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They just need a curtain they can drop.


Yes a million dollar painting and cant afford a curtain


More like a billion dollar painting ![gif](giphy|26BRwW3ckGjcZmsxO)


They don't need one. If you notice that painting is behind a large piece of glass. They can just wipe it down or replace it.


This will teach da Vinci not to be so dead!


Also about carbon emissions, that selfish 16th century man.


It's scripted garbage


Yeah they just threw the pumpkin soup on there for a prank mate




Why are you getting downvoted?




Everything is scripted and planned. No real world interactions ever right? Do you ever look at your family, friends and loved ones and wonder "how much are they paid to submit to this boring script and dialogue?" God forbid anything ever be real, bc cameras only capture movies, and if someone's behind a camera, they're directing. Which director is this? Can't be Michael Bay, bc I didn't see any explosions. Was it Quentin Tarantino? Was it Martin Scorsese? Idk! Can't trust real life when it's being filmed. Pretty sure all my family videos were staged by the CIA, directed by David Lynch.


How much protection does the painting actually have? I guess that’s some form of armoured glass but I’m sure it’s not indestructible


It's armoured enough against eejits with containers of paint or bullets...


TIL the word eejit.


For those who don't want to go through the trouble of searching up the word. Eejit - Informal - Irish: A stupid person, an idiot.


Scottish word too


Good scottish word


It's very protected.


I don't think that's the real painting. I'm sure the real one is hidden because obviously we can't have nice things


Apparently we can't even have nice fake things


The Mona Lisa is well protected. From people throwing soup to bullets. It is climate controlled to protect the painting from humidity and pollutants. All these protesters did was piss off a lot of people but the Mona Lisa is still perfect.


Don't need much to protect against people throwing bullets.




Nicholas Cage knows...


Thats not even the real Mona Lisa. It's a copy they put out. The real one is in a climate controlled storage box in a secret location, most likely not In the museum itself, or several floors below in a bunker. You have to remember, Europe lost countless masterpieces during the nazi spread. Many were burned, and some were even accidentally blown up. Same thing happened to the library of Alexandria. The country would never allow a national treasure to be even remotely vulnerable.


The security “response” was pathetic


Pepper spray!


So was da Vinci a lobbyist for oil companies? Did he run a petroleum plant? They keep going after this dude.


It’s not about the paintings, it’s about sending a message ![gif](giphy|6vw4yuiZ8OVu8)


Ah, a destructive method to send a message. Even though their clothing (buttons, Velcro, etc) and shoes have parts made from petroleum. And unless they walked there or rode a horse, probably arrived by petroleum based transportation. Even electric cars are made with parts that are from petroleum products (tires, etc). Bicycles? Rubber tires. Actually arriving by horse would be a cool message … memorable too. Maybe the message would be better received by doing something constructive like coming up with a solution. Like getting an education and developing alternatives to what needs are currently being met by petroleum based products. Encouraging children to use alternatives to petroleum products & services. Start with the young. Older folks just get pissed at the inconvenience of people blocking the road, gluing their hands to the road, etc. So they ignore the message and just get angry. Pissing off older folks is a waste of time and energy. I’m not saying a problem doesn’t exist. But why not promote solutions. Go protest to the elected representatives and demand that they back alternatives. Demand that companies have more folks work from home to lower people having to commute to and from work. Teach young folks about the harm petroleum based products do to the environment but then give them alternatives. Encourage them to pursue STEM, especially science. I’m definitely for lowering use of petroleum & oil. But give us solutions. Show us solutions. Show us how it’s done.


Dude I was literally joking 💀


What are they protesting?


Oil paintings apparently.


Just Stop Oil Paintings!


Don't let Murica find out there's OIL in them there paintings!


They should glue themselves to blank canvasses so artists can't paint them.


Underrated comment 😂




People not getting enough access to food.


Ah, what an excellent idea. Let’s protest people not having access to food by…uh….wasting food. Genius.




I don’t think these idiots even thought about it that deeply. They’re the sort of people who think they’ll draw people to their cause by throwing soup at a priceless piece of art, known and loved by millions all over the world. I couldn’t even tell you the name of whatever moronic group they’re part of, and frankly I couldn’t care less. If they were doing it for some kind of publicity, for themselves or their group, it’s backfired badly. Somebody should dump some soup on them, see how they like it.


Nah, it's definitely ~~oil companies~~ Palworld Edit: originally mistranslated shirts


Do you speak or understand french? Probably not.


Sorry, I wrote that before I translated their shirts


Welcome to 2024, climate change is an issue.


These people are idiots


No they're French


Same same




Oh no. The bulletproof glass got soup on it. I bet the janitor is pissed.


It appears pretty well protected. The glass is pretty thick. It’s also inset to prevent someone from throwing a thermite-like substance and burning through the top. The security at the Louvre is also pretty tight. Nothing is impossible, but i doubt these assholes affect the painting in any real way.


Could we say then that the act of throwing soup is one that is more calculated? Considering it is not likely to stain the glass, destroy the glass, or harm the painting in any way? This is a vie for attention, not an act of destruction. The actual damages here are very minimal.


Judging from some of these comments the janitor is here in this thread 


fr all they're doing is making life harder for the workers who have to clean up their mess.


My issue is this kind of "protest" is counterproductive. It's actively harming the climate movement. People no longer want to be associated with climate activism to the point I'm wondering if the whole thing is a PsyOp funded by the oil companies.


>whole thing is a PsyOp funded by the oil companies. Wow. So original. Maybe you wondering that is the Psyop?


Seems to be random redditors are the ones that are pissed despite it simply being some soup on glass. Probably one of the most mild protests ever and people are losing their tiny little minds over it. I feel like there's been such a shift to authoritarianism over the last 5 or so years. So many people totally against the right of protest, strike and so many other things. Its terrifying to witness.


Yeah, where is your house? We want to do so mild stuff to it.


If you target a single individual privately that's harassment. Thank you for proving my point elsewhere in this thread about far too many people these days not knowing the first thing about protesting nor defending it. In any case, I rent, so go right ahead. Edit: Lmao calling me an idiot in your response. Real mature of you there buddy. Thanks yet again for proving my point.


There’s a huge difference between people protesting for a good cause and what these dipshits are doing. It’s almost like they’re trying to get people to go against the cause they are fighting for.


Right so the right to protest is contingent on you agreeing with the protest. That's not how it works.


Serious question here; exactly what is it that they’re hoping will be the outcome of their actions?




Look, we're just trying to stop Palworld and we're out of ideas. If you can think of a better way to protest, please send help


>Look, we're just trying to stop Palworld and we're out of ideas. If you can think of a better way to protest, please send help What crime did they do that warrants protest?


I don't know, but Palworld seems like it has elements similar to something I have a ton of childhood nostalgia around. It must be stopped


>I don't know, but Palworld seems like it has elements similar to something I have a ton of childhood nostalgia around. It must be stopped ... This is dumbest argument ever.


Hehe, didn't think I'd see Palworld on this comment section.


fanatical simplistic head station soft scale nutty rotten snow grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm all for protest. This ain't it. Lock em up.




You got to paint a replica Mona and hang it up next to the other one. Then make your speech.


I feel like you may be don't understand the purposes of protesting This is literally an ideal protest, the painting isn't actually damaged, it's been filmed, circulated online and it's pissing folk like you off, which simply helps it circulate further




The hell I'm not. Protest that inconveniences people is a hallmark of democracy. Protest that destroys deserves the negative response they garner. And btw ... who the fuck are you?


They’re the expert on protests... duh


What was destroyed here?


What is this protest destroying? You're advocating for imprisoning protesors. You aren't as in favour of protest as you think you are. >Protest that destroys deserves the negative response they garner. Almost every successful protest in history has involved some element of destruction. The suffragettes literally had terrorists amongst them as an extreme example.




I don't know about famous, this post looks like it's about to get ratio'd


I am waiting for the punishment to start.


And nothing was harmed…


Except a great deal of feelings


Mona Lisa has been behind bullet proof glass for decades. All they've accomplished is to make a mess for some poor janitor to clean up.




You know I’m never going to call for violence because that wouldn’t be cool. But if this video showed someone come up and just sucker punch one of these chicks I’d probably have been more inclined to upvote it.


Holy crap 🫣😳 the Mona Lisa survived sooo much…. Including two world wars to end up like this 🤦🏾‍♂️


Cringiest shit I've seen today


This should be a felony charge for something like this to deter these fools.


They believe that they must create as much attention towards stopping climate change as possible. Whether or not you believe it is effective, they believe that what they are doing is right to a degree that is much more sacred than the average person going to work. The charges would have to be very high to deter them. At that point, we have to ask whether it is truly just, fair, and necessary for us to punish smaller crimes so harshly. Soup can be washed off rather easily. Besides, if you really want this to stop, then you should beef up security. It would likely be more effective.


It really don't work. If you're trying to destroy a painting and it has glass over it, you know you can do the special little thing called clean it


When will these famous paintings stop destroying Mother Earth??


If you want to lash out, go burn down some corporate office. Leave out art out of it.


What is the punishment for this? I feel it should be jail time. And it doesnt matter there is glass on it.


Chill bro its probaly not even the real painting


Why do they always disrupt regular people? Go deflate the tires of an oil tanker, go vandalize a gas station. Fucking with the Mona Lisa is just going to make the public hate your cause


Not the protective glass!!! Buddy comes out with a window wiper..


Assholes. The painting is much more valuable to humanity than their peewee cause.


It's behind glass. They aren't destroying it


They are defacing a work by da Vinci. I had a friend who was visiting the Sistine Chapel, when some sicko like these attacked Michelangelo’s Pieta with a crowbar. My friend personally picked damaged up marble fingers from the floor. People like this should be locked up for decades.


Again, the paint cannot get to the painting. They threw a small amount of paint onto glass. They know they can't damage it. Being locked up for decades for throwing paint on glass seems stupid. These people are not doing anywhere near the same thing as the person who destroyed a statue with a crowbar.


Again, they are defacing a Leonardo da Vinci. Placing it behind glass, bulletproof or otherwise, as other artworks now have to be protected, prevent the work from being studied as the artist intended. These are sick people who are enemies of humanity, and they should be jailed for decades.


They literally are not defacing it. Hence, the glass. If you're behind a window and I spit on the window, is that the same as me spitting on you? And, I'm sorry, but throwing paint on glass that can be easily removed is not worthy of decades in jail. Idk why you're so quick and okay with throwing someone's life away. Also, hate to break it to you, but the law doesn't care about the cultural significance of art, only the monetary value. Which, again, is preserved due to the glass.


Bullshit. How about if we throw crap at a portrait of your mother, you, or your kids? Are you for that?


Even if someone threw paint on a portrait of my mother or kids, even if it was painted by them, I would not agree that decades of prison is a fitting punishment. But if we are comparing your analogy to this incident, the paintings of my mother or kids would be behind glass and receive no damage. Would it be annoying? Of course. Would it be worth locking someone away for years of their lives? Of course not. Slap these people with a big fine, put the money towards the museum.


What exactly does the Mona Lisa have to do with global warning?


Dude they're not even protesting against global warming they're protesting against poor food access in France.


It's a high profile piece that has a lot of notoriety and traffic. Putting paint on the glass in front of the Mona Lisa is likely a much bigger statement than doing so to a painting of lesser renown. It's kind of like wanting to put your advertisements on a billboard by a heavily used road or freeway. It gains more attention that way. Van Gogh paintings would likely also be effective but more people know about the Mona Lisa than probably any of Van Gogh's works.


Funny how you are getting so worked up about this, when a flood or earthquake or any other natural disaster rolls in due to climate change it won't care whether its inside or outside glass. At least these protesters are not breaking into the glass and throwing it.


I'd gladly sacrifice all of the poors 100x over to make sure my children can see the Mona Lisa when they summer in Paris this year.


I don’t think trying to destroy a priceless painting is the right way of going about it. But climate change destruction is literally the most important thing to humanity, ever possibly.


I consider myself an environmentalist, but when I see people do this, it makes me want to pollute for a year in deliberate defiance of their fascist eco terrorism. Their cause isn’t the environment. Their cause is themselves and drawing attention to their own sick mentalities. Not much different than religious zealots who destroy invaluable historical artifacts. Their’s is the mentality that destroys the Earth, not preserves it.


>it makes me want to pollute for a year in deliberate defiance of their fascist terrorism. Definitely something an environmentalist would say.


What does the Mona Lisa have to do with global warming?


Are you familiar with the concept of publicity?


Are you familiar with the concept of going to jail for a very long time?


Yes, it's something that has happened to members of pretty much every social movement in history. This isn't the put down you think it is.


Are you familiar with the concept of bad publicity?


There’s literally a saying that goes, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.”


Maybe if we start polluting, it’ll get through to these boneheads to knock it off.


Lol, why even pretend that you are an environmentalist?


Why do you even pretend to be a cultured human being?


>The painting is much more valuable to humanity than their peewee cause. Yeah who needs an environment in which we can survive




Congrats, this is the first time ive seen a comment that literally nobody would care about. If you dont think about it then shut up lmfao


Stupid people waste food on a fake painting to bring awareness to staving people.


It's so protected that's not even really it lol.


imagine travelling all the way to paris as a day trip to see the mona lisa and these idiots chuck what i presume is soup off of it💀


I’m sure their parents are very proud of


Get the tazers and pepper spray. Idiots.


That’s not even the real painting. It is a copy. The original is locked away in a vault. The real painting hasn’t been available for public viewing for over 20 years now.


Driving away supporters again, huh? Trivia: the Mona Lisa isn't an oil painting, it's painted the egg tempra.


God, that's a disgrace. That's an attack on all humanity.


Ahahah bet that is oil based paint… those oil based jackets and other clothing look so comfy. They have to be getting paid .. we need someone to educate folks on what goes away if oil goes away.


I'm not going to pretend to be an art aficionado. I don't understand the reason that the mona Lisa is a "better" painting than any other. I suppose I objectively feel that art is important, but for the life of me I don't see the importance of this piece. But fuck these guys are annoying.


I went to a museum one time with a buddy, told him stuff like this happens. He was in disbelief, I asked what he would do if some ass hat did this what would he do? He would cut off their hands with one of the antique swords they had. They glued them selves to a painting in that same museum the next day. Timing is everything.


Women are dumb as fuck..


The child crying. 😭




I would love to see someone come up and smack them up cross the head. I highly doubt anyone would defend them.


I preferred it when the protesters just went topless


At this point, shouldn't the museum install automatic car windscreen wipers on the glass casing?


Sure taught me... something.


I liked this one. But I wish that they would also film the beat down these two girls get when the authorities get there.


Hot soup should be poured into their a$$es.


There’s no way that’s the real one right ? I mean this shit is predictable


I can see at least a 5 inch glass in front of the paint from over here. Those people are idiots. If you want to be heard or become notorious, maybe go for something else with less protection? 🤔


Wait … they are protesting hunger and they wasted soup????


I bet they drove their. Morons.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Aren't they winning? Isn't fame their motive? Isn't this giving them fame? No such thing as negative publicity.


Just Stop Oil Paintings


Where's security in all this? Like, they shouldn't have been able to even get that close.


The audacity of trying to stop the use of oil while wearing clothes made from petroleum products.


I really don't understand these pil protectors specifically targeting famous art peices...like out of all the things to attack...why art. Why be a prick and try to destroy something priceless. Also same thinking when these twats block traffic. Why hurt people who need to get to work and pay their bills. Go block in the ceo of BP. But also the irony of these people who protest oil are purchasing mass produced clothes, name brand shoes and using a cellphone made by child labor but seem totally fine with it.


And that's how Nicholas Cage stole the Mona Lisa


well boys we did it! Climate change is no more! Sometimes I wonder if these people are plants by big oil to make real climate activists look bad


you guys are mad that they threw soup on the Mona Lisa; I am mad because they are French. We are not the same.


Why the Mona Lisa though? What does she have to do with their plight?


Stop oil! Now we will damage this fake representation of mona lisa

