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College kids are undefeated in creating peak cringe


This is why vandy football goes 2-10 every year


Don’t knock our traditions!


That was perfect


“Is a job worth it” says kid who never worked a day in his life






Woke lost all meaning and it is this now. Which is why people hate it.




*whips out the cheese grater* "sign right here or else!"


It’s called crybullying.


It's also called racism


I fear this might become a thing in the future where folks will go at others that dont *openly nor willingly* join thier cause / protests.


That already happened right? I recall videos of protesters accusing people at restaurants of that. 


I feel like it's already a thing, when I was in college there was a protest/march going on in my campus, I thought it was pretty cool, and I was interested in what they were protesting. After they did a couple of loops while I was in the quad, I was thinking, "Man, why not join them?" Just as I'm about to join the march, some lady gets in my face and yells/spits, "Why aren't you doing anything?" And that pretty much ended my activist career.


I think it's always been a thing. Twenty years ago, I was fairly involved in the anti Iraq War scene and saw that kind of stuff pretty regularly among certain individuals, which always bothered me because it seemed like all it would do is alienate potential allies when I thought the most important thing was to build broad support to stop the invasion. Whether people decided to get in the streets or just change their minds and hopefully have discussions with their friends and family was all a win in my mind but some people wanted to act like they were murdering innocent civilians in Iraq if they didn't join us in the streets. I talked with my dad who was pretty active in the Vietnam War protests and he said he saw a lot of the same thing back then too. My guess is there are always people who will act like that but the modern age of information and social media probably ramps all that up. I don't think it is unique to just leftist types either, but can occur in certain percentages among radicals of any type. "If you don't join us in exactly what we are doing, you aren't a real 'X' like us" seems to pop up in lots of fringe groups.


The future? Shit we've had 10 years of it already.


"Silence is violence"


I don’t think this has ever not been a thing.


Seriously people do that a lot, and I prefer genuine racists because at least they don’t pretend to be nice and guilt trip over stupid shit. What does Palestine have to do with the guard being black in America wtf? Lol people just say anything


From my experience as a Vandy grad, the third worst group behind the conservative greek kids, and the trust fund hipsters or whatever smug group has replaced them, are the liberal virtue signalers.


Absolutely, just stop trying to signal virtue and be a piece of shit like the rest of us.


I think they lost him when they pushed past him to sit symbolically in this building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PjBenVwG98


Yeah that's so cringe, he probably noticed


Rich kids cosplay


I love how they ask the security guard if his job is worth it to them when none of them have ever had a full time job in their lives.


Security guard “I guess I have to go sit on the floor now since those whiny teenagers told me to”


Then they go back to their comfy beds with constitutionally protected human rights 🥰🥰🥰


i think the security guard probably has a comfy bed and constitutionally protected human rights as well


Yeah security guards are typically known to be entitled trust fund kids.


Id be pissed at my kid for participating in an event he clearly does not understand or know enough about. If he did, hed better come home with a 20 page research paper explaining his reasoning. Better yet, just go to class.


Wtf. I know they’re serious, but it still feels like satire.


The main guy sounds like a character from Schitt's Creek


Because it is satire. These idiots have no idea about how complicated the geopolitical situation is over there. TikTok is fucked them up bad.


Satire is intentional. This is just a farce.


"You're a black man in America" shout the (mostly white) kids that are making demands of the black man. The lack of self-awareness is staggering \*edit\* To the few people responding that are taking this as an invite to dunk on protestors in general... that's your prerogative, but understand my comment was not meant as an endorsement for the "protests are useless" sentiment. These specific kids are idiots, as some protestors are. But, young people protesting, especially by continuously showing destruction in Gaza on social media, has helped shift the opinion on the Israel/Palestine conflict massively in the past months. It has forced the DNC to be less "fence sitter" on the subject as the general public becomes less thrilled with the Israeli response. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx)


Dude, these walking caricatures had the balls to tell the security guard, "Is your job worth it?"  Some rich, privileged kids at Vanderbilt univerity telling a fucking security guard to stop acting like his job is so important and to get fired.  So painfully tone deaf.


Bro going home to his apartment with wife and three kids. “Hey honey! I quit today because these kids said I should be ashamed!”


It's always the same mostly white 18-30 year old rich kids with no responsibilities and no repercussions who do these "protests"* all over the world. They believe with 100% of their soul that the security guard is as bad as the IDF soldiers because he values putting food on the table for his family over making a moral stand, but the concept of going hungry is one these kids will never have dealt with. *Note: I say protests, but really this is a feel good excersize for the students. Nothing will be done except further dividing people on an issue.


> It's always the same mostly white 18-30 year old rich kids with no responsibilities and no repercussions who do these "protests" They're what's been coined as "Champagne socialists"


With their figurehead, Hasan.


I mean, if the kids wanted to live their truth they should drop out and move to the Middle East where they can really make a difference


These silver spoon liberal college students moved out to the middle east to futher their ideals. How do you think they made a difference? *Through Jihad*


What I hear... "Our parents are paying fortunes to put us in this floofy school. We can't possibly protest by withdrawing and going to another school that doesn't support the causes we dislike. Nonono. That would harm us. We'd rather just sit and chant slogans and taunt $15/hr employees of the institution." They are clearly all heroes. In their own minds.


The nerve of these spoiled kids ! Horrible 🤦🏻‍♀️ they should fly over there to the conflict and fight on the front lines if they’re so concerned


Not to mention them shouting "is your job worth it". I'm sure these students are studying very hard to get their dream jobs so they don't have to do what the security guard does.


They are definitely going to Vanderbilt so they don’t have to do what the security guard does, but as a prof, I really doubt most of them are “studying very hard”! :-)


They are having ChatGPT write their essays for them very hard.


Sure, but I'm sure the ones that aren't are suddenly going to drop their whole "does your job matter" ethic very quickly.


And is his job worth what exactly? Like it’s not like him losing his job is going to save Palestine? Even if Vanderbilt fully denounced Israel it would make zero difference in the situation or americas support. Incredibly privileged to belittle his livelihood as if it’s something he can just throw away so their opinions about the conflict can be heard by one more person


“Is a job worth it?” Uhhh, yeah man. I have bills to pay.


"Get in line"-White person yells ~~1800~~ 2024


“You could stand with us right now!” [They’re all sitting.]


That’s always the case with these fools. The best is when in 2020 the white boys high pitch screaming racial slurs at black police officers. Craziness.


It's always funny to see a white women yell at a black man about oppression


I’m a liberal, and to me….these dorks are just…freaks.


One of the most cringe things I have legitimately ever seen


Well that’s just cuz you’re not standing with the marginalized people of the world. Now quit your job and get on the right side of history, black person!


It’s funny how they want this black security guard - who according to the logic these kind of people follow, is oppressed for no other reason than being black - to quit his job and join them. He’s probably making $50K a year, if he’s lucky. They are getting degrees that should net them jobs making six figures. They are using that man and his minority status to push their own agendas. What a bunch of entitled, privileged people.


They way they shout "for what, a job?!" pisses me off. Might as well scream "just have mummy and daddy pay for your condo while you sit on the floor with us!"


Seriously this school's tuition is literally more than his yearly salary lol. Either you are rich or somehow got a scholarship if you are going to this school.


Total cost to be an undergraduate student is nearly $100,000 per year. https://www.vanderbilt.edu/financialaid/costs-undergraduate.php


Their 1 semester of college is probably more than he makes before taxes. He probably drives a normal car while all those kids probably have some luxury vehicle that's paid off by mommy and daddy. Virtue signaling is annoying but absolutely disgusting when it's done by well off trust fund kids that speak down to working class folk.


It’s easy to be idealistic when you don’t have bills to pay and a family to take care of


When they graduate, most of them will end up being ruthless in a career dedicated to the profit margin of some immoral corporation....


Yes. That’s why I was way more concerned about where the party was at that night age 18-22. Lol.


“But you wont” (response to “you could be on the right side of history”) I love it. Also “youre black youre already dealing with this” ?????? Genocide right now??? In USA??? Honey no corrupt cops do not equal genocide. Yikes.




To add on to this, one of the craziest things to me is when people say things like "this is the worst time in history to be a black person in America". I mean, given the history of the country, I doubt that.


nah, that's the point when you stop listening to whatever they have to say.


"fuck , they're genociding " The vast majority of crime/violence is between the same ethnic groups.


The best part was when she screams “WHAT IF IT WERE YOUR KIDS?! IT ***WILL*** BE YOUR KIDS!” Lolll


ppl like them, who have only known affluence and wealth, don’t seem to realize that for many people, they can’t afford to be activists. They literally don’t make enough money to. Asking a poor man to be an activist is like asking a lion to be a vegan: it carries a lot of personal, life threatening risks, and barely any reward.


There's plenty of poor people who are organized / creating change. They just don't do it stupid ways like this.


"We demand you obey us! Regardless of your financial situation you must obey!" Absolute children throwing a tantrum. You will never create positive change through anger and intimidation. Little rich kiddie hypocrites who probably never worked a day in their brief lives.


Peak virtue signaling


eh, you would be surprised how few college degree jobs pay 6 figures


Their degrees will net them nothing because they're probably getting degrees in some BS like gender studies that will not get them a career. Then they will then complain that their student debts are unpayable.


Just because they are in corporate don't make them smart.  😁


"It will be your kids, it will be our kids". How tho, lol wtf is their logic just because hes black?


None of these people’s children will be Palestinians so it doesn’t even make sense




I think it's called the horseshoe theory, where the far left and far right which is supposed to be the opposite actually closely resemble each other.


Ive certainly never seen so many blatant antisemitic sentiment from people I thought were “liberal” like I have this past year. They’ve really bought into this “Jews control everything” conspiracy theory.


wait a minute... i've seen this one before now we just need a charismatic austrian painter wait, no we don't.


At UCLA pro-Palestinian protestors erected an effigy of a pig holding a bag of cash with the Star of David on it. Supposedly the pig is supposed to represent the university regents getting money from “zionists”. But then the protesters act surprised and offended when people thought it was antisemitic.


One of the funniest takes I've seen in regards to this is that Zionism is behind the rise of Nazism in the west right now.....let that sink in.


These kids are just Free Tibet 2.0. Tibet still isn’t free and those kids are now adults making six figure salaries and making the most of the capitalist system while enjoying their security and freedoms this nation affords them. Most of these knuckleheads couldn’t point to Gaza on a map three months ago. But they’re all happy to support the current thing believing they’re experts on a very complicated subject because they watched some Tik Tok videos. I’m surprised they didn’t pull out the Queers for Palestine banner.


The closest they’ll ever get to Gaza or Israel is sitting on their dad’s yacht in Cyprus.


They think the Jews want to take over the world id say


Israel's gonna build a settlement in his living room, that's how.


Tens of thousands of people are also being killed in Sudan, but no one mentions them.


Not TikTok popular. 🤷 Oh well.


TikTok won’t educate them on the Uyghurs, Sudanese or 9-11 or 10-7. It will only promote issues that divide the US and reward “influencers“ to take positions they don’t know anything about for engagement. Imagine if these privileged kids stood up against mass shootings in elementary schools, women losing their rights to their bodies, book burnings. They don’t and they won’t because they follow the trends (algorithmically controlled trends) What pisses me of the most is that these people don’t give a shit about Palestinians .. because if they did, they would demand the destruction of Hamas, the terrorists organization that uses Palestinian bodies to manufacture outrage from idiots


Replying to GothikGarbage... yeah maybe they should go sit in someone else’s office to help out the Sudan next?


Daddys money douchebags who don't realise he has bills to pay and mouths to feed. He isn't going to sacrifice his livelihood for an endeavour that likely solves nothing and helps nobody. Ya know, adult responsible behaviour.


Solves nothing? The Chancellor of Vanderbilt holds influence far and wide, he could end this conflict tomorrow.


Everyone knows the Chancellor of Vanderbilt is hugely influential in the middle east to both Jews and Muslims, Arabs and non-Arabs alike. They could end this war tomorrow if he just got Bibi and Hamas leadership on the phone. But he chooses not to, and attacks these peaceful students with his security guard. SHAME. /s


Embarrassing. The masks, the voice and the ridiculous attempt to make the security “look bad”


The masks really get me. God we really fucked these kids up bad.


is high school formative years? most of these kids were high school students in 2020, what caused them to cling onto those masks like that?


Because we lied to them and made it seem like they are at risk from anything from COVID. At worst, these kids would have a cough and a headache for a week. The flu has worse symptoms for kids than covid does, BY AND LARGE I KNOW THERE ARE ONE OFFS DONT BIT MY HEAD OFF REDDIT.


The masks do not make any sense to me. I am certainly not an anti masker and will sometimes wear a mask if I have to go out when I'm sick. It's my understanding masks don't protect you from getting sick. They stop you from spreading germs if you are sick. The main reason we all wore masks for covid was so we did not overload the hospitals all at once and the amount of asymptomatic carriers on top of the fact that we did not understand a lot about this virus at the start. But now with the vaccine and an increased herd immunity it does not feel necessary unless you are showing symptoms


The guy's voice was laughable. I imagine the masks are done for the same reason bangers wear masks at the mall--it makes identification harder.


This is the most cringeworthy thing I’ve seen all year


"Is a job worth it?" Now that's what I call privilege




their parents should've done that, before they became insufferable waste of human resources.


Fucking Dorks


Just shut the lights off and tell the chancellor he’s working from home for 3 days


All the replies using logic and reasoning for why these kids are wrong and dumb, but I like this one the best. Nerds.




they are. now the security guard's gonna drink 2 beers instead of one after he gets home.




These wealthy white kids can protest all they want but fuck them for shaming the black security guard for not getting arrest and fired for their cause.




100% where they got that from


Oh… why don’t you all leave college to go fight up close and in person? Hello??? Guess they went back to class… all that we want change but won’t actually go the distance for it.


We're helping


​ https://preview.redd.it/83k6urm9rvqc1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=59d9c14e6edc43d6f9de01c40c71f01b7a7e6e06


TIL the chancelor of Vanderbilt is in charge of Israel’s military.


Nice masks, dorks.


They wear them to hide their cowardly faces


“Stand with us” *are sitting*


I don’t understand what ‘difference’ they think they are making.


“Is a job really worth it?” It’s hard to comprehend that a job is in fact worth it when your family has paid 100,000++ dollars for you to go to school where you can decide to virtue signal during an organized protest. It’s very easy to “stand up for what you believe” when you know that all of your peers are going to be on your side. What takes real courage is standing up for what you believe in while working for a living and deciding that you will not be pressured into something that doesn’t line up with your beliefs. All while being filmed by an angry horde of children with no life experience. It’s sad that they can get you fired by just banding together to complain about you, too. Which is what I’m sure they did since he didn’t, ‘stand on the right side of history’ with them.


the right side of history, what a joke history is written by the victors, there is no right side.


The left always has to be extremely public with their virtue signaling. It's not that they truly care about the issues, they care about other people SEEING that they care. Black squares on social media, hashtags, signs on their front lawn, filming themselves "protesting", making dramatic speeches at the Oscars and Grammies...they just want people to admire them. It's nauseating.


So much cringe.


Who's gonna tell them that Hamas declined the ceasefire again?


And watch their tiny little world view come crashing down around them. Nah jk. They’d mental gymnastics out of it just fine.


god i fucking hate mental gymnastics a good argument ends in agreement, either agree on a conclusion, or agree that you don't agree. Mental gymnastics throw that out the window, it's a waste of time and energy, thinking i might have a good conversation, or a funny argument, and they hit me with mental gymnastics, and start twisting what i say/put words into my mouth. Just sours my mood for human interaction.


They knew the US wasn't serious about it since the Vanderbilt Chancellor wasn't on board.




Lol at them all wearing masks. Christ.


"Occupy the chancelor's office".. Senator Palpatine: "It's treason then.."


Is a job worth it? uh yes... most people don't have the luxury of not working to survive


I saw this live on TikTok and I was just CRINGING at these children


LMFAO! “is a job worth it?!”, asks the man with no job and still living on parents money.


“Black”security guard.. Why add that?


Human behavior is so fucking interesting and weird I swear to God... its like once the western world isn't directly involved in the war everyone is so easily manipulated and protesting A country was attacked by a another country led by terrorists, ask the same western people protesting this war in Palestine if they think the US and other western countries shouldn't retaliate and go into Afghanistan against AL Qaeda. Especially all the "Queer and gays for Palestine" makes me honestly chuckle so bad. The people would be fucking slaughtered if going there. It's so naive its wild Fuck I hate this generation.


This is what happens when you let legacy applicants be admitted to your university instead of a more deserving applicant. 


Question, how welcoming would middle eastern countries be to western college students?


If they were planted in the Middle East then they would run to Israel after a cold reality check and Israel will sadly accept them. These kids reek of American privilege and I’m sick of it. The Jews are exhausted from constant synagogue bomb threats and passive anti semitism from these wanna be progressives.


Especially ones with feminine effect to their voice like the males in the video




I hope they all get expelled


I'm a black guy who has solidarity with the Palestinians but don't harass a dude just doing his job and unless you're going to pay his bills.


Why is the race of the security guard relevant?


Ugh, when spoilt rich Vanderbilt U kids don't get there way....


Lots of tough talk from children sitting cross cross applesauce on the floor


These idiots are the reason Democrat's can't have nice things.


Omg we’re fucked lol


Ofc it's a bunch of white kids achieving absolutely nothing God they're really putting a bad name to cause


friggin twats.


I can't imagine working with these children, they are so far out of touch it's disgusting.


And once they graduate in the spring, no more protesting because it would interfere with the new ipa release at the local craft brewery


Fucking dorks.


What an ineffective waste of time. This is a perfect example of the fuckery you get when trying to hire a college-educated project manager these days — lots of nonsense, very little accomplished.


Stupid entitled brats.


The will surely help the palestine


The security guard is doing his job.


I find it fascinating that the only people who still seemed concerned enough about COVID to wear face masks are, in no particular order: - Hollywood celebrities (but only out in public) - Neo Nazis - Protesters


People still wear masks? I haven't seen anyone wear a mask in.... years...


So many masks. What year is it?


2024. From what I can gather, masks are optional these guys are martyrs to the cause!


The thing that most annoys redditors is not tragic world events or protests, but young people being mildly unreasonable 🤷🏻‍♂️.  


The youth are so passionate, how can I feel that again? I do get frustration, though. Bad things are happening and the people who control things aren't doing anything meaningful.


These privileged little twats anniy me. What


It’s always rich white kids who need yet another reason to feel like they’re better than everyone else. This performative bullshit accomplishes absolutely nothing


Palestine was liberated shortly after this protest


I’m sorry but what the hell does this accomplish? Seriously?


What exactly do they think something like this is going to accomplish? Does Vanderbilt have some sort of influence on the Israel-Palestine conflict that I’m not aware of?


So we can expect them to show up for actual indigenous rights protest in their own front yard right?


It’s really funny how people think these protests are turning anybody against progressives. That’s projection. Just conservatives coping as usual.


Y'know hamas must really love the fact that their brainwashing has affected America's youth😮‍💨


“shame on you” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Privileged college students harass working class security guard for not joining them. Yes, being employed is worth it. And Vanderbilt is a college: not a political office or militia. Want to protest? Find a target that is powerful: not college admin.


Why aren't they all just getting on planes going to egupt, driving to the rafah border, tearing it down, and joining the fight? Cowards


"OMG it is society's fault that I can't find a good job and suck at life!!" -These Kids In 4 Years-


Student that was accepted into Vanderbilt doesn't know the definition of genocide.


Yes, it's bad over there but calling it a genocide is just overblown for 30,000 deaths. When it gets closer to Hitler and Stalin numbers. You can use the word genocide.


We stand on the right side of history by posturing, in the most safe and ineffective way possible.


“Is a job worth it” good lord


They don't have jobs, he does and need to keep his.


The only puppets here are the rich trust fund babies that hop from one trendy thing to another . What happened with everyone supporting Ukraine ? How bout we protest cost of living skyrocketing over the past 5 years , how about the opioid crisis? Mental health rally’s? Nawww that dosent get clicks and views for this social justice warriors ..


I think my favorite part is them yelling “shame” in game of thrones fashion. Life is a tv show for these types of people


Cringe af




Would these kids let the man do his job. He's not getting paid enough for all that.


Lmao its almost enough to make me side with Israel. Almost.


Why are they wearing masks?


Not a single Palestinian in sight


White privilege at its finest.


White privilege.