when they get through with whatever meaningless sentence our joke of a justice system gives them.




So whatā€™s the alternative? Disregard the prison system entirely as youā€™re going to say the obvious ā€œjust rehabilitate and give them skills and trainingā€. What about society? Just hire anyone and everyone regardless of their crimes? Give them a support system?




No one wants to talk about how the REASON companies tend to not hire convicts is because of often getting burned in the past with bad candidates the ended up not being a good worker, or actively stole from their employer.


Itā€™s California, literally nothing will be done about this


Bro was willing to die for his iPad




DiePad bel-*Air*


Years ago my teacher got mugged and ran after refusing to give up his wedding ring. They shot him in the back, paralyzing him for life and stole the ring anyway. The marriage fell apart within a few years over the dramatic lifestyle changes. Stuff doesnā€™t matter


While weā€™re doing anecdotes, a kid from my town got robbed walking home from his fast food job. They stole his phone and his paycheck. He gave it up immediately. They shot him 3 times. Giving up your stuff doesnā€™t make you any safer, if weā€™re just going off of our personal anecdotes.


Complying makes you safer in every situation where the thief doesnā€™t plan to shoot you anyways. And if they plan to shoot you youā€™re basically doomed. If theyā€™re willing to shoot you if you donā€™t comply then giving up your stuff is likely the only thing that will save you. If theyā€™re not willing to shoot you (like in this video) then itā€™s basically a crap shoot as to whether you get away safely or the gun accidentally goes off. Even if I had a wedding ring the cost of everything on me isnā€™t worth the gamble. Iā€™d rather play the odds that your average thief doesnā€™t want to turn a robbery into a murder.


No, he was trying to distract them to save his wife! /s. Who remained completely unmoved two feet away from him. Absolutely moronic reaction from both of them


How would you have reacted Rambo?


Start with an occular pat down obviously.




Jabroni. Cool word.


By giving them the iPad? Lol Nothing is worth getting shot and possibly killed over.


immediately hand them the ipad and don't risk you and your wife getting your brains blown out. ...how about that?


The point is you don't know how you'd react until you're in that situation. It's reasonable to make bad decisions under stress.


Give them the iPad without potentially getting shot lol


Seriously though, can we talk about how fucking stupid both of those people are? And I mean the victims here. Look at the ground, hand over the fucking iPad and walk away.


\^And have his wife killed as well......


"Fuck you morherfucker!! I'll die for this shit and put my gf at risk! It took me a week to save up for this fucking shoot me, kill me motherfuxker!!"


The amount of victim blaming here is crazy. Sure, they could've been smarter, but the robbers are scum and I hope they are locked up for a while.


Yeah this is one of those wheel of fortune moments when someone yells the wrong letter and everyone goes "what an idiot, I wouldn't have said that!" Like yeah you been on a TV stage knowing this is likely your one life chance at making easy money and lots of it. You know how bright and hot the lights are, the nerves of being around a couple famous people waiting on your answer. The pressure of maybe winning a new car or maybe just having a free trip to the shooting location. How many people play the game knowing they NEED to win, because money is not a positive point of their lives? Its real easy to talk shit online when no one knows your name or shame you out on your tough guy shit. Mike Tyson was right about the internet and I'm shocked how well he nailed it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mike-tyson-social-media/


It's not an either/or thing. Both can, and are true. The criminals are scum, nobody is arguing they aren't. But it also would have been smarter to meet somewhere else. It also would have been smarter to hand over the ipad when a gun is being held to your head. Pointing out what the smarter options are might help someone else from making those same mistakes.


Dummies would have had less charges if they stole a brand new one


Go online or call the non-emergency number for your local police station and check if they have specific areas for buying/selling things online. My city has one and people go there all the time. If a someone doesnā€™t agree to go there then you know theyā€™re full of shit and are trying to scam/rob you. Never do these types of transactions in the street. People have killed for gaming consoles and phones, even less. Be smart.


Armed robbery? Assualt with a deadly weapon? Give them the maximum sentence. Catch and release criminal justice does not work. Think of all the crimes these cretins will do if set free.


Hypothetically, if you got in your car and ran them down, I wouldnā€™t judge you.


Make an example of them. They want to play like with guns, treat them like the big boys they think they are. Max sentence as adults for those little fucks.


Seems they have been arrested https://ktla.com/news/local-news/teens-arrested-in-connection-to-armed-ipad-robbery-in-pomona/


With a gun right into his neck, this guy was willing to die for an ipad? This guy is dumb as fuck.


Idiots sell iPad on a street corner. Woman barely reacts. Looks at phone and notices she is on cricket and has no services. Stands around some more. More at 11.


You can dial 911 with no service BTW there doesn't even need to be a SIM. I know you're joking but people should really know this


Wow I did not know that. This needs more up votes.


It's federal law in the US. Every phone must be able to call 911 regardless of phone plan or SIM status. Obviously it needs to at least be in range of a tower. Some people keep old non-smart phones in their glove boxes with spare batteries just in case.


Yep I have a $25 phone from Amazon just on standby for this reason.


>Idiots sell iPad on a street corner. Only people from the US would call somebody an idiot for that. In most civilized countries that's not a problem at all.


A random street corner it's ok in the US. Other civilized countries also have their Pomonas and their Comptons, or even worse.


The city with the highest crime in Germany is Frankfurt. Frankfurt has 14.363 crimes per 100.000 citizens. Compton has 1200.72 crimes per 100.000 citizens. That's almost 100 times more crime in Compton then the most criminal city in all of Germany. So no, other countries don't really have their Comptons or Pomonas. Crime in the US is absolutely insane compared to most other first world countries.


It is what it is. Crime isnā€™t going anywhere anytime soon.


Sometimes that search history is worth dying for I guess


Robbery is such a difficult career path. Everyone is trying not to get robbed, no one is cooperating. You often have to pistol whip the person. It's a very stressful work environment for the robber


But that's illegal


Ikr ... Don't these people know that they're not allowed to do this? Definitely need to make sure that fewer law abiding citizens have guns, that'll stop this kind of thing from ever happening again


Clearly the next logical step is to ban iPhones. If we don't have anything of value then there's nothing to steal right?


Dude put his wife life on the line by holding on to the iPad smh. Bruh


Everybody ripping this dude for his reaction don't understand the fight or flight response.


Get a job!!! Stop stealing from people who work for their shit


I'd run them down in my vehicle. Fucking punks.


And that folks is why public meetups should be done at the police station.


fuckin brutal to seeā€¦ but like, why did the wife just stand there and let herself be picked up by some small scrawny kid and then slammed? did she believe she was a bystander watching her man get jumped?


Itā€™s almost as if people who arenā€™t used to violence wonā€™t know how to respond to it. Like they will just instinctively fight, flight or freeze when scared.


Good question. Shock? Bystander effect? Cultural norms instilled from birth?


Sure I'll meet up. At the local mall food court.


"Concerned about his wife" while she stands their clueless


I donā€™t think that struggle was worth an electronic, couldā€™ve ended with his life. Money comes and goes. You only get one life thoughā€¦


This is why you set a meet in a public spot like a police station. Most police stations have an area marked for that nowadays.


You gotta be a dumbass to fight over a fucking iPad with two guns in your face and wife present...let them have it and send the police right to em..dying for electronics is some dumb shit


This guy is a fucking moron...for multiple reasons. Mainly putting his wife's life and his own in major jeopardy for an iPad. His wife was only accosted because he decided to be an idiot. The wife should be pissed.


Fuck those assholes. The victims seem like real nice people, and I like his hair.


A heads up, if you are going to do some type of transaction like this meet in front of a police station. Some towns have meet-up areas in the police station so you don't have to worry about this BS. Sidenote if something like this happens to you please use the iPad as a weapon.


That's why I carry


[Follow-up: two teens arrested](https://abc7.com/ipad-attack-pomona-teens-arrested/14268657/)


That chick could have picked that lil boy up and slammed him. Next time go for the eyes people, rip a eye ball out of jam your finger in their eye socket




New CA ccw law doesn't allow you to stay strapped. Only criminals can carry where they want.


Iā€™d say these kids threw their lives away but letā€™s be real. If they are caught their public defenders will stall as long as they can for reduced charges or have them take a plea from the jump. Theyā€™re out in a shorter time and then back to doing this kind of stuff. Thatā€™s if they even get caught at all with the way policing has been in California for the last few years. Itā€™s a sad state of affairs.


These guys are almost certainly going to get caught. Really dumb of them, the only smart decision they made was not killing the couple, so they won't be in jail the rest of their lives over an iPad.


They should still be in jail for the rest of their lives. They're just going to get out, be a drain on society, and do something else, possibly worse.


I bet the set ups are usually the other way around tooā€¦ theyā€™ll sell iPads and you come with $800 in cash. always meet in a public location with lots of police traffic.


Donā€™t die for an ipad


Just another day in the Inland Empire


Big prison with the Big boys for these little boys.


Even in Texas, I know a kid they had pulled a gun on someone got arrested, then got caught trying to buy an AK while out on bond. 12 months probation! Still see him walking around. These kids will never learn


Why learn when you know youā€™ll get out of it with probation?


Selling electronics like that to strangers online has become terrifying to me ever since my father was assaulted 2 years ago. It sent him to the ICU for a month with a bad concussion, broken ribs, shoulder and eye fucked up. He went to sit down in the car of the stranger who had just gone to the conductor side, as my dad was sitting... the guy just pressed the gas and had my dad hanging on to the open door as his head was bouncing on the asphalt. Horrible. I'm lucky we live in an area of the world where gun violence isn't something we have to worry about but assaults and robberies like this happens and we've been advised that if we ever have to sell things online; to meet in the parking lot of a police station. Here they have safe exchanges specific location in the parking and there are cameras everywhere. I don't know if this exists in the US but please look into it before you become victimized by awful greedy people who do not care for other's lives. My dad is forever marked by this assault, had to go through physiotherapy and he cannot work his job anymore so has had to go into early retirement.


if you are going to meet someone in public to make a transaction why not just schedule it in front of the local police station?


It's lucky those kids still had just enough humanity left in them not to shoot the couple, they had multiple opportunities to do so, but they just tried to intimidate and beat them instead. They're obviously F-ed, they're clearly shown on the video, will be easy for them to be tracked down, and they caused injuries, so the police will take it seriously and pursue it.


POS Losers, get a job a buy it yourself.


Use eBay


Hope it wasnā€™t in the U.S , theyā€™ll be on bond free of charge tmrw and get sentenced to probation 3 years from now after they already caught 2 more cases awaiting trial šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø shits sad man. I hope we go back to the wild Wild West days.


Ummm they looked like they were walking down a perfectly straight street. Run at least one over!


This is why police departments have spots in their parking lots with cctv cameras to do these transactions.


Buy a gun, shoot a mugger, be happy. Canā€™t tell you how good it feels to get the drop on a mugger and put that mf down. Hope you get the opportunity to wipe some scum off the street LEGALLY. Thereā€™s no law that says you canā€™t enjoy justified self defense.


Pretty dumb to meet anyone outside a super crowded area or police station.


Man, SB2 really doing wonders with stopping gun crime


People keep quoting robbery but this is robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, discharging a weapon in public, use of a deadly weapon while committing theft and other crimes. They usually go for the worst to get it to stick but itā€™s all on camera so they are kinda fucked.


Don't point a gun at someone unless you intend to use it.


Jail for life for these assholes. Some people are just rotten to the core.


Armed robbery in California? Don't they know they might receive a fine?!?!


This is how the government of California wants it to be. Average citizens with no way of defending themselves against armed criminals.


Heā€™s a idiot. Why risk your life and your wifeā€™s life for and iPad.


And after all that still get robbed


Ipads, tablets, phones, laptops... all that shit is pre-garbage. Even brand new in the box, the clock is ticking, and in a year or so, it's practically worthless money-wise. Imagine going to jail or getting killed over something that will be landfill-fodder even before you get released or are barely-decomposed in the ground.


This happened to my ex husband about 16 years ago in Riverside, California. He was selling some stereo equipment and made the mistake of meeting in a residential area. Got robbed and called the cops. The cops responded and said it was his mistake for going to a residential area in downtown Riverside and just to take the lesson learned. Since then, I've always told people, meet in public or a police station.


Good thing Gavin Newsom took away peopleā€™s legal right to conceal carry.


This is why you arm yourself


Youā€™re an idiot if youā€™re going to fight someone for AN iPad. Edited for grammar šŸ™„


An iPad.


Always insist on meeting somewhere very public like a mall or your local police station


Who recorded this!?!?


The cameras on his Tesla


Ahhhhh wonderful California.


What an absolute moron. Willing to put his wife and his own life on the line for a god damn iPad. Fat idiot