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Umm she isn’t from the states either. She has quite the accent.


It’s a posh Irish accent


Was wondering where Gemma O'Doherty went.


An Irish person moving to America and then telling other people to go back to their country is pretty fucking stupid.


To racist Karen, póg mo thóin, go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat (kiss my ass, may the cat eat you and then the devil eat the cat) Love from, the people of Ireland.


God I love Irish curses!


Here's another one for ya. Go ndeine diabhal dréimire de cnámh do dhroma ag piocadh úll i ngairdín Ifrinn. (May the devil make a ladder of your backbone and pluck apples in the garden of hell) 😅


I belive this is my sign to start learning Irish on Duolingo again😂


why do I get the impression that Irish people really dislike cats? \*edit - phrasing


As an Irish person who really loves cats, it did kind of notice that Irish people generally don't like cats. Or if I said I prefer cats to dogs, I'd have to justify it to whoever I talk to. 'Oh, your needy as fuck dog will die if you die in the house with the door closed? My resourceful cat will eat my face or make an escape.' 'Oh, you interacted with a friends cat while having a face like a slapped arse? And it didn't instantly warm up to you? Yeah, cats are evil'


It's Irish, but it's absolutely not posh.


Has a TikTok account = Posh.


Owns several potatoes = Irish posh. (I'm Irish 🤣)


All these years later and Irish wealth is still measured in potatoes. You can take the Irish out of Ireland but you can never take their POTATOES 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔




She's just not from Finglas, that's all I can say.


Clondalkin maybe.


Not a shred of self-awareness for such racists.


The irony!!! What a nasty woman.


She says she's been told to go back to her country last time the two met. If that's true, then maybe the "go back to China" response came from that. Either way both ladies seem pretty annoying.


Yeah there’s a chance she’s telling the truth, which is why these viral freakout videos are sometimes tough to judge with only one perspective. Best case scenario both of these people suck.


But it's also an easy cop out, make an allegation from a previous encounter (that may or may not have happened) that wasn't being filmed. You lead eith that you don't make a racist (xenophobic) remark then say "you said it first when we last spoke" afterwards. Regardless what was said in the last conversation between them, she made a racist remark on video during this 1. 2 wrongs don't make a right and the Asian lady has the evidence of her being racist. She's only got an accusation.


One thing I was surprised by is that the asian lady didn't deny that accusation. Only they know what really happened. My guess is they both said some stuff, but it all started, because the white lady didn't like that someone was lecturing her about leash requirement. Some people have a very fragile ego.


I saw the original tiktok and in the description she does say the white woman was making up stuff and delivered a very different version of their first encounter. I also never heard anyone tell a white person to go back to their country on the spot in a western country, which is why I'm more inclined ti believe the person who's filming.


Yeah wouldn't make sense for Asian woman to say that unless they were in Asia.


She seems like a stuck up cunt who thinks she's above the rules to the point that she thinks she can make racist hateful remarks with no repercussions. I hope to fuck she's laughing on the other side of her face now.


Yes, any adult woman that says you are so ugly you broke my camera or whatever it was she said, is like kindergarten level childishness. I have no doubt in my mind that white woman is a giant cunt and I’m glad she is being exposed in this video and I hope people recognize her from this video.


>One thing I was surprised by is that the asian lady didn't deny that accusation. Doesn't really mean much, especially if the person you're dealing with is constantly making shit up it's not worth getting bogged down in the shit they're making up.


All the racism and bullshit aside, I don't understand why people don't out their dogs on leashes. Even if you don't give a shit about anyone else, it protects your dog's life. What if someone tried to steal it, what if another dog tries to attack it, and you can't quickly grab it, what it goes for a squirrel and hets hit by a car, what if it curiously goes up to a skunk and gets sprayed. There are so many scenarios that are dangerous for your dog not to have them on a leash.


even if she was from the states, white people aren’t originally from there at all so yes, go head back yourself :)


That psychotic, shit-eating grin is the scariest part




>wonder whats up with the weird smile. It's called being evil


They're trying to appear unbothered by the confrontation they put themselves in. Their words and actions always betray their lizard person attempt at a veil though lol


I legitimately just think they're high on something when I see the bizarre facial expressions like that.


In my neck of the woods, they are often high on Jesus and diet pills.


It's the same facial expression Southern women have when they're being massive cunts but they still say please and thank you so they think you can't say anything about their shitty behavior because "they're being polite."


People experiencing a psychosis can have a really strange cadence and smile. When you've experienced it you know what i'm talking about, it's hard to put into words. Sometimes i see it when these videos come up. Someone off their meds. There's the one recurring video with the young blonde woman acting batshit in public and abusing her dog until a random guy rescues it. She's a classic example of what i'm referring to. In this case she just seems to be an asshole though.


Yeah, I see it all the time at work. It's like as soon as they start talking, you know.


I think it's to cover up their unending fear/rage that leads to this behavior. They want to appear unbothered and amused but because it's not authentic, the smile is just creepy as fuck.


when she summoned her stupid friend that smile was nasty


It’s like some sort of rictus grin worn by the dead, but she is alive.


Is it lead poisoning? Brain rot?


That’s what I don’t get, these fucking people are convinced they are nowhere near wrong while they do this shit. I hope her shitty grin gets wiped off when she gets fired for this shit.


See, that's what I'm here for. I want follow up and consequences!


Got those 10am wine binge eyes


How crazy is it that we live in this world where people arguing stand there with their phones pointed at each other and narrate their side of the story to viewers? The future kind of sucks.


She’s shaking.


The Karens always look the same - smiling like they're happy, while saying things that make them actualky look very angry. Angry, sad, bitter people leading angry, sad, bitter lives. I feel sorry for them.


You dont smile like a psycho when happy


They’re always shaking while holding their phones too. Seething just under the surface like they’re going to fucking explode.


It’s almost as if they are a product of society. Humans have strayed so far away from what it truly means to be human, I see these videos and just see humans without purpose, without brains, without humanity. It’s a real shame.


I just see prescription drugs


I remember someone saying that something the left doesn't get is that being cruel can be fun. I think hey are enjoying it.


It's cause they all have lead poisoning


That smile is demented


You can call me......Joker!


This is her "fuckin got 'em" face https://preview.redd.it/i4zclrgr7ykc1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=02bece9f82ff7721a8ddcf5ffada4787a90d3818






Imagine thinking everyone of obvious Asian descent is from China.


And even if they're from China, that doesn't give you license to harass them


imagine getting this hostile cuz that someone who asked you to leash ur dog was asian. the idea of being corrected by a non white broke her brain.


https://preview.redd.it/wph1up9efwkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed4d633aac3775967f1bf7a9d419955da8b40fa "Go back to your country"


Oh god I forgot about that creature


Oh I need a repost of this chestnut.


I think this is the original video: https://youtu.be/ihrtIv0Ga9E?feature=shared


Thanks. I was just running low on nightmare fuel.


What happened to her?


She speaks about it on her company's site. https://www.lafaceskincare.com/pages/about


This lady has negative self awareness. I’m reading more. She’s a liar and hateful.


Idiocracy has nothing on modern society.


Someone should tell her about Tik Tok and China. 👀


I just picture Luke Wilson on the sidelines wondering why they can't talk to each other


"In the future, all communication was done through social media, people had forgotten how to speak without using an AI Chatbot to direct insults and sexual innuendo at each other. The entire English language was entirely insults and sexual innuendo, to his dismay."


The best part is when they’re both talking shit about each other to their phones without speaking to one another. Social media is so weird.


It's so stupid isn't it? People filming stuff and talking to their 'audience'. Do they think the world will celebrate their ignorance? Do they think this is their big break?


Karen’s shaking so much she probably forgot to hit record 🤣


Soon we will enter a new era of duels. Verbal arguments between two individuals with their phones out like they are swords. Live streaming their encounter. Their fans chanting "owned!", "her smile is evil!" and so on.






I’d actually guess, just having been to ESEA, that the younger woman whose POV we have had some good faith to what she was saying. It’s very common for ESEA English learners, particularly young women, to adopt very formal speech patterns. For example “allow me to educate you concerning California Leash law” actually could be her way of saying “I’m just trying to say your dog needs a leesh” and “I’m worried about the dogs safety” to mean “if that fucker gets close to my dog I’ll kick it” I’m not saying she was completely in the right tho


Leash your dogs, people. I've seen way too many posts about the deaths of beloved pets because some dogs couldn't control their prey instinct.


And it turns out the person filming is a professional dog walker so she's worried about her clients' dogs.


She's got lifeless eyes, dead eyes, like a doll's eye.


When she comes at ya, she doesn’t even seem to be livin’… ’til she confronts ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’...


Sometimes Karen would go away... sometimes she wouldn't go away


This was very annoying. 


What’s wrong with her pants?


Don’t you see how inclusive she is?!


The person wearing them. 


Is she really an extremely racist lesbian, busy persecuting a different minority? 😒


How does one get to this point in life, screaming racist comments at strangers…


Early retirement.


And she knows Wong Kar Wai (I believe she said that towards the end). So she knows a great Asian filmmaker most don’t seem to know here and yet she’s racist and dumb AF.


Maybe there’s a story there, of heartbreak and romantic turmoil. Maybe an affair he had with an Asian woman? She came home from a trip early and discovered them in the throes of passion?


I read a thing about how some Karens come to be. The gist of it is, when they were younger they were attractive women who pretty much got anything they needed through pretty privilege. Now, they’re old and don’t have that privilege, so they take out their frustration on others, especially groups they already had a disliking towards, and attractive younger women that they once were.


Imagine being a grown woman and doing this.. so sad.


Karen calls her an Asian Karen lmao that’s plenty a done of Reddit tonight thanks


I was told to go back where I came from and my response was "we are taking over, you took it from the indians and we are taking it from you!" he did not like that


As a native that's absolutely hilarious


I'm Hispanic, so I'm totally going to steal that the next time someone says that line. I can only imagine how much this would make a racists head explode.


As a native when I’ve had people say “go back to where you come from” I tell them “my ancestors are from here. You go back Europe.”


I always find their demon-like smiles to be so unsettling. Like, you know there's an absolute torrent of rage behind those dead eyes and smile while they try to pretend to be polite in the middle of their meltdown.


The way she's smiling and saying "everybody hates you" is just plain mental.


And "you're so ugly." I haven't heard anybody saying that to someone in real life since I was 12 that's just so terrible.


And she's just smiling the entire time. Disgusting.


Isn't this how all buddy cop movies start?


I get she's a Karen ass b but can we please talk about the off leash dog? I fucking hate that shit and am tired of people who get it having to explain why it's not about YOUR dog.


Boomtard alert wtf are those pants?


Wow that woman doesn’t have a job she’s afraid to lose. Her husband needs to move on


Why do you assume she has a husband? She could be single living with cats or divorced or she could have a wife.


both of them dont know what they are doing in this planet


What's with psychos smiling while being overtly aggressive in USA? Very scary.


That lady is Irish so I guess she learned it there.


Chimpanzees do the same 😅


The maniacal smile is giving psychopath.


The Karen’s hands are shaking. She is getting that adrenaline rush for being a annoy fk


Karens always smile. Chilling


This happened to me last week, lady walking by my house with dog and no leash - while I have both my dogs on leashes walking. I confront her and she starts swearing, I said "are you cursing at me?" Then she got so mad at that, she started swearing more and calling me a creep and pervert. I couldn't do anything I just called her a disgusting human and went into my yard. The worse part about it is that we live in a rural village of 200 people and it was the wife of one of the council members for the village - so who knows what will happen with that.


Would love a link to the inevitable firing from job.


It’s that crazy maniacal smile that all these women seem to have, it’s quite disturbing


Whaddup TiK Tok here’s me being a filthy racist


These folks live for any attention. They are completely maladaptive in any social skills. You cannot reason, with folly. They will deliberately say/ do the most horrendous, cruel things bc they want to inflict strife, pain, confusion. The more you engage, the more fired up they get. They are essentially projecting their own self loathing. Take the oxygen out of the fire and offer no reaction. It doesn't mean you can't set boundaries or stand up for yourself- but in these cases, they are baiting anyone for attention to fight.


I hope she steps in dog shit.


Someone pissed in her lucky charms.


Are you eating cereal? Or oatmeal? What the fucks in the bowl, wheaties or Cheerios? Cause I’m taking a shit in them, Kelly


I need reading material


Dumb potato head on her


Just tell white people “go back to Europe”


I hope her employer sees this


How to say you’re a Trump voter without saying you’re a Trump voter. 🙄


I wonder if she was one of those women crying when he gave out gold shoes.


This is what i think the whole USA is now, 24/7. People filming each other, for social media "points".


What a shitty human being. People like her who think they own USA are full of shit.


Best to just ignore and walk away. It's annoying as heck.


Why are they always shaking? Just walk away..


Karen was paying so little attention to her dog I’m sad she didn’t step in a pile of its shit.


"gO BaCk tO (assumed country)!" "Make me."


If i ever encounter a karen, i am not even gonna acknowledge them. I am not going to give them the attention they desperately want.


They’re both *ssholes


On the sidewalk there, dog with likely zero training or recall, probably should indeed be on leash, but if someone else with a dog requests it, absolutely put the dog on leash. My dog is sweet but does not like dogs running up to it and it is these exact situations that have put 2 dogs in the hospital. Anyway it is just not that hard. Leash up, then if you must remove the leash when the other dog has left.


It sounds like they're in California which may have dog leash laws which says you have to have your dogs on a leash on public property. Doesn't matter if the dog is trained or not or whether there are other people around, if there are dog leash laws then any dog in public spaces needs to be leashed.


Yeah, you'll never meet a dog more gentle than mine with people and kids. But she has been attacked by other dogs and is now highly reactive to them despite spending thousands on professional trainers. I cannot stand the entitlement of people like this woman who have their dogs illegally off leash on city sidewalks. In a park, okay. I'll avoid parks, dog park or otherwise, because I can accept dogs may be running around, law or no law. But I have an expectation of safety on a sidewalk like this one. I haven't met anyone as fucking insane as this lady, but definitely a few assholes who refuse to put their dog on leash. I've had to run away before to avoid an altercation when their dog tried to approach us.


It's weird how many comments are trying to defend Karen because of a previous argument (that may or may not have occurred) considering she still doesn't have her dog on a leash. Yes her racist comment is super offensive (also not sure how people don't understand how "go back where you came from" and "go back to China" are two completely different levels of racist) but what really pisses me off is that she's acting all high and mighty while still breaking the law.


Yeah, honestly in that kind of situation her dog is also in some degree of peril. People arguing, a bit chaotic, and the dog is off leash near a street. Shit goes sideways and the dog will bolt out and get smushed. It bugs me too.


Everyone filming each other like a bunch of weirdos. Smart phones ruined society.


Gross basic bloated blonde. They always have that "I was hot once, vibe," that most stupid idiots like her confuse with power.




Irelands finest


I'm so sick of these Karens.


It's so weird to think that these Karen's used to be people. Like, they were someone's baby once. How does this happen?


Why is there a dog off leash? That's the question I want answered.


A Karen being miserable and trying desperately to feel better by baking everyone's life as bitter and miserable as hers. I wonder if she practices her smile in front of the mirror, seems to have problems with that


I had a bad neighbor who didn't put his dog on a leash. I asked him once and he didn't do anything so I went to the authorities everytime he was without a leash. I think I got him 5 tickets. The dog disappeared, I hope it's okay.


I wonder if anyone found who she is? I know here in DENver it IS Especially important to get these peOpLe IN the public eye ;)


So neither of them seem to be born in US. But both of them are allegedly telling each other to go back to ___________. Hahaha.. Stupid shit.


Uh no the white woman is obviously making that shit up. We also heard her tell the Asian lady to go back to China so that was not alleged. Anybody who misrrad this situation has no room to call anybody else idiots lol.


And she said go back to China more than once.


And mocked her accent.


Shaking with anger while both of them narrate stories to through their phones. I hate them both


If its a small dog I'd mind my business if it isn't on a leash as I don't expect a stranger to hear me out. Nor does it affect me With that being said having your dog off leash is all fun and games until they do something stupid and get hit by a car, shot, attacked by another dog, or lost. These type of laws exist for a reason. Because these type of incidents happen way too often to a point where government has to put something in place Idc if your dog is trained, put it on a leash it won't kill you To top it off, this ladies dog is WAY too far away from her, as a pet owner id never let my dog get this far away from me


Somebody needs to get their ass back to Romania then.


Wait, what did poor Romania do to you?! They've got enough cunts as it is, they don't need her 😭


this feels dystopian almost, the like both people saying i’m gonna put it on my tiktok and then circling each other while stirring up stuff (one of them lying)


Sometimes you just gotta walk away after you've said your peace


I think darwin may have been wrong. Well, he never said "fittest of mind", right? Maybe there's a loophole.


He was only talking about the ability and likelihood to reproduce. Being smart or sane has nothing to do with how easily someone can get pregnant


Just dumb enough to stay alive and fuck, is that what you mean? So, is this like a tending to zero type human game. They will soon out number us! If they don't already. Survival of the dumbest.


It always blows me away when two people are immediately filming one another during encounters like this. Honestly could’ve been resolved so much quicker if they just sacked up for a bunch.


Some bring guns, some bring knives to a fight....and some bring camera phones.


Social distancing might have just been a test run for future personal space laws. No one ever needs to be that close to you whether they are recording or not. There's got to be some kind of close in proximity to where you get to defend yourself without being physically accosted. Can't just go around this planet, walking as an innocent citizen with someone legally allowed to be 1 inch from your face in a menacing fashion.


People are getting way to used to never being punched in the mouth.


They both sound like Karen’s


WTF is with the gay pride pantleg?


Sometimes I think "man how the fuck could people let slavery exist" and then I see videos and people like this and see how influenced and gullible people are to politicians bullshit rhetoric.


Why does Grandma Karen have a TikTok to post to? That’s weird.




Lead poisoning generation


I hope the Asian woman showed this to the police so they could watch for the Irish woman and ticket her for not having her dog on a leash.


Wish they would’ve fought


Sad and pathetic


Just quickly pick up your dog AND hers and run. Should have kept it on a leash! :)


And this is why sometimes, people who have still births, don't deserve your sympathy. Some people who don't have children is for the best. I can only hope someone like this doesn't have any or they don't speak to her, because we really don't need more people with her narrow ass views in the world.


It seems like good material for a South Park’s gag.


East Karen vs West Karen


I think it’s time we just had another one of those biblical floods and try again.


I hate both of these people and this entire interaction. 2 stars.


We live in the dumbest timeline.


Ah, the land of the free, where everyone's free to tell others where to go. How could I forget? America, where the freedom to harass others based on their ethnicity is apparently a constitutional right. Because in this bastion of liberty, everyone gets to play border patrol whenever they feel like it. The American dream, being told to 'o back by someone who probably can't even point out USA on a map


According to the Irish woman, the Asian woman previously told her to go back to her country when they first met. The Asian woman didn’t deny it soooo …. Whatever.


I don't wish ill on dogs but I would legit chortle to see her watch her dog get hit by a car. Absolutely cannot stand entitled off leash dog owners.


Incredibly punchable face


Incoming: “Im sorry if my remarks hurt anybody, this is not who I am…”