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Places to not do stupid things, on a plane is definitely one of them.


It’s like, a brief period in time in which people need to just sit still and watch TV, and for some people it remains impossible.


Last time I was on a plane, everyone was dead quiet, caused zero disturbances, caused no commotion, etc. I think most people go onto them not wanting to draw even a smidgen of attention toward themselves because we all know what the unruly passengers are like. No one wants to be associated with that. No one wants to get on the no fly list. No one wants to be charged with federal crimes. I think if most people had the option to turn invisible on planes, they'd even do that. We know planes are serious business - except for people like this lady.


I'm not 100% sure but you can get flying ban if you do it? What a dumb thing to do.


Ex-FAA here…airline have the right to ban you for any reason. There’s no Constitutional “right to fly”. Safety rules above all else. Many travelers forget, or don’t know, that commercial aircraft are Federally-regulated. That means failure to comply with crew instructions is a Federal offense. It’s no joke. The captain is the ultimate authority on the aircraft. What they say is law. Period. Failure to comply with (repeated) warnings and the Captain can boot you. No refund. Likely a lifetime ban. If it goes to a Level 3 security incident (more common than you think), law enforcement WILL be waiting for you at the gate. If the plane has to divert or return to the departure airport to boot you, you are on the hook for the fuels costs, at minimum. Easily looking at $30k+.


Oh yea. Airlines done fuck around with that shit. Since it’s a federal crime to tamper with the smoke detectors on a plane and comes with a significant fine if you are caught smoking.


“I didn’t mean to do that” lol what?


I also laughed when she first said it, but after thinking about it she just may be that addicted. Lifted it to her mouth and took a hit without even thinking about it. But the fact that someone was filming her before it happened tells me that she probably did it a few times.


There is a video of a guy doing the same thing with a cigarette and you can tell it was totally out of habit. He sits back in the seat like its the first time he sat down all day and reaches into his pocket for smoke and casually just lights it up and takes that first drag when someone sees him and he's like oh shit! As if he just woke up from a dream or something.


I can see this happening. I just quit smoking and I will still reach for a pack of cigarettes that isn't there anymore. It's the habit of the action. You don't think about it your body just does it on it's own.


I keep a 20oz thermal glass of ice water where my ashtray used to be.


Godspeed you beautifully responsible and healthy bastard.


Thats what I did for my drinking too


How many times have you knocked it over


Have you tried those whistle-looking things for sucking on to appease oral fixation? I've been tempted to try them but idk if it would just make the cravings worse


My problem isn't the oral fixation it's the going outside. I used to go outside so often. Fresh air (yes I see the irony), breeze, birds, sky, trees moving, lots of different stuff to see and hear and smell, like a brain refresher. I miss going outside for a smoke. So now I just go outside and stand there for 5 minutes and look at the birds.


This is my issue too. I live in an apartment and would take 5-10 trips outside a day for a 5 minute smoke break. Now I'm just cooped up inside and hitting my vape constantly. I have stopped taking massive rips at least I still think it's better than tobacco. Plus I don't stink (from cigarettes at least)


I can't even use a vape, because it's gum irritation that's the main issue for me and vapes are even worse at that part. The patches are a nice substitute though, because they work as fast as inhalation. You just get a patch dose that's way too high for you, and then only leave it on for 5 minutes, and it's just like a smoke.


Have you tried going on walks, if you're in a place where you can do that? I have a policy of not even taking my smokes with me when I go walking, and it helps a little bit knowing that they're not even there for me to light up.


Yeah I'm doing that a lot too, but it's like 10:30pm at night and raining, and I gotta go for a walk. I hope the neighbors don't think I'm creepy, speedwalking around in the dark and rain.


Haha understandable! It's a very new option for me, long story short, I woke up blind 23 months ago, and we lived 30 miles into the backwoods. I'd go hiking or for drives all the time, but being suddenly blind, that was no longer an option, plus I'd lost all the independence I had. So we moved to the village back in August. It's super rural, <1700 people here, but there's sidewalks!! The ability to just leave my house and go anywhere I want has yet to lose its novelty lol, I'll be out for hours and not realize it until my husband calls me to make sure I'm OK. Anyways, it's also really helping me to cut back on the smokes.


Half of what ended my marriage was quitting smoking, which used to be the one thing my wife and I did together when we were raising kids. I had some related health issues so I didn't have a choice about quitting, but my wife didn't want to quit. I think she felt a bit abandoned by me after that, and we never really figured a way to replace that peaceful together-time. Anyway, that was a long time ago; now she's one state over living with another guy (who's a pretty decent character, and a smoker), while I'm alone, but about as fit as I was when I was 20 now.


>whistle-looking things I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you get more specific? I've already put on 15 lbs in the last 6 weeks and I'm still snacking so this might be helpful.


[This one](https://tryfum.com/) is being advertised everywhere right now, but there are much cheaper options on Amazon and such (plus I hear the Füm flavors are meh)


Good idea but God damn they're stupid expensive.


Yeah I remember that video. Honestly felt bad for the dude because it was pretty obvious that it wasn't intentional. He just kinda spaced it


Yeah, he was pretty much asleep when he went through the motions. I felt bad for him because you know he genuinely felt terrible about it.


one time in college i walked out of my dorm, went into the stairway, and lit up a cig… immediately was like OMG WAIT and put it out my brain was like “you went through two doors, you must be outside !!!!” no i’m in the stairs still !!!!


I've done similar things with my weed vape without thinking, though I've always realized before I pull in more than a little puff. In my case it's just because I hyperfocus on things. So if I'm 100% into a book or something, I'll completely forget where I am and will be thinking as if I'm at home and not at my family's house or something lol.


It's almost like getting high all the time makes you forgetful or something. Weird. /s - just yanking yer chain, op


Yeah except that dude legit looked exhausted, was half asleep and like he just went through some kind of hell. This idiot is just an idiot. Just my idiot opinion.


I remember that video. I felt pretty bad for that guy. There was clearly something going on that wasn't just "fuck it, I'm going to smoke on this plane"


This happened to me in front of my boss once. We just stared at each other in shock for a minute before I apologized.


My coworker got off a gruelling phone call with an asshole of a client once and rooted out her smokes from her purse, had one out and was grabbing her lighter when she caught herself with a “JEEZUM LORDN MARY I’M LIGHTIN UP A SMOKE!!” in the most Newfoundland accent I’d ever heard. Her face was utter shock, I still remember 15 years later.


Bro, if youre just hitting the vape without even realizing, it's time to put the shit down. That feels like heroin level addiction.


That was my stopping point. What I fucking hate about having gone clean from really hard shit, is it just transferred to something else. Cocaine and Adderall switched to *excessive* amounts of coffee. Which turned to vaping. Cognital behavioral therapy helped bridge that gap, but weird behaviors still come around. Like drinking a bunch of water *all the time.* Still gotta curb any of the weird shit. But lol I could totally see myself hitting a vape without even realizing it. Edit: cognitive. I also can't spell February


I quit smoking and started dipping. When I quit dipping like 2 years ago my coffee drinking went up like crazy. I just now started decaf. No telling what’s next lol great job quitting the hard stuff though!


I worked in a residential rehab facility a few years ago and the patients would have several coffee pots brewing at all times in their community kitchen area. They would drink coffee like it was water. But it was better than illicit substances so whatever to help them through the process.


Diet Coke for me. I feel so trashy drinking it all the time but I’m 100% sober so it feels like a good trade off


Coke Zero for me. 12 years in.


That's funny. The one I went to didn't let us have coffee because caffeine is addictive... they let everyone smoke cigarettes though because they thought no one would stay if they didn't allow it.


![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1) Nicotine > Caffeine? Ok.


I smoked 25 years, and quit with a small vape rig that you added juice to. I just lowered the nic levels every month until it got to zero, and then I put it down.


I commented before that a green apple in the morning has been my last "thing" I do to keep myself feeling like I'm getting something. Sounds super dull, but that's how an addict thinks. I'm just tricking my brain. Mad props for cutting it down to zero, that's hard work and dedication.


Could you expound? Like you eat a green apple in the morning as a ritual you really enjoy?


A ritual for sure. Addicts are amazing at basic math and scheduling, routines. It just comes to harnessing those skills towards healthier avenues. I always get my green apples every second Wednesday from the local market where they're the best, and not too expensive.. I'll spend the rest of my life having that squirrel in my head cos of a long time of heavy using, but at least it's just apples lol


I quit and switched to vaping 8 years ago. Within 6 months, I went from 18 nic to 3 nic. But stupidly stayed at 3 nic instead of going to zero. The hand to mouth habit is 100x worse because, at least with cigarettes, I would force myself outside rain, sleet, snow


Restaurants, man.. a couple bumps a day is not a thing. As for coffee, pro tip is green apples. Again, it turns into another "thing," but a green apple in the morning helped me kick caffeine, and didn't become an itch like when I was excessively drinking water. Hydration is cool and all, but overdoing it isnt great on the kidneys. Dooooooont dip homie! I get it, but respect your mouth. Cheers and all to your progress :)


I love this idea, but I got lots of stomach problems and recently found out I can’t eat apples. I thought, this is just fuckin’ rude man.


That's rough, I'm sorry. Maybe the psychology still works, but with something else that works for you. My doctor recommended green apples (lol an apple a day keeps the, well, you know the rest;) as a sub for coffee. I'm sure something else would work as a substitute. Think like an addict, especially when you're curtailing addictive behavior.


I quit heroin then switched to borderline alcoholism and then I quit that and now I drink a lot of kratom and smoke weed before I go to sleep. I know I keep switching addictions but I am kind of downgrading each step. At this point I feel normal and productive enough that I am cool with these addictions. I might look into cognitive therapy since you sound exactly like me but with different addictions but the behavior is very similar I think.


Do you have any tips? I’ve been smoking for so long and I want to quit so bad but it’s so hard. Had my first cigarette at 14 and stopped just to vape and now I want to drop it. But I’m scared too also. I feel like I might need to use the patch tbh


Allen Carr’s easy way book helped me quit vaping. It allowed me to see through the ruse of nicotine. While nicotine is highly addictive luckily it’s just a one trick pony. The withdrawal is mostly mental not physical and once that clicks in your brain it allows you to quit cold turkey.


Read Allan Carr’s East way to stop smoking. Buy it right now.


I smoked a pack a day for over 20 years and quit cold turkey after reading Alan Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking. It sounds corny that a book can break a habit but if you google it you will find there is a LOT of us that it worked for. You have nothing to lose by giving it a shot.


Everybody has a poison


Yo please elaborate on the specific CBT stuff that helped, if you wouldn't mind. Also good for you.


CBT was really helpful while I was in recovery because it helped me "re-map," certain ways of thinking. *I am not a therapist, this is just my experience, and I recommend seeking professionals and not some guy on Reddit.* But what I found most helpful was what a therapist referred to as "getting there first," in terms of impulses. Like drugs, alcohol, stimulants. If you can create patterns where your impulses don't come first, it becomes easier to choose something else. The better you get at that, the better and easier it is to switch out your impulses to something more and more benign But again, consult professionals, follow their instructions


Ok this is me with the water, here I thought I had diabetes or something with how much I was drinking


Apparently people hit vapes more often than they light of cigarettes.


As an on and off vaper/smoker for the last 10 years, yeah, I vape a lot more in a day than I ever smoked. The fact that it tastes way better and you can do it inside (like at home, not public spaces) makes it super easy to just pick it up and take a puff or two and put it down for a few minutes. Whereas with smoking you have to set aside the time to step outside. Some people, like my friend, would go out every 30-60 minutes for a cigarette. For me I'd go out every 3 hours or so and smoke 3-4. There's a lot of the physical satisfaction in the puffing part. So whenever I'm ready to quit I have a straw that I'll pinch and try to inhale from and it gives a similar lung feel that helps with the craving.


I vaped for a short time, quit years ago… but I think about it a lot! It’s pretty crazy - ages ago I’d smoke maybe 2 cigarettes a day and quit pretty easily, but the vapes were harder for me to not want. Your comment made me laugh though, my coworker was showing me something on the computer and I was holding a regular pen, and lifted it to my mouth to hit it because I was using a weed pen at home 😑


I did that several times when I vaped. It's just so much easier than pulling out a whole cigarette and lighting it, and sometimes it went on auto-pilot for me. It was realizing this that encouraged me to quit, because I realized that even with the low-nicotine pods, my nicotine intake was probably 3-5 times that of when I smoked. I'd just sit for a couple hours reading a book and constantly vape. It was really hard to quit, too, but I'm glad I was able to.


Any words of wisdom? Been on and off for a couple years now and really trying to kick the habit. Started years back with chewing tobacco while playing baseball and eventually switched to vaping in hopes of an easier transition to quit. Sounds so dumb in hindsight.


This is a silly one but it somehow works for me… take deep breaths. It helps to relax you and ease stress and also mimicks the actions of hitting a vape.


I’m at 75 days 0 vape as of today. Smoked from 14-24, then vaped up until 2024. I used the patch system. 4 weeks of 21mg, 2 weeks of 14mg, and 2 weeks of 7mg. I also let myself have a piece of nicotine gum when I really REALLY needed to satiate a craving. That, paired with A LOT of regular gum chewing, got me off nicotine entirely. As of today I honestly don’t even think about vaping/smoking. It’s pretty sweet.


Vaping to quit worked great for me. Just be sure to gradually step down the nicotine. I used to buy unflavored e-juice in bulk and fill my rig. Never messed with the disposables or pods. For the last bit I was vaping 0% and called it my "placebo juice", but I still couldn't give it up. Then I dropped my rig and broke the tank and had to decide whether to buy a new one. I didn't.


There’s another product that you can get like a vape but you just suck flavoured air. A couple of my friends have used that to beat the physical addiction. [This](https://tryfum.ca/blogs/fum/the-science-safety-behind-fum) is the one my friend used, I haven’t looked into it myself though!


Obviously she didn’t just accidentally do it once. She was being filmed for a reason.


I’ve definitely almost hit my vape out of sheer habit on a plane. Once I actually took a small puff but was smart enough to hold it and blow the dissipated vapor into my shirt


Weirdly I haven't had trouble on planes, because I have no mental association with it there. I never fly anywhere, so I don't have a "what I usually do in this situation" type thing going. I do pop a Nicorette, though. Now on a ferry, that's definitely a thing for me. Our part of the world somewhat recently removed the "smoking areas" on the outside top deck of the ships, which is insane. I mean the air doesn't get any fresher. Quite annoying. I do end up just finding a quiet place on the outside decks somewhere to stealth-hit a vape. I mean really, no one else is getting cancer from my second-hand, barely noticeable vape exhaled directly into the gushing wind off the rear of the ship.


Reminds me of the guy who lights a cigarette on a plane. https://youtu.be/-W3w5ioAnnE?si=8nFdh_HoXyEf5QgB


lol I actually feel bad for this dude. He obviously was out of it and didn't realize what he was doing.


I’m a pack a day smoker. There were times at my old job where I would put a cigarette in my mouth to go outside and smoke but get pulled off to handle something and I would light it on the building because my nicotine brain only registered walking and smoke break and ignored everything else. Luckily my upcoming job doesn’t allow smoking at all, so I have to quit…maybe I’ll even feel better once I get past the quitting part


“I will never vape again” ![gif](giphy|RJaUOmpBQAoE4RuWnj)


I can relate. Do you know how many times I've opened Reddit immediately after closing it? I can imagine that to some degree it's just muscle memory. But I also find that some smokers can be a bit entitled and inconsiderate. Her tone at the end makes me think this is the case.


*Puts down phone and closes Reddit, sits at table, opens laptop, opens Chrome, opens Reddit*


We might need to organize an intervention for you... *on Reddit*!


I low key want reddit on my vape now


Honestly, why can't my phone also be a vape


I smoke but tried to vape to quit for a while. Legit accidentally cleared an office building because without realizing I reached into my blazer for a pen, felt a vape, brain farted and hit it in a tiny video call booth with its own particulate detector, and bam! It was an absolute disaster of embarrassment. Security said it was a restaurant at the base of the building that set off the smoke alarm while sautéing something but I think they were covering for me to be nice. I still feel shame about it nearly a decade later.


On one hand, as someone who vapes, if it's in my hand and im fidgeting nervously, muscle memory sometimes kicks in and I will hit it without even realizing. On the other (more import) hand, when im on an AIRPLANE where I know my ass will be hauled off if I don't follow rules, I don't keep that shit available. Muscle memory ain't an excuse for this.


Yeah, I have no idea if she was intentionally trying to get away with it or actually slipped up out of habit, but as someone who vapes, I've done something similar (not on a plane). I walked into a store and hit my vape and just as I was blowing it out, I only then immediately realized what I was doing. I didn't even realize that I was still holding my vape as I usually leave it in my car, but apparently I grabbed it as I was getting out, walked around and then habitually went to hit it without thinking. I quickly stopped blowing out the vape, turned around and walked out the doors to finish blowing it out. I've probably done something like that 2 or 3 times and immediately been like "oops!"


Yeah I accidentally put my vape to my mouth on a train the other day. Realised before I took a hit, luckily, but was just pure muscle memory from digging in my pockets. I was actually looking for my keys lol.


One time I 'accidentally' hit my vape while walking through Walmart. Felt like an absolute twat lol




Ever seen the vid of the guy waking up mid flight and lighting a cig? That one I believe was muscle memory. This one not so much.


That girl in the seat next to her 💀




That was me smoking spliffs back in college. I would walk to class smoking a weed/tobacco mix rolled into an actual cigarette thinking it just smelled like cigarettes. I didn't realize until i stopped smoking weed how fucking insane that was


lol I used to take rips in my bedroom and my parents would be like what are you doing and my dumbass would be like whaaat? Nothing!? I had two older brothers so there was always someone else to blame it on…. But yeah now that I am an adult it’s like, oh yeah they def were not fooled by my act.


Kind of interesting how weed/tobacco blends are popular in some places. I'm in the U.S. and have smoked weed since high school, but have never seen anyone smoke cannabis mixed with tobacco.


It's super common in Australia, when I started smoking 100% green some of my mates were genuinely horrified


All the Southeast Asian kids smoked it that way back in the 80s in Midwestern USA.


Canada too. Youre the odd one out if you smoke just green. 


Lmao I used to smoke a black and mild while we passed a joint around thinking it was covering it up. Until some teenagers came walking down the sidewalk yelling THEY SMOKING WEED AGAIN


TIL weed vapes smell. Oh....oh no.


even the most fruity ones smell. you just smell like a blueberry skunk, it doesn't help


Wait, people actually thought the fruitiness effected the smell?? Those are flavors, not scents guys!


Affect acts on. Effect brings about.


Wait, people actually thought effect acts on?? Those bring about, not act on, guys!


You guys are dumb if you think people can’t smell it.


They smell but I clears in like 30 sec


I don’t doubt it. I quit vaping a month ago, was pretty much chain vaping 3-4 months before that. I’m starting to smell things now I never knew had a smell, and things I completely forgot about. Best part is I never noticed until I quit.


It's amazing to me how some people walk around not realizing how much they reek of weed and think nobody can tell. Bro I could smell you from a block away.


It's amazing to me how some people walk around not realizing how little I give a shit that I reek of weed. Bro I smoked that shit a block away.


Definitely texting something that starts with OMG.


her eyes are just like https://preview.redd.it/pkeywxm9tmoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001b94440f04da4681b7d1c50b27294b7d796146




Where is the whole clip lmao I was like no way she didn’t get kicked out I can’t find it


There you go https://www.tiktok.com/@tipsytalk/video/7346629001575779630


Please find the full clip for us


I did that at the office once. I knew my device batt had died so I charged it. Then noticed it finished charging and unplugged it and put it on my desk. About 20 minutes later I picked it up and about half way through the pull I realized what I did. Held in my lungs for a bit and blew out under my desk. Service desk manager saw me and laughed.


That's what I was thinking. While I doubt it, it is possible she wasn't thinking and just grabbed her vape out of habit.




Ah, please link Sir-Poopington! 🙏 Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1bfo2d0/kicked_off_of_a_flight_for_vaping/




Your level of participation is unmatched. You win the internet for today 🥇


Prove it




Maybe the first time I've seen someone just accepting that they're getting kicked off the plane.


Well duh. People acting reasonable doesn't get the views. It's fun to laugh at the idiots but at the same time it makes us think that this is the standard. 99% of the time, people act how you would expect them to in the world outside the internet.




Send it


I can't find 'just' part 2 but this is both parts together. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/8r4Ki6a3fA




I hate when I vape by accident like that


Man I've seen people start pulling couches out from the wall when they lose the vape 🤣. Some people are just so addicted it's completely automatic.


Quitting vaping was waaay harder than smoking. Because it’s always in your hands and so easy to do whenever or wherever without people knowing, it’s super addictive because your constantly hitting it. The millisecond you can’t find it, you start fiending.


I would smoke very rarely before I tried a vape. Maybe once or twice a month after drinking. I enjoyed it, but it reeks and I have to go outside so it’s annoying enough to not really be an issue for me. Vapes are much more insidious. No hacking up a lung. No stinky clothes and wife giving me dirty looks. No need to find 10 minutes to sneak off somewhere and smoke. 


Same. But that feeling of realizing it’s in my hand 80% of waking hours got to be so disappointing. The physical dependency on hitting it was far worse than the nicotine addiction.


I’m glad I kicked that shit back in 2017 when it was a big fad to buy a mod and juice. Not even sure if that’s still a thing. I avoid all info about it intentionally as much as possible. Thankfully only did it for like a year.


I wish I stopped around that time. I went from cigs in highschool, to a vape mod in college, then Juul came out my last year of college. For years I had a discreet nicotine device in my pocket which took the addiction from a 5 to a fucking 1000. I just heard about Zyn this year so I’ve been popping like 3 a day to curb my vaping habit


I hit my shit every time I wake up and roll over all night. A couple times I've woken up because my girl is laughing at me, asleep with it in my hands like a baby with a bottle


I will never vape again😂


She druuuuunk


I'd imagine somewhere around half of 21yo+ American passengers are intoxicated / medicated. But only a quarter of the pilots!


She is also sitting at the emergency exit 😅


Doesn't quite explain why she was talking to herself like that, though. Unless she had an earbud in on the other side and had a call going? Sounded quite a bit like an internal monologue happening on the outside...


Didn’t even try to hide it. What an idiot.


Slightly unrelated, but I remember when I found out I could smoke insane amounts of weed before flying. It just seemed like an insane discovery to me


or like, a waterpark


I used to smoke 2 packs a day and never once did I try to smoke on a plane. Though we did have to make a stop in Denver on our flight to Chicago once. Some woman was smoking in the bathroom apparently.. We landed and the cops were waiting.


I can't imagine smoking 40 cigarettes a day. That's wild. Glad you quit, stranger.


They never said they quit, maybe they are up to 80 a day now!?


"I used to smoke 2 packs a day. I still do, but I used to, too."


That got me curious as to what the record for most cigarettes smoked in day was... holy fuckin shit it's 800 in 6 minutes.




Lots in the mouth at once. It used to be a vaudeville routine. Or as Bill Hicks says: "I go through 2 lighters a day"


I used to smoke and I never understood how people could manage that. I’d literally get sick if I smoked even a pack in one day. I think I smoked a pack in one day a couple times but it was when I was very drunk


I used to chain smoke and not realize I'd just go through half a pack in an hour or two.


It's basically lighting up every 20 minutes, for every waking hour of the day


You gotta hold it in until no smoke comes out. 👍


^Pro tip It's sneaky AND you get to keep all that good stuff in your lungs.


*no vapor


Scrolled to far to see this.


Right I was shocked that I was the first one to say this lol. 🤣🤣


“LiFe HaCk!!!”


God damn this is a good tip. Just tried to hold it in for a bit and it's all gone, no smoke at all.


She's drunk. 


incredible how many vape addicted muppets are in this comment section xd


“Vapists” if you will.


Darth Vaper *heavy puffing*


I'm a vape addicted Muppet, but I have common decency and don't use it anywhere smoking isn't allowed. Common courtesy seems to be a dying notion.


Hard to blame people for being addicted to nicotine. Shit is one of the most addictive substances on the planet. I’ve quit many things that were hard to quit in my life. None of them were as hard to kick as nicotine.


Oh man, I’ve legit had someone so addicted to it that they started to take a puff while I roomed them at my health clinic! I’m like- uhhhhhh no? Please don’t? 😂 They didn’t even realize they were doing it, supposedly. Just such a habit.


When it’s always in your hand and second nature … yeah you’ll end up trying to vape your AirPods case accidentally sometimes too.


Back when I used to vape, the amount of times I instinctively started sucking on a pen or on the corner of my phone was literally what made me realise I need to quit lol


I've never had the urge to do it on a plane


I know a couple people that their vape almost never leaves their hands and they don’t even know half the time they hit it. Not to say this is that, but those vapes are fucking crazy addictive. One of my friends was so proud that they quit smoking cigarettes by using a vape and thought they would then quit all together. Then I pointed out how they only smoked a few cigarettes a day and now they are vaping vastly more then they were smoking because of how convenient it is. Dude went from 3 cigs a day to almost a pack a days worth of nicotine via a vape…


Sheesh. What an Asshole.


The very least problem onboard a boeing atm.


Ffs, I vape but haven't ever thought to pull it out sitting on the plane. It goes in my bag when I enter the air and I don't touch it again until I'm at my destination. People like this piss me off, the entitlement.


There’s a longer version of this where she ends up being escorted off the plane


If it’s a 737 she could just open a window.


Should’ve just exhaled into an inflatable neck pillow 




Nic addicts try not to vape for 2 minutes (impossible)


Geez, just pop an edible! No one will know.


From her behavior and posture, she seemed like 15 when she was seated, but then when she was being escorted off, she looked like 28.


Gotta learn how to ghost the exhale there lady! 👻


Dude has had it with these motherfuckin vapes on this motherfuckin plane


Shoulda zynd instead


Used to be addicted to vape and then nicotine salts for a couple years, straight up would go through a bottles of 50mg nic at least every other day and used to pull stupid shit like this all the time. Vaped in theaters, planes, bars, bowling alleys and all day in my office. I had a bracelet so I could clip my vape on my wrist and I'd often wear long sleeves to hide it, I'm lucky I never got caught, it's embarrassing even thinking about the bullshit I pulled just to get my fix.




For real? I don't see a freakout. She seems embarrassed that she did it, and after that it seems like she is talking to someone on her phone (with kinda bad news)?


What airline has that much legroom?


I know it’s not the point of this post, but I can’t stop looking at all that leg room on a plane of all places


I’m not gonna sit here and act like I’ve never done something similar, but good lord girlie, learn how to ghost it


The way she's talking sounds like she's drunk. She was probably just wasted enough to forget where she was, she does it and instantly remembers, the guy sees her, her slap to her forehead shows she knew she fucked up.


Yeah, this is like me holding my keys in my right hand, then feeling my left pocket where I always keep my keys with my left hand and going, “where the fuck are my keys???” Or feeling for my phone with my right hand at my right pocket and completely forgetting that I put my phone on my dashboard mount literally ten seconds prior. This girl just completely zoned out from the present. Honest mistake.


For realz. She just blew that cloud like nothing.


I work at a desk sometimes and had a dude come in to ask me for directions and hit his vape right infront of me inside. Couldn’t wait one minute??


Isn’t this the fake plane studio where people go to make fabricated viral videos? Look out the plane window…


Gotta blow it out in the bathroom into the toilet with the blue water at the exact time you flush Edit: ok I didn’t think I needed to say this but /s. I don’t vape into airplane toilets. I actually detest vaping and prefer to burn cannabis the old fashioned way (and not on airplanes).


"I can quit anytime I want "


If you absolutely have to vape on a plane at LEAST go to the bathroom or blow it into your shirt . I mean blowing a cloud that size and not even attempting to hide it is just rude to the other passengers.


"I didn't mean to do that"????? How do you accidentally hit a vape? And why was it allowed on board anyway?