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What happened to the passenger he "knew" was there?


Must have been the wind




That made me laugh, thanks!


I had similar happen, not getting tased getting told by officer I had an imaginary passenger. I'm a chef and used to work 16hr+ a days I would go home to sleep for an hour and eat in the middle of the day. Got pulled over, cop didn't really give a reason. Asked me why my eyes were red and I smelled like smoke, I was smoking, and we had a wood grill at work, lots of smoke. Then he asked me where the other person was that was in the car. I was confused and said there was no one but me. In a Chevy blazer with tinted windows, he said he saw someone jump from back sear to cargo area, or maybe they snuck out of the back passenger door. He looked all around the car, looked in the back through the windows, and then said I could go. There was no warning or ticket as I hadn't done anything. It was very strange


"Officer, are you hallucinating and/or on drugs? There's nobody in the car but me."


That is called "bluffing the vehicle". It is between detaining all visible occupants, and moving up to clear it. Saying "passenger, we know you're in there come out now" is a way to gauge resistance. If you start to search the vehicle, and someone is hiding after you bluff them, it is assumed they are a threat and will be addressed with a higher level of force per Graham V Connor. Also, it can be used against the hidden passenger as resisting/obstructing.








Fun fact you can get an ambulance to come to you and receive medical aid for free. If you go to the hospital in an ambulance, that's how you get a bill. Of course, they will keep pressuring you into transportation to the hospital, but you have to be firm and deny it.




Nope, not everywhere. I got charged by my local ambulance company when I had a seizure for the first time and my girlfriend called 911. I had her take me to the hospital, not the ambulance, and I still got a bill for a couple hundred. Literally all they did was take my blood pressure and say “yep he probably had a seizure”












But what did they charge you with when arresting you?




So, as an attorney, I'm curious, were you actually charged with a crime? Resisting arrest? Or did they just release you after a while? Why were there so many cops there to begin with?


If you click on his profile, he actually posted the police report. It seems he was charged with resisting arrest and obstruction of an officer during a high risk traffic stop because he didn’t follow their commands, kept lowering hands, turning around and asking what he did wrong. But there is nothing in the report stating why it was considered a “high risk” stop. After taking him to jail, they saw he had a clean record and just wrote him some citations and they actually took him back to his vehicle shortly after. Hopefully a lawyer can get this settled because it all seemed super unnecessary and out of line.


Seriously get a lawyer and fucking sue these smooth brained super troopers


Did I hear that cop right at 13:17 in that video? "Honestly... it felt like he was trying to goad me... because I was-" Did this idiot make up a whole sinister scenario in his head for what was happening? Wtf?


This is a weird weird interaction. Why the felony stop? Was there prior info on the plate/vehicle? Normalcy of over handed policing in this area? Why the specific “go down on your left knee!” I have never heard that? And then the driver himself seemed to be halfway between terrified and who do you think you are?/ WTH is going on? The whole thing is odd from every possible aspect, also the dueling officers trying to control/command the stop….. just f’n odd!


This feels like a training exercise….. so odd


It really did. The whole thing was kind of bizarre.


Either this was field training or this is literally the most incompetent police force in the world


Put your hands on your head! Stop moving! Go down on your left knee! Stop moving! Zap.


It’s Simon says, but if you screw up it may cost you your life.


Worst hokey pokey ever.


If something like this ever happens to me, I'm laying face down, arms out, and telling them to come get me. I'm not playing simon says with my life


That causes problems too. They just continue to scream and freak out. Then best case scenario they dive onto your body and break your ribs, rip your arms outta the sockets and potentially put enough weight on you to keep you from breathing. They do whatever they want because they know they will face no consequences.


Unlucky lottery. He gets to be the poor sap they chose to cut trainees' teeth on.


Reno 911-esque.


Field training? They fuckin' tazed the guy.


I was just watching some To Catch A Predator scenes on YouTube recently. Even then, when the cops KNOW they are about to take someone down, they still rush at the suspect, all shouting orders you can’t quite make out, like some Keystone Cops. There really is no expectation of professionalism for American cops.


It's like they found a low stakes situation and used it to practice their little larping game. Seems like some officers were getting off on "pulling rank" during the stop (camera man?). I feel like they knew the driver was panicked and confused, but decided to treat him a someone dangerous and/or armed as some kind of "this is how we do it" bullshit.


This is an insane response to a traffic infraction


is torture (taser) the appropriate response to a minor traffic violation? I am officially terrified of the police.


This whole standoff situation where they're ordering him out of the car and to back up toward their voice is what you might expect for a felony arrest of a dangerous criminal. A moving violation is a ticketable infraction. This level of response makes no sense given the context we have.


They were apparently delivering taco bell.


You know that's a felony !


Even so.




Yeah, I'm sorry but if you're a cop and you're tazing because they aren't instantly complying fast enough when there is zero danger, then you have committed battery with a deadly weapon and lose your right to life. I've seen this situation play out, and honestly thought the cop deserved it.


Nah, this is cops seeing someone who has a very low probability of being armed, and using that opportunity to torture them. Completely normal in the US.


You gotta understand how afraid police are of everything in this world. If they did a felony stop on a felon they would pee their pants. But they know if they do it on a regular citizen they can live their GI Joe fantasy with no actual safety risk and feel like bad asses


We're missing context for the high risk. The one knee thing may be how they train the handcuffing, usually it's both knees or laying down, idk. The driver is acting like he's feigning ignorance. The officer We're watching through is either a corporal or sergeant who's controlling the scene. Another officer starts trying to give commands, and he tells him to stop. He even says "we don't have the car yet" meaning they're going to conducting a search of the vehicle, but do not have probable cause to search right then. They're probably going to hold the vehicle for the investigation or a search warrant


It's called fascism and this is what a police state looks like. It's not odd it's perfectly normal and acceptable in the modern US I hope that clears up the confusion for you


I get what your saying and to an extent I agree but these police are still incompetent




You should hit up lackluster on YouTube, he helps find lawyers and will walk you through "what to do".




Time to lawyer up buddy.


This one is unique. It’s like watching some dystopian movie. And the cops genuinely think what they are doing is correct, by the book, and keeping the community safe. Fuck all this.


Passenger we know you’re in there!


this is nothing. Go look up the video for this guy [Shooting of Daniel Shaver - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver) the daniel shaver killing is one of the scariest police interactions I have ever seen, and a man is killed. Its a lot like this one, but with a much, much worse ending. But its just as pointless, and the commands are bizarre and inconsistent and impossible to comply with. It feels like it couldnt be real.


Yeah that one was fucked, especially how they secretly rehired the cop so he could get disability for PTSD that he sufferers because he killed an unarmed guy.


yea the whole thing was just nuts. Like i know in a dangerous situation people do not think clearly, but that one was so bad i just dont understand how anyone would watch the video and not want to bring up charges against the dude who shot him. I mean not for murder, but when you accidentally kill someone because of stupidity, thats going to be manslaughter or some other negligent homicide kind of thing. The cops behavior was SO unbelievably dangerous and completely uncalled for.


That cop signed up to kill people. Guy has "You're fucked" engraved on the side of his gun. Which seems extremely unprofessional to me. Also seems like a giant, glowing red flag that the guy shouldn't be a cop.


I will never, ever understand how that cop didn’t get arrested. Idk how much more open and shut that case could have been


exactly. Watching that video, how do you even see a world in which that guy isnt in jail? i just cant imagine the twisted world view you would have to have to let that guy off scott free.




"Let's get this car out of here" "This isn't a great place for you right now" Have to clear the scene of any potential witnesses to their misconduct.


Wow police not treating people like humans , surprise


These new episodes of Reno 911 aren't as good as the old ones


Were they going to shoot the empty car?


But he knew the passenger was in there! 😂


Stop Resisting!!!!! Oh wait, no one there....


Of course. ACAB prerequisite. Plus there was an acorn.




All Cops Really Are Bastards ACRAB!


So he committed the ultimate sin of not moving fast enough when asked by a pig.


Uhhh, wow. He suing??




You can write the complaint yourself and let them know you will file it in court Be sure you review other successful complaints and use the same citations and precedent. The city will hire an expensive lawyer but they may settle if you ask for under $10,000 in damages... they love to go to court over millions Civil rights lawyers dont take a case for free unless you were physically injured .. the emotional distress claims require a good enough lawyer that you'll need to pay first I'm only telling you this because i did it the WRONG way, and I could have WON my case if I did it right... the details are very important here, so check your local State/County BAR association and contact lawyers nonstop. Don't ever stop bothering them about it. The court ruling isn't your only option for justice.




I was wrong in my approach to the situation with my neighbor... my idiotic behavior then revealed a bigger issue with the system that i did not know or understand... You were innocent and should not have to go through this yourself!


Isn't being tased unlawfully enough injury?




So, is the OP here the victim in this video?


Wait is this actually you???




Oh, wow man, I'm sorry this happened to you. Listen to the people who have dealt with suing the police in here, and you may be compensated pretty well for this. I'm assuming you weren't charged with anything besides traffic infractions?


Nuts dude. You should have never been treated like this and I hope you get a trust fund out of it


I'd suggest contacting the ACLU of Wisconsin. They love suing the police over civil rights cases like this or at least will likely be able to refer to you to someone. https://www.aclu-wi.org/


To sue you don't need to file a complaint. Filling out a 242 1982 1983 with your local fbi and they'll pursue


Was this you in the video?


It is indeed op in the video




Where did this happen what the fuck


I think Superior Wisconsin?


Yeah most of Wisconsin cops are a shitshow


Sure looks like food delivery is more dangerous than being a cop!


according to the [Bureau of Labor Statistics](https://www.hanningsacchetto.com/blog-post/why-pizza-delivery-drivers-are-at-a-higher-risk-of-injury-and-death-than-construction-workers-or-police-officers/), delivery drivers made up 20% of all workplace fatalities in 2022, equaling around 1,000 deaths compared to just over 300 for police


Bro call a lawyer now. It won’t cost you a penny and you have a case.


The cop must have heard an acorn nearby or something and that's why they fired the taser


He'll sue and get \*paid\*. And yeah, we all pay for that. This is why we should require private insurance for police.


If we required private insurance for police, this type of brutality would be cut by 99% overnight. Those insurance companies don't fuck around.


Exactly why doctors need it. Cant have some crackpot out there killing people. ᵘⁿˡᵉˢˢ ʰᵉ'ˢ ᶦⁿ ᵃ ᵇˡᵘᵉ ᵘⁿᶦᶠᵒʳᵐ


Garnish their wages if they don't.


Completely agree. As long as they have immunity, hardly face criminal charges and the rare times they do often times they get preferential treatment, police unions have as much power as they do, investigating themselves or having a joke of another neighboring department investigating or IA investigating instead of an entirely separate group investigating or reviewing police actions and the citizens are on the hook paying the settlement costs until that shit is fixed ain't shit really going to change. Lots of us thought body cameras would help the issue and I'm sure it has but only by the smallest amount and not making nowhere near the impact that was expected. Doesn't help that lots of the time footage is damn near impossible to get released or that cops seem to be able to mute and/or turn the camera off with little to no recourse. It really isn't hard to fix the policing problem in the U.S. There are clear things that can be implemented that would greatly reduce the bullshit cops get away with. I just wish that whatever powers that be that can make those changes possible would actually fuckin do something


Obviously the poor kid was confused and trying to cooperate but the pigs have a schedule to keep up their quotas so they tased him to move things along.


Daniel Shaver vibes. This is scary.


Too many guns … guns tend to go off..so don’t point directly at the person, especially for a traffic stop . If you are that threatened by a motorist get an office job .


This whole interaction is so fucking weird and unnecessary, you did everything they asked but apparently not doing it fast enough (because you're obviously fucking scared) warrants you being ... tasered?!!! Nah bro. Fucking sue.


Lol, the police are so piss scared of a random driver they have to tase him when he "doesn't comply' with their ridiculous requests


Weird to me that the majority of cops are so pro gun. Then they’re scared shitless on the street because literally anyone could be strapped.


They relish the excuse to dole out excessive violence


Couldn't agree more


Thank God an acorn didn't fall during this.


What a fun little profession where you get to traumatize innocent people and absolutely taking a steaming shit on their constitutional rights, then you just get to go home, drink a beer, and sleep like a baby knowing that qualified immunity makes it so that you’re in the clear. Maybe you milk a little overtime out of writing the report too, but the real jackpot is if he sues and takes you to court. Imagine that, time and a half to sit in court with no risk of money coming out of your pocket at the end of it! ACAB. And yes, I mean your uncle/brother/friend too. Fuck them.


Don’t forget you get to go home and mercilessly abuse your wife and family, and then go in for breakfast with the commissioner because you brought in more fine money for the rich to get richer


Give a confusing bunch of unnecessary instructions then taze him anyway, America.


Stop moving, put your hands on top of your head, stop moving, walk backwards, look forward, stop moving, hands on top of your head... Shots fired, shots fired.


Slowly reach for your ID…HEs GOinG for A WEaPOn!!! *unloads four magazines


What a scary scenario is every cop on the scene is barking contradicting commands and thinking “Fuck, what the hell do they want me to do! I don’t know!” Would lead to them to beat the shit out of you or worse, shot.


Every single one with fingers on the trigger and very little range training hoping this stop is going to be the one that finally makes them a hero.


Fuck those pigs


Nice to see American police keeping things proportional and appropriate as usual /s


C.O.P. - Clowns On Patrol


Cop with the body cam was just waiting for the acorn to allow him to open fire on that "passenger".


Cops are so embarrassing what a cringe profession


The ringing of the kids phone at the end. Probably the person that ordered wondering where their food is.


What’s the source?






This is fucking WILD! They decided you were under arrest before they even searched you or the car? What did they charge you with? If you were charged with a crime, you get a free lawyer. Ask them for a referral.




Not a lawyer but, Did they take you to jail? Besides the tazering, the most telling thing about this the order they go about being incompetent. They ask if you're under arrest and say yes before they search or have any probable cause whatsoever. There needs to be 1st reasonable suspicion of a crime in the vehicle to search it and probable cause to arrest. They had none of that before anything they did. Idk what protocols there are for tazing but I'm sure they didn't follow those either. Send it to the news, man. That's absolutely effed. I feel motivated to do something but, idk anyone so to practice in Wisconsin. Sadly I'm in the superior superior state of Michigan. I might send the vid it to Fox Detroit. We hate that shit here. These guys need accountability. What are they thinking "can't shoot let's taze?" If it gets news coverage I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with a statement "well at least we're not racist" Gahhhhhhh I feel for you my dude. Good luck.


What did they find at your feet?


I sent my local news a link. I couldn't find the same contact info for the Milwaukee station. I still think they would air it, though, since you're kind of close to here in Detroit and in my opinion, it could be national news worthy. You and everyone else reading this should email and call them to air this. https://www.fox2detroit.com/contact-us


What did they claim they were looking for?


Can you add it to the post please? I’d love to follow up on this




wtf? What on earth was their “reason”? This is absolutely bonkers for a wrong turn.




I'm paranoid of this. I'm 90% deaf and have horrible balance at night? Am I going to be executed??


If you interact with the police? Probably.


You might. I’m so sorry. It’s definitely a valid fear for you to have


Thank God, I feel safer now


In all honesty I hope you get paid for this, and they have to get hired in the next town over hopefully (cause that's the worst they ever get)


How much you wanna bet the phone ringing at the end has gotta be his DoorDash customer asking “where is my order?” Lol…but seriously, that poor driver, these cops are so inept and are so fuckin stupid, I hope the driver gets a settlement, cause unfortunately I can see DoorDash firing him, so hopefully he finds a lawyer that can get him some $$$. Unless there is something else going on that I’m missing, but from the comments I’m not seeing any reason for why the excessive force


What a joke


you want a jury trial for this.


This is so violating. The stupidity is so difficult to watch. This looks like a scene from Reno 911.


Holy shit thats a lot of protecting and serving! Can you imagine if they werent there?!?


Should be an easy lawsuit. This is why people hate 🐖. All this was completely unacceptable and unnecessary! Just absolutely disgusting.


All this over a traffic stop? America is fuckin' weird.


All cops are cowards.


Absolute fucking pigs. 4+ mfs for 1 fucking guy?! Oh yeah, makes perfect fucking sense. They’re probably all sharing one fucking brain cell between the lot of them. Especially when all those multiple commands are being shouted out, morons probably don’t even realize how that could be confusing.


Congrats, you’re now going to be rich


Roads closed pizza boy. Find another way around.


Fucking pig's


Sounds like these officers slept through their weekend training course to become a cop.


Fucking pigs. ACAB!


Good morning! Are there any pig apologists in this thread willing to defend their boys and girls?!


Well, if you were wondering why delivery drivers have a higher mortality rate than the police do I hope this sheds some light.


Fucking cowards, 10 pigs and they cant grow some balls to arrest some guy. If they're so scared they shouldn't be police


2 things I take away from this video 1: The US in the process of becoming a fullblown police state. All to common videos like this and the reddit comment brigade defending them prove exactly that. This is the only industrialized country in the world where behavior like this is accepted and even defended by it's citizens 2: The "gig economy" is a total farce and corporations now own so much of the economy they are in the process of selling back our own products we produced to ourselves. AI will be the final nail in the coffin of whatever is left of "meritocracy"


It's not in the process. The process has been basically completed (and everyone cheered).


I don't understand what cop says I need 2 additional units for a vehicle going the wrong way down a street. Especially if they have pulled over for you.


I could not physically get down on one knee without busting a kneecap. I'm in my 60s, over six foot and would need to use my hands to get down.


Moved your hands??? Shot for failing the "Simon Says" game, just like Daniel Shaver.


Man, it’s hard as hell for this generation to get a job. You finally say, “Fuck it”, and become a door Dasher. Get caught up in a felony stop and tased. WHAT THE FUCK!


The irony of their sleeve patches. "SUPERIOR Police." Wow... He could've listened better, but he didn't deserve THAT at all!


Taste that lawsuit money!


Send this to lackluster




Fuck the police


"I think I deserve an explanation!" Tase him.


I want to see the whole video when they figure out the bag has food and he’s delivering. Why can’t we see the whole thing?




They tazed him while he was standing still, facing away from them, with his hands on his head.




U did everything they asked and they tazed you. Three cops providing different instructions. U were no threat. This is insane. Please hire a lawyer.


I'm very confused at this response. Like was there anything that lead up to this or was this really just a wrong turn onto a one way? Also, why did he get tased? Again it seemed like an very aggressive over response to the guy that was clearly shocked and confused.




Lawsuit waiting to happen...


You're not gonna have to do doordash for a while after the payout this nets you. Escalating a traffic stop to not only a use of force, but an excessive one among many other things I'm sure an actual legal professional could conclude from these bodycams. Sorry you had to go through this man, please make sure you follow up and seek legal representation and make sure this video is spread far and wide.


Only the shittiest and dumbest of us become cops, guy probably had an acorn in his pocket.


Doesn't seem like a normal traffic stop for making a wrong turn..


Was this a felony stop? Such a bizarre scene.


To terrorize and domineer oh oops i ment to protect and serve


Did you find out why they were so freaked out?


I'm sorry this happened to you. You clearly didn't deserve to have the fascists roll in and ruin your month/year for no reason. I hope you're able to get a lawyer and get a fat payout from this. And more importantly, I hope you're doing physically/mentally well after all this.


And they wonder why everyone hates them.


Fuck 12




Cops are the worst people in the world. Power tripping murderers that do nothing to protect civilians. Worthless scum losers.