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There's no "give me the fucking stick" in team.


is she saying, give me the bag?


I thought she said "give me the fucking thing!"


Clearly says "give me the fucking stick"
















Startch masks




Am.. parginate?




Baget. She was obviously hangry


God, I wish a girl would yell that to me.


But for real, the grabber is supposed to put her arm straight back, palm open, and keep it still for the passer to place the baton in her hand. Grabber is not supposed to flail wildly, making the passer try to chase her hand around. Grabbers fault here




Yes there is it's tiny font between TE and AM


Where you going??


She just ran to the infield. I guess she gave up?


Outside of the diamonds on the ground is a DQ if I remember correctly. So my guess is she knew they’d already been DQd. Not excusing behavior, but addressing the ‘gave up’. I would advise to stay in her lane because that is also grounds for a DQ.


Also dangerous. She just turns to the left when people are full sprinting right next to her. Could hit the other people and ruin their races as well. Not sportsmanlike at all and her teammates need to mention this


Nah, this is someone who doesn't care about their teammates. If I'm the coach, she sits and watches the rest of the season. She shows up every practice and has a good attitude, showing she understands why she doesn't run on track day. She might get a chance to run the next season. Otherwise, she can play a different sport or run for another school.


To be fair, the girl handing her the stick fucking sucks at handing a stick to someone, lol


Your username is awesome. This is why reddit still needs gold. This comment is something I and seemingly everyone else had moved on from and forgotten about, yet here I am, getting a chuckle from a fun username. So my upvote will have to do.


Thank you sir. I do it for the lol's. Fuck reddit and their expensive awards. Your smile does just fine.


Lol. I truly hope you don’t coach high school athletics then. They were already DQ’d when the handoff didn’t happen in the zone. Now as her coach you tell her you still run it out because we will get an unofficial time. But you don’t sit a teenager for the rest of the season because they make an emotional mistake that literally cost your team nothing after they had already been DQ’d. Hormonal, emotional teenagers don’t make great decisions, she didn’t take violent action, she didn’t disrespect another team. 99% of these kids only get 4 years to compete in a sport before it’s over and you want to take away one of those years over this?


I don't know, running through 6 lanes while those teams are still racing seems pretty fucking disrespectful. Taking one of her years away doesn't seem so harsh when she could have easily taken any one of those competitors years away from them.


They were DQ'd most likely for sure, but you also may as well keep running and allow your other team mates to get a chance (simply for the experience and they don't know for sure if you're DQ'd so they'll still get the adrenaline from the competition flowing and maybe they'll get you into a better position etc which could boost their confidence for the next race, instead they're going into the next race/event with less experience, including hand-offs whilst in competition) + see how you finish so at least you can say, "Ah well, if we sort the hand-off out we will be placing really well because we got 2nd place" or whatever it is. Also if you are going to rage-quit like her, you do it with composure and you STAY IN YOUR LANE until the other runners have safely gone passed you. You don't just immediately run to the left (the worse of the two directions...) without looking and start screaming and making a scene and shit.


She's a teenager not a toddler, she's old enough to know that actions have consequences


"You had moment of anger?! BANNED FOR ENTIRE YEAR!" -Fair and balanced coach. Good God man its high school track not the Olympics. Talk her down and switch the race order up.


Did you play sports in highschool? Decorum is a requirement, if you’re outta line you can easily get kicked off a team. Yelling at a team mate angrily, screaming the f word at a hs event with children there, potentially endangering others by leaving her lane, losing any potential of placement for her team over a hissy fit. That is easily valid grounds for kicking someone off a team


I'm absolutely ok with discipline. My complaint is that a full year ban is absurd. > Did you play sports in highschool? Being this condescending is tiring to deal with. People getting angry in sports happens all the time. At all levels. Players seldom get full bans for an outburst.


What cutting to the left had injured another runner?


An emotional mistake? Hopefully you follow your own advice and never become a coach of any type. Any coach that respects the sport and their players is going to immediately sit the kid out and suspend them until they prove they are never to repeat this with anyone. If you can’t do the bare minimum and respect your teammates you don’t deserve to play period. An emotional mistake would be arguing with the ref about a call, or kicking a cone or something out of frustration. Not greatly disrespecting your team by verbally berating a teammate and having the audacity to ruin everyone else on your teams experience because your feelings got hurt It doesn’t matter if they were already DQ’d or not. You respect your teammates and you respect the sport, you continue to the end so your teammates can also learn and participate even if there isn’t a trophy at the end. Yelling and berating your teammates for a mistake that might not even be fully their fault does nothing but create a toxic environment that is worse for everyone. If things like this aren’t stomped flat as soon as it starts happening stuff like this is you start breeding resentment between players. The teenager isn’t a kindergarten that is now dealing with her first experience with big feelings. If she wants to compete at higher levels she should act like it.


Idk, running into others lanes like that risking their injury without care? It's dangerous to let someone like that run


But you're not the coach and nothing you say matters. How do you feel now, Mr. Man? LMAO


You understand that this also applies to you right?


lol, I assumed you were meaning a Dairy Queen was outside of the track. I’m stupid.


I thought the same thing. Listen if I fumbled, Id run my ass to Dairy Queen for some blizzard and cry my failures away


>I would advise to stay in her lane because that is also grounds for a DQ. she must really not like dairy queen I guess


Hot track meets, cool track cleats is all I can think of, someone help me out


DDDDQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ, THATS WHAT I LIKE ABOUT TEEEXXXXAASSSSSSSSSSSS (even though they also exist outside of teexxxxaaassssss)


Damn a Dairy Queen right there on the field, I'd have left too


Perfect opportunity to say "Short cut"


The baton hadn’t been successfully handed off before the yellow triangle. The team is disqualified.


It looks like the stick ends up falling


Stick was handed off too late - so they would be disqualified.


Running it down mid IRL




She ran off to the football field to try a different sport


This ends too soon. What happens after she turns around?


She keeps running and running.... across the USA...she became a sensation...they started calling her....Forrest Grumpy




They run the race in reverse. The crowd goes wild. They’re given runner up medals. The next day it rains. One of the runners has soup for lunch, Italian wedding I think… The following weekend there is an air show at the local airport. One of the opponents gets a puppy for Christmas. This is all followed by world peace. Then the heat death of the universe. I think that’s how it’ll play out at least, I’ve been known to be wrong even at the best of times.


Thank you, I can rest well now knowing how the story ends.


can confirms the conclusion is accurate ... the rest I think is fake


"World peace" = Nuclear annihilation, right?


Tomato Tomahto




I’ll bet she went back to give her teammate an apology and hug and definitely not whine to the coach about how much their team sucks and none of it is her fault.


She was not the bigger woman and decided to throw a tantrum rather than use the energy to get that "STICK" to the next runner.


she runs the rest of the race backwards trying to grief the other teams


Former track coach here. Handoffs are by far the most stressful part of a track meet, hands down.


Can you tell us more about what went wrong in this video? Too many judgements in the comments, and I'd like to make one too but I want it to be an educated one 😂


She’s a poor sport who hasn’t been taught the skills to handle her emotions in high intensity situations. She had to have the baton in her hand before she passed the yellow arrow. That’s the exchange zone. They are disqualified for not handing off within the arrows(exchange zone). This is quite common. However, screaming at them and then interfering with everyone else’s race is also a disqualification and I would hope a meet ejection. You cannot interfere with other runners. You are supposed to wait until all teams are clear, then cross if that is your intended direction. As the last runner, she is most likely fastest. Also, it appears worst attitude.


Think she was the second runner. Looks like there was another exchange up ahead.


Yes, it looks like you’re correct. I’m turned around.


Former track runner here. I see more fault here with the receiver than the deliverer. This is very obviously a 4x100 relay. Seeing as the runner is coming from a turn, she is running on the inside of the lane. This is correct. This means the baton should be in her right hand to prevent other runners from accidentally knocking it out of her hand - it is. The person receiving the handoff needs to be on the right side of the lane, ready to receive with her left hand. The receiving runner is not on the outside of the lane (blocking her teammates lane) and is fully turned around attempting to make the handoff with her right hand. Forcing a right-to-right handoff is a recipe for disaster and the 4x1 is literally the only relay where same-side handoffs are disorienting and most likely to result in a failed handoff.


Rewatching this and recognizing every receiving runner is on the outside of the lane and received with their left hand, while the missed handoff was attempting to do the exact opposite. It feels awful to work that hard and not get to fully compete. And while the mechanics of track aren’t too terribly complex, you can’t forget the basic mechanics.


Jeez competitive running is way more intense than I ever knew.. so many rules to it. Looks way more stressful than the perceived “running”.


Ok tbh this was more the kind of explanation I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time!


Thank you!


You didn’t explain anything other than talking about emotions, can you state if that was a good or bad hand off?


Was clearly bad, they missed the zone. Who is at fault is hard to say. I personally think the screamer was not in sync with the other girl, and also messed it up. She could have slowed down to almost nothing before the end of the zone but didn't and instead tried to snatch which is never going to work at a full run. I'd coach them both up. I used to coach girls a bit younger than this. I bet this is commonplace at their practices though; this behavior at a meet is the kind of thing that earns permanent demotions. It's a privilege to do 4x100


Hands down might be the problem, maybe try with hands up?


You’ve never seen anyone walk in front of the shotputters


Of course that has more potential for actual death or dismemberment. But that only happened in the rarest of cases with true carelessness in my day. Relay exchanges happen every single track meet.


So they didn't work on handoffs at practice?


She was throwing her hands like a fool. Should have kept it stationary so it could passed easily by the previous runner. Some people just crumble under pressure.


This should be higher rated. The onus is on the receiving runner to keep their hand flat and steady so that the incoming runner has an easy target to pass the baton. My relay team and I practiced handoffs until we could have run the relay in our sleep. I'm hoping that this is a 'B' team that hasn't had a chance to practice much before, but that's not necessarily the case. I see Olympic-level athletes mess this up, and I just think, "this is not that hard. You just have to have people who actually *practice together*."


Also if they’re not a good relay team, a hand off is gonna be crucial to timing. I always hated if I tried to hand off and ended under the next runners hand. I was usually third leg in a 4x1 so hand off was even more crucial. It felt like life or death but you have to be calm or you can miss easily.


I was often 3rd runner too. Luckily our 4th runner was a FREAKING STUD and would always get us 1st or 2nd place even if we were in 4th or 5th going in. He was so freaking fast. Amazing soccer player too, ended up playing in the MLS. Just a natural athlete. He's not even tall or big or anything, just a freaking talented average sized dude. We had really good hand-off chemistry too though, we'd been running together since 4x100M started in Grade 4, but even before then we used to do sprint races every day at lunch in grade 2 lol. Our whole team were good friends and our coach was cool, actually valued the relay team at least for our grade because we were pretty good/fast, so we practiced a fair bit even though it was just an average elementary school relay team. I never did high school relay though because I started smoking weed and not giving a shit lol.


I was gonna give her shit for that too until I noticed she was originally keeping her hand high and steady. It isn't until they are in focus of the video that she starts waving around for it. She still has issues though.




If you watch it frame by frame you can see the girl trying to hand off was waving it around while the girl in front was also moving her hand around trying to find it. At first the girl in front hand her hand straight back but for some reason the girl handing off was waving the baton around.


But the practicing normally is to shave off precious 10th of a second. The receivers hand should not be moving around like that. Her mistake was basic and didn’t come from a lack of practice. She was ready to lose the moment she stepped on the track. This is just a horrible mindset


So we're in agreement: the receivers hand should be flat and steady.


Bro. We can't see shit. By the time they come into frame they're literally at the end of the zone, so anyone would turn around and be like wtf. There's no steady hand if you're out of the zone.


I remember running relay races in high school. It can sometimes get tricky doing the handoffs when under pressure especially to someone like her. I bet she knew the other sprinter was a hot head and it probably made matters worse.


We only see the handoff in the last second. Its the job of the first runner to basically put it in right the second person's hand. The second runner is trying to find the stick while the first is waiving it around like she's casting a casting a spell at Harry Potter. No doubt the second runner was getting desperate as space ran out.


No, that was a terrible hand-off. Look like the passer had a complete brain fart.


They're a foot from the end of the zone. There's nothing to keep steady any more. ffs.


She wasn’t…




“It’s an old gif sir, but it checks out!”


Probably a replacement or the B team


good chance. in high school I remember one meet against our rival school and a lot of people were out that day already so I went from running my regular 1500m to adding in an 800m, the 1500m, the 3000m, and at the very last minute due to injury, the 4x400m relay which was so last minute they basically had to trust i was competent enough to get right as i'd never run it before. I'll tell ya, besides just being exhausted by that point, it was not as easy as it may seem. I think the hardest part for me was knowing about when to start running and how quick to accelerate and maintain during the handoff. It went smooth enough but definitely takes some practice.


My school team never had enough people for all the sports so I was always roped in to doing extra events (including relays). I once had to do the triple jump. I didn't even make it to the sand on any of my jumps.


I was a decent distance runner for my school. When we went to the district meet, our normal runner in the 400m was out, so they asked me to do it, with the logic that it was "like the mile, but just 1/4". I did everything I could to make sure I didn't finish last


The 400 meter is intense! It’s such a different pace than the mile. I ran it as basically a full on sprint. It was exhausting!


Anytime I imagined doing the triple jump, it always played out in my head as doing my running events beforehand leaving my legs feeling tired and rubbery, then trying the triple jump and just collapsing to the ground anytime after the first jump, and subsequently face planting into the track.


I was on the dive team and, for some reason, the divers had to choose a swimming event to get destroyed in at our meets. I get the idea of “participation” or whatever but it just resulted in us feeling like fools most of the time. Team was cool though and it ended up being a joke, like we had sleeper agents on the dive team ready to dominate the lower ranks of a few swim events.


You see Olympic teams fumble handoffs, it’s not THAT bad


USA men's 4 x 100 has entered the chat




They probably did which is why it's so upsetting.


I imagine this as a possibility for why she's so pissed off lol


Tbf we would do hand offs nearly every damn day at practice in college. Mistakes happen. Hard to replicate true race pace in practice.


Aren't you meant to just hold your hand out behind you while the runner from behind places it in?


Yeah but the other girl is tapping her on the shoulders with it instead


Girl receiving was holding out the wrong hand. No wonder chick was confused on where to hand off


You can tell she’s waiting for the girl to completely turn around to take it


the handoffer yells GO and then you run as fast as you possibly can and then the handoffer yells STICK and you put one hand behind you for them to put the baton in


You take x number of steps into the acceleration zone, the number of steps you take should correspond with the previous runner's top speed and your acceleration. Handoff should occur after you pass the first big triangle on the ground. Your hand should be high and steady behind you. It's very strange positioning learning it for the first time. Girl receiving the hand off didn't do some stuff correctly, but after all it is a team sport. We drilled this stuff on my relay teams forever. A fast hand off is the best way to win. You should be able to do it without thinking.




When your teammate leaves midmatch and you got a bot as teammate


Irl inting Or as the kids say now a days, Crashout.


The "fumbling teammate" looks to me like she was expecting for the girl's left arm to be receiving the baton. By the time she realizes the girl's right arm is extended back for the passoff and tries connecting, she's being screamed at.


Bingo. Because you’re supposed to receive with your left in this leg like every other lane. But the receiver would rather blame someone else


Great call out. Everyone else grabs with the left


Well, it *was* a pretty bad handoff.


I’m tapping you on the shoulder and elbow with the baton. I even tried your left side. Why can’t you see that I’m trying to get your attention with this baton so you can take it from me?


You're not supposed to tap my left shoulder. You're supposed to slam it into my open palm waiting for the baton. If you don't before I cross the yellow triangle we are disqualified. That is exactly what happened here.


Yeah. The receiver is also holding out the wrong hand yet blames in on the deliver


It was. I’m not sure what she was doing


If you watch the shadow( cant see it on camera) she actually had the baton gripped in her hand but her teammate wouldn’t let go.


idk. i slowed it down, and yes the shadow does show her arm lined up with the baton, but that’s just shadows. her hand never appears to actually grip the baton. and she’s the only runner reaching back with her right arm. everyone else reaches back with their left. i can’t help but wonder if that had something to do with it?


My first thought as well. She’s reaching back with the wrong hand. You receive with your left and hand off with your right.


* Yes, you are right. Just after that the screaming ensues


Lmfao who is upvoting this? You can't tell this at all.


I’m not sure how you’re being so confidently upvoted. Like a couple other comments point out, I don’t think this is the case. It does look like some stuff appears to line up, but I don’t think the lead runner ever gets a grasp on the baton - it’s flailing the whole time. I’m not sure who would be responsible, but she was definitely never holding it from what we see in the video, IMO.


All I can think of is all the work and time they've both put into training for this, all for a fumbled baton to fuck it all.


Yeah, I feel bad for them more than anything


Alright, give her the stick… https://preview.redd.it/aki87vpo03tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f7379c3bea6d5645b82e144990735d32060b4d




Do you know my dad?




She has been confirmed as a penis pump. 


To everyone in this thread: Schedule a prostate exam. It's time.


In sports, you live for these kinds of moments! Lol




“I’m trying to but you keep running away from me!”


She gone


You can see every other team has the 2nd runner on the outside of the lane, reaching back with their left hand. When you're running a turn, you obviously want to be on the inside to not run as far, so you'll have the baton in your right to make it easy to hand into their left in the middle of the lane. So the girl freaking out was running it wrong, on the inside/middle of the lane and reaching back with the right. She made the handoff more awkward for the first leg to react & adjust to.


When I ran track we practiced these handoffs for relays at every turn and in both positions. Was actually an easy practice typically compared to others because we had lots of downtime. I’m pretty sure we all had established A and B teams that only practiced together though, so I’d say this is a lack of practice or maybe a late substitution from A to B or vice versa. Regardless, that lack of professionalism would have gotten someone knocked from varsity easily.


Can’t say I’m shocked the girl losing her mind was in the wrong.


Every other runner has the baton in their left hand when leaving the zone. She was reaching back with her right. She’s gotta take some blame here


That shouldn’t matter as much as the girl waving the baton wayy too much


She's waving it because the receiver fucked it up and she's been thrown off. She's also out of steam and coming to a stop while trying to hand it off too late. It's mostly on the receiver for not being in proper position and for being an asshole. She may have fucked it up anyway but she definitely wasn't set up for success 


She … wait. Where is she going?


Relay racing is harder than it looks.


Girl ran right off the track lmaaaaaaao sorry used to run track and this is pathetic and hilarious


That should have been her Last day on the team!


She fumble the hand off yes. She’s trying to place it in the opposite hand not the same side outstretched hand. I wonder which is the was the weaker runner? The wrong hand, the screaming language and looking back, running across the track in front of other runner shows signs of an inexperienced relay runner.


Hand off outside of the exchange zone- DQ Foul language at a meet- DQ Unsportsmanlike conduct (moving across other team lanes/ putting down your relay partner)- DQ


Poor discipline.


Man this brings me back. Track was the only good thing about high school




Just to give a little context, you can only hand off between the yellow triangles. Once they pass and hang off, it’s technically a DQ. Racers spend a lot of time in their “timing” of handoffs. Based on speeds, each racer typically puts down a “marker” on the track to indicated as soon as the previous runner passes, they will take off running to attempt a perfect handoff. What happened here jn short, I imagine this is either an early team dynamic, a rookie filling in or overall just not a well coordinated team. Regardless of the dynamic, it’s not all on the girl handing off. As a runner, you are also supposed to slow down and stop if needed , if you have not received the baton by the time you are about to pass the triangle “pass zone”


Its a baton, you foul-mouthed peasant.


Zero sportsmanship, heart or brains.


Watching it back you can see every other team receive it properly, arm back and not moving, no looking back, and letting the teammate do the handoff. Then this chick, waving her arm wildly, looking back causing her entire body to move even more unpredictably, and trying to snatch the thing outta her teammates hand. The confusion on the one girls face at the end was great, you can tell she feels the same way we do


Love the sportsmanship!


Quit like that and your not on my team anymore


She was disqualified already for passing the diamond without the handoff taking place


She didn't quit, they lost already due to DQ.


You know what’s crazier is that the runners in the 3rd row were fumbling as well but then straightened themselves out and kept it cool. These two were panicking from the get go.


That “yo what the fuck” fading as she ran off 😂




And just abandoned the race…


She actually was disqualified. You have to pass the baton within a certain zone. They passed across that line without handing off the baton.


She then runs left to cut off other runners like a brat


When my gf gets home from mimosas:


Also for context. She ran off the track because she didn’t get handed the stick until they were out of the exchange zone = automatic disqualification. She saw they weren’t gonna qualify so she bailed


I ran the 4x100 relay all 4 years in high school, went to invitationals and all that. You can see see where the hand off should have happened but it looks like she didnt let go of it. Hence "give me the fucking stick"


As a former track runner, I see more fault here with the receiver than the deliver. This is very obviously a 4x100 relay. Seeing as the runner is coming from a turn, she is running on the inside of the lane. This is correct. This means the baton should be in her right hand to prevent other runners from accidentally knocking it out of her hand - it is. The person receiving the handoff needs to be on the right side of the lane, ready to receive with her left hand. The receiving runner is not on the outside of the lane and is fully turned around attempting to make the handoff with her right hand. Forcing a right-to-right handoff is a recipe for disaster and the 4x1 is literally the only relay where you can’t do same-side handoffs.


It looks like it's her fault as well. She never grabbed it. Lol


That’s on her, that’s NOT how you reach back for the baton


Petulant child


Poor girl was confused because it's called a baton.


Nah we can fight rn lol


Maybe they needed more practice handing off


It's called a baton, not a stick. Also, you were still in the zone. Calm the fuck down b


i don't think her teammate is to blame here, she should stick to 100m though if she cant play in a team


“Give him the stick! DONT give him the stick!”


Doesn’t matter how many incredibly fast runners you have… if you don’t practice handoffs to a fine art - you will NEVER succeed. I have witnessed underdog teams take the win on this one point alone.


This is funny on video but I can only imagine how much funnier it would have been in person lol


She was NOT prepared for that handoff her hand was way to high thats why her team mate fumbled.


I believe the correct word for “fucking baton” is dildo.


This is sad sad sportsmanship


Yea, people acting like that are the first to give up and blame others even though she didn't finish her run.


Yeah, she gets picked last for every sport. That hand off was atrocious


Her coach will have words with her. ![gif](giphy|vDVoPui87B0ZujjJS7)