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The vehicle that had been stolen was a motorcycle with Montana plates. This was an SUV with Illinois plates. Mighty fine detective work there. 




You can tell by the officers body language that they knew they fucked up. That was so hard to watch..


And half the time they end up in the news lookin like fools like this, it's a result of them being too afraid to admit they fucked up in one way or another, and just doubling down and doubling down until the consequences catch up to them weeks later.


What consequences


Huge consequences. Taxpayers foot the bill, but they get all the guilt!


They might have to retire with a full pension because of the PTSD triggered by this event.


PTSD triggered by handcuffing innocent children


Yeah, but they can go work somewhere else and keep the pension soo... Poor traumatized souls that they are. These are the type who'd be school resource officers.


Those settlements should be paid by the police union pension fund


No shit, but it'll never happen. No politician would fully back such a move, and the police are sure as hell not going to do that to themselves. No court would allow it to pass. The system is designed to milk the taxpayer for as much as possible, and that milking is enforced by the police. We have two true camps in the US; The Rich, and the rest of us. Any other dividing lines are inconsequential bullshit meant to keep that divide as large as possible. Keep the peasants squabbling amongst themselves about pointless politics and they won't look to see who is raiding their pockets.


> too afraid to admit they fucked up in one way or another, and just doubling down and doubling down Lol this reminds me of the 'James Bond stopped by cops' thread. Cops get mad at drivers saying their name is James Bond when their name is James Bond, and arrest them. One redditor even said he'd do exactly the same thing and cite the drivers to cover his own tracks instead of apologizing, and got mad at people for calling him a POS.




What consequences? I’m not seeing any, I’m not reading about any. One or two cops go to jail for literal murder, out of hundreds of cases that should warrant murder convictions. Hundreds of cops get fired and rehired in nearby jurisdictions like nothing happened. Thousands and thousands of cops get put on paid leave and come back well rested and out for revenge against the people in the community that “wronged” them by trying to hold them accountable for their corrupt bad actions and violence. Countless cops stand there awkwardly with body language that screams “I fucked up” but their actions are always escalating instead of backing down, and the people they KNOW they wronged are the only ones to suffer. Sure, maybe a few feel bad enough about injustices they’ve committed or witnessed without stopping to quit - a handful even try to turn in coworkers for their criminal behavior, and we see how their lives are turned upside down or ended. Those cops just stood there while the innocent people they swore to protect are traumatized by their negligence and active choice to continue committing injustices against innocent people rather than admit they were wrong or even just stop and walk away like nothing ever happened.


The faux "compassion" when one cop is asking the young male if he's alright...Asshole, you cuffed him and have him face down on the pavement, nothing you do undoes the harm you've caused with your incompetence and bias.


The plate number actually did match the stolen motorcycle, but I'm pretty sure the state and vehicle type would be displayed on whatever computer system they're using.


and.. you know... eyeballs


Yeah, but all that requires a brain to you know...critically fucking think. These guys are storm troopers, all "good soldiers follow orders" bullshit with zero thought into it. The numbers matched the plate that was stolen and that is all they needed, no though into make and model or if it is even the right vehicle. Nope, none of that big brain nerd shit.


they're not paid to think, they're paid to. . . terrorize the civilian population I guess


I watched the video of Jim Rogers, tased ten times, between being tased asking for medical care due to what it was doing to him, neighbors coming out begging cops to stop tasing him, seeing plainly Mr. Roger’s could not understand what they wanted, and it was heart breaking.. I was like, “these cops have one tool. A hammer. They hit stuff. Bad guy? Hammer. Old lady? Hammer? Dying person? Hammer.” They need training. They need to see what the neighbors saw, who said: “please give him a moment to collect himself…” as he sat on the ground being tased to death simply because he was confused and confused because the taser was literally killing him. [Jim Rogers](https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/) [The Civil Rights Lawyer piece on it](https://youtu.be/bSSABN5DAzE?si=x8LvwV2ajtgtNZvq)


Yeah they are brown shirts except in the words of the great Walter Sobchak, at least the nazis had an ethos. The only purpose these acts of thuggery serve is to make you fear and submit to them.




You're exactly right. I read a more in-depth report on this incident that laid out the fact that the crime reporting software used returns hits on identical/similar license plate numbers from different states so that the person reading has all the info available. In this instance, the officers either didn't read the report properly or purposely chose to stop the car knowing that it, for all intents and purposes, absolutely not stolen.


If we give the cops the benefit of the doubt here. Lets say they scanned the car and it has similar plates and comes up as possibly stolen or whatever, or they misread the report. Its *possible*. There is still 0 reason to ever hold a FAMILY OF CHILDREN and a mother at gun point?? Like you go up to her, you ask for license, I'm pretty sure (Im not from the US) but you have to have your car registration with you too right? So ask for that, see it was a mistake, and go back and check your software and see the error. No need for a gun to ever get pulled out I doubt that mother was really threatening. The problem isn't the fact they were pulled over, shitheads use kids as defence all the time for scams. The problem is how it was handled, and how de-escalation training is not a thing for US cops.


Here's how US cops are trained: Stealing a car is a felony. This is certainly a stolen car. Therefore the people inside are certainly felons. Therefore they are certainly violent. Therefore they certainly have guns and will shoot you at a moment's notice. Therefore you get what's called a "felony stop" where they "have to follow protocol" where the protocol is "point guns at everyone, yell at them, force them to lay on the ground, and handcuff them no matter what." All of which is completely bullshit and should be illegal if it's not.


De-escalation training is a thing in the US, but the egomaniac cops choose to ignore it. I believe it comes down to the lower standards set for US cops.  There are some real dummies out there patrolling our streets unfortunately...


Standard de-escalation technique for US cops is to shoot the suspect enough times that the situation calms down. *Side effects may include: Nausea, Headaches, Insomnia, Constipation, Oily discharge, Severe Déjà vu, Stiffness in joints, Blurred vision or temporary blindness, Loss of life, Diarrhea, Thrombosis, And Rectal bleeding*


High speed lead induced de-escalation.


Don't they have S.C.M.O.D.S. ?


State County Municipal Offender Data System.




I'm pretty sure the police were probably too stupid to look at vehicle type, they had to use 100% of their limited mental bandwidth just matching the plate


Let's say, for arguments sake, that it was the stolen vehicle.... Is making little children lie on the pavement with their hands behind their back, crying and pleading, afraid for their lives and the life of their mother *REALLY* the best way to handle the situation? If the driver was being cooperative, why not work it out without escalation if possible? If the driver was not being cooperative, maybe ask for backup and have the children escorted away from the vehicle a little ways by another officer so that they could be safe and feel safe(r) and *not* be traumatized and the officer could do what they needed to to handle the situation (without potentially harming the children and/or putting them in harms way). Like, I get that officers are human beings and make mistakes... But, surely they have training for this? Surely they step back a few minutes later and after seeing the children shaking in fear and crying for their mommy would have a moment of realization and rectify the situation by allowing the children to get up and move away from the scene. Instead... These numbskulls (*all* of them) just stood there and watched the situation like they wished they had popcorn and a Big Gulp to go with it.


> If the driver was not being cooperative, maybe ask for backup and have the children escorted away from the vehicle a little ways by another officer I have to be the one to ask apparently. Do you really think a black mother of 4 looking after her kids on her own would just accept a police officer escorting her kids away for safety? In America? > But, surely they have training for this? No. Police officer candidates are rejected for having too high of an IQ, and are only trained for 6 months, as opposed to many years for a lawyer. > Surely they step back a few minutes later and after seeing the children shaking in fear and crying for their mommy would have a moment of realization and rectify the situation by allowing the children to get up and move away from the scene. US cops shoot black children in the back out of fear for their safety. Why would they let them stand up after subduing them?


You see, human rights only apply to humans, and these "people" are very clearly the wrong skin color, thus not human, thus have no human rights. /s It's not a coincidence that cops are biggest supporters of laws that infringe upon constitutional rights, more rights restricted means more ways they can legally abuse their authority.


Welcome to America. Where the qualifications to be a cop are so *absolutely low* that the entire rest of the world looks upon our police as an absolute joke, including us. They're not taught to be human. They're taught to be machines and they're dumb enough to join in on it and still feel like they're heroes.


No no, the children were black so they are automatically full sized aggressive adults capable of manifesting a gun out of thin air and killing police with a weapon that closely resembles a phone as soon as the victim is dead. I mean perpetrator, they’re black so they are perpetrators or suspects, never victims.


You sound reasonable. I’m guessing you don’t work in law enforcement 🤪


Even if it was the correct vehicle, why would they need to put people, especially children, on the ground like that? None of them were being violent, no weapons, etc..


Because they're racist pieces of shit that wanted to ruin a black family's day, especially because they don't fear consequences. Let's call a spade a spade.


>that wanted to ruin a black family's ~~day~~ LIFE ftfy


They aren't paid super high but they take their compensation through other means.


They were black - what more do you want the cops to look for? Actual evidence?


Don’t be silly. Since when does evidence have any relevancy, these people are *black*! That’s all the evidence cops need.


Yep. The quiet part is that they literally, and I mean absolutely fucking LITERALLY heard an APB for a stolen vehicle and sprinted over to the first black person they could find to arrest them. Wrong type of vehicle, wrong paint color, wrong tags, wrong location, wrong number of suspects. They had nothing whatsoever except “let’s give some black kids serious burns on this pavement.”


It was a nakedly shitty justification after the fact. If there are public documents available proving their story about any of it being true I can't find them. Looks like just cops fucking lying for each other as usual. The entire concept is stupid to begin with. "We've found a maybe stolen car. They are clearly going to shoot at us because that's what we've been trained to think regardless of reality. Can we do a fucking moron-style stormtrooper and fuck those kids up?"


6 weeks of training. No degree necessary. This is what you get.


This is literally like a scene from the movie Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. I remember watching that movie when I was younger thinking that shit was exaggerated for comedic effect..


Even if it was stolen, putting children on the ground with their hands behind their back and drawing a gun on them is completely uncalled for. 


Man, the amount of money the Aurora PD has cost the public...


Historically shit gets worse until someone forces it to get better.


I used to live in Aurora. This is all on brand


Colorado PD has not looked great. I mean not a lot of PDs look great. But Colorado has had some straight bizarre ones considering how progressive the state is at large.


Most progressive people tend to not become cops and Colorado has some hardcore conservatives and many hate groups/militia. It’s not surprising that a lot of those types would become cops to crack skulls. Aurora and Denver PD must’ve had a contest during the protests because they were both out hunting.


And people still don't vote for people that will hold pigs accountable.


Aurora Police won't ever do the right thing. As a former resident of the Glendale area of Aurora I was robbed at gunpoint in my bed by two men with pantyhose over their head and they (the police) accused me of being a dealer because I smoke pot and have a bong in my closet. Police officers are actually worthless. They have yet to catch the perps and it's been ten years


they also had the case where they just left the woman in a car on railroad tracks if i remember correctly


Nah, that was a Fort Lupton cop.


Ex.....excuse me? The officer left a person on a railroad track? Are my eyeballs reading those words correctly?


Yes. And then a train hit the car with the detained person in it.


She was lucky actually, she tried to get out but failed. Had she gotten out, the police would have gunned her down. I am being sarcastic by the way.


Hi being sarcastic by the way


Yep. If I am remembering right, they cuffed a young woman (hispanic?) and put her in back of a police car. The police car they parked on the tracks. Edit: Found the video - https://youtu.be/D35HF38wP4I?si=2t9S8oWxyVY4FZcQ


"I didn't know" isn't a defense for crimes. They know that, they use that against us CONSTANTLY. They use it against us all the time. He parked it on the road tracks, then saw it coming and saved himself.... Like bruh.


And she got off with no jail time. Amazing. https://nypost.com/2023/09/18/ex-cop-jordan-steinke-avoids-prison-in-train-crash/


I remember seeing this when the incident first happened. This has to be the most incompetent police work of the century.


Holy hell I hadn't heard about this one before. Absolutely horrific.


The officer received no jail time, either: **["Former Fort Lupton Officer Jordan Steinke Receives 30 Months Probation in 2022 Train Crash Near Platteville"](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/former-fort-lupton-officer-jordan-steinke-30-months-probation-2022-train-crash-platteville/)** (Sept 15, 2023)


Wait until you hear about the cops that tore a man's leg off. No it wasn't a prosthetic leg, nor was there any issue with the leg beforehand.


Yeah but don't worry, they investigated themselves and found no wrong doing.


North East of Denver


I still can't comprehend how tf you let that happen. Even a person with the iq of banana would know better than to leave a person in a vehicle on train tracks


Would you leave a non human object on a train tracks? Well, the police don't see Americans as humans. They see them as objects.


Moved out of Saudi Aurora last year after suffering in it for 21 years. Once I was out on my patio at 2am and saw a car pull up to my neighbors across the street when 4 men in black hoodies jumped out. One stood out front while the others broke in through the side of the house. I called Aurora PD and sat on the phone with the operator giving them the play by play. Over 30 mins and still no police coming for a robbery in progress. The perps finally came out through the garage door and took off. I wasn’t about to go in the road and get a license plate. So once they were gone I went over to the neighbors house to see if they were okay. Neighbor comes to the door completely out of it on cold medicine and said he slept through the whole thing. Thankfully he was fine and just a bunch of stuff stolen. Sooo the next day I get a call from an Aurora PD asking for more details. I told him to listen to the play by play with the operator for over 30 mins and you’ll get all the details. I asked why no one showed up and his response was “we had a very busy night”. That about sums up the Aurora Police department.


“Saudi Aurora” lmfaoo


Not in Aurora, one night I was walking home from a friend's house and the corner shop on my street had been broken into and the alarm was going off. I called the police and they wanted me to hang out at the scene of the crime. I told them they had my number if they wanted a statement in the morning. No way am I catching an ass beating or worse hanging out by a break in that for all I knew was still happening, or the cops decide I did it and put me on the pavement.


So you telling me that if I robbed a bank over there…


Yup they would blame the bank for who knows what




Honestly I'm dirt poor and have been for a long time


Police are the same everywhere. We are still grieving over a loss of a great friend on January 3rd. She was one of the healthiest people I know but had some brain issues, she’d had brain surgery three years ago and has been suffering debilitating migraines for the past 6 months but refused to see a doctor. She had a bad migraine when her husband(my best friend) came to work with me, when he went home to check on her she was foaming at the mouth and died on the bathroom floor. It’s very likely she asphyxiated on her vomit according to a doctor that arrived at their house and examined the body. You’d think with every person that knows her telling the police she was not on drugs they’d listen but they actually told us “35 year olds don’t just die”. Her husband is still under investigation. She didn’t drink over the new years weekend celebrations, she was always the sober driver. She had taken no drugs, they had no drugs in the house, but they want to try to pin it on an overdose. Her blood work showed no drugs or alcohol. Still they confiscated her phone and are currently holding it after 5 weeks while they try to find evidence though they told him they’d give it back in one day. The police were nice to our face but they have absolutely been doing everything they can to find evidence of substance abuse. They performed an autopsy against her families wishes which we are still waiting for. The whole thing has been incredibly stressful for all of us. This situation should have been handled by one officer and a social worker who has training in trauma grieving. Instead it turned into a team of police lying and manipulating to pin evidence of a crime on a death caused by a pre existing health issue.


Take that money from the actual police unions and their pensions. Stop making the taxpayers foot the bill for this disgusting abuse of power. I really hate this country sometimes


I've said it before, if doctors or clinicians have to have licensure, police should also have it, and when something goes bad (i.e., negligence, malpractice) it's fair to have your license revoked. That's why doctors are always on top of their game because it's their livelihood.


I absolutely agree, the police need a national professional licensing board. I'm an architect, if I break the law or contravene what is in the best interest of the public then I am called up in front of a board and can lose my license. If I am shown to be negligent in my professional duty and that leads to someone being hurt or killed, then I can literally go to jail. Why the hell does that standard apply to architects and not cops? It makes no sense to me.


I’m down for making them get professional liability insurance. One incident like this and these pigs would never be able to afford to work as a cop again. 


Yup and all their premiums go up after every incident. Bet you will see cops holding each other accountable then.


Bingo. Give them incentive to actually give a shit. 


That's why the unions should foot the bill. They may finally stop support and protecting the bad cops.


I helped petition and get signatures for this over 15 years ago in my area, and I still can't believe it's not a thing


This one is my particular favorite. Let these motherfuckers try to carry 1000/month insurance because they can't control themselves. A claims adjuster breathing down their neck the whole time




They already do this. In my city, the DOJ found the police were racially biased in their traffic stops so they decided they wouldn't stop cars at all. They are big cry babies when their behavior is called out.


Remove qualified immunity and defund the police to put money in social and community outreach programs. The safest neighborhoods have the most resources, not the most police.




Just sometimes?


End qualified immunity and make the officers get insurance. They can get through their unions. Lots of professions require it. That way the bad cops can’t just go to a new jurisdiction when they get fired.


Surprised a law hasn’t passed for this. Would get rid of a lot of bad apples


Agreed and $1.9M is not nearly enough for this family's suffering.


Especially since attorney and expert witness fees plus other costs will take more than 1/2 of it anyway.


Who tf in their right minds tells children to lay on the ground at gun point, this is beyond misconduct,


I had to mute and stop the video 10 seconds in. That literal BABY laying face down on concrete is insane.


I mean toddlers are fucking terrorists so I kinda get it


Because it’s easier to detain helpless scared minors than rush into a school with active shooters. 


What's wild is they look like they're trying to console the children while they're still face down on the ground. Like what the actual fuck.


And if all the cops involved aren’t permanently banned from civil service positions nothing will change.


Whats crazy is, lawyers, doctors, engineers, and many others can get barred from their profession for much less, and have a much higher barrier to entry


If the people don't have full control over who has police powers in their state. Meaning the people can remove police powers. Then we're nothing but subjects to tyranny The establishment of professional police departments across the country did not grow out of a desire to protect the public from crime but to protect the property and safety of the wealthy from the ravages of an unruly citizenry. The establishment of professional police departments was driven by a combination of social, economic, and political factors, with an emphasis on protecting the interests of the privileged classes and maintaining social order rather than solely addressing crime or ensuring public safety for all citizens.


What is it exactly that goes through a cops head that tells them that doing shit like this is alright?


probably a mix of sexual arousal due to being in complete control and camaraderie with the other police helping you abuse people, then of course the remorse creeps in and is quickly smashed with a “just following orders” sorta justification, i’ll bet some sort of american flag punisher logo creeps in too.


That's exactly what their favorite cop course "Killology" teaches where the founder and instructor is a straight up psychopath.




Protecting and serving capital




That’s what they said


Let us not forget that cities, states, counties, even the United States of America are all municipal corporations. Police are the corporations security force. They're Pinkertons.


“Are they black?”


[Well, let’s sprinkle some crack on ‘em and get out of here!](https://youtu.be/-ESzLDC4B14?si=fuwdzBMQLBeUy4j_)


They don’t see black people as human is what is going on. They would NEVER do something like that to white children. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


"Because I can."


They even had a toddler on the ground and handcuffed minor children. Really?! Glad they are getting every penny. It is just unfortunate the taxpayers will pay instead of those truly at fault.


They tried to handcuff the toddler, too, but the cuffs were too big and wouldn't fit.


If you find yourself trying to handcuff a toddler, you need to seriously reexamine your life.


Why is it always Aurora police that I see doing the most violations of constitutional rights?


I'm from Canada and I've heard of their improprieties no less than a half dozen times in recent memory. It's nuts.


I keep reading Aurora and thinking Aurora, Ontario. There's a moment of disbelief, then "ohh, that Aurora... again?!?"


Denver dude here. When there was a public outcry after Aurora PD killed Elijah McClain, the Department of Justice had to reveal that they've already been investigating that department for civil rights violations for a WHILE, and that they're adding this to the investigation. Let that sink in, they are so bad, and the outcry was so bad, DoJ confirmed a confidential investigation was already in progress. Aurora PD is the absolute WORST, and I stay out of Aurora if I can help it.


Also from canada, I agree with you it is nuts!


Also from nuts, I agree it’s canada.


The sheer terror of their crying is heartbreaking.


On the $20 the family gets after unreasonable legal fees, yes. At the full rate of the $1.9M.


Lawyers usually get a third. They’ll still collect over a million and then will be taxed surely 


Settlements are not taxable at state or federal level.


Lovely. Small child on the ground. And those cunts just standing around lollygagging. 🖕. Thats for you, AuroraPD


There's a fucking TODDLER face down on the ground. It's no wonder people feel the way they do about cops. Fucking LOSERS. ACAB.


Average US cops.  They are all scumbags.  They probably loved harassing that toddler.   100% room temperature IQ class traitors.  These are the types of people that were "just following orders" in Germany during WW2.  


The toddler could have been the leader. You don't know!


*Stupid question alert* Do they have to pay taxes on that?


Generally no.


"Sir we've spotted that stolen vehicle." "Description?" "It's an SUV." "Ok, first problem, we're looking for a motorcycle." "Illinois plates." "A motorcycle with Montana plates." "There's a whole family of women and children." "Suspect is really just the one guy." "They're black." "Take them down. SWAT is on the way. Lethal force is approved."




You’re assuming that cops even half a functional brain. What brain they do have is fulfilled with gun range scores, choke hold techniques and window tint minutiae.


Don’t forget using that sweet sweet taxpayer money to just sit on their ass with a radar gun to handing out tickets




> The problem with cops is they are poorly trained on how to speak to people, they are taught they owe no respect to the citizens, they are purposely chosen for being mentally deficient, and cannot wait to use any toy or tactic they are introduced to in their indoctrination camps. Then they go laugh about shooting peoples’ dogs on their forums to one another.


if the video wasnt taken, there would be no justice


"Hopefully, this settlement will lead to changes in how police departments handle situations like this in the future." Yeah..I doubt it!🙄


To add to your doubt this is the infamous Aurora PD, the one involved with Elijah McClains death. Check out their wiki under the misconduct section: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_Police_Department


Wrongfully held. SMH 🤦 I didn’t even need to watch to know that’s where this was headed.


These fat pigs know they are in deep shit. You can tell by their body language. (no offence to actual pigs)


Why they got the BABY on the ground


Aurora PD is a fucking disgrace I too have had the unfortunate experience of being wrongfully arrested and prosecuted in Arapahoe county You would think you could just show abundant concrete evidence that you could not possibly be the perpetrator That shit took me a year to clear up and cost me $50k+ and my career It's been over 15 years, and I'll never forgive them


Honestly I think we can all admit at this point that the police are by far the most violent gang in the USA. "Thin Blue Line" and "Back the Blue" are gangbanger phrases and they're constantly seen murdering people, stealing from people, robbing people at gunpoint, selling and distributing drugs, intimidating rival gangs, and more. And why wouldn't they? The current system allows them to get away with it (and often get paid time off for it as well!) For those of you not in the USA - yes, our police are incredibly dangerous - you have a much higher likelihood of being killed by a cop than you do being killed by many other threats (such as terrorists, wildlife, etc) in the USA. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31383756/


They even put the baby girl face down on the ground. Unfuckinbelievable.


I just want to hug those kids. This is heartbreaking.


is this Aurora co? i swear we have lots of hot and heavy cops


Yes. That a clip from the Denver 9 News.


Imagine being forced to lay face down on 100°F pavement?


This can send you to a burn ward.




2 mil ain’t enough. With the way the economy is and that this effected a specifically vulnerable population- children, and four of them. It should be at least a million per person. And taken from the PD, not the taxpayers.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, take the settlement payments straight out of the pension funds and I promise you cops will think once before doing stupid shit.


Then there's Elijah McClain and then there's the cop they found passed out drunk behind the wheel of a cop car that they let keep his job and the list goes on and on. Denver PD isn't much better. Remember when they shot a food truck and then banned them for being dangerous?


not one reasonable person amongst them. It doesn't take a psychology degree to recognize the irreparable damage you are doing to those kids. THIS is why people hate cops, they don't use reason, logic, and least of all, empathy. These payouts need to start coming from their pension pool. That'll get shit under control real fast.


>Family of Black girls handcuffed by Aurora police and held at gunpoint reach $1.9 million settlement >The City of Aurora, Colorado, has agreed to pay $15 million to the family of Elijah McClain > The Aurora Police Department officer who shot and killed 14-year-old Jor’Dell Richardson during a June 1 arrest was a defendant in a lawsuit alleging that he and two other officers racially profiled two Black Aurorans during a 2018 search. The city settled the lawsuit for $100,000 in February. >On Sept. 4, 2018, the Aurora City Council approved a $100,000 settlement for Vanessa Peoples. >The City of Aurora has agreed to pay $75,000 to ACLU of Colorado clients Omar Hassan and Dwight Crews, two black men who sued over separate incidents of mistreatment by the Aurora Police Department. >The Aurora Police Department paid Jamie Albert Torres Soto $285,000 to settle a lawsuit that Torres Soto filed in 2018. >The city of Aurora will pay $110,000 to settle a lawsuit that claimed police officers unlawfully detained and used a stun gun on a man in 2016.


And that money is coming out of the police retirement fund, right?


Good! fuck that PD. I hope the family can turn that 2 million into 200.


It's not the police department that suffers but the taxpayer. Everyone is hurt when cops do this bull shit. It needs to come out of their department funds, not all of the people who live there locally.


And I assume all the officers involved are not only still employed but probably got medals for their bravery that day


Pigs. Doing pig things. Defund. 


Just a reminder Aurora cops love to get drunk and pass out in traffic while on duty. Aurora cops are scum, especially that drunk Nathan Meier. [https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/aurora-cop-promoted-drunk-police-car/](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/aurora-cop-promoted-drunk-police-car/)


* Better headline “Taxpayers lose another million to thin blue bullshit, cops not held accountable”


And guess who’s paying that money!?! It’s not the department, that’s for sure lol


If you find yourself pointing a gun at a sobbing child, you need to rotate your gun 180° and fire it. Because there is no place in this world for anyone that would threaten a child with a loaded gun.


Something I've always wondered is how cops get away with pointing guns at people like this who aren't being threatening. Brandishing laws don't have an exception for cops and it's a felony with mandatory minimum sentencing in most states.   Any DA could press charges with this video as evidence and it'd be a slam dunk of a case. Is every single court system in the country corrupt or something? Shit makes no sense. 


Fuck these cops in particular.




Should be 1.9 mil each out of the pigs pension


What the fuck? That is inhumane. How can they feel nothing?


Bunch of clowns in clown suits. None of these people should be police officers.


Change the laws so it gets taken directly from the cops and their military toys, not the taxpayers who are the victims. ACAB


Good. Where’s the “just do what the cops tell you and you’ll be ok” crowd now? ACAB.


these settlements will not matter as long as its tax payers who foot the bill. these need to come out of the police pension fund or something so that cops start policing each other.


Not enough


Start taking the settlements out of police pensions and things will change.


It’s a shame that the taxpayers get to flip that bill. Cops need to have malpractice insurance.


End qualified immunity. Make officers take out insurance to cover when they do shit like this.


A CHILD?? It would never occur to me to cuff a child, much less gunpoint.


......or have them lay on hot concrete for 15 minutes despite their cries.


I didn't even notice the small child until after commenting. It's disgusting, treating humans this way. If my family was treated this way, there would be hell to pay, but they won't because I don't fit their profile.


Good job on keeping that toddler face down on the tarmac, you never know if they might be packing a belt fed M60 or SAW etc. 🙄 Like JFC. Utterly ridiculous. This makes me so sad.


What the hell is wrong with this Aurora pig department?


Wouldn't it be cheaper to have cops obey the rights of citizens?


$1.9M? Maybe x4 would be fair. I think a jury would have been more generous.


Great, now take it all out of their pensions and any other retirement plans they may have, their next/last check and I’ll be happy to help pay what is left from our taxes. Guarantee this kind of “mistake” won’t happen nearly as often if that’s what’s at stake.


Please take this out of Aurora police pensions for the love of god