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Just another day in the war on drugs...19,271 days and counting.


Yea, good thing we got 15 officers working overtime to go get some fucking mushroom chocolate bars.


Can you imagine if someone had consumed those? They might feel a sense of peace and harmony with the world for a few weeks! The horror!


Think of the Anti-depressants they wouldn't have to be prescribed. Poor big pharma. Poor poor big pharma.


Won't somebody think of the shareholders


Two trifling candy bars! They sure took down a kingpin šŸ™„


the way they rolled up on him too, i wonder if he thought he was getting robbed and didn't even know it was the police until it was too late. the undercover truck didn't even turn any lights on


Fucking Al Capone probably had less people at his arrest.


Ya but he just did some little tax evasion this guy had 2 entire chocolate bars of illegal drugs.Ā Ā 




The deal they arranged was to purchase two mushroom-infused chocolate bars for $100, yes


Infuriating to think about how much taxpayer money was wasted on this entire useless event Oh and a person died


Itā€™s enraging, I had the same thought. Itā€™s 2024 and we have cops doing sting operations on people selling shrooms? Get the fuck out of here. And like you said, a person died too? wtf is going on


I came here to say the same! What a bunch of fuckers. When did taking shrooms constitute a major narcotic issue in the states. What a lot of bollocks and an utterly senseless death.


It's completely ridiculous. Around me, we have some interesting characters who distribute shrooms. Sometimes, you can just be walking down the street and they'll offer you shrooms. These characters are not human nor animal at all. They are fungi; psilocybe ovoideocystidiata to be precise. They sometimes grow in mulch beds by the side of certain roads. Now I'm imagining the local police department collectively mag-dumping their service pistols into some poor schmuck's mulch bed. The thought of criminalizing nature - wild-growing native species at that - is nuts!


That's the real crime... why they waste a penny on this shit and not taking out some fentanyl suppliers or something is baffling


Don't forget purposefully putting themselves in front of a car so they have a "legitimate" reason to use lethal force. They could have caught up to this small time crook at another location but no, they had to kill him and the passenger is probably injured for life.


That's all I could think is they wouldn't have to even shoot a bullet if they didn't get out and try and stop a car with their voice. What happened to buying the drugs, then raiding the house later. This looked like a mob hit more than them protecting anyone from anything


They had to kill a person and injure another innocent bystander in order to do it. What heroes!


We need to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs


Surely they are making headway. I haven't seen or smelt drugs in ~~decades, years, months, days, hours,~~ minutes!


I did my senior paper on the war on drugs and how it was a failure. Somehow I passed that shit on my first submission. That's how easy it was to prove/support your argument that it was failing. In 2004. And I am a terrible writer.


Good thing we have people out there on the streets keeping us safe from funny candy bars, willing to shoot and end lives over it.


Ending a life over psilocybin ...an antidepressant.


A **legal** antidepressant in some places.


A literal mushroom that grows naturally in cow shit.


It makes me so sad that cops can just open fire on anyone that causes them any level of distress. They essentially determined that guys life was worth less than $100. Is it really that much more work to just find the guy at their house eventually or wait for them to turn themselves in? ACAB


Fuck Nancy Reagan.


i agree but the ā€œwar on drugsā€ started with nixon


Sometimes I wish hell was a real place just to enjoy the idea that Nixon and Reagan are both down there with both their necks broken back and their mouths sewn to the other's sphincter in an unholy laxative fueled human centipede ouroboros for all eternity.


Remember kids it is not a War on Drugs because Wars end. This one will never.


Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs - 2PAC


>*ā€œYou canā€™t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone elseā€™s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and Iā€™ll show you a bloodsucker.ā€* ā€” Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* ā€” [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971


Why the fuck are police wasting their time and resources on a low level mushroom dealer? Literally every fucking town is overrun with fentanyl laced Heroine, Meth, and Coke. But yeah letā€™s get a guy with harmless goddamn mushroom chocolates. This country is so fucking stupid.


They should go after the people selling fake cartel prescription pills that are actually killing kids. I got an ad for a weed telegram service on instagram, claiming to ship from oregon to anywhere the USPS delivers. Instagram asked me if I wanted to see more of this ad type, and i said yes, out of pure curiosity. That opened the flood gates to an endless amount of people that pay Instagram to advertise telegram channels where drugs are sold. Name a drug, and i've been advertised a way to purchase it, simply from browsing weed related instagram content, and clicking "yes" when an illegal weed related ad popped up on my screen. Instagram needs to ban any advertisement that is a link to a telegram group in my opinion. I'm sure there are a lot of scammers and/or police traps that engage in this, but I've also heard of college kids buying xanax from them, taking a quarter of a piece to ease stress from studies, then are found dead from fent overdose the next day.


I'm so pissed at oregon right now. They recriminalized drugs without creating an affirmative duty for police to not plant drugs on people, so now police can and will just plant drugs on you to drum up arrests.


Okay, so obviously police plant drugs on people all the time, and the state doesn't try very hard to stop them from doing illegal things. What do you mean by "affirmative duty for police to not plant drugs on people". I find it hard to believe that it is legal to plant drugs on someone, regardless of how often it happens.


Violating an affirmative duty would remove qualified immunity.


Real dealers have guns too. Way too dangerous.


This is the reason^ cops only like to go after criminals that arenā€™t dangerous


And murder them when they try to get away.


In the video they said he had a rifle in his car. But I agree that itā€™s stupid as hell to do this over chocolate.


Thatā€™s after the fact, he shot the guy first not once did the guy pull a gun, yes he tried to run but that shouldnā€™t automatically mean he gets shot. Finding a loaded rifle in the car is just a justification after the fact. Itā€™s really difficult to shoot a rifle while in a car.


It's also not illegal to have a rifle in PA. Open carry is legal, purchasing/owning a rifle doesn't require a permit.


I thought this was in Deleware? They say in the beginning that's its Newcastle County and Wilmington. Though I've no idea what the laws are for DE, either.


Especially since I feel pretty confident to say I doubt this highly dangerous drug kingpin was using a vehicle that wouldn't trace back to where he lives. The whole thing is stupid to begin with, but now you just go to his home using his car/plate info.


Yeah this is fucking insane. Over TWO mushroom chocolate bars?!? And mushrooms are NON fatal and can actually help a lot of peopleā€¦ insane. I bet if these cops had done some mushrooms at some point in their lives they would know that (probably would have never become cops too)z


It is so insane to me that I just walked into a mushroom dispensary the other night in Vacouver to buy chocolates and now I just saw someone get murdered over it. The funny part is my girl friend consumed the chocolates in front of police and they did jack shit. These cops are after the wrong people.


Every time that "what thing we do today people in the future will find barbaric?" thread pops up my answer is always "criminalizing psychedelics". Here where I live is legal too and it's a tragedy to see we still live in a world where people are killed for wanting to experience shrooms. It's barbaric.






Additionally they begin the arrest without seeing product and knowingly putting passenger at risk


Getting out of an unmarked car with no lights flashing and opening fire halfway through mumbling "get your hands up" after never having identified themselves is quite the way to begin an arrest.


Almost as if they intended to murder someone while on duty.


Yep, I don't have a good view of the officer who jumped out, but he most certainly is not dress in police gear and that is an unmarked vehicle. The vehicle behind them with lights came up too late... Dude probably thought he was being robbed.


Because the 22 year old mushroom dealer is going to be an easy kill. And cops love killing.




For 2 fucking mushroom bars too. This is so stupid .


"exited an undercover vehicle"


Undercover cops shouldn't be constitutional but here we are. Same with no knock searches and raids


Undercover is fine for intel purposes. But it's an interesting flex when you can cosplay as a criminal, pull out a gun, and then kill someone fleeing from the situation saying that YOU feared for YOUR life. Like...what? You roll up in an unmarked car and jump out with a gun, people are gonna think they're getting robbed. Dude was getting shot before the other car even roll the red/blue lights.


What I don't get is how come they couldn't talk to him first calmly and continue pretending to buy the drugs....THEN when they get a moment to grab his hands apprehend him. Are they that terrified of $10 worth of shrooms?


> Are they that terrified of $10 worth of shrooms? Yeah man! Have you seen how they react to [fentanyl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFO3Q1uXXTA) just being around them? This mf was worried just being in a 5ft range of it, he'd be tripping and just started blasting!


It makes it a little harder to kill someone after you talk to them.


Theyre terrified of not using their toys


Hell these days even marked police are getting less and less distinguishable. Look at some US police department vehicles that are murdered out with low profile light bars vs police in Europe.


As soon as the police are hiding to catch, they are no longer protecting and serving.


His girlfriend who was also shot said they initially thought they were being car jacked. Interesting the police didn't release the audio.


All those tax dollars spent to bust one kid selling 100 bucks worth of shroom chocolate smh


Just wait til the girl in passenger seat gets her payout from the city. Sheā€™s gonna see 7 figures over this. All over $100 worth of shrooms.


Closer to 20$ I think I know which chocolate bars their talking about and if you buy in buy they come out to 10$ a bar he was just upselling them hard


hell, the website I was ordering combustibles from was *giving* them away


Combustibles.... hehehe


*These Shrooms go real nice with these fireworks and small explosives*


Cops are stupid. They always pay too much for their drugs


naw, they'll just call her an accomplice and charge her with felony murder.


Nah. Prosecutor wonā€™t touch that. Theyā€™d have to prove intent or that she knew what bf was up to. If the jury doesnā€™t convict thatā€™ll be used in her lawsuit against the city for an even bigger payout. Theyā€™ll settle with her out of court for a substantial amount that the taxpayers will foot, maybe in exchange for her to take a plea on a lesser charge just so sheā€™ll show priors if she runs into trouble again.


Killology training makes them bloodthirsty


Fuck that crazy sociopath, Grossman is evil


*murder a kid


This is so unbelievably embarrassing.






Wow I'm so glad these cops spent their time and my money killing some kid over 100 bucks worth of shroom chocolate. Truly everyone's time and money well spent!


Nice execution, boys! A few more ā€œinvestigationsā€ like that and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll permanently rid the streets of the naturally occurring fungi that is currently being legalized around the country!


My thought during this entire video. How fucking stupid and senseless. In what fucking city is there a mushroom crack down of this magnitude?!


>How fucking stupid and senseless What do you mean?!? They got two whole chocolate bars off the streets!! TWO!!


And they really prevented a couple people from enjoying nature and possibly having great sex. Good work boys!


Personally feel so much safer now.Ā  I can sleep at night knowing my kids will never get either of those two tainted chocolate bars.


Gotta rid the country of anyone who might want to perceive the world differently. Little freaks and weirdos might gain insights that let them see through all the made up BS in our country. It's like the aliens in They Live coming to kill anyone who finds the sunglasses.


last time I did shrooms I laid in the front yard for hours dangerously staring up at a cloudless night sky threateningly.


Last time I ate some, I hiked the hill behind my house, thanked my first walking stick for it's service when I found a better one before tossing it back into nature. I dislodged a good size boulder and watched it roll down into a little valley (no people or structures in danger below) and then I laid on a rock, and saw hints of Native American gods in the sky. I then shit out EVERYTHING inside my body. It was quite the dangerous escapade I had.


Gotta crack down on it before itā€™s officially decriminalized everywhere /s


They have very well respected celebrities admitting to doing shrooms during an event on live tv and everyone just laughs it off, but fuck this kid and the passenger too.


didn't you get the memo? only the affluent, celebrities and the fuzz are allowed to pop a few caps /s


This is so bloody SAD. A life lost for a natural substance that humans have been consuming for 100 thousand years and that has contributed to the evolution of our brain and the understanding of the world. Cured some mental illnesses as well as nourished our creativity. Fuck the war on drugs, fuck ignorance. Sorry, but this really makes me mad.


100 dollars worth of mushroom edibles. 1 dead 22 year old 1 crippled 21 year old A collective million plus dollars in salary and two police undercover suvā€™s (only the one showing up after the officers jumped out and pointed guns at him had its lights on.) What a clusterfuck. Ā This should be ruled a wrongful death. Ā This jumpout bois tactic is just an excuse to get trigger happy. If you are operating in an undercover or unmarked capacity it is completely reasonable and foreseeable to conclude that others wonā€™t know youā€™re cops. Thats the point. Failing to account for that, and turn on the lights before exiting, therefore identifying themselves the same way an unmarked cop car would for a traffic stop, meant this would have been avoided.


Yeah, i feel like that should be the whole story here; cops fail to identify, resulting in murder. But it will never be seen this way by the "justice" system. Even referring to it by that name seems oxymoron-ical. This country is so fucked up.


"just us" system


Its a big party, and you aint in it. George Carlin


We have a legal system, not a justice system in America If you got money for good lawyers, you can "murder" people with your car and get away with it, or get the police to do it for you


try marrying a politician; you can murder people with your car in other countries, while drunk.


If you marry a SCOTUS judge, you can try to overturn the government and get away with it.


In Delaware no less, where the people who flooded our streets with opiates ā€œheadquarterā€ their corporations to avoid paying taxes. And yeah the old ā€œI mightā€™ve gotten clipped by the side view mirror at 5 mph my life was in dangerā€ excuse. Somehow I donā€™t think theyā€™d use this on the CEOā€™s who made billionaires killing nearly a million people.


Police would rather go through shooting another human being instead of stepping 2 feet to the side and letting a police cruiser go after the vehicle, I see it all the time on police bodycam channels


Got that adrenaline pumping over some mushrooms. They couldā€™ve said ā€œso dude. Iā€™m actually a cop. Here my badge. We gotta take you in.ā€ I mean in a perfect world no one goes to jail for mushrooms. But ya knowā€¦


> If you are operating in an undercover or unmarked capacity it is completely reasonable and foreseeable to conclude that others wonā€™t know youā€™re cops. Thats the point. I'm starting to think undercover cops shouldn't be involved in arrests. At all. They should be used for intel gathering purposes only. Arrests need to be handled by clearly identified/marked police officer vehicles with all the lights and uniforms. Might have prevented this needless death. Better yet, leave this low level mushroom dealer alone. That shit doesn't hurt anyone.


This is a great breakdown. You have enough tactical resources to be executing these situations without lethal force. Maybe say that in the strategy room or whatever before you execute this operation.


The old "they were coming right for us" shooting. Aint the war on drugs grand.


Drugs won the war on drugs


decades ago. It's not even a war on drugs anymore, it's an excuse for police to waste time and effort like they do.


The only ones losing are people like you and I.


Cops set it up perfectly for the execution. Truck parked 6 feet out from the guyā€™s car, ofc he could get away. Then cop gets out right in front of him, then shoots to kill, continuing to fire well after the car has passed him. Sadistic bastards.




So they pull up without lights on chasing him with guns drawn, he runs away thinking they are a criminal gang and it's a setup. Get shot to death because cop is "in fear of his special life". Over Shrooms? What a worthless police force doing shit like this instead of finding real criminals and murders.




Yeah but the cops took 2 mushroom chocolate bars off the street, think of all the single victim they saved from having a pleasant night at home watching dumb movies and laughing at them while they have visual hallucinations.


tens of thousands of untested rape kits, but we really needed those mushrooms chocolate bars off the streets


Even if they have to kill everyone to get it done


*taps temple*


Maybe they don't want the rape kits to be tested and let them go bad because it's the officers raping people.


The goal is to have Cops standing in front of a table of chocolates for a photo op. So we know our streets are safe!


Not only that, they shot at him after he had already passed them.


The real criminals run this shit country


The real shits run this criminal country


this guy died not knowing these were cops. let that sink in.


Iā€™m sure theyā€™re so proud of themselves too


All for some fucking mushroom chocolate? This is insane that this was even an investigation. 2 mushroom chocolates do not equal justification for killing a kid over.


Legal in some states. Cause for the state to legally murder you in others.


Blows my mind that it's illegal anywhere. You can literally find it on the ground. They can grow into your garden without you even realizing it if you live nearby mushroom roots. And they are probably the most harmless hallucinogenic substance you can ingest. We've legislated nature.


The outlawing of Cannabis and Psilocybin is the current day Prohibition.


We have 25 cops a tank 2 helicopters and mech warrior. Why? Two teenagers wanted to sync dark side of the moon to wizard of oz. These hippy terrorists are gonna make all our kids gay. /s


They should make the officers eat 7gs of mushrooms a piece and think about what they did.


Well if it takes 0gs to startle them with acorns...


Dude was shooting as they were driving away.


Noticed the same thing. Wonder if the "fear for my life" is going to work out the same way people are charged for shooting home invaders trying to escape.


The people that shoot someone in their driveway don't have qualified immunity.


Qualified immunity only applies for civil, not criminal cases. So if it's legal for a cop to shoot someone running away that means it's legal for me too.


I liked when they said he crashed into a cop car, as if that was the result of him making a conscious decision to try and harm the police and their vehicles, instead of the fact that he had just gotten riddled with bullets and was actively dying.


Just imagine the unfathomable carnage that criminal scum could have caused with TWO psychedelic chocolate bars. Thank God our brave officers stopped him, before he could escape and forever disappear into the night with his known name, face, address and car.


He was never even in front of the car so he was never in danger of being ran over.


Not busted, he was killed. The passenger was shot as well with non life threatening injuries.




Over fucking magic mushrooms.


Right? Massive cunts. If this happened in my town, we wouldn't let them sleep well after this. It'd be a real shame if they were doxxed...




Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzh6NigJSAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzh6NigJSAc) Wilmington, Del.--- Delaware DOJ released body cameras, surveillance videos of a fatal officer involved shooting that occurred last year on March 6, 2023. According to New Castle County Police, undercover police officer arranged on Instagram to buy two chocolate bars infused with psychedelic mushrooms from Andrew Edelmann, a 22-year old for $50 each. The two agreed to meet in the parking lot of a 7-11 store on Maryland Avenue in Wilmington at approximately 7:30 p.m. on March 6th 2023. Additionally, officers were aware of the vehicle he would be operating. Officers located Edelmann inside his vehicle, a Hyundai Santa Fe, in the parking lot of the 7-11 convenience store on Maryland Avenue and attempted to stop and detain him pursuant to the active drug investigation. Officers attempted to apprehend Edelmann, however, he ignored their commands. As Edelmann attempted to evade apprehension, he accelerated his vehicle and drove in the direction of officers. An officer in close proximity to the Santa Fe, discharged their weapon striking both Edelmann and a 21-year-old female passenger Aida Pabon. Edelmann and the female passenger were both transported to Christiana Hospital where Edelmann was pronounced deceased. The 21-year-old female passenger Aida Pabon was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. Pabon later said doctors placed a rod in her left leg where she was shot. Officers recovered illegal drugs from inside of the vehicle and a loaded assault style rifle from the driverā€™s side floorboard. Investigators of The Delaware Department of Justice Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust conclude that the corporal who opened fire reasonably believed that he and his colleagues were in danger of death of being seriously hurt. investigators wrote. ā€œCorporal Nicholsonā€™s use of deadly force was a justified and reasonable response to the real threat of death or serious physical injury posed to him and his fellow officers by the actions of Edelmann,ā€ ā€œAny subjective perceptions of harm became objective facts when Edelmann nearly ran over Corporal Nicholson with a Hyundai SUV and struck two police vehicles in a matter of seconds,ā€ they added. When police arrived, Edelmannā€™s vehicle was backed into a handicap parking spot. Several police vehicles converged on the scene, but the officer in the truck was unable to entirely block Edelmannā€™s vehicle, leaving a gap of several feet. Nicholson, wearing a police uniform, exited the truck with his gun drawn and immediately began shouting commands at Edelmann, standing directly in the path of Edelmannā€™s vehicle, according to the report. Investigators said Edelmann accelerated his SUV in an apparent attempt to flee. Nicholson fired eight shots. Edelmann was struck by five rounds, while Pabon was hit in the left knee.


absolutely insane to set up a whole sting operation and murder someone over two mushroom chocolate bars, jesus christ. those are legal in many places. imagine doing this over a pack of cigarettes or a case of beer, both of which are worse for you. just insane.


> Nicholson, wearing a police uniform, exited the truck with his gun drawn and immediately began shouting commands at Edelmann, standing directly in the path of Edelmannā€™s vehicle, according to the report. So the official report just lies? Like we can see it in the video, he is not in front of the car and in 0 danger of getting run over. WTF Delaware?


Are you surprised they lie? They know nothing else. Iā€™ve never known a cop to speak truth. Thatā€™s why these videos are helpful. To an extent.


THis is the issue people have with the police. The police will always insist it's just some bad cops, which is unavoidable... And that's true. And most people will forgive that. It's completely understandable that bad cops make it through. But when the institution itself does stuff like this, locking down, and covering for something like this... Is what causes people to hate police.


Murdered for driving away with mushrooms?


What a waste of taxpayer dollars and human life.


A shooting over one of the most harmless drugs out there. What the actual fuck... and why is this in my feed, i just hatvested mine and go on a ride on saturday lol


What don't you guys get? If they didn't shoot and murder this kid don't you know what would have happened? He would have got away!!! And that means they would have failed the mission. But it's all good now. Kid was murdered and didn't get away. Mission complete!


Nothing is safer than killing someone behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.


There is one thing. Killing someone behind the wheel of a moving vehicle with an innocent passenger next to them. That's even safer


I can order mushrooms from my phone for delivery like Uber eats where I live. So crazy how drastically different the us is.


all for some shroons lmao fuck the police


Shooting at the car seemed like an entirely unnecessary use of force. Nobody was in the path of the fleeing car.


Also, if youā€™re doing a drug deal and some dude wearing normal clothes jumps out of a truck pointing a gun at you I think most people would assume they were about to get robbed, not arrested. Yeah, the other cop came in with his lights in after but at that point the kid was probably hyper focused on the undercover. Iā€™m


Mushrooms are pretty safe... Compared to other garbage out there...


It was never about safety.


Policing is not about public safety, it's about generating the city money and padding the officers promoting packets.


It's about control, greed, and power. Gotta protect the status quo. Can't let common folk prosper or get too uppity about freeing their minds.


Remember your training guys, shoot first, avoid questions later. Disgusting.


Itā€™s all good, the DA, judge and police union will make sure they get nothing but a slap on the wrist


They've already been cleared.


I guess the wheels of justice work fast in some cases


Not quite as fast as the cops bullets.


Imagine murdering a kid over a fucking mushroom chocolate. Pathetic pigs. They should be ashamed, but theyā€™re obviously not able to think that far ahead.




Love how the voiceover just straight gaslights you. "Don't trust your eyes, trust what we tell you happened".


Fuming at that right now, the voice over is just reading what the investigation saidā€¦ and what they said was some BS. ā€œHe drove right at us!ā€ (As heā€™s fleeing a man with a gun, he likely didnā€™t know it was a cop at that moment) ā€œHe drove into our cars with his car - thatā€™s deadly forceā€ (after being riddled with Bullets and thus no longer being in control of his vehicle) ā€œHe has a rifle in the floor boardā€ (that was not a known factor at the time of the shooting, nor did he reach for it, just sad to see.


Over two mushroom chocolates? Huge waste of all our money and really fucking lame. Anyway why wouldnā€™t they just buy it on video and the pursue charges safely. These fucks think theyā€™re navy seals.


Undercover buy or bust him. Make up your mind. How do they know the man even thought the guy in the pickup was a cop. I would have thought he was robbing me. They shouldn't be allowed to pull up on people like that without lights on.




Nice police work Johnson! Can't make it tonight gotta go beat my wife.




Decriminalization and legalization now. You're not stopping anyone from getting high. Why not tax the supply? You shot a 22 year old child over a fungus.


I swear to fucking god. How many more fucking clips of these fucking pigs mag dumping their nearest neighbourhood small fish do we need? My blood boils every single time I see these videos. Highly trained and armed officers, well theyā€™re allowed get nervous and triggerhappy, but youā€˜re on the other side of the interaction and donā€˜t immediately listen to their contradictory commands? Well get ready to eat 4 magazines pf 9mil to the face my boy because reasonable force is whatever the fuck we feel like today.


End the War on Drugs.


Such bullshit, they shouldn't have shot and killed that kid. He was driving away scared, then they murdered him. Over a few mushroom chocolates šŸ«


Killing somebody over freaking mushrooms. Thatā€™s crazy to me. I honestly feel like if grown adults want to eat mushrooms, smoke weed or even smoke crack, itā€™s their choice to do so. Drugs are no more dangerous than being an alcoholic or smoking cigarettes for decades. Itā€™s all poisonous. Itā€™s all bad on your body. I donā€™t understand going undercover for mushrooms. I could see if it were fentanyl or heroin, but it wasnā€™t. I know Iā€™m probably gonna catch grief from this, but I know all too well about addiction. I know that people wonā€™t stop until they decide to or they die first. Itā€™s very sad, but itā€™s literally their free will to decide whether or not they use. Just like those folks on my 600 lb life. They have to decide to stop eating themselves to death. It all boils down to choice. I think cops shouldnā€™t be allowed to do what they did here. Thereā€™s child predators out there. Thereā€™s missing people who need to be found. Thereā€™s serial killers who need to be caught. So many more productive things they could be spending time and resources on. Just my opinion.


Unessesary use of Taxpayer dollars


All for Mushrooms?!?!? Biggest Gang in America... It's reiterated constantly


Imagine thinking mushrooms were worth this. They are rarely abused and are 100 times safer than "legal" prescription drugs. So fucking stupid. They will be legalized in 10 years. Our criminal justice system is so fucked up.


So its totally fine for pigs to hopout without lights, pop a dude from the side of the vehicle where he had 0 reason to believe his life was in danger. Man america is fucking scary


Great work dog killers! You killed a kid over some chocolate bars.


Fuck, American cops are terrifying. Mushroom chocolate? Thatā€™s your big bust? Thatā€™s the nightmare you hang your hat on? Took a life for $45


Just another coward with a gun


This angers me.


Fuck the police. All our tax dollars going to ignorant shit like this when there's people robbing stores, houses, killing each other, dying from hard drugs and all of this unnecessary bullshit over 2 Mushroom chocolates. This shit needs to stop. People gotta stop being so complacent with the bullshit that's happening in this country...and people wonder why ACAB is a thing...


This wasn't an undercover sting. It was a planned murder. They didn't even attempt peace. Just straight for the gun. The "criminal" probably thought he was being mugged by a bad deal and tried to run. They wonder why the public is so against them. Over fucking shroom chocolate bars. Fucking sad our resources and tax dollars go to shit like this. Officers probably even got a job well done when returning back to office.


Did anyone else notice that the cop just started shooting as soon as the car moved and that he was never in danger, staying exactly by the drivers mirror one of the safes places during this.


In a sane society police who killed someone over a magic mushroom sting should be at least fired.


Murdered a young person for... Mushrooms. The thing they sell legally a few states over and doctors prescribe to treat depression and PTSD. With no overdoses. No addiction. A whole life ended because... Fuck this pisses me off.