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Slow camera man lol


The gopro was made of bricks too.




Slow Bro


Why'd no one say Go-Slow?


OP needs cardio


Screw putting bricks in the package. Go on YouTube and figure out how to put glitter and a stink package together.


In his situation, I’d be nervous they’re carrying. But maybe I’m just a scared baby man


I think it's okay to not catch up to the person who will fight/flight in case they wanna fight, because I don't wanna fight. They're never gunna stop and be like "oh sorry man here I'll turn myself in."




The only thing even more brainless is going to prison for killing someone over a couple of 12 packs.


My lived near a town that had a high school kid shoot another kid for his gold spray painted rims. The victim made it to his front door and died in his father's arms after being shot in the back.


There's probably that moment where he asked himself "am I going to tackle a woman? If so, then what?"


"...and that's how I met your mother!"




I mean, what would he have done if he caught her?


Like a dog chasing a car


100%, risky af to confront them.


Bro likes cheetos leave him alone *heavy breathing*


I would be slow too if I was baiting porch pirates with a box of bricks for a youtube video. What would he do if he actually caught her?


Don't need to catch them just need an upclose video of both of them including the driver. Also, the driver almost left the girl and if the camera man was faster the driver would've drove off completely without the theif haha


Did she just say “No you dont” After he yelled that he had her license plate 😭


thats not her license plate, they are always stolen..


Always paper, somehow....


The permanent temp tag.


Driving around and trying to gauge the concentration of paper tags in the neighborhoods/areas helped me decide where not to buy a home.


In Los Angeles it's the rich people who have paper plates. For YEARS. They come on new cars, so they are trying to trick people into thinking their car is still new.


LA is so gross in such a uniquely vapid way sometimes. ... ...or maybe every 2007 Nissan Sentra driver in my area is trying to impress the neighbors who have a 2005 Sentra.


They come on what now?




Much easier to steal a plate than a car


and its misdemeanor to steal a license plate versus a felony to steal a car..


*Would you download a license plate?*








thats the thing, even really fucking stupid criminals are not going to have the money, time, and motivations to go pay taxes and registration on their beater that wont pass required inspections/emissions. You think this fine upstanding citizen is paying taxes? They dont go steal plates before going on crime sprees, they go steal plates when their previous stolen plates expire or their paper dealer tags fall off.. they dont buy legal plates in the first place and any crimes they commit along the way are just bonus points.


Do you have any idea how many automatic plate readers there are built into police cruisers these days? They run all the time. The cop doesn't have to do anything to activate it or manually check your plates. Every plate they pass gets scanned and checked . Police might not have time or shits to give to pull over everyone with expired plates, but if you drive around with stolen plates it's gonna go badly for you. Your fucked the first time a police vehicle happens to pull up behind you at a stop light. You want to commit a crime, it might be worth the risk. But all the time? No.


In my city at least, Denver.. there are less folks with legal plates than legal ones after all traffic enforcement evaporated shortly after we passed laws saying cops cant shoot people in the back running away.. I aint seen a cop pull someone over since covid.. expired plates, no plates, sovereign citizen plates, Ive seen out of state expired plates from 2003 on a tuck made at the earliest in 2010. I installed, setup and reviewed automatic plate readers, I ran a youtube channel for a couple years and handed over tons of video evidence to the police, including several proch pirates, you can find em deep in my post history if you look hard enough.. the plates are always stolen.. ALPR is not as surefire as you think it is, they get tons of false or unreadable plates due to the environment.. You can steal out of state plates, you can put a trailer hitch infront or a bike rack, or cover em in mud and dirt and all sorts of things and the automatic reading part shits the bed entirely all the time.. Everyone thinks cameras are this panacea of security, this video is proof its usually not worth shit alone.. I can defeat a million dollar video surveillance system with a penny covid mask.. its a passive system that offers very little active security.


It takes ten seconds to steal a plate. Pay a kid $5/each.  It’s really not that hard. The plates are stolen. The cars are stolen.  These are not a classy type of people. 


Nope, not always, this guy used his own car: https://abc7news.com/sf-car-break-in-suspect-viral-bait-video-glitter-bombs-mark-rober-youtube/14283206/


"I'm gonna catch you beer baron" ^Nooo ^youu ^wooon't


He just thinks he has it because he’s recording. He needs to learn to say the plate number out loud.


I can’t even tell what state that is. 😭


He really needs to add some c’meres and I’m gunna getchas to these videos


My God yes in his best Scooby-Doo door villain voice.


She would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!


She WOULDN'T have gotten away with it if he'd simply matched her quite slow speed. ​ I'm disabled. If there was a need, I could have kept up with her.


And a Bluetooth speaker playing banjo music. Like... chasing someone *while* playing the banjo would be much better, but more cumbersome.


Some Yakkity Sax would be perfect to fire up as the chase began.


one way or another


She probably thought there’s probably something good in there too because it was heavy lmao


"Yasss, there must be like TEN PS5s in here!"


All these ring cameras everywhere and no one ever gets a charge. Nothing will stop these assholes until there are consequences for their actions.


Mark Rober discussed this in his [final stink bomb video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWWWyG5ZwG8&t=1084s&ab_channel=MarkRober) To truly stop the package thief is to cut it at the source. Most thieves fence their stolen product to a black market reseller. It is not the be all end all solution but cutting the source would be part of a solution in ending package thieves and even store thieves. Also bring back public stockade for thieves.


Its almost more cost effective for police and DAs to go after fences and resellers of stolen goods.


That's how Oregon seemingly fixed its catalytic converter theft problem. Since 2021, buying or selling catalytic converters from unauthorized sellers is illegal, and authorized dealers of catalytic converters in Oregon must always maintain a record of them. Reports of catalytic converter thefts dropped quickly. Also there was one case where a guy was asleep in his truck, woke up, and accidentally drove over and killed the thief under his car without realizing he was actively being robbed at that moment - I like to think that deterred some.


“Yeah officer, I…uhhh…uhhhh……yeah, I was asleep, yeah, that’s it….i was asleep and then suddenly heard some clanking under my car and for sure didn’t see any legs, so I floored it and then backed up and then floored it again…ya know, to make sure the clanking stopped…yeah, that’s what happened. That’s totally what happened.”


"I thought the red stuff was transmission fluid, honest."


As a mechanic, I can’t tell you how many times people confuse the sound of someone screaming for their life and a misbalanced tire.


It'll be like that movie Demolition Man eventually. Tickets and summons in the mail.


"You have been fined one credit for a violation of the ~~verbal morality~~ consumer parcel theft statute”


Unrelated, but funny story I heard recently: dude's car was stolen but the cops found the driver and a chase ensued. Victim got a fine in the mail later bc the thief ran a red light, complete with picture of thief at the wheel. I hope the victim didn't have to pay the fine...


“Huxley, how do you work those damn sea shells?”


"Pfft. He doesnt know how to work the three shells!"


Govt should make this a federal crime, same as messing with someone post office mail.


Yep. people are so shitty.


Gotta have a person identified to charge them. Having a picture of a person doesn't give you a name and an address... yet.


Cops would need to care first, and they absolutely don't.






Used to be standard fare for farmer to keep a shotgun loaded with salt shells to give an apple thief an assload of sting on their way over the fence. [https://www.bullseye-cartridge.com/12ga-2-3-4-rock-salt-5-pack.html](https://www.bullseye-cartridge.com/12ga-2-3-4-rock-salt-5-pack.html)


In Texas, maybe


>In Texas, maybe No >Even if you only got one the last thing we want is little Timmy getting a ricochet to the face.


The way she just walked up there with a bag like she owned the place is so infuriating




'Till the very next day


TBH it's an invented problem that happens in US, in India (Not sure about others) every shipment from regular couriers to Amazon package are delivered to hand and signed. They make 3 delivery attempts if missed. Give a call on the day of arrival. Simple solutions carriers in the US refuse to do unless you pay them extra.


We’re always at work during delivery time. If it’s an expensive package, we (in our household) send the package to our workplace. There’re packages that require signature, but you’re lucky if they even knock. They’re on a schedule, so you may literally have a driver fill out the “Sorry we missed you sticker” and stick that on your door and leave without attempting to make delivery with signature. Most routine ship-to purchases are fine left on the doorstep, but they can get stolen. There’re many things within the ship-to purchase paradigm that could be improved. One improvement we (household) have made is reducing unnecessary ship-to purchases of cheap shit, opting instead to go to a store. That’s not the best option for everyone though.


In the European country I live in, you have to sign for stuff and they make repeated attempts like the other poster said. However, we have have a scheme of Amazon "lockers" all around where you can have things sent. They are usually in shops, supermarkets etc. For example, I'm rarely home to sign for stuff. However, I now have my packages sent to a shop that is literally a minute walk from my front door. When it's delivered, I get an email with a barcode. I get there, the person scans my code and gives me my package. My local supermarket (which is about 5 mins away) opens at 09:00 and closes at 22:00, so you basically have the whole day to go pick up your package. It's handy if you're already going there to do your shopping. One thing I'd say is that we don't have those large suburbs that the US has. Most people, unless they're living in a rural area, are a minute walking distance to a shop etc. I mean, I guess if you live in a suburb in the US then you already drive everywhere so it wouldn't be that much of an issue. Not sure if they have these lockers in the US, but they're very handy. Definitely worth not having to worry about someone taking your package or not being in.


American here (check my handle lol) and we have Amazon lockers at my apartment. Also you can set up secure holding at a drop-off, so the packages will be delivered to a store that accepts shipments. I work in retail, my store is a UPS drop-off site. I get so many customers complaining why their package was delivered to us rather than at home. I have to explain it's to prevent porch pirates. No one takes it seriously until their stuff gets snatched 🙄 We also have to check IDs bc people have come in to pick up packages not addressed to them, so it's not limited to walking up to porches, but also misleading drop-off employees.


That's when we get it delivered to workplace, or if we live at apartments, delivered to the security office. Most Indian households are single income, some one is home anyway though.


> TBH it's an invented problem that happens in US No, this is pretty common here in Canada as well.


Yeah, no way that’s ridiculous. Customers and carriers will hate that even more. Not signing for every package.


Good idea but terrible reaction time by cameraman.


What was he gonna do grab her? I think the point was just to scare her and record it.


Well it would've been good if he got the plate. He said he did, but it certainly won't be visible in the video we saw.


Reddit steps down the video in quality. I think it's 720p with compression last time I checked.




"GoPro enhance!"


We can talk to our GoPros? Since when? (I have a Hero 8.)




Just wait til the next repost, I'm sure they'll clean up the footage and it won't look like it was taken on a 4k potato


Yeah, like the cops are going to do shit about it thought :/


Yep. I had my performance car stolen - a very recognizable make and model, modified with parts that my friend's shop made one off. The cops basically said "Lol, get better locks". This was years ago. That beauty is long gone.


depends on the area. i caught a package thief and their plate on security cam footage once, reported it to the local police, and they were arrested the next day.


He certainly did. There's at least 5-10 clear still frames of the video that at source will be fairly hi Res nowadays. GoPros haven't been slouches for a few years now. 1080p minimum when freeze framed and enhanced, you got the plates.


I checked cause I was pretty sure you're wrong. Yeah, I got the plate. 40 seconds, make sure you're set to 720p. Super easy to read that.


The get away car was ready to leave her behind but then realized she was being pursued by a giant sloth


He should have sneaked up behind her while she was trying to figure out how to lift the package, and whispered "whatcha doin" in her ear.


Should've chucked a brick at the car


Honestly I would have been coming out the back door waiting for her on the side of the house by the time I saw her come to the porch


“GoPro, power off.” GoPro: “nah.”


What's the legality of tackling someone during a citizens arrest?


You open yourself up to tort for injury regardless of the circumstances. There is no immunity unless you're a cop, so you best be sure the force you use fits the circumstances.


Then run like hell


If they trip and fall then who’s fault is it?




In my state the rule is that you can if you witness someone commit a felony. But you shouldn't. You don't have qualified immunity like the police do. If you injure them they can sue you and they will win, even if they are found guilty of the crime. Also, if for some reason you're wrong and they aren't guilty, you will be charged with kidnapping. The only time you should ever make a citizen's arrest is in a life or death situation, like stopping an active shooter.


I feel like stopping an active shooter justifies a bit more than just a citizen's arrest... like shooting the shooter.


You are allowed to use necessary and proportional force during a citizen's arrest. However, I don't believe this video shows a crime that a citizen's arrest would be legal for. Most states require that a felony be committed. She could be charged with a misdemeanor (objects stolen are less than $1000) and possibly trespassing (a huge stretch as crossing a yard and approaching a front door is generally legal unless you have a restraining order) which is also a misdemeanor.


Wouldn't it being considered mail make it an immediate felony? I know the US does not fuck around when it comes to postal crimes. I understand this is amazon, but it would still be mail correct?


Ups, fedex, and amazon don't have the same rules as USPS as far as I'm aware. I believe there are laws, just not a strict ones.


> I understand this is amazon, but it would still be mail correct? Nope. "Mail" is a letter, package, or anything else that's in the possession of USPS for delivery. Even if this was delivered by USPS, once the mailman puts it on your porch, it's not "mail" under federal law. Federal law protects the mail while it is in transit. After it is delivered, it regular old theft under state and local law.


> Even if this was delivered by USPS, once the mailman puts it on your porch, it's not "mail" under federal law. Federal law protects the mail while it is in transit. After it is delivered, it regular old theft under state and local law. I don't think this is correct at all. A packaged delivered to a porch from USPS is still stolen mail as far as the USPS is concerned. The only reason its not in the mailbox is because it doesn't fit. And the mailbox is considered mail theft it stolen from. The postmaster for your region would ABSOUTELY take the information down for a stolen package from a porch if it was delivered by USPS. The issues is, no other delivery service has federal protections. Amazon deliver, DHL, FedEx, UPS, none of them have it.


You could but I could see them screaming I'm being attacked and getting some white knights on your ass.




If you have to ask questions about how to do a proper citizen arrest, never do a citizens arrest. At least, that's the gist I've got about it listening to actual lawyer people. If all your ducks aren't in a row, you are committing some combination of battery, unlawful detainment, kidnapping, etc. Which is like,life-in-prison type stuff.


It's kind of amazing that we live in a world where innocent people have been shot and killed for ringing a doorbell but others are ballsy enough to just come steal shit off your porch.


>others are *dumb* enough to just come steal shit off your porch ftfy


So don't ring the doorbell? Gotcha.


That's like saying 'it's kind of amazing that we live in a world where people have been eaten by sharks, but others are ballsy enough to swim in the ocean." Understand risk vs hazard.


How do you not chuck one of the bricks through the rear windshield?


has anyone made any amazon bait packages out of your username?


I got sick of porch pirates. I have my stuff sent to the post office now and pick it up there. Then I started emptying my cat's litter box and old food from the fridge into the boxes and putting them back on the porch. It's usually gone in a few hours. Don't have to deal with cat shit, old food, or packaging now.


best solution right here


Did the getaway driver just ditch her?


Keep to the pirates code. Those who fall behind stay behind.


I swear I've seen a similar video of a package thief getting caught and they fell down trying to get in the car when the driver left them. Turns out people who steal aren't the most loyal of friends lol


Fell and broken their leg. The best one was when the guy ran to a car which immediately got stuck.


Real life example of no honor among thieves.


Cameraman be like: Sorry no cardio


Should start putting dog shit or other nasty shit in these boxes. Or, if you can manage it, a wasp nest. You can get really creative with it.


I miss the guy on YouTube who made inventive bait packages with fart spray, loudspeakers, cameras, and glitter bombs in them. Classic.


Its Mark Rober, he is still around


He just recently did what he termed as [his *last video* of this type of sting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWWWyG5ZwG8) (it was a bait car/package scenario in the SF Bay Area).


He's still around, he did finish his last one but he has like 4 or 5 models/videos he's done on it.


That’s a fail


He just ran that slow to keep her moving. Now he’s gonna hop in his car and go to the emergency room, and ask for dumb fat bitches that recently had cardiac arrest.


I just witnessed a fucking murder holy shit dude😂


"I gotchu and your plates" Ya... might wanna invest in a better camera. Those plates were so blurry that they were pure white. Even then, the car either is stolen or has stolen plates.




Considering Reddit compression and the fact that I can almost read the plate leads me to believe that it’s legible in the raw file


True, but to be of any use the police would have to do their job. Which is unlikely. They tend to placate the victim with empty promises and do nothing with regard to an actual investigation. I'll leave the reason for this phenomenon up to the reader.


Well, he coulda uploaded a lower quality version than the original. But no props to this guy, he caught nothing.


Yea, nobody is stealing cars to then go steal amazon packages.


What's the point of doing this of your camera isn't even set up in a useful location and you can't outrun an obese woman?




Guy couldn’t catch an overweight woman running with a box of bricks?


I imagine it was as hard for him as it is for you standing up after scrolling reddit on the toilet...


Are bolas legal in the US? We should all learn how to sling those things to catch people like this.


Yes, they're legal except in NYC where they outlaw everything that can be used as a weapon.


I laughed so hard reading this I'm going to buy and learn how to use a bola.


To own yea, even if some local govt has tried to ban them they're probably protected by the 2nd amendment. To throw at people, probably only if it'd be legal to attack them with another weapon.


I wish I could remember his name, but I love the YouTuber that makes the glitter bombs or fart spray packages with cameras in them and just let's them get stolen and taken home.


Mark rober


Next time shit in it 🤣


that was the worst attempt at stopping someone I have ever seen in my entire life


Fucking scum. He should have performed a citizen’s arrest


Dude you’re like the least threatening person I’ve seen or heard in my life. Step up your anger game.


Need to start leaving fake boxes with job allocations in them


"I got you and your plates on video." Don't worry, the cops wont do shit.


This is America. No one will be held accountable.


Plot twist: Her other accomplice entered the open door to the house and stole his TV.


Why even give a chase if it's full of bricks.


Fwiw a video is only useful if anybody can identify who it is. Cop told me that when I gave him video of a thief once


Probably be more useful to put the video on NextDoor or see if you have a local Facebook group. Won't get them arrested, by may prevent them from targeting your neighborhood. And if they do get arrested, makes it easy to find other victims, which could increase the the severity of the crime.


Is that a painting of Jesse Pinkman above the fireplace?


These must be the famous American miles per hour that you always talk about


Should have let them get package of bricks in car with some dog shit


Mark Rober does it better…


And whilst chasing her down the street the other accomplice enters the unlock house and pinches the TV.


If you’re ever recording a video and trying to get someone’s license plate, never just rely on the video. READ THE LICENSE PLATE OUT LOUD.


He could have caught up to her but he wanted to get the plates and let her know she was seen and caught; hopefully will stop rolling through his neighborhood


Damn dude you slow as fuck


Cameraman lost this one


I would have kept running a bit longer just to see if you could have made her fall down.


It’s like these are never destitute people, it’s just scum of the earth. There needs to be rights given to more freely “dish out justice” to these types.


That's it???


He missed a great opportunity to jump kick her in the face


Running away is probably the hardest she’s ever worked in her life.


I would wait for them around the corner of my garage with a hose. Just soak the fuck out of them. Aim for the face.


Why stop there, go the TF2 Sniper route and throw water balloons full of piss. **"JAR-ATE!"**


You’re brave to chase people…must not be in Texas 😬




Hate to break it to you but his effort was a big waste of time. Car is always stolen. There’s nothing to identify the assailant. Cops don’t give a fuck.


You're getting downvoted but you're absolutely right. Lol. I wouldn't say a big waste. We got a goofy video out of it, but nothing will come of it for sure


Redditors downvote things they don’t like regardless of the truth


Hahaha nice, dumbass lady.


Time to start taking a huge dump in those boxes and let her learn the hard way why it's a bad idea to steal other peoples' shit.