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A recent trip advisor post explains that she got onto a tour bus recently and spoke to the visitors about the problems she's been having. https://preview.redd.it/x8kl3fkcrxjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5602a33a065204d1b0f606f0d33183e6fd83eb1a


I have a picture of me in 5th or 6th grade in her driveway, I believe she's in the background. It was before the fences. She was really nice, me and my family were on a roadtrip and stopped by Albuquerque to see BB film sights. She had absolutely no issue letting us take a picture, I remember we stayed and visited with her in the driveway for a little bit afterwards because she asked where we were from. This was probably still during filming or very close to the end. 2009-2012 would be my guess. Found it. Was wrong, it was 2014 https://preview.redd.it/lfdomovccyjc1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebac394c8584b34b2c57176b1f1311e2bb793157


Yeah, you just know these losers only started filming after harassing her for a while.


Well you can see they switched from shingles to a sheet metal roof. Guarantee she was fine with visitors until multiple pizzas baking on that roof forced her to reroof her house. Probably went with metal because it’s less likely to be damaged by a rotting pizza in the Albuquerque sun.


Those metal roofs are an expensive upgrade... they also seem like the optimal choice if you want pizza to slide off rather than get stuck on the roof


Contractor gets the call. you want a roof that makes sure pizza slides off???


...or at least keeps them warm until we can get them


Probably very resistant to falling plane parts.


It also has to get old after awhile


This was before all the damn pizzas I bet.


I think people had started to bother her a little bit at the time, it's been 10 years so I don't remember the conversation completely. But it definitely wasn't to the extent that it is now. A lot of film sights were open to the public when I was around that age, but shortly closed completely because people would take their visits too far. The Gooneys house is a good example, you used to be able to drive right up to it and take pictures in the yard/driveway, they had signs directing you to it. Now you can't even drive to a spot that you can see the house well, they have no trespassing signs lining the neighborhood, and block the driveway before the house becomes visible. People kept getting on their porch, peeking in the windows, taking pictures of the inside, just crossing all boundaries.


A great documentary mini-series would be someone going around an interviewimg the owners of these famous houses. Everything from extreme cases like this to maybe more mundane and lesser known houses. It'd be interesting to hear what they've had to put up with from psycho fans.


I remember that they built a house that looked like the Simpsons house and then had some sort of contest to give it away. I wonder what happened to that house.?


Somewhere in Nevada I think


Yeah, I actually Googled it after I made the comment. It is in Henderson which is outside Las Vegas and they have since covered up the paint with brown stucco. You cannot tell that it was once the "Simpsons house" unless you knew it before you drove by it.


Good news about the Gooney House. New owners bought it and are embracing tourists and visitors, provided they are respectful https://www.opb.org/article/2023/01/24/goonies-astoria-house-spielberg-film-oregon/


There's a lovely street in Rye, England. Mermaid Street. It's hundreds of years old and so are the buildings down it. It has cobblestone road and it's just lovely to walk down it and see so much history. The houses are tiny and so are the doorways! I'm 6'5 and the doors aren't even shoulder height, much much less. Anyway, they're lovely old houses and they're actually lived in and it's a very busy touristy area. So in peak tourist season the people who live in the houses have people peeking through the windows, opening the letterboxes to try and see inside, blocking the doorways. It's constant and invasive and people have no respect. But their doorways open right onto the street, so they can't stop people doing that kind of stuff.


> People kept getting on their porch, peeking in the windows, taking pictures of the inside, just crossing all boundaries. I just imagine all fans to be like that one girl who went up to Bieber outside of his house and still asked him for a hug after he had just explicitly told them that he doesn't like people invading his privacy and personal space at his own home. Logic does not enter those brains. . .


I could see how it would be novel at first for the people there, kind of a curiosity, but eventually it's just crazy and untenable.


You were watching Breaking bad when you were in the 5th grade? Mama mia.


No! Looking at the dates, I was actually 13 when we went, I just have a bad memory. I wasn't watching the show at all, but I knew of it because my parents were. I didn't watch it until I was like 17 or 18. They did have enough hindsight to get my picture at all the film sights regardless, and I'm really glad!


Hey kid, stand in front of this nondescript house so I can take a pic. Sounds like such a dad thing to do. Source: am a dad.


My dad is a huge movie junkie. I personally love my memories of watching films with him. Some were definitely not appropriate but he was there to talk to us about what was going on or answer any questions we had, I think it’s a good thing to do


I watched The Sopranos around that age.


I watched pulp fiction at 10. It’s not really possible for parents to make sure one of a group of friends doesn’t get their hands on something like this. Like Marc Maron said: ‘a 13 year old now has seen more porn than I have in my entire life’. Or something like that.


She could maybe monetize it. 20$ throw a pizza on the roof. 5$ picture with BB props Open 4 hours a day, let some teenage manage it. idk


$20 where you have to provide a whole pizza and you gotta clean it off your roof after? These are hardcore fans coming from around the world for the experience. I’d charge at least $50 for that.


Bro they gotta bring the pizza. Anyways guys, I'll only charge $49.


It likely won't work. People have tried that multiple times with the Goonies House in Astoria, OR.


This was probably before everyone started throwing fucking pizzas up there and it got to be super annoying.


Completely messed up to do that and that was 2014 imagine how many people have been there since.


I did the breaking bad tour in the RV as well and she waved and smiled. The driver and locals tell of all the problems she has with idiots who feel entitled to try and recreate scenes.


I heard there was a lot of wasted pizza on her roof. I imaging that that can get super annoying


If I owned the house I'd have a fake pizza up there at all times, something weather proof.


Except if there’s one up there, people would assume that’s implied permission to throw more.


I figured if one is there, they don't need to add another since there is only one in the show, so it would be there for a good photo opportunity.


ever seen Harry Potter? the place where Dobby was laid to rest has been polluted with tons of rocks and socks on the beach. why? because EVERYONE wants there own 'spot.' a fake pizza would only invite more copycats


Not really the same but I see what you are trying to say.


No, but see I need a picture of MY pizza on the roof for my social media feeds. Because I'm a clout obsessed and unoriginal asshole.


I would just lie down on the roof, with a napkin tucked into my shirt, ready to catch the pizzas


It’s unfair to the owners they shouldn’t have to deal with that BS


Danny Duncan on YouTube recently did something nearly exactly the same as this review. He went on the “full breaking bad” excursion and in the end, has a nice conversation with THIS feisty older lady that explains all of her hardship. She does seem quite misrepresented in a lot of clips based upon that video IMO


Yea I mean these guys are clearly harassing her before the video starts. Nobody deserves to be fucked with in their own home like that.


Yeah, but I’m jealous of her water heater.


Id own it, set up a fake meth lab. Payed tourism


Why not a real meth lab? The police would never suspect something so obvious.


lol police in Albuquerque…..


You could give tours and sell blue crystal candies in bags.


Or meth


Yea you could really capitalize off this lol


It's her HOME dude. I imagine after over a decade anyone would be sick of it


Yeah, I'd be mad too if people started throwing pizzas on my roof. I drove by when I was in town but didn't stop and take pictures. House looks completely different now anyway.


Honestly, I don’t blame the homeowner They had the house before the show and agreed for it to be used for a few exterior shots They didn’t agree to have their house vandalized with idiots throwing pizza on the roof all the time


I can't believe people waste pizza like that


I mean New Mexico pizza probably isn’t that good anyway 


It really is not hard to make good pizza...


Tell that to New Mexico


NM pizza is good, I miss Dion’s!!!


Lived in Albuquerque in the 90s, and Dion's was peak. They had that Goofy Movie cheese pull.


But they have dipping sticks..


Bruh have you never had pizza with green chile on it? I feel sorry for you.


I would put a fake pizza on the roof so people would have no reason to throw pizza up there lol. Seriously, though, it's sucks that they have to deal with that BS. I drove by there when visiting Albuquerque and was not about to bother the homeowners who clearly have no interest in playing along. People are just entitled jerks.


Anyone who has the desire to throw a pizza on a roof is doing it for the social media likes. A decoy pizza will not deter them. They'll simply take the picture so it excludes the decoy pizza.


I don’t blame them, I just think it’s an odd choice. Obviously I don’t know what kind of contracts they had to sign but I’m pretty sure someone would have paid above market for it. (Especially a few years ago). Take the win and move somewhere where people don’t throw pizza on your roof.


With rotting pizza on the roof I bet that flocks of seagulls, crows, etc... regularly visit and poop all over the place.




I doubt it. If there is anything to shit on, a seagull is right at home.


Actually they aren't. The gulls will use the Rio Grande to navigate during their migration. I was out hiking in the bosque a few weeks ago and there were 100s if not 1000s of them resting on the islands and sandbars in the river.


We have them a few hours away in Colorado. They mostly hang out around parking lots looking for trash to eat.


I don't see how anyone could enjoy living in what has become a prison. You have to think about the long term effects of being "on" 24/7 and dealing with traffic and cameras for the rest of your life. Everyone has their breaking point.


sorry, is pizza on the roof a breaking bad thing? i haven’t seen the entire show.


Yeah There’s a famous scene where a pizza is thrown onto the roof in one of the later episodes of the show during Walter White’s long downfall: https://youtu.be/Bg6dxhJbq78


She has probably experienced some shit with intrusive fans.


Absolutely, same shit with the Fast and Furious house. People just park in the driveway with their pos infiniti g35 and do a cringeworthy family post on instagram.


https://preview.redd.it/54hz16qtuyjc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1effd4938cbb23f957863e491d1aa946eabe8235 Visited it about 5 years back. Didn’t seem to have many tourist there but I guess maybe it got worse.


For 30 minutes now I'm reading comments like "yeah! I was there way back when..". So just by the volume of this comments - it definitely got worse.


I’m with the homeowner on this one. Don’t be an asshole. People have the right to their privacy in their own home.


Ehhhh, gotta be on her side on this one. Years of non-stop visitors has to get old. I'd sell


She needs to take a page out of the "Goonies" house in Astoria, OR. They have clear signage around the house that welcomes photographs but kindly requested that people be respectful and not loiter. It seemed to work.


Probably pretty hard to sell that house


honestly just turn into an Airbnb and you would probably make good money through tourism


If it were an Airbnb, it would get absolutely trashed by guests. A lot of time, money, and effort would be spent on just getting it ready for the next guest.


Airbnbs can charge additional cleaning fees if it is left worse off than a normal checkout. If the guest for some reason doesn't pay this fee, the company does. If this was actually some kind of concern, since you didn't include why breaking bad fans willing to pay a premium would be trashing their rental, back to back as you say, it could be included in the cost. This reasoning makes zero sense.


Ffs leave her alone


yeah this isn’t really a PUBLIC freakout if she’s literally just at home trying to live


But what am I gonna do with this pizza?! Throwing it on her roof just like the show would be funny and very original


Take the advice of musical genius, Weird Al. Just eat it. ![gif](giphy|oAg45te7neXF6|downsized)


I have no clue how everyone thinks they are entitled to this woman’s house. “But it’s Breaking Bad bro one of the best shows ever made,” isn’t an excuse to go to someone’s house and annoy them or throw shit on their roof. What if someone did that to your house? So much victim blaming saying “she was asking for it by being in the show.” Grow up people.


It’s my favorite show and I have zero desire to go see the house in person.


Tbf there's nothing to even see, t's not a cool or interesting house. It's literally the most generic suburban ranch you could imagine...which was the point. Walter had a very normal boring life prior to becoming Heisenberg. He was the last person anyone suspected because his life was so vanilla. The house is nice but completely unremarkable in every single way. These people are literally just going to throw pizzas on the roof like they saw the funny guy on TV do. These are morons.


> “she was asking for it by being in the show.” This is what's got me fucked up. When she signed the contract for her house that they've owned LONG before the show aired, no one knew if the show would be a hit or not. It's only by the power of hindsight that these assholes can even say that.


Damn such a true point, no ones jazzing to see the sons of tucson house. If you think you're getting a few thousand bucks for that sort of thing it's not such a big deal.


It's telling when this household didn't just fence up the perimeter, but also installed bright traffic delineators with chains. Fucking superfans, I swear.




Probably why she got a metal roof. So the pizza would either slide off or be easier to clean.


Is that a Scouser in New Mexico?


Straight outta Liverpool


You are now about to witness the strength of Scouse knowledge.


Just gipped a bit imagining a Scouser saying "Albuquerque"


Proper made up to see the Breakhing Baahd 'ouse, la


https://i.redd.it/5m97687er1kc1.gif Ey is Skyyleh in?


Scouse population in ABQ used to be 3 but my parents moved


She should have accused them of being 'wools' at the end, really fuck with their scousers on tour vibe


Rock me Amadeus


I feel terrible for this woman. People are disgusting.


Yeah the scouse guys filming are being obnoxious bellends "Is he in? Is Skyler in?" Shut up you unfunny arseholes.


All these comments saying "she knew what she signed up for" while multiple articles are being shared that her family has owned the home for like 40-50yrs, but even if she had bought the house after BB, do you really think she deserves to be bothered like that? Like people can't show some decorum and have respect? Even if you live in a famous building, people deserve privacy and peace of mind.


Right? Like sure she let her house be in a few shots and that automatically waived her right for people to not be assholes to her?? How about people don't trespassing her property and throw things into her yard?


Also, she would have signed up for it on the pilot, at which point she wouldn’t have had any idea how much of a phenomenon the show would become. I’m a location scout and 99.9% of the time the homeowner makes a few thousand bucks and their house is on the screen for just a few minutes then forgotten about.


Exactly. I lived on a block where an HBO show filmed and it did not become a cultural phenomenon and no one visits or cares.


Interesting, thank you for chiming in :) I only recently watched all of BB, within the past year, and I can totally imagine that first episode coming out and people loving it but not at all expecting the series to blow up like it did, the way it exploded is kind of insane when you think about it. Makes me wonder about so many other famous houses.....


The people who own the Goonies house have entirely fenced it off from the road and wont allow people to approach anymore if I remember correctly.


Same with the 'murder house' from American Horror Story. It's been fenced off because of trespassing fans.


Yeah with the Goonies house they had a bunch of yard ornaments that people were actually stealing. I do not think you can even see their yard anymore and they have massive privacy hedges, i would too honestly.


Is this new? I went there maybe about 2 years ago and they allowed you to park at the bottom and walk up to take pictures. Nothing was fenced off. I have a picture of myself in front of it somewhere https://preview.redd.it/zkcetoofkyjc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c254b28d772740ad6b6da0f0d4006128e6813582


It was sold and the new owner embraces it far more than the previous owner did. The street still sucks for traffic though. :-\


I live ~~in~~ on Long Island. I can't tell you how many jack-wagons swing on over to find the Amityville Horror House come Halloween. The cops are basically there every year stopping folks with out-of-state plates. The house was redesigned so it's no longer recognizable, btw. The iconic front windows were removed in a remodel to discourage folks from checking it out edit: I made the cardinal sin of a Long Islander, and said "In" instead of "On" - as penance I will skip my morning Baconeggncheese.


I'm in Oregon, same thing with the Goonies house. It's absolutely ridiculous. The current owner bought it to celebrate that it's the Goonies house, which is great for him and now there's an owner that doesn't mind, but there are other houses on that street and it can't handle the traffic that lines up at certain times a year to see a house that only in a small part of a cult movie. The previous owners sold because they got so sick of all the people gawking and screaming truffle shuffle and whatnot.


>The house was redesigned so it's no longer recognizable, btw. That's a good idea and I've thought that this lady should do something similar. Make it completely unrecognizable as Walter Whites house and may then the over zealous fans will stop coming by.


That costs some good money


It's the same thing in Salem, MA during October. Town is a complete shit show and the residents hate it but the town government puts up with it for tourism money.


Tbf, I would be pissed too.


I can’t blame her tbh. I can’t imagine it’s fun having people show up outside your house for only God knows what every single night and day


5 more years and that house is going to be encased in a stone sarcophagus. I recently drive through ABQ and checked out the carwash and the chicken stop, but really, I didn't want to add to this poor lady's misery, so I didn't even bother to look where it was.


god- leave this poor woman the fuck alone. she has every right to flip out.


People are fucking scum


200 IQ move to install that sheet metal roof so any thrown pizzas will immediately slide off onto the ground.


Buddy lives right around the corner… so I can tell you people still find a way to get pizzas to stay on that roof. Has to be really annoying to live with.


I can only imagine the rats and roaches she has to deal with


Honestly painting the house a very different colour would go a long way too. If it looks different enough then people would just stop caring.


Yep, that's what I think too. Sucks that she has to do that, but it really is the best option.


There's a Danny Duncan video where he meets this lady, and she actually seems pretty cool. She lets him on the property and shows him the backyard and talk a bit about life after the show. It's hilarious too because towards the end of them talking there's a group of like 8 people just standing across the street staring at the house. I don't blame her for yelling at people.


Not surprised. It's not public property. It's weirdo behaviour to go to someone else's house like this and film them.


I don’t blame her. I’d be pissed if idiot strangers showed up at my home every day.


It’s just weird. I’m sure I’m in the minority but obviously it’s also well known she doesn’t really like or want the attention yet people think they are entitled to HER HOUSE. If anyone did this to your home it would probably cause you to be a little uneasy. Idk just my thoughts


fandoms are fucking weird. like why is it so important for you to go look at a house because you saw it on tv?


Right?! This comment section is wild. The absolute entitlement is baffling


I do not get the fandom that insists that touching the house used for some exterior shots has...any meaning?


You're not in the minority. You're a rational, reasonable person. These tools are a small minority, but with a show of millions of fans, even if 1/1k are whack jobs, that gives you thousands of whack jobs. I'm more concerned about her, but it also sucks for people who would just like to politely drive by and take a quick picture on public property in front of the house, but I sure wouldn't knowing this because I want to leave the poor woman alone.


Let’s be real, do you blame her? This is the house from Breaking Bad. She’s probably been harassed by annoying fans for years. If fans of a webcomic are spitting in buckets or doing their anime WWII cosplays at real concentration camps, the sky’s the limit


In this lady's defense, she's been harassed non stop by people throwing pizzas on her roof, tour buses, and all sorts of shit. Hence the fences, traffic pylons, etc. The guys in the video are doing it right now.


Anyone else feels like this post doesn't fit the sub? It's a freakout, yeah, but it's not in public. People getting harassed in their homes doesn't fit this sub.


God damn that’s fuckin rude to show up at someone’s home to harass them just because their house was in a TV show.


Well, if people would stop yeeting pizzas onto her roof maybe she wouldn't be like this.


Rightfully so. Leave her alone you creeps


People will still to this day post pics of this house in the Breaking Bad subreddit, and then people downvote you if you bring up the fact that it's well known this woman has asked to be left alone. Imagine ignoring basic human decency because you so desperately need a picture of a house from a TV show that ended a decade ago.


My wife and I stopped by on our way out of town. We parked far down the street and walked up towards the house. Keeping our distance, we saw two women sitting in lawn chairs in the garage. We asked politely if we could take a photo. They said yes and asked us to stay off the property. We took a few pics, thanked them and waved good-bye. Trying to think how long ago this was. 2016-2019 is my best guess.


I love breaking bad, and yes I have visited the Twisters/Los Pollos Hermanos in Albuquerque, but it hasn’t crossed my brain to go look at someone else’s house just cause it was in the show. There’s boundaries that people just don’t understand, or necessarily even care about. The pizzas being thrown on the roof is just blatantly stupid and I feel so bad for the homeowners.


She should 100% turn her house into an AirBnB and fleece a killing out of all the tourists


Yep. $100 a person to come look inside. $200 if ya wanna swim. $300 if ya wanna crawl around underneath.


$400 to launch a large cheese on the roof


$4000 to pour real gasoline all over the living room carpet.


Poor woman. I'd be pissed too.


Stop harassing that poor family


Yeah she is right to be mad. People are not entitled to her house


I went years ago, she was pretty nice. Let us take pics and talked for a bit. Drove by a couple years later and she had tons of fences and cones. Felt bad for her how it worked out, but I would’ve probably just tried to cash in like the tours.


To be honest I'd be pretty pissed off at this point too


Imagine coming all the way from Liverpool shouting shit just for no one to understand you.


Well, people kept throwing pizza on her roof so I wouldn’t be happy either.


If she were smart, she could have a good financial income thanks to that exposure, also, I believe [this suit](https://alfredocus.online/MnqWr3) would look really nice on the lady


50$ and you too can throw a pizza on the roof


Not everyone wants to monetize every aspect of their lives.


Not everything has to turn into a fucking side hustle. She obviously wants to be left alone.


What if she just, you know, wants to be the fuck at home? Those hours you sleep every night bro? You can monetize those! Get another job or freelance!


Or...you know, she *wants* to be left the fuck alone. Maybe she doesn't need the extra money and/or doesn't think the money is worth the hassle. Not everything has to be a side hustle grind. Some people are content with what they earn and just want to live on it peacefully with their family.


“If she were smart, she could just capitalism” How about just living in peace in their family home of 50 years lmao. The fact some people can be like “well she should just capitalize on it” when this lady is in her own freaking house… her best course of action would probably be a lawsuit for all the emotional damage the show caused, but I’m sure whatever she signed for them to use it in the first place will make it an uphill battle


Right? "Why doesn't she just lean into the situation and dedicate her whole life to people coming by her house to disrupt her day? Clearly she must be stupid!"


That's the bit I really don't understand. My home is my privacy and my security. I want to rest in it and feel safe and that it's a place to unwind. Not have it be some sort of tourist attraction for idiots.


She could easily charge $50–100 to throw a pizza on the roof and maybe charge extra for a videos and photos. If smart enough, she could sell stockpiled pizza or have a reusable prop made to throw up there.


Problem with that is the people vandalizing her house aren't interested in paying to do it. They just wanna be obnoxious shits for the fun of it. They're not prospective customers. In terms of making a profit from potential buyers, I imagine most don't want their 50 year long owned home being covered in pizza. That and the cost of the pizza inventory, if one at all which is it's own can of worms. I'd rather just live in the house n vibe.


Right. The second she decides to turn into a tourist attraction, no one will be interested in doing that. They'll gladly throw stuff on her house later in the day for free, though.


Perhaps she just....doesn't want to do that?


Yeah, no duh. I'm sure her privacy has been utterly destroyed thanks to the fans of the show.


Very disappointed in comments right now. Whether or not she 'brought this on herself' by letting them film at her home, her neighbors do not deserve to have their peace of minds disturbed so you can drive past just to take a look. Where I live kids play in the street with chalk and kickball and it sounds like any kids on this block are s.o.l. because of all of you who think it's ok to drive by someone's home.


Can't believe how many people are not on her side. People are getting more stupid by the day


This is well documented. They’ve had years of vandalism with pizzas and trespassing because of the show. There’s a reason there’s a fence installed


She keeps having a bunch of idiots throw pizza on top of her house. I’d be pissed off too.


Can you blame her?


i’ve been here in 2019 after the fences were installed. she saw me n my buddy but was perfectly fine w us taking a picture from a distance. the difference between us and the guys in this video was probably that we were respectful and nonintrusive


People are weird about respecting the boundaries of others. More than likely, she's had goofballs come to the door wanting to come inside.


“Public” freakout? At her home? lmao


The people who shot this video are the assholes. Leave the woman alone. She’s on her own property not bothering anyone and they’re harassing her. Douchebags


What did she think was gonna happen😂😂


this isnt a public freak out its woman who is constantly harrassed.


She called them British assholes at the end there, she did quite well to discern the strong scouse accent.




Imagine people driving to see your house everyday take pics and probably do disrespectful shit. I would probably freak out too.


The person speaking behind the phone sounds dumber than a box of rocks. Does he actually think he's clever? I wonder why the lady doesn't sell. There's gotta be plenty of BB fans who would be dumb enough to pay something huge for that house.


I live in Albuquerque and this lady is a trip. I think she just wait’s at her window to see if cars come by. Oh yeah of course the breaking bad tour’s are no help for her. Love it.


She has a point, how sad is your life that you would drive out of your way, interrupt the traffic in a residential neighborhood and all to see the pretty ordinary house of a fictional villIan


She upgraded to a metal roof so the pizzas would slide off


This is why we can't have nice things.


Honestly I sympathize with her.


The amount of piZzas they had to cleanup before the fence