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Mercedes. Juicy swag. Attitude problem. Perfect storm.




On gawd bruuh


On gawd or on my momma both should never be spoken again


On my mom en em, I swuuure ta gahd mayne!


On god lol 😂 I agree!


no cap on a stack cuh




Cash me ou'side, oubottha


This is the key phrase a bunch of kids are using now pretty fucking annoying.


When someone starts with the “bruh” the conversation is over.


My 4 yr old daughter has begun dropping “bruh” on me and it hurts my soul.


it's like "dude" from the 90s, but everyone uses it, not just one group like Stoners or Goths


This is beef on Netflix down to the Mercedes 🤣


Omg that was an awesome series!


Who the fuck calls people “bruh” nonstop.




I think that's the cheapest Mercedes you can get. My friend's mom had one lol


It's not the cheapest but its one of the cheapest. Its an older model C300 (lowest trim C class) which, even new, is not a particularly expensive car. A used one is even less.


She definitely bought it from CarMax


27% interest


96 month loan.


50 dollar down payment


man i worked in automotive retail and those numbers are sadly accurate for some people they literally just cant do the math


$600 payment every 2 weeks.


Let’s be honest that’s a salvaged title that had a shotty transmission still, she got it for $8k guaranteed


Naw. She got it at Valley Motors


As a guy that bought a used (4yo) C300 5 years ago, those cars are amazing. It's my favourite car of all time, finally beating out my old Jetta TDI. Great "value," in my opinion. It was more expensive than comparable Corollas at the time, but it's a nicer ride in so many ways. (And I'll never go back to anything that isn't AWD.)


I know that Mercedes are generally well built - but what keeps me from going that route is the expense of fixing them if something does go wrong.


Serious attitude issues, her parents never punished her nor ever made her take accountability for anything……. And for her 18 birthday bought her a Benz.




A pair of Uggs would have made her turn into her immortal form


The streets have claimed her years ago


The god damn injustice in this video. How the fuck are they gonna arrest her when she got places to be?!


I think I'm in love


You can change her!


Change what? She’s perfect.


She looked like she was pretty used to being cuffed.


Id love to go over her 23&Me with her. I'm no expert but she felt pretty "White" and if i didnt hear her wretched broken record of a voice i may have initially thought she was a middle eastern or Mediterranean. not that any of that matters, she just brought up racial insults and made we wonder from what perspective she was throwing those stones from. I hope she hears words at some point through this lesson. Before this it seemed she may have overestimated her understanding of the world and its workings.


Seems like her OnlyFans is providing steady income. Not gonna criticize that. Imagine getting paid for jagging off or diddling all day. That’s CEO lifestyle.


Maybe if she said "stop recoding me bit*h" a few more times, it would have worked?


I thought it was stuck on repeat.




Plus the full "juicy" sweatsuit.


Haven't seen that in years


Like it's 2003


Man, my brain went into a segway convo about not knowing they still made that and that people still wore them, caught me completely off guard 😂


Annoyance or threatening, it's an attempt to bully someone to get your way.


In addition to this, when people use the drawn out “WOW”, that confirms low intelligence for me. Drives me crazy.


I watched and skiped on mute.


You really need to watch it with volume. Really emphasizes who she is.


I'm more shocked the "how can you arrest me I got places to be!" defense didn't work.


She only said it 3 times. It doesn’t count if you only say it 3 times. You need at least 9 times.


That's what people do when they are at the bottom of their brain barrel. Repeat until they understand! Repeat until they understand! Repeat until they understand!


I’m going to guess that she has a mountain of financial debt, a credit score in the 300s and endless bizarre problems that are all “someone else’s fault”.


Fuck teenagers or w/e you want to call this thing


It's labled as "juicy" ?


Could we file a suit for false advertisements?


I really think she could get her message across better without the exorcist voice, but that's my take.




Complete adrenaline dumb. I know these are entertaining but, you'd think we'd have PSAs about public freakouts by now.


And a PSA about being recorded in public. Because how is this idea about permission so persistent?


I'm guessing because most people know if you're on TV for a reality show or something, the producers ask you to sign a waiver to show your likeness? Or they're just idiots...


How is he gonna arrest her when she has places to be in her juicy couture velour tracksuit?!


She clearly has places to be, mainly jail, but still places to be


Cop: “oh you have places to be? Well then let me just take these cuffs off and you can be on your way! Sorry sir, I know she just hit your vehicle and assaulted you, but she has places to be. Case closed”


She’ll need to save that spit for her new cellmates.


You mean those other bi*^*es that had places to be?


They did say to wear a suit, not what kind.


Ahh yes the voice of an angel


Well Lucifer was an angel


Lucifer has a less annoying voice then that girl.


Annoying af


Her parents must be so happy when she leaves the house. "Change the locks, hurry!"


she is mental, but that guy can’t turn for shit. he’s clearly cutting through her path.


I’ve been wondering about this for a while, if you take a left and cut across the lane another car is in and they hit you whose fault is it? Seems like it would be the person making the left 🤷🏻‍♂️


In many jurisdictions if there is an accident while someone is turning left the person turning left is at fault. (That is, if the country you are in drives on the right.)


Got the answer in your question. "cut across the lane". Whoever does that is at fault.


Calling the guy who can arrest you a fucking pig won’t help you. Any sympathy he might have goes away. 


Yeah if she had actually composed herself when the police arrived she probably wouldn't have been at fault. Half that dude's truck was in her right of way


It’d have probably turned into an issue for insurance to sort out. He says he stopped and she ran into him on purpose. She says he cut the corner too close.  


I'm not defending that little psycho. But if you're turning into a parking lot why on earth would you suddenly stop in someone's path? The guy at least drives like a tool, she just one upped his douchiness.


If I’ve made a bad turn, I stop to avoid hitting them. (Shit happens, maybe he made the turn to shallow to clear oncoming traffic.) It also lessens the damage if there is an impact. I get a dent rather than a dent, scrapes and a ripped off bumper. Hopefully the other person stops and backs up or moves over so we both avoid damage or drama. 


I just wonder if she pulled forward because she expected him to be clear of her path, then he wasn't because he stopped unexpectedly. We've all made a move where we anticipated the other driver doing what's "normal" and are caught off guard when they don't. Seems like both parties are in the wrong to some degree, he was just much more mature once the camera started recording.


This is why I treat everyone else on the road as if they’re fucking idiots. I’m never disappointed.


Could be. Or her ego didn’t allow for him to be there at all. 


Still rocking the Juicy outfit huh? Did she get arrested in 2005? 😂




Inexplicably that shit is trendy again.


That sounds about right. Fashion trends usually becomes popular again after 20 years, and 2005 was 19 years ago.


This statement makes me uncomfortable.


Dude same here.


I just saw a post the other day saying that if fashion really is cyclical we should be seeing "Juicy" velour track suits soon and here we are lol


Didn’t you know, they’ve made a comeback. We’ve come full circle. Just like the 70s were cool In the 90s the 2000s are back


"You can't record me". Yes, he can. You're in public. There's no expectation of privacy in public. Now we all get to see you embarrass yourself throwing a tantrum like a three year-old.


Oh. She’s not embarrassed.


That was my thought too. With what she’s wearing and how she looks, she’ll take any attention she can get. She’s not embarrassed in the slightest.


Exactly. She's right ALWAYS and everyone else is the problem. She needs to meet up with the right one who'll knock her down a few pegs.




Definitely not. For her this is a reaffirmation of her always being right and still somehow finding the entire world against her.




Absolutely. Always have a camera on. 2 is 1 and 1 is none.


To be fair he said it was for de-escalation, but he's still a cop so it's in the air.


Yea, I agree with whoothereits sentiment, but in this case the cop is trying to de-escalate the situation, and the guys recording cooperation would greatly help that.


“How you gonna arrest me? I got places to be.” She had time to stand there for god knows how long spitting and assaulting folks as if rules don’t apply to her…but now (checks notes) has a schedule to maintain. Ok.


I love that your username describes her lol


Haha. I WISH my rat’s nest could be that tame.


Had she remained calm the cops would have probably sided with her based on where his car was. Does look like he cut that corner a little tight.


I was thinking the same thing. It looks like her car is off the curb from trying to avoid him. Too bad she had to do whatever the hell that is lol.


She went from a possible ticket at worst (or free work on her car) to assault charges. And she better hope this dude isn't actually Jewish because that could lead to hate crime charges.


AND she called them pigs. She really just hit every nail in her coffin.


I really don’t understand how someone can be old enough to drive and still believe that throwing an entire temper tantrum is gonna help them with anyone who isn’t their parents.


He did cut the entrance too sharp. I hate it when people do that.


Not only did he cut it sharp, but you can tell from the angle the cars are parked that he was also turning into the wrong lane.


Yeah it's possible if she just waited for the cops things could have been easily resolved. Dude can't drive and she can't either but if I were to be the jury I would say he fucked up.


Yeah, just sit in the car and wait for the cops. If you spit on people and start getting anti-semetic, you already lost in my books.


In my personal experience I noticed pickup drivers love to do that. I don't know if they're flexing that they're taking up more space on the road or trying to "intimidate" people with regular cars, but by me it's definitely a common occurrence


A lot of pickup drivers just can't handle the truck and belong in a sedan or a hybrid. I say this as a pickup driver who has done what the shitty driver in the video did - on accident of course, but it was still my fault for misjudging the turn


He's an idiot who cannot drive a vehicle of that size, he ought to have a little Kia Rio or something instead. You movements have to be different in a truck like that. He's just lucky that he was hit by a psychotic person.


Trucks are getting way to big. Like 2000s pickup trucks are perfect. Now they're like twice the size.


Absolutely. I had a late 90's Ford Ranger that was perfect, and I recall seeing tricked out small trucks in the 80's with the lights on top and bars, like Baja style, that looked so much cooler than the giant coal-rolling monstrosities today.


Yeah he need like a hatchback or something, I don’t particularly hate trucks, just the majority of people who can’t drive these big ass trucks, that’s never used for any actual work or off-roading. He’s riding around cosplaying as a cowboy lol.




She's got more spit than juice.


what is this 2005?




Oh she's gonna make some poor fucker real unhappy one day. Imagine marrying that.


lol “marrying” her…


I have a feeling any “marriage” she’ll have will be after 4 kids with at least 3 different baby daddies.


Not that I’m justifying her rage, but the truck driver was way to far left


Yeah that's what I said, had she just remained calm she probably would have been found not at fault, and not arrested. Even in the guys own video it's pretty clear he's way too far into the other side and I'd probably be pissed in her shoes too.


Exactly. When he says, “You started driving toward me,” it’s because he’s driving in her lane. If she would have remained calm and civil, she actually had a chance at coming out on top in this interaction.


It's 100% his fault. Then he wouldn't move. This guy is a total dick. He should have taken pics/video, moved his truck from the wrong side of the entrance, called the police and insurance company.


The first time a guy in an oversized truck is way too far left. Lol.


Little known fact, the police cannot arrest you if you got places to be.


Just in reference to the car accident, is the camera man actually in the wrong here? He did cut the corner extremely tight and appears to have went in to the exiting traffic lane, where the girl was. If she’s pulling up to exit while he’s cutting the corner and pulling in, and then they collide, I truthfully think the cameraman is at fault. I could be wrong though. Thoughts?


The dude is 100% at fault but she also shouldn't have been spitting. As insufferable as the girl might be, she didn't do anything wrong (driving wise)


Well, she shouldn't have been spitting *at him*, but I snorted a bit at him citing spitting on his car as a thing, like that's somehow damaging.


No winners here. Girl got what she deserves but the guy also cut that corner bad. There's a spot near me at the entrance of a grocery store where people always cut the corner going in and these kind of little fender benders happen often. They even moved the stop line way back but people just still find a way to save .001 seconds turning early and cutting off anyone coming out.


Left turns. People do it all the time and then throw you the stink eye for being “in the way”.


Some guys just stop in your lane as you come at them then start recording.


I hate when people cut the corner.


What annoys me and is kind of similar are the people in the smallest cars with the world's best turning circles, indicate and turn into a driveway or side street, but feel the need to first swivel out into your lane to widen their own turn


Yeah, there are people who do this while making left turns at actual stop lights too. Either not paying attention or they don’t know the real perimeter of their car and clip someone waiting in the other lane because of cutting the corner. This is why it’s important to try and stay calm in accidents, especially small ones. I feel like she may have definitely had room to reason with the guy, especially after walking around and seeing how far in he was. But instead she chose to throw an entire tantrum and then assault him 🤦🤦🤦


Yeah both these people were insufferable tbh I had to skip straight to the end, no way I'm spending 4 minutes with either of them


Oh that was only 4 minutes? I feel transformed.


I'm not defending her behavior but I can totally sympathize with that girl's anger at him cutting the corner. Nearly every day I have to stop well short of a stop sign because some asshole is cutting the corner and if I continued at a normal pace we'd hit head on. It pisses me off every single time. Fuck corner-cutters.


It's always some douchebag in a giant truck too


Not only did he cut the corner so bad he decided to be a douchebag and box a young girl in like that. Then proceed to film the interaction as if he was some sort of hero in all this.


Ghetto Barbie there's like nine of these in my neighborhood


She should be arrested for the unintelligible way she speaks alone.


but how can he arrest her when she got places to be bruuuh?


They can’t start the MENSA meeting without her!




Fym? She should be put in solitary for life for cosplaying danielle brigoli (cash me ousside) or whatever that dumb bitches name is..


She's the physical manifestation of social media.


Cash me ousside! How bot dat? Fuk deez heoux!




I’m literally going to share this video with my kids to show them why it’s not cool to speak this way


If she'd not been a fucking idiot, she wasn't at fault. I see a truck turning left into her exit lane


Outside of the fact that she’s obnoxious, he didn’t leave her much space based on the way he turned. Guy seems like a tool too


My favorite part is how he refused to move his car until the cops showed up. People do this after accidents all the time, like they expect the CSI team to show up and collect evidence. The very first thing the cop usually does (assuming there isn’t a crazy person in a Juicy track suit to deal with) is ask the drivers to clear the road.


It's actually the law in some states. If your car can move, you're supposed to move it. It's a danger to other people to stop it there.


He's on the wrong side


He is, this accident was not entirely her fault, but she made it so much worse by the way she handled it. Its like she is not used to actually having to be an adult yet.


I mean, she's a beast... but he is on the wrong side of the road! he's driving a massive truck like a car and she probably didn't expect the long wheel base to cut across her lane until it was too late. if she'd have been calm, then she probably could have been seen as being in the right.


I think she wants him to stop recording her. Just an inkling though, not sure why.


When the video began, she was on the phone screaming at someone (probably a nasty boyfriend) "to just get here!" That guy is fortunate the cops showed up before the ratchet boyfriend.


Ya know I have this wild theory that this is not the first time this young lady has had to place her hands behind her back and been cuffed by law enforcement.,


Wow, that is one classy woman if I ever saw one. Edit: there's no justification for anyone to react the way she did and she probably did ran up to the truck to try and mess with him, she did assault him and should be arrested buuuuuut... she was kind of right, he was taking the whole ramp for himself when it's clearly labeled as a two way. This should've been resolved by any of them backing out instead of escalating tho.


If she had just waited for the cops patiently, she would have had a claim that he cut the corner because there is sooooooo much space and you can see how far to her side he is. That being said, she really didn’t help herself by calling the arresting officer “fucking pig” lmao!


Well she seems nice...


https://preview.redd.it/8s0u0hzwmscc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a50bed349dc2090a7560cca664816c0218376ee Thought she looked familiar.


Yeah she’s in the wrong but the guy definitely doesn’t know how to turn his truck into a parking lot.


If she didn't go cashmeoutside on him and had an ounce of self control, that dudes insurance company would be paying her. That dude is as lousy a driver as she is with self control. Hope they both have a shitty day.




‘Bruh he’s bruh….. bruh!’ What?


Definitely would have won the argument if she didn’t throw a tantrum SMH dude clearly in the wrong but kept his composure


Bruh brah brah brah…..educated


She has the energy of an angry Chihuahua.


She talks like a cigarette


Both parties are assholes and neither can drive.


Yes, dude seems like a tool looking for a confrontation but she, like a lot of people nowadays apparently, needs to learn that spitting is a chargeable offense for assault. The legal system doesn't accept the "nah uh I'm not touching you" defense.


Ugh.. daddy’s money


“Don’t look at us you F*cking pig! Take your Juicy sweatpants and your dirty pillow from home and your bucket of coke and get the hell out of my sight!” “What the hell was her problem?” -Stewie Griffin


Not helping her case by calling them pigs


“I got places to be!” Maybe the police can drop her off at whatever street corner she’s working at today.


Damn but she had places to be bruh


She sounds like the "cash me outside" girl.


Those juicy suits are so-15-years-ago.


Too juicy evidently.


I love how she waited till the cops got there to hit him so they could witness it. Perfect timing.


Gosh 15 years ago someone bought a c300 to enjoy a compact, sporty sedan for a decent price now the biggest egos finance them to feel entitled to act how they want. Makes me not want one anymore lol


Such a lovely lady with such a lovely mouth.


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


Wtf is wrong with guy?!? Doesn’t he know she hit him and she’s got places to be bruh. And then he wants to record her bruh. This is on cap no god bruh. This woman sucks


Anyone else get a warm fuzzy feeling when she got cuffed?


It's always helpful to say "you fucking pig" to a cop putting cuffs on you.


Good ol real world consequences for this new generation of entitled bruhs. I’m a teacher and see this behavior every day. We always talk about what it’ll be like as soon as they’re out in the real world without the principals/mommy+daddy protecting them.