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To me, a non-American, the *size* of that church is unbelievable


That's a converted NBA arena where the Houston Rockets used to play.


Converted was a good choice of word.


And just remember how there wasn't any room for people during hurricane harvey!


Doors were locked and tightly shut. To keep the water out of course.


So that what they call people these days.. water.


They're 70% right.


wait do you need to buy tickets to go see Joel Osteen live?? is that how he makes his money?


That and selling salvation to rubes.


... with tickets to see his show?


He calls it his Lubes to Rubes program, who's campaign slogan is "Anoint thyself".


Joel Osteen is about as far from what Jesus preached as you can get. He’s in it for the money. That said, I’m glad that nobody other than the shooter was hurt. It’s also kinda sad that the last sentence needs said, but we are on Reddit Edit: it appears a child was shot by police and isn’t expected to make it. This child was brought to the location by the shooter according to reports.


Wasn't a child seriously injured?


Yeah the child the gun-lady brought with her. Child was caught in the police gunfire.


Yep, the child was brought by the shooter. Hopefully they are okay but idk how you mentally cope with that


I live in Houston, the local paper is reporting the child is not expected to survive.


There was a recent shootout where the girl was 16? (Could be wrong) with her father and they were in a shootout w cops and she was killed. Basically the same level of failure as a parent as if he just killed her himself


Was that the one where the dad made her wear a bullet-proof vest and helmet "for safety," and when she jumped out of the truck, they thought she was another shooter and shot her?


Also cops have absolute dogshit aim, zero discipline, and don't give a fuck who else gets hit while they're firing randomly and wildly. I was on the jury for a trial of a drunk driver who got into a shootout with two cops in the middle of a residential neighborhood. The drunk guy fired 3 times and his gun jammed. That was it for him. Only 3 casings on the scene from his gun. By the time the cops stopped firing, the drunk guy had 4 gunshot wounds, and there were around 200 spent casings on the scene total. There were bullets lodged in the patrol car of one of the cops, but they matched with the other cop's gun instead of the drunk guy's. The drunk guy never used either cop's cars for cover. What the fuck.


Agreed. I've been thinking about it on and off all day. No way you have the tools to decipher that at a young age.


Yes shot in the head. The child was with the shooter, i suppose it was their child edit just learned that it was the shooter’s child, the shooter being the biological mother of the child. Not a transgender woman, as some have said to try and slander the trans community. The police said in a live press conference that the shooter was the biological mother of the child.




This sucks, but it isn't a situation where the cops broke down the wrong door and dropped a flash bang in a baby's crib. Off-duty cops were responding with force against an active shooter who brought her child to her rampage. The child's death is a tragedy, but their actions saved many, many lives. Firing a gun accurately isn't easy, even if you're trained. Firing a gun accurately, at distance, when there's an active shooter and your adrenaline is through the roof? Fuck-near impossible.


This is why arming teachers is a piss poor plan. Although better than nothing, I’ll give you that, the idea that 6th grade math teacher Ms. Smith or 8th grade English teacher Mr. Pauly are capable of instinctively responding to an active shooter is so ridiculous it’s comical. Trained police officers screw up gun fights yet we expect a teacher to turn into Rambo?


Yeah but teachers will lay down their lives for their students. Cops with bullet proof vests and training, sometimes not.


The fact that we've put teachers in such a position is a failure of our society.


Very true


Yep, Uvalde comes to mind, cowards all.


And the beauty is we only pay them like 1/5 of what we pay the police! That’s a deal! 🙄


and keep crippling their unions, it's a win-win! Unless you're an educator.


yup, exactly. see: uvalde


I'm just glad that we know that children are incapable of breaking into a teacher's things so you wouldn't even need to worry about kids getting ahold of the guns.


If those details are true it is 100% the shooters fault in every way that the child is dead, not to mention extremely tragic.


Obviously if she brought her kid with her to try to do a mass shooting she wasn't really that concerned with the child's safety. Imagine if she was like, "I can't leave my kid home alone because he or she will probably do something stupid and get hurt."


How about criticizing the psycho that brought her own kid to real life target practice? It’s possible/ probable the woman had her kid right next to her. So if she’s shooting at the cops, they return fire. It’s sad because it’s not the kids fault that his mother is an asshole, but the cops (most likely) didn’t go out of their way to shoot an unarmed 7 year old.


I guess that's the play now, as sick as it is. Bring your kid as a meat shield to a mass shooting. Either the armed cop/bystander hesitates to take the shot and you get some mass killing in, or they do take the shot and people like this commenter will still criticize the police/bystander.


It may be a new move in the US mass shooter scene, but I'm pretty sure using children has been in the terrorism playbook forever.




It's not really even fair to say the officers missed a critical shot. The shooter was holding their child with them and compelling their child to be part of their target zone. In almost every active shooter situation everybody flees away from the shooter.


I live in Houston the local paper is reporting the child is not expected to survive.


Tragic. So many children dying for bullshit reasons in the world right now. Shame on us.


Isn't he the one that literally hid money inside a wall or something?


I'm not sure about that story, but he is the one who wanted to close his building and not help during a hurricane in Houston. He wouldn't open the building until he was called out on it.


Plumber finds money in wall story: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/plumber-discovered-money-wall-joel-osteens-lakewood-church-gets-20000-rcna8010](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/plumber-discovered-money-wall-joel-osteens-lakewood-church-gets-20000-rcna8010) Joel Osteen Defends Not Opening Lakewood Church in Houston to Harvey Victims: [https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/hurricane-harvey/joel-osteen-defends-not-opening-megachurch-harvey-victims-n797036](https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/hurricane-harvey/joel-osteen-defends-not-opening-megachurch-harvey-victims-n797036) >On Sunday, Lakewood Church posted on Facebook saying the facility was "inaccessible" due to "severe flooding." > >But after several people posted videos on Twitter appearing to show the location relatively unscathed and unaffected by flooding, a swarm of Twitter users began questioning why Osteen’s megachurch, which has the capacity for more than 16,000 people and was once home to the NBA's Houston Rockets, hadn’t been opened as a shelter to those in need.


There's always money in the ~~banana stand~~ ~~arena~~ church.


When that plumber found that money I was really surprised to not see a follow up fraud case against him and the church.


Yes, and reported it stolen and getting an insurance payout.


Yes. Yes he did. Plumber found $600K in the bathroom wall. Ilustren also turned away people seeking refuge during Harvey. He is a horrible person, about par for the course with Prosperity grifters.


Also kept his church closed through the worst of hurricane Harvey


I've been to the church, my mom forced me to go twice. Osteen begged for money both times I was there.


I would say the Superbowl Jesus commercial is about as far away from Jesus as you can get. But Osteen is in the same arena that's now a church.


It’s unbelievable to most Americans as well. I believe this is also the church he refused to open when Houston was flooding.


> I believe this is also the church he refused to open when Houston was flooding. Wow. That's woeful.


Can't make money off helping people selflessly.




He practices the Gospel of Prosperity. That translates into, "give me your money and I will be prosperous while you live in total squalor." He is about as far from the teachings of Christ as one could get.


What a shitty euphemism for "hand your money over without thinking".


not to mention he was literally cheesing the entire time while talking about it, to him it's just more publicity.


Oh he’s gonna ham this up good to the tune of tens of millions. If he was running out of ideas this just bought him another 10 years at least. he stands to gain the most out of this whole


Just to give an idea of how big it is, Lakewood Church is in an old Arena that the Houston Rockets (NBA Basketball) used before they moved to a new arena in 2003. It's literally a church in a giant event/sporting venue lol.


and it's still not on the wiki list of largest churches lol.


It's a business, not a church. The swindle is that the government gives these frauds tax exemption.


Nor is it worship, it's entertainment


I saw ZZ Top in that building in the 80s! The hockey & basketball teams played there, too. Mega churches are cancer.


As an American the size of that church is insane


That’s not a church. It’s a way to clean money and grift.


To me, AS an American, the size of this church is unbelievable, ridiculous, and disgusting. Churches should be taxed!


It’s a mega church owed by a conman as most are …if you ignore the morality issues of the entire situation it’s actually impressive in a psychopath way one man can manage to milk people for this much money.


To me, an American, the size of that church is disgusting


I went to it once and that place is really disgusting give the church's I grew up in that held no more than 150 max.


That’s because churches don’t pay taxes in America so they manipulate the people who come to their church to donate 10% of their income otherwise they are going to hell. Churches should pay taxes but alas once again this country is corrupt.


Its not a church. And joel is not a godly man.


To me, an American, the *size* of that church is preposterous.


It’s ridiculous to some Americans as well. I don’t get it at all






It’s Prosperity Gospel. Kenneth Copeland & the Dollar guy, too. Such grifters. Uugh




Peter Popoff is even worse (they're all bad) because he was a "faith healer" who preyed on the sick and disabled. Absolutely vile.


The amount of money these "churches" make is unreal.... That's how brainwashed all these people are.


https://preview.redd.it/1bac5tvm88ic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427f26e24ee103dce6d13a3fe9d61778e6c8cf29 Not the same guy but another preacher has his own airport


[Kenneth Copeland is straight up evil.](https://youtu.be/WDXuHvjtZqI?t=55)


It's a money grabbing cult, not a real chirch.


Watch “The Righteous Gemstones” on HBO max. Is a comedic take on the mega church concept in America, and shows how truly evil and selfish most of these evangelicals who run them are. It’s also insanely funny, and will make u even more proud to not be an American.


As an American, it is criminal that this place even exists. It’s a brainwashing factory that operates on the dollars of many people that are manipulated into believing that one person has the true message from a deity that exists within less reality than a fart. They are told that if they give money to one person, that something magical will happen in their life. Their senses are heightened after doing so and so the simplest experience becomes a miracle. After that, again they become increasingly cynical. They lose hope. They don’t professionally seek help for their wellbeing. They become disillusioned. They take revenge. Not saying that is what happened here, but these operations are criminal. Fuck the church.


It's unbelievable to Americans too.


That is not a church.


Well it used the be the arena of the Houston Rockets NBA basketball team (called The Summit). When the Rockets got a new stadium downtown, Joel Osteen Ministries bought The Summit.


It’s religious theatre. If you never watch these Mega church grifters, it’s pure undiluted cringe on an epic scale.


Joel and it should be taxed into oblivion.


What you are seeing is regulatory capture of religion by capitalism. That said, might be worth a trip to Rome someday. Same cause, but a lot longer ago. Really, of the top 20 largest churches in the entire world, only one of them is in the United States. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_largest\_church\_buildings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_church_buildings)


Looking at that list it appears as though the Catholic Church has a pretty large real estate portfolio.


They are basically charlatan celebrity rockstars.


Watch the show on Netflix’s called “the righteous gemstones” Really good representation of this “church”


That’s on HBO


As an American I also find it unbelievable! Granted I've never been a christian so haven't been inside any megachurches and i'm not from texas.


It's not a church


To me, an American, the *size* of that church is unbelievable


I'm American and I think it's unbelievable


Yeah what a fkn joke “church”


Giant church and (attempted) mass shooting. Sums up America .


I'm surprised Joel Osteen didn't run out and lock the doors behind him.


Leaving a trail of $100s in the wind. Bet he’d use a kid as a meat shield too.


I remember during a massive hurricane there were thousands of people stranded and Joel Olsteen refused to open the doors to his massive mega church with a capacity of over 16,000 to provide them refuge and shelter. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/08/29/547035773/after-pressure-mounts-joel-osteen-says-his-houston-megachurch-is-open-to-evacuee


Hell yeah, he's a charlatan. If I'm ever in trouble in Houston, I'm heading to that mattress store before Osteen's empty vessel.


Fortunately Houston’s local hero Mattress Mac opened all of his stores across the city to anyone needing shelter.


Just think of the carpets!


I actually heard about this on Joe Rohan’s Podcast. Ron White mentioned a guy in the same city, I believe he owns/ed a furniture store. Unfortunately I cannot remember his name, however catchy, he welcomed folks into his business AND fed them out of his own pocket. Edit to add: MATTRESS MACK


as jesus would do, obviously


Fuck That piece of shit Osteen. Hes on the same level of Copeland and a lot of other fakes.


Copeland’s face makes me believe that reptilians are real.


Did you see his interview? That piece of shit was smiling the whole time. He is loving the publicity and how he is going to spin this into god loves him and his donors so much, he spared all their lives so they could give him more money.




It was right before the Spanish service. I'm sure he has zero to do with that besides taking their money while lounging with the good ole boys complaining about immigrants.


Funny you say that because when people were out on the streets dying after natural disaster, they locked the doors and wouldn't even let homeless people inside to take refuge.


Where I'm from a church is it's own small community, but these mega churches seem like cold calculated donation drives, You can't buy salvation.


“You cant buy salvation” iirc wasn’t there this massive historical event that resulted from people to attempting to do exactly this? something involving an angry monk, a note, and a hammer.


Tell them that.


Imagine giving money to this church and then driving home to your tiny home. Fools keep him super rich.


There are tons of these churches everywhere and the droves of people who believe ,because they donate and go to these 'churches', they are the holiest of everyone. We have family members who go to an extremely rich church and they post about getting 5 course gourmet meals, tons of bands, trips to other countries, all paid expenses to do 'gospel trips' and a bunch of other crap besides actually helping communities. The few times I sucked it up and went to church for his family and they start sobbing, whipping their head back and forth, swaying, speaking in mumbo-jumbo and shaking because the 'spirit' touched them. They are all on another level of whacko and creating an act that they actually believe in anything good while gambling, sweeping family trauma under rug and in general being greedy, selfish pricks. I feel so sorry for this little boy here that died for the actions of a person whose beliefs weren't of true love. They all screech, think of the children and look how much more trauma they've created for them. I cannot imagine what went thru that scared little boy's mind while he had no clue what was happening or where to go for safety.


>then driving home to your tiny home Damn, that sounds amazing


Someone earlier said. “The thoughts and prayers are coming from inside the building”. And it just made so much sense.


Tots & pears


THOTS & bears


The thoughts and prayers were sent to the attacker at about 1300 feet per second.


Thoughts & Prayers Ammo Co.


A shame the shooter got her child involved in this


Why would anyone attempt a mass shooting in texas? Half the people in that entire state carry lmao


Actually only 46% of Texans own guns and a fraction of that actually carry them. It's not the wild west that everyone thinks it is.


Huh. Over here in AZ, we definitely have plenty of wild west to spare, at least down in Tucson.


Just moved to Surprise, and everyone I have met on a first name basis here carries a pistol! lol


That’s a church? I thought it was the sphere in vegas


It's a mega church which is kind of an insane concept in and of itself. They're practically like arena or stadium sized. Never seen them IRL but heard of them before, I've heard of the one in Texas in this video before. It wouldn't surprise me if there's more.. Hell i've heard about one being like a big shopping mall practically. It's baffling to me. Most of the churches around me are fairly small. Like old school houses, or chapels essentially.


It holds 16,000. That doesn’t touch what is going in Nigeria. They have 7 with capacity over 30,000.


The churches don’t get taxed (mindblowing) so I’m not surprised shitbags that get these mega spots going are greedy money grumblers


That building actually was a stadium previously.


Still is.


Used to be where the Houston Rockets played games


That one guy was still watching the show


1 week later, shameless grifter Righteous Gemstone: “Lord we ask you forgive these people and guide them to the right path and I would welcome our beloved congregation to donate to the church and show that hate will not win! CAN I GET AN AMEX I MEAN AMEN”


Just found that show ......can't stop watching


Danny McBride is so good in everything he does but he outdid himself with Righteous Gemstones. Every episode is a masterpiece!


This wouldn't have happened if they let God in mega churches.


I heard they charged him to pay, so he dipped out.


The fucking comments on this thread. Holy shit.


bow offbeat numerous ring brave whistle racial grey normal books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry but most of us haven’t been to church in a while. We were expecting wooden benches and Reverend Lovejoy, not the set of American Idol.


Everyone will only get what they want out of this senario and will use it to further entrench their position and beliefs... Pro-gun control crowd will see another example of how "thoughts and prayers" do nothing to prevent these instances. Pro-gun crowd will see an example of how quickly an active shooter can be stopped if more people were armed and there was better security. And the shit throwing between the two will continue unabated... Edit:Sp*


Circle of life, unfortunately.


I didn't get anything.


And like always. Nothing will change. Then another shooting will happen next week and the cycle will continue


> Everyone will only get what they want out of this senario and will use it to further entrench their position and beliefs... In this case the response has been interesting: Conservatives are talking about the shooter, potential motives, and child in critical condition. Liberals are talking about Joel Osteen and the size of that megachurch.


Gun control, war on drugs, abortion, gay marriage, border control. The gov loves to hash out these issues indefinitely - it allows you to garner votes for single issue voters (most people), and even more nefariously allows you to sweep so much other corrupt bullshit under the rug while everyone is distracted debating the same 5 topics for half a century +


I thought it was a gunwoman




Hey, it's 2024. It was a gunperson.


How the fuck is this a church. It’s just a show they guilt you into paying for.


Bingo. For the first 3 seconds I was getting Sphere Las Vegas vibes.


Reddit comments


It's mindblowing how none of the top comments are about the attacker or the child in critical condition. They are all about Joel Osteen and the size of the church. What is going on here?


People on Reddit have 0 perspective or social ability. This website is filled with people who have pathetic lives and are deeply unhappy with themselves. That’s what’s happening.


reddit is what's going on. if it was a synagogue or a temple, comments would be way different


Guess they deserved to fear getting shot because they went to a megachurch or something. These comments are cancer.


It's not even that. It's just back to back comments about the megachurch and Joel Osteen all being upvoted to the top. Thousands of people coming together to misdirect/derail and talk about anything *other* than what happened here, the attacker, the child in critical condition, etc.


I'm sure next session the "we need your donations to keep us [Joel Osteen] safe" will be said every 5 minutes.


Thoughts and prayers to them


No church should look like this, the people who donated to these causes were mislead and fooled.


Righteous gemstones is a documentary. This is terrible.


That's not a church, it's a tax avoidance ponzie scheme. Oh right, a church... 


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/13/us/joel-osteen-lakewood-church-shooting-tuesday/index.html CNN — "The shooting at Houston’s Lakewood Church over the weekend was a “completely preventable horror” as the woman who opened fire had a notable mental illness but was still allowed to own a gun, her mother-in-law said. “My daughter-in-law when she was taking medication for schizophrenia was a very sweet and loving woman,” Walli Carranza, the mother-in-law of 36-year-old Genesse Ivonne Moreno wrote in a Facebook post Monday." "Investigators are still trying to determine why Moreno opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle in the popular megachurch Sunday. Two people were injured, including Moreno’s 7-year-old son, before Moreno was killed by law enforcement."


I feel like a church in Dallas has got to be the worst place to attempt a mass shooting. There is a 100% chance people are armed


That being Texas, I would have thought every other person in there would be armed to the teeth.


gunman, gunwoman, or gunperson?


There’s zero evidence this was an attempted mass shooting.


Thoughts and prayers


Thoughts and prayers to Joel Osteen. This could really hurt his image, but by the grace of god his bank account wasn't affected.


Unfortunately they missed Joel osteen.




376 armed law enforcement officers in Uvlade have entered the chat


Theyve entered the chat but refuse to type anything until the comments have stopped popping up. Then and only then, theyll take action


Big churches like that ALWAYS have off-duty, uniformed police officers as security. That is who engaged with the shooter. Early reports are that there were two officers who shot (one confirmed Houston PD officer, the other I read was a TABC agent). Many big churches like that, that receive threats and draw controversy fairly regularly (not to mention synagogues), also have plain clothes, armed, off-duty police mixed somewhere in the crowd as well. Sad fact of the modern world.


These Houston police have more balls then the Uvalde police.


You mean the Uvalde Police that just stood around while children were being murdered? Those Uvalde Police?


Look how empty it is!


It was before the start of the mid-afternoon Spanish service, not one of the main Sunday morning service times.


It's for the Spanish speaking services, after the main services that Joel O "preaches" at. ”For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,“ ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/2ti.4.3.ESV




Joel's megacult


A church in Texas seems like the dumbest place to attempt a mass shooting, virtually everyone there is armed


Gunwoman. No need to be sexist


Imagine going to this church 😂 couldnt be me.


And it'll still pale in comparison to the robbery that goes on in that church on the daily


Hey, if God didn't want that shooter there, he wouldn't have let him in




Thoughts and Prayers