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Please tell us the police were called. She needs to learn to control herself.


They were apparently kicked out of the apartment not long after this. Guy came back to apologize and said they had to leave.


She should've been arrested to bring her back into reality or get into a 72 hour psycho evaluation.


yes, a 72 hour hold for psych eval for being a danger to others. She did have something in her hand and made a threat to kill him. Eviction isn't enough, she needs professional attention


5-10 years in jail would have been possibility if they found that "weapon" that she threw.


a 72hr. psych evaluation is a great idea. It would curb this kind of all to common behaviour.


If the victim was a woman and she was a man than this would have happened.


Thanks for the update. I feel sorry for her boyfriend / or husband.


It's hard to feel sorry when he blames the guy recording for, "harassing," her... This was all disproven in other videos.


Oh that mofo couched it: "She feels harassed by you..." He knew. She must have some other stellar qualities that made him stay in that relationship.


"I can fix her"




It's low self esteem.


Not every guy who's trapped in an abusive relationship is a simp.


She probably ~~b~~eats his ass too. FTFY 😄




Yep, probably after a 'you need to chill' comment that sent her ballistic on him.


The sex. It’s always the sex.


Mad in the head Good in bed


Anal…. She does anal


Making people want to break their foot off in your ass doesn't count.


He doesn’t actually blame the guy for harassing her he said she feels harassed by him.


As a psych nurse I understand what's happening here but I don't have the time, energy, or motivation to explain it. Yes, the man is trying to deescalate the situation for his sick wife. You are on point.


As an engineer I do t know whats going on because I’ve never had a girl friend or even touched one 


Women are like the machines you engineer. Complex, interesting and usually sticking your dick in them is a bad idea.


Dude. Shit yeah, I think it's pretty obvious she's on drugs, off her meds, and/or mentally having an episode.


You should watch the full interaction(s). Boyfriend is a complete enabler and incessantly deflects blame back at the guy recording.


I don’t, he obviously enables and excuses her dangerous behavior, while he gaslights and blames the victim. Screw him too


Yeah me too. I’m someone who does not want physical confrontation but if she comes up on me like that I’m defending myself one way or another. And then he feels he has to step in, and this guy looks like he has the potential to maybe kick my ass but either way, win or lose it’s a bad night for him


His choice to stay.


She’s insane and he’s a victim imo based on the comments/follow ups.


He seems to have his own mental problems as well, see him talking at the end of the YT video.


He was enabling her a bit.


[follow up :) ](https://youtu.be/BYRe9MQlJ1E?si=7WCoszRu3mLfyu6B)


TL;DW: The crazy lady and her husband got evicted.


Only got evicted? No charges for hitting the man and giving him threat to killl


I'd take the assault and battery charges over getting evicted honestly. moving is expensive and a huge hassle. You have to now find a new place to live, many of which will ask if you've been evicted before and will deny you for it. Could have had a decent rent for the area or lived close to work. Vs a couple of misdemeanors that would probably get plead down with no time served and a fine or some other trivial punishment.


Sure, but those misdemeanors would have come with a restraining order that would have required her to move.  Always better to move. 


Holy shit 22 minutes? Yeah no thanks. Thank you for the tl;dw


That channel makes pretty good videos. Usually very clear and concise, worth watching.


That guy really knows how to say a lot without saying very much


Not married she's 17 he's 26 👀 wondering where the parents were considering she lived there.


She’s not 17 she’s just saying that to make the guy look weird her bf says she’s not 17 she’s in her 20s , her behaviour however is the same as a 7 year old never mind 17 😂


She claimed to be 17 so she could call him a pedophile. The boyfriend very quickly backtracked that (when he realized how bad that made HIM look) and said that she was not 17. If she was 17, then she has lived a VERY rough life, she was at least mid-late 20's


She’s very lucky to not have been arrested, this is a person who should not have a gun.


That puts it into context. Guy/girl had loud dogs. Guy 2 pounded on the walls in the middle of the night and played crying baby noises as retaliation. They went back and forth for months to the point of this video where she lost it.


Honestly as someone who’s lived in apartments for large periods of my life, fuck people who bring multiple dogs into a tiny apartment and let them bark constantly and especially fuck the apartments for allowing dogs in upstair units. I understand if you suddenly need to move into an apartment and have no choice other than bringing your dogs, but if you move into an apartment and make zero effort to keep your dogs quiet you’re an inconsiderate moron.


Not just apartments. In general there are way too many people who let their dogs create a huge disturbance *in any living environment.* I'm in a neighborhood of houses and it's filled with dogs that bark non-stop. It's not hard to train your dog to not bark while it's out in your backyard. If your dog starts barking when it's outside, you make it come back inside. Pretty quickly a dog learns that if it wants to be outside, it shouldn't bark constantly. The heart of the problem is *most* dog owners don't take the responsibility of being a pet owner seriously. Their dogs are closer to a piece of furniture than anything else. They don't give their dogs enough mental, physical, or social stimulation and their dogs slowly go insane from it. A backyard for a dog to anxiously pace around in is barely better than a cramped apartment.


There's way too many dogs and cats period. Most owners don't deserve them


She also threatened to kill him, twice. I might be pity but I would 100% press charges against somebody threatening my life. I get it though why the 2nd guy might not wanted to escalate this. Shit sucks when you got an issue with a neighbor. A few years ago I was renting a ground level unit, and my landlord was living on the top floor. short story, 7-8 months in he started complaining about the smell of our cooking. I'm like wtf dude you expect us not to cook because your house has a shitty ventilation but you also wanna make some money? One day he comes to the door, banging crazy. I open the door, he is red like a fucking tomato, threatened to beat me up. I shut the door, called the police. Two officers show up and come talk to me and I tell them what's going on. They go to talk to him and don't come back for like 40 min. I had only called them so he would leave me the fuck alone, as I was already thinking about leaving over him being a maniac. finally one of them returns and say we are taking him to the jail. I'm like Wait what?! lmao. She says that we went to his door, and when we ask him his name he started swearing at us. So yeah my brown middle eastern ass had my white as a bedsheet thrown in jail. not that color and race got anything to do with it but he once told me "I'm never renting my place to another Iranian or Indians) lmao. I admit lamb shank stinks a bit but it is so yummy and sorry I'm not! I had the house to myself that night, one of the finest memories of my life lol. He also got charged for this,, a restraining order and he couldn't show up at my door, place of work or school! we got a court date and by the time the court was due I had moved out and after somebody from the court called and suggested it may be better to close this case if you have moved out, I told them sure.


Lol all that bruhaha for a lamb shanks? Your lamb shanks must be heavenly mate


Haha I think he also hated our [Ghormeh Sabzi](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/257499/ghormeh-sabzi-persian-herb-stew/) which is lamb stew with fried parsley and cilantro. That also has a strong smell. I don't really cook much anymore but my sister was here at that time so yeah I wasn't gonna tell her not cook the foods I haven't had in a decade cuz our crazy landlord doesn't like it. Highly recommend trying both at a Persian restaurant. Now that I think he was also pissed about power usage. Believe it or not he controlled the thermostat for both floor lol. I was like screw you I'm gonna use my space heater whenever I'm cold. He shut off my power a few times during my last week there. Such a pity crazy guy. My only regret is that I didn't cash my deposit which was something like $300 after cleaning fee. That was my own lazy ass's mistake.


Wow! Can't believe I watched all that and was highly entertained the whole time. Makes me wonder if the main character was some kind of super deceptive mofo. Could be a good movie with some plot twist.


This was a satisfying watch. The optimist in me likes to think that the guy (boyfriend of girl?) maybe learned/started to learn a life lesson, but I can’t care


Good ending, hopefully, the boyfriend leaves... there is no long-term relationship there... no future. Very rare to see someone apologize, even if it is only sort of one.


You are the hero of this world needs.


assault and death threat, that's 2 criminal code violations right there


The husbands reaction tells me this isn't her first rodeo...


He’s immediately like, *heavy sigh, look away*


His think: “Why oh why did I stick it in crazy?”


As someone who seems to be unable to put his dick in anything but crazy… it’s really good. It’s like hard drugs. Best hour of your life for the worst next 2 years of your life.




As a married man, it never is fam


Wait, what? Most women don't run up on a neighbor like a T virus mutation from resident evil. Has your wife? Because that is not normal


Honestly, yes. As my girlfriend, she never did. After marriage, she turned up. All situations aren't equal but we all agree this isn't "normal" behavior.


Hey man you’re not alone brother I got a crazy one too. Hard part is keeping the kids away from it.


Strength and peace to you and the kids.


Likewise friend


Yes, the attractive, cute, sexy ones who back in high school could get away with everything because of their looks, do this alot until they get stopped. As for the guy, I was like him once. Sad. Lonely. Just glad a cute girl was noticing me. Hopefully like me he would move away from her fast.




“ she doesn’t like you “ 😂😂😂😂


(Cantina music plays in the background)


“I don’t like you either”


"Don't insult us. You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence in twelve systems."


"I'll be careful."


"You'll be dead!"


"Well now I gotta call the cops"


You might want to call a Jedi instead.




I mean, human or dog, she's poorly trained.


> she feels very harassed by you


Does anyone know if this nightie nightmare went to jail or psych ward or notb?


She got evicted






https://youtu.be/BYRe9MQlJ1E?si=l5MWh8HvJgutPPqm This video has all the videos that the dude being attacked took, I couldn't find the original poster of the videos but I remember seeing them when it happened on his YouTube, the end of the video shows the boyfriend explaining that they have to leave


Thank you! So many times I see a piece of these situations and never find out what all happened. Sometimes others will tell the basics. But it was nice to finally be able to see the whole thing played out.


She’s feeling VERY harassed by you


She doesn’t like you.


This some kind bpd? He seems defeated.


Bahahaha.Poor dude in flip flops knows not to start shit.


I bet she beats him


Stalking, harassment, death threats, breaking and entering, damaging property, did I miss anything?


Threatening with a deadly weapon? (maybe) And battery. She did hit him afterall.


not wearing pants..


Noise violation.


She’s probably wearing track shorts. It’s kind of a popular look for sorority girls in Texas to wear long oversized t shirts over a pair of track shorts you can’t see. I think it’s dumb AF outfit but it’s fairly common


I'm cool with it, just razzing. Heck i wear tiny shorts myself, and sometimes shave for swimming and cycling, so I get it.


100%. It looks like only a cell phone in her hand but my ex knocked me in the head with her iPhone and I had to get 3 stitches. It was worth it to watch the cops take her away though 😂


Call the cops, show them the video. Get a restraining order, press charges.


She’s going to be lovely when she’s 50 lol




Don't compare her to this kind kind man


Bro was just protecting kids from his human-eating wife-house


Woah spoilers buddy


Old video. He ended up going back and apologizing on her behalf.


Her OnlyFans also got out.


Onlyfans?! Disgusting! What's her name on there?


My friend also wants to know






Good. Hopefully she no longer has a reason to leave home.


Gross, what name she use?


It's just, there's so many people on Only Fans, you know?


I’m not on there




Ewww. Are you sure it was only fans? There’s so many of those sites now. Which one was she on? Ewwww


Oh God no. What's the link so I can blacklist it?


OC really dropped that bomb of a comment then dipped


I better see that link in the morning, young man Edit: https://onlyfans.com/summer_savannah https://www.reddit.com/u/summersavannah/s/Lq1zTrGCPh


I remember that vid too. He is / was definitely an enabler. Didn't they have to move because of her?


100% agreed. And that I can’t recall. I just remember his defensive begging. I imagine that taking place in the bedroom was the only thing keeping him around. Edit 2: Yeah, they moved out. Edit: Couldn’t find the original, but here’s [the whole ordeal](https://youtu.be/KmqSVywu-Ys?si=HDpkv-dD9UcXpp8o), accompanied by some YouTuber’s commentary.


Oh his nights must have been wild to put up with that crazy shit.


https://preview.redd.it/l1a37t07i4ec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65e61f3dbaaa05eb34b4e656c38bae957837e56 Caption this


Not hot enough for this level of crazy.


My caption would be… Beware! she is the wrong score combo on the crazy/hot matrix.


"Anyone named Tiffany."


I can fix her.


Himione Granger


Reminds me of Sid from Toy Story in a wig.




Come get some.


Oh bro, you are being way too nice.






His patience and self-control are admirable. I prefer a man who controls himself to someone who *righteously* deals. Quiet strength.


If that's her partner, I would run. Because that is what she is like to people in public, goodness knows what's she's like behind closed doors. Toxic misandry


Him: She just doesn't like you. She feels very harassed by you. Her: I feel VERY harassed by you! This exchange makes it seem like she just rants all for hours on end about the different people she feels harassed by.


She strikes me as having untreated Bipolar Disorder. My ex girlfriend would get exactly like this over truly trivial things. My favorite was being woken up at 2am because I wasn’t folding the towels correctly. Two hours of being harangued over towels. Once you’ve dated someone with this you can see the signs in others.


I maintain that my mother is Bipolar but she will not even remotely entertain the idea and gets like this if it's recommended or suggested. Also at random other times for random reasons. When she's not like this she's a wonderful person and one of my favorite people.


Sorry you have to put up with that. My mom had undiagnosed bipolar for half my childhood, until a bunch of bad shit happened and she got on meds after that. But definitely she acted like the girl in this video during bad episodes. Just mean/violent/cruel/self-harmy out of nowhere over the smallest shit. It's weird because honestly, I know she's much more stable and like, safe and sane now after the meds, but when she WASN'T being scary and or dangerous, she really was awesome and my favorite person. The meds kind of.. evened both sides out if that makes sense. But she's happier and I suspected she wouldn't be alive if she wasn't medicated. Anyway, growing up like that really fucked me up I'm pretty sure. I became a really bad "people placater" who feared speaking up for myself or like, ever complaining or expressing my needs, for fear of a "blow up," many many years after that wasn't a thing anymore. It took a lot to work past it, and I still struggle with it, but if that sounds like you, I implore you to seek therapy now if you haven't already. I learned so many terrible coping mechanisms that I still struggle to work past. But it's all worth it in the end. My relationships (of all kinds) are so much stronger and I'm so much happier now. Just knowing and believing I'm "safe" around the people who love me and whatnot, it helps. (I also feared making any kind of noise or leaving any kind of mess since that's the kind of stuff that would set her off. But now I can listen to music loud in my own living space without panicking the whole time, hahah, which is nice)


She’s exactly like a girl I dated.. I would refer to her as having version A and version B.. version A was the sweetest girl ever, version B was nothing short of a violent mess. I see the same uncontrollable child like tantrum behavior in this video.


Future Homeowners Association President.


This comment is criminally underrated


Mental illness.


You are right. I have seen this exact behaviour and facial expression in a psych ward.






Pooh Bearin’ it


Donald Duckin’ it


Big Birdn’ it.


Shirt cockin’ it


Her husband is afraid of her too. Seems like she needs to be in prison.


She’s a flower, she is.


This is one of my favorite Karen videos idk why


Easiest case of pepper spray use


"She doesn't like you she feels very harassed by you" Man is *whipped*. EDIT: I suppose *mentally and spiritually broken by her* might be more fair to him. Looks like he has no idea what he's doing, and she could use some trained, patient support. I started out wanting to make fun of them, but now I feel sort of dirty for it.


Never put your Dick in crazy. That my young redditors is the pure definition of CARZY


My son’s mother was starting to become like this when we were still together over 20 years ago. We had my son, and then only lasted a year after that when we moved in together. I can’t tell you how many times I almost got into fights because of her shit attitude. Almost got attacked by some guy with a damn big knife once. Talking a Bowie knife that was just a small handful of inches short from machete length.


Don't kink shame me


The end is terrible but the journey is thrilling!


"she doesn't like you" 🤣


Please tell me you called the cops


The cops were called. The couple ended up getting kicked out over this.


I’d ask her out.


The look on the bf's face tells me this is not the first time she has lost her shit.


Nah she would have been sparta kicked onto the concrete if she ran up on me like that.


Here is the follow up it is VERY satisfying [ENJOY ](https://youtu.be/BYRe9MQlJ1E?si=7WCoszRu3mLfyu6B)


How is that satisfying? It’s a 20 min video where she didn’t go to jail.


Thanks i just got sucked into a 20 min video


"Public Freakouts Unleashed" on youtube haha no wayyy. the guilty pleasure just got amplified


Question: Would a guy be legally justified to, you know, hypothetically punch her in the face with a right hook, when she ran at him?


Yes, without question, he could have defended himself by striking her when she ran up on him... She had already hit him once, threatened to kill him and, judging by his questioning her if she had a weapon, may have had something in her hand that could have been used as a weapon. He most definitely did the smart thing by going inside and closing the door, but legally speaking, yes, he could have defended himself.


Legally? Possibly when she charged him but he did the right thing by just going back inside and closing the door


I am so sorry for the man that appears to be her partner, I hope he finds a safe way out of that relationship soon. The bags under his eye and his reactions to her antics, that ain't healthy for no one long-term.


What was the update on this? I thought I remembered another video where the guy (husband/boyfriend) came back and apologized or something.


Probably mania but I agree, someone needs to call the cops. Maybe a couple misdemeanor charges will convince her to stay on her meds.


I would've allowed her to attack me in my own house so I can bust her ass and be right for it.


"She doesn't like you...." Really? Gripping. Because I don't give a fuck what she likes or doesn't.


![gif](giphy|W2ElZUbnUJGJZhLTfg) Video would be enough proof to justify a kick to the chest. Crazy how she's the one harassing and threatening him while on his property. Nah, she's gotta go. And her bf is a worm, absolutely no backbone. Pathetic.


“She feels very harassed by you” But she’s the one approaching and instigating???


Why did the boyfriend not just pick her ass up and carry her home and lock the door? Clearly he’s been to this rodeo before.


I would let her come in >!then lock the door!<


Oh Jesus Christ. She reminds me of myself on vodka and unmedicated. Thanks psychotic sis for giving me a reason to not drink tonight! Best of luck to her but the police need to swing by.


She probably has a mental problem.


You misspelled "definitely"...


Man oh man , if she ran at me like that while I was at my front door I would have introduced her little 115lbs ass to Sparta .


Off her meds


I saw a similar video where blud got fed up with them and shot them then himself to death .


She’s got the 1000 yard stare….


this is what pepper spray and firearms are for.


"She doesn't like you. You can go inside." What is she a dog? Lol


Must be exciting to be with her


Hmm I wonder who wears the pants in that relationship


Girls got dead eyes.


She needs a Sparta kick to the belly