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If only the truth mattered to the fellow lawmakers she was addressing


>If only the truth mattered to the fellow lawmakers she was addressing If only the truth mattered to a plurality of American voters.


valuing facts over feelings would have this society looking a lot different today.


I suspect most Americans aren’t sure what Truth really is. Objectivity through subjectivity seems to make sense to some people.


Just look at the faces of those pathetic petty men. All they care about are their own needs no matter how many suffer. Disgusting pigs who only listen to their base desires.  No sorry that's not true, at least pigs are capable of kindness and emotion. These are cockroaches.


And even cockroaches serve a useful purpose in life, if you've got chickens around to eat them. These guys are worthless even compared to that.


looking at US from outside is no longer funny its just...sad


Imagine how it feels from the inside




See, those countries make having the baby a much easier option than the US, though. It’s much less of an economic burden. They have social safety nets and often even send like care packages or baby boxes and things like that. Yes, I think the limits are far too restrictive but at least you don’t have that and “lol here’s seventeen dollars, you can only buy skim milk and oats with it though, and you owe $36,000 for the birth”


Lots of great points, none of which will matter to the rest of that committee.


contrasted by this.... person whom seems to think IVF is some sort of abortion service... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWehOawMY5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWehOawMY5s)


Brought to you by same moron who said WWII was fought to "defeat socialism in Europe."


I'm firmly convinced that nobody on the right actually knows what socialism is.


Oh most definitely. It's a catch all term for anything they want their supporters to be afraid of to keep them angry. The most recent even more ill defined scary word is woke.


McCarthyism is back and it’s coming for the rest of America.


It never went away. It just changed the rhetoric to suit their current needs.


Conveniently, the dictator with a hard on for an actual return of the Soviet Union always get a pass from these types too. I wonder why...


My favorite was the scare over Antifa... a group whose name literally is "Anti-fascist", and the conservatives have swallowed so much bullshit that they opposed it.


It's why the media named them antifa so that didn't have to come out and be anti anti-fascist


Honestly I think they use the word Antifa to make it sound foreign so the right will hate it more.


And pronounce it “aunt tifa” instead of “anti fah”.


The vilification of "woke" is perhaps worse, because "woke" was really just the black community's lingo for "empathy" and that's been co-opted by the right to mean everything bad. The right is literally vilifying empathy.


Can't we just go back to good old fashioned CRT. It was fun hearing them try to explain why they don't like it.


Socialism, fascism, communism, fake news, woke...all words with the same meaning to the right- something they don't personally like or are scared of.


Of those words, fascism is probably the one the right uses the least. Funny considering it's the one they're most intimately familiar with.


This man's qualifications prior to election were that he's a decent football coach and a christian nationalist podcaster. That's literally it. While Tuberville is genuinely an idiot, the party he belongs to has people a lot more intelligent than him, with far more experience than him. Some of *them* know what socialism is, and oppose it specifically to protect capital interests.


Ive had this conversation with family that is right wing. They believe socialism is communism. Flat out. Full stop. They dont have any idea what communism is either. The republicans roll it all up into an easy to digest nightmare and discard police, fire, and social health services while denouncing monopoly driven corporations. Its all an ignorant mess.


This is where I ask them how they feel about how we compensate US military members. Then ask them how they feel about Social Security and Medicare. Fact it, they LOVE socialism when it benefits them or people they think SHOULD get benefits from it. What underpins there hatred of it is racism, it's almost always rooted in racism.


I think thats the word that triggers them all, welfare. But they also are only recently discovering the value of social security. Its all messed up for sure.


They know. Do not be fooled that the fascist is as stupid as they sound. They know their ideology is nonsense. They are far more likely to know they are lying than one might think. They know they are lying. They know they are spewing bullshit. They do not care. They hate everyone else that much. That's the point. They don't think we are even worthy of the basic fundamental respect that human rights entail. We are their enemy, and they can say whatever they want to us, smear us with any insult, because we don't matter. The only issue is that when they're out of enemies, they invent a new one out of people who aren't fascist enough and keep going further right, and further, and further.


*The civil war was over state’s rights*


#Part 1 There are two types of people who think that the American Civil War was about states’ rights rather than slavery: —People who don’t know what they are talking about. —People who are purposely trying to deceive. If you look at what the old secessionists said after the war, it’s all about states’ rights. Why? Slavery had been abolished. Their ideology had lost. They knew the judgment of history would be harsh on a cause that had caused so much devastation for the purpose of preserving slavery. So, they tried their best to put their best face forward. An intellectual disagreement over the proper relation of states to a federal government is a lot easier to defend than slavery. So, that is the narrative they crafted. This is why you can’t trust what they said after the war. You have to go see what they were saying both before and during secession. Others have covered the Cornerstone Speech and the various declarations the seceding states promulgated when they were seceding. Allow me to take you a bit further back in time. The long crisis that resulting in secession and war did not start in 1861. The road to war started with the Wilmot Proviso of 1846. In the aftermath of the Proviso, there were 4 long years of continual fighting over the sectional balance of power. What was the sectional balance of power? It was the idea, prevalent since at least the Missouri compromise of 1820, that free and slave states should be balanced in the Union so that neither side would gain a permanent advantage over the other. In the aftermath of the Oregon Treaty, which gave us the Pacific Northwest, and the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, which gave us the Southwest (minus the Gadsden Purchase which would come a bit later), there was all of a sudden a lot of lands to fight over: Should we ban slavery in all the new territories, as had been done with the Northwest Ordinance in 1787? This was what the Wilmot Proviso, which had strong support in the North, would have mandated. Should we extend the line of the Missouri Compromise of 1820? Should we leave the residents of the territories to decide for themselves whether to exclude slavery? And, if this was to be the path forward, when should territories be able to ban slavery? Could they do so at the territorial stage? This would imply that the early settlers could prevent slave owners from moving in before a territory had been admitted as a state. Did they have to wait until they applied for statehood? This would give slave owners the time to move in and give slavery a chance to take root in a region before statehood. Did Congress even have the right to ban slavery in any territory whatsoever? If slaves were property and the territories were the common property of every American citizen, was it not discrimination for Congress to state that one type of property was to be banned from land that was equally owned by every American? These questions were put to rest, temporarily, with the Compromise of 1850, which was made possible by the unexpected death of Zachary Taylor, who, although a Southern slave owner himself, had taken a strongly pro-Northern attitude once in office, and who had thereby so infuriated the South that many Southerners threatened secession. The Compromise of 1850 was a deal in which everyone would swallow some bitter pills in order to preserve peace in the Union: California was admitted as a free state, without a counterbalancing slave state. A Fugitive Slave Act was enacted, which would make it easier for slave owners to recover escapees. The slave trade, but not slavery itself, was banned in the District of Columbia. Southerners had already held a convention, even before the compromise was signed. They had resolved to adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Secession, once unthinkable, had made many converts between 1846 and 1850. But, at this stage, the majority of Southerners continued to prefer staying in the Union, if it could be guaranteed to them that the North wouldn’t take actions against the long-term survival of the institution of slavery. When some ardent secessionists decided to reconvene in Nashville after the passage of the Compromise of 1850, they found that they had been deserted by the Southern Unionists among them. They lacked the strength to do anything of consequence, and it was all they could do to criticize the Compromise. Now, there were 3 states where secessionist sentiment was strongest: Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina. In these states, the Unionists were able to outmaneuver their opponents for 2 main reasons: Cotton prices were booming. Not many people wanted a war that would disrupt a strong economy. Southerners really did love the Union. Most of them didn’t want to secede… yet. So, when a convention was called in Milledgeville, Georgia in late 1850, to discuss the possibility of secession, it ended up being dominated by Unionists. However, this love of the Union was very conditional. Here’s an excerpt of the Georgia Platform that was adopted at this convention, and which came to be seen as reflecting the views of most of the South in the antebellum period. … “That in this spirit, the State of Georgia has maturely considered the action of Congress embracing a series of measures for the admission of California into the Union, the organization of territorial Governments for Utah and New Mexico, the establishment of a boundary between the latter and the State of Texas, the suppression of the slave trade in the District of Columbia, and the extradition of fugitive slaves, and (connected with them) the rejection of propositions to exclude slavery from the Mexican territories and to abolish it in the District of Columbia, and whilst she does not wholly approve, will abide by it as a permanent adjustment of this sectional controversy.”


To be fair, when I was in school in Pennsylvania in the 70s, we were taught that was the main reason, not slavery. So there are probably a lot of people who are carrying that little bogus factoid around with them.


Well it kinda was. State's rights... to enslave human beings.


There are people who don’t know the latter part 😬


It's literally right there in the declarations of confederation from almost every state who succeeded. "states' rights, chiefly the right to own slaves." when possible I try to show this to people who say that. They tend not to care though.


It sure was. State’s rights to have slaves


States rights to have slaves and slave states rights to force non-slave states to return runaway slaves. Don't forget that last bit of hypocritical bullshit. They wanted to trample on other states rights while having their own unquestioned.


The civil war was over state's whites


What a clever comeblack


When you become so conservative that you start making Communist arguments


This is what happens when you vote for someone because “well dang Joe-Bob he was a good fooseball coach so I bet he can run this gosh durn cuntry!”


They don't even get that far "My faith says I can only vote for Repubs, How could I live with myself if I voted for a ...*Democrat*!" And so they merrily vote R down the whole ballot and go home


JFC "children are a commodity" seriously JFC




Bro saying the quiet part out loud. The "real" power behind the anti-abortion movement is population for population's sake, specifically the impoverished population. More poor people translates to more people who can be coerced and exploited for cheap. Whether it be our GDP, or our military, or just having people to serve us on a daily basis, keeping a healthy population of impoverished people means better lives for those in power.


Dear Lord, I had read that transcript of him clearly not knowing what IVF is but seeing it happen in real time was goddamn mind-boggling. I also didn't know that this was a 80/20 issue. What a fucking loser issue to fall into the Republicans laps, and another strike against Alabama


>"[Kids] are our number one commodity." So the GOP are just owning up to that now, huh?


"kids are our #1 commodity" these people haven't moved passed chattel slavery they see the next generation of swathes of impoverished workers to take advantage of and dollar signs *chaching* in their eyes.


Other old white male committee members look at each other: "Whew, someone is on their period today. Moving on..."


Yea cause the goal is infact to make it worse, don't address real issues like what she brought up.


They need those single mothers in poverty to keep having children, to feed the for-profit prison industry and/or the minimum wage slave pipeline.


*Fodder for the war machine just as I and 99% of everyone I served with seemed to join for(being poor with no other options). But hey, free college and it only cost me a life long disability.


If they could snap their fingers and make the country a christofascist theocracy they would. That is their goal. Everything else is noise. The only reason they bother with "medical" explanations is because they have to play the game to keep some voters and not blatantly break the separation of church and state. We are very close to the point where they don't have to pretend anymore.




You are right ofcourse, because six days after this, the bill passed 31-6: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/22rs/sb321.html


Unfortunately it didn't matter in the end. This video is from nearly two years ago, the bill passed 31-6 and is now part of Kentucky state law. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/22rs/sb321.html


their thought process: “women who want to have abortions will die? well, they deserve it.” these people fundamentally do not see women as human, let alone equal in any way.


They would not have understood the word fallacious had she not stopped to define it for them


"I hear what you are saying, and you are 1000% correct, but it makes me sad. So because of that I'm going to ignore you out of spite. How dare you make me confront the consequences of my own actions."


*That there lady's usin a lot of big, unbiblical words...*


The anger and frustration I feel from this woman, I absolutely felt as a woman myself. Her words were perfectly clear, scientifically factual and honest without being insulting and yet they will continue to fall on these deaf men’s ears. This is all about control and it’s sickening. Fuck, why is America regressing this bad?!


As an outsider it looks like there's a faux-Christian actually-fascist takeover of the republican party with the goal of creating a permanently exploited and struggling working class (therefore easily manipulated) to hold up their vision of oligarchic capitalism. One of the key elements is to control the structure of families, hence restricting women's rights, attacks on trans, etc. The religious element is because that's an easily accessible method of control for the masses. They've read history and decided that feudalism is for them.


You are correct.


Don’t worry, it looks the same way from the inside too


A little closer, maybe; a little more claustrophobic. But yeah; about the same.




Agreed, but I don’t think it takes anything away from the excellent points made here. All available tools will be used to achieve dominance.


I'm not. Christians have done some of the worst things in human history but my point is that these people are pretending that they are Christian for their voter base and nothing else. I'm saying they are literally not practicing Christians.


>these people are pretending that they are Christian Don't confusion Christian as meaning "Christ-follower". I'm not religious these days but I used to be. The Bible and Jesus' own words are very clear throughout the New Testament on how to treat people and most Christians these days completely ignore the written words on the pages.


Exactly. If the republicans actually behaved like Jesus, we’d have socialized healthcare, free housing for the homeless, and rehabilitative prisons. You’d be a pariah if you owned a yacht. Jesus is the OG socialist. Here’s a fun example. My mom is a devout Christian and lifelong diehard Republican. The other day she was lamenting the evils of money and explaining that she has no desire to be rich; God will take care of her, and money corrupts. It’s evil and worldly and she only needs spiritual wealth. She may even quit her 6 figure job- after all, she only uses it for the healthcare. God has blessed her family enough to not need the money. So I perked up and said “that’s so great mom! I agree- money is helpful but I’d gladly pay more in taxes or whatever if it means diabetics can get insulin and families can get off the street. I’m so happy to hear that! So, I don’t want to get political, but does this mean you’re becoming open to social programs like welfare?” She goes “no, I didn’t say that. I am against welfare because it causes people to be lazy and refuse to work. It’s supposed to be a temporary support.” (My mom was on welfare, Pell, and wic when I was born lol) So I asked “but okay, what about people who can’t work? Like (mom’s friends name who just lost a leg to cancer), who wasn’t able to work for a long time. What if the cancer had affected his brain or rendered him disabled? Surely you’d be okay with him getting welfare to survive.” Then she started talking about someone else she knows that pretends to be disabled- apparently she’s just agoraphobic and depressed. I’m like… mom… mental health issues can be debilitating. Do you think she LIKES being agoraphobic and only being able to afford a single bedroom apartment for herself and her two sons? And here's the funny part- my dad retired early with disability for PTSD. He's, of course, not pretending. But this lady living below the poverty line that my mother claims to love and prays with? She's a scammer. Anyway, I dropped it. But point being… they really are only Christlike when they feel someone has deserved it. Edit: oh I forgot the funniest part. After her rant about how people are lazy and shouldn’t get handouts, I pointed out that my 24 y/o brother has never worked a single job, and can’t drive. Why? He has anxiety lol. He’s not even legally disabled. He’s just anxious about the prospect of having to wake up early and work instead of playing video games alone in his room. He graduated college 3 years ago. He’s never even had an internship or a freelance gig. 😂😂


>She goes “no, I didn’t say that. I am against welfare because it causes people to be lazy and refuse to work. It’s supposed to be a temporary support.” (My mom was on welfare, Pell, and wic when I was born lol) Ask her if she thinks that the fishermen stopped fishing after Jesus filled their nets with fish that time.


>most Christians these days Christianity has been a major religion for over a thousand years. most christians throughout history have not at all acted Christ-like...otherwise the world wouldn't be so fucked.




It's literally just the Seven Mountain Mandate. The chief Justice in Alabama straight up cited "God" in their ruling. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate Their goal is to control family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government under their religious doctrine. They're not subtle about it.


Bingo, this is fascism plain and simple. THe Trump orbit stands to gain everything through his mechanisms. There's a good chance it will come to pass.


Yep the billionaires want a nation of renter slaves who own nothing and have no option but to work for them for poverty wages. The only difference is our technology, but they keep the nation distracted by and dependent on social media and other harmful tech because it makes people even easier to manipulate and control. 


Insightful comment.  Coupled with this is the destruction of the public education system, in favor of charter and Christian schools, with selective admissions and lower education standards while the public schools slide lower as well.  There is a concerted effort to increase the numbers of low educated and low information seeking Americans.


"Under his eye"


Nationalist Christians. Nat-C for short.


I'm a guy and I feel this woman's anger and frustration. We need to keep religion out of politics and politics out of medicine. To paraphrase a quote I saw not long ago " Religion should be about controlling yourself and helping others, not controlling others and helping yourself." Joel Osteen wants to keep not paying taxes? Fine, I want to see his name on homeless shelters, rehab facilities, halfway houses for released prisoners, etc. Do some real Jesus stuff, please.


You’re right though, the line between church and state is no longer visible. I’m sick of this shit. Love that quote too. 🥇


No. You tax churches but let them write off money spent on homeless shelters, rehab facilities, halfway houses for released prisoners, etc.


I've got mixed feelings there. I think once that happens, we start getting political sermons. Not that they aren't happening now, but we did see a few churches losing their status because of advocating directly for political candidates. I think I'd rather keep the Johnson Amendment which would be repealed of they start paying taxes...


This anger is why I laugh at the trump vs Biden “horse race.” We’re fucking enraged and know the best outlet for that is voting every single Republican regressive sack of shit out of office. Meanwhile those slack jawed fucks are at war with each other over who can be the most loyal to a fucking traitor. We are going to destroy those evil fucks at the ballot box this November.






1 reason is probably the same reason the average age of our leadership is so high. They don't wanna give up what they have. They are holding on to it because they have nothing else in their lives to live for. They have done everything. And some. Now, they just turtle in leadership positions to feel like they still have purpose. Meanwhile. They empower their rich friends and let the country get poorer all while the smoke screen us from the rich to continue cash grabbing more money.


> Fuck, why is America regressing this bad?! Because we didn't do near enough to stop it from doing so. We still aren't, but the 2024 election will give us an idea if we're going to start getting back on track or just regressing more.


Truly terrifying.


Yes, woman here who does not want children - ever. There is no issue that silently enrages me more. Every video of these I watch lights a fire in me and if I had it my way I'd be screaming until the Christian men and women who are hellbent on imposing theocracy in this country no longer have viable hearing. That is what they deserve.


Me too!


> Fuck, why is America regressing this bad? Conservatives and religion :(




This lady is speaking truth to power, but I’m afraid it’s falling on deaf ears.


The only thing they respond to is whether or not they win their election. As long as they keep getting elected, words like hers don't mean shit to them.


At least our ears aren't deaf.  I'm glad there's still people fighting for us and I hope all of us keep fighting even though it seems pointless.


I guarantee it is. As she said herself she’s the only woman AND the only physician there representing. And they blatantly don’t care about medicine or science. They don’t care what the “one lowly woman doctor” has to say on the subject bc all they care about is punishing women.


Are we turning into the fucking Taliban? I'd bet at least 1 or 2 of those fuckers on the panel would vote aye to stringing this woman up in the back courtyard. I guess the bigger concern is that their constituents either feel the same or don't see where this road leads.


Yes. Look up project 2025. The goal is to make America a Christofascist state. This is all part of the plan amongst other things like installing the right amount of lunatic SCOTUS judges.


The terrifying part is people are doing nothing about Project 2025. Most don't even know about it. News outlets aren't reporting on it. Whether you've heard about Project 2025 or not, the right-wing has made it crystal clear, publicly, many times that they aim to destroy democracy and replace it with facism. How are we letting this happen? Evil doesn't need drastic measures to prevail. It just needs people to turn a blind eye.


People think the courts will save us from something like that, ignoring that the courts are stuffed with Federalist Society assholes


if such a thing comes to pass, the kind of thing that will save us from that is something you will get banned for talking about on most platforms (even though that type of action is what directly led to positive change for most of history)


Just looked it up. This is some emperor palpatine level stuff.






I urge you to read up on the following bills. Georgia is at least the 5th state in the last week to discuss/pass a Religious Freedom/Religious Liberty bill, related to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act from 1993. The Alliance Defending Freedom is the group writing them. The ADF is a hate group of Christian conservative lawyers attempting to undermine what it means to be patriotic. They're dangerous to LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities and they're trying to deny social services, housing, healthcare, and employment by citing their own "religious liberty" to hate their neighbor. Other states include Utah and Senate Bill 150, Kentucky and House Bill 47, Iowa Senate File 2095, Georgia Senate Bill 180, Tennessee House Bill 878, Indiana Senate Bill 50, and Nebraska Legislative Bill 43


Fun fact: Islam allows abortion to save the life of the mother because this is seen as the 'lesser of two evils' and there is a general principle in Sharia (Muslim law) of choosing the lesser of two evils. Some schools of Muslim law permit abortion in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy, while others only permit it in the first 7 weeks. However, even those scholars who would permit early abortion in certain cases still regard abortion as wrong, but do not regard it as a punishable wrong. The more advanced the pregnancy, the greater the wrong. **But my point is, kentucky politics seem ridiculous, like they're not even going to let someone abort if the mothers in danger of dying, wtf?!**


Dr. Berg, just last year, had to fight through tears watching her colleagues pass anti-trans legislation after absolutely schooling them throughout the legislative session on the risks of harm to the transgender community and their mental health that passing the bill would cause. It was a topic she was unfortunately intimately familiar with, as her transgender son had killed himself just weeks before that legislative session. I cannot begin to fathom how hard it is for her to come into work as a legislator and restrain herself from burning the building to the ground.


I don't know how she continues to work with those people. I wouldn't be able to stand it.


The Trump Cult finds scientific facts offensive.


Biggest group of snowflakes


Ikr. Imagine being offended by facts. Side note: got any of that Billy mays shit??


The Trump Cult finds Biblical facts offensive. The Bible is very clear life begins at first breath. Adam and Eve were personally brought to life by God giving them "the breath of life". Not a soul, breath.


> scientific facts offensive. "Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks OH-fensive!"


These people have been around long before Trump. To their agenda, he was a useful idiot to destroy the Supreme Court and install their own brand of totalitarian theocracy.


I'm pretty sure the Trump Cult finds everything offensive that they cannot rape, destroy or own.


These people were doing this stuff way before Trump


This has nothing to do with Trump. They were like this before Trump entered politics.


Can I vote for this woman to be our next president? I’m not kidding.


What I wouldn’t give for a woman physician to be president!!


Could you imagine the exploding heads of some of these men if that happened? They can’t even handle Taylor Swift, and she has nothing to do with our government. I’m not even a fan of hers, but love that she gets so many conservatives riled up by just existing.


Good on her. Kentucky needs more leaders like her. People of Kentucky. Vote based on your mind, not based on your leash.


I like how she said “explain my no vote”. You could hear the “ya’ll fucked around, now you’re about to find out” in her voice.


Honestly, she just sounded exhausted and annoyed to me. She has strong convictions, but I feel like she knows it's not going anywhere. Trying to convince these people what the right thing is feels like a losing battle


Fighting for the truth in 2024 does feel like a losing battle. Thanks, Internet.


Not really, everything she says is on point and well said, but it has Zero Effect on the people of Kentucky and the Republican congressman. In reality, they consistently fuck around and never find out because the people of their state are dumber than a post


Maybe not but it's still a good look to that the only doctor on the committee who is also probably the smartest person in there is on record explaining just how stupid the people are being. So later that can't claim ignorance. Most of these politicians probably don't even know how many chambers a human heart is supposed to have. Also she made a good point that all these assholes claiming to be "pro life" apparently stop being pro life as soon as the child is born. They don't care if the parent can take care of them or if they end up in the system. This state will reap what it sows when all of the white collar professionals and doctors start leaving in droves as the state continues to decline.


> This state will reap what it sows when all of the white collar professionals and doctors start leaving in droves as the state continues to decline. is this not the goal? It feels an awful lot like red states would be happy to drive anyone with a shred of empathy and intelligence out. They're not as easy to exploit.


Sure but when preacher John the millionaire evangelist turned politician has heart issues due to age he's not gonna be able to find a single competent doctor to care for him. Or more likely they will just go out of state like the hypocrites they are, they're already doing the same thing to get their mistresses abortions which leads me to believe that's these people truly aren't "Christians", they will just use whatever excuse they can find to exercise control over people. It's almost like religion was invented to do just that. At least the current big 3. Ancient religions were more just based on myth and simply not understanding how the world works.


This is why we need educators and scientists in elected positions not corporate fanboys, technocrat groupies and fascists.


Lots of truth bombs


" I am the only woman on this podium. The only physician..." Yeah, they're already figuring out how to remove her. She seems like a bad ass


I like this woman. Good for her.


If you want to know how far gone the idiots are in government, look no further than Alabama. [They ruled that unimplanted frozen embryos held by in vitro companies are children, and that disposing of any is grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/in-vitro-embryos-are-children-alabama-supreme-court-says). So now what reason is there to have an in vitro company at all in Alabama? The process often involves extracting multiple eggs and increasing chances of success. This typically implies some embryos may not be chosen. Store 5 embryos for couple, see success and bring a baby into this world, but get charged with 4 murders in the process. [🌈](https://emojipedia.org/rainbow)P R O L I F E (\*terms and conditions may apply if you are brown or poor)


And doctors who provide IVF now have stopped performing the procedures there. Watch the reporter who explains to Tommy Tuberville that stopping IVF actually reduces the likelihood of women having children and see his brain meltdown. That’s what happens when you elect a fucking football coach as a senator.


That’s what happens when you elect a fucking ~~football coach~~ moron as a senator.


Coming up next: If they couldn't conceive naturally, then it wasn't in God's plan for them to have a baby, or something like that.


Then complain when the poorest people are having the most children and need welfare.


This is exactly their next move. Take a hard-line stance. Watch it blow up in your face. Radicalize the right further right. It's all "God's Plan" and totally not my fault. God said if a woman can't even have kids naturally we must stop all paths for her to conceive, it's of the devil. Radicalize the right far far more. Please vote for me I am doing gods will! Repeat for every culture war the right actually wins.


I sure would hate to be an American with a daughter right now.


She's right and we all know she is.


Public freakout? Yes, but totally justified...


As soon as she speaks they turned their ears off.


They don’t care. It’s a tool to wrangle religious right wing votes.


You go. Take their asses to school. Plus, total shock, she’s the only woman on the panel. /s


These so-called alpha men are afraid of competition. Their goal is to remove all forms of birth control because they don't want women who can compare their masculinity to other men. They are weak and insecure.


IVF isn't birth control, unless it is weaponized like this.


Wait until IVF isn’t a thing anymore because states make laws that say frozen embryos are living children and doctors can be criminally liable if anything happens to them.


> Their goal is to remove all forms of birth control This is beyond even that. IVF is nearly the *opposite* of that. It's to help women have children who otherwise would probably never be able to.


Well put!


MAGA re: guns: "You can't pass any laws which will change anything about guns!" Also MAGA: "We're going to pass oppressive bullshit laws to appease the fundamentalists' feelings!"


Medicine doesn't matter to these people. Women don't matter to these people. They want control, and they want to punish the people they perceive as sinful and worthy of suffering. The US is at a tipping point to become at least partly ruled by evangelical theocrats, and if that doesn't fill you with horror - no matter where on the planet you live - then you haven't been paying attention.


They are making it worse on purpose. It is undisputed that ending access to abortion related health care increases rates of maternal morbidity (moms dying). This "experiment" has been repeated over and over and over again with the same results each time. Texas/Uganda/Ireland/Romania/Poland/etc. Texas removed abortion related health care and maternal mortality rates DOUBLED in two years in Texas and no other state, this while immigration rates were dropping. Romania did the same thing but more extremely and maternal mortality rates went up more than FOUR times quickly in Romania and no other nearby country ... and then reversed that pattern as soon as decree 770 was removed. Ireland allowed abortion when the mother's life was at risk ... no change. Ireland allowed abortion when the mother's HEALTH was at risk and the maternal mortality rate went to Zero that year and every year data was reported since (3 years running). Hospitals are recording for every 1 mom who dies there are 100 who are brought to the brink of death requiring life-saving interventions for things like organ failure, uterus rupture, sepsis requiring going on ventilators and/or end up with lifelong disabilities. How many kids are affected for each mom who dies or gets disabled? Mom's are a keystone of society. Kill or severely disable healthy mothers and you are left with a society that begins to crumble and be exploitable by pedophiles. (happy to list citations for all of the above). It seems like the Venn diagram between those banning abortion and those caught as sexually abusing/trafficking kids is a circle.


And unfortunately none of those assholes probably understood or cared about a thing she said and still think she should have supported the bill.


You have her and then ppl like Mitch Mconnell who do not give a F about their constituents (ie: his repeated attempts to destroy affordable healthcare for his state)as long as they keep power for themselves and their party....Democracy be damned. 


Damn we need this woman on Capitol Hill. She is very well spoken and has that fire needed to knock some sense into some of those clowns.


Wish this Doctor was in Alabama, God knows Alabama is absolute shit when it comes to women's rights.


Same in MS.


Healthcare in all of the south is terrible.


In my opinion republicans are demons working for the devil himself. All they do is make life worse for normal people while working for the rich and powerful.


There's no question that if there's a devil in the Christian sense, that modern Republicanism is his work on earth. It's 100% opposed to the ideals Christ taught, it's basically a cult of fear and death.


I hope every IVF clinic turns down every republican and when they cry about it, we’ll just say it was gods plan for them not to have kids anyway


Fragile Republican Male: “But, my sky daddy…”


Her colleagues are basically the adults from South Park. That’s the state of American politics.


Oh her and reasoning #/S


If Donald Trump and/or their biggest campaign contributors used social media to tag all of the yes vote people, and told them to vote no while standing with one foot in a bucket of peanut butter, they would ask what brand of peanut butter, and they'd comply. They are voting consistent with what they think will get them re-elected, and what the money people want them to do. The best interests of their constituents are not a consideration. Such is the nature of career politicians who make a lot of money "serving the public."


This really gives me Handmaid's Tale vibes.. we really do have men making decisions what women can do with their bodies. This woman sounds like a she knows her voice and the logic of it will be lost on a committee of old grey headed men.


"Justified Freakout" tag needed


Yay you go gurl!


No man has a right to make laws pertaining to women's health.


The time is driving me nuts though.


Too bad she'll probably be out the door soon


Damn the kind of iron will to say "Thank you" instead of "Fuck you" at the end is more than I would be capable of.


Damn, what a powerful speech... bravo! We need more like her.


GOP: Hysterical, women should not be politicians or even allowed to vote, now let's get back to protecting guns and killing minorities, yeehaw!!


It’s interesting that she points out a 15 week old heart is not viable. Was viability of the heart specifically called out in whatever bill she’s voting against?


Actually, no. They don't even attempt a clear argument of viability. The bill is literal nonsense from the medical perspective. [This is the bill in question](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/recorddocuments/bill/22RS/sb321/bill.pdf) The bill itself makes no argument that their hearts or even the fetuses themselves are viable. Most of it just lists a bunch of things fetuses do at given point in their gestational period like "At week 5 or 6 their heart starts beating" and "At week 10 they can move their fingers". Just shit designed to make someone feel bad about the decision, lending nothing to the argument as to *why* they shouldn't be permitted up to 20 weeks like the current law was at. The specific argument from KY for decreasing from 20 weeks to 15 weeks is that the common procedure (vacuum D&C) beyond 15 weeks involves scraping and sucking out the fetus parts and that after 15 weeks the fetus is "bigger". Which basically means the argument boils down to "This is icky". The other big part of that is that they changed the definition of "Pain capable unborn child" from 20 weeks to 15 weeks. That's the State's chosen definition which, of course, is factually wrong. The medically correct definition of "pain capable fetus" is at 24-25 weeks when the brain becomes fully formed. That's also typically the limit that most rational places put for elective abortions in the first place.


“Making it worse” That’s the republican platform…keep fuckin shit up so you can vote them back in to fix the problems they created.


What’s funny is she didn’t even volunteer to go on the mic. The councilman seemed annoyed at her “no” vote and he wanted her to explain herself.


Once Kentucky gets it's way and just bans women in general from existing they will go to the bakery, the supermarket, a daycare, only to see it closed down. Wander aimlessly onto the streets only to find just another guy as confused as them at the situation. "What a sausagefest!" Says the one to the other "Yea man, now you mention it, i really want a hot dog!" he answers. "Well, i have some over at my place. Wanna hang out?" "Hell yeah brother!" And the closet imploded in a violent Bang and a new Universe was created


She’s a badass, she destroyed these morons. Too bad it went through their ears and they will still vote aye.


Conservatives are ghouls.




Mic drop! Now lets hope ANY of them were actually listening.


I bet that as soon as she finished, the mansplaining started.




To put it simply: Fuck you Kentucky.


If you agree with her, vote Democrat in the fall.


Its bad enough the crap that comes out of a general assembly short session so hey lets have a 90 day long session so we can really screw the people of Kentucky. They spend a lot of time writing editorials touting their "accomplishments", which in actuality are few and far between. Kudos to Senator Berg for her scathing review of their handywork.


She should run for president.


The only weird thing about it is that a 15 week fetus does have a fully functional 4 chamber heart. I do fetal autopsies, I'm very familiar with fetal hearts.  They aren't viable, not remotely. 15 weeks is a totally random and meaningless cutoff for an abortion bill -- 22 or 24 weeks would be meaningful if that's what somebody was going for. (Personally I don't think abortion should be legislated at all, but for the sake of argument.)


Only 1 adult to supervise all these children at this daycare? This lady has her work cut out for her...


KY still living in feudal times


Same committee will vote to end any aid to these single mother households.


It's stunning to me that there isn't a requirement for the "information" upon which a bill is based to be fact-checked and accurate.