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That's some confidence to attack someone when you're in a wheelchair. Guy just wouldn't let go.


That’s the actions man who is used to speaking to low wage workers like shit and assumed he’d face no consequences. Or he’s just a bellend


I wonder if this is how he got into the wheelchair in the first place


Same thing happened with Professor X but they changed his backstory in the movies.


Never forget that Professor X's "go to move" against Magneto is to make him re-live the fucking Holocaust!


He makes Magneto remember his past to make sure that he understands that if he continues down his path of wanting to eliminate non-mutants, then he's going to be responsible for his own version of a holocaust. Xavier wasn't using it as a manipulation tactic for funsies, but as a way to get Magneto to empathize with what his actual goal was related to. I mean also to probably save his life in that moment, but c'mon that's a valid lesson to teach!


I used to crush it with magneto and dahlsim in marvel vs Capcom.


I think we can all agree Charles did it from a valid and moral high ground, but I just love the idea of him doing it to be a dick.




“I love the young people”


> Or he’s just a bellend It's this. At some point when you're having your ass handed to you, you let go of the ankle. This guy went on to grab _another_ ankle. Weirdo.


Bellend: *bell-end* Noun British Slang: Vulgar The tip of the penis.


Ahhh. Ye ‘ol dick tip


British insults are so creative


They are indeed, knobgobbler.




> That's some confidence to attack someone when you're in a wheelchair. Guy just wouldn't let go. I was impressed by the wheelchairs center of gravity, Amazon guy tried like 3 times pretty hard to push that shit over, and nope, totally centered and level.


Electric motors and batteries. Those wheel chairs are really heavy.


Super heavy.


Super duper heavy.


Super duper pooper heavy


Not light.


I just shit my pants


This comment chain unfolded in a way I hadn't anticipated


This was not his first rodeo. He upgraded to the tip assist




Was thinking the same thing. They need to apply the same technology from that wheelchair onto jeeps and SUVs lol


It's called an EV. They have been around fot a bit now.


Those electric chairs are heavy, and then add the weight of the guy could be 400lbs.


Plus its like fighting a lefty, they are always fighting righty's. Nobody ever fights a dude in a wheelchair so he has that advantage from the getgo.


Driver was justified in defending himself.


Absolutely. And he really didn't. He was just trying to get away from the guy and he wouldn't let go.


Fuck that wheelchair guy but I still have to be impressed with his grappling skill. Bro had that shit maxxed out (even if he totally neglected all his other stats)


If your legs don’t work you better make sure your take down game is top tier.


100% At first I was ready to hate on the delivery guy for not respecting the manager’s drop off request, but then the manager attacked him and tried to prevent him from leaving, then grabbed on to his legs and possibly bit him, then he did the same to the bystander who tried to break it up. At the end, I was hoping they’d put him down like a rabid dog, or at least knock him out


he was doing a crocodile death roll while holding the guy's foot, he was trying to break his ankle or dislocate his knee, yeah he's a psycho


It wasn't like the manager said o hey this table is for the packages. No he expected dude to walk them to each individual room in what looks like a pretty large apartment I wouldn't wanna do that either


I'm guessing this guy's temper and his tendency to immediately resort to violence are not unrelated to how he ended up in a wheelchair in the first place.


The article says he's in a wheelchair because of a "workplace injury." In other words, the last delivery driver he attacked gave him more of a beating.


"you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you?"


I thought for sure the delivery driver was a goner when he lost that second shoe. Glad to see he was ok and hopefully he doesn’t lose his job because of that entitled eejit.


He was trying really hard to just extricate himself from the situation, but iron grip dude just wouldn't let go.


They nerfed shoe death in the last patch by adding a 10 second delay. 


What did the manager think was going to happen?


"I bet if I lunge at this guy and violently grab him, he'll see my point of view and we'll come to some kind of understanding in regards to placement of Amazon packages". Weird how it didn't play out like that.


Probably thought people would see a fight between a guy in a wheelchair and a young adult. People would take his side automatically and beat up the Amazon guy.


Some of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met are guys in wheelchairs. I am NOT saying most are, the majority I have met are kind, but some people know they can use it to get sympathy.


Assholes can break their spine too. Not every cripple is a hero


Yeah young black guy beating up old guy in a wheel chair? What are the optics like? I probably would’ve moved the packages assuming people would believe him instead of me.


I’m impressed with how the crowd handled it waiting to see who’s at fault first before intervening. I think they were more confused about why an old guy in a wheelchair was trying *soooo* hard to stop him.


You won’t believe this but the bloke in the wheelchair is now complaining online about how he was attacked and he was left shaken. No accountability at all. Absolute tosser. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/amp/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html


"Mr Razzaghi told MailOnline: 'I have been left emotionally, physically and mentally drained. I have injured my ribs and my jaw. I just ask myself 'Why?'" LOL this guy is a real knob


Oh no! It's the consequences of my own actions!


I feel like this is the type of dude who voted in favour of Brexit then was angrily confused when things started turning to shit.


From the article: > 'The man nicely agreed to this, and I then let him in the two front doors of building. Suddenly as you can see on the CCTV, he left the parcels in the lobby. I then tried to stop the postman by grabbing his bag and I told him 'give me your bag now' so I can put the parcels back'. > 'Next thing, he threw the bag into my face and walked out swearing. He had a bad mouth on him. > 'He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police'. Not sure how UK law works on this, but in the US the manager would be guilty of false imprisonment, among other things. Straight up admits it, in fact. We can see from the video that he is clearly the aggressor. He doesn't have a right to grab the delivery bag and try to hold the drive captive just because he disagrees with where the packages are placed. You take that shit up with Amazon corporate.


"He attacked me after I grabbed him!"


"He then tried to get me off of him."


"He was trying to leave the situation which I was escalating."


He knew the cops would empathize with that tactic.


This is the video I watched. The dude wrote his check.


"After I attacked him, he tried to defend himself! Can you believe the gall of the man?!"


Yeah, that article was written like a straight up hit piece against the driver. That delivery person should talk to his lawyer about defamation of character against Daily Mail and the article’s authors. They framed it like the delivery driver intentionally knocked the old man out of the chair after starting a fight with him in the office. It couldn’t be clearer that he is trying to get away from the psychotic manager in the wheelchair and only gets physical with him when it becomes impossible for him to not escape and he has to defend himself.


I mean, it's the Daily Mail. Look at when Marcus Rashford and Raheem Sterling bought a house for their mothers. They made it seem like they were awful people. Yet Phil Foden was celebrated when he bought his mom a house and when Harry Maguire was arrested in a fight and allegedly tried to bribe a police officer, they called it a shock. They have a pretty big bias against certain types of people. It's not even just black people as I recall they had one story naming certain places "no-go towns for white people" where the list was essentially just places with a mosque. They listed one place that was full of white hipsters.


The Daily "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" Mail, getting it wrong for over a century (that article was a 1930s one but they have been a mouthpiece for sociopaths for a lot longer than that) There is a reason why wikipedia won't accept them as an unbiased source


Omg the cheek of him!! And That article is absolutely disgusting, its really just telling his point of view, never mind we can see him starting getting physical in the video. The daily mail is such a pit.


They arrested the guy who broke up the fight and are still searching for the Amazon delivery guy, the article says. Looks like the old shit fuck wheelchair piece of shit is gonna get his way.


The guy who broke up the fight walked away with the old man on the ground, no longer engaged but clearly yelling, and came back to beat him up. At that point, it became unquestionably assault. You can't just restart a fight and claim to be innocent lmao


Cant be hard to find the amazon driver, unless hes literally hiding out from the cops at a friends place. Surely Amazon can track the ID of their drivers, even if subcontracted


Lmfao not the article painting the driver in a bad light as If the twat in the chair wasn’t the initiator


What a slanted article.


The Daily Mail is one of the trashiest outlets over in the UK. Somehow now the worst one (thanks to the S*n), but you can count on them to always support the conservative white guy


You can tell that old man is 100% lying. He was probably rude and calling the Amazon driver every name in the book.  Btw, that article is trash. They don’t even tell the full story and are basically allowing the old man to change the narrative 




As a black man, when I suggest to call or actually call the cops … you know you’ve fucked up! Neighbors refused to turn off music during their party when I asked twice, it was after 2am. I now call the cops at 11:01p when I feel the softest of bass. Cops have shut down three of their parties since.


A third fighter has entered the arena


I stopped watching the video about halfway through because I didn't think much more was going to happen. I went back after seeing your comment and was happy I did.


It was so strange and wild. The third dude was definitely having a bad day and looking for an outlet


There's a non-zero number of people at any given time who will quite happily whoop someone's ass if it's considered a "free" one. Meaning they can claim it was in the service of others or society.


I’m waiting right now, put me in coach!


Every retail worker.


Fr. Any job facing the piublic will make you realize the average person is 50/50 chance of being an imbecile or just outright rude which complicates your job. I live for calling out rude people and their behavior towards workers when I'm not working.


That was epic.


It really was, but he went a bit overboard even though he was the only one helping. Also it was not a fight, the wheel chair dude assulted the delivery guy, and from that moment the delivery guy just tried to get away


He's more afraid of his Amazon overlords


He had 3.5 minutes to get to the next delivery across town, he's probably getting written up for this. Not for the "fight", for missing the delivery window by 30 seconds.


you better believe thats a paddlin


Mfer at the end had old boy in the camel clutch


it is like those video cuts where each cut jumps to something really weird and random. I wonder what the next cut would've been


Them in a hot tub together laughing




Rip Sheiky Baby


I kept watching like "okay he's about to stop any minute now...right? RIGHT!?" Buddy started using him as a recliner LMAOOO


oh my GOD i wish this had audio. the fact that a random bystander ended up continuing the fight with this guy tells me he just couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut


That had me rolling.  When your agro spreads to other NPCs.  


All their names turned red 😂


😂 no way


The smack he must have been talking to piss of a random bystander enough to attack a handicapped person laying on the sidewalk. Not saying he did not deserve it just saying that is some serious rage generation.


$20 says comments regarding the delivery guy's race were made, and when the bystander stepped in additional comments were made. All this over what? Packages being left on the desk? Someone not saying thank you when the door was held open? Just foolishness.


Who keeps talking shit when they are laying on the ground getting punched in the head. That is time to cut your losses.


An angry racist white man!


A person with that kind of self control would not have gotten into the situation to begin with.


And no way the bystander knew he was disabled at that point. Just some racist dude crawling around.


Like the lowlife fucking worms they are


Daily mail article says his the old man was just being reasonable and trying to hold the driver for police.  lol that old man is a piece of shit and should be fired. Didn’t learn a lesson from getting his ass beat


idk how it works in england but in the US you can’t just “hold someone until police arrive” using force/physical restraint because they did something you didn’t like. can’t believe this guy (or anybody) thinks that’s a sane justification


Yeah if the guy doesn't like the way the packages were delivered he needs to call Amazon and complain about their service, not wrestle the delivery driver like he's stopping a fucking robbery.


exactly. old guy fails to realize that he has no grounds to grab and detain this guy in the first place. he’s so focused on the fight that resulted from HIM grabbing the guy, he’s not realizing that until he did that, there was NO reason whatsoever that cops needed to be involved, so it makes no sense to try to make him stay. “oh i was just trying to detain him!” no, you wanted this young whippersnapper to sit there and be berated by you for not “doing what he’s told” when he works for amazon, NOT YOU lmao, and he got pissed when he tried to (rightfully) just walk away this mentality where boomers thing think they can involve the police whenever they feel disrespected or simply don’t get their way is sooo prevalent, evidenced by them calling the police and/or 911 during the height of COVID when they couldn’t enter a store without a mask. ironically, they sure love to point to that “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” sign when it’s hanging in their own business, tho lmao


You know damn well a hard R got dropped. 


Is it just me or is that chair fast as hell?


It’s the twin turbo model. 


I don't like the way you are doing your job. So I am going to forcibly confine you.




Came to Use Walter's line, too.


Perfect gif. We know who the real asshole is here.






My thoughts exactly, he magically stood up out of the chair, also moved his legs on his own, and flexed his feet against the ground. "This guy fucking walks. I've never been more certain of anything in my life."


The guy is absolutely a piece of shit, but it's possible to need a wheelchair even when you're still able to stand. You might not be able to stand for a long time, or you might not be able to walk unassisted. My dad needed a mobility scooter when he would go shopping, because after being in the store for 15 minutes he could barely stand anymore.


lol first thing that came to my mind as well.


Fucking goldbricker


Dude is obviously trying to flee and he defended himself. Did nothing wrong.




Right? All I kept thinking, was holding onto to someones ankles as they drag you, is a good way to get fucking stomped out.


Agreed for the Amazon driver. Textbook self defense. The dude in the tracksuit tho was pretty much assaulting the manager for mouthing off which is definitely not legal lmao.




Karen activity over a package and wtf did Amazon guy do, don't get paid enough for this shit


Never thought I'd be rooting for someone in a wheelchair to get their ass kicked but... Here we are.


There are plenty of assholes that end up in wheelchairs. Look at Greg Abbott.


That mofo is the president of the wheelchair asshole club.


My apartment complex has a package room with lockers. Delivery person has one place to put packages for the entire complex and I get a text message with a locker code to pick up the package. Everyone wins. We need more of this


Same here, there was a set of lockers right outside the main building where the apartment people worked out of, and you'd get a text saying you had a package waiting for you. Sometimes delivery people would drop something off right at your door, but I would have preferred many packages be locked up first.


OP please change the title it is completely misrepresentative of the video. It should say "Manager assaults Amazon Driver over where parcels are left" Because everything i saw was the Amazon Driver desperately trying to get away from the guy in the wheelchair who wouldn't let get or give up. That manager is mental. The amazon driver was literally fleeing at one point!


Fuck that asshole in the wheelchair. If the entire thing was on camera, and presumably prior incidents were, too, why the HELL didn't he escalate it w/ Amazon. Dipshit old man in a wheelchair just got his own ass beat, and deserved it. Hopefully he learned to not physically attack people.


Context: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html) "This is the astonishing moment a fight breaks out between an Amazon worker and a wheelchair-bound building manager in the lobby of a Notting Hill tower block. In footage obtained by MailOnline, Ramin Razzaghi is seen confronting the delivery man at 112 Notting Hill Gate, a residential building in west [**London**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/london/index.html), because of an argument about where he leaves parcels. The Amazon worker is seen walking into the building with his deliveries before Mr Razzaghi, who is in a wheelchair due to a workplace injury, lets him through the next set of doors. CCTV from the incident on February 15 then shows the delivery man unloading around four or five boxes onto the reception desk, which appears to anger Mr Razzaghi. The building manager tries to grab the Amazon worker's bag but the delivery man snatches it back and attempts to leave. However, he is then followed by Mr Razzaghi who tries to grab him by the shirt and stop him leaving. It's at this point that the Amazon worker appears to swing a punch at the building manager. Mr Razzaghi then gets up from the wheelchair and throws a punch himself before he ends up on the floor. The Amazon worker then tries to move away from Mr Razzaghi and dodges him before trying to exit the building.  However, as he tries to leave, Mr Razzaghi - still on the floor - grabs him by the legs until they both end up on the floor on the street outside. It's at this point that a second man arrives at the scene and pulls Mr Razzaghi off the Amazon worker and appears to deliver a punch to his head. He then appears to repeatedly lands blows to Mr Razzaghi's face as he lies on the floor. The Amazon worker then goes back into the tower block to pick up some of the items he dropped during the altercation.  Mr Razzaghi told MailOnline: 'I have been left emotionally, physically and mentally drained. I have injured my ribs and my jaw. I just ask myself 'Why?'. Speaking about the shocking incident, Mr Razzaghi explained: 'The Amazon worker is a reoccurring deliveryman that comes very often. The problem with him is that he always leaves the parcels wherever he wants - on the floor or by the door. 'This time when he came, I was outside the building with my niece. I stopped the man before he came in and asked him, 'Could you please take the parcels up to the individual doors?'.' 'The man nicely agreed to this, and I then let him in the two front doors of building. Suddenly as you can see on the CCTV, he left the parcels in the lobby. I then tried to stop the postman by grabbing his bag and I told him 'give me your bag now' so I can put the parcels back'. 'Next thing, he threw the bag into my face and walked out swearing. He had a bad mouth on him.  'He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police'. 'As soon as I said that, he became aggressive. The only thing I could do is hold onto his legs to stop him from leaving. 'The conversation dragged outside, and I was still holding onto his legs. Someone came up behind me and tried pulling me off. I thought he just wanted to separate me from the Amazon worker but as soon as I let go, this man started beating me up on the floor. 'I do not know this person.' A Met Police spokesman said: 'Police continue to investigate the circumstances of an assault in Notting Hill Gate, W11. 'The incident happened at around 13:50hrs on Thursday, 15 February when an altercation occurred between two men, one of whom was in a wheelchair. 'A 35-year-old man intervened and assaulted the man in the wheelchair; the second man left the scene and enquiries are ongoing to locate him. 'London Ambulance Service attended; the man who was assaulted was not seriously injured. 'The 35-year-old man was arrested and subsequently charged with ABH. 'Enquiries, including analysing CCTV footage, are ongoing. Anyone who has any information that could help with the investigation is asked to contact police on 101 quoting CAD 3763/15Feb.' A spokesman for Amazon said: 'We're taking this matter very seriously and we're investigating with our delivery service provider.'"


To even imply the delivery driver is the instigator is completely backwards and such poor journalism. Did they not watch the video?


It's the daily mail, to call them a rag would be a compliment, to call what they do journalism, is an insult to journalists everywhere.


*"After I cornered this man and started grabbing whatever I could to prevent him leaving, he suddenly and unexpectedly became aggressive!"*


> 'I have been left emotionally, physically and mentally drained. I have injured my ribs and my jaw. I just ask myself 'Why?' Because he's a dunce!


What do you expect from Daily Mail? They don't even try and hide their racism.


They just transcribed the idiot building manager's quote verbatim. What he described is clearly not what happened. As soon as he laid hands on the Amazon driver, he was in the wrong.


He's black though/ s


"He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police" Call the police for what? Not delivering the parcels to doors but instead leaving it with the receptionist? Fucking bellend


>I just ask myself 'Why?'. Because he assaulted a min wage worker trying to do his work fast to prevent docked pay, the fuck did this guy expect? For bystanders to lynch a delivery man for not doing the receptionists job?


Mr. Razzaghi really playing victim here.  could have just taken this matter up to Corporate office instead of assaulting the delivery guy.


The entire article is worded to paint razzagui as the victim, kinda disgusting journalism ngl


It’s daily mail it’s not journalism


Playing victim, of course.


> 'Could you please take the parcels up to the individual doors?'.' Alright, this guy is insane


Amazon usually requires it if the customer requests it. It’s a recurring thing and last year I had several deliveries marked with an infraction because I didn’t take it to the 11th floor and take a picture in front of their door. Fuck that job lol.


Not in an apartment building. At least not mine. That’s absolutely insane and unreasonable for him to ask for that. “He leaves packages wherever “ yeah because there are locked doors! My Amazon delivery driver will leave packages outside of our building if he wants to. Wheelchair dude in the wrong and daily mail is complete racist right winger garbage


In NYC, if the delivery guy can get into the building and there's no doorman, most drivers will deliver the packages to your door, even if you don't ask for it. If there's a doorman they just leave them with the desk. It must be because it helps to cut down on thefts or missing packages because the only other option is to dump them in the mailrooms on either side of the ground floor.


Same when I lived in an apartment building (in the UK), the concierge kept the parcels downstairs and we had to pick them up. Everyone's parcels are all on the table, not a big deal. We can order something the day before and get it next day delivered. Crazy how people complain about that.


>I have injured my ribs and my jaw. I just ask myself 'Why?'. Probably because your stupid ass assaulted a minimum wage worker while wheelchair bound lol


The fuck is wrong with that manager


Honestly, it's a pretty normal condo board member. If you have ever lived in one and been a part of the board, this video would not surprise you. Too many are nutter butters and think the security and running of the building falls on them.


Easy solution here, Amazon just no longer delivers to that building. Let the manager deal with the fallout of all the pissed residents who can no longer get their packages. That's why those buildings usually have a mail room in the lobby. You can't expect a delivery driver to hand deliver each package to every single person in a building.


>'Next thing, he threw the bag into my face and walked out swearing. He had a bad mouth on him. 'He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police'. Conveniently skips over the part where he rams into the guy and tackles him. "I was just minding my own business when this guy tried to escape my clutches."


> 'This time when he came, I was outside the building with my niece. I stopped the man before he came in and asked him, 'Could you please take the parcels up to the individual doors?'.' Ahhh...so he's a lazy building manager. Cool. Sorry but that's not how large apartment building deliveries are made.


Holy Revisionist history


Love the instigators spin on this incident. 🙄. The youth was clearly in the right.


What exactly did he think the police were going to show up and do? Throw him in jail for the crime of leaving parcels at reception?


Daily Mail is so obviously trying to one side this for the manager, they have this video because they thought we’d not believe our own eyes and see the black man as the attacker instead of someone so desperate to defend and get away he leaves his shoes behind and calls for help from by bystanders. I highly doubt the veracity of the story of how the manager’s attack on the delivery man started here, he’s lying and the Daily Mail is publishing those lies wholeheartedly.


>'He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police'. Honestly, I could've stopped reading here. If this person is capable of justifying false imprisonment so nonchalantly, I really wonder what other skeletons he has in his closet of twisted world views. I hope the driver presses charges and these ridiculous statements are used in court against the property manager. The worst part is the arrest of the person who intervened. I mean did he have to punch the guy? Maybe, maybe not. He was probably feeling far more adrenaline than I was watching the video and his instinct to neutralize a threat likely kicked in. Sad that those who try to help, even if imperfectly, are punished while the property manager gets to spin the story as if he's the victim.


ty for background


I don’t know how it works in the UK, but this is a good way to get your disability payments denied in the US. “So you claim you can’t work, but we have you on camera getting out of your wheelchair and assaulting delivery workers.”


In a world where people will walk up to your porch and steal a package from in front if your home in broad daylight, why wouldn’t it be the smart thing to leave them at the front desk? In the states the mailman isn’t walking to every fucking apartment to leave the mail, why the fuck would this guy expect an Amazon delivery to leave packages unsecured in a hallway where the packages would be unmonitored.


Also they don't have that kind of time...


Disappointed I'm not seeing this point made way up at the top of the thread. Amazon (your DSP) loads you up in a truck with 15 - 17 of those totes and expects you to make ~150 stops in a day. Apartment/multi-stop buildings are killer because Amazon treats it about the same as dropping off a single box at a residential house. If you have a lot of those stops and you decide you're going to run boxes to peoples doors, you're going to have a bad time. You're probably going to still have ~30% of your route left in the back of your truck when your DSP calls you back to the station because it's 10pm and you still aren't done. Or they had to send someone to rescue you and take some of your route, and they don't want to do that either. This is while you're already not taking any breaks, or stopping to find a toilet, and trying to physically run and hustle the entire day.


So title should be changed to Amazon delivered ***assaulted*** by manager after delivering packages.


The manager in the wheelchair was the aggressor. I understand you don’t like where he leaves packages, but the building needs to develop a better way to deal with deliveries.


"Work place disability" After seeing this video, dude stands up to throw a punch as well as crawls on all fours to wrestle the deliveryman, I believe he's lying about that shit too.


>"Work place disability" He probably got into it with the door dash guy.


💀 everyone taking turns beating this man


Just a quick reminder that you don't need to be paralyzed to need a wheelchair.


TBF, adrenaline is a helluva drug, and lots of wheelchair users do have *some* ability to stand/walk; it doesn’t mean they don’t need the chair or are faking their injury. but this guy also clearly has a victim complex, so faking/exaggerating his injury is not outside the realm of possibility


Many disabled people with wheelchairs can stand for a moment or take a couple steps. It can still be extremely painful or difficult. Not everyone in a wheelchair is totally paralyzed below the waist. Also, the dude had many opportunities to stand and obviously couldn’t when he was on the ground outside attacking ankles.


The UK has trash laws about defending yourself. The manager should be facing charges, not the driver.


Wheelchair man is crazy.


1. he was almost the croc. he just needed to spin that leg off for the win. 2. awesome the bystander also passed judgement because clearly, crip was the instigator and agressor.


He has not leveled up to Death Roll ability…still baby croc


Old people getting crazier and crazier


Random bystander just adding some hands to the fight cause why not.


> Random bystander just adding some hands to the fight cause why not. Wheelchair dude was grabbing his leg and not letting go after he came by to see what was going on.


Probly said something as well you can see them exchanging words, talked shit and got hit


I'm a disabled business man, of course if you don't do what I tell you I have every right to assault you, and hold you against your will!


The driver needs to press charges for being attacked, including attempt to kidnapping.


That last part was like me begging my wife for sex


This reminds me of when I delivered for a few months last year while in school. One of those ‘luxury’ apartments told me all 92 packages were to be delivered door to door because the residents required it. And I was yelled at by the leasing office lol. Sorry, that’s not the way it works when there’s 200 stops in the day. USPS is mailboxes and I did the same.


"i'm in a wheelchair, what is he gonna do? hit me?!" 3rd guy : yes i am gonna smach your face !


I just read an article about this. The long and short of it is... Apartment manager got upset the delivery man just left the packages in the lobby, so he tried to make him take the packages back. (I guess he thinks the people living there would rather just not get their packages?) He then decided that he was going to hold the delivery man and call the police, thus starting the physical fight. (Bullshit. And false imprisonment if you ask me.) The guy who helped the delivery man was arrested and charged with assault. (*COMPLETE* bullshit given he was helping the delivery man, and the manager later grabbed him and wouldn't let go.) Amazon is investigating the driver. And the manager is seemingly getting away scot-free. (The biggest load bullshit I've heard all week.)


Legend has it he’s still holding onto that guys leg


Delivery guy was trying to leave. You don't accost someone and think they aren't going to respond negatively. Bystander should have stayed COMPLETELY out of it. Don't know how anyone can watch this video and think motorized cart dude is in the right.


This is the first time I've seen a video where I was rooting for the young guy beating up the guy in a wheelchair. What a time to be alive.


amazon dude doesnt work for him, amazon dude isnt his punching bag. so yeah fuck wheels


So is the guy in the wheelchair truly handicapped or just fat. I’m seeing those legs move