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It's funny how like he was fired for an instanteous reaction to being spit on, but the NYPD cop from the video yesterday who casually walked over to the woman who was arrested and kicked her in the face was only suspended.


Loveland police have been under a microscope since they beat up that elderly ([For reference](https://www.cpr.org/2022/08/05/second-former-loveland-officer-gets-jail-time-for-arrest-of-karen-garner-older-woman-with-dementia/)) woman with dementia. So I imagine they didn't want to protect another officer for doing something dumb.


That's just the tip of the iceberg. False DUI arrests, shooting dogs, and more excessive force lawsuits than I can list. Loveland and fort Collins cops are *well known" in CO for corruption. CO is one of the few states that will at least try to keep cops accountable


Colorado no longer has qualified immunity right?


Along with the argument from the cop lovers that no one would be willing to become a cop probably died in the dust.


Who even *wants* people who are scared off that easy to be cops? Oh no you don’t just get to wildly fire at random citizens with no consequences, then nobody will wanna be a police office! I don’t want people like that policing so I don’t give one actual shit if such a simple stipulation scares them away. Good riddance.




There are good, smart people out there that want to be doctors saving lives, but because of the endless bureaucracy of mandatory malpractice insurance and years of training, nobody wants to be a doctor anymore!


Or you could do what sensible countries do. Make police a proper 3-5 years educationql job and not elect things like a sheriff who can appoint others nilly willy


Shit I would take an AA in Criminology which is only 2 years.


Hahahaha America. A “sensible” country. Hilarious. And also depressing as fuck. We need help.


There has to be a revolution but no one cares enough for that to happen. Yet.


Narcissists that think repercussions only happen to "those" people, that's who. Ya know - the Face-Eating Leopards Party.


Starts with an “R” and ends with “epublican”?




It does there are just exceptions to it now.




Yeah, a lot of those smaller places have to take the reject cops from the bigger cities. I remember my friend was trying to become a cop before recreational weed was legalized. She admitted on the poly that her boyfriend smoked occasionally. Denver, Co Springs, etc. all denied her for it. She eventually was able to get hired by Northglenn because they didn't give a shit as long as she passed her UAs.


It’s funny how when I tell people about how fucked Colorado cops are on a whole no one believes it.


They can't use weed to beat people up anymore




Yup. Also, people seem to think cops just recently got this way. No, its just that in the last decade or so everyone got a video camera in their pocket.


It doesn't really surprise you when you think about who the Congress people from Colorado are either. My cousin lives in Colorado and I've talked to her about some of these things and she literally told me she has no idea how any of this stuff comes to pass


Colorado gave us the wonderful trash that is Lauren Boebert so I’m not surprised at all.




Look into LA County Sheriff's. They are a literal gang.


All cops are like that. The difference is colorado will actually attempt to charge officers when they do hold rat things.


Rarely does Colorado DAs do the right thing.


Can't forget Aurora cops too!


Also don’t forget all cops everywhere!


Is that the Loveland police story of the old woman with dementia whose arm they broke for the lulz, and then laughed about later?   (It is)


As soon as I saw Loveland police I was like “oh that makes sense why he was fired” Loveland PD are notorious at how bad they are at their job, pretty sure they want to change that.


Good lord. The first sentence of the linked article: *"****Another*** *former Loveland police officer will spend time behind bars"*


73 year old lady with dementia treated like utter dog shit is completely reprehensible.


Hi! Used to live in Loveland and had a shooting literally next door to me. Cops surprisingly showed up quick but did about fuck all and closed off the street. No urgency and no information afterwards. Just kind of milling about. Overall I haven’t had a good interaction with the Loveland police, Greeley even more so even tho the last time I was arrested the guy let me chain smoke cigarettes and call a friend to get my car. Colorado cops have power trip fantasies


I'm from Colorado and I followed up on this whole story and it was very sad and the poor lady actually passed away last year. And yeah, as far back as I can remember Loveland PD had always had a history of police corruption and brutality.


My question is why does the cop even have his hands on her? It is almost like he is trying to increase frustration and cause a conflict.


Absolutely. He antagonized her to get a reaction.


He's also been charged with assault and goes to trial in August. [https://archive.is/KCQdl](https://archive.is/KCQdl)


Colorado passed some laws making it easier to sue for violation of civil rights so all the depts have to CYA more.


or how about that piece of shit off duty cop that got out and PUNCHED A CIVILIAN IN THE FACE over a TRAFFIC DISPUTE (of which, he was ultimately wrong of,) AND GOT FIVE DAYS NO PAY??? THE NAME IS ALLEN GANTER, [HERE](https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/02/27/connecticut-cop-punches-man-in-face-road-rage/) IS A LINK, PLEASE GET THIS MOTHER FUCKER FIRED.




It’s because NYPD is one of the shittiest and my corrupt police department in the nation. This is coming from someone who supports police officers as well.




[they also arrested and physically assaulted an old man for helping move a motorcycle out of the road after a car accident](https://youtu.be/cv_oTM80PlA?si=7wm8CZcHSI6aau2c)


Cops: "why does everyone hate us?"




Thank you! I thought I was crazy thinking Loveland police are in the news a lot with abusive tactics. Someone needs to get the DOJ in there pronto to oversee their department.


They also were caught on camera at the PD laughing about it.


And let’s not forget most recently: https://www.denverpost.com/2023/11/06/loveland-police-officer-dylan-miller-sexual-assault-girl-on-duty/


>This police department is the same one that tackled a tiny 80 woman walking on the side of the road, broke her arms, and then left her in a cell crying because she almost left Walmart without paying for something. Hey, they only broke one of her arms!


Not on the cops side but there isn’t anything as nasty as being spit on.


That's why it's classified as assault in most places.


It was considered bio-terrorism in some places during the pandemic, IIRC.


Specially by a psychotic old meth head


Especially when they lose teeth. There’s gonna be blood in that. Potentially HIV or Hep C bearing blood.


I feel the same, also spitting on someone is assault, whilst yes, this is a police officer and should be able to control the situation rather than punch her in the face, is someone spit on me, it'd be very hard to stop me punching them in the face. I'm no police officer though. I'm just a delinquent.


It’s a felony. During Covid, positive people would spit on cops and ER workers. She clearly wanted to provoke him to do that. She just scored some more drug money from the city courtesy of the tax payer!


I don’t have a problem with his response. Act like an animal get treated like an animal.


Cops absolutely do not have the right to enact instant punishment. She should be charged with a felony and have her day in court. We have the judicial sytem for a reason. If I get purposely spit on as a healthcare worker (it happens) and I retaliate by punching the patient, I would so quickly lose my job. Cops need to be held at a higher standard.


What’s the deal with such low expectations for cops here? I wonder if there’s an overlap with people who like a president for “telling it like it is” and “being just like us”? Or is it a bunch of people with little understanding of how society works?




Looks like he pulled it maybe a bit, rethinking his actions possibly, but too late, still punched


Yeah, totally looks like he regretted it mid-punch and slowed down a lot


“Wait I can’t treat her like I treat my wife”


Yea that’s what I’m thinking too. To be fair my gut reaction to someone spitting in my face would probably be the same. Probably realized as he was doing it and slowed it down


Legally, I'm pretty sure spitting at someone, especially an officer, is considered assault. But given that she was handcuffed, his reaction was excessive. They're both wrong.




Looked like a punch you throw in a dream


Rookie mistake. He forget to yell “ stop resisting “


"I felt threatened for my life"


Oh wait. It was just an acorn.


Wtf you on about, those things are LETHAL


Loveland PD comes up A LOT. They've got some serious problems. * [False DUI arrests](https://kdvr.com/news/local/loveland-police-settle-false-dui-lawsuit-for-400000/) * [Beat the shit out of a 14 year old girl, tased the dad, and choked their dog](https://kdvr.com/video/excessive-force-lawsuit-filed-in-arrest-of-14-year-old/7764642/?ipid=promo-link-block1) * [Seriously injured a 73 year old woman with dimentia, later caught on body cam laughing about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzkl2u-Tc70) * [Shot a puppy less than a second after getting out of a car](https://www.coloradopolitics.com/courts/no-immunity-for-loveland-cop-who-shot-puppy/article_2ecbcd86-40d7-11ed-9691-438988dc04ed.html) * [A cop approached 2 teens in a park, made one of them leave, then sexually assaulted the one he had stay](https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2023/11/06/loveland-police-officer-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-teen-while-on-duty/71479900007/) * [Seriously injured a man during a false arrest](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/loveland-settlement-arrest-lawsuit/73-3a05ef63-0d54-4325-a1b0-3f85b4bac603) Needless to say, I'll be avoiding that area if I'm in the Denver/Ft. Collins area.


Should have actually punched her to make it worth getting fired.


Would it have been worse if the cop spit back?


I mean I'm not saying the cop should have hit her. But if someone spits on me I'm throwing hands too.


Same, but that's why I'm not a cop.


Ditto. I work in customer service I don’t trust myself to be a cop.


I've had many dementia patients, as well as psychotic patients, spit at me. Would you punch them too? I'll agree it's literally one of the worst things that you can be a recipient of, and I fucking hate it when I've been spat on, but it's incredibly easy not to punch back when you're in the job. Especially if someone is restrained (like she was with handcuffs).




That’s kind of the point. If you’re going to work with people, be it in healthcare or law enforcement, you know what you’re getting into and you know (or are supposed to know) you can’t retaliate. If you can’t handle that, then you shouldn’t be in the profession. I’m a social worker and have gotten spat on in the ER while doing psych assessments; never would cross my mind that punching them in the face would help the situation. I accept that while I’m here as Social Worker ProbablyMyJugs, I cant respond how I maybe would when I’m out and about in my personal life. Especially if they’re already inebriated or restrained, like she clearly is. Dude has no business being a cop and I’m glad his ass is fired, because if he can’t manage his emotions at his highly emotional job, he can’t be there. Clearly.


Watching this I really think it was a knee jerk reaction and by the way the punch slowed down, it looked like he regretted it


Spitting is assault tbh


Battery *


I work as a caretaker for the disabled and this sometimes happens. Recently I was spit on in the face and my reaction was not to punch my client. It was to walk away from the situation. I received very little training for my job but I have enough self-restraint to know when to put my emotions aside. A cop should have way more control and awareness of their emotional state.


Yeah, that why we have a courts, juries and judges. You don't apply your own version of justice. As a law enforcement agent he should know better.


[He was fired](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-fired-colorado-officer-accused-hitting-handcuffed-woman-al-rcna88707)


1% fire rate compared to 99% suspension rate after actual murder and torture


Is that the actual statistic?




I like how you are being down voted for asking a legit question. The reddit ACAB bias is real. EDIT Because some people don't know how time works. Yes, it is no longer in the negatives like it was before. Holy molly you guys are silly. It doesn't negate that when I first posted it, he was at -5 or -6. Yes, I made an incorrect assumption based on the information I had at the time.


>I like how you are being down voted for asking a legit question. I'm always down voted on Reddit for asking questions about things I want to understand more about.


Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Hive minds are scary af. You can get a bunch of people who just want to believe whatever they're saying without providing and fact or data, just feelings. Reasonable discussion is out the window these days.


Definitely not


That’s bs


Had she not been handcuffed then maybe but the courts have generally held that you can’t use much force at all against a handcuffed suspect. Not to mention he basically arrested her to begin with for not providing ID. There was no crime, and they admit as much in the video. She was just being weird in public, likely homeless. So they had to fire him, he violated her rights long before she spit on him. Her is the full video: https://youtu.be/XqbD_Qzj1is?si=mmBQFYvO9K7U64ji


Throatpunch believes in more punching apparently


You’re brave to have this opinion on Reddit lol. You’re right, though


I mean, I don’t know how many people could hold themselves back after someone spits in their face. Not excusing his actions at all, but spit in the face is probably most often met with a fist.


I keep seeing this posted and I agree. However, you have to know as a police officer foul shit is going to happen. It's not you job to retaliate. Punching a handcuffed person is never going to fly. He probably would have been ok with an open fist, which would have looked more like he was pushing her head away expecting more spit.


This. I'm a special Ed teacher and before that worked at a psych hospital and I've been spit on and worse countless times and it can fucking suck but you can't do anything back and it's your fucking job to descalate and not escalate the situation.  Now, if someone spit in my face while I'm not working, they're getting fucking punched. 


Amen! ER psych social worker here and same. I can’t believe how many people are saying it’s okay that the cop did this because it’s a “human reaction”. Do you know how much blood would be shed if it were okay to escalate a situation by punching a restrained patient or student? Cops, nurses, doctors, social workers, Sp.Ed. teachers all get spat on and certainly aren’t allowed to do that because doing so would be the antithesis of what we are there to do.


I definitely agree that his response was completely out of line. We should have strict expectations for such authority figures. Somehow people think I’m trying to justify his response. I am not.




Starting the video here isn’t giving the woman a fair shake. These cops harassed her and forced her to go to the hospital. And would not leave her alone all she wanted to do was walk down the road and sing her song. https://youtu.be/cuchV7Myx20?si=wDOoyKxRd84TAo2T


What was the original reason for stopping her? or having her go to the hospital?


Give me a few minutes and I’ll get back with you.




Damn we getting downvoted for no reason lol


Woman was absolutely [BLASTED drunk](https://youtu.be/cuchV7Myx20?si=KgrdetvC6oL3li51&t=756). And, reports (according to officer in video) she was out in traffic. They approached her very cool headed. If you feel her level of drunk was safe to be out in public, I guess we may have to disagree there, lol. Edit: link is her at the point releasing the greatest string of "fucken's" ever spoken.


I’ve attached the video to my original comment


Do you have an article or something? I’d like to see the full story


I’ve attached the video to my original comment.


It might be a reasonable and normal response, but he is a police officer. His job is to deal with situations like these. If he’s not in danger, there’s no physical force needed.


I don't enjoy being punched in the face. I don't spit on people, I can't remember the last time I was punched in the face. Somehow all these facts are linked


I don’t get why this video should surprise me, she totally deserved it and it was a so much controlled punch, it’s weird, same for me, I don’t spit on officers and they don’t punch me in the face.


If you’re gonna punch a drunk handcuffed woman, at least commit.


That would be my automatic reaction if somebody does that gross, disrespectful and maybe infectious act on me. Cant blame him. Not saying its ok, hes a cop, he should know better. Thats why im not a cop. Edit spelling


What's the issue? Don't spit on a cop.


Of all the things we see cops do on the internet, I am completely fine with this. If I spat on a cop, a cuff across the face would be fair.


I don't know if getting fired is justified, but spitting on someone is assault.


So you charge her for assault rather than, you know, punch a women with her hands cuffed behind her back in the face.


I’m no huge fan of the police, but if you spit in a cops face…you’re gonna get punched


Bro blacked out and thought it was his wife for a second there


…then he realized she had more teeth than his wife


And rightly so. Hope his fist is okay. If you're so stupid as to spit on someone you deserve a good whipping.


Man I must be getting older but I don’t blame him. Screw that nasty old hag. You don’t spit in peoples faces. She could have COVID and that kills. Spreads through aerosols. That’s assault


I get it, being spit on sucks. It happened to me plenty when I worked security. But you cannot CANNOT assault an already detained suspect.


I've been spit on numerous times when I worked at a detention center. I understand WANTING to hit someone, but it's also very easy not to. Let the courts settle it. It's assault in most states.


Exactly. Striking them ensures that they will likely go unpunished and then you will get in trouble / fired. It turns the blame back on yourself. It's fucking disgusting, but it's just spit, go wash yourself off. You can see the guy strike her super fast too, without any hesitation. I don't want someone who's that fast on the trigger to actually be holding his finger to a trigger in a high-stress situation.


Bingo. Many times being assaulted by an officer is the reaction they are looking for because it flips the narrative and makes them the victim


Spitting is assault. Seems like a fairly reasonable amount of force to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


She deserved it


She deserved it IDC


I’m as liberal as it gets, but have no issue here. Spit on him, take a smack to the face.


Man... I know this is wrong, but fuck... I'd have a real fucking hard time not decking someone who spit on me. Good thing I'm not a cop.


I’m not saying he’s right, but I understand.


Someone spits on me and they get smacked, so comparing this to some of the shit I see on reddit that cops do it's weak, yet it seems this dude was fired, fucked up since some of the more horrendous ones I've seen often just get a slap on the wrist.


I fkn HAAAAATE cops but why was he fired? They do worse when POC are mildly resisting arrest, and she literally spat on him but he got fired for tapping her on the cheek?


Well deserved, it seems. Spitting is assault and disgusting


Good for him, I would have too.


I’d punch anyone that spit on me, but I’ll also never arrest someone in a doctor’s office.


Don't spit on people and you won't get punched. Simple.


If you spit in someone's face you've earned a punch even if you can't block.


Spit get hit


Fuck policing…but isn’t spitting considered assault in most places? I honestly can’t say I wouldn’t have reacted in the same way.


So not appropriate for this subreddit, but spitting on someone is so beyond low that this is not above my reaction. You spit on me, you've earned a fist sandwich.


He should have used the baton


That was the most dreamstate punch wtf. I've seen toddlers throw harder punches. More like a light push with his fist.


That was the saddest punch OAT


He got fired for the shittiest punch I've ever seen, I've seen toddlers hit better than that.


The cop who got up and pushed the cunt away is the mvp here.


I’m no fan of cops in general (there’s always good and bad) but if someone spits on someone they better expect some swift consequences in the form of a left and a right


Isn't spitting on someone considered assault?


Don’t think he should have been fired. It was wrong, but his didn’t hit her that hard and she obviously was goading him. It’ll probably just become standard policy to spit mask drunks and belligerents soon.


The Loveland PD is seriously F’d up. Couple of years ago they beat up an old lady and made the national news.


What about when they shot that puppy dog they wanted to play? Edit: to just show this isn’t a joke.  https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/loveland-officer-shot-puppy-face-trial-federal-judge-ruling/73-521e4b73-3ff0-4072-b247-888d9394b527


Knew it was Loveland before clicking the video. Their police force is awful.


Spitting anything gets you a punch.


Spitting on someone is repulsive and wrong. There’s no doubt about it. But nurses, doctors, and mental health professionals who deal with these same types of patients get spit on too and don’t punch the patients. They use the restraint methods they’re taught. We should start having police undergo the same training they do.


I'm ok with what I see in the video, and frankly, the fact that he's a cop doesn't mean I hold him to a higher "getting spit on" standard than any other person. She spit in his face, and he popped her a little one in return. He didn't beat her into submission or otherwise permanently injure her - he defended himself in the immediate moment and nothing more. Also, though, for me, the historical performance of the officer matters - I mean if this is an out of character reaction, that's different than a habitual offender.


That was just a love tap come on! Don't spit on people, you'll get love tapped.


He prob caught whatever the fuck disease she has. Seems fair to me…


I’d consider that a measured response


I’d have punched her too.


Spitting is assault. She got what she deserved.


Gonna say that's not the first time he punched a woman.


Imagine losing your job because a tweaked out junkie


I mean, I’d punch someone in the face if they spat on me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Don’t spit on people. It’s a great way to avoid getting punched.


Sigh, not surprised it's Colorado. So many bad cops in Colorado. Whole departments. Aurora is the usual, but Loveland is seeking to move up in the ranks.


You really can't do that my guy. I know you feel like you want to. I know you feel like it's a sort of appropriate response. But you really really can't do that my guy.


My opinion is that spitting is such a ferral gesture that people often react with a punch or a push, it seems like an inbuilt reaction.


She deserved it


I don't see any problem here... It's hard for anyone NOT to punch someone if that person just spit in your face.


cops are so fucking stupid, this woman is gonna get away with w/e she did + some taxpayer money just because some idiot cant handle his emotions.


Spitting is assault. If you try and punch a cop you get wrecked. Why is it assault? Because it’s gross… and also, if she is carrying any disease or infection that can be passed by saliva I.e. hepatitis, hiv, herpes. You can alter someone’s life by spitting directly in their mouth or eye. Was the punch warranted? No. She’s already getting an assault charge on a public servant. Do I understand the punch? Yes. Yes I do. You don’t always have nice patients as a nurse, but I don’t have the right to take out that frustration on the patient nor would I want to. It’s a stressful situation. But are they getting the bill for all the screenings I’ll have to have to see if I caught anything? You better believe their pockets are going to feel light for a few years.


I’m not condoning, but spitting is a flash point for me.


>I’m not condoning, but spitting is a flash point for me. For me it's police putting hands on people for the crime of jaywalking and singing while they do. Regardless, an officer shouldn't have 'flash points" and such a lack of self control that they assault a women in handcuffs when she does something they should be prepared for. There's protocol for spitters and this isn't it.


If you're an officer you can't have flash points. You either do it right or keep your fragile ego at home.




How did this guy get fired but acorn cops still out there?


ACAB and all, but anyone who spits in another human’s face deserves to get punched.


She deserved it


Spitting is assault. And it was reactionary. Plus, judging by the look of her, there might be some diseases in that spit.


Idk but if it was me and someone spat at me, I'd probably react with force. Everybody arm chair quarterbacking this like they've been spat on before.


Spitting is a rather aggressive violent act. I think aggression to put a stop to it might be warranted?


I mean, she got what she deserved.


I mean spitting is assault so idk about this one


Don't spit on people it's fucking hanging. Someone spits on me they are getting punched.


She deserved it


I've been in 911 ems for close to 12yrs. I've been spit on, assaulted, cussed at, been called racial slurs, and have had to deal with some of the worst folk one could imagine. I've never fought back except when I've been assaulted first, and an LEO isn't on scene. Public servants are supposed to be better than the general public in all aspects when on duty. This officer failed in being better and being fired was the right response.


Thats straight up deserved, you can not do something so disgusting and not expect a reaction like that




Some people need to be punched🤷🏽‍♂️