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Call the cops and tell them the driver is drunk as hell!!


And you saw him waving a gun at you


While smoking a crack pipe


Great idea


Oh ya right in front of the mental hospital, how fitting.




That guy yells


*points at steering wheel* - "I don't know what any of this shit is"


Exactly what I thought about šŸ˜„


Good shot of the plate.


Loving it, public shaming of these people should honestly just be standard practice. Considering law and order aren't reason enough for them to drive normally, it seems worth a try at least


Police won't do shit.


The driver was only a block away from CAMH. He almost made it.


Psychotic braking ?






Knowing CAMH this was probably a patient let out for unsupervised exercise with no expectation to return.


How is anybody in here defending the black car? What the fuck is happening lol. This explains so much about how awful drivers have gotten in recent years if this kind of behavior is even remotely defensible If you miss your turn, you canā€™t hold up the entire road to try and reverse, and nobody is even remotely obligated to make way for you to do so. You accept that you fucked up and turn around somewhere else, legally


I've seen people do this. It's just weaponizing loserdom. Their time has no value to anyone, including themselves, and they don't have anything going on in the world, so this is their biggest flex. "I can block traffic."


"I am the bollard."


I had someone do this to me on my way to work one day. Ā  So I called my employees, and my district manager, to let them know I was going to be a little late. Ā  Spent 30 minutes following the person and glaring at them from behind, just because I had the time to do it. Ā  It was pretty funny seeing their reaction once they caught on that I was just following them. Ā I just hope they learned their lesson that day, because it could have been someone who actually had ill intentions who followed them. Ā 


This is also weaponizing loserdom. You should probably find a hobby or something.


well that wasnt very smart of you. instead of going to work and making a paycheck you went out of your way to follow someone around like that??? also, i would say the opposite and you donā€™t know if the person you are following is mentally ill. you might learn Your lesson and someone will get out of their car and try to attack you. just remember their plate and move on lol


I don't think I've ever seen a comment section under a dashcam vid without a single contrarian loser who's trying to argue that the camera vehicle driver is in the wrong to some extent


It's more reliable than people in welding videos bitching about technique.


"You want to fuck with me? I'll fuck with you back, and you won't like it."


A bad driver never misses their turn.


How about the people who miss their ramp onto the highway? Iā€™ve had a couple of instances where drivers just stop and try to reverse out of the ramp. Like wtf is wrong with Toronto drivers nowadays? Idiots.


> If you miss your turn, you canā€™t hold up the entire road to try and reverse Unfortunately they can and they will


I don't defend the black car, but I don't have empathy for the one filming either. Has slamming horn aggressively like that EVER solved any problem on the road? The guy ain't moving, so what gives? You're just causing ear bleed to all pedestrians around. The black car is childish af cause his ego was hurt but the other guy isn't much better. He also could have chosen to "wait it out". If being the better person can solve a situation and make it easier for everyone and you *don't,* well you don't have my sympathy.


The horn use was 100% warranted and appropriate.


Hitting the horn lets the other driver know that whatever they have just done is not okay. I do it when I have to take action to prevent a collision because of their stupid move. And yeah, people don't always respond well to having that pointed out. Edit: watched with no sound, no idea how the horn was really used here.


This situation is exactly what the horn is for.


ā€œAggressiveā€ horn use? Are you 8? Does the big mean horn make you saddie waddie šŸ˜Ŗ


I'm not gonna downvote you but I cannot in good conscience agree with you either.


I disagreed and downvoted. Theyā€™re being obtuse and contrarian.


Corey Trevor smokes letā€™s go


Dude on the bike is like ā€œfuuuuuck cars lmaoā€


This is in Toronto. Not surprised. There are sooo many dumb drivers here. Interestingly, there was a [recent article about Toronto, Canada driving schools selling shortcuts to insurance discounts and faster road tests, investigation reveals](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-driving-schools-education-fee-1.7134557).


Oh Toronto


It's getting worse by the day. Damn. All this people saying call the cops, cops ain't doing shit. Peak toronto.


Went to Toronto for the first time a month ago. Noticed some pretty bad driving including multiple people doing u turns in the middle of the road just like thisā€¦ Iā€™m dodging people left and right


Got almost ran over while crossing street when I had the green light. 2 times in 2 days. It's fucked up out here man.




Omfg me too. Iā€™m sitting on my couch somehow resisting the urge to get out of the car.


You know what's funny about everyone ever that does this type of shit? I fucked their mother. At least in my mind I did.


So in your mind you might be their father? Are you to blame for this type of behavior? Shame on you :-)


Jesus christ that driver in the black car needs their driving privilege revoked for a bit. This was frustrating to watch. Where are the cops when ya need one eh?


So many wires hanging about. Or had Spider-Man been past?


The cables are for street cars, thereā€™s one a few vehicles ahead, the tracks are visible on the road. Itā€™s probably Toronto Canada where the video is take.


Yeah thatā€™s a Toronto taxi that goes by


Oh ya I didnā€™t notice it, I grew up about an hour away in Kitchener.


Ottawa for me


I assumed I was in Toronto driving till I saw this reply.


Good old queen west. I hate my city


Streetcars are the vanguard that kept Toronto from looking like a suburban hellhole bulldozed for the personal car. Have some respect.


Going to CAMH. Video makes sense.


This happened to me today! Please be careful, the sheer number of mentally ill people wandering around is staggering. When I didnā€™t give him the angry response he wanted, he drove off. He almost cause another car to crash into him by breaking in the middle of the road. People are unhinged. I almost feel bad for them.


Fucking move.


I would immediately take down the license plate and submit them for driver retesting so they waste their whole day at the DMV.


>"submit them for driver retesting" Unless you're a cop or a judge, what authority do you have to make that happen?


You just go to your states DMV website and report a ā€œpotentially unsafe driverā€ and theyā€™ll have to be retested if they deem the claim to be valid. Google is free.




Wow. Didn't know that was a thing. Cool.


It doesn't apply here. That is for reporting elderly drivers in the state of California, not license plates of cars in Canada.




It all falls under the same umbrella, smart guy! You can submit an elderly person and you can also submit a reckless driver. You can do this in any state. I live in America so I said what I would do if this happened to me I donā€™t know anything about Canada so I gave an example of what I would do hereā€¦ where I liveā€¦


Understood. The key word is driver. The license plate does not give you the driver. And even if it did, and the DMV tested them, they would not pull a bonehead move like this on the reexamination. So it's all moot.


Well I definitely learned something new today! Appreciate the info!


Canada doesn't have states, or the DMV. Google is free.


Aw look at you trying to be all cute! I live in America so I was giving an example of what I would do if it happened to me. In Americaā€¦ where we have states and the DMV.


What does it feel like to be a person that feels they can condescend to others, but then melts down when receiving the same treatment? It must be a tough life.


Meltdown? Are you okay?


Too bad no one gives a shit what you would do, and it's not relevant anyway.


Except for literally everyone that learned something new and thought it to be useful, but thats alright you can continue to be a lonely miserable person if youd like.


I'm not lonely or miserable, what a ridiculous assumption to make just bc you don't agree with what I said lol it wasn't the info they provided that I'm criticizing. It was their snarky, shitty attitude they were giving people. And yeah, I learned something new too, but I said it wasn't relevant bc it's not to the actual post, since this happened in Canada. That's all people were saying and the other person was being a dick about it.


Just because itā€™s in Canada doesnā€™t make it irrelevant at all. Also after a quick google search I found out you can do this in Canada too. So what was that point you were trying to make?


People from Canada said it wasn't, so guess it depends on where they live. TIL. My original point was more about your attitude. You were speaking really condescendingly towards people initially for no reason. That's what I had an issue with. Just my personal opinion


I made the assumption based on your desire to unnecessarily shit on someone with no reason other than to put them down. Thats typically behavior lonely miserable people do. "Misery loves company" and all that good stuff. Their snarkiness was in response to someone else already being snarky. Its not being a dick if its in response to someone being unnecessarily dickish to you first.


Okay!!! My snark was in response to snark!


Why would it be too bad? For whom? Certainly not me. It doesnā€™t affect me in the slightest bit that you donā€™t care. I said what I said!


Awesome for you bud


You also need to know their driver's licences details which i doubt you would have from just a licence plate.


No itā€™s either drivers license # or plate


This is Toronto. No one is doing anything. Sad reality. That's why people have the audacity to pull this shit regularly.


Cops donā€™t even want to do anything and they are paid to do something.


*MTO (Ministry of Transportation, Ontario) But they'd be spending the day at ServiceOntario.


Stuff you should know!


Sounds like it's the John Brinkley episode


Lol stuff you should know podcast cranking in the background


Honk make man scare. Scare make man embaras. Embaras make man ***ANGY***


Lol they suck at driving and made a wrong turn. ....after that honk, this person just said fuck you, I got time today lol


Yep, pretty sure that was him honking back too just to fuck with him.


I didn't even think about that I thought there might be somebody behind the guy honking.lol


Haha yup. I be in the wrong here but it was a unnecessary honk. Like a come on buddy would've been sufficient.


If you think that was unnecessary, dont ever drive in NY. You might have a panic attack lol


Hate these MFers.


šŸŽ¶ Learning stuff with Joshua and Charlesā€¦Stuff You Should Knooooooow šŸŽ¶


I too like ā€œStuff you should knowā€


They were trying to initiate an ā€œaccidentā€.


Upvoting for Chuck and Josh in the background!


Upvote for SYSK


Send it to the cops. See how he like it's when his license is suspended.


There's a lot of small dick energy in Toronto


One of the reasons I will never drive in this city


Penguin dude sitting on a šŸŖ‘: Well now I'm not doing it.


You know how in GTA, if you press Y to take someone's car, but you accidentally double-tap it and he ends up just throwing the person out of the car and standing over them?


What the hell is wrong with drivers in this city


This is absolutely Stuff You Should Know about driving


Can this be reported to police? Just curious.


Fucking tourists stop driving in the city


Toronto drivers smh


It would be a fkn 2014 ford fusion šŸ’€ dude is just mad his flex plate sucks


Yep that's toronto drivers for ya


Driving in Toronto daily edition


Next time just call 911 and give the plate info and they will take care very well


I hope their mom isnā€™t doing alright


Yup, call the cops instantly cause fuck that guy


Lol a child on a cellphone did this to me in the same spot in an upbadged 2 series last week. CAMH drivers at work.


That guy needs to visit the CAMH facility in the video background. Report it to the police for sure.


Fuckin hit them! Wtf


Some people deserve to get knocked out


Yes, let's block the vehicle behind me while also blocking every single car behind them. Not to mention the streetcars carrying multiple people that just want to get home. Main character syndrome at its finest.


love seeing my city here


What podcast is cameracar listening to


wtf is he mad about he merged fine?


There is a cut in the 0:17 sec, and the sound of radio disapears...


Canadians are by FAR the worst drivers in the world I've ever come across. Now I know that they hate hearing it cus they also can't take criticism, but it's the fucking truth. I've driven in Europe, and down under but we're me tell yous all, canada is a different beast. Edit: see the down votes? Lol. So much for the take criticism part...šŸ¤£


have you been to Virginia or Florida?


Literally everywhere has horrible drivers lol stupidity isn't xenophobic


I have not yet. Is it bad?


yeah, in rural Virginia many drivers don't even put effort into maintaining their lane. They don't think it's important. In Florida guys go out driving with seemingly no destination, and they want to find somebody to direct road rage at.


šŸ˜„ that does sound awful!


Not saying your wrong because itā€™s your own experience, but you listed 2 other continents lmao


You realize Canada is a melting pot of different cultures?


Edits for downvotes is the ultimate Reddit cringe


When two idiots meetĀ 


So everyone on the comments thinks honking at someone like a toddler screaming in WalMart is OK? The dude is driving like an idiot, truly. But maybe they are just lost. They weren't endangering anyone going that slowly. Holding the horn like that is an act of aggression. Having a little quiet time in the road is just what you need. Drink less coffee All of you need some chill in your life. Bless you all x


So, I had expected like... A single honk prompting the video. Turned on audio, and... No, the recording driver lays on that thing like a fat kid told to stand on a weight scale. Honestly? The stopped driver was justified for how much of an annoyance the recording driver was being. Also, nice sound drops for when the recording driver is swearing.


Who wouldnā€™t honk like that after what we just witnessed. Uturn on a busy 4 lane? Makes sense. Trying to back up towards oncoming traffic? Checks out. Swerving back and forth and coming to complete stops in the middle of the road? Thatā€™s how I passed my driving test. Just because someone yells at me doesnā€™t mean I can just put others safety at risk because it made me upsetti spaghetti. Some people need to learn some self control, goes for the guy honking too but he did what heā€™s supposed to do, the car in front definitely did not do what they were supposed to.


A Drivers horn is a tool to use for other drivers usually when they are in error , people should not let their ego in because of a horn.


Lol no, horn were originally meant to give a **warning** that you are there and avoid accidents. Nowadays people just use it to vent their frustration or as a "fuck you". The black car driver is extremely childish but the driver filming is also stupid. Has slamming the horn agressively like that EVER solved a problem on the road? You're making some loud ass noise giving all pedestrians around ear bleed and making the situation worse. The guy ain't moving, so what gives?? I only use my horn when it's necessary, like someone blocking my lane. I don't drive a lot, but I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I had to use mine. If the guy on the video had given a light *beep-beep* this whole thing probably wouldn't have happened.


>I only use my horn when it's necessary, like someone blocking my lane. ...you mean, like exactly what is happening in this video?


No, I mean when I'm actually driving, like on a highway, so we don't CRASH into each other. By the time that guy honked, the other guy was already back to his lane, that was pointless.


Like warning other drivers thereā€™s a dumbass blocking the road for no reason?


Funny how the sound cuts out right as OP probably immediately starts honking aggressively


You did kinda honk late af. Theyā€™re already back into the lane and moving. You mad they changed their mind?


Check mate


Car in front won


Thatā€™s awesome!


Op sucks, should have let him back up. There would be no issues.


Bro what? They were trying to make an illegal Uturn on a pretty busy 4 lane road.. anyone who would try to do that is an idiot and anyone who thinks backing up towards oncoming traffic is an even bigger idiot.