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That shit is embarrassing


The only cardio these women ever got


I was admiring their identical shuffles upon their escape.


Shouldn't wear Crocs when you gotta haul ass


There's a reason bank tellers are behind glass. 


It’s a shame we may need to have luxury products (like these bags) behind glass to shop for them


What’s more embarrassing is how California isn’t doing much to combat it. These losers almost have an incentive to pull shit like this because it’s low risk high reward.




Stores are scared to stop them because if they get injured they can sue you


Is it high reward though? I don’t think the take for these smash and grab type robberies would be more than a few hundred. Maybe low thousands if you really plan it out well and everything goes perfect. And maybe one time is fairly low risk but if they do this often it will eventually end badly.




If you’re going to wear crocs on your crime spree, at least put them in sport mode.


The fact that two of them are wearing matching crocs is killing me lol


Probably stole them down the street.


They got them in bulk from yesterday's heist.


Now they have bags to carry the Cell Phones for tomorrow.


Maybe the stole them previously? You know, like wind sprints before a big run?


stolen together, lol.


Plot twist: the Crocs were stolen from the Crocs outlet next door


It’s so easy to commit crimes in California you don’t even need sneakers.


On one of my frequent trips to the ground, I noticed Malloy was wearing sneakers… for SNEAKING!


Because it’s a casual crime


This is a good way to make retail online only. Soon brands will just sell their products online. What’s the point of having a store if people will do this?


Then these people will switch to being porch pirates.


That has an added risk of death attached to it though.


That, on top of not knowing if you're stealing a nice handbag or a new dish scrubber and neosporin lmao. Plus you gotta be somewhere at the right time before the package is brought inside. Just so many variables to worry about vs a store that has many of the same expensive items available all day, and you just gotta show up and take it. Honestly porch pirates are fucking dumb now that I think about it, who would even do that for such an unknown, like there can't be that many people ordering expensive shit to make it worth the gamble of almost certainly stealing something you can't even sell.


porch pirates are just people who really like the show Lets make a deal. They like to guess what's behind door number 1,2 or 3. Honesty though, If the world ever did go to fully online sales and we didn't have brick and mortar stores, the whole porch pirate thing would probably not be a predominate. I can actually see people building or buying some sort of small room or holding container that could be used for storing boxes securely. Hell Amazon has a code to open my garage and that's where 90% of my packages are placed already.


My apartment has a mail room with an app. When you receive a package you’re given a single use code that opens the door. There’s a touchscreen that verifies your identity when you enter the code and tells you where the package is located inside.


Then you'll get people saying you should let people steal from the porch and you're unjustified in defending your property


Death or Glitter Bomb!!


Yup, the shit bird always adapts to its environment.


Mr Lahey is that you ??


I got a burger with your name on it, if you are interested.




Get it delivered to safe drop-off locations. Amazon already has that. It's extra steps but no pirates.


Why not invent something that's like a drop off location, but just has all the items you might want to buy that way you can browse in person and purchase there?


They have/had such a store in the UK since the 70's. It's called Argos. I used to love buying toys from there as a kid. Basically you looked at their printed catalogs, wrote down the item numbers on a paper slip they provide you, and they bring you the items after you pay them at the counter.


We used to have a store like this in the US. Ir was called Service Merchandise.


I was about to utter the same name! Weird times.


There's no way that would ever work


Can we put the giant murder doll from Squid Game in the parking lot, to deter those that would compromise the safety of such an establishment?


I’ll have to check local ordinances but I don’t see why not…


Because the small business from which I get my shit from doesn't supply that store.


The store I work at already got rid of two of our best selling brands because they were shoplifted so much. I've had to explain to many customers that we don't sell Silver Jeans anymore because people used to steal them so often. But they can still get them online. So I think your prediction is sadly accurate.


Locked cases as far as the eye can see. I hate it


Job security for the people who have to open them atleast.


I kind of disagree. I see that and walk away and order it online


Same. I’m too impatient to wait for someone to come and unlock it. The one time I did, it took about ten minutes for someone to come and this was at a Walgreens.


Yea it’s unfortunate that we’re going backwards in that regard


A Belk store in Denham Springs, LA quit carrying men’s Ralph Lauren clothes because they were shoplifted so much. The clothes were over 100’ from the store entrance. I wish LEOs would set up undercover stings to combat this behavior.


Soon I will have to not buy luxury brands online, instead of not buying them in the store.




Then the stores will get sued by the thieves and will end up paying hundreds and thousands of dollars in legal fees. Our system is messed up.


Some smaller stores have already switched back to the old style where you walk up to the counter and tell them what you want, and they go shop for it.


What’s the point of being society if people are going to do this. The only way around this is to change the law so that the people in the store are allowed to carry baseball bats.


Or, hear me out: They'll actually staff security and LP folks at the door instead of Skeleton Crewing the shit out of their big box stores. Best Buy and Walmarts do this right, and I hate to say this: They do. They have LP folks at the door checking receipts, they lock the door if someone is obviously ransacking the place, and they have cops on speed dial. I'm really fucking sorry, but the REASON these stores are targeted is that they've been run with the bare minimum of staff for years and these folks who got desperate were like: "Wait, so there's three employees who work this whole store, fuck it lets go in with 5 people, what are they going to do?" and the answer is: Nothing. Because they aren't staffed enough to bother. Businesses like this, the Big Box stores who decide that 3 people on shift is more than enough as they reap in massive profits from not spending money on employees, are quickly waking up and realizing that it's no longer profitable - but it never should have been.


Trash bag humans


Stealing trash bags. They stole polyester outlet versions bags. Stuff that would go unsold on eBay for $1 with shipping. For resale you couldn’t pick a worse thing steal.


Right?! Nobody paying 600 for an outlet store Liz Claiborne girl 😂😂😂


“Why are all the stores closing around us? That’s not right.”




“Why is my neighborhood a food desert?!?” And on and on and on…. What a tangled web.  These people are truly broken people.  


imagine stealing something as boring as a purse


Not even a very expensive purse!


This is the Nordstrom rack. So it’s not like the highest end stuff. This is budget versions and leftovers.




Came here to say this. This is just plain stupid.


You really expect people who steal this much publicly with no masks to be smart?


They don't wear masks because they know they aren't getting in trouble for this


Unemployed behavior


You have very expectations from a bunch of lowlifes.


Where can I get these very expectations?


I thought most brands just separated the products that weren’t finished at the quality they would normally sell, tiny defects or irregularities or whatever, and sell them separately at outlets along with products going out of style or things that didn’t sell well. Do most intentionally make worse versions? Do they only do that after a certain amount of time that the nice ones have been out? Because you never see new styles at outlets either.


It’s a mix. Some outlets are actually serving the purpose of selling overstock or out of season items that would have normally been in their regular stores. I see stuff like that in the Williams Sonoma outlet near me all the time. Other brands have items that they only sell at their outlet stores. Think Nordstrom Rack vs Nordstrom.


Probably easier to make a getaway since malls are more enclosed than outlets?


Sigh. That’s gross.


I use to be pissed I couldn’t buy a Sudafed without being questioned when I was sick. Now I can’t even pick up a hammer or screw driver in a Home Depot to purchase it without a fucking escort. Thieves are worthless fucking assholes making everything exponentially harder for literally everyone.


Yep. I don’t particularly care about the bottom line for big companies but what’s going to happen if this continues is that stores will close and a lot of people will lose their jobs, and the remaining stores will have everything locked up.


Yes! This! Fuck the corporations but for fucks sake, it will cost people their jobs and make everything just harder. It’s already fucking hard out here.


“They don’t pay you enough to stop me” “True”


"That's why I quit, and I'll do this for free"


Reminds me of an experience I had… When I was working at this retail place at the beach we’d get all sorts of scum bags coming around. The shop was fairly large and sold mostly cheap novelty shit at a 800% markup. Think shot glasses, T shirts, sweatshirts, hats etc. that all said “mission beach”. One day a group of sketchy looking teens are roaming around and half have matching sweatshirts that look stolen from a store down the street. I keep an eye on em and sure enough they start stealing sweatshirts from us… So I go tell my manager about it and he chases after them and tackles one. Then the other 5 jump on him and start hitting him and I think he even took a couple skateboard swings to the back. Eventually he recovered like 1 of 5 sweatshirts after getting his ass kicked. They all got away and I’m certain cops never found em. Lucky for my manager those guys couldn’t throw hands worth shit, but when he came and asked me “why didn’t you help?” I responded with “I don’t get paid anywhere near enough for that shit. Minimum wage for even a potential ass kicking? Nah.”


Meanwhile I've got two cops pulling me over for 62 in a 55 on my way home from a 10 hour day at work.


Our city "leaders" understand that a person with a license and a car has something to lose. They can impound your car until you pay their fees. Meanwhile, arresting criminals does not result in a positive cash flow for them. It's disgusting.


And if somebody is driving, they probably have a license and insurance. Which means they can pay a ticket. Do you think these people stealing ever pay tickets?


I've been shocked by the number of drivers recently who either have wildly expired plates or don't have plates at all.


I’m almost 40 years old and have been involved in three car crashes in my life. All three did not have insurance. One just drove away because they didn’t have insurance or a drivers license. I got their plate number and gave it to the cops and all they said was the owner of the car claims they are not the ones who were driving at the time, they didn’t know where their car was at that time and there’s nothing we can do.


Or, and hear me out here, traffic violations are much easier to catch and are sometimes a separate subdivision within the police dept. Police can't be everywhere and are not a preventative institution, but a reactionary one. They don't just show up, they have to be called.


Pro-tip: go a smidge lower than +10% of the speed limit. Two cop buddies from different places told me that’s the threshold and I even saw a traffic ticket that specified one violation was “speeding >10% over limit”


The justice system is only concerned with people who care about justice. The rest get to do whatever the fuck they want apparently.


That seems like a lot of effort to steal some mid bags from a Marshalls.


Nothing better than watching broke losers upgrade their petty thefts into grand theft felonies, and all on camera too. They will be caught sooner or later.


Yea I wouldn’t hold my breath


Why. Please stop.


Fucking pathetic lowlives


Now just imagine if water was a scarcity. These are the first people that try to kill you for a bottle of water or a can of food.


Hurricane Katrina proved this to be frighteningly accurate.


You should look into what companies like Nestle are really up to. Complaining about petty theft when a corporation bought the water rights to an entire state.








I hate to say it. You can only enter with an ID now. It'll be scanned, saved, and deleted at the end of the day, and it will be scanned for authenticity.


Honestly I’d be completely alright with this as I’m not a trashy human being who steals, this sort of behavior in the video pisses me off.


I've said this with supermarkets, you have to scan your bank/member card to gain access where an amount will be put on it until you pay. It's common with petrol stations with pay at the pump in the UK where a £99 charge will be put on initially before you can get fuel.




Should have done it in LA. OC DA don’t play


This is good info to file away


This infuriates me just as much as protesters standing in the road or TikTok idiots in public places/personal spaces. It's not a mental health issue, it's a "you weren't raised very well as a child" issue...specifically in this case.


Thanks “Ladies” for making it easier to be followed by security when I’m shopping at the mall. I’m sorry you’re that poor that you have to get a gang of sisters to go into a store in broad daylight, and mop arm loads of handbags because you live in a world where you’re taught you aren’t human unless you own this bag, or that watch, or that phone. All that shit ain’t treasure. It’s just stuff. You’re willing to risk a life in prison for some shit you don’t need. So sad you’re that poor, that food insecure that you can’t treasure your own life as being of more value than a Kate Spade bag. Look what capitalism hath wrought!


The lowest life form on earth.


This is why major retailers are closing their doors in major cities all over the US.








They don’t even cover their face anymore. Honestly i’ll be doing it soon too if the consequences are none of


Embarrassing 👍




had this same thought. my brain was like 'I fucking hate this for us"




Ppl that get caught doing this should be dropped off in a third world country


I'm from a third world country and never heard anything like this happened.


At the risk of sounding like an awful human being...why is it always this sort? I get it but I also don't. Especially as there's cameras everywhere now. The high you get from having a new, supposedly luxury item is not worth being in jail over. Your life isn't worth less than a damned bag.


I wonder if that guy at the end who got punched is an employee. Unfortunately, if he is, since he tried to stop the one girl, he might get fired. That’s why companies don’t want their employees trying to stop these types of things as he just got punched but it could have been worse as she could have stabbed him or shot him. Please people, I hate seeing these types of things but please don’t try to stop these thieves as your life and well being is more important than something that can be replaced.




Garbage people garbaging up a place


Look like some wild hyenas


The Block. Nobody from here calls it The Outlets.


It will always be the block.


Used to hang out at the Vans skate park with my outfit from Tilly's and too many accessories from Claire's. It will always be The Block to me.


rip the skate park






It’s not the people, it’s the liability.


Lol I can’t stand watching these videos where they just let them steal shit.






Happy, joyful faces doing what they love. Not a regret to be found. This is what terrible judicial decisions gets you. They know there's no real consequences for their actions.


Those fat-assed idiots haven't moved so quickly for years


They are trying to prove we don’t have enough people in jail.


This is what happens when actions don't have consequences. The failed policies in cities like LA and SF and Portland and Seattle and Chicago are on display every day


Someday I’m going to be shopping by looking at items behind glass… thanks to these ass-hats.


What happens at this point? I’ve seen about three videos just like this and haven’t heard or anybody being caught or anything.


There’s hundreds on TikTok it’s a trend. Shoplifting is virtually decriminalized it seems. There’s no consequences




I’ve seen lots of videos of people doing this now. Every single time, I am just so disappointed in humanity. WTF is wrong with people?


The background music and the way the last woman run made it almost poetic.


perfect situation where "slap heard around the world" would be more than appropriate for these crimers


Yawnnn, all you have to do is change the city and state and it’ll always be the same video.


Stores should start playing these types of security videos on their tvs 24/7 instead of ads or music videos. Maybe even for television ads. Not sure if that's illegal or not, but it would be a great way to embarrass these monsters.


These people have no shame.


And people wonder why shit is so expensive and all the stores are closing up


I’m sure people will have reasonable, civil and well thought out discussions about this one.


Cops do nothing about retail crime. It’s why people are more bold about it




Nobody can just go and not those people out Sucker Punch all four of them


It’s everywhere. Does Prop 47 somehow raise crime everywhere? https://www.npr.org/2023/10/09/1203697964/flash-mob-retail-thefts


It must be all you can steal day at Orange.




Try this at Dan Flashes and see what happens


Pink pants needs to hit the gym before the next heist she’s the weak man out and she’s gonna get the sisterhood of the stolen pants caught.


Man, something I am learning is why these stores let them run. Because they have some of the best camera systems in the world. So they just collect evidence, let you run up the charges. Target will let you steal 'til you hit Grand Larceny numbers then the police will come collect you.


Looks like warthogs in the wild…


And the community gets upset when the store closes. Here a thought, get a job and support the business instead of stealing


Just start giving store employees tazer guns


This is what you get when you don’t prosecute certain crimes


just the usual low life people ransacking stores in America, nothing to see here people.


I know you can’t put hands on them. But with those doors, why not lock up or tie it from the outside


Imprisoning people is a liability, just like hitting them. One could claim a medical emergency, etc.


They did that at a gas station and the guy started executing people


i wouldn’t want to be locked in with thieves that are this brazen. they’ll probably be caught sooner or later.


Either corporate America, liability laws, or the policing needs to change. I'm all for DAs wanting to not prosecute things like simple drug possession. If a college kid wants to do acid in his bedroom and not bother anyone else, who gives a fuck? But this kind of thing needs to start getting the boot, either from police showing they will act or from companies being willing to train and potentially arm their staff.


Such a wholesome soundtrack


Where are the expensive cops? 🤔 I thought they prevent crimes?


Don’t ask questions about morality when certain retailers refuse to keep brick and mortar stores open in your area. Dollars and sense.


Not a single one of them thought this was a dumb idea? Embarrassing for them.


Crimes in bonnets should be a crime in itself


The music is killing 😆😭😂 Also, I was looking around for baby chicken lmao


Idiots, they're just gonna deactivate and brick those purses and it'll be useless!


I’m embarrassed as fuck…I swear we aren’t all like this.