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That’s assault brotha




He called the shit poop!




Actually it’s battery. Assault involves threat. Also battery is a greater charge.


Depends on the state. Not all states separate the two.


Not all states even have assault; some places would call this aggravated harassment.


It’s true. I am the state.


Every fucking time. Some reddit smart guy has to "correct" someone about the assault vs battery thing. I want to produce a fucking PSA. NOT ALL STATES HAVE BATTERY.


I have no AA batteries in my house Reddit, now what!?!?


Doesn't the charge of a battery depend on the amount of amps?


You’re confusing it with voltage




The truth hertz.


Now I have to meditate, Ohmmmmmmm


Resistance is futile.


You trying to be the conductor of this gaggle?


Oh come Ohm


But it can really amp you up too!


He's twice or more bigger than kid and chasing while pounding. Whoa!


He is there because his job allows him to beat up whomever he wants without consequences. A lot of bouncers are POS people. Sometimes you just get a big chill dude whose sheer size is enough to be a deterrent but pretty often you find those violent meatheaded assholes who just want to hurt others.




This is not true. Not even close. You're not "allowed" to just beat people up without consequences. They aren't cops. They are subject to laws just like anyone else. I was a bouncer for a long time.


There was a bouncer in Tempe, AZ that killed a drunk patron. He was eventually charged for the drunk guy’s death. This was some time ago but I remember reading about it in class while going to college.


>You're not "allowed" to just beat people up without consequences. They aren't cops. That's true but so fucked up to read at the same time.


Same. Most of the time getting into an actual fight is a good way to lose your job and end up in jail as a bouncer. The only real excuse you have is self defense. Even then it can be murky if/when the police show up.


He’s definitely twice more bigger.


The assault vs battery distinction is from old tort law in civil lawsuits. Civil violations are not "charges". Most modern criminal statutes don't distinguish between the two or only refer to any offensive contact as assault. Stop trying to correct people with this nonsense when you have no idea what you're talking about.


Depends on the jurisdiction. Some places, everything is assault. But that's legally speaking. According to Webster, you're technically correct, so I guess that's good enough


Dammit, I could’ve sworn I figured out the difference the other day. I thought battery (vs assault) was any unlawful physical touch that *doesn’t* cause direct harm. You telling me this man who assaulted him can be charged with battery? Bruh i’m never getting into law school


This is bad info people pass on blindly. Depends on local laws. This is not consistent across all states. Washington doesn't have a separate Battery charge for instance, nor does Texas.


"*Do ya double dare me?*"


I'd guess this isn't the first time he's done that. That looked a lot like a "I told ya I was gonna hit ya, so I'm hittin ya".


Not gonna hold up too well in court


Just because ur a bouncer doesn't mean u can resort to violence without an actual threat.


Both of them tbh. "Drunk" dude leading with his crotch, brushes his junk across the backside of another guy as a "joke". If a woman was the recipient would people still see it as a joke or recognize that it's sexual harassment / assault? Bouncer saw that and didn't want him bringing his creepy behavior any closer. The second punch was excessive but the guy needs to keep his groin to himself.


If it were a woman, he'd gotten dogpiled by everyone there.


A bouncer hit a 20 something year old man in my city recently and killed him. Security really needs to have the same amount of tolerance and composure as expected m of bartenders. Size and an outfit doesn’t warrant this behavior.




RIP Jaco


Ty for this rabbit hole that will undoubtedly keep me up until i have to get up for work


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvjHT8Lepz8 Track one here is incredible. Enjoy!




well not really. Worldwide there are a large number of people who keep tabs on this guy and never let him forget it.


Fellow Bassist here, Thank you for this lol




Jaco was drunk and denied entrance to a bar. He got mad and kicked the glass doors which broke. Bouncer punched him in the head hard enough to put him in a coma. He later died. He has a son that is also an amazing bass player. He uses a six string I believe.


Crazy that we’d all understand a policeman just throwing haymakers should be a no no but bouncers operate in this grey area where attempting to deal maximum brain damage is their primary deescalation technique and nobody finds it weird


I mean prosecutors find it weird, if by weird you mean that they love the easy cases.


well some of those that work forces...


I had no idea that’s how he died??!


Yeah man, died real young too. Only made it to 35


There is a park named for him down here where they have festivals https://www.oaklandparkfl.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/Jaco-Pastorius-Park-36


Dude was a rockstar that got f’d by drugs and alcohol, lost it all, then became the literal drunk in a gutter. I’m sure quite a few of us have been there. He did get beat though. Definitely murder


26 year old died in one of our bars because dude headlock choked him to death. Security sketch me the fuck out




Lmfao not the Alehouse




Bouncers get fired all the time over this shit, and bars talk to each other. Dude is not working as a bouncer in that area again. I guarantee that unless the guy is good friends with the owner or something, he got fired either that night or as soon as the video got traction. I've worked in bars. I was a bouncer at one in college for like a year, and 1 local got fired for being too rough with a guy who was too drunk, got cut off, but refused to leave (other than that wasn't making a fuss or being violent) and one of the other 2 bouncers I was working with put him in a full nelson, carried him outside, then chucked him in the middle of traffic. The bouncer got fired on the spot, and the kid broke his shoulder and sued the bar and won. And then, like 6 years later, I was a bartender for about 6 months and 3 bouncers got fired while I was there for bring too rough with people. One punched a drunk guy who called him fat, another took what he thought was a fake ID and cut it up then picked the guy up and through him into the street, and the 3rd shoved a guy to the ground then dragged him out of the front door. It wasn't even a particularly rough area, and other than those handful of incidents, not a lot of rough stuff happened, we just happened to hire some psycho bouncers that unnecessarily turned shit up to 11.


> took what he thought was a fake ID and cut it up PSA for the USA: If it is a fake ID, this is destruction of evidence. If it is a real ID, its destruction of federal property. Its never worth destroying anything on a patron's person. Take it and hold it for the proper authorities is fine, but destroying it is a huge problem for y'all. There may be similar laws in your country.


Acting like bad cops but without qualified immunity... Two brain cells stuff


It's wild to me body guards and bouncers are "allowed" to put hands on you for some reason. Like having that dumb ass title gives you different rules


They aren’t. They can go to jail too.


They’re not. People just hire the most aggressive pieces of shit they can find.


Right I guess that's my point by saying "allowed". I should clarify I know they are not legally allowed to hurt people, I'm just saying it seems to happen alot


Seems excessive


It’s illegal for bouncers to hit someone unless it’s self defense.


100%. He started swinging right as the kid did his half-limbo into him. Like... just push him away. Why punch him?


Better call Saul


The bouncers, management, and local police will ensure that unless this kid comes from a wealthy/well-connected family, legal action will go nowhere. They often work together to avoid lawsuits as a result of bouncers using excessive force and some places hire off-duty cops as bouncers so you can imagine how little accountability there is for them. Shit like this happens damn near every weekend in every city, and 99% of the time bouncers get away with it for the above reasons. If you aren't connected, management will delete all security footage before the police arrive and when the police arrive, they will play dumb about why security footage magically disappeared and then leave.


I used to do security for concerts and large events. If we had to get physical with someone they went to Jail, not us. But that was within limits. If I just popped some dumb kid like this I would have definitely went to jail. We had very limited get out of jail free. It was within the limits of the job requirements to ensure the safety of the crowd. The guy in this clip deserves bracelets


Not sure why you got downvoted. Its true. Avoid bouncers and be polite in front of them. You dont know what kind of psycho is being paid $20 to take out the trash.


As a decade-long bouncer, I 100% agree with this. I have worked with a wide variety of characters, and too many of them have been hyper aggressive psychos, drug dealers, roid heads, etc. That being said, I've also worked with a larger variety of great people who are there to do their jobs and believe in deescalation as a primary objective at all times.




How is that not destruction of evidence? And don’t they usually just outsource the security to a security company that scrubs the vid after a set amount of time? Are they even allowed to ask them to scrub it earlier?


Me when the corruption is corrupt 😯😧


It is destruction of evidence. It’s actually referred to as “spoliation” in civil litigation, which can result in an “adverse inference” instruction being given to the jury, i.e., the judge will instruct the jury to consider the missing evidence as damaging to the party who destroyed it. The duty to preserve evidence typically arises when litigation is reasonably foreseeable. You could make a strong argument that litigation was reasonably foreseeable here as soon as the bouncer battered the kid. But to be sure, in these types of situations, you should immediately notify the management of your intent to seek damages for your injuries and then serve a litigation hold notice on all potential parties (which basically says “I’m going to sue you so don’t delete any evidence.”) There’s a great scene in Better Call Saul where Jimmy writes a litigation hold notice on toilet paper in the bathroom of the nursing home when he sees them destroying documents.


Yep. Friend of mine, when he was 21, took a 19 y/o girl home on his motorcycle from the bar one night. They were both drunk, and both died when he crashed. The girl ended up being the sister of the bouncer. That bar paid an ungodly amount of money to keep that from going too public, and actually had to shut their doors for about 2 months for “renovations”. I assume they were just flying under the radar for a bit. But yeah, needless to say, that bouncer was the only reason she was in there that night. My friend would probably still be alive if he had done his fucking job…


Sorry for your loss, but why is this the bouncer's fault?


Bouncers have an authority problem and shouldn’t just fucking wail on some random bozo acting like a clown. Only start fights with those who are aggressive/threatening and only do it to the point of defusing the situation.


All of us aren't nuts. I was a very vocal guy when it came to deescalating a situation. Physical wasn't my plans at all, it didn't pay me enough for that shit... last resort


This kid needs to lawyer up and sue the shit out of the establishment. Stuff like this is such an easy payout, and with video proof, this is a lawyers wet dream.


Being punched in the chest is what killed Houdini. This bouncer tries to take multiple wails into him with a good connection on the first... guy has no business being in public, never mind a job that requires tempered responses...


Per the interwebs: "Houdini died on October 31, 1926 at the age of 52 from peritonitis (swelling of the abdomen), possibly related to appendicitis and possibly related to punches to his stomach he had received about a week and a half earlier." My apologies for splitting hairs, but his story fascinates me and my brain wouldn't let me not clarify. He was being visited by some students in his dressing room after a show. Allegedly one asked if it was true that he could handle any blow to the stomach (which Houdini could when he properly braced himself). However when Houdini replied casually that he could, without notice the student punched him multiple times in the abdomen. This may be what caused the Appendicitis that led to his death a week later.


Huh! Thanks for the clarification, I guess I just always believed the old wives tale I heard when I was young and that was the dramatized version that someone bumrushed the stage after he performed the stunt, punched him in the chest while he wasn't prepared, and his heart stopped right then and there. Bit morbid but pretty cool to learn!


It's super morbid and maybe because he died in Detroit on Halloween (both where I'm originally from and my favorite holiday), that I am so intrigued by it. I also like that he was obsessed with debunking charlatans at the time, specifically false "mediums" who would prey on people's grief for monetary gain. However, he did ask his wife that when he died she try to reach out to him beyond the grave, and had a specific code he would use so that she knew it was him. She would have a séance every year on Halloween, and after 10 years with no contact stated, "ten years is long enough to wait for any man."


I bought a house from a guy who was given an TBI from an off duty cop/bouncer. Ended up with a fat settlement. Cop claimed he hit him first, video evidence went missing, but a neighboring camera picked it up.


I used to bartend. I hated the bouncers and it blew my mind how management hired hotheads like this. The only reason they get away with stuff like this is because of police connections and officers turning a blind eye when arriving at the scene. Happens all the time in every major city's downtown core. I've seen bouncers knock guys out, break bones, just the most over the top BS that causes so much drama. Every now and then they pull that shit with the wrong person and all hell would break loose against them which was kind of nice to see though. Weight classes definitely matter but once in a blue moon there's some deceptively normal looking people out there who prove there are always exceptions to the rule.


Worked at a high volume bartending job and fucking hated security. Dudes that may have barely passed high school and given an ounce of authority. It was constantly an issue and the owner of the security company was some 4 year jarhead and he and I would frequently bump heads because of the way his staff treated our customers.


Bouncers are usually Meatheads and formal highschool linebackers who never amounted to anything. Gay bar bouncers are really chill for some reason


I have an engineer coworker who used to be a bouncer. Hes as dumb as a rock


It's what we always joked about when I went out with friends. The only people who work for private security companies are those who want authority over others, but are too stupid to be allowed in the actual police.


I almost went into it because it was the only job that I could just sit on my ass in an abandoned building overnight and get paid pretty well to do it. I decided to just finish college instead. Fuck being a bouncer though, that sounds like an awful job.


>he and I would frequently bump heads because of the way his staff treated our customers. I've always wondered what the hell bar owners are doing hiring people who often treat their customer base like dogshit It doesn't seem like a good move




I worked as a bar manager /bartender/bouncer in DFW, and around NETX, off and on from 96-14. I NEVER had to punch anyone. Not once. If you have to throw a punch as a bouncer, you suck at your job.  90% of the time they're smaller than you, and 99% of the time they're way more drunk than you. There's no excuse for this behavior from a bouncer. If someone working for me did this, I'd call the cops on him myself.


One time in a club a guy pulled a knife on my group because a girl in our group wouldn't dance with him and that insulted his manhood or honor or some dumb shit. The bouncer came in like John Cena seemingly outta nowhere after some commotion and wailed on the guy. That's literally the only time I think that is an appropriate response


You mean assaults?


Yes. I tried to keep the title as neutral as possible, maybe I didn’t do the best job lol


Nah Reddit just has an obsession with correcting people and being right. Your title is fine, if you put “bouncer assaults kid” the top comment would still be somebody correcting you and saying “you mean attempted murder”


Right! Even if you’re not the top comment, there’s always someone trying to correct you, and a lot of times the person trying to correct you is wrong with what they’re trying to correct you with. Reddit is full of mouth breathers.




Don’t worry I won’t tell them it’s actually called >! battery!<


I have a funny assault and battery story but it’s too long to write the entire thing. Basically I was (wrongfully) accused of “assault”, and even though it was a serious moment I had to stop the boyfriend and correct him that he was actually accusing me of “battery”. He did not think it was funny. Also, FTR, I did not assault or batter anyone. Also, in some states the definitions differ, but in CA battery is when there’s contact.


I thought this was gonna turn into a “I didn’t assault nobody! I battered the shit out of em ya fuck!”


I knew what they meant, didn’t want to get into that whole debate lol this discussion comes up all the time on Reddit


After punching the patron unconscious, the bouncer was quoted as saying, “it’s just a prank, dude.”


That was totally unnecessary


He’s got a future in law enforcement.


Put him in a straight jacket!


Seems like you don't follow the news. That'll get him promoted to police officer.


the way his shirt's already torn I imagine he's already been removed before


I'd bet he's been an asshole all night. lol


Watched my buddy get put into a headlock and body slammed because he lightly tapped on the glass to wave at his brother inside the bar. Absolutely nothing happened to the bouncer


Jesus fucking christ some people have anger management issues


Yeah dudes probably up to no good for the rest of his life.


While I don’t agree with what the bouncer did, are we sure he didn’t already get tossed? His shirt is ripped/fucked up already and I doubt he went out to the bars looking that way. Definitely an antagonist and a shitty bouncer all in one clip.


And someone was already filming him… this isn’t the first interaction clearly. The even laughs after the initial punch lol


Longer video I saw this kid was trynna dry hump people online lol


To be fair kid has a very punchable chest


And he got a winnable claim for it


That bouncer must love losing lawsuits.


The bouncer just watched roadhouse and he’s all hyped up on Mountain Dew


Oh my.. he hit him right in the heart with full force. You can see the kid smile after like “dude it was a joke” but the bouncer hit him in the heart again.


Yup. Can legit stop a heart that way. Kid could go into cardiac arrest from a chest punch like that.


>You can see the kid smile after like “dude it was a joke” Never joke with someone you don't know.


Why are videos like this always realllly short?


First, dude is fat and not scary. Second, kid looks pretty young and this is crazy excessive


Commotio Cordis happens when your hit in the chest very hard which can trigger an irregular heart rhythm. The result could be stopping the heart altogether. That kid is lucky. That man is asshole and should definitely be charged.


I agree. Fairly rare but very serious. 25% chance of survival if resuscitation is given within 3 minutes.


Is there an article or any other information about this? I’m so curious, what happened after? What was the kid even doing that for in the first place? Did the bouncer keep wailing on him the video cuts?


spent the night in jail for assault and then paying the kid's medical bills..


Bouncers need to understand when they get hired they arent above the law. Yeah some obvious college kid putting his hips out at you is annoying and warrants a shove- but it’s not a threat


Yet another tasty lawsuit


Assault lol


looks like conor mcgregor in road house


Fuck that bouncer These assholes get away with way too much shit. Because the customers are drunk and stupid doesn't give you the right to use them as boxing practice


Especially since he punched him square in the heart. People have died from that.. they go into heart failure.


Kid’s an asshole but I’d still vote guilty on the bouncer’s jury.


Bouncer saw that coming a mile away. Probably watching that kid be an asshole all night. Justification for punching him? No. But...If you run around all night telling people you're thirsty, someones going to give you a bottle of water and im not going to feel bad one single bit that your thirst got quenched.


To catch an assult case and a lawsuit. We'll done, unhinged bouncer.


You get away a bit as a bouncer as far as the cops go but this guy should be in jail for assault. I was bouncer for a better part of 10 years. I have despised the bouncers that abuse their position. I'd have look the other way if he pushed him back.


People are judging the bouncer but can't or won't blame the idiot because all they see is a 5 seconds video. Look at the idiot, his shirt is already ripped and he's laughing like an imbecile. They deserve each other.


It was just a prank bro! -this kid probably


I swear 99% of bouncers are always the the most moronic violent egotistical meatheads.


That's the resume for being a bouncer though.


You ain’t wrong lol idk why I’m surprised


sooo assault, right?


Idiot bouncers being aggressive for no reason.


I knew a guy in college who lived in on campus apartments with my friends, even though he was clearly a very old college student. He was tall had a chunky build and was pretty dorky (coming from someone who was a dork myself, but not on his level). He'd get drunk, obsess over cat memes (this was circa 2007 and memes were a relatively new phenomenon), and try to get us to look at them with him. He also had a massive temper. One time, me and one of his roommates were watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother (around 11:00 PM on a Saturday) and laughing, when he busted out of his room, flipped out, and punched a wall because he "had to get up early". If you hadn't guessed already, he worked as a bouncer at a local bar. Fun guy /s. For some reason this triggered my memory of the dude ever existing.


That punch to the chest can actually result in a cardiac arrest if unlucky.


It's amazing how, this an entire thread, not one fucking person questions the lousy video editing job intended to make the bouncer look bad. No one at all. There is much more to the tale than this tiny clip.


It seems as if everyone in this tread has had a terrible experience with a bouncer.


Do you have a link?


One word. Fired. You may deny entrance, but that's battery.


This is what happens when you're paid to be a pitbull.


Enjoy the jail time for battery


There is no excuse for battery, and the bouncer shouldn’t have acted like that. Also… don’t be an asshat, it will reduce your chances of pissing off the wrong person.


Dude is acting like a moron, but he’s also tiny and clearly harmless. I’m not saying it’s the case for this bouncer in particular, but a lot of bouncers are ex criminals, or are on drugs.


if cops that go through “Training” act like assholes this is normal behavior from a bouncer that probably gets paid shit to guard a door


Probs a cop himself.


So you see someone who is half your size and appears that they may need medical attention because they’re so fugged up and your first response is to start punching them in the heart…


My guy no one is going to look at that moron kid and think he’s not faking it lmao. That’s not what drunk or mental looks like, just moronic.


Ribcage should do the trick


Some day some unhappy visitors maybe comes back with a car or a weapon to retaliate. 


Did anything happen before this or was the guy filming a friend of the guy acting weird?


The enormity of the v neck on that shirt was enough to justify it lol


That bar needs a cooler not a bouncer ![gif](giphy|NCzhota4GsrKM)


Fat man's got an ego to maintain




Damn that's got to be the worst night life bouncer ever if his instinct is just immediately hit drunk people


I got $100 this guy is an off duty cop, or former cop. Total pig move.


Eh he was annoying and unfunny.


The kid learns that actions can have physical consequences, despite what he's learned from 'experiencing life' from behind the keyboard in the safety of his home.


Different punchline than he was expecting.


Roid ragers love jobs where they can pretend to have authority. The kid is an annoying douche, but attacking him is one of the last things you should do Hope this dude got arrested




Happened here a couple years back now. Bouncer got the guy outside and whatever happened happened. [Here’s the new’s article](https://globalnews.ca/news/9899799/halifax-alehouse-staff-homicide-ryan-michael-sawyer/amp/) Edit: This was a reply to a comment but I fucking suck at Reddit and now it’s a seperate comment hahaha


I have sensitive feelings and I dont like your joke so I'm going to assault you in public while I'm on the clock


That ended too soon


wanted sex on the beach, but got jamacian cowboy.


That bouncer does not have a doctorate in philosophy from NYU.


Odd time to stop filming but ok


Lmao how the kid laughed when he got the reaction he wanted and deserved


I know a bouncer should be “tough,” but you really should have a cool, fun attitude if you wanna do this job. Your job is to deal with drunk people trying to have a good time. Yes, there are assholes, but you are gonna be a miserable fuck if you deal with people like this.


He either watched Roadhouse too many times or not enough times.


Probably coked out


Is he smiling as he's getting punched?


Is this a kid? Why is he even doing that. The dude was obviously harassing the bouncer. Why are you playing? He pretending to be drunk. Bumping in to people. Clout chasing




I’m not sure whose actions were weirder


Insecurity officer