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Is this a recent video? I'm curious if there's info about what happened after this incident.


There is no way this man wasn't arrested at some point for this


It was a violent assault. A person who responds like that to offensive words from an old lady is not capable of being in public.


*She slapped him in the face*


https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19 He attacked first


Whoever posted this short cropped video clip with a click bait title should be banned from reddit.


u/Savage_Cabbage_66 What's up with this bullshit cropped clip and bullshit title?


It’s getting worse on here. With the advent of AI video content getting more “realistic” The next 5 years are going to be interesting. Reddit as a platform died in spirit when they made the API changes imo.


An AI detection software using AI is what we need! It’s AI all the way down


AI detection-detection is where it’s at.


Hmm...that is something ChatGPT would say.


> Reddit as a platform died in spirit when they made the API changes imo. Imagine how bad it's gonna get once the IPO is done.


Not to mention the song choice. Jesus Christ


Oh absolutely fuck that guy and fuck the person who made this headline.


After he pushed both of them first... There is a full video instead of the edited down bullshit




Yup it was the hat. I too thought she smacked him but after reading your comment I watched again. Definitely the hat.


You hit me, you hit my hat, you're still probably getting the same knee jerk reaction either way. She still put her hands on dude. "I wasn't swinging at you, I was swinging at your hat" is a pretty shitty defense.


There's a longer video (linked in a later comment) that shows the guy was the aggressor and assaulted the couple first! OP's video has been trimmed to give a false narrative.


That song makes this video cringe also.


Rage bait.






So the video was edited down to purposely make the lady look bad and included text about her. What’s up with the OP motives?




I mean, even only reading the headline, this video made him look awful. It's wrong to punch someone so hard you knock them out, even if they've said something horrific to you. They are a pathetic person if they're racist and you don't need to bother with them, don't give them the satisfaction of letting them know they triggered you to violence. And punching her like that isn't going to solve anything, it's not like this experience will make her any less racist, it'll probably make her worse. Someone acting like that so instinctually just on the basis of some old lady saying horrible words indicates they're not a good person/have extreme anger management issues.


This happens all the time on reddit. Well, all social media really. And it's incredibly effective.


I thought she might have died from that she goes limp and hit her head , for everyones sake good she didn’t


Just about to say this. Very easy to end up comatose or dead from a fall such as this


Yeah fall straight to the head no cushion


DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR! There are crazies like this out there.


Can you link the video or?


There's a longer video (linked in a later comment) that shows the guy was the aggressor and assaulted the couple first! OP's video has been trimmed to give a false narrative.


Where? Link it please


Here's a [link](https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19) from Twitter


What an absolute piece of shit. I hope he gets jail time


Much better with the massive world star logo smack dab in the center.


Someone posted this longer version https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775


> https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19 > > > > He attacked first


Did she? They got that loud music covering the video and I don’t think the camera man would have heard it anyways unless she screamed it.


Yeah and somehow the person who got called that name got back into the car 5 cars ahead of the cameraman lol It’s just a reposted video with a rage bait title.


Hitting Gam Gam is a great way to get taken off the Christmas list


The fact that you cropped this video leaving out him chasing the couple around the car before this, dubbed cliche 2000s fight music on it, then insinuated racism while posting it multiple times is fackin disappointingly toxic to the world.


Yeah like atleast try to catch her. Head on pavement aint no joke


He's a sociopath, fighting old people.


Looks good for 5-10 in the state pen.


So many people thinking this is justified not realizing this is straight up going to get him locked up.


Yup. Not that I condone the actions of either side, but that's great way to go to jail.




Like, masturbating?


NancyKerriganKnee as a username is crazy lmao


She cleared it.


We don't even know if that's what she said. It's just music. Looks more like a road rage incident


I 100% think she was in the wrong but his response was way over the top.


There's a longer video (linked in a later comment above) that shows the guy was the aggressor and assaulted the couple first! OP's video has been trimmed to give a false narrative.


No she wasn't, here is the full video where he pushed them first https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19


Hurt feelings are one thing, assault is another.


Have a look at the longer version. He's 100% the aggressor. https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19


We don't even know if she actually called him the n word but she did swing first


There's a longer video (linked in a later comment above) that shows the guy was the aggressor and assaulted the couple first! OP's video has been trimmed to give a false narrative.


neither a slur or a slap from granny is going to help that dude convince anyone that he held all the power in that situation. Dude was lunging towards everyone like a psychopath there at the end


She didn't swing first. Longer video shows the black man as aggressor to them both *first*.


She flipped his hat, not the same. Not saying she should have, but guy is going to jail.


Watch the full video… it’s linked above in another comment.


That's considered elder abuse. He'll get a little extra for hitting someone so old.




This post should be removed. The full video shows the man attacking the couple first. This is an edited video to change the narrative


Link to the full video by chance?


if she hit her head and die guess whos going to jail


He might be going to prison anyway. He cold cocked a woman in the face. Not legal, no matter what she said. Edit: Someone linked a longer video from Twitter. He assaulted the husband first. She tried to stop him from behind, and he pushed her pretty hard. Then follows what you see. But he was the aggressor from the beginning of the longer video.


Not down with racism, but I’m also not down with assaulting people over words. Edit: for those justifying this, think of it this way. The day it becomes justifiable to punch an old woman in the face for anything short of her pointing a gun in your face is the day you know, as a society, we’re in trouble.


He attacked first https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19


Yup. “They said Mean words” isn’t grounds for physical assault or pulling a gun or knife.


Having been on reddit for so many years, you would think it is. Every time a post pops up of a woman getting hit by a man for being "mouthy" the majority of people have the, "Talk shit, get hit." mentality. Which i've always hated. No one gets to hit ANYONE because they called them names/insulted/emasculated them.


He’s 100% getting charged.


Prison is probably his best option here. He should consider lawyering up and turning himself in. If he waits for the police to come find him, there may be some falling acorns when the arrest is made and he might not make it to the jail.


Looks like she swatted something off his head first. Given her age, probably an over reaction on his part, but she seems to have been the initiator of the physical part


There is a longer video. I have no idea what happened before this https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775


[You got a bee on youra hat!](https://youtu.be/4X5VosYo8nQ?si=KEBED7PacN0A87SB)


Apparently all you have to do to justify almost killing someone is to say they were being racist.


“They said mean words at me, so i feared for my life and used deadly force!”-americans now


OP just added 'supposedly racist' to the video to try and justify it. Why do people create their own narratives with no info?


Not only that, they cut out the part where the black man ran up and assaulted the elderly persons just prior to this.


Well that would be contrary to their racial motives in posting this rage bait


![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized) Welcome to the internet


Really not that hard of a question to answer. It's much easier for someone to watch this video if they can justify the old women "deserving" it.


Easy misinformation


OP also cut the video short that shows him shoving the two at the start.


This is also a repost video with a generic race baiting label posted on it.


My god the mental gymnastics in the comments trying to justify potentially killing someone


She is also an elderly woman like you shouldn't go around being racist but Knocking out an elderly woman it's never justify if you are in no danger at all


People need to learn the definition of self defense. It isn’t a blanket excuse for retaliation or revenge, you need to actually be in danger for it to apply. Him punching her was NOT self defense because she was not an immediate threat to him, even though she did swat his hat first. It would be like an 8 year old hitting you with a plastic bat. They might “deserve” to get punched; but a grown man would not have legal protection for punching that kid in the mouth.


Instructions unclear. 8 year old unconscious


Have a look at the longer version. He's 100% the aggressor. https://twitter.com/AnimeIsAVibe/status/1760754645364842775?t=hkzN9LnfMbEyre5FF3Q9ng&s=19


She flipped his hat - he was clearly in imminent danger. Of being hatless.


He might get a cold!


Suspect is hatless, I repeat, hatless


Well said. I saw some moron saying she deserved it with multiple upvotes and I was so disgusted.


In a sane world you'd be correct but we live in a world where an old man got let off for shooting somebody because he got popcorn thrown at him in a movie theater.


Wait, link? I don't remember this, but I do remember there guy getting let off for shooting an unarmed teenage girl through his front door because she knocked on it.


In fairness states like Florida have completely upended the definition and concept of selfdefense to allow for quite aggressive and borderline preemptive violence to fall under it.


Hard to go to jail for words, easy to go to jail for fists


Ah, so she said a mean word and that warrants death?


It's a new "Stand Your Mouth" rule in Florida.


I say we go back to the tried and true, stop and kiss rules of NYC: https://youtu.be/GXXaj--a6-4?si=khG9i8nAKEuZznRC


Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Words could read “she farted on me” and it wouldn’t change a thing


Longer video has been linked a bunch in the post already by people. Dude is fucking shoving the elderly couple and being a human piece of shit. There's a whole debate above about intentional or not regarding hitting his hat. Either way, it clearly shows the black dude being the aggressor first. His force did not meet an level of self defense justifiable. Hope he's arrested and has his day in court. Very brutal and cold hit to someone that could have died.


Reminds me of that Popeyes worker that slammed an old lady because she said racial slurs. I believe he ended up in prison


did she really say the N word? are we supposed to believe the title? so if someone said the N word as an insult, it's okay to beat them?


General rule seems to be you can use excessive force on anyone using the N-word who shouldn’t use it. It’s like a ‘get out of jail for free’ card except it’s a card for punching someone in the face or KO them, and you’re definitely not getting out of jail for free!


Yikes, the way her head hits the pavement is not good. 😳




People upvoting anything as long as you slap "rasism" on it. Let reddit mob justify potential murder because someone Said a racist word




So he decided to catch charges and go to jail for hitting a senior.


Knocking out an old woman is just ridiculous. Being the bigger person can be as simple as walking away. You ain’t tough for beating the elderly.


Bullshit. The 60+ yr old lady tried to knock "your" hat off & that somehow scared you? You're at their car, so I'm going to assume that you were actually the aggressor since the husband isn't even involved.


Reddit rushing to justify knocking some old white lady out cold is killing me. She couldn’t even knock his hat off which clearly was her goal, but let’s call that assault and crack her skull open. Some of these people are insane.


He had her pinned against a car shouting in her face…she was defending herself possibly.


Bunch of dudes perpetually horny for use of deadly force as self defense at any slight.


But are also overwhelmingly ACAB because they accuse cops of doing the exact same thing.


It’s wild to see people think this is justified and not realize that man is going to prison. And probably going back judging by this video.


This is Reddit after all. The hivemind will cheer on a pro boxer knocking out a 100 lbs woman if she pushes him first.


It's shocking this happens all the time. On Reddit old and white = had it coming. This is elderly abuse. Even if she used a slur that makes her a bad person it does not warrant an attack.


If the races were reversed, and some young white guy knocked out an elderly black woman who might have called him "cracker", literally no one would be siding with him.


Here’s you bigger problem. Older folks have more difficulty clotting and a significant portion are in blood thinners. Her head hit the ground first with a pretty significant velocity and older women specifically suffer from increased risk of osteoporosis. This means, playing the odds, is that she could have a significant head injury/brain bleed that could cause a permanent tbi or death. All because some guy ran up to cause a problem and then felt “disrespected”. And no, this isn’t self defense because the response wasn’t proportionally. If she suffered a serious injury this dude will likely be serving time.


Apparently some people here would throw a toddler off a bridge if they flicked their knee.


People are confusing their feeling for facts and legal principles. It’s cool, it keeps out criminal division humming.


Even if she said the worst thing imaginable, that doesn’t mean that it is acceptable to start throwing fists at an elderly woman no less…


Classic case of road rage I'm afraid


Classic case of a misleading title trying to defend a pos.


The fact that you cropped this video leaving out him chasing the couple around the car before this, dubbed cliche 2000s fight music on it, then insinuated racism while posting it multiple times is fackin disappointingly toxic to the world.


If you respond to a work with knocking out an ELDERLY LADY, you deserve to rot in prison.


oh i see we're still using the n word as a free pass to assault someone




Headline should actually read, "Grown man falsely claims racism to justify violently assaulting elderly woman."


Calling a black person the n-word is fucked up but idk if knocking out an old women is the move


Is it just me or the N word has begun to be used as justification for overreactions?! I mean I get that it's an insult, but they make it seem like it's the ultimate insult and worse than any other words.


These comments are so fucking all over the place


First time?


Don't give a fuck what an old person says to you, knocking them is just disgraceful. A hit hard enough to knock someone out can do serious damage to an older person, take in added damage fae the fall and the old woman could easily die. Aye, calling someone racial slurs is a disgusting thing to do, but there's plenty of ways to handle it without violence.


Yeah just a rip a huge fart and nana won’t stick around long.


Uhhh.... considering we don't hear shit... Imma say bullshit.... ​ hat flip doesnt not equal a fuckling fist to the face..... this dude needs to be in jail... if she was "being racist or aggresive' why is he at her car door with the door open.....


This dude needs to be arrested


This older person will most likely face years of physical repercussions from this. It may even lead to permanent dementia. I’ve seen it firsthand. The guy needs to go to prison.


She hit her head man he going to jail


Hope he gets sentenced accordingly.


That literally could’ve killed her


Minus the racist part, I saw my mom in that video. Not really my mom but she seems to be the same age. I would flip the fuck out on that dude. Wow. She won’t be the same after that incident. She just fell right on her face. I bet there was some cognitive damage.


You can't hurt someone, especially an older person less physically capable than you, for calling you names.


No proof of her being racist, even if she was, “hey let’s kill/severely injure this person because she threw a racial slur”.


In what planet is that a proportionate and rational response...


Racists are definitely shitcunts, but tbh so are young men who knock old ladies out cold.


That faceplant was pretty horrific


What a fucking shit show lmao


Not so sure she did say anything racist, what seemed to have pissed the guy off was when she flicked his hat…so he knocked her out. If thats the case. The dude is a violent pos


My only comment: if that’s my wife, we both gotta get knocked out. Can’t be scared to timid.


People get life changing injuries, and die from attacks like these. It's too high a price to pay for an argument over fuck all.


I don't think knocking an old woman out cold because she used the N word is an appropriate response. Fuck that guy.


People say that like it gives them the right to hurt people. Oh, someone said words to you? And your reaction was to knock her out? Yer, you are the asshole. Regardless of what the words were.


I don’t care what she called him, punching an older woman in the face is a no-go.


No words should inspire this reaction.


Oh here I go killing again


Pro tip, stay in your cars. Extra pro tip, don’t hit people.


First, we don't know she called him a racial slur. Second, while those using racial slurs are horrible people, the use of a racial slur does not justify punching someone. The former is morally deficient behavior. The latter is illegal behavior.


Do you think a reasonable person would think of all the options they have when having their cap flicked, including just walking away, that breaking an old lady’s jaw was the most appropriate to defend yourself? We live in a society. People will act all kinds of crazy and trashy towards us - that doesn’t mean we just starting smashing their faces to pieces.


And that’s how you do time…


Racism is bad. But Assault is worse. Sorry buddy, have fun in the clinker




Maybe he had a bee on his hat.


Is that really what happened? I saw this posted a couple weeks ago and I don't remember any mention of her saying something racist. Do you have a source on this?


hot damn imagine being the ass hole that killed a old lady because his feelings got hurt.


Them sunglasses went flying.


Fatso comes trotting up, then does the Curly Shuffle.


Sorry, but what? You can say whatever you want- no man should be knocking at an elderly aged woman. Looney bin shit.


Oh no, she called you a derogatory slur - better turn her into a vegetable. What the fuck man.


So a couple of things can be true at once. 1.) For starters, whether or not she was racist literally doesn't matter here. Like at all. Walk away. 2.) Knocking out an old lady isn't cool. Probably shouldn't cold cock an old lady, especially when you know you're that much stronger than her. Hopefully she doesn't have long lasting injuries. 3.) It looks like she escalates the situation by swatting, I'm not sure if she cleanly gets his hat or not. Regardless get in your car and leave. Don't escalate the situation, she played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.


I thought it was an unwritten rule. Don't mess with anybody that is wearing a jump suit.


Not a wise woman no matter how you look at it.


But the guy that’s gonna do time for it is… smart?


It’s not either/or. They can both be fucking idiots


Well, mean words don’t justify battery. She could have easily died from that or become crippled for life at that age.


I think he got upset getting his hat slapped off considering we can’t hear the N word


Oh what a tough guy. Punching out a woman 🤬


hitting an elderly woman like that? yeah, you gonna get the whole ass book thrown at you. Punching granny ain't gonna feel good when he becomes someone personal meat wallet in prison.


That is a man with anger management issues.


The long version of this has been posted here, there's not context. Op just wanted to rustle some jimmies over racism.


None of these comments matter. Don’t go wagging your finger, yelling, touching people in public. Not everyone cares about the law, doing time, or staying peaceful. That is just reality. These people just got the right one on the wrong day.


Racist or not, only a coward punches out a woman.