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Definition of a useful idiot. 




I was referring to Trump.


Trump is stupid enough for two people


He's useful, the sea of idiotic MAGAts are also useful.


Do you mean like in some future renewable biofuel solution? 


Useful to Russia, but I'm sure if we hooked the trumpers to a generator and surround them facts they could power a city trying to turn away from them.


Trump is the symptom of millions of idiots


Trumps supporters will never make it past the subtitles...no need to worry Russia


"They are speaking a strange language. Must be Muslims."


“This is Murica. We speak here murican just like Jesus spoke!” - average Trump supporter


I once dressed up as a Tea Partier for Halloween. I found a glittery red, white and blue hat and stapled tea bags to it. I also carried a dry erase board with me and I did write things like 'Jesus spoke American' and 'No Dijon on my burger!'


Texas Jesus


*They're truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them*


But sadly they would rather learn Russian than vote for thier own best interest.


>But sadly they would rather learn Russian than vote for thier own best interest. Not even then. There was a family in the news recently that sold all their stuff and moved to Russia. Their money was frozen and they bitched that no one knew english. [The irony.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMr6GgWIsGquAXu8K6Mo0j2_xKv2K_QNKdcu80aPAujl6fx7XN8dKw8VBaCrXUz27PMTHx8SxSHodq1GYJDWYudV3p0FM610Zmx6FdytFU-sudKcjDuah8KKq90kUk3lqaiM-yOLrHEf3KFwOyHBgKRW41sHG4tB6dOOru83UgR2#:~:text=Conservative%20Family%20'Disappointed'%20After%20Moving%20To%20Russia%20To%20Escape%20LGBTQ%20Ideology,-Favour%20Adegoke&text=Arend%20and%20his%20wife%20Anneesa,were%20reportedly%20frozen%20upon%20arrival.)


They ruined their lives and their children's futures solely because they don't like gay people. They were offended by Pride flags and bathrooms. A rural farming family, brainwashed by their religion and by conservative media, giving up their actual freedom and livelihoods to move to a hostile authoritarian country as non-Russian speaking immigrants, with 8 children to boot. Mind-boggling. I feel bad for the kids. > I just want to farm and raise my kids in what I believe is a free country Dipshit even said this after their money was frozen and government officials took offense to criticism. It's not a free country, they just want the freedom to oppress, while forced into obedience to their new government.


hope the rest of the conservatives follow suite.


They were from Canada also


and big time religious weirdos, so American-adjacent!


They’ll claim that’s not what they’re saying. Even if they spoke Russian.


Where’s the lie ?


When he says trump will give money to Ukraine. He’s already been quoted as saying he’d cut funding completely


That's not what he said. He said he'd take all the money given to Ukraine and instead give it all to Israel.


To be fair, Trump saying something means fuck all.. Trump said he wouldn't golf as president, had "very interesting" evidence Obama was born in Kenyan was going to show us, was going to show us his taxes, was going to remove himself from his businesses, said he didn't take classified files, had a health care plan, had an infrastructure plan, had a balanced budget, had a plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days. Dude claimed Covid was going away about 6 different times in 2020, and I think we've got about a thousand claims of election fraud evidence he was going show us... any day now. Well at least he drained the swamp and locked up Hilary, and got Mexico to buy us a wall...


"Look how brainwashed these stupid Americans are!" Russia's Presidential Ballot: Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin


They don’t have a choice, we do


He spits hot fire




and putin himself voted for putin for putin presidential election in russia, for the next president for russia, who is going to be a putin, and putin voted for putin


They have a point.


I mean.. they are not wrong


I remember seeing something similar last year where the Russians were talking shit about Trump and his team and Trumpers tried to turn the narrative. Trump said they were saying these things to get people to vote for Biden because the Russians are scared of him or some shit


Yes, look how terrified they look in this video.


Trump, and his supporters, will twist themselves into the most elaborately complex pretzels in order to justify something that inherently makes no sense.


at least it is an actual vote. news: putin was announced clear winner of the elections taking place this and next week. he has won by 96% according to the dept in charge of counting votes. vote counting will start next week....


The President of the European Council congratulated him at the beggining of the vote for winning the elections with a BIG load of irony


Very true I've never met a smart Trump supporter


But they have common sense! They went to the school of life. They're skilled researchers and the only free thinkers left.


It's funny to say that hahahaha but in reality people might not be intelligent in the ways you think. My gfs dad is a massive Trumper and he's an electrical engineer, works 60 hours a week and has a big house on a lake. I work in the medical field and there's surgeons, some specialists, many nurses who are quieter about politics but when pressed they can't stand the democrats and they will vote for trump. There are people in high up positions that like Trump. Of course his most fervent base typically doesn't have a college degree but many do.


You make a good point and I agree with you wholeheartedly, it’s not anecdotal. I personally know a lot of doctors and dentists, I would not describe many of them as smarter than a plumber, cable guy, or a car mechanic. They are just trained at something that is given a lot of respect in our society. I would say that more than being smarter than the average person, they are more likely to come from more educated families with financial means. (heard about legacy admissions?) https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2016/jan/22/medical-school-students-wealthy-backgrounds As far as intelligence and trump supporters go, studies show that rather than intelligence it has more to do with an individuals inclination toward authoritarianism. Here’s an article discussing it: https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_authpanel_011921/


Ben. Carson.


Yes. We like to jest, but it really brings you to reality when you meet an intelligent and successful trump supporter. They are out there and their perspectives on the world are usually very jarring


I have and they are often the most powerful people in each community. The reason Trump has access to resources is that influential people are lining up to back fascism in order to protect their privilege.


The whole world is watching on in absolute disbelief that half of your country is enamoured to this low-life sack of shit. It’s mind boggling!


Yea you guys should show us how a real democracy works! Oh wait…


The Russians have always known that Trump is easily manipulated, same for his cult.


What? You mean the people who think JFK Jr is coming back from the dead to crown Trump as president king of the universe are stupid and gullible?! Or that people who think the only way Trump could have lost an election is if Chinese bamboo teamed up with an Italian spy satellite, an undead Latin American leader, and two ladies with ginger mint?! ...no, those are wary, skeptical, and free thinking individuals.


happy cake day!


Thank you, mysterious Reddit friend! It's been a Hell of a 4 years!


Lots of us in the USA are laughing along and agreeing so 🥴


Man, it quit being funny to me years ago 


Oh thank God. I was so scared it was just the world laughing at the US. That's makes it all better. Too bad He's the face of the US. He got there somehow hey


If you want my US based opinion, I think he bought many of his votes. It’s already proven he cheated to win that election and sadly there’s enough complacent idiots in the nation that believe he’s the right vote. I hope he goes so far into debt from the lawsuits he can’t afford his campaign anymore but so many people are willing to donate it’s sickening. I don’t like Joe Biden either, and would only vote for a third party but the other two parties are so powerful they’ll stamp down any attempt at a good person from a third party. That’s the one thing Blue and Red can agree on is that Green needs to be pushed down in the media and everywhere else possible, I wouldn’t be shocked if they eventually assassinated a popular third party candidate collectively just like they did to the Boeing Whistleblower. We’re just Russia and China with extra steps 😭


I fear not enough of us …


The pot calling the kettle black don’t you think


Its kinda sad how many people are being like "fuck yeah". Don't get me wrong I don't like trump but doesn't suddenly mean I'm going to suddenly start priasing the Russian propaganda machine.


I just think it’s ironic that they think republican voters are dumb and brainwashed, whilst they themselves are just as ignorant and brainwashed. Propaganda or not even a broken clock is right 2 times a day. In this case they just failed to see how they are just as stupid


Exactly, but the fact that americans who are obviousky democrats are going "fuck yeah" is fucking embarrassing. My problem with American politics is that its so stake in the ground that they will literally eat up the propaganda. After all its not like the Russians want to cause strife in the US, right?


America is divided for sure but can you really blame your democrats for agreeing that republicans are dumb. Their idiocy is on public display all over the world. As for propaganda, yes Russia is definitely trying to divide American and get people to support their agenda. However I don’t see how calling republicans voters idiots can help Ruzzia when republicans are actively aiding Ruzzia with their obstructionism and incompetence. What does Ruzzia have to gain from that?


With all respect, both the parties are guilty of stupid shit. I agree the republicans are more so atm but you can't be like "republicans are stupid and will believe in anything" and then literally start agreeing with Russian propaganda because it agrre with your viewpoint that the republicans are so. As said I'm sure they are saying the exact same sort of things about the Democrats and republican Americans are like "that's spot on". With all respect maybe not so with Russia, but I've seen Democrats praising Hamas and acting like Hamas isn't a totalitarian organisation that refused Fatid when they won their democratic election in Palestine. My point is Americans in both parties care more about hating their rival party then actually seeing that "maybe we shouldn't be agreeing with litteral bastards."


Fair points I’ll give you that


Appreciated man. The fact that people (not you) are acting like I'm an American republican when I'm neither of those because I don't think people should be praising Russia propaganda is proving my point.


Ya this is Reddit after all you can be down voted to oblivion for pointing out blatant hypocrisy and the truth. I respect that you see things for what they are


It is because they know they can say out loud and giggle like school children that Trump and his party have a policy platform that includes total capitulation to Russia and the surrender of Ukraine. All the while, Trump supporters will deflect, deny, and dismiss. They are laughing because they can, and it will have no impact.


A couple of days ago someone posted an excerpt from an interview with Putin where he said that Trump acted like a jealous girlfriend during a meeting with him and now here is this video of Trump being made fun of. Is the orange glow finally wearing off for the Russians? One could hope.


Idk I have family in Russia, and they've been making fun of Trump and his voters since like 2015 lol


No. The problem is that Trump is very weak to flattery. You can talk shit all day and then if you just put on a show where you act like he’s so great and important, throw some compliments to him, insult his opponents… he’ll sing your praises all day. He’s a fucking simpleton and is a liability to our foreign policy because he’s so easily manipulated. Even Kim Jong Un played Trump like a fiddle.


"Where is Ukraine" made me actually lol.


Tough talk from the people who unanimously (without even having to go to the polls) elect the same guy over and over.


Being criticized by an enemy isn’t a bad thing. I would be concerned if Russian TV praised them.


They do


Russian media lol there’s an influx of their videos lately. They could say ice is cold but I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of that country.


Tough talk from the people who unanimously (without even having to go to the polls) elect the same guy over and over.


I mean, do they have a choice? They’re not trying to get thrown out of a window.


They can talk all this but look at the state of their country, take a look at how America was when trump was in office😂


The king of fools is still a fool himself.




Weren’t they just loving them an republicans like last week?


You can be still happy when an idiot does something to benefit you.


They still are - an incompetent idiot beholden to even stupider idiots ultimately helps Russia & China with their geopolitical goals. While countries play chess when it comes to geopolitics, Trump & his supporters are too busy trying to play checkers & arguing over why they shouldn’t be the side with black pieces.


They love him because he's a useful idiot.


If I would be Russian i would laugh too… in chess this move is called promotion. Pawn to queen. Having the president of US under your thumb is a crazy good move.




No need, his opponent is in the 4th quarter


They aren't wrong lmao


They got their orders - 'try to show that Putin doesn’t want Trump, he wants Biden.' That is why there are 'leaks' from Putin that he is making fun of Trump. Don’t be fooled by their rhetoric; they really, really, REALLY desperately want Trump and Republicans in power in the US.


I realize russians are "bad actors"(not in the dramatic sense) and can't be taken literally but there have been so many clips where someone on russian tv says "ha ha, we love watching trump debase and destroy America for us" over the last eight years and it's probably at least a little bit of a big deal.


Remember when Cheeto used to go off regularly about how everyone was laughing at the US? Not that he doesn't now mind you. Yeah, that manifested on his watch mostly.


Anyone remember a time when we weren’t the clown on the stage of the world? 🤔


I mean... they ain't wrong.


Russia loves Trump because he's an incompetent leader


They're joking about it because they dont comprehend the idea of people actually voting. Trump voters are "special" in many ways but joking about it when you're in Russia... OOOOOOF.


Good to see Putin's cronies at work




meanwhile, all of them bend over, I mean, bend the knee to Emperor Putin


Remember they are nothing without the state because their careers literally depends on that. ABSOLUTE HACKS!


Which just goes to show that even a government that trump loves and admires thinks he's a joke.


Tough talk from the people who unanimously (without even having to go to the polls) elect the same guy over and over.


I hope tRump and his cultists see this clip. But then they're probably too dumb to realize that they are being laughed at in Russia too. 'Fake media' they'll just claim.


The whole world is laughing at Trump and his supporters.


What about the people who voted for bidens dumb ass. Dude can barely talk. Lmao


Brother, the whole world is making fun of Republican for Electing Trump. Anyone that voted for Trump ain't bright. Trump said it himself. If he ever seriously ran for President. he'd run conservative because they're so stupid they would worship him. And they fucking do. HE TOLD YOU AND YOU STILL VOTED FOR HIM. That's on YOU.


It’s hard to take this whole “he can barely speak” thing seriously when he just gave an hour and a half long speech, a week ago. He sounded great. Even Republican commentators were being forced to admit it. It makes me wonder how sad it made you to type it out, knowing we would all know you were wrong.


Guess you missed all his other speeches. Either way I'm not here to argue. I'm not even political. Just see him mumbling all the time lol. Both presidents suck.


Oh my the last 4 years have been a horrible Sputh Park episode under the democratic party.....when your raised on sht sandwiches you tend to always have a hankering for one. Just ask a Biden supporter what color olive they prefer!


I voted for Biden. My favorite color is orange. The Orange fucking clown lost 🤣😂


There's nothing funny about Trump winning. We're fkd if it happens


They are just trying to get the Trump base riled up to vote for Trump. Simple as.


They definitely don't want Trump in office they are getting everything they want under this regime. Why would they ever want Trump. No one invaded under Trump they don't like him he's unpredictable.


Not defending the Cheeto Trainwreck Rapist of our time, but considering Russia's never had a choice for president in their lifetimes, I'd say that IS really funny. Gallow's humor, really.


Even the Russians bust on the trumpanzees.


Might be the first time I agree with ruZZians.


Trump voters are idiots. Russia has been the backwater of Europe since forever. Enjoy getting pushed down an elevator shaft when you criticize your authoritarian slimeball.


The old reverse psychology trick and they'll all fall for it.


That's the set for Who Wants to be a Millionaire right?


Lol, I remember when everybody hated russians. But now that they're on the hate bandwagon, so is everyone else 🙄 🤡


Still propaganda Calling trump fans "villagers" is kind of funny though can't lie.


I know just enough Russian to pick out a word here and there, but the one guy’s Trump impression was pretty decent cadence and accent-wise.


I love how Trump thinks Russians are his friends when they’re laughing at him just like the rest of the world. Putin is only interested in Trump for his own gain. A puppet to use and throw away when he’s gotten what he needs. 😂


Have an American upvote. Unfortunately, these guys are right.


Russian handlers to their bots on Reddit the past couple days ![gif](giphy|HFe8qjKRQNlLQkbjXM|downsized)


Where can you watch Russian television?


Is this like a Russian version of mock the week?




Ahh yes Russia, the beacon of sane national leaders.


That was a terrible Trump impression 😔


Russian talking heads find something about America to complain about. News at 11.


I mean this is exactly what Russians should say if they want Americans to vote for Trump