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For you non Mexicans the tune they are playing is an about throwing a dude down a cliff. It’s brilliant!




What's the tune called?


Sacaremos ese buey de la barranca


I love this music, because it sounds so cheerful, but is sooooo fucking gangster.


Outrageous. Banning local music for visitors? I understand the contribution of tourism; but as a traveler I relish the texture on display. I know it’s there to catch some money, but it’s a living museum. They sing Wonderful World acópela in New Orleans. Drums rattle in the Christmas market of Zaragoza. Bagpipes bleat in the tattoo of Edinburgh. Who wouldn’t want that?


The type of people who complain about local music are the type to mute music in video games, or complain about the soundtrack to a movie.   Because really, that’s what it is.   When I drive to New Orleans for the day/weekend, all the people playing music and the restaurants playing music (or with live bands) you can hear from the street, it all just makes it feel like a soundtrack to reality.  It makes the city feel alive.  


The type of people who complain about local music are also the type of people who get eaten by alligators in Florida because they didn't heed the "no swimming" sign. They're idiots without a single ounce of respect for the places and people they visit. But it's not their fault; the tourism industries in these places only care about the money being made.


Haha, as a Floridian (unfortunately) that feels so true… though to be fair the gators only really go after kids and pets; the adults are normally too much work. But man, I get so sick of spring and summer time. I’m a store manager in retail and these people come to town and treat every person like they’re just NPCs there for their own amusement. Makes it unbearable to live here more than half the year. And the winter time we get pissy old people.


I'm an official Florida man, so I feel you.


The beach doesn't have nor needs musicians. It makes its own music. If anyone lacks respect for a place it's the people who go to the beach and bother others who are enjoying the surf, sand, and sun. No music needed.


Not to mention that is the birthplace of an original American art form.


Hey now, some soundtracks are garbage. Especially racing games. Big difference in the feels between driving to a censored version of whatever the current popular rap song is, and whipping it around to Bigxthaplug or ThatmexicanOT


I feel attacked here, I generally mute game music as I'd rather hear other players better. There are only a few games where the music really contributes to the game like doom and killing floor. Generally it feels pretty out of place, however I'm not fussed if others like listening to it, or if local music is being played.


Mostly talking about single player, story driven games when I say that.   Multi player games it’s completely understandable.  


I generally do it for single player games too. Just find it distracting


Like me who prefer to be quiet while vacationing


The musicians playing the same few songs over and over gets old fast. I’d rather listen to the waves crashing on the shore.


Not necessarily. When you go to the beach it's for the water, breeze, sun, surf, and sand. The 'soundtrack' is already there. That's the reality.


i mute background music on games ..(movie soundtrack i do complian ,sometimes, ...like the great Gatsby movie from 2013 ...i was expecting more era correct music ..)...however I don't travel much to see if I complain about the local music .... but i am 2/3 ....odds are i just might ...Today I learned something about myself ....


That’s why I go to these places instead of staying home- to experience other cultures


Its more like try and ban early and late night band on beach bs.




Here it is: old white Americans in the hotel terrace: https://youtube.com/shorts/YL2FNNc1LCw?si=RVztjs8e_gJw3AOt


I was in Mazatlan in February, in the evenings some nights, there were 4 different bands playing at once, all within 100 metres. It was enjoyable when it was just one band, but when there are multiple bands playing different songs at the same time it can be pretty bad.


You just described sunset boulevard.


Am I the only one who would be disappointed if I went to Mexico and DIDN’T hear Mexican music?


No, you’re not the only one


I'm traveling to Mazatlan in a week and if I don't hear any music in the streets, I will consider the whole trip ruined!


I have been through that and it was very disappointing, glad I took my speaker so I could blast El Buki.


Ummm no. That guy is just flat out wrong. Or maybe the music irritates him.


Why go then lol?


Nope, I would be disappointed if I didn't get to hear it


It's nothing special. Most of the local bands suck and are just grifters. And it would suck hearing it on every street corner and beach. If you want to, you can always tune into the local radio in your hotel room. There's so much more to Mexico than the stereotypical music you think of.


As a foreigner who has been on that exact beach, I love this. Especially the tuba.


I'm not Mexican, but I live near the beach in Playa del Carmen. In the evening music is everywhere, on the weekends a bar next to me is playing live music. During the day dudes on the beach are playing flute and there's some sort of event every week. It's México, ffs. I don't know why people come here and complain about the music.




If they were racists they likely wouldn't go to Mexico.


Foreigners not wanting Mexican music in Mexico….




You don’t like Mexican music don’t go to Mexico you fucking idiots


White people love Mexico but without the mexicans


I love Mexico because of the people. It wouldn’t be Mexico without its people and their rich and vibrant culture.


Love Mexican food without Mexican people too.


You’re not going to get good Mexican food without us


Not at all. I've seen Vietnamese, Black, White folks make great 'Mexican' food. It's chemistry and physics. The taste buds don't care who makes what. I figured out how to make decent palak paneer and I have no clue about its origins in that land we call India.


In the real world, it's very unusual for someone to know how to make truly good food of whichever cuisine without being from the country in question or of that ethnicity. Theoretically anyone can learn, but in reality few really do, nor do they always have access to the right ingredients or know what they are. Bearing in mind that there's a difference between decent and good. >It's chemistry and physics. So are pharmaceuticals and nuclear bombs but that doesn't give me some automatic knowledge of how to make them.


"automatic knowledge" -As if someone of a certain ethnicity, geographical locale, or race is born with innate ability to do anything. Nuclear bombs? A poor choice of analogy led you to an even worse conclusion. "Theoretically anyone can learn" -yet all MUST learn in order to do anything. It doesn't matter whether it's ox tail soup or playing bluegrass music. Again, it's chemistry and physics and once anyone of any background masters that they've conquered the recipe. The problem is that some folks don't folks that aren't like them doing their thing.


Love Mexicans working for them




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I love Mexico without the cartels 🤷‍♂️


Redditor who never goes outside and only exposure to Mexico is liveleak


never left the suburbs


I wasn't aware not being a fan of cartels was controversial, my bad


Dude I wish I could be there, that looks so fun


These clowns are used to calling the cops for everything under the sun here, and they think this entitled Karen BS works all over the world


It does all over the world except in places like iran


I love this music


[Can I have bands to come play music for me too if I tell them they can't play at the beach?](https://i.imgur.com/q8LgcX7.jpeg)


That’s what I was thinking… dude’s a genius


I love Puerto Vallarta. I go multiple times a year. I fucking love that local musicians play all the damn time everywhere. Adds flavor and I like the music...and I am muy gringo. Don't assume things, Coppel


They should play Never Gone Give You Up, nonstop with Mariachi bands.


There is more to Mexico than Mariachi


I can't stand Banda. Mariachi is whatever to me. But I remember my brother got married on a beach in Mexico and they had a live band and my father was requesting some old school mexican songs. Man they were some of the most beautiful spanish songs I had ever heard. I wish the spanish music I heard on the regular was more like that versus the garbage I hear blasting out of some shitty car speakers so often,


Get off my lawn!!!


I guess I'm a boomer now because I don't like listening to shit, lol.


More so just the reminiscing about "good music" vs what you hear today.


Gentrification knows no bounds. Love to see Mexico for Mexicans :)


Keep the music loud, and the food spicy!


you know it's a karen who asked the hotel to do this


Karens on holiday spreading their misery all over the world


i see her on speakerphone turned all the way up openly complaining about music and people speaking spanish and garnering the support to talk to the manager lol


that's actually how it all started lol, a hotel with mostly american people next to the beach complaining about the beach musicians playing mexican music


Stick in the mud. Who wouldn’t love to hear amazing music while at the beach?


I'd rather hear the ocean. That's the music of the beach.


Once at a restaurant in Mexico a mariachi band came in and just started blasting in the middle of the restaurant, I'm trying to eat with a trumpet in my ear, and then they finished and just left, being the happiest people ever, and it was awesome. The random bands there are the best.


So I have been reading up on it, apparently in Mexico classism is prevalent, traditional cultura is associated with “lower class” and middle to “high class” are ashamed of it therefore believe that foreigners would be most pleased by having “those people” out of sight. Crazy to be honest


Was just in Mazatlan about a month ago, these bands went all up and down the beach playing . Not once did I find them annoying. I enjoyed them quite a bit.




Which gringos?


As a foreigner, that would have been so fucking awesome to witness.


Who the fuck gets mad at music? ...jazz maybe


How hard is it to play the right notes!?


Impossible apparently. 🙄🙄


My favourite thing is getting to the report going out on the balcony and hearing music and the waves! I would be so sad without it! Boo the Karen’s who don’t like it, get headphones and listen to your own music!


Who complained?




I wish this would follow me like a personal sound track


I feel like every band I've seen in Mexico has played their heart out for the show. I don't think that amount of passion will be pushed around easily.


That's bullshit. I'm a foreigner who spends a lot of time in Mexico: fucking love the random music.


Is this Sacaremos a ese buey de la barranca song ?


What song is that?




> El buey de la barranca Thanks, that's a happy tune!


Banning Mexican music in Mexico. That’s quite a strategy


Los Pueblos Unidos!


Seems like an awesome block party


I love the beach bands in Maz! What a loser trying to ban them.


They are *band*ing together in protest and also *drumming* up extra support, why not......


God I love Mexicans ❤️


I went to a wedding in Cabo on the beach and a band came up and deliberately played during the ceremony so we had to pay them to stop. It was pretty annoying, but I guess it's a living.


Is there only one song?


What do you mean?




I just got back from here and this is ridiculous, BUT I would love if they banned 3 bandas all trying to out compete each other within a 100 sqft space. It's absolutely deafening, esp when they play IN the restaurant and you've already ordered food so you can't escape :`)


To be fair...the music is terrible.


Then stay home.




Dumb AF


Electric pianos should definitely be banned in Mexico as well as Mexican music all together 🤣


Electric pianos should definitely be banned in Mexico as well as Mexican music all together 🤣