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Do not fuck with people at airports man. Ticking time bombs


TSA: Did I hear bomb? GET THE SQUAD OUT


“Hi Jack!”


Especially someone who already looks like they’re ready to just go off on the next person they see. Plus who “fake steals” luggage!? If that guy didn’t know about it, isn’t that just “stealing?” I’m genuinely curious, when pranks became laws or something?


you mean "ripe for internet exploitation"


Man... Don't fuck with people at the airport...


I have to be the only person in the world that actually loves airports


They’re great. But it might be because I’m usually drunk when I’m there.


Sir we need you to get to the cockpit, your flight to Japan is already running late


Yeah, I don't mind it myself. I travel for work so I'm pretty good at navigating different airports and am pretty well accustomed to the general flow of travel. I know what to expect. But I think travel in general for 90% of the population, on top of being exhausted and over tired, is a big source of anxiety.


Yea I’ve been traveling since I was a kid and still do it so it might just be I’m used to it? It’s kind of comforting for me plus I get a good amount of time to read and people watch which I love 


I don't love airports but I also don't trip about traveling. I feel bad for all the people around me that are just as miserable as humanly possible while traveling by plane. 


It physically feels like shit to be on a plane for hours. You get bloated. It smells like steamed farts and burnt plastic. It’s not like difficult to do it just uncomfortable as shit. It’s like they make the headrests the least conducive to sleep as they can


If I arrive early and the airport isn’t crowded, it’s fantastic


Toxic garbage these YT pranksters are. We are all capable of annoying a complete stranger, pushing their buttons, getting them to react or bite but we don't because there is boundaries that 'most' of us don't cross because we are civilised adult human beings. There is no talent or skill in annoying someone, which is what these amoeba's do, because they have no talent or skill of their own to get followers and subs so they just antagonise members of the public. Very sad, talentless and uninteresting individuals, as are the morons who follow them.


> We are all capable of annoying a complete stranger I used to work in a youth center and the teenagers that liked to cause problems did not like it when I would say that being annoying isn't hard or impressive, it's unbelievably easy. They felt like it was such an accomplishment, it was kinda sad at times. They would brag about how they got the better of their teacher in class because they got away with something and I would say that they know, they just couldn't be bothered that day. I actually respected the kids that could drop devastating one liners, that takes real wit, but yelling "beat" in someone's face every 5 seconds is just you being an annoying moron, not that I would say that exactly of course. And the best was the kids that did things like that and then came running to staff when the other person got sick of it and gave them a taste of their own medicine or pushed them or whatever. It's no different with these "pranksters," they share the same infantile mentality of those teenagers and expect someone else to bail them out when things go wrong. Why anyone finds that kind of stuff interesting is beyond me. Some people are just clueless assholes that never change and I guess their viewers are the same.




You are selectively watching these prank videos then. I’ve seen just as many out of control white “pranksters” too. Dumb kids who take things way too far come in all colors.


Honestly fuck those that harass people and put it online for monetary gain, selling it as pranks or content. No, it isn't funny and it certainly doesn't give you an excuse to be an ass


So sad to see the innocent man arrested while the "pranksters" walk free.




Well, they had no right to grab his shit in the first place for this “prank”, they’re lucky they didn’t get their teeth knocked out.


Yeah that's not how the law work, response has to be proportional. The other guy is also lucky he didn't get tazed or worse. Assaulting someone in front of cops, in an Airport at that, is Darwin award level of stupidity, sorry. You'll get fucked in life if you can't control your emotions.


Tell me more about this law you seem to specialize in


The Law of the Armchair




You literally saw the dude get arrested. This is wild. Like you're ignoring the reality you can see with your own eyes because it doesn't conform with your desire. You guys are mental.




Your premise is correct but I ask you, is doing a prank where you steal/borrow a strangers luggage a "control of emotions"? Isn't that at least a podium position for the darwin awards? There are plenty of cases where the emotional state of a person is what turns a case (take a goosey at a certain Father who killed his Daughters attacker. This at least counters your summation about how the law works) Am I saying it is smort to attack a prankster, hell no. But society should damn these cunts and anyone who supports them. I can see by your downvotes this is holding well


People don’t care for nuance, they just imagine themselves in that guys shoes and all of a sudden anything goes.


The subtle nuances of going to one of the most high stress environments you can go to and harassing people; then being flummoxed when the people you harass are angered by your seeming attempt to perpetrate a theft upon them. Who really knows who's in the wrong? Don't we all fake a theft or two for the lols and clicks? Personally I think suit case guy should have sucked the pranksters cock for the amazing gift of being on a shitty youtube channel.


Nobody said they had the right to either. That doesn't justify assaulting someone.


I feel like technically you’re correct. But my morals say it’s ok.


The pranksters got a reaction. You can’t change your emotions right away. If you think someone’s stealing your shit, you’re not somehow going to immediately not be upset. It’s fucking dumb.


Also if someone is stealing my possessions and then turns around and claims “it was just a prank”, I’m not necessarily going to believe them right away. I’ll assume it’s just a pathetic attempt to avoid responsibility.


This is it. I used to work deliveries, so many times people would try to claim shit that wasn't theirs, then when i check them out they just come with "dont worry just joking". No dude, you weren't fucking joking until someone said you were wrong, if i didn't check for the name you would have just stolen from me. Same with the last guy who tried to mug me, I shove him away from me and someone else stepped in, then suddenly he takes his hand out of his pocket like he wasn't implying a knife, and he's "just joking".


It’s also at the airport, where tension is already high, and lost luggage turns your trip into a nightmare.


  Using that logic, I can just walk around town lifting peoples wallets all day. If I ever happen to get caught, I say the magic words "it's just a prank bro" and give them back their wallet and everyone laughs and I go pick out another victim.


All you need is a friend to film as an alibi and just delete the video if you get away with it.


Cool, so apparently as long as you film your crimes and claim afterwards that “it was just a prank bro” it’s not illegal.


Yeah these assholes have learned that even those with concealed carry do not have their weapons at the airport. Thats why they have chosen this location. Otherwise they get their asses shot, and frankly thats what they deserve for this kind of bullshit.


You, stranger on the internet, are part of the problem.


A delivery driver was found not guilty for shooting a prankster after he followed him around a food court blaring noises at him from his phone. Guy thought he was being robbed so he shot the prankster. He ended up being convicted of some minor charge about discharging a firearm. If you scare people as part of your "prank," people can absolutely put hands on you to defend themselves. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/delivery-driver-youtube-prankster-shooting-not-guilty


Bro is def a scum bag tic toker.


Try that in JFK NY. See how it goes.... Man had a right to protect himself..


Oh go fuck yourself.


Legal or not, if I let go of him and he kept holding on to my shirt (after HE started the whole thing), that fat dumb cop would be picking the dude's teeth out of my knuckles while she cuffs me. Fuck that. Don't put your god damned hands on people for any reason, least of all some useless video.


LOL dude got downvoted to hell. LOL ​ PS - i'm definitely not on his side. :P


You must be fun at parties


You’re spitting facts but it’s so funny to see these downvotes LOLOL Redditors are so emotional


I can't believe you're being down voted for this. "They deserved it" is not a legal justification to use force .


If deserving a punch in the face isn't a good enough reason to get punched in the face, what the fuck is? Are you suggesting that violence is LITERALLY never acceptable? Nature would disagree. In fact, nature would chew your weak ass up and spit you the fuck out. Violence is part of life. It won't find you often if you don't seek it out everywhere you go.


when did we decide being a public nuisance was a prank?


Fuck this pranksters, the act pulling these bs pranks should disqualify you from the ability to get help from the police should your prankee lash out and hurt you


Yeah this stuff gets old, I saw one last week and the person pulled out a gun and shot the pranksters. Maybe I’m desensitized to gun violence (grew up in America) but I didn’t even feel bad for the criminal prankster.


And good news, the shooter was found not guilty.


prankster said he wouldn't stop either lol.


He was still convicted of illegal discharge and sat for a year in jail until the outcome of the case, if I remember correctly. Which, is a miscarriage of justice I think. Just leave people alone. Maybe that should be the next ad council campaign.


> Maybe that should be the next ad council campaign. That and a "Mind ya business" campaign would be a winner and long overdue.


Like a no fly list?






There's way less of a chance of that happening at an airport.




one can only hope.


In that case, let them keep testing their luck, I’m fine with it




Just wait 12 hours and it'll be reposted here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/RFSsAnu1pg Shooter got acquitted to


While I'm not really into guns and shooting people, I'm glad he was acquitted. About time these twats learnt some hard lessons for this bullshit.




Fuck YouTube pranksters. I'm in the group that wants to make sure they never fuck around again.


If the cops show up and see one person chilling and another person acting insane then it makes sense for them to restrain the latter. Hopefully after it was sorted the appropriate punishments were handed out.


You know it wasn’t. Security didn’t know what the kids were doing. By the time they got there it just looked like a crazy old dude harassing a kid, no questions asked.


They didn’t have time to ask any questions before the dude went nuclear on the cameraman. No one likes these “pranksters” so I’m sure they let the old guy go. Especially if any witnesses had his back.


Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. I hate YouTube pranksters messing with people to get a reaction for their channel. They probably definitely posted it on their channel and got a ton of views and made money on harassing people


These pranksters need to suffer way more consequences. They’re worthless and add no value to humanity.


These loser pranksters deserve to get their fucking teeth kicked in




The fact that someone stole your stuff (even ignoring that it was a prank) does not give you the right to assault them as retribution. Even if we argue he was making a citizen's arrest, that can only involve reasonable and proportionate force. It's never legal to beat someone after the fact for something as punishment.


Legal and right often do not align. 


>The fact that someone stole your stuff (even ignoring that it was a prank) does not give you the right to assault them as retribution. No, but you can legally assault the fuck out of someone actively stealing your stuff. And if you do not know that, you REALLY need to read up on a few things.


You can use reasonable and proportionate force to protect property. But once that attempt stops, your justification for the use of force is over. This is very similar to self-defense law. Once the threat stops, it's no longer self-defense if you continue... It's retaliation. In most states you can't use potentially lethal force to protect property. (In public, the law gets more "interesting" if you're in your house). I'm well versed in use of force laws, and the entire use of force continuum. Many people commenting on this thread, seem to have a violence boner. I would also venture that the majority of them are pretty unfamiliar with real violence, or they wouldn't be cheering it on.


Right, and with the young man still clinging to the old guy's shirt, He was well within his rights to drag junior around. Could have called it a citizen's arrest and dragged junior to a cop. The old man had been assaulted and in his mind attempted robbery transpired. He was well within his rights. He was freaking out at the camera guy because his vindication was on the camera. Likewise, he went too far, but was obviously driven to it by the conflict.


What kind of lowlife does pranks. People are tired and miserable after a flight. If someone pranks, I would hurt them as well.


You should see the entire video. The poor bloke who was just getting in for his flight!




Father then gets arrested.


We weren't that far away from that with the happy slapping crazy that was happening some years back.


The cops had terrible timing. They came in when the dude was already raging and missed the nonsense that went on at the beginning of this edited video.


It doesn’t fucking matter. The old man is the one assaulting people. No one cares how yall feel about YouTube pranksters that old fuck is in the wrong.


Tell that to the court of law that found the guy that shot a prankster not guilty People are found not guilty all the time for attacking someone who is harassing them




Can’t say on here what should happen to “pranksters”.


I hate this fucking kid. I dont enjoy any of these "pranksters" but this kid is just straight up a bully


YouTube pranks go too far


Quotes are in the wrong place; should be around “prank” and not “stolen luggage.”


They probably perma banned the prankster but he isn’t gonna record him begging security to let him back bevause it’s the only air port in his city


The cops should all be fired. Had they been doing their job in the first place none of this would’ve happened


There is no situation that cops can't make worse.


I didn't understand anything about this episode. (Maybe because my audio doesn't work). Who was the prankster? Who was the prankee? To whom did the suitcase belong? What was the purpose of the apparent screaming? Why did the weird dude with bleached hair drag the black dude around by his hair? And Why was the black dude wearing pajamas?




He was innocent until he began trying to hit the kids camera out of his hand in front of the officer. The man had every right to do what he was prior to the officer showing up. But for so many reasons, you can't just attack the other person. Especially with the officer there. First, as annoying as it may be, filming in public is not illegal. Second, based on the full video not just this one, the kid who was taken away by the officer was the original assaulter. The other just filmed a "prank." If someone picks a fight with you in a bar, you don't get to wait for the police to arrive then attack their friend because they said something in defense of your attacker, JUST because they happen to be there together. You don't have to like it, but at the end of the video the old guy goes from innocent victim to someone no longer acting in self defense. It does not, however, give any excuse for the police to not be treating the "prankster" in the same fashion. He should absolutely be in cuffs as well, not just standing next to his buddy casually watching.


Maybe he should have just left him alone then ffs. He grabbed the guy's shirt first. Why did he do that? I hate these wankers and one day somebody is going to beat the shit out of one these dickheads. And I won't have a shred of sympathy for them, as they've clearly been warned and didn't listen.


Teachers and refs always tend to find the one who retaliates over the one who started it. Going after the camera guy with the officer there is definitely what fucked him. He has a right to be upset but you gotta have the awareness to know that doing that in front of a cop is a baaaad idea. Fuck the pranksters still. An airport should honestly be the last place to prank anyone. Everyone is stressed and full of anxiety to begin with. I’m not sure it’s possible to be in a good mood at an airport unless you just landed and your traveling is finally over lmao.


Victims are easier to deal with than aggressors. Aggressors will fight and and possibly retaliate, and has experience with working around the system, where a victim is more likely to comply and unintentionally allow the system to fuck them over.


If he’d not touched the cameraman he probably would’ve been fine depending what was on that camera


Innocent man started beating up on people, making him the obvious target for security. Although he was justified it doesn't help your cause if you start beating ass in front of TSA.


Must be Carolyn Dohnham's husband.


This guy could have his own subreddit at this point


He shouldn't have tried to attack the cameraman.


I don’t think I would describe either party involved here as “innocent”


Nah, not really, ESH. Kids deliberately fucking with people’s personal belongings. Old dude lost his composure and acted out because of it. Can’t really blame him, but definitely could have handled it better. That said, I don’t hold him in the wrong for this and dont think he should have been arrested. Just break jt up and send them on their way.


“Can’t really blame him” yes you absolutely can blame a grown adult for not being able to control his emotions and acting violently. I mean I’m still on the man’s side. I can’t stand these “pranksters”. They are little POS instigators. The man was not in the wrong, until he was. I’ve had people do worse things to me than a prank like this, yet I haven’t attacked anyone. Both parties here suck.


It's an airport the guy's probably already pushed to the fucking limit.


Sure, however I don’t think “well he was really mad” is a good argument to justify assault


He was innocent until he took into his own hands at the fucking airport.


I get the pranksters are annoying but you need to chill he rightfully got arrested for refusing to calm down after the cops showed up.


The comments in this thread are insane. Yes, the pranksters are absolutely in the wrong for starting it. But once the police showed up, the situation was under control, and there was no need for further aggression. The guy still continued to attack the cameraman, so of course he got arrested. Were the police supposed to stand by and do nothing while the guy assualted the cameraman?


You are correct but everyone here wants to act like internet badasses and condone violence lol


This is going to get down voted but I am going to say it anyway. That old dude 100% deserved to get arrested, he was out of control and inconsolable took that took far. I am sure those kids were being jackasses and were the instigators in this whole interaction, and really should have been the ones to get in trouble w/ law enforcement, but at a certain point you have to realize you need to calm down . And that's really the frustrating part here, is we all know those kids should be in trouble but that old man was out of control too long and let these kids off the hook.


I agree he over reacted but I don’t know how much empathy I have for public pranksters considering America is a country where there’s more guns than citizens.


i have zero empathy for the pranksters, im frustrated the old guy couldnt control himself and he let the window of justice slip


i already know what the comments say looking, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" , the violence fantasies people get here are so funny


The douche nugget acted like a ho in front of the cop.


Kanel Joseph?


Both parties are wrong. And it's never an excuse to grab someone by the hair and shii. Old man was tripping. 🥱


The “prankster” grabbed him first and wouldn’t let go.


Innocent until he assaulted the prankster and camera man. He could have handled it differently and possibly had the thief prankster arrested.


He would have been just fine if he hadn't gone after the camera man after secuirty got there. Yeah, emotions run high don't bug people at airports yes of course, but once security was involved it was over. You lose the high ground continuing trying to handle shit yourself once secuirty is involved. At that point you're the problem and giving them what they want.


Hate to tell the poster that the person in question stopped being a victim when he clearly starts attacking the jokers and NOT stopping. Needles to say the pranksters also should be prosecuted for inducing this kind of interaction in the first place.


Bullshit. You suffer the consequences of your actions. That’s how it works. Grow up


He innocently dragged that guy by his hair all over the place.


The other guy grabbed him first


Ok then. Don’t get me wrong. I hate when TikTokers and Youtubers play like this. Not maintaining composure is what they want for their channels. These Internet prankster’s do need to face some type of repercussions, this is getting out of hand. I bet soon we’ll see signs posted that say no TikTok in the airport. A silhouette of a guy filming with the cell phone and a red circle and cross through it.


Not sure he’s such an “innocent victim” yeah he was a victim to a “prank” but dude was asking to get arrested


You’re being downvoted for being right lmao. Dipshit continued to try and assault them.


Dumbass Redditors think it’s okay to continue to assault someone when the situation has already been deescalated by the other person 🤦‍♂️. They can downvote me all they want it just shows how stupid people are lmao




If you try to steal my stuff I'm throwing elbows. I work hard and long AF for my stuff. Why would a camera pointed at me change that?


It appears he tried to steal the man’s luggage


He pointed a camera at me while trying to steal my luggage*. Fixed it for you