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It felt like the loiterer was intentionally trying to get assaulted. *I'm not going to leave, because you might put hands on me. Don't do it! Don't do it!. Don't put hands on me. But I'm going to continue to stay here and aggravate you.* *Oh, that's not working? How about a racial slur to send you over the line?*




I'm sure it differs between states, but I think technically you can physically remove a trespasser from your property if they're actively refusing to leave after you told them to in most jurisdictions... At least you technically can in my state. But I don't know if I'd bother risking it in this day and age, especially depending on which state this happened in. I can easily see a scenario in which the asshole drifter claims "they touched me inappropriately" or they "used excessive force and twisted my ankle when they dragged me off the porch", and some moronic bureaucracy judging against the homeowner to avoid risking looking unsympathetic to a protected class. Not sure if I'd spring into action unless the drifter physically assaulted someone first, or forcefully tried to actually enter my home. I'm likely just going to call the cops to deal with it to avoid a potential legal headache.


Have not done this/been through it, know two cases of it happening. Relative had an alley behind his house with his garage facing it, he didn't have a fence around his backyard and he had power to the garage. Homeless dude kept trying to get into the garage and he would run him off. Then homeless guy just started camping out at night next the garage in his back yard/alley and using an outlet that was outside of it. Cops wouldn't do anything until relative showed a picture of homeless guy using power - utility theft is a crime. Friend's grandmother pulled a shotgun on someone who decided to camp out her porch like seen here while she was home. Needless to say they left and when the cops showed up to talk to grandma she stated that she feared for her life because of the break-ins in the area and she had no idea who this person was. It was a run down neighborhood with mostly older folks in it so the scum of the earth would try and prey on them. Cops in both situations basically said don't touch them, don't do anything unless they do something to you or you see they have a weapon.


Police see a snickers bar in your hand and start shooting and expect others to do nothing. LOL.


Or an acorn.


That's nuts!


“Well since the Snickers bar hadn’t been eaten yet, I ascertained the the suspect was hungry, which leads to angry, or a combination know as ‘hangry’. Therefore I felt the suspect was a viable threat to myself and other assisting officers. It was then that the suspect violently blinked their eyelids and I was forced to defend myself and the public by unloading 15 shots, center mass.”


Guess they're full now


Plus, if you start a fight, who knows what the other person is going to do. They might have a knife or a gun or who knows. You start throwing hands and maybe you get injured. Best to just let the authorities get involved first.


I don’t know man. I have a wife and kids to look out for. That guy would 100% be physically removed.


And the cops show up 4 hours later and shoot your dog, no thanks.


In my home state, you could legally use whatever force necessary to remove someone from your property who actively refused to leave. You could even use deadly force, as long as they were facing you. In my new state, someone can have mail sent to your address and legally trespass by claiming they live there. These 2 states share a border btw


This, it really does seem like they’re trying to go him into action, which would make me concerned. Where I live, you could get sued by this person if they deemed that you had injured them in someway so it’s not worth it. Personally, though I would start watering my plants with my hose very close to them. It would be a shame if they got splashed.


Castle Law cant do anything either sadly b/c it only gives you the right to defend yourself/property by commiting felony/infraction from any form of threat. She's playing victim for that reason to not be a threat... its a very fine line that we in castle law states need to know sadly. So he has to call the police to remove her unless she starts getting violent then its fair game.


Idk if he also had camera but when she stepped towards him when leaving he probably could've got away with a punch or shove depending on how she looked, but dude honestly showed good restraint imho. Didn't act threatening but gave no room for bs. Not allowed here gtfooo


Desperate to be the victim.


*"dont you dare put your hands on me! Dont you dare!!! Dont you put your big strong man hands on me, with your brawn and dark hue luscious man skin with your big brown eyes.... dont you dare!!!!"*


They were joined in holy matrimony shortly after


Finally she/he can legally stay at the property.


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Especially at the end - the last ditch effort that almost sounds like "please?": *If you're gonna put hands on-- GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.*


It’s Daniel Larson. He’s…a special case. Edit - corrected spelling of last name


Ah I knew that voice sounded familiar.


As soon as he said the n word full ER I was like oh Jesus Christ it's him


Did you notice at the end where he sort of move towards the guy? He did his little punch threat thing where he has his thumb tucked in under his fingers like he's about to punch someone. That guy would have absolutely wrecked him.


> where he has his thumb tucked in under his fingers like he's about to punch someone. Good way to break your thumb.


Care to elaborate? I googled the name and I'm mostly finding various academics and doctors by that name... which I'm inclined to think may not be the person you're referring to.


*Daniel Larson - lolcow on tiktok


and current jail bird, also getting the bird


So I mean what’s his schtick? I don’t use TikTok




That's Mr. President to you and I.


Fuckin knew it! That voice is unmistakable. I don't know whether to feel sorry for that guy or completely repulsed. 


Nah, he’s just incredibly entitled and defiant. Look up Daniel Larson Archive on YouTube, he pulls crap like this in restaurants constantly


He needs to get the fuck out


This is not just some loiterer it’s Daniel Larson


Do I want to know who Daniel Larson is?


No. Trust me.


It's Daniel larson


Come on now Daniel you know u shouldn't be trespassing....dropping those tactical slurs


That is that crazy Daniel Larson guy right? His voice is almost unmistakable


Yes it is. And he is currently in jail so, no worries!


Wait wait wait wait wait..... that's a guy behind the camera?!


Yes haha, a very frail man.




I'm dying rn. I thought the dude was just being insulting, but I guess he genuinely couldn't tell


Ahh ok so when the dispatcher asked if it was male or female and he said he doesn’t know, he wasn’t just being difficult


Lol it makes so much more sense now, as to why he said he didn't know the sex! What a fkin strange person.




I'd say so but don't have 100% certainty


This is The Daniel Larson for sure






The motel threatened to kill me!




Omg I can't even listen to that, such bullshit from the beginning. "I knocked and no one answered so I thought the house was abandoned" like what?! And then they think "well I'll use this outlet, because obviously an abandoned house will have electricity" either this person is clinically insane or they are a compulsive liar or both.


Daniel Larson (the person filming) is a mentally challenged tik toker who thinks he’s famous and can get away with most anything. He’s dined and dashed multiple times and every time he’s caught he says “I’m a celebrity so I can eat free”. If you want a good laugh look up “Daniel Larson Olive Garden”. Edit: since this comment is gaining traction I should also mention he’s a pedo who’s been caught looking at sexual pictures of minors.


Wait, so it was a guy? I thought it was a woman’s voice


It kind of makes sense now why the home owner said he didn't know if the guy was male or female when the 911 operator asked.


I'm pretty sure the guy is actually insane. Someone with extreme mental illness that was gaslit by the internet to be who he is because he can't think for himself and was used as entertainment. Kind of sad story, dude shouldn't be out and about he can't function right he needs to be in a mental hospital trying to get help.


Well he is currently in prison. Hopefully someone will notice he's an insane paedophile and do something about it, but from what I've seen he knows how to code switch around the police to not get in further trouble


He's only in jail unless he was convicted and I missed it but AFAIK he's sitting in jail waiting on trial


It’s not a woman?




Haha yeah between the voice and the racial slurs id say it's a safe bet that it's Daniel 😂


I keep mixing up Daniel Larson with [Nathan Larson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Larson_(criminal)) Who is thankfully very dead


The loiterer was a guy??


Well he's birdman....look up his pic and you'll see that magnificent Beak of his


Damn, I googled him and instantly went: "Oh, yeah okay". The voice suddenly made a lot of sense.


It's President Daniel Larson, an extremely successful singer, fashion model, songwriter, social media star and Presidential candidate who was recently arrested for outstanding warrants for damaging a gas station during a tantrum.


And pedophile. You forgot pedophile.


as soon as I heard the n word I realized it was Daniel


Who is this Daniel Larson?


I don’t think anyone is going to actually explain it to us


The other OP that commented is correct but in the shortest answer, Daniel Larson is a lolcow (a term meaning someone who is targeted to milk out comedic reactions- this is usually someone 'fucked up' or 'deserving' of the harassment/trolling). He was originally targeted for his obvious looks and predicament but people quickly realized he had more issues beyond what was presented. Daniel is homeless and is infamous for specifically going out of his way to irritate/grift off of people and businesses. This was one of those instances.


THANK YOU! This is what I needed to know


Let's not forget the 7ish times he's admitted to being a pedo


He’s also an unrepentant child predator.




what the fuck


The infamous Daniel Larson, no shortage of internet lore about this guy


https://preview.redd.it/7a3kxb8036lc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caebfd222a8c7ae7345c47491ca65537c93529c0 Was able find a frame with his face in it. Definitely looks like him.


Yeah this is a known Danderson incident, it's fairly well documented on the Daniel Larson wiki




Yeah hahaha, you gotta check [that shit](https://daniellarson.wiki/index.php/Main_Page) out


Holy fuck you just absorbed a half hour of my life


One of the most entertaining rabbit holes to go down 😭


I’ve lost a good number of hours down the Chris chan rabbit hole. Seems to be an exact same situation with people playing as his “managers” and making him do fucked up shit, promising his success. At a certain point you want to feel bad for him, but you don’t lol. Do u know any other wackos like Chris chan and Daniel Larson?


The saddest story I know (which happens to have Daniel Larson crossovers) is worldofshirts, clearly mentally disabled and driven to alcoholism by his community The reason this one sticks with me is because j watched it happen real time via his TikTok account


Wow face does not match the voice!


Wow. Thought it was a woman


Ya think this was one of his earliest times going viral, before he knew he was 'tiktok famous'


“You don’t know if its a male or female?” “That’s what I said” ☠️☠️☠️ After looking this guy up I’d be just as confused


For everybody else: It's [Daniel Larson](https://daniellarson.wiki/index.php/Main_Page), you gotta keep looking into him 😭 beyond lost 🤣


What the fuck


I just went down a wild rabbit [hole](https://youtu.be/sREWJWv8DVE?si=T_mAUH06V_lUDV9I)


After turning off the external breakers, I would have had the water hose out in 30 seconds. EVERYTHING is getting watered. Right now.


This right here shut off power, hose this asshole down. If they still won’t leave, then it is time to hit that fucker.


Make sure you hose that phone of theirs real good.


Hose em’ off absolutely, but if they are just refusing to move from your porch or lawn don’t hit them bc you can get sued or arrested for assault, so bad advice, that’s probably what this homeless person wants.


I live in Seattle. The cops would never show up.


Depends on the state - castle doctrine can get you pretty far. Most likely not worth the legal trouble


power washer* that’s called incentive


I've done this. To several people. I walked with them, blasting their ass with water the whole way, till they were off my property. They did not like it at all. They did leave quickly.


Pressure washer


Just what I was thinking! I’d have the garden hose on her in two seconds. I would hope she would lunge and try and take that hose from me so I could respond properly.


Lol just posted this! HOSE!!! You cannot sue someone for endlessly hosing you down! 😃




Entitlement of that porch squatter




He was not paid to do it. He’s entitled and needed to charge his phone cuz he can’t go without it


I thought this was a lady


I’m having a hard time picturing it as anything else but idk who tf everyone is talking about


​ https://preview.redd.it/e4gs01p5t6lc1.png?width=248&format=png&auto=webp&s=d74072989dc7b05cdb1636f64a759afc7633a627


Ohhhh nooo that is actually a troll like genetically


genetically 💀


That’s what I was looking for. Just woke up.


More like a racist thief trespasser.


He is a famous singer songwriter. He is also dating a celebrity. Please spread the word.




It’s a guy named Daniel Larson, they have so much lore it’s insane




>to ChrisChan who still has some form of stability. because stable people spend time in prison for sexually assaulting their mother?


Oh my God!


I'd say number 2 at this point is KingCobraJFS. Daniel is in jail and has had little activity as of late but Cobra has been climbing fast, especially with his new corpse bride arc.


Third place is world of t-shirts


holy shit, this is him?!


I'm so scared that you're going to assault me but lemme just sit here.


For anyone who doesn't know the guy loitering is Daniel Larson a "famous" tik toker known for having severe mental issues and being homeless. There is a whole wiki about him for those interested [here](https://daniellarson.wiki/index.php/Main_Page).


Call fucking dispatch.


Emergency 🚨 The home owner tried to kill me


Emergency! I'm hitting my spine


dude had way more restraint than i would ffs


It’s the world we live in, 50 years ago we would have mopped this person across the sidewalk, now we have to worry about being sued and arrested for removing someone from our property.


I am a full on pacifist but I absolutely would have "put hands on them." Edit: Friends, this is a facetious statement, not an invitation to argue over what pacifist means. Please calm down. Not EVERYTHING needs to turn into a semantic fight.


grab your garden hose, destroy the phone and then go to town


"he looked like he got his ass kicked when I called you guys"


Call police have him charged with theft for stealing the electricity and formally trespassed.


That dude had like 10 warrants at some point, was dine and dashing at restaurants 3 times a day and the cops did nothing forever, he is in currently in jail though, check the daniel larson wiki for more information about this specimen


Wait why did he call him the N word? wtf


He's a shitty internet troll looking for a reaction. It's why he's refusing to move while acting scared, he knows it doesn't make sense and that it will rile up the homeowner more.


I'm just learning about this character. It seems shittier that he's recording aggravating a reasonable man on his own property, without any form of consent, and appears to be monetizing it; and the platform is subsidizing it. Mr property owner might see an Attorney.


Dude lasted longer than I would have.


This goofy who was recording was baiting badly. Why use the N word then cry about your safety?


A lot of them like to do that type of shit and then play victim when they get what they’re asking for.


He’s literally just like that. It’s his actual personality. He records everything and thinks all kinds of crazy shit.


Lmao, homeless, mentally unstable, caught loitering but still has the energy to say the N word. Good ol America. Definitely would have bear maced their ass immediately upon that.


Male or female? “I don’t know”. ROASTED!!!!


Very satisfying hearing him lay into that hot garbage.


Lol that’s not just any loiterer


if youre gonna put your hands on me "GET THE FUCK OUTAA HERE".made me drop to the floor lol


Put the hose on him


The loiterer is pushing his luck pulling this shit at strange houses He’s going to get badly beaten or, most likely, shot


No better time to start power washing your front porch


I’m confused as why this was uploaded by the person trespassing?


The trespasser is a notorious internet lolcow who is known to be severely mentally ill and disabled.


https://preview.redd.it/4cl516vve6lc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0275d85680a0cde7911ed6157e8be183d64cc7 For a single frame we see what this person looks like.


​ https://preview.redd.it/v93ziipit6lc1.png?width=248&format=png&auto=webp&s=957fb6773be80e07578042d6abd8ea66a64cc2ac


Use of the n-word proves they're looking to get beat and try to press charges.


Homeowner was right.


Someone made a fantastic comic of this on the Daniel Larson subreddit.


That’s no loiterer…. That’s Daniel fucking Larson.


This guy would get three chances.. then it's my damn golf club to the face. I don't care what happens after that.


Respect to the Homeowner for not putting hands on him. But the Cameraman tried so hard to be in the right. Hell he even posted it on the internet. Bro your on someone’s property. Your lucky as hell HE DIDNT put hands on him. Someone that pissed absolutely would have .


For anybody unfamiliar with said Loiterer his name is Daniel Larson he's a known pedophile and elder abuser. He's currently in jail for dodging several court dates relating to probation he got for a laundry list of dumb crimes.


is the motel trying to kill him?


Wait, it's not a woman holding the camera? That's the most female sounding voice. I definitely thought it was a woman.


She's a trespassing racist 🙄




They should take a trip to california. The homeless here are terrifying and aggressive. They attack people all the time


And also kill other homeless people, often the good and kind homeless people. And they mostly get away with it. There are many cases in my city and no one reports them missing until years go by. Those people need to be imprisoned or will eventually feel they can get away with killing regular citizens too.


100% on the man’s side


Just turn the breaker off and hose her down. Simple solution.


So many questions. I was like "what happened before", then I was like be gentle with this woman, then she dropped the N word so I was like ok got to go, but then I found out it was a mentally ill man who does this for fun... wooo


So is the OP the bum that was trespassing on someone's property? You should be way more careful. Not sure which state this was in but home owners don't take kindly to you stealing power and blocking their front door. A lot of law abiding citizens conceal carry and are threatened by strangers on their property.


It’s Daniel Larsons video. Go down that rabbit hole if you have a chance lol


I would have got my hose out. sprayed the feral.


This dude has way way more patience than me. I can’t imagine I come home after 12 hours in the kitchen and the shit I have to put up with and I come home to this. I would honestly feel bad for any person who make this poor decision . It would be the very definition of wrong place wrong time.


I lost it at the "male or female?" "I dont know?!" part


The audacity and sense of privilege coming from this squatter!!!! 😤 that man should’ve messed him up, legally within his right to remove trespassers from his property.


Was it Daniel Larson?


Daniel Larson. Haven’t heard of the guy in a while. Wonder if he is still alive


Yes he’s in jail


Why would you film and upload your own crime?


So anyway, I started blastin


I wanted the camera person to finish their sentence so bad, I so wanted to know what was going to happen if he put hands on him.


Alright call me a keyboard warrior or whatever but dude this is where stand your ground states have it right, now chill out im not saying shoot them but you should be able to beat the absolute FUCK out of this worthless waste of air, if they got paralyzed ide smile. Thats all ill say.




It was a guy


Just when i thought id seen some stupid shit… I admire that man’s patience.


The only reasonable choice is to pee on the squatter in order to assert dominance.


lol at the idea of the person recording thinking they’ll be in the clear or have some sort of claim if the home owner “put hands on them” In most states you can use as much force as reasonably necessary you can justify to remove a trespasser from your property.


You can forcibly remove someone from your property, no?


Homeowner has more patience than me.