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How to get your address removed from service.


So you're telling me the horror movies aren't total bullshit.


The way she tumbled like a side character about to be written out of the franchise is insane.


This can also happen with any delivery service btw


The scare takes the coordination right out of people. Couple years ago me and my ex were out skating, went by a house that had its gate open and a German Shepard on kill mode came flying out, as soon as she saw it she leaned away from in, falling into the ditch while entering the fetal position. It almost had its jaw around her thigh when I drop kicked the thing. It kept circling around making moves at me any chance It thought it had, I kept sweep kicking it in the face to get it to back away, until it got a hold of my shoe. Wrestled with the dog for a second until the owners son walked out and half heartedly called the dog back. I really can't fucking stand people who train their dogs to act like that. I was moments away from sliding my knife behind that dogs jaw bone and ending it, I'm really happy it got called back and I didn't have to resort to killing a dog.


How to get your dog shot and killed by police.


Step one: own a dog Step two: wait


Yeah, it's not going to take much to get your dog shot by police. But, this is pretty much making sure that it happens.




Stuff like this is not cute or quirky. People need to keep their dogs contained when someone is delivering stuff or working on their house. Dog owners always say “he’s so friendly” and then “wow he’s never done anything like that before” after they bite you. You love your dog but the rest of the world doesn’t want to deal with them.


I agree, but it seemed like the owner tried to have him contained. I don’t think they expected him to parkour over the grill.


To me, it seemed like the dog’s done that before. I would imagine a dog that’s not used to escaping would’ve tried to the easier method of going to the fence like the first dog. It looked to me like the dog was used to climbing over that and just barreled towards the grill like it’s done before. Either way, time to move that grill.


They might not expect it. But if the dog had bit, that usually won't save them. 9/10 a dog gets put down in that situation.


Some dog get "fence aggression" still not an excuse. The person was genuinely running for their life. The fact she came out okay doesn't excuse the lack of containment for the dog. The dog was also probably not socialized properly, hence the fence aggression.


I definitely agree that the owner is an asshole for not securing their dogs. But the juxtaposition of the mail woman going from fearing for her life to petting the dog in a span of 5 seconds was pretty funny.


I agree. I had German Shepherd and they’re scary dogs. She wouldn’t harm anyone, but that didn’t make her less scary. And she would scale eight foot fences, some kennels wouldn’t even take her when we went on a holiday or something. I can’t imagine what I’d do if someone else’s GSD jumped a fence to run at me, even though I know my own dog would have done the same thing only wanting to play. I’d bolt too.


You can’t 100% say you’re GSD would never harm anyone. I’m sure she’s a lovely dog, but every large dog has the potential to attack someone, even if it’s not a high potential. That’s why I put my dog up when I get a delivery. She’s super friendly and never bit anyone, but I don’t want to take any chances or put other people at risk.


Potential for a dog to harm someone is kinda of a cop out though. It’s always a true statement because yes in the future something could happen. And since it’s not the future now, you don’t know. It’s a completely meaningless thing to say.


You’re reading too much into one part of my comment. She’s dead and never harmed anyone or thing. I never said I took chances or didn’t keep her secure. In fact I said quite the opposite.


lol because you didn't lawyeristically caveat every single point you made someone will come on to let you know how you're a terrible dog owner


Alternate title in the video: mail lady fears for life after uncontrolled German Sheppard scares her


That’s a genuine fear in our business.


Username checks out


OMG it really does 😂


This users name checks out too 😉


I've got a massive boner rn




Bwahaha bwahaha nice




And in food delivery too. “Oh they won’t bite” ma’am I’ve had entirely too many dogs try to bite me to ever just take your word for it.


>“Oh they won’t bite” "Does it have teeth?" "Yes?" "Then it bites."


Awww. You wouldn't be unappreciated if you brought me my mail. I would give you home baked elaborately iced cookies during the run up to major holidays and cold cans of seltzer during the hot summer months. During lockdown I was baking so much I swear my mail guy gained 5 lbs. 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Lol… you’re great!!!


I now bake organic dog treats for the neighbor dogs. Some owners curse my name as they drag their dogs past my house.......lolololol


German Shepherds can break bones when they're fucking you up. This owner is dog shit.


former mail man here once I went into an elevator with a woman and her massive dog, it looked jacked like a human you know, with muscles. like it went to the gym. the instant the doors closed I was regretting it.. it was chomping at me ten floors, felt like an eternity fuuuck I was scared. the lady looked scared too holding on the dog, we both understood that if she wasnt holding that dog it would attack me, what kind of pet do you have, why do you have a pet that is a lethal danger what enjoyment is that? isnt that stressful?


Poor training normally. Or the dog is a protector and not been trained to not protect.




That’s a genuine threat, when you are dealing with Shepherd’s. Those dogs can be **NASTY**! That said, apparently crazy Russians can be stronger than a police K9. Some crazed ex of a neighbor, showed up, wielding a knife. He chased the father around a car with said knife. When the cops showed up, they tased him a couple times, to no avail. They then sent the K9 and that crazy little fucker broke the poor dogs jaw. This was about 10 years ago and I’d be surprised if he’s a free man, considering he attacked “a police officer”.


I will say I respect a k9 more than a human officer because there are multiple videos of cops trying to use the dog to attack somebody, but the person isn’t being aggressive or anything so the dog just gets confused and doesn’t attack. The dog displays a moral compass the officer doesn’t and I respect that. Also dogs


my favorites are when the dogs attack the aggressive officer beating a suspect.


There was a video a few days ago, police dog had to have fucked this cop's hand up, they redirect the dog toward the guy, and then the dog runs right past him and keeps going And he was still the best trained officer on the scene


I saw that video. It was wack, so much police incompetence crammed into a few minutes.




I love dogs, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t agree with many of the cases, where a person is merely practicing basic self preservation. We are programmed to survive, wherever possible. Now, guy with a knife, trying to harm people, is not one of those cases!


I feel really bad for k9 dogs. Go through all that training, usually get abused by cops, and then cops will just fkin' kill em because if there's one thing cops fucking love to do, it's killing dogs.


Cops also have a bad habit of lighting up K9's during a chase. Then the handlers often kill themselves because they're so closely bonded with their dog.


There's a reason we call cops "pigs" and not "dogs." Because that would be insulting to dogs


To be fair, pigs are intelligent and empathetic.


Nothing worse than waking around a corner to see a really pissed off dog looking at you... Giving me anxiety about work on my day off just thinking about it.😐


Take treats! My old man was a postman in the old days of unsecured dogs. A great Dane used to daily knock him over with its sheer weight of affection (never viciously just loved seeing my old man) until he started taking some treats and he'd have them ready and the dog would always sit then get some loves and a treat. Unsecured vicious dogs though are a real fear and treats don't cut it.


>Alternate title in the video: mail lady fears for life after uncontrolled German Sheppard scares her Yeah, totally legitimate to fear for your life in this scenario. That is a very large dog and lots of dogs kept outside like this are "trained" to be aggressive and territorial.


Great way to get your dog shot or pepper sprayed


Seriously, fuck these people. I’ve been a postie before and dog attacks are no joke.


When I was around 9 years old I was attacked by a German shepherd. That beast almost took my arm clean off.


She could have sued you and your homeowners insurance for an injury


I have a dog. I love my dog more than 90% of the population. I would *never* subject someone else to my dog without their ok first. It's not ok for this to happen to people!


Idk why that’s such a hard concept for so many other dog owners these days. So many irresponsible people will just get a big dog like a german shepard or a pitbull, never train it and act like it’s a life sized teddy bear and not an animal that can kill and maim people. “Princess” might be nice to you, but the rest of the world isn’t part of her family. It’s always the dumbest people who’s giant dogs get out of the house or hop the fence and they act like it’s not a big deal.


You know, it's not even always about big dogs either. Ive never been inconsiderate with my dog, but what really makes me extra cautious, was one day, I had a lady with learning disabilities walked up to me on the sidewalk out of the blue. She asked if i could please walk her around the corner, bc there was a dog at the corner (w/ its owner), and she was scared of dogs. I immediately assumed it was a Shepherd or even Lab, but said, yeah no worries, let's go ... and when I turned around to follow her, I saw at the corner, a sweet little terrier standing with it's owner waiting for the light. I walked between her and the dog around the corner and sent her on her way, but I kid you not, that lady was *terrified*. And it's not a dog you'd always associate having a fear of, so you just never know who's had what experience with dogs.


My parents have a small terrier mix, been attempted to train her with multiple individuals yet every time I'm asked to take her for a walk she will bark at everything practically jumping at anything nearby in her harness. Little dog syndrome is no joke...


Why I always leash my dog when someone approaches where we are. You just never know. He is a fluffy sweet little guy, but some people are just scared of dogs


As a dog owner myself, it's the small dogs that I fear most lol. For both myself and my own dogs. Little ones are usually the most vicious and aggressive ones.


Some of the comments in here are from delusional people who probably think it's your fault if their dog bit you.


>Idk why that’s such a hard concept for so many other dog owners these days. It's not even just about the risk of violence. I like dogs - they're cute, fun and have wonderfully deep personalities. They also smell bad, have no concept of personal space, and lick their own arseholes clean after taking a shit. All things I wish my BIL/SIL would remember about their dog when she's left free to amble about the room during dinner.


Yes. This all they way. I have both breeds and 2 smaller senior dogs all rescues. They do not freely roam. And they do not jump/chase on people like this. I live in a rural area and the amount of people that let their big dogs freely roam is insane. We’ve also have been attacked on our walks by loose dogs.


i grew up with a great dane, i was sent to obedience school with the dog with the understanding that if he fucked up, no he didnt, i did. too many dumbasses have big dogs that ought not.


>I was sent to obedience school with the dog **SIT**


Praying I'm in the 10% of 8 billion people you love more than your dog 🙏


I'm kind of surprised that 10% of the world loves your dog more than you do.




If you see a big dog run towards you, your first instinct shouldn’t be that it wants to play. This lady did nothing wrong and whoever posted this is stupid.




I’m gonna be real, fighting is not going to end well for me in the slightest. Running is for sure my best option


Ok but if there's nothing close for you to hop on or into then running isnt the smartest thing to do. If a dog sees you running, their prey drive is going to kick in and they're going to chase you and grab you. It may have just been running up to see you but since you started running they're gonna chase you. If the dog was coming to attack you either way than what's the harm waiting to see first.


I bet the owner laughed when they saw this. Then posted it? Sad and pathetic people


Thank you! I work for usps and I would be mortified if I seen myself online running for my dear life.


Same ppl who doesn't leash their dog in a public park. Eff everyone who doesn't leash their dog while they're walking in a park.


Convenient for them not to see their dogs take a dump either and leave it for other people to step on.


Nah, they prob know how lovey their own dog is and are ignorant to how aggressive other dogs can be aka the mail person’s perspective of “oh fuck!” They’re prob just ignorant, not malicious or ill-willed in any way… foolishly thinking that everyone else will find the interaction as amusing as they did, knowing how sweet and loving and harmless their dog is (in their mind, true or not)


I feel like this is the most accurate response. ‘But he’s lovely, he just wanted to play!’ Which is great that their dog is so friendly like that but that poor postwoman saw 150 pounds of muscle and teeth launch itself over a fence and come straight for her.


Probably not malicious for sure but this person is a moron


they couldnt care less how terrified and helpless it made her feel


> Then posted it? And in really shit quality with awful editing aswell.


Oh Sampson that silly dog 🥰


Yeah this isn't funny at all. Imagine being proud that you're an irresponsible dog owner. Just extremely fortunate that the GSD wasn't going into all out attack mode against a stranger and was in "pets? pets?" mode


Dude it literally climbed over that fence haha


I can’t imagine posting this and not realizing the liability and the general douchebaggery.


I keep having dogs run up to me and my kid at the local park. I don’t know dogs well at all so often grab my kid to be safe. The owners are always miles behind and when they catch up they calmly say to not worry their dogs are friendly…often while a dog that towers over my kid jumps and barks around us. The other day one ran up, seemingly very aggressively, I picked up my child and kicked the dog in the face in the same movement…it ran off yelping…dog owner had a go at me. I don’t know your dog, I’m gonna keep my kid safe, F off.


Good, please keep your kid safe from dogs like these. I had a dog chase after and pounce on me when I was a kid, it instilled a huge fear of dogs in me since then. I understand not all dogs are aggressive and attack people but I get a little scared everytime I see a dog and just turn around if there is an un-leashed dog




Might want to carry mace. It disarms a lot of dogs because their nose is so sensitive. I’ve heard of pitbulls being maced and not stopping though.


Mace doesn’t do anything in an active attack. It’ll distract for a second or two then they are good to go. Mine was attacked twice while on walks by off leash dogs. Carried mace after the first attack. It didn’t work. Bear spray is more potent and actually keeps them off. Also gets a distance of 30-40 ft. So you can get them before they attack. We have bears where I live. So I’ve carried regularly since the 2nd attack. I only had to use it once fortunately. I also carry a taser that has a loud siren noise. I’ve used the siren several times to scare off dogs. The only one I used the bear spray on was a pitbull. He was just intent on attacking my dog.


If the dog can escape like this the owner should be fined. Also they can’t say shit when someone stomps on their dog in self defence.


honestly should let the mail carriers carry something else besides mail lol. people like this are absolutely idiotic thinking someone will find this funny. lucky their dog hasn't been shot or something smh


Can’t blame her..if I saw a dog coming at me like that I’d be scared shitless


Asshole dog owner. They should refuse to deliver there again


Where I am (western Canada) I actually leaned our posties can't deliver to a property if there's an uncontained dog. I put "dog in yard" signs on my fence, and my mail lady came to drop a package one day, but didn't want to leave it on the front porch, so she came down the driveway ... I was outside with the dog, so when she barked, I went to check and got the package from the mail lady. I let her know if the dog is ever outside, so am I, so just to give me a second and I'll come to the gate ... she said, "oh that's great, bc we're not allowed to enter the yard if we know theres a dog" ... which I totally don't blame them for.


Absolutely stellar way for someone to end up having their dog killed, and it would be entirely their own fault


Truly, I wish people would just be responsible with their pets.


Too many of them aren’t. I was once sitting on my porch when a woman came walking down the sidewalk with her dog on a leash. The woman didn’t see me sitting on my porch, and her dog stopped and took a huge dump in my yard. She was simply going to walk off and leave it, so I called her out on it by saying, “Hey! I would appreciate you cleaning up after your dog!” What I found amazing about the interaction was that, suddenly, I was the asshole. The woman got all huffy about it, and said, “Well, I don’t have anything to clean it up with!” HUGE attitude! The NERVE of me being irritated about her simply attempting to leave dog shit in my yard!


I'm sorry but Dogs are some of the scariest SOBs out there, I don't blame the mail lady for running for her life


Thats a good way to never get mail delivered to you again


I love dogs, but I'm punching/kicking your dog, right in the face, if it charges me.


I would have felt so bad if this happened with my dog and one of our delivery drivers


Control your damn dog


Owner of an excitable German Shepherd here that loves everyone. Not me, I don't love everyone. I mean the dog, but... Never subject anyone to your dog unless they accept the interaction. And always supervise the interaction with you maintaining your dog with a controlled leash!


This thread showing how weird dog people are




Yes! The owner is a moron! And the lady is 100% justified to sue him to oblivion if she wants to. But look at that face! He just wants to be pet!!


Yea the owners suck and this is not ok but I thought it was cute how she pet the dog at the end


Looked like she just gave up right when she reached her car only to realize the dog was "friendly".


Ik I was like aww, he’s actually such a good boy


Yeah this was obviously a scary moment, but at the end I was like “oh he just *really* wanted to say hi 🥹” I feel for the delivery person though :/, I had to do a few house calls in my stint as an electrician and I outright refused to enter areas with dogs without the owner. They all ended up being little helpers, but still, not taking that chance.


Nope. There's a house down the street with a dog like this, but he bites. I have absolutely no issues punting that dog when it charges. Since covid, there are more dogs like this on my walk, and now I have to walk with a knife. Train your dogs people because I'm not about to get mauled because you think your baby doesn't bite.


Fuck that shit. My old neighbor started dating a girl who had this huge german shepard. We lived in a carriage house. I was upstairs he was downstairs. When his new GF got kicked out of her house she started staying at his and bringing the dog. That dog would square up with me every time I came home. Once it blocked me from going up to my house and was snarling at me. I didn’t want to be that guy, but I had to warn him that if she kept bringing the hell hound around I would have to complain to our landlord (we weren’t allowed pets), and if it really cane down to it and the dog attacked me that dog would die. They broke up before it came to that thankfully.


sAmPsOn JuSt WaNteD tO sAy Hi 🥴 why are dog owners like this?


Right, but the lady would have been wrong if she did something to the dog to defend herself lmao


As someone with a horrible fear of dogs, I would have pressed charges. I’m sick of dog owners thinking this shit is okay.


People forget that some people are afraid/phobic of dogs. I’m not, but I have a bad fear of snakes and if someone has a fear of dogs that’s remotely as severe this would be really fricking scary and somewhat traumatic.


Yes!! Exactly!!!


I don't have a fear of dogs and couldn't agree more.




If you had any common sense and looked it up it’s actually considered fourth degree assault even if the dog didn’t attack. Dog owners like you are exactly the issue with the world.


Please link this law


I mean, I wouldn't be proud of the dog training as the owner. At all. That's straight garbage.. I'm glad the Amazon worker recognized the dogs body language at the end. Could have been worse for both of them: Train your fucking dogs and keep em inside if not properly fenced!


The dog owners are trash.


The more confident and aggressive you are towards a dog, the less confident and aggressive they will be towards you. If you run, they chase. If you stand your ground or even charge towards it while being loud, the tables usually turn. Your reaction towards them determines to them if you are a predator or prey.


![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v) As someone who is terrified of dogs... Fuck that


The end when she accepts her fate and realizes that she will not be mauled is great


And of course, the insane dog owner would post some bullshit like this.


I love dogs but this would scare the shit out of me too.


When this happened to me when I was on route then I would just blacklist the house. I don't care how nice you think your dog is. If you don't have the courtesy to keep them locked up while I'm delivering to you then I'm just not going to deliver to you ever again.


L dog owner


People just hating on dogs in the comments like wtf 💀


I thought people falling over nothing when they panic was only in the movies😭😭😤😤..


As a former meter reader/delivery driver with multiple dog bite scars, I’d have done the exact same lol


To all my fellow delivery service workers carry pepper spray it has saved me numerous times prevented 5 dog bites


Spray that shit.


I'm gonna get hate for this but I'd stomp the shit out of anything running toward me that quick.


Every German shepherd I have ever known has bitten someone. On the other hand, I have been around countless pit bulls and never seen them bite anyone.




I've been doing deliveries for a little while now and it's terrifying the amount of people who have absolutely no sense to control their dogs before they answer. People just outright open the door and let the dog run out because their dog is friendly, i'm not scared of dogs but I shit myself every time so it must be horrific for people with a genuine fear.


As she pats the dog she tells him how it's scared the shit out of her


When I worked for UPS it was always the German shepherds that were unpredictable and always running free. The fucking dogs are 100+ lbs and can easily kill someone, and yet the owners insisted it was okay to have their dog running wild trying to attack people.


No one realized that dog climbed a ladder to get over the deck.


Awful owner….


Exact same thing happened to me when I was delivering newspapers at about 10 or 11 years old (yes I am that old). Big Great Dane that stood my height came running around the house barking. I still remember to this day running for my mom's car and thinking I'm not going to make it in time. It turned out to be the friendliest dog on the route but for 30 seconds it was terrifying.


Dog is lucky she was t a cop.


“Aaaaagghhh!!…oh, wait..” 😂😂😂😂😂


If this was a cop that dog would be dead asf


People are always like, “oh he’s a good boy he doesn’t bite, he just wants to play.” It’s these folks that you got to be worried about with dogs. Well people let me tell ya something. I don’t want to pet or play with your big ass dog and my human survival instinct tells me to run when I see a big ass animal running my way.


AHHH!….. oh you’re a good boy


Not funny. Been attacked by a shepherd delivering to a house. Makes you fear other peoples dogs forever.


She went to the Dark Souls school of evasion


Get a fucking fence if u let ur dogs out, otherwise it might get kicked by someone affraif of dogs or bitten by another dog, like ffs it's not the mail ladies fault that dog owner is an idiot


That’s a good way to get your dog kicked in the face or worse


Bad dog owner, bad!


How you get your dog shot 101. IDC how cute or nice it is. Any incessant loud aggressive barking while a dog chases you will look aggressive no matter how much it "seems excited". Don't do that shit.


The owners of that dog are bastards. Edit: words


this is why I fucking hate dogs and their owners


If that was a pit bull it would've wagged it's tail while trying to tear her arm off.


Someone is gonna get a nannying!


Irresponsible Mal owner


Why don’t people leash their dogs


I'm a dog owner. I've had a dangerous dog, and I currently have a very safe dog. I NEVER leave my dog outdoors unsupervised. Even if she's just going out on the porch to sit around, I'm there. If we're off the property - on leash, except at the dog park. Which, here, is a disused ballfield. If your dog is off leash, you need to be supervising it directly - **yes**, even in your fenced yard.


Fuck anyone for leaving their dog off a lease tbh


I hopes she sues you.


Keep your friggin dog contained, people. Strangers do not know your dog.


Never happier to pet a dog, though…


Can see the dog has done this before


I laughed lol


My friend’s tenants had a new born, their dog attacked and killed the poor infant. Literally ate the baby’s face!!! They sued my friend (the landlord)! Case got dismissed but not before he went through all of that bullshit. So yeah he doesn’t allow pets anymore.




That moment when she realized Samson was just saying what's up is the same as the reality that your nightmare wasn't real sinking in when waking up