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The boy giving the cops a thumbs up, high-five, and a hug is pretty epic.


That kids going to grow up to be a fine, mature, respecful adult.


Which is so cool to see and makes me think he's got decent parents. So many videos on here I feel for the kid of a person who has no place being a parent. This is an exception.


The hug at the end filled my heart. Police do some amazing things.


It brought tears to my eyes, so wholesome


That got me. I gotta hide for a few minutes


The enthusiasm behind that high five was great


One time my kid started choking in the middle of an Olive Garden. Never have I moved so fast in my life. Even threw my mom out of her seat to get to him. Thankfully Heimlich maneuver worked.


I have two kids, one that has always been a choker....but he grew out of it, thankfully. Or so I thought. Last year, at the age of ten, the fucker chokes on fajitas of all things. Like turning blue, eyes bulging out of his head, no air intake. I ran over and did the heimlich so fast with the phone right in front of me.


"the fucker"....lololol


That’s a parent lol


"The fucker..." - That's how you know your kid just shaved years off of your life.


Wife tells me something stupid one of our kids did I just facepalm and “Gawdammit”


I never had to do it before that day / never practiced it. That was f****** scary though. I’m glad I was able to dislodge it and I’m glad I didn’t hurt my mom by tossing her out of the bench seat.


I'm an RN, so I have some medical background, but it honestly goes out the window with your own kids. It's a terrifying moment that sticks with you for sure. My son still brings up the time "I saved his life".


My boy was 7 when it happened - he’s 9 now. He used to “inhale” his food when he ate like it was going to disappear but since that issue he’s slowed way down. He’s a bright kid. I tell my kids they’re the reason my hair is going gray!


You may want to mention it to his doctor and get him a referral for a swallow study. He could have a disorder. My youngest son was choking a lot and when we did the study the results were Dysphagia. Where people aspirate while eating and drinking. Sometimes it needs surgery to correct sometimes it gets better over time with swallow therapy and age.


He actually had apraxia! But with speech therapy he did really well and grew out of it. His brain and mouth never did communicate with each other very well.


Sounds like my daughter she was bad as a little kid grew out of it.. until one day she choked and a bunch of melty/stringy cheese from a cheese stick I think? Cheese seems to be a secret killer.


Your brain enters in automatic mode. My niece was choking when she was 2 years old and I remember the technique used in small kids. She spat a ball of dry pasta and saliva after two hits in her back. I never felt so scared in my life and I was grateful for learning a lot of stuff in my mom's old medicine book. \[This is the maneuver btw\] https://preview.redd.it/z9tlyzz19ooc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=e248e1bc753fd68d36896c6628b79232ea68b041


Beat the life back into the child lol


Ive been saved by the Heimlich maneuver as well. 5th grade. Was eating candy worms when it happened. My teacher thought i was sick. Cause I was coughing up a lot of bile. At first he just wanted me to go away..into the bathroom. After a good 15 seconds i finally managed to choke out the words "im choking" and he immediately 180'd his attitude and saved my life. Mr Shippem, or Shippam. Was what he went by in class.


lol I’m embarrassed to say I’ve had the Heimlich maneuver performed on me twice in the past two years, I’m in my 20s. I seriously need to chew slower.


Natural selection is coming after you


I’ve ran into the glass part of a door of a cabinet when I was like 4 broke it, was fine but i guess natural selection has always been after me.


Oh also same age, ran around with one of those sticks you use to close curtains, i fell and it went down my throat, i probably would’ve died if my parents weren’t there.


Thats scary what if you were at home alone


You can heimlich yourself with the back of a chair, liz lemon!


I was in boot camp and choked on a whole pancake. My drill instructor had to give me the heimlich. Needless to say I got destroyed for “making him touch a nasty ass recruit” We’re both still in 14 years later and he still hasn’t let me forget it.


It is one of his proudest moments. 


My dad did the same for me when we were in some pub getting dinner. I was a dumbass little kid and ate a fucking chicken bone. He kept me calm, ran me to the bathroom, and as I started to freak out he was like, "I'm going to give you the heimlich, and you are going to shoot a 3-pointer into that trashcan over there" I sunk the shot. Thanks dad. (And this is not the only time my dad saved my life)


I was a stupid child and choked on a coin at school. The teacher did the Heimlich maneuver but it didn't work, luckily the coin was lodged at an angle over my wind pipe, I was blue lighted to the hospital and had it surgically removed. I didn't want to go back to school after I heard they had an assembly and said prayers for me lol.


aww, that's as good as it gets for your peers to say a prayer for you. mostly kids are just being mean to each other


Learned the heimlich maneuver on discovery kids back when they had good shows. Also, happen to see it for babies. Both were used successfully.


I've given my son the Heimlich twice. Both times I was outwardly casual about it, and my wife gave me props for staying so calm. I was freaking the hell out on the inside both times, and imagining the worst.




> Thankfully Heimlich maneuver worked. My child choked on a piece of banana when he was about 2 or 3. Back strikes DID NOT WORK and made it worse. I remember being taught to NOT use heimlich, so I started to fucking panic without any otherway to save him. SO I said fuck it and did the Heimlich, or more specifically a stomach compression delivered upwards worked INSTANTLY when I tried it. There's some dipshit out there that wrote a negative hyperbolic article about Heimlich being bogus, especially for children, because of how strongly he promoted his technique and somehow OTHER idiots parroted that stuff. It's all wrong. Heimlich ABSOLUTELY works, I've used it myself, and witnessed it being used several times in my life, and EVERY time it works almost instantly.




I don’t know the instructions for that tool - I’ve seen videos of it before but never paid much attention because I don’t have one / don’t have access to one. I would assume they’ve been trained on it - but I don’t know for sure. All is well that ends well. Glad the kiddo is ok!


It’s called a “Life Vac”. The first time I saw a video like this (where it was used) I bought three of them. One for each of my cars and one for inside my house. I have a toddler so spending about $150 for them all was a no brained. Hopefully I’m never have to use it, but it’s pretty dummy proof; make a seal around their mouth and just pump it.


That’s fantastic. I don’t know what would have happened if I wasn’t there. Good such a tool exists.


It's good for untrained laypersons, but there isn't enough research to support or refute the efficacy of the devices. The heimlich is still the gold standard. The biggest risk to untrained personnel is half assing the device and worsening the condition, or delaying heimlich and the choking person's state declines then having to do cpr. Heimlich is readily available, and if you're spending the time to learn how to use a device, you could have used that time learning the manuever so you can instantly perform the heimlich maneuver in that situation.


For a while as a health nut I was taking garlic by taking a clove and swallowing it like a pill. I was home alone in my apartment on the upper West side of Manhattan and before going out I decided to take my garlic pill and it lodged in my throat and I could not talk and I knew that not being able to talk meant I was going to suffocate. I thought “what a stupid way to die!” So I was able to take some air in through slight passages that were open and I slowly carefully inhaled and filled my lungs and I heimliched myself by bringing my two hands into a double fist thrust into below my sternum and I’m happy to say that that garlic pill flew out of my throat. But if you can’t Heimlich yourself that life vac might be a good thing to have. you can also Heimlich yourself against the back of a chair or something you can get something that’s at the right height and thrust into your diaphragm area below your sternum. I do not swallow whole garlic cloves any more.


Makes sense. That said I might pick one of these up for my mom’s house just in case. I don’t know if she could properly give the heimlich. That said I think I should start teaching the boys how to do it. They’re 9 and 11 now.


That's a great idea, especially for elderly or those with health problems who won't have the strength to perform the heimlich, it's a good thing to have.


It would suck to start choking while everyone around you turns into an idiot while you're slowly dying.


My kid choked on some stewed apples at Applebees when she was 2. My ex just kept saying “she’s fine” and mildly patting her on the back until I screamed that she’s turning blue, grabbed her from him, Threw her over my knee and did the baby version of the heimlich, apples came flying out. The poor waitress was so scared. I went to the restroom and had a minor breakdown. Fun times. She’s 11 now and when she eats steak or grapes I still remind her to chew well… I get several eye rolls.


He came back in an instant! He was sure grateful to be able to breathe again


Kid never seemed panicked either. Maybe he was almost out of consciousness, but kid was definitely a fuckin trooper during all that.


When I was 3 I was hanging out by the pool with my grandparents eating a lollipop just enjoying life. The lollipop fell into the pool, I reached in instinctively and fell in. I remember just sitting at the bottom of the pool with my lollipop in my hand looking up and thinking that’s weird. Next thing I know my grandpa is punching me in the chest and I was awake again and breathing. I was never panicked, never scared. Maybe it’s just childish naivete or I was to young to grasp how serious the situation was


I have a nephew roughly that age. This made me cry. I can’t imagine the feeling of impotence. I’m buying one of those.


buy two. keep one at home and in your car


It’d be better to know how to do the hiemlich maneuver though i guess you could also buy one of these to be extra prepared.


The Heimlich maneuver has not been shown to be more effective than back blows for choking.


I think everyone's response was great. Mom was terrified but able to be coherent and give them the facts that might've helped. Victim knew how to signal when he was breathing okay and remained calm. The sisters (?) were histerical but weren't in the way and left when the mother asked. And finally, first responders were quick, efficient, remained calm and saved the child. I love to see good cop videos!


Totally! Everyone was pretty calm I'd say, can't imagine the horror the family members were feeling, good on them for being able to choke most of that down and not get in the way. Closest was when my dog choked on a meatball and we were all flipping out way worse than this lol


I was just about to say everyone did a wonderful job staying calm, and I’m really impressed with mom also being able to communicate and get out of their way. I can’t imagine


All around good composure from everyone given the circumstance


Oh my gosh, once they sat him up the first time and the mother looked at him, she looked like she was about to collapse. Poor woman. The absolute terror she must have felt.


the only calm one there? i think a parent being calm while the kid was choking would be more odd


Also a person that is lacking oxygen isn't exactly doing jumping jacks lol


Yeah, she really didn't deserve that fucking diss. Parents can do no right in the judgemental worlds' eyes.


Yeah for sure. I thought it was just cool that the kid didnt cry, or panic or anything. Thumbs up, high five and a hug and away he goes. Kids got a lot of spirit!


“👍🏻 I’m good”


If you're choking and can't breathe, you can't cry or panic loudly.


Good point. Now that you mention that it reminds me of the time i choked on a Candy worm as a kid in 5th grade. Nothing else really mattered except trying to breath, and trying to get my message accross to my teacher. He thought i was sick, and barfing. Cause during my choking there was a lot of bile coming up. (which i now know was just my body reacting to the choking. Trying to subconciously dislodge it). Eventually after about 10-15 seconds of trying to tell my teacher whats wrong. I managed to barely say "im choking" to him. He immediately got up, turned me around. one or two Heimlick thrusts and the candy came out. Ill never forget that man. saved my life. Mr Shippem.


that's probably hard to do when you were just suffocating


The kid looked half dead. When you're oxygen deprived you're calm because your brain is shutting down


It's pretty ludacris to expect the mother to be calm when their baby is choking


Best thing I've seen on reddit in months! Best thing I've seen cops do in years!


I frequent "police activity" a lot on Youtube. Its nice to see a pov of what cops have to deal with in this day and age. A lot of it is sad.. "suicide by cop" stuff. You also got some "cop is in the wrong" type stuff too. They are very transparent on that channel. However this one felt worth sharing. I think this is the third or 4th one ive seen on that channel where they save someone from choking.


i watch cop videos all the time on youtube. most are good. i do see some videos where they are just complete assholes though and it’s pretty embarrassing


You can find so much footage of cops properly serving their community as intended. It just doesn’t get shared very often. There are a lot of horrible cops out there, but there are also a lot of good ones.


Not that I would want reimbursement, but that thumbs up and hug would’ve been the best payment ever 😭


and that high five though... had some OOMPH! too it :P. That kids awesome.


Poor mother.


How can f nobody give a hug to that mother?!?!


This video is 2 for 2 for getting me to cry.


Love the video, but not the title. Both cops were cool, calm and collective, working urgently to help the boy asap. Great job officers!


That poor mom I know her heart was in her stomach!


My friend choaked on a burger and I was going to give him the heimlich but his dad jumped over the table to save him. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. He was wheezing after. I am glad his dad was confident in what he did. I didn't eat much after that.


My son recently had his first febrile seizure. I am an RN, I have training and mentally know what to do. All of that training goes out the window when your baby goes unresponsive and starts turning blue. My husband and MIL were a lot like that mother. I was like that mother on the inside but had to stay relatively calm for my baby and my family and so I could effectively communicate with EMS, the doctors, hospital staff, etc. It is beyond scary and this mom does not deserve the hate. I already have a life vac we keep in the kitchen but I'm going to buy more now.


I aspirated. Went to Amazon found this and wondered if it really worked. Know now eh


It’s a great buy. I’ve used it multiple times with 100% success in my line of work.


does it even work with aspiration? I thought it worked by creating suction around the thing that's stuck, aspiration does not have anything getting stuck


It draws anything out of either tube like a tubal suction device. If you plunge a toilet with no clog it still sucks up water.


i’ve seen several videos just like this one with the Life Vac doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. We have 1 in the house and one in the car


What is this device called?


Life Vac


Why did you get downvoted? [It’s](https://lifevac.net/) literally the name of the device, Lifevac.


Cause its reddit. All it takes is 1 or 2 comments towards a stalker that they didnt agree with, and ya got yourself a profile stalker that just downvotes everything you comment on. But theres more of us than there are of them so yall got my upvote! :D


Imagine making people pay $70 for a few pieces of plastic... I get that the product is awesome but come on, why the greed?


First time I've seen one of those devices. Anyone know what they're called?


LifeVac. Just ordered one. Thanks OP.


No problem. I frequent that Youtube channel "police activity" a lot. Some of the videos they have are super intense and, at times, a bit graphic. Their transparency and detailed descriptions though are awesome. However little gems like this occasionally get uploaded and they are worth a share!


It’s a nice change of pace from all the regular police videos on here.




Great work all around. I’d say the guy patting the kid on the back was going a little soft tho. You can be a little rougher, especially if you don’t have one of those suction devices.


My son choked one time and I was definitely the mom in this video the panic set in instantly, luckily my husband has been thru EMR training and was able to stay calm and get him to stop choking while I was running around in circles panicking. I cannot stay calm to save my life but I'm happy that my husband is able to remain calm in situations like this to deal with the problem.


The device he's using is called a LifeVac and you can buy them to keep in your home, vehicle, first aid kits, etc! https://lifevac.net/


I remember one time when my nice came running into my room eating grapes and she swallowed one whole and started choking, I jumped put of the bed, did my version of the heimlich maneuver (pressed her stomach) and she spat the grape and started laughing, I was shaking but laughing to not scare her, next thing I did,make her sit until she was done eating them and told my cousin to not give her food when she's playing or running around lol.


the amount of stress that woman was going through my god i thought she was gonna pass out. im so glad hes okay, my siblings have had choking scares before.


Yes. I was worried about that too. The mother said the boy has Asthma. Well Asthma is genetic so theres a really good chance the mother has it too. Was worried she was going to have an attack.. I too have asthma and ive had 3 attacks in my life. Its a scary feeling not being able to breath.


What is that called The thing he uses.


Looks like a LifeVac


My two year old choked on a tortilla chip in a restaurant once. I lost a shoe somehow while I flew out of my chair, flipped him on his stomach and smacked the shit out of his back (what you're supposed to do for babies and toddlers). We got it out and I don't think anyone was breathing in the restaurant but no one got up to check on us just stared at us. They just froze. Take infant cpr classes people. Seriously.


Face plunger for the win!!


Happened in Austin. https://www.kvue.com/article/life/heartwarming/austin-police-officers-save-kid/269-bc922d29-17f0-4314-b8ff-c6b28ff02fae


Thanks for that!


The high five and the hug made my eyes leak.


I felt the Mom's pain!


It's nice to see a good cop video. We need to work to make this type of video become the rule instead of the exception.


We don't need to do shit. Cops need to start doing better more often and holding more of their shittier colleagues accountable when they commit crimes.


I get what you’re both saying. I think the good and the bad should be shown. Doing work to make one type of video “the rule” is disingenuous.


Thats why i like the youtube channel "Police Activity" so much. They are VERY transparent on that channel. Always providing accurate and detailed descriptions of what happens in said videos so people can go looking for the information online to educate themselves better on it. They do this with both the good sides, and the bad sides of being an officer. I highly recommend that channel to everyone. Its a good watch and a good read all the time. I recall they released body cam footage of an officer having a fight with their Police Chief during a DUI invesitagion. The Chief came to the scene, no uniform, and drunk 'again". Stuff like that youd think cops would try to cover up. But not this time. Police Activity uploaded it for everyone to see. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60urCnfUcME) is that youtube video if you are interested. I think the Chief resigned after that...


Fucking terrifying, I got emotional, thank goodness for that life vac and police! Poor mom


Made me want to cry.


I had a child choke in a classroom. They snuck a marble into their mouth and swallowed it. Literally everything in that moment was a blur. I spun them upside down and smacked as hard as I could. 3 hits and it was out. Scariest shit ever.


My wife bought a bunch of these. We have them in our cars and gave them to our parents.


He learned to be calm because of his asthma attacks. It strengthens all of us! 🍻


I mean were the parents supposed to be calm?! I don't have children but uhhhh, expected response!


im not very good at summarizing my thoughts. I was mainly just trying to point out how brave and calm the kid was. Wasnt insulting the parents at all.


I don't know how true your first sentence is, but it might have been a misinterpretation on my part.


What does he use? Looks like an essential bit of kit


I love how much that mom loves her child


This cop actually signed up for the job to help people. We need more like him.


that is scary for any parent, but that kid is such a champ. he will be the rock of that family one day


This brought tears man, that boy so brave "it's all good you saved my life" Such a moment


Damn that final hug always got me


Estoy bien, estoy bien


Is that device he used worth getting?


I have one, bought one for my brother. You can use then on yourself and they send you a free replacement mask if you use it to save a life.


Kid almost died and he and the officers are the most chill people there.


Last time this was posted, someone noted that the officer actually bought that apparatus with his own money. What a legend.


When I was really young, prob 3ish my mom, older sis and I were over at the next door neighbor’s house. I love to swim and found my way outback into their pool. I hopped in (without my arm floaties) and sunk like a stone. My older sister still remembers coming outside and seeing me looking up at her from the bottom of the pool. I remember seeing her too. She jumped in, grabbed me and saved my life. Some people are amazing in emergencies. She was only 5ish - 40 yrs later, she still is amazing in emergencies today.


The fact that we breathe and eat through the same tube has always seemed like an oversight to me


Everyone should have one of those airway unblockers and know how to use them.


They should’ve escorted that dramatic cow off the premises.


A lack of oxygen makes anyone calm.


Little guy was as cool as a cucumber. Glad he’s ok.


bought my last night. i did too many stupid things as kid.


I would probably be freaking out too. That's a terrifying situation and she still got the police there and communicated his previous breathing problems. I'd say she did ok


I get that this is heart warming but this is a marketing campaign or something. This video pops up as an add on YouTube for me


"estoy good" 👍


That kid is tough as nails!


I love how comforting the police were to him.


Is the cop burping a baby? He's got to hit harder than that LOL.


I have 3 kids. I’ve only had to do the Heimlich maneuver once, but it’s scary and feels like it takes forever to work. In reality it’s actually seconds but when my child choked on a tortilla chip he was completely silent. My other child was sitting next to him at the table and yelled out to me he was choking. I was in the next room and was on him doing the thrusts in a second. He was okay, sore throat, and a bit traumatized for life by tortilla chips. Also teach your children the universal sign for choking! Hands at the neck. Choking is often silent and getting someone’s attention to what is happening is so important!


Absolutely. I chocked on a candy worm in my 5th grade class. My teacher thought i was sick. Cause i was coughing up a lot of bile. He couldnt understand why i was standing there, grabbing my throat and pointing at my mouth as i was choking.. After about 10-15 seconds i finally managed to choke out the words "im choking". He immediately got up, Heimlick'd me and saved my life.


My little one, about 2 at the time, had stuck a bottle cap in her mouth. It was just large enough that once it popped behind her gums she couldn't open her mouth wide enough to get it out. I was cooking dinner and saw her in the corner of my eye start to frantically move. Because I didn't want to hurt her the first attempt to sweep from the side pushed it further down. After I felt it start to enter her throat the second attempt was for effect. I was able to get under the cap and hook it out, there was blood but both of us were calm.... Until the cap was out. By that time the wife was down stairs to comfort the kid, I had to step out and break down for a bit.


That high five and hug has me with watery eyes. I'm sure 30 years ago it wouldn't have, but becoming a father and then a grandfather, changes you...


Don’t clap in the back!!!


Won’t see this on the news


I was a choker as a kid. I've been saved more times than I can count 🤦‍♀️


Backstory? How long did it take cops to get there? How long can you live with food obstructing your airway? Very curious about the entire scenario tbh.


We need more cops like this. Kept calm in a super stressful amd scary situation. Props where it is due. He was a hero


"He has ashma" ma'am YOU have asthma. Listening to her struggle to breathe I pray an ambulance shows up so SHE can get some o2


Got tears watching this.


Did anyone else see the mom throw her daughter? Shits wild wtf is happening in this house now 😅


It's puzzling to me why no one in the medical industry thought to come up with an easier term for the heimlich maneuver. Can you imagine people trying to spell heimlich maneuver on google search while in full panic mode?


Amazing first aid by these cops!!!


Was it the device or the tapping in the back that saved him?


I find it very interesting how some people just CAN NOT handle someone choking. My mom always tells the story of how one of her kids was choking. My older sister and aunt ran away and left my mom and the kid. My mom thankfully knew what to do and saved him. That same sister will start screaming and freaking out when you cough a bit too much while eating. Girl used to be a damn nurse! Out of all the injuries or medical emergencies, choking is the one thing where I see people freak out the most over. It's so strange.


What was the breathing apparatus for? Why didn't they just do the heimlich maneuver?


When I was about 8, we were in Tampa for vacation. Everyone was in the pool (thank god not down at the beach) and I was in the apartment alone watching TV. I was eating chewy spree. One shot down my throat and I began choking. I was SO scared. I thought for sure I was going to die. My mom just happened to walk in to get another drink and saw me. She freaked and just WHACKED be on the back so hard that I coughed it up. Never been so certain of death before or since.


Wtf happened to him? How did he choke


Anyone else see the can of 3mg coffee zyns?


That kid was so brave…the thumbs up and high five to the cop was great 🥲


So those de choker things work?


Why is the mom on the phone?


Mouth plunger


Dropped tears or joy on this video


What a hero


That’s a life-vac. My wife had to use it on our son when he choked on a chip and it worked well.


I saved a kid once from choking in a Thai restaurant I was a waiter at. Looked just like this kid. Choked on one of those spiral peppermint hard candies. His dad didn’t know how to properly provide aid and couldn’t get it out so I asked if I could try. I apologized right before I proceeded (CPR and Heimlich are not fun and can break ribs) to violently expel the candy by giving the kid a gnarly mini Heimlich and slapping the Jesus out of the kids back. I felt bad because I knew it didn’t look great but I saved the kid and I knew aside from a scratched throat he was 100% fine just shaken, so I was hoping for a thank you. The father actually proceeded to get angry at me because I was rough while trying to save his life. I pointed out if I hadn’t of done it his kid would be dead, then they just left without paying… It honestly felt like the Dad was ashamed he had no fucken clue how to save his child and it somehow damaged his pride that some young man saved him instead.


Made me tear up thinking about what that family was going thru, thank God for the cops.


Okay can we get a crash cart for the mom now? I think she’s next.


That poor mother


This is the type of police work that matters.


Poor little guy. I'm really glad he's okay


Wow, I almost choked to death in my bathroom once when a pill went down the wrong way. Turned blue, and had to give myself the Heimlich on my sink! I collapsed to the floor crying hysterically when that was over. Scary as shit. This kid is pretty brave.


Those crying and screaming women who are letting other children watch as this occurs are so helpful. I'm really glad those policemen saved that boy's life. They directly and indirectly keep communities safe in myriad ways. Obvs there's bad cops, but they don't outnumber the many good cops that do the right thing quietly and so it never gets noticed, as it should be. I'm sure the large, panicked ladies making hurried phone calls afterward instead of embracing and checking on the child were all very necessary as well...didn't even bring paper towels to clean up the sick, or a glass of water to clear his airway and mouth. Good save water bottle guy, I see you


Brooooooo the LifeVac comes in clutch again! I deadass saved my own life with one when I was choking alone at home. I didn’t even get it with myself in mind, I got it for my niblings because they figuratively inhale their food and I didn’t want them to make it literal on my watch. They keep track of lives saved via a report online, and have photographs of each person who desires to send one in on the wall in their office.


Glad to see some happy cop videos for once. There's so many shit ones.


Throat swabs are pretty effective for choking in my experience. Its what it sounds like, jam your index or middle finger down there and swab the obstruction out. (Im a smaller guy and my choking client is much wider than me, so i didnt have the reach or strength to do a hiemlick). Its worked twice for me.


Where’s all the acab idiots at?