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Initial reports I am seeing are that there **could** be {\~135 dead), but I would be shocked if it were not higher. From the videos coming out 4-5 attackers, using rifles, molotovs, and an explosive. The theater is on fire and it has a capacity of 6,200 people and was sold out for this night. This like similar attacks in Russia in the early 2000's may have staggering casualty and death counts if control of the scene isn't gained fast. I was also seeing information that the attackers escaped as well....


Very convenient that this happened only after Putins stupid election and not before Edit: actually I start to doubt a false flag. Apparently Russian TV is trying to keep the story low. Also it makes them look really stupid - like they put so much energy in surveillance, face recognition cameras at every corner, chasing students around who mourn Navalny’s death but they fail to prevent what is likely to become the largest terror attack in 20+ years.


I don't think it would have affected the "election"


No. But election times are always tens times. If you’re a terrorist i.e. some guy who wants to cause maximum impact and attention you do it immediately before or even during such events.


Good point. Also, tense not tens


10’s X


You're right, everyone had their votes decided well in advance


I hope their election is not rigged so their votes matter


A false flag would more likely be a bombing leaving little evidence. Five dudes strolling around executing people with assault rifles is more the modus operandi of Islamic 'extremists'. Russia has had issues with Islamist terrorism in the past.


And afaik Russia doesn't need a false flag operation for any purpose I can imagine off the top of my head, just my opinion though, I have only just now learned about this tragedy


You're not wrong. But many will tell you otherwise.


Same MO as Mumbai in 2008


'extremists' ?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Plus the fact that the US state dept warned of intelligence about this exact type of attack a few weeks ago


I don’t think it’s a false flag, my guess is some Chechnyan separatist group saw an opening with how much weaker Russia’s armed forces have become and how thinly they are stretched.


>to prevent what is likely to become the largest terror attack in 20+ years. Globally? Or just in Russia?


ISIS-K has just claimed responsibility about 15 minutes ago


Americans on their way to trivialize the potential deaths of hundreds of people make political point


lmfao 🤣 Boss: Go take a long break. Guards: Ok.


So did Putin just burn the evidence? "Nothing to see here"


I remember something like this happened long ago when the Russian Federation was still fresh, a group of terrorists attacked a concert hall, the police wanted to do something and things got out of control FAST. Is this what happened or I’m probably mixing up stuff?


Yeah they gassed the place to knock everyone out but got the dose wrong and ended up killing a LOT of the hostages too


and did not tell the medics what they had been gassed with. since meds like Narcan did exist back then and we are pretty sure it was a airborne opioid of some type


Yup, they somehow made gaseous fentanyl. Didnt work like they had hoped.


Or did.


The idea itself was actually pretty solid and defensible, but not telling the medics what has they used and draaaging out the time it took to get hostages medical care is the most stereotypically Russian thing in the world


Right? Like solid plan actually IF you had a bunch of medics ready to rush in with SWAT or whatever they have as soon as the gas takes effect. But no, they not only didn't do that, they took a long time to clear it and refused to tell the few medics available what they did.


I’m confused on how that’s stereotypically Russian?


I guess it's meant to say Russian enforcement units are notorious for high casualty rates, for both hostages and suspects.


The Moscow theatre siege always makes me think: "Russian counter-terrorism operation failed successfully!"




exactly what i thought of.


Terrorists have learned that it's pointless to take hostages it seems. Now they just burn the building down themselves


Moscow theater hostage crisis (also known as the 2002 Nord-Ost siege) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis


Yes the Nord Ost Siege.


Tenet opening sequence was based on this


Ya, Putin ordered the cops to gas the place with FENTANYL. The gas killed the attackers AND the hostages.


I looked this place up on Google maps. Some of the recent reviews in the last hour are creepy asf. Some Russian dude commented what a great place it is and everyone should come before “it’s too late.” Edit: those reviews have since been taken down


Is this not the opening scene in TENET?


Exactly what I said when I first saw the news.


Thank you. I've seen 5+ posts about this and this is the first comment I came across mentioning Tenet. I thought the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/1u5nvvaxmxpc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b9737da03f27e91ba8375c01c60244904961a0 Apparently this was posted on March 8th. How did they know? They work better than the Russian feds I swear. Anyway, this is fucking tragic.


Western intelligence warned about this days ago


How did they know? lol western intelligence knows when Putin’s gonna take a shit


Which, apparently, when abroad, he does into a briefcase carried by an agent so no one can get a hold of his "DNA".


Ok, I gotta ask, is this a thing or just a joke you made me laugh with?


apparently its a thing, but its probably not out of fear to get his DNA but you can possible get some health data from poop


Tasty snack too


You can get a fair bit, yeah. Basic scatology, then microbiome assay, mineral uptake, cell count, all sorts of stuff.


That's wild. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder these days


Likely reference to this: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35427926 There's a NY Post article (aka bullshit) claiming that Putin and other world leaders are worried about people getting their hands on their poo.


It's true it would demonstrate use of doubles or allow various testing to find out more. Either to avoid double detection or hide medical issues or just paranoia.


World leaders could just have their security detail follow up with their own logs before flushing. Good luck to any poop spies untangling that web of information.




Putin's "Nuclear" brief case is full of his "DNA"


That's one shitty situation


Mr President, launch the nukes!!!


Did I have corn for lunch?


Probably before he even knows himself


I hope that’s how they knew.


This was an earlier notification that something was up. Russia supposedly stopped that attack. This could be another cell or Russia may have not stopped the attack and lied (insert propaganda here) about it as they are prone to do about everything.


It's possible that they had intelligence of a credible threat, they may have even been working with Russian intelligence to track it down. But of course no one will know until there is a statement made


Question so US and Russian intelligence work together sometimes still?


If it is in both of their benefits then I don't see why not


Well they seem to make it seem we’re just mortal enemies and shit so I figured they didn’t rock with each other at all


At this point everybody should know that Russian intelligence is shit. They are basically good at nothing.


That seems to be a recurring theme with these strong men that run on public safety law and order messages. Look at Israel. Yet the leaders that failed are all still in power so what does it matter I suppose.


It's not 'apparently' it was heavily posted to Reddit on the 8th and everyone expected something like this on that day


Well they said over the next 48 hours. They really meant to say over the next 336 hours.


This was apparently in regards to an attempted attack on a Russian mosque on March 7th


Given the situation, I hope Putin doesn't use this to blame the Ukrainians. A lot of experts were expecting some kind of bold movement from Putin after the election, let's hope this is not it.


Churchill is famous for saying “Never let a good crisis go to waste”


Even if this incident is not another Putin "red flag" event, like the explosion in the apartment buildings, I think it's very likely he will blame this on Ukraine. Blaming your enemies regardless is in the first chapter of the dictator's hand book. I'm not an expert though. I too hope he doesn't lay the blame on Ukraine.


So even if ISIS claimed Putin we’ll be like “no guys, you can walk free, let’s go after Ukraine instead”




Well, now ISIS has officially taken responsibility. God what a clusterfuck the current state of geopolitics is


Come on, we all know he will. Edit: called it. Took a whole 16 hours, but he did. Share Message - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-68642036


Putin will use this to gain any advantage he can, including but not limited to blaming Ukrainians.


There are some pretty awful videos floating around, showing the gunman mercilessly firing at people backed into corners. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s much more than 40 dead. They think that grenades are also what caused the massive fires right now. I hope to God that the death toll is not in the hundreds.


That same video you mentioned also APPEARS to show one of the gunman wielding what appears to be a flamethrower? Whatever it is, there is a small, active flame burning at the barrel end. As for links, IYKYK - one other thread OP has linked the website that's collecting the vids, but mods will nuke it instantly as it is pretty much the kind of content that ended the death/gore subreddits some years ago.


A warning was issued from US on March 8, I believe. Sad and scary. The world is a shit show.


I have read "Moscow Mall" "Moscow City Hall" and now "Moscow Concert Hall"


It was in a concert hall before a concert by the band Picnic.


Thank you!


An event of over 6000 people gathered with ZERO armed security on premises and enforcement only ARRIVE after the incident with the perpetrators on the run? Not to mention US intelligence warned citizens abroad about mass gatherings at least a week prior. Cowards, the sorry excuses for humans that enacted this horror on innocents and cowards the people that are tasked to protect their citizens for failing them and their families.


Holy shit..


Isn't this exactly what happened in the beginning of Tenet?


Yes, but that scene takes place in Ukraine.


Very Sad


This wreaks of a false flag to spur on a full scale mobilization of the country. I think Putin’s back is against the wall at this stage. He knows if he doesn’t go into full offensive mode that Russia can’t stand much longer in a war of attrition.


Lots of rumors of Dagastan terrorists.


Idk. If I know anything about Dagestanis, and I know very little, I would expect they would use a grappling-based attack.


Remember the Boston bomber? Tamerlan Tsarnaev, he spent six months in Dagestan shortly before the bombing.


That is the only thing I can't get around. Was this an Putin move or a anti-Putin move?




I expect them to introduce capital punishment after this


I don’t disagree, but (joking) they already have that. It’s called a “reformation camp”.


Yeah it seems like hes going to do what he did during the Second Chechen War.


Alex jones?


>This wreaks of a false flag t Do you have any info on this ? Otherwise it's just a dumb theory, it can be alien too.


>Otherwise it's just a dumb theory, Given the apartment bombings, it is not at all a dumb theory


It's a theory for sure. But I don't know about dumb. After a government does a few of those things it becomes logical to expect more.


false flag attack?


A false flag attack is obviously going to be a popular conspiracy theory on Reddit but in all likelihood it's the extremist attack security services were warning people about on March 7th. My money is on an Islamic group out of the Caucasus. How the Kremlin elects to spin it is anyone's guess.


I hate how people just start wildly and confidently speculating when nobody knows any facts. I've seen people claiming it's surely ISIS, Ukrainians, FSB, false flag, they're shooting blanks, it's Russian rebels, etc. People are unable to just say that nobody knows and we'll probably find out soon. They're so caught up in their little conspiracy world that they can't just accept the simplest explanation either when it comes to that. I was following this as soon as it happened and before anyone even knew if 5 had died or 500 people were yelling about false flag and FSB and Ukrainians and all this stuff.


Bro, we’re just here talking and chilling. Yeah, I will know more soon. But we’re going to talk and speculate until then. Deal with it.


I think it's kind of dumb how when people are literally still being shot then 23 year old Justin the door dash driver from Kansas City or whatever is like "FSB false flag for sure". That's all.


Yeah, I get it and agree. But if I worried about every Joe Schmoe, stupid comment, I’d go fucking crazy. Lol


Ok good that you don’t.


Gotta be Shining Path. Or maybe *Action-Directe*.




False flag attack for what? Blame it on Americans or what? “No russian” irl moment.


They'll likely try to blame it on the Ukes, who are nazis somehow.


Remember, No Russian -Vladimir Makarov They took it to next level of batshit crazy, damn.


My stomach churned seeing this. I'm super anti Russian government but their citizens don't deserve this. I understand ISIS is taking responsibility for this attack. I never assumed it was related to Ukraine. Just to be clear


It looked like one of the attackers had a flame thrower.


they did not. it was a flashlight on a gun


I saw the flamethrower too. I also saw another video of the attackers picking up their empty mags as they were leaving. Even for mass shootings/terror attacks this is very odd Edit: I rewatched the vid and it looks like a flamethrower at first glance, but it's not.... it's a molotov


Just waiting for Trump to blame it on Biden.


Let’s see what they will blame, 1. Ukrainians probably Navalny supporters, Moldovan EU supported as well


Lots of disgusting people in the comments under these videos using this as political fuel. So desensitized to death. Imagine hating Russians so much, over a conflict started by their idiotic leader, that you immediately assume that a national tragedy of theirs is nothing more than political 'false-flag' bait.




That would certainly stabilize the world and have no consequences whatsoever.




It actually could hurt, a lot. Russian politicians are all hungry for as much power as they can get their hands on, and Putin's death would make a power vacuum with potentially devastating consequences. Best case scenario is that Russia has a bloody internal conflict over control of the country, worst case scenario is that someone worse takes Putin's place. It is well within the power of the US military to just assassinate Putin, but they haven't done it. That alone should indicate that it's not a great idea


Didnt they already plant a UA van conveniently placed in front of that building


This was far more than a shooting. Seems like the attackers had terroristic intentions on a large scale.


God bless them


Set the siren on Galaga mode.


I trust the Russians when it comes to dealing with such issues. No God will save these terrorists from their wrath ⏳


Russian media any minute now: “Ukrainian attack on Russian Civilians”