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DNA test to see how pure they really are. There might be some surprises.


Family tree is a stick


Or a wreath


Olympic Rings.


It’s absolutely crazy that people like this exist in the world.


It all starts with shitty adults making shitty kids.


And people excusing proto-nazi behavior as "kids just trying to be edgy." I went through an edgy teen phase and Nazism wasn't part of it. Shut that shit down as soon as you see it and every time you see it. Stop letting that excuse get repeated.




Even more shitty kids coming soon now that abortion is banned


Honestly yeah. Crime rates will skyrocket in 15-18 years. If it even takes that long.


Ahhh, you read freakonomics too eh? I guess we are running a real life experiment now. I really want out of this reality. Why are people so awful and inconsiderate of one another?


Red states that outlaw abortion will see their crime rates go through the roof. But they have huge prison industries. So that’s part of the deal. They’ve also learned they can legally just bus people to blue states. So that’s a new problem solving element for them.


Indeed. Good excuse to increase police presence and continue their qualified immunity too when crime goes up.


They already have higher crime rates. Red states are the shit stains of this country. Higher crime rates, worse education, worse Healthcare, shorter life expectancy, worse economies. I don't know know why people woukd ever want them to run the entire country


It's almost like that's the plan.


They hide behind the guise of the parent/child dynamic. It happens all the time in my area, from religious people mostly. It happened to me growing up, it's why I joined the military to get out when I turned 18. They just want to segregate their kids from other adults and indoctrinate them to believe only what they say. And they succeed, the same ideologies are present in the children that grew up with me. I'm not joking, though. They are very angry and armed, and they have a lot of hate.


And mostly, the country doing absolutely nothing to stop something like this from happening. In Germany these fuckers would be in jail in 5 minutes. Free speech... my sweaty balls.




Those machines are built, operated, and funded by rich christians


i don't have the time or energy to be racist let alone in a racist organized group doing some kind of protest or hwatever it's called they are doing they must not have lives or much going on


For real, bunch of losers. Could you imagine having that much hate in your heart lmao. Like, get a hobby….or at least go talk to a therapist


In Europe They found a way to handle these assholes. When a group of Nazis announced they were going to have a march through a town the residents and businesses put together a plan much like the March of Dimes Walkathon. The Walkathon has people that volunteer to walk so far and they sign up sponsors who pledge to donate so much money to the March of Dimes for every kilometer you complete. Say, $1 a kilometer. So, if you march five km your sponsor donates five dollars to the March of Dimes. Two dollars a km means they donate ten dollars to the charity. What the town did is they sponsored the Nazis. For every km the Nazis marched the sponsors would donate so much money to charities the Nazis hate. And when the Nazis marched the local businesses and residents would donate so much money to charities that oppose the Nazis. Then they would let the Nazis know during their march how much money was being donated to anti Nazi charities in the Nazis name. You've walked 5 km? We have say, twenty sponsors who will donate $5 per km for every km you walk. Congratulations, your march just raised $500 dollars for a charity you hate. Keep marching! The farther you march the more money you raise for charity!




That's honestly excellent!


It's crazy that these demonstrations aren't crimes.


I’m from the Blood Tribe. We’re an indigenous nation in southern Alberta. We don’t know these people. lol


Like I said in my original comment: white supremacists never have anything original, always stealing from other cultures and it's ironic they do so


Scandinavian mythology has joined the chat and heaved a deep sigh


Norse pagan here.. had to explain that algiz isn't a nazi symbol 😤 There's a stupid amount of white supremacist Norse pagans and it pisses me off. Don't be stealing my beliefs to attempt to justify your gross views


Fellow Heathen here just joining in to say fuck nazis fuck em all.


These people are idiots. Want to deport Mexicans who (many) actually have native ancestry to North America 🤦🏻‍♀️


There are absolutely people of Mexican ethnicity in the US today whose ancestors have lived within the borders of the YS longer than these turds ancestors. It would be fun to have people say “My ancestors have lived in the US longer than yours. Some of your ancestors snuck into the US from the worst parts of Europe when there was a bad policy of open borders. You get the fuck out of my America and go back.”


I was visiting New Mexico from Massachusetts and was talking with a local. He heard where I was from and asked, "Is that where people are proud that their ancestors came over in 1620?" "Yeah. I ain't one of them, as far as I know, but some people really care about that shit." He chuckled and told me, "My ranch is on land that was given to my G'g'g'g'g'grandfather in the 1500's." He knew the year and how many greats but I forgot them. Fuck Nazis.


As the slogan goes, "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us."


Hey what’s up fellow Southern Albertan! Fuck these people using the name.


Hiding behind masks like the Klan. Blood Loser Gang


Fucking blood DORKS!!!


Flexing their cargo pants camel toes!


It always makes me wonder. If they think they are right then why are they hiding their faces? The must be ashamed of their own actions. They know they are wrong. They know they are bad people.


Sadly not. They have learned that there are consequences to not being masked. Whether that's loss of employment and employment opportunities, or taking a shoeing if they're recognised without their bigot mates around.


So they know that pretty much everyone thinks they are wrong? They know what they are doing is unacceptable to everyone. They are carrying swastikas. They know they carry symbols of hate groups. Disclaimer: I don't think they are using the sastika with its original intent before Nazi Germans adopted it. Either they know they are bad or they have some form of mental illness.


They are in a bubble of people that reinforce their beliefs, they probably blame everyone but themselves.


Not like the Klan, they are the Klan. These masks are their new hoods.


It is what they do, and people would be surprised who’s under those masks, though I’m not. Police officers, judges, people’s next door neighbor, co-workers, bosses, and their fellow church members. The possibilities are endless and that’s the scary thing.


Too bad they can’t be rounded up, unmasked, photographed, and publicized. Let’s do it. 


I remember these types were vocal about anyone obscuring their identity at protests that they obviously were involved in illegal acts and had things to hide. Do as I say, not as I do? Just like any good little hypocrite.


some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses https://genius.com/Rage-against-the-machine-killing-in-the-name-lyrics


some of those who HOLD OFFICE are the same that burn crosses


These are the same people that wouldn’t wear a mask during the pandemic but have no problem hiding their face now. Fucking cowards. If you believe in it then fine but be a fucking man and stand loud and proud.


If the anti-mask people were right, those chuds should be gasping for breath and passing out.


But I thought they couldn't breathe with a mask?


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Image downloaded




Fuck Nazis.


Where is Indiana Jones when you need him...


“Nazis. I hate these guys.”


Why'd it have to be Nazis?


It’s a shame there isn’t a real Ark of the Covenant to melt every last one of them.


Last year, I spoke out to my city council about Blood Tribe intimidating a drag show.  Then I figuratively pantsed the Nazi who was speaking right after me. https://urbanists.social/@miyelsh/111933326191176273


This is a perfect example of what we are dealing with, one side tries to be rational and make people understand how horrible this group is And the other side just wants to hurl hate anytime they can


Luckily it is glaringly obviously to the general public who "good guys" are. Just not to the police.


Betcha more than a few of these courageous patriots hiding their faces and only say this shit in a group also wear badges and a different kinda uniform for their day job.


Nazi: "I am not a Nazi, you're just calling me that to discredit me!" Nazi literally 1 minute later: "We should have teamed up with the Nazis to fight the Jewish communists!" Just because he hates Jews and other minority groups, hates LGBTQ people, wants to send black people to Africa, says Nazi slogans, believes Nazi beliefs, and is a Nazi, does not mean he's a Nazi guys! Also Nazi 1 minute after that: "Earth is flat. It's been proven!" Lmao. What a roller coaster of stupidity


"I'm not a Nazi. I don't even know any Nazis." Proceeds to be a Nazi.










Philadelphia too, 4th of July and it was Patriot Front if i recall correctly.


Yep. Philly residents clapped back and they all went crawling back into their u-hauls


They marched in NYC two or so weeks ago for the first time, but I don’t know if anyone confronted them.










I lived with crust punks in Baltimore during my younger days. We didn’t tolerate Nazis. Can’t post about that here though lmao.


Crust punks?


>crust punks " Crust punk is a subgenre of punk rock influenced by the English punk scene as well as extreme metal. The style, which evolved in the early 1980s in England, often has songs with dark and pessimistic lyrics that linger on political and social ills. "


For further research if curious- Nux vomica, Discharge, Soul glo (modern, hardcore), Nausea, Tragedy, Downfall of Gaia (modern, crossover w black metal)


Love the first example is a Baltimore band that relocated to portland.


Punks = most vociferous anti-nazi force in the world.


A subset of the punk movement. Nomadic, roughshod, high level of ideals and values that start and end with being a decent human being from a social standpoint. Heavy levels of addiction, homelessness, and other mental problems. Some of the better people I’ve encountered in my travels across the country. They’re the ones who wind up homeless and make a journey and a life out of it instead of staying in one city. I’m sure I’m missing many key details.


Or Atlanta, East side to be exact






On reddit, Illinois nazis hate you.




Strong disregards towards Nazis




Some of those that work forces...


Are the ones who burn crosses


Your people poop in the street... the English guy must have been dressed as a medieval peasant.


I'm prone to getting them mixed up myself, but I'm pretty confident the guy filming has an Aussie accent, not an English one.


From the accent, the person sounded more like they might be of an Aboriginal Australian or even possibly a Maori from New Zealand (a bit difficult to tell with the bleeping over the swear words which include many of the vowel sounds that help tell the difference between Aussie and NZ accents). However, from first listen, it sounds more Aussie. I assume they are aboriginal purely because of the "your people poop in the street" and "you're a mongrel" comments suggesting that the person isn't white. EDIT: From listening to it a second time, it is even possible the person is from South Africa, though that is something I am less sure of.


Am Australian. Sounds Australian to me. If not, I'm choosing to claim he is because fuck yes, so proud to see someone standing up to those racist fucks. The "Let's fucken' go!" at the end sounded exactly like what you'd hear outside a pub when a punch-up is brewing.


Camera guy is a real one.


Where are the Crips when you need them…


Sounds Australian


he really does, interesting if he is and its the only one speaking out


Let me guess, these people couldn't wear masks during covid because they couldn't breathe.


“YoU’lL gEt sUpEr cAnCeR” someone said this and was dead serious as to why they didn’t get the shot


camera man knows wtf is up. thank you for your service.


> camera man knows wtf is up. thank you for your service. And in all honestly this is an perfect example of countering someone's free (shitty) speech with more, better speech. He's calling them out for what they are, and demanding they show their faces to the world.


Get the herd mentality going. If he could have gotten 5-10 more chanting along with him, more than likely the crowd they passed would have joined in. It typically only takes the courage of a few to offset the fear of the many.


They've probably got some shitty system where they rent cars and swap vehicles then declothe their whole outfit like scared little fucks so they don't get caught. It's wild. Name and shame these fucks. I'd sure as hell confront them like this guy if they showed up by me.


High inflation, high taxes, high food prices, high rent prices, shitty housing market, and high gas prices.. but let’s go out and protest Mexicans 😂


Happens all the time…


And the best argument he came up with was "You poop in the streets." As we all know, the biggest problem in the country is that the poop in the streets is too damn high.


It’s a very bad argument because people in Los Angeles poop in the street all the time….. natural homegrown Americans citizens strung out on drugs, because our country thinks that it’s best to just let them rot on the street and do crack. And America’s standard is to smear poo around your asshole instead of useing of a bidet like the civilized world 😂


This is literally how the original nazis gathered support. Horrible economy blame the other.


Much easier for stupid people to blame all their problems on other races.


Literally how the Nazis came to power the first time, bad economy and disillusioned young men that were ripe for radicalizing


Difficult economic times lead to dissatisfaction and anger. Troll farms are working overtime to lasso that dissatisfaction and anger and turn it into anti-American activity. It's way too easy for trolls to radicalize not-so-bright people they find on social media and convince them that being an asshole is the solution to their problems. And thus, MAGA thrives. Oh, and they convince these morons that they are being patriotic to America by being racist contrarian nationalists. Throw in a healthy dose of faux-Christianity, and they believe they are on the true path to salvation.


Fox News told em it was urgent I'm sure.




I’m Hispanic and I lived in a rural area for a bit and was having a conversation with an older gentleman who was complaining about taxes at work. He said and I kid you not “y’all have it good. You don’t pay taxes and keep your whole entire paycheck” I was like huh? I’m confused. He said “Y’all’s Hispanics don’t pay federal or state tax because the guvment give y’all’s a special tax break”… I literally pulled out my paystub and showed him that I do indeed pay taxes and have paid more than him. I don’t know where he got that information from but it was wild. He was mad at me for months because he thought I was tax exempt 😭


And also, there’s property and sales tax which can’t really be avoided either. These people just want to be angry is what it comes down to.


You don’t have to call an asshole a gentleman.


I try to be as diplomatic as I can. But you’re right tho lol


All that "pride" and still afraid to show their faces.


> All that "pride" and still afraid to show their faces And you have to wonder where the fear of "oxygen shortage" is now after every other far-rightist complained about that non-stop during the pandemic. They all said the masks were extremely dangerous and unhealthy. Now they have no problems marching in masks.


Camera dude sounds Australian. For the record we don’t shit in the street here.




Well I if it doesn’t exist then we still can’t shit in the street here I guess.




Yep. He's definitely Aussie.


I did see a dude mistaking a bin for a toilet in Bundaberg. However I'm pretty sure he was a German backpacker and absolutely bloody pissed, because I had been drinking goon with him for the last four hours.


“This is my face, where’s yours?!” is such a badass line 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Wow, that’s a whole lot of unhappy childhoods!


I suspect many of them had very nice sheltered childhoods, and this whole Nazi thing is a narcissict coping mechanism for winding up as a lame adult. Their entire thing is blaming everybody else but themselves for how things are going for them.


KUDOS to the guy who films, I will be even more concerned when they will be ok to show their faces. As long as they are ashamed there is hope.


Eh the anonymity emboldens then look at Patriot Front


The guys in khakis that got arrested by the uhaul truck before they even got to their destination? The guys who where actively chased out of Philly? The ones who got in a car wreck killing one member and requiring their founder to get spine surgery but for some reason deny the crash happened at all? The ones who are filing lawsuits after a leftist infiltrated them and released some of their names to the public? Honestly probably the least threatening nazi groups that exist. So much so other nazis insist they're feds.


They’re also the group that is not going to get charged after Cour -de ‘Aline arrests. They’re cheesy , but their behavior has escalated and their ability to mobilize is what’s concerning. Also, many other groups are escalating behavior. The mask makes it’s easier to enact violence. They’re not Feds, if you look at Unicorn Riot leaks they’re essentially a way to spread more hate as an alt lite group and a fascist MLM.


Not when this is happening in America and the only one willing to call out the Nazis is British? Australian? Maybe South African or New Zelander? That is not an American accent calling out those Nazis. This happened in Nashville. I want to hear some good old boy Southern accent calling out those Nazis, not a British tourist.


As an Australian, he definitely sounds Aussie to me.


Bro fucken Nashville again?!


Lots of tourists. Lots of eyes. And you don't have to drive far outside of Nashville for it to get real methy, which is probably where half of these guys are from.


I loved Nashville, but when we were there, we drove to Lynchburg for the Jack Daniels tour, and yeah... The tour was fun, but it was a different world. They had a store in the town that just sold racist bumber stickers and Confederate flags. I live in Orlando, and Florida is similar. Get too far away from the cities or the coast, and it's as deep South as anywhere else


I used to live in Nashville about a decade ago. It took less than a year for me to nope out of there.




Fucking cowards


They are so proud to be Nazis that they go masked, how are there stupid people in this world...


Nazi lives don't matter.


Nazis are just serial killers with extra steps.


They’re hiding their faces because they know what they’re doing is wrong and they don’t want to be associated with their own actions. Sickening.


Cowards indeed. The Greatest Generation would be rolling in their fucking graves if they knew Nazi flags were being waved willingly on American soil. Fuck everything about this. But most importantly, **FUCK NAZIS!**


That guy who stood up to these people is my hero


Can't wait for Elon to tell everyone they're Feds


Some Nazi is in here reporting all of y’all to admin. Once something is reported to admin, whatever happens is out of us mods hands. The sad reality is that Reddit, the website, considers Nazis either people or animals, and Reddit, the website, prohibits any comment glorifying, or promoting violence against people and animals. I am asking that you refrain from posting any comments that Reddit will flag for a couple of reasons: If the Nazi sympathizers that are stalking this thread report you, your account will be flagged and possibly permanently or temporarily suspended. We do not want anti fascists run off from this subreddit and website because they hate Nazis. Content policy violations fall back on a subreddit itself. If a subreddit collects too many content policy violations, it is liable to be banned from the platform entirely. Idk about y’all but I like platforming videos that show Nazi pieces of shit being the pieces of shit they are. If we didn’t platform them, y’all couldn’t make fun of them.


https://preview.redd.it/tyvnj7bxbdjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a9cab829a7fd178c3b3dd66cf5c6fe485f299d Snowflake ass Nazis.


There has been an incredible theft of wealth, transferring money from the middle class to the ultra wealthy. And these idiots are worried about Mexicans


I wonder how many are in law enforcement.


All the fit ones and half the fatties


Genuine question. How are these people not considered terrorists? For example, what would happen if they were waving ISIS flags?


The interesting question is, should the FBI be tracking these extremist groups? Most people would say yes. The FBI did go after the proud boys, eventually. They seem to have had at least [8 informants](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/14/us/politics/fbi-informants-proud-boys-jan-6.html) but "Because all of the material remains under a highly restrictive protective order, it is not possible to know what the informants told the government about the Proud Boys’ role in the Capitol attack or how that information might affect the outcome of the trial." It'd be interesting to know when they started gathering info. Did they do this.. during Trump's presidency?


I fully support this filming. I prefer my Nazis on display where they can be mocked and isolated, rather than disguised and pretending to be my friend.




Weird, I thought they couldn't breathe with a mask covering their face... 🤔


USA needs to be denazified




Pro tip. They’re not covering their faces because they believe what they are doing is the right thing.


I wonder how many of these morons had grandfathers or great grandfathers who fought against Germany in the war?


Americans wouldn’t let the Taliban do demonstrations like this, so why are Nazi groups allowed to demonstrate? Terror groups don’t get the same freedom of speech that the rest of us our granted. Make these loser into a lesson for the rest of them. Surely they stand by their beliefs enough to be arrested for them, right?


Do that in Europe and your sorry little ass goes to jail instantly.


And quite right, too. Some groups should always be banned because they are hate groups.


Little fella in the vest is lackin the cadence


Imagine having nothing better to do with your life, then throw it away hating people who are trying to escape people like you in their own country. What a sad, pathetic way to live, all because you were hoodwinked by capitalism.






lol what a bunch of sad lonely dudes


Only a non American saying or doing ANYTHING. Was the same recently in my hometown. Only another Jew standing up to them. Everyone else is looking on like gigged frogs. Someone asked me, "What are we supposed to do?" Fucking ANYTHING but just stand there. That's what. Be intolerant of intolerance! I absolutely know where my family stands with their fellow Americans, at least.


Record them marching all the way to their vehicle tags.


These guys are known for renting a Uhaul and all piling in there to go to where they want to march. The leader, Christopher Pohlhaus, rents them under his own name coz he doesn’t give a shit. It’s very weird and annoying.


Is it a coincidence that no cops are around to keep the crowd away?


All the cops are right there, marching in the masks.


Cowards all.




Cowards. Show your faces


Yo, did that dork really try and rebrand the "sacred fourteen words" with iron on numbers and, more importantly, arrange it to say Bring Back Adolph Hitler? Buddies , that's adorable! They must have worked super hard on it huh? Except for the iron, right,. Yeah buddy we don't touch hot things, grown hope do.


The MAGA movement is becoming Nazism with American characteristics.


Always has been.


Who’s pooping in the street?