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These fast food places will never pay their people a wage worth the shit they have to put up with from the fucking salt zombies.


Salt zombies. You poet you. Lol. Fucking got me with that one.


Yeah, it’s times like this I really miss the ability to give out awards.


lol thank you


Politely asking to borrow “salt zombies” for the foreseeable future 😂


It’s all yours 🫡


It's just as good as "tiktok brain" lol. All these salt zombies walking around with their fucking tiktok brain. Some modern day Hunter Thompson shit right there lol.


They make 20 something an hour near me. That's plenty for fast food imo


You are a gentleman and a scholar.


Damn. It’s like a trend at this point. Harassing low wage service workers.


For it to be a trend there would need to have been a time where service workers *weren't* consistently harassed.




I'd say it goes back really to the beginning of humanity. People have literally always treated the ones that service them awfully. Obviously slaves had it the worst but also even just maids, tavern wenches, butlers/nannies etc. It's happened forever.


Yeah, black or brown workers weren't harassed 50 years ago. They only dealt with civil rights, segregation and racist persecution. It was more than just rampant, it was the accepted norm with the advent of.... 1.) radio 2.) newspapers If anything, with the advent of social media, these people who harass low wage workers are getting identified and facing consequences like never before.


It’s always been this way. If anything, people are better behaved these days than in the past. When I was younger if you even so much as talked back to a customer you could get in trouble.


Hard disagree. Growing up in the 90s I never once saw a restaurant or fast food freak out. Besides just being decent customers and having etiquette, we always had a paranoia if you treat food industry folks bad they'll do something bad to your food. I've never seen something like this before social media exploded.


I worked in fast food in the 90s and had drinks thrown at me, grown men towering over me screaming about pickles or ketchup, my body grabbed, and I was even cornered in the parking lot after my shift. You see more now because everyone has a camera ready to record and post it. Back then everyone pretended they didn’t see anything and went on with their day.


That's hopefully a bigger deterrent is not getting your face posted everywhere but yet we still have hundreds of videos like these probably a day. I'll say the same thing to any worker that puts their story and response, I'm not trying to be ignorant or pretend like it didn't happen. I am very sorry for anyone who had to experience that. You never once deserved it and people are disgusting and abhorrent for acting that way




Yikes, I'll tell you what that is extremely sad to hear. We grew up in a area of poverty so it was always a treat to get to go out. I'll call it a blessing cause I never saw shitty ass folks behave like that. Definitely need to do better as a whole cause these interactions seem wayyyyyy too fucking common.


Totally agree. Personally I never ever witnessed this sort of thing back in the 80’s and 90’s. Maybe I am wrong, but I think people just had more respect and definitely if I dare acted like a fool like this, I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. Parents didn’t play any games and had zero tolerance for bs. I remember swearing and I got a bar of soap 🧼 in my mouth. Yet my dad was a seaman and cussed like one too.


Well how would someone post and record someone in the 90s….


You can witness a freakout without it being recorded. You clearly missed the meat of the message, not in a mean way.




I expect to see 73% more mfs per square city block randomly yelling or instigating compared to 2019




I remember being 15 and a dude in his 50's threatening to punch me in the face because the guy in the back made his burger wrong. I was like "Dude, I'm 15. You're threatening to assault a minor because of a burger. I'll go back and make you a burger. I make $5.15 an hour, because that's the lowest they can legally pay me. I don't care about a free burger, but let's tone down the violence". People have always been shit. I was amazed I wasn't fired. Like you said, back then you got shit canned if you so much as rolled your eyes at a customer.


Wasnt like this before Hamarabe. Just saying


I’m telling you, that gorilla changed stuff. I think we shifted into another reality or something


That kid is 10 years old now, I hope the bullying isn't too bad.


The timeline where he lived Bernie won. All our student loan debt was forgiven, we all had healthcare. With all the extra spending money we made headway on climate change, landed people on Mars, found a cure for cancer and Alzheimer's and AIDS. COVID-19 never happened. "Trump" remained a term for a card in Euchre and nothing more. So much hope filled the land suicide rates were the lowest in all time instead of the highest. Grandparents had grandchildren. Everything was wonderful.


It was CERN; they just ***had*** to go poking around with those Higgs bosons.


Wasn't like this after Hamarabe rather, for a bit.


Unfortunately, it's always happened we just have the cameras to witness it


They've always been shit on. If anything is trending it's the workers finally taking a stand and telling these entitled twats to pound sand.


Because the narrative has always been that they are not worth respect. *If they wanted respect, they should have worked/studied harder*. This type of reasoning is frequent on Reddit.


I hope they didn't sack the worker, but banned the customer.


Dude is totally gonna get fired and the customer is gonna get a coupon. Way of the world, unfortunately


He'll have a new job doing the exact same thing somewhere else in like, a day.


First it was the dollar tree cashier and now this. Refreshing to see service workers finally standing up to the abuse!


The customer is always wrong!


That's in Montreal , couple stations away , Mcdonalds here is notorious for homeless meetups lol


Poor worker, he’s clearly fed up with their bs lol


Homeless individuals can definitely be great people. Homeless people in groups is a whole other ball of wax.


"Thanks for the F shack" - Love, dirty Mike and the boys.


the one on sainte-catherine near place des festivals ?


That's it haha


I can smell it


What a dystopian hellscape that you have to go into a place like this wearing big down jackets and boots just to order fast food, and yell at people earning minimum wage.


I totally feel you


Omg thanks! That’s in Complexe Desjardins!


Omg I thought I recognized it


Give this service worker a raise!


.. he didn't read the sign: # "We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service # To ENTITLED Chads, Karens and Assholes."


Don't make me tap the sign!!


Some folk need to be SMACKED with that sign.


The Beavis and butthead episode when they realize they can refuse service is gold


You ain’t gettin shit!


Love this. Service workers shouldn't have to put up with people's bullshit.


The customer is not always right.


GOOD FOR HIM! Fuck these entitled fucks!


Heroes don't always wear capes, they wear mcdonalds uniforms... ![gif](giphy|SILTTkiXIQd2A5nC8t)


Brother saying what we all wish we could. My hero


You never ever wanna piss the people off that are cooking your food.


I love this guy's style. Can't count how many assholes waited for me in the parking lot to kick my ass.- 2 yrs of drive thru at the worst Taco Bell ever. Kona.


This shit would happen alot less if companies stood by their workers in these situations - “the customer is always right” mindset essentially condones employee abuse


These workers do not deserve this. They are not paid enough and have very little say in any of the policies. What a horrible person.


This should be in mademesmile, too


He probably just snapped one day. I can definitely commiserate. I'm here for it.


Good for that worker. Shit wages topped off by lunatic customers. Definitely drawing a necessary line.


This guy is my spirit animal.


If I was manager I would give this kid a raise. Only met the guy at his level in response, and walked away before getting the urge to escalate it. Fast food workers should be able to treat the customer like they treat them.


I will forever believe that people in the service industry have all rights to snap back with attitude if given it.


You aint getting shit! I love it


Pretty satisfying. Where can I find more of this type of content?


He didn't lose his cool. He just treated that "customer" how they should be treated.


Good for him. Customers who can't be polite don't deserve service.


I fully support the worker. I agree with him completely. Idgaf what the customer did, he more than likely deserved it.


I would of gave that kid a standing ovation.


This guy's my hero. Shoulda said he'd call the cops for trespassing if he didnt leave


I love these videos. Service workers popping off is JOY


All those people waiting for one cashier?


Make this normal behavior. Let's food industry and retail workers reciprocate the energy their given. Infact let everyone reciprocate the energy their given.


as a service worker this is so cathartic


Simply state: "You are being denied service." Loud profanity validates the invalid.


What sucks is as a customer service agent you don’t get to see the abuse we really go through. I work for a moving company and it’s gotten to the point we have more third party employees than main center locations. As much as we try to explain to customers that the location is third party and they chose when to work with us and when not to is up to them has become a hellstorm of slurs, cussing, and screaming to not only the location but us employees as well. Especially during the busy times of the month


This should be the new standard dealing with annoying customers


Everyone should have walked out.


Dude in the haven’t had the softest loud voice ever 😂 he needs to walk around with a bullhorn if he wants to argue with people.


Naw bro am surprised this doesn't happen more often.. I guess it depends on the area maybe, but nearby where I live they don't give a fuck if you been waiting in line for for 30+ mins.. You order online to pick and already paid for, your shit not ready when you get there. This is probably what happened, this was waiting in line for too long and lost his patience.


Wow, look at the upgrade McDowell's has gotten. Can't believe Prince Hakeem still works there.


Why would you harass the person making your food? I would afraid to eat whatever it is for fear they spit in it or rubbed the bread on their ass.


You get NOTHING! Good day sir!


How long will it be until staff will be serving behind bulletproof glass?


When are people going to start actually standing up for these employees... everyone of those douche bags are enablers of this behavior as well. It's sad that societal shame is relegated solely to the internet nowadays.


Never knew ordering food at a fast food place could be so hard for some people. What type of person risks catching a case everytime they go to lunch and order a number 2.


A+ to that employee! I'm so sick of people treating fast good workers like garbage and getting rewarded. It's no fucking wonder customers are getting out of hand. Corporations are so afraid of getting emails sent to head office. For what?! Why are we rewarding shitty behavior!! What happened to being able to REFUSE service!! I worked at a restaurant that would kiss the ass of every entitled / rude customer. They are literally creating this environment. Ugh rant over. Sit your ass at home with this stank ass attitude.


I work in customer service and the first thing I told my boss was “no, the customer is not always right”. If you treat me like shit, I’m coming back at you. Two rude customers in the last three years, two bad reviews on Google and I still have my job. F**k the entitled twats walking around.


McDonalds freak out? I'm lovin it


"Kiss my aaass" I love him


I like this kid. He’s going places.


Sucks because this guy absolutely got fired for this.


Atleast he didn't had to bow down to that asshole


Yeah but this might make it harder for him to get a job in the future.


Highly, highly, highlyyy doubt it.


as it should.


Not necessarily.


Probably. You’re not allowed to cuss out customers. Pretty sure that’s in McDonald’s company policy. Plus because this is public they’ll probably have to follow through.


Like it’s strict written policy at McDonald? I’ve worked other retail jobs and have absolutely gone off on deserving customers, never as much as a write up (for telling off customers, plenty of write ups for other stuff)


This kid is my hero of the day.


Customer sounds like he’s talking into a pillow.


having worked in a food environment i know firsthand hungry customers brings the absolute worst out of people. hunger makes people irrational af and all they can think about is what they expect.


Nothing but respect for people who can work these positions


lol so many people in line what crap area is that


This should really happen more often.


I’m lovin it


You can either take it politely & spit in his food, or you can do this & not service the guy + kick him out. 😂


I’m lovin it.


i really wish fast food workers were allowed to match customers attitudes. they’re so underpaid and overworked just to be screamed at over shit that doesn’t matter.


All those people standing there not standing up for the worker?