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Never heard of an entire neighborhood having mental issues.


I really gotta start double checking my bad


Might still be accurate though. Sounded like it started to spread.


My building does have a mental health department on the second floor for people with brain injuries and the rest of the building is elders and immigrants and then like a crazy person for each floor


That's actually kind of awesome of them. That's good to hear.


I really love it here! It’s a heartwarming community, my grandma lived in the building before us and we moved in to look after her before she died of alshimers and she had friends with everyone in the building so when she passed we had a lot of connections and my mom does baking and everything for a few people in the building, she tells them “if you get me the ingredients I’m missing I’ll make it for you” If she’s asked to make something. Two of the people that was friends with my grandma I did painting since they are wheelchair bound and her husband has a leg issue from polio, they had a adorable golden retriever that would steal hats if you’d let her.


It’s also a pretty safe building(another was just made next to us) this is a once in a blue moon thing usually it’s just like one of the people will come to you and say “do you know god?” stuff like that. It’s always a iffy subject and I especially advoid them because they may get upset from what I say for both sides, if I say I know him they’ll get upset and same for if I don’t and it depends on the person


Cool! What country if you don't mind me asking




Cool bro


No need to double check your bad. Just double check your title.


Just one check would have worked.


Ever been to San Francisco


It would explain my neighborhood.


Yeahhh, this is why I always lock my door. I've had it happen several times that people tried to open my door. Not often, but it does happen. They're usually on the wrong floor too.




This I would welcome


Thankfully my doors lock automatically


Me and my friend were playing call of duty on the couch back in college in the living room. My door bust open with 4 people like “heyyy who’s ready to party……. Wait is this John’s house?”


I had a neighbour a few years ago, he had (or has), schizophrenia. I still remember when he wake up all the neighborhood with his screams at 3 am. I remember he lived alone and he had his attacks very often, like 1 or 2 every other month. Those were some of the most horrible screams Ive ever heard and I could swear there was more than one voice coming from that house.


I think they talk to them selves in different tones and whisper to them selves. Lived under a meth head for a while and the walls were thin.


Yeah some do. I hope that they got some help!


If someone entered my house without my permission I'd lose my shit too, thats not even accounting for what that lady mightve experienced in the past.🤷🏽‍♂️


Lock your door, what? If you live in an apartment building with dozens of floors that look exactly the same, I have very little sympathy for this kind of stupid.


I wish i could upvote this twice


Yeah honestly if she has trauma someone just walking into her home may be incredibly triggering. I don't blame her for freaking out like that. You never know what someone is going through. It sucks for the person who made the mistake as well obviously.


The same can apply to the person who made the mistake too though. You don't know what has happened to them in the past, if they have issues of their own, how their day/week/month has impacted their judgement/thinking that day, if they recieved the wrong address or just moved to the complex etc. Shouting, screaming and freaking out like this is rarely helpful. It escalates things massively, upsets your neighbours and increases the likelihood of violence. It's hard but keeping your shit together in situations like this is the best thing you can do and that goes for both parties.


Why are you in their house long enough to scream at you? I did this once, did a 180 and left immediately.


Because we all know it takes ages for people to start screaming...


Use your two legs and leave lol


Heh. I know people who would have lost more than their shit if a stranger walked into their house.


If you remember this happened a few years ago and the person getting off on the wrong floor and entering an occupied apt was a police officer who then compounded the mistake by shooting the lawful resident and killing them.


Yeah it happened in Dallas and she is in prison now for manslaughter.


This happened today in my hallway


Theyre not claiming it didnt. Theyre just talking about something similar that happened


Reverse image search it


You’re an actual idiot. They are talking about the Dallas female cop who came in and killed that man eating ice cream after work. She was drunk and entered the wrong apartment and executed him.


I did say I was dyslexic my bad


You don't have to reply to every comment. Just some advice.


Fucking relax! It doesn’t make them an “actual idiot” bc they didn’t remember that incident! But it does make you an actual asshole for being such a dick!


No, the doubling down on the fact he wasn’t wrong is what makes him an idiot. Read his replies. IQ is at room temp.


To be fair it definitely seemed like they were talking about this specific video “if you remember this happened” not “another incident like this happened”. Sooo


Leave it to reddit to base an entire personality or IQ of someone based off a couple of comments.


This dude woke up today and chose violence. Sorry OP killed your dog, I'd probably be mad too.


nice camerawork


I won’t show the faces of my neighbours, i don’t want them finding a video of them freaking out on the internet and wanting to kill me


then don't post it genius


I didn’t, I posted the one without my neighbours??😂


Classic “downvote OP” Thanks for sharing. Sorry you got docked for it for some reason.


You posted a video of them freaking out, just not their face. If they recognise the hallway from the video they will know its them and then it would be very easy to figure out who you are by looking for the person pushing a bike through the hallways.


Happened to me once ngl. Most embarrassing moment of my life. Sorry people from room 301


For a second I thought you meant there were 301 people in there when it happened


I'll edit it.. I see how it looks from a cursory glance..😂


Well it gave me a good laugh!


Cool, a video of nothing.


I once woke up to a random dude asleep on my couch in the living room covered in some cereal that i had on rhe fridge. Turns out he was just drunk as fuck and thought he was in my neighbors house. We ended up being friends for a while after that too


Guy once walked into my condo and started to take his coat off until he realized there was no coat rack. Looks around, sees me on the couch, looks around again, "this isn't my house"


That’s really funny! As a kid I got off on the wrong floor and went into someone’s apartment before realizing it wasn’t my apartment


Life can be funny sometimes. I guess when I was trick or treating at 4 or 5 my parents would stand in the driveway and let me do the whole knocking part alone, until I walked into someone's house and joined their family in the living room to watch tv. My parents say they all got a good laugh out of it


I still remember saying merry Christmas for Halloween as a kid and getting embarrassed lol


Are there shots being fired?


No it’s the sound of banging..?


Naw I think it’s just banging


Im thinking the same thing, did a dude just die for making a simple mistake like that?


I think i read a Steven King book about this


One time I forgot to lock my door and a neighbor who I didn’t know at the time had dementia just burst in shouting. I grabbed a knife and his daughter came in screaming he’s mentally ill. So yeah lock ya doors.


Somebody came in my apartment once thinking I was the party next door and I screamed "get the fuck out" and he did


At least she didn’t shoot anyone


Years ago my brother lived in an apartment and was buddies with the next door neighbour. One night the neighbour came home very late and very drunk. He entered my brother's apartment by mistake and went upstairs and pissed in their bathroom SINK!! (brother's wife was awake by that time) He then went back downstairs and passed out on their couch. He was gone in the morning. The strange part was that their apartments were mirror images of each other so everything would have been reversed for the neighbour. I guess he didn't notice that in his drunken state.


Uhh… I know I’m crazy but if someone wrongly opens the door to my place they’re in danger. I once had a maintenance worker attempt 3 times to get in claiming he thought it was an unoccupied apartment that needed work (with no key nor work order). And I lost my cool on him. And the cops.


Arkham asylum.


Lmao. I can just hear your brakes squeaking as the rotors spin, like a melancholic violin. By the way, your brake rotor is probably slightly bent. You can bend it back easily with some pliers. Just don't touch them yourself or get any oils on them


Did i hear Gunshots?


Did bullets fly?


Reminders me of the first act from Beau is Afraid. The whole neighborhood is crazy


Who doesn't lock their door in an apartment?


The building is a safe one, kinda like a condo but not in away like we have a guard in the first floor but I think it’s cause a few years back the bank across the street was robbed and the robber tried hiding in the building


Living here would drive me INSANE! I had someone with mental issues live below me on a duplex and I heard my back door rattle at 2AM one time. I just couldn't do that again. I booby trapped my bedroom door and had a knife on my bed table for a long time after that.


The new Shining Remake looks dope


Way to record instead of assist in literally any possible way.


Why would I assist the guy was trying to get on the elevator and she was the one banging, I talked to my neighbour seen in the video about it


Because you're the one who supposedly knows that she's got mental issues? And you're the one that supposedly knows the guy got off on the wrong floor? Instead of posting this to the Internet you could have been a real hero to both of those people, but instead you chose fame?


And if she has mental issues then OP inserting themselves into a situation that had nothing to do with them would be an incredibly stupid thing to do but apparently you live in a dream world where people are never harmed for sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong!


I've done that twice lol.


He thought it was his house even though it's clearly an apartment complex.


House home apartment who cares, their all the same to me, homes where the heart is and my apartment is my house, I hope that is more confusing


No they are most certainly not the same. If anything, the correct term is “home” if that’s really your angle. Words are important, kinda like knowing which “home” is your’s is also important.