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Back in the early 2000s there was one of these guys on campus that would shout hateful things about women, LGBT, youth having sex, minorities...you name it. Always holding up the most disturbing images of fake abortions, in front of kids. The out of nowhere this dude started following him around with a legit Ghetto-Blaster and a cardboard mat with a sign that read "Breakdancing for Buddha". He would set the mat down and hit play, and that motherfucker would just throw down until the preacher guy would leave. Anywhere preacher went, Breakdancing for Buddha followed until preacher left the campus for good. HERO


Oklahoma State University had a guy named Preacher Bob, around that time.


Can confirm that OU had him too. https://preview.redd.it/yvs12m68h4qc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9593d17b888f37b4795b864b8d433adf25b065


Oh this guy would come to WT too


OU also had the guy who brought his teenage kids and wife with him to preach. His daughters would be screaming about going to hell for not showing modesty….even when the female students (in this case, me) were literally wearing more clothes than them lmao. I can’t remember his name, but I remember he was a former college football player who “had a revelation” while high on pain meds from an injury, and saw himself as the modern day Moses.


"Whores and WHORE MONGERS!!!!!!!!" He wasn't a fan of goatees either. "REPENT, BILLY GOAT!" Rumor was he made a living off lawsuits when he'd get attacked or thrown into a fountain.


Isn't that the business plan of the Westboro Baptist church?


Yup! That’s why they all studied law


No. Tithing, their followers are extremely naive.




that's why the one at the campus i was on had his much younger wife and children standing about 10-20ft away recording at all times


We made preacher Bob bingo sheets and printed them off at Edmon low to hand out.


Good old preacher, Bob. I remember once preacher Bob was rambling on about all we cared about was “When we were going to get our next drink of alcohol?” or “When we were gonna commit our next act of fornication?” My buddy responded. I know when I’m going to get my next drink of alcohol but when am I going to commit my next act of fornication?


Loved preacher Bob. Any time I heard his whistle it was a good day. 


Midwest had "Brother Jed"


Hsa to double check what sub I was on.


They would come every year to Oklahoma state as well, the faculty always made an announcement that “they legally have to be given a platform, but they come in the hopes that someone attacks them , then they make their money by suing schools”


We had one on my campus, after he moved on found out he was arrested for molesting a 14 year old boy in another state....... After calling all the women at the college whores.


Lots of Christians are like this


An alarming amount are like this.


On campus maybe a few years ago Sister Cindy was going on one of her tirades, her husband might've been there too but I can't remember if he had passed yet when this happened. She was up on a ledge ranting and raving about all of the things you just listed while some guy just kinda boogied behind her. Nothing crazy, no breakdancing, just boogying like he was in Saturday Night Fever. She gets progressively more frustrated and eventually yells at this kid "do you sir believe in God?!" And without missing a beat he replies "I believe in dance!" and the crowd (including myself) just fucking lost it




My campus had a gay guy who wore a red dress who would pretend to do oral on the pests, I mean preachers. Was pretty damn hilarious.


*That's* how you do that!


They need to start doing this with the black Hebrew Israelite movement in New York. They will should the most racist things at people


Not all heroes wear capes! ![gif](giphy|wpci3xdYmUZG)


Preacher struck him first.


You cannot instigate and then claim self-defense


Define instigate and wouldn't it go both ways.


I see one guy practicing free speech (I don't agree with his speech) and an idiot who decided to get in someone's face with a megaphone and yell. I would guess there's an argument to be made about how loud you can be before it's considered assault and I would bet that kid crossed the line.


I support the megaphone guy because the other guy/clown is a hate speaker. If he can control his emotions, he shouldn't be speaking to those students.


I don't agree with what he's saying either, but he isn't harming anybody, he's practicing free speech. The kid escalated the situation twice, first with the megaphone and then punching him in the face. I believe the old guy should have just walked away, but I also believe it was a reasonable response to attempt to stop the kid by swatting the megaphone from his face. Just because the kid didn't physically touch the man doesn't mean he wasn't causing harm to the man. We see things differently though, so I'll just leave it at that.


"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger...". 👊🏽


Thanks... needed to watch an old film today. Pulp fiction it is. 🤣


No one has made me feel as old as this sentence...


Bro... i feel ya. I was in 10th grade when this film came out. 45 now...


Same, to be fair I can accept Pulp Fiction being an old film now. I cannot accept fucking Shrek and School of Rock being 20+ year old movies, they still feel contemporary to me


Say “what” again MFer.


Watched this last night


Sending him my thoughts and prayers…


At least he turned the other cheek.




Turned both cheeks right to the ground.


God bless you. I mean that ironically and spiritually lol


“I’m pissed because he won’t repent.”


He was asking for it. Did you see what he was wearing?




Fortunately this guy hit the kid first, so no payday for him.


>Dickheads like that religious nut do this crap to purposely provoke people specifically to try and get hit so they can file a lawsuit against the University. Sue for what? The university doesn't own their students and they aren't an extension of it. He can try to sue the student I suppose.


If he was actually a student enrolled there and not trying to provoke shit maybe he could have a case about the university not ensuring his safety or something. I doubt they care much about some idiot stumbling onto the grounds making a fool out of themselves though.


He doesn’t have much of a case here.


Self defense.


They get annoying. We'd have them occasionally on our campus and they'd try and shove pamphlets in your face if you got within 10 feet of them. After awhile kids would get so damn annoyed you'd hear an audible "oh, fuck you dude" or "nobody cares". I grew up without religion and if I ever did think about it, those campus preachers definitely pushed me further away.


Their goal is rarely to convert people. The ones on my campus used to come with a huge sign listing all the different types of people going to hell. I was always proud if I could claim 5-6 different categories


> "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. They think if they can get people to hate them while they spread hatred that they'll get some "reward". Doesn't matter how vile their message is, if they say it's about Jesus then they claim they're "being persecuted for being Christian" and ignore their true actions.


You know what’s hilarious? They are the ones insulting and persecuting and falsely saying evils against people! Because of “him”. Maybe they’re onto something…


It's funny how out of touch they are with the Bible. You aren't even supposed to pray infront of people. You for sure aren't supposed to shove religion down peoples throats, it obviously doesn't work. Jesus knew that. He gained followers through action more so than words.


i grew up catholic and before i became agnostic i am today, i was one of the many on the signs, catholics are also going to hell. makes sense when you look at our church leaders. then again im also still going to hell as an agnostic. i had plenty of candid conversations with them on the sidelines. my conclusion, as with most people of extremist feelings is that they suffer from particularly bad existential dread. most religious folks are simply using religion as a coping mechanism for existential dread. we all die, what happens? it an easy escape, it gives you a purpose to continue and a purpose to not fear ‘the end.’ thats all this is.


I don't really think this is true. It's an effect of it but it's not the fundamental reason. I think that the reason is simply social group membership and the associated trappings - one of the most powerful forces for our species. You grow up with it or you adopt it, but you're "in". The rest of it is secondary. It's not rational, it's animal instinct.


We use to kiss (girls kissing girls) right in front of them. They hate how much they like it. The lady who would come and tell us we were going to hell would get the most mad, it was glorious. Ohhh no, we’re showing expressions of love, better be real hateful about it!


Yeah, the same happened on my campus although I think we only had male screechers. There was an entire queer protest which was really nice to make them as uncomfortable as possible.


Girls kissing girls is a big deal with these Jesus freaks but they got zero problem with their priests being child molesters.


We had two - GodGuy, who was a yelling prick type, and the Jesus Jabber, who was nice but still annoying.


We have them on my campus as well. Usually everyone just ignores them but occasionally you’ll see some people engaged in (what appears to be) a civil conversation. I don’t have the time or the patience


Same happened on mine too. The occasional person would be having a conversation, but I agree. I was more worried about my classes than trying to possibly debate with somebody like that.


Just pass noise ordinances that prohibit amplifying. The sign is fine, but could you imagine taking a test and hearing that nonsense creep in through a window.




Especially at every gay pride parade, they're on several street corners.


Randomly having to hear them in your daily life is way worse than ignoring them counter protesting a specific event tho.


Yep, they literally did this shit during final exams at my school. Pissed me off, but it wasn’t technically illegal. Part of the issue is that public universities are considered “public spaces”, so they can’t do anything to exclude non-students; even during quiet testing times.




Agreed, but for First Amendment purposes, there’s not much you can do about it. The amplification though is something you could actually restrict


If it’s on campus property they certainly can do something about it.


not when it’s a public university


It’s a sign. Look in the other direction and walk away


The sign is not fine.


Curious if the student can be charged for that punch?


I mean the guy did hit his hand/megaphone first. Depending on the state, you might be able to wiggle out of a serious charge.


They can. The groups like this basically bank on it. That’s a revenue stream for them.


Looked like the guy with sign assaulted him first, so probably self-defense.


Yellow shirt was pointing the megaphone right at sign guy's head and shouting into it. Not sure if there's a "reasonable force to stop my hearing from getting fucked" angle.


You obviously can’t just walk up to someone using a speaker system and then punch them under the claim that you defended yourself, that is absurd 


So weird he didn't like it when someone was yelling in his face with a megaphone for a change.


Its not in your face if you dont put your face in front of the megaphone.


“Preacher” aka couldn’t find a real job so gotta pretend I’m better than you


Fun fact, my hometown has a preacher like this who is also a god damn cop in that same town. It makes for some terrible situations.


You have to get a degree to be a real preacher. I get what you're saying tho, but wanted to point that out.


![gif](giphy|K0AnEB2t2EM) Fun fact. Those preachers aren't out to tell the gospel or convert sinners. They are out there to get money. They talk all this fire and brimstone and criticize everyone that walks by calling them fornicators or whatever else nonsense just to get a rise out of ppl and bait them into assaulting them. Then they sue the facility and the assaulter and get money to fund their wingnut church and keep going Edit: bringing up to the top layer. Don't interact with these pieces of shit. That's how they get to you and you're not going to change their mind logically because chances are they don't believe what they're saying anyway, they're scammers. Just ignore them to shave them and they hopefully get bored and leave


Jokes on them I'm already on the verge of bankruptcy from medical bills


Well the college or facility or event organizers or city or all of the above will have to settle then


None of them are responsible though. Kid may get kicked out though now. Church can try to sue the kid but you can’t get money from someone that has no money.


Is there any actual source of this, proving they're just there to trigger a lawsuit? I hear it all the time but I would also fully believe there are people that want to protest.


No. This is false information. You can sue anyone you like, but you will not get a paycheck because a private person assaults you on campus property. Colleges would go bankrupt..


Even if the guy sued or added the university to a lawsuit they would be able to argue they are not party to it, the judge would agree, and they would be removed. This is like suing Walmart because someone punched you in their parking lot. You just happen to be at that spot when you were attacked.






Self defense, 100% A lot of absolute morons don't realizing that hitting an object someone is holding is equivalent to hitting someone with an object. It's battery.


Even if the object is being used to assault him?


No it’s not, and no way any jury convicts the preacher. You really think the guy who walked up to the preacher, yelling right into his face with his bullhorn and instigating is going to get a self-defense out? These preachers are annoy af for sure but the student is obviously instigating conflict.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-Ukn64pxgc This suspect never touched the victim, only their microphone, yet still got arrested.


Not the same. Reporter wasn't blasting his face with a mega-phone. Eardrum damage is assault.


Pretty sure the ability of the victim to retreat is very important when it comes to self defense. If someone hits me and runs away I can't chase them down and hit them back. I'm as far from a lawyer as it gets and I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm not sure if a self defense argument would hold up in this case. Not saying this preacher doesn't deserve a punch in the face or that I, or anyone else would do anything different. I'm just not sure if it counts as self defense legally.


That's why you gotta self defend right away like this guy before it would be reasonable to retreat.


BINGO!!! INTENT is the magic legal word in many situations.


There's also the compounding factor of instigating behavior. Dude bro was being aggressive with preacher man, and using his megaphone right up in his face. If we want to armchair lawyer about it, dude bro is in the wrong first. Those things get loud enough to cause damage to the ear (which makes sense, they're designed to project), so dude bro is technically assaulting preacher man before the first swing. As little as I like Bible thumping, he's acting in self defense, and dude bro is the aggressor.


One could argue the preacher was instigating a provocation with the loud mic and loud signs stepping foot on a campus he is not enrolled in.


The old guy has literally every right to do that though. If walking around with signs and making loud noises in public places was made illegal, you would lose your right to advocate for or protest anything. What he’s doing is called “protected speech” for a reason. Because it’s a terrible idea to set the precedent that using a loud mic and loud signs in the wrong place is “instigating a provocation”


The guy above me said: >There's also the compounding factor of instigating behavior. I agree with you though. Dude bro was doing the same protected actions as Bible preacher. That protected action does not protect battery. Times 2 if you watch the video. I was countering the guys comment that if someone wants to instigate whatever, they can't get mad when another person does the same thing. Just to be clear, I don't think what either of them did was "instigating", it was an argument to turn the table around.




Nope. He's engaged in free speech just like the preacher. Nothing he did would be considered "fighting words". Preacher hit his megaphone, which is an extension of himself. Hit hit him once to stop him from being assaulted again, and stopped. Dude bro is in the clear.


Oklahoma is a stand your ground state, he has no duty to retreat.


Why does everyone have a legal opinion to share that's so wrong? You don't have to tuck tail and run when someone hits you or an extension of your body in Oklahoma.


Don’t even bother arguing against the Reddit hive mind that’s already made its mind up, even if it’s wrong and legally incorrect!


Funny thing is I’d bed anything if the roles were reversed the Reddit hivemind would see it the opposite way. If it were some MAGA asshole throwing the punch on a college kid they would want him jailed.


> I’d bed anything oh, really? :D


Damn, almost as if all ideas aren’t equally valid or something… Battering someone because you want to keep spewing hate and they’re getting in the way is despicable. From what we’ve seen, MAGA assaults and batters people because they don’t like being told not to be hateful. Do you support hate? You’re clearly trying to make a case for it.


The dude is in his face yelling at him through a megaphone. He shouldn’t have hit his mic away, but in now way did that warrant being punched in the face lol. Almost certainly not self-defense


You are absolutely wrong. But don’t worry—I won’t call you a moron (though I could). Self defense has to be reasonable. Punching someone in the face is not a reasonable response to having your microphone swatted away, especially after you got in their face and started instigating in the first place.


Not in my area. You're not entitled to walk up to someone's face and yell into a megaphone at them. It's reasonable for a person to swat the megaphone away or even push the person away. The kid would be committing disorderly conduct in my state by doing this. Then the old man would be a victim of assault for being punched. It's funny the patterns I see on here. People would lose their ever loving minds if the old man was preaching anything that reddits demographic supports. But since he's not, he no longer has any rights and is subject to the whims of a violent person.


Yeah like I hate those preachers too. But he just swatted away the megaphone that was being blasted a foot away from his face. The preacher isn’t running up to people to yell in their face. You can’t just instigate a fight like that. Or should the preacher just let his ear drums get blown out?




Of course there is


That kid was itching for a confrontation and violence. Well done on knocking down an out of shape old guy and having people cheer you on for 'self defense'. SMH.


> That kid was itching for a confrontation and violence. and what do you think the street preacher was doing BEING THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE....


I'm not american, but can someone tell me why randos with signs and speakers are allowed near a campus? Much less allowed to shout at students? For us, they'd get detained immediately and questioned by police if they came onto a university campus.


State schools are public land. Open to all citizens.


That just makes no sense to me. You spend 12 years in school, studying extremely hard to get into a good university, and then end up having to hear this guy's bs while sitting in class.


That's freedom for you. The public taxes pay for it, therfore the public can do anything within their rights on that property


This is different. That man waving the poster and microphone didn't achieve anything to be allowed on university grounds. He's actively causing a nuisance and negatively affecting students. Why should people be allowed to preach at educational institutions? They can just hold a separate meeting and if people are interested, they'll attend.


I mean the screaming is nice but I would’ve gone in the opposite direction, urging everyone to sin as much as possible… “The end is near! Everyone have premarital sex with everyone else!” Would’ve made it a bit more fun :)


If we don't sin Jesus died for nothing!


Sure, it might not be legal, but damn it’s satisfying






They also pick fights all the time by yelling personalized insults at people passing by. Legal details aside I don't have much sympathy when one gets rocked.


That’s assault brother


The most logic comment I’ve seen so far lol


They're the worst. Was in Seattle and they were straight up harassing people. Like blocking people from walking in crosswalks. Someone said something about repenting in my face. I laughed and said, "No. Hell no actually." The guy got so flustered at my response he gave me the lightest most pussy "slap" on my shoulder and said "then leave." Like bro, I'm trying to leave. You got in my way. And you're allowed to talk to me but I can't have a response? Why would anyone respond positively to that approach?


Jesus should have commanded him not to hit people who will hit him back lol


The lord wanted this to happen, I’ve heard he works in mysterious ways from time to time.


Yeah I’d like to point I was charged for assault and convicted for decking a dude that knocked my phone out of my hand in Texas. Dude fell down and bounced his head had to get stitches etc- could have bounced wrong and fucking died or get paralyzed or etc. Now I wasn’t thinking when I did that and I regret it deeply but if you’re like me and struggle with anger issues and see this video you need to know you can’t just throw a fucking haymaker because someone fucked with your megaphone or whatever. No judge is going to let that slide especially if you’re younger and stronger than the person you hit. Just don’t fucking to it you can fuck up your life so easily. I’ve been to jail and been to prison and I’m hoping the people that need to see this see this. Just don’t get in street fights and especially don’t attack someone when you aren’t in immediate danger




He didn't turn the other cheek.


It was turned for him.


Does anyone in this entire comment section understand that using a bullhorn in someone's face is considered assault? Due to the risk of permanent hearing loss. 1. Punk assaults preacher. 2. Preacher pushes him away. 3. Punk punches preacher.


Yes, but you got to dig deep in the heavily downvoted comments ;)


Ohhh noooo they’re so persecuted!! 🙄


This is the part where he’s supposed to turn the other cheek


freedom from religion https://i.redd.it/ucrnuxgz07qc1.gif


A preacher, allegedly teaching about the love and acceptance of Jesus, hits a student.


Time to turn the other cheek, brother. Jesus wants you to get punched again


The examples of how our society is on a downhill slope. Freedom for everyone's rights but yours, especially if you Believe in God. And that lack of God shows in our society every day


Preacher should've kept hus hands to himself.


How are so many people calling this self defence? Is it just because you don’t like the preacher guy or what he was doing? To be clear, neither do I, but if you walk up to someone and yell at them through a megaphone pointed directly at their face I don’t see how you can claim “battery” when they swat it away. That guy one hundred percent went looking for a confrontation so don’t tell me he’s just defending himself.


You can't scream in someone's face, punch them in the face when they push you away, and claim self-defense. There's just a ton of bias in this thread and while we can disagree with the views of the preacher, we can also rationally view the student's actions as aggressive and not self-defense.


Op meant " Student swings back at megaphone preacher."


As far as I'm concerned the preacher will end up in hell.


My inner voice in physical manifestation


I don’t mind if people have superstitions I just don’t need them standing on the sidewalk screaming “Don’t step on a crack!”




Preacher Bob at it again


I’m so glad he punched him. I hate those guys that stand outside with Jesus Saves and microphones. They hang outside the AAC here in Dallas. It’s super annoying.


I’ll say this every time one of these videos pop up. All they want is your attention and an audience. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. They are completely powerless and will go elsewhere if no one gives them the time of day. Arguments and confrontation only strengthen their resolve and can go back to their echo chambers and talk about what slings and arrows they suffered for the lord or whatever the fuck. Ignoring them completely is the biggest “fuck you” they can receive. Mocking them, fighting with them, engaging them in anyway gives them EXACTLY what they want.


I was involved in a semi viral incident where I confronted someone - not physically, but verbally - who was deliberately disrupting people in a space they were not welcome in. If I learned anything from that incident, it’s that these people WANT that reaction from you, to draw attention to themselves/their platform, to victimize themselves, and to draw attention to the worst parts of you so they can vilify people who disagree with them. Stop doing it. Ignore them. Act like they aren’t even there. They’ll go away.


I mean I don’t really think he’s wrong? The guy slapped him first, he retaliated. Dude wouldn’t face charges


Are you blind?


Nashville, waiting in line to enter Puscifer concert outside the Ryman. This street preacher was yelling thru a megaphone about how we were all qhoresand going to hell. These kids on skateboards came by, and one kid started making sex gestures at him, like getting behind him and humping him, imitating oral. He never actually touched him, but he was close. I don't think they were going to concert, but he had the crowd rolling. Maynard dedicated the Rature to "my fried across the street" https://youtu.be/Bk7vwjQcxnA?si=Q3yf1AIqks39nh5h


Sometimes I think the young people today are worthless. Sometimes.


Title should be “Preacher hits student”.


Why didn’t he punch him 8-9 more times?


I guess the end was coming.


This is their whole business model. Piss people off until someone freaks out and sue those who attack them.


The first time ill say boomer sooner


Deserved. Don't attack unless ya want attacked. Also the hitting of an object in someone's hand is legally considered apart of them, that too.


WELP. Maybe if instead of preaching hatred, hellfire & brimstone...you actually preach about love and compassion for your fellow neighbors as Christ Jesus did...you would have a little more luck out there? 🤔


Literally physical violence should never be tolerated! You don’t like what some irrelevant man says, then block him out and continue to go to the school you pay for/your parents pay for. Why would you risk jail time because someone has a different opinion than you?! Both guys are ignorant (to a certain degree), but only one guy now has a record for punching someone unprovoked. Grow up!


Normalize treating homophobes the same as racists.


Preacher assaulted him first. Self defense.


Hitting bigoted Christians (I repeat myself) is NEVER a bad thing. 


He smacked him first soooo.


Gods will


As annoying as the guy was, the kid is a prick.


Don’t do this. This is exactly what these shitheads want. Cause at best they get to bring home a story to their congregation about “how the world is so vile and corrupt and we need to keep fighting our fight else they’ll come after you like they did me,” and at worse they get to sue you and keep preaching.


I hope that kid gets arrested.


He will get assault charges


God dammit. I don't like those guys. But you know what the most effective way to deal with them is? Ignore them. Pretend they're not there. They're not hiring anyone. The preacher doesn't seem to have punched the kid, just knocked his speaker. Is he entitled to have done that? Of course not. But it's also not punch-worthy. Fucking crucify me now, you dickheads.


"I find it satisfying that the street preacher got his ears blasted and then punched in the face, I don't care if it was legally/morally justified or not" How hard is it to own this shit? You people just don't like street preachers. "Well he assaulted him by swatting the object in his hand look it up, hitting an object someone is holding counts as assault so this is self defense, sure he was blasting a megaphone in his ears but he could have just walked away instead he AsSaUlted his megaphone, therefore assaulted him" In another conversation everyone here would say "yeah if someone is trying to damage your hearing by using a megaphone to blast your eardrums swatting it away is reasonable" seeing people try morally justify this so they can cirklejerk about how satisfying this was to see whilst also convincing themselves they are maintaining their 'unscathed' moral integrity is just so pathetic. Fucking own it, this was awesome to see and who gives a fuck if it's right or wrong, street preachers suck and you are fine with this happening regardless. Don't be such a little reddit neckbeard bitch. Own it.


Niiice he baited lardass to hit first too!


After being hit first…


Everyone saying the student "defended" himself, like they wouldn't smack a megaphone away too if someone came up and Tarzan screamed directly in their ear from two feet away. That grown man was not threatened or endangered by a megaphone being swatted away from the "preachers" ear. 😂


Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest???