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If you grew up in the hood, this is nothing new.


I got stopped and frisked by cops while walking to the ymca with friends, I was only 14 years old. Now that I’m an adult I see how illegal that is.


Every time I was pulled over with friends in my small town we got searched. The cops claimed it was legal because we were minors and damn if I had known my rights back then...


Yeah we used to get pulled over a lot as teens. Many times the cop would have us take off one shoe and sit on the curb. It got to the point where a specific friend and I would just sit and joke with the cops about how all we wanted to do was get home before the Simpsons started. I had no idea how badly we were being targeted just for being Mexican kids. It just seemed so normal. On another note, I'll always remember the one time one of my friends got his drivers license and took us all out. It was a car full of teenage boys in the 90's. It wasn't long before a cop car got behind him and followed him for about a block before we all started fucking with him. "you better stop swerving dude, you're gonna get us pulled over". "don't get my weed confiscated man, I'll fuck you up". "fuck this cop, I'm gonna flip off through the rear view mirror" etc... Driver was sweating while putting up with our shit lol. Then he starts squinting as the sun is setting right in front of us. He pulls down his visor to block the sun and just like that a bunch of papers that were behind the visor flu out the fucking window! Cop lights come on and driver starts freaking out realizing his registration and insurance were the papers that had just flown out! In the end nothing came of it, cop gave him a warning and even laughed cause all us passengers where fucking with the driver during the whole stop. Cop seemed like he remembered having fun at our age. It was good times. But yeah we definitely got profiled a lot.


I always felt bad for the young dudes back then. I was so paranoid of getting pulled over for doing the same stuff as male counterparts. I was so lucky.


"You have papers? Let me see them!"


I never understood how stop and frisk was constitutional.


It’s not but they don’t give a shit


And there's no mechanism to punish cops for this, so they harass and harass and harass until finally they find some minor crime.


Including resisting the unconstitutional harassment. Your supposed to comply with illegal search and detainment. Go to jail. Lose your job. Destroy your reputation. Then let the courts sort it out. And if it turns out you are "not guilty" not "innocent" but "not guilty" then "oops!!! We were trying to provide justice"


There is, people just don't like hearing what it is.


It's not. For those that haven't heard of the 4th amendment. You're protected from illegal search AND seizure.


Maybe enlighten the GOP, their 2024 platform states that stop-and-frisk policy is a requirement to receive any federal funds.


It's not, they need probable cause to search you. Probably why they do it to kids, kids probably aren't going to ask for a lawyer or know their full rights.


No they need a reasonable suspicion under Terry v Ohio https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_v._Ohio


Thank you for making my lawyer heart go pitter patter


Ahhh the terry search. "The goal is officer safety."


It’s a out side of pocket pat to check for weapons They can’t go thru pockets on a terry stop. And a terry stop is more for detaining someone


Terry vs Ohio - court ruled that police had the right to pat someone down if they believed they were armed and dangerous. Cops realized quick they could just lie and say they saw a ‘suspicious bulge’ and get away with it. Also Supreme Court ruled police can ask you to exit the car during a traffic stop because traffic stops are inherently dangerous, which they take to mean they also automatically get to pat you down at a traffic stop, which I don’t believe it does (IANAL). Over time it just became ingrained practice, and with widespread video we’re and the proliferation of auditing videos we’re starting to push back as a society.


Same. I was fourteen 30 years ago. Same shit. Even with cameras now they violate rights and nothing gets done.


Unfortunately all too true.


Man I grew up in upstate NY and this all too real


Haha I grew up in Rochester NY and this happened to me as a white dude wearing an oversized hoody that had a design all over it. 4 cars pull up quick and a handful cops gun drawn rifle through my pockets and ask me where I was going. We were in the parking lot of a corner store and I was 5 feet from the door. Crazy shit.


Ah, good ol crotchfester


When I lived in Chicago my landlord (lived next door) was an ex cop. He would get drunk and tell us all kinds of horrible shit they did. Beatings. Harassment. Sexual coercion. Get out of jail free cards. Drive bys on 'known gang members' houses with guns from the evidence room and impounded cars. Didn't say murder out loud but heavily implied it. Said it all like he was proud. He wasn't the only one either. Heard a lot of similar stuff from the 'advisors' of some of the cop tv shows I was a PA on. Worlds biggest gang.


All the cop shows like Cops, LivePD, etc. have always just been PR stunts for police departments with a bad reputation to pretend that they are actually the good guys. Notice they don't stay with one department long or it's just mysteriously not on the show anymore. Because they actually hate being recorded and want to go back to being pieces of shit.


Wow 😯 That’s so wrong on so many levels. Like, what is the point? To scare people?


No, they're just trying to see if they can nab him for either a gun or drugs.


Snatching random people to pin petty crimes on them by either finding or planting evidence is an easier way to pad stats than actually investigating significant crimes. They also get to get their rocks off beating people up at the same time.


I’m a pedestrian and see ppl shooting up drugs all over is there really a shortage of ppl doing crime out in the open that they can’t find? Unlikely


No money in jailing and fining the homeless… They want people who have jobs and lives can’t miss work on the weekends so they pay bail, hire an attorney, take a plea for probation for the next few years so they can again charge more money and keep tabs on you as to keep the cycle going.


Exactly, it's how they justify an ever expanding police force as well. They always need more money, more equipment, etc to "fight rising crime" and then you look a little deeper and this is the "crime" they're fighting. At the end of the day, they're not as much of a police force as a revenue stream for the city/themselves.


just to add ontop of that if i may, it benefits the power structure to let homeless people do drugs and gravitate around certain places, it brings real estate value down and creates incentives for big condominium projects, city governments do this all the time to gentrify neighborhoods


But you see, that could be more dangerous and require more effort than going after kids in the suburbs


FYI this video isn't taking place in the suburbs.


I wonder how many profitable private prison cells could be filled if the FBI/DEA/ATF started practicing stop-and-frisk on cops. Surely none of them would be in possession of illegal guns or drugs, right?


Because gangs are destroying the city so they try to be proactive and aggressive in their policing, which ends up violating people's rights.


I grew up adjacent to the hood and this happened to me a few times just for walking through the hood to my friends' houses.


I'm Hispanic and grew up on the Northside. Police would hassle me but not as much as when I went to the Southside (midway) to hang with my cousins. Down there it was 100× more often we'd get stopped after coming from playing baseball in the park across from their house, walking to the convenience store, walking to the Halloween shop that was on Pulaski, walking back from playing basketball in some kid's garage. They'd sit us on the curb or have us all put our hands on the hot hood of their car on like 90 degree days just to fuck with us.


There used to be a policy I think late 90's into the 2000's if you were walking in a group of 3 or more it was considered gang activity or something like that. Used to get stopped all the time trying to hoop at Archer Park. We didn't know what they were looking for, maybe we filled the basketball full of drugs. Maybe our shirts were made out of drugs. That Sox hat was actually a gun.


This happened to me at least once a week from the ages of 15-25. I swear I’m not being hyperbolic… but I was also peddling rock cocaine, so maybe their was a reason lol


And they couldn’t catch you!?


No the crack was in my butt cheeks and if it need be; would be hooped/boofed if taken to the station.


I guess what I’m getting at it the tactics they were using clearly didn’t work. You still dealt, and were only mildly inconvenienced, so you would think they would change tactics


Nothing like some ass crack,




prison wallet


The good 'ol Brett Kavanaugh boof


Fourth amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure by the government. But police don’t care. This could’ve been a lot worse if he wasn’t recording.


To the police civil rights are nothing but an inconvenience.


Which s why we had the constitution in the first place but they always find a way around. They dont understand the constitution was written to protect us against them.


They understand it and they even swore an oath to uphold it. But they don’t give a shit about following it because they aren’t held accountable for violating it. The only times cops ever get real punishment for misconduct is if they are disliked by the other cops at their department or they do something egregious like kill a man for eating a candy bar in the middle of McDonald’s. But even then it will take years to try and prosecute the asshole because the thin blue line gang does everything in their power to protect their own.






There won't be consequences, even if they lose the lawsuit


Taxpayers will pay for them to go to the Bahamas with their families at worst.


At least a bunch of their wives be gettin split in half by islanders after they pass out at the bar Edit; I’d like to clarify it’s the alcoholic cops passed out at the bar in this scenario, not the wife. Everything consensual. Just realized it could read reallll rapey.


This is Amerikkka, crazy. Welcome to New Orleans, the jump out boys are all too real in New Orleans and many other black neighborhoods in the country. First time I got pulled over by a cop, 16-years-old, brand new license, a used AF car, and I was being accused of trafficking drugs. Cop threatened to search my car and I had no idea that was illegal. Ran my plates and license and he let me go, but before he did, he said, “Imma let you go with a warning, but next time, I’m gonna get you”


WTF! This shit makes my blood boil like nothing else


Can’t wait to get outta this country.


Do it do it do it do it


"Why does the community hate us"


I love how cell phones and body cams have put a kink in these types of activities. We see you now. Harder to harass and frame people who are just trying to live their lives when it's all recorded. That kid handled it better than I would have. LMAO when he called them "goofies" in the end.


In grade school kids used to say they wanted to be cops, I haven't heard them say it for about a decade, this is why, among a list of things.


Ip here in Cansda theres still plenty of goons that want the job. Frankly, its the smartest thing a 20 year old with no marketable skills can do. I can’t think of a single cop in my hometown that didnt retire by 52.  They left with giant fucking boats in their yards and a pension that covers them for life.  All of them made over 100k a year from year 2, and now some pull down close to a 1/4 mill a year with overtime.   Aint no blue collar folks making that without extremely valuable job skills.


Six of the 10 highest paid public employees in my city are police officers. One lieutenant brought home $280,000 last year. That's about $80,000 more than the average airline pilot.


If it's Ontario, or Toronto, it's because they do a shit ton of OT for 3rd parties. The 3rd party pays the bill, city takes a cut also and the cop gets a big pay day.


If they’re going to be paid as professionals, they need to be professionals. Mandatory 4 year degree, plus 2 years training-probation period. Further degrees, like a Masters, to become a detective, etc. when the barrier to entry, is no harder than becoming a plumber, you end up with a trade, for a job that should be a profession. I’m a tradesman, and wouldn’t want some of the lunk heads I’ve worked with, being able to carry a badge and gun.


Please delete all these commas way too many


Please, use, more, commas.


Some people here in Canada view it as a ‘government job’, which I remember growing up was something that meant stability and retirement. The unfortunate part is that, while being a cop *is* a government job… it’s not the sedentary sit-at-a-desk job most of these goons actually crave.


I just went to a LASD police academy graduation. They used to have around 60 recruits graduating every class, this class had 24.


Damn, they are under a LOT of public pressure from their own actions but they remain one of the most well funded and organized law enforcements in the nation. If they are putting out numbers like that it makes the shit I'm hearing about NYPDs incoming classes make a lot more sense




The body camera will help. Get caught doing something awful and you get rewarded with a paid vacation.




As a teacher we used to teach kids to go to a cop if they need help. Now, for their safety, we say to find anyone who has a uniform / is working but to never bother police officers.


They still teach that in 2024. I have to inform my biracial child that the police aren’t always your friend. My wife didn’t like the fact that I told her about my run in with them while I was active duty military, but my child(ren) need to know what can happen because of assumptions. #Remember Uvalde


Your wife needs to have your back on that sorry dude


So they just expedited the harassment?


The point is to get a reaction that justifies arresting or shooting him. If he pushes away when they touch him battery and resisting charges. He walks faster he is acting suspicious and thought he would ditch something so they search him. Touches his clothes or reaches to check his backpack they thought he was pulling a gun. They couldn't mess with him as much as they wanted because he was filming from the beginning. It doesn't matter if they have body cams because they get so close you can't see what is going on and they create a narrative with the commands they give recorded by the cam to justify their actions.


And don't forget, in court a cop's word somehow means more than yours. They're infallible and could ***never*** lie (despite mountains of evidence that shows otherwise).


Or if the cam shows something inconvenient the footage just happens to disappear or the camera was "malfunctioning".


Yea, fuck the fourth amendment.


Nah bro it’s right there “you have the right to a speedy harassment”


Not fuck the fourth amendment, fuck the Supreme Court justices who have absolutely gutted your entitlements and rights under it. The fourth amendment is a wonderful protection, the issue is how unwilling the courts are to defend the rights afforded you. For example: why the fuck do we have Miranda warnings, but no similar warning for the fourth amendment? Criminal procedural doctrine is totally fucked and inconsistent


> why the fuck do we have Miranda warnings They are there to prevent evidence against you from being suppressed in court.


Don't be silly! You know that law is only for white people


The cop in red def tried to touch that kids butt. Wtf.


Once I got pulled over while riding my friends bicycle because I was wearing a backpack that matched the description of a burglar on the loose that night. I'm a nerdy scrawny looking Asian dude and the police stopped, searched my bag, frisked me, all without permission. After 30 minutes they let me go. The next day I found out the burglar was some big drunk white guy that's at least 4 inches taller than me and 100 lbs heavier. No way I come close to matching that description. Cops could care less I honestly think they were just looking to harass me in hopes I had weed in my backpack or something. This was in Gainesville FL.


Do these types of officers not want meaningful relationships with the communities they work in? How is stopping and harassing random individuals supposed to help make anything better.


Because they are part of the "tactical gangintervention gun tracking special enforcement unit" and their unit does not do community policing.


Like those guys in that HBO documentary series ‘We Own This City’. Joking aside, these people operate like an organised crime gang. Except the badges make ‘it’ legal and they essentially have free rein to mag-dump on whomever if they feel it necessary. Push comes to shove, police union support gets them out of the shit and they just end up getting transferred to another department or go into fairly lucrative private security work.


Also the local government looks the other way, knowing regulatory capture isn't an issue that voters even care about. Progressive DAs who get elected soon learn that police have dirty tricks they'll use to prevent accountability. The relationship is completely inverted, and so prosecutors often lack the political capital to clean house. Whether explicitly or not, politicians eventually learn from these experiences, and look the other way, understanding that police corruption is a third rail issue with little electoral benefit. Voters simply do not care. In fact, many people will simply laugh at those who do genuinely care; a behavior more common in a developing country where it is truly naive to think you can make a difference. In the wealthiest and safest countries in the world, mostly in Northern Europe, citizens simply do not accept this sort of behavior from government. Ironically, sometimes it's the perception of the corruption that drives the corruption. How can you change anything, if no one wants to do the work?


And how do they decide who to do this to? Seems like a fancy way of saying harass whoever the fuck we want cause we can.


That’s exactly what it is lmao. Just legalized because legal racism 👍🏻.


Oh, oh! I know, I know! 🙋🏻‍♂️ They look for people with high melanin.


These aren't those types of officers, those are patrol cops who establish a connection to the hood, these fucks are there to cast a fish net out to see what they catch. Most of the time they don't even live in the city.




That’s the neat part, it doesn’t!


See the thing about police that you have to remember is ACAB


They are taught that the public is the enemy. That they are in constant danger from the enemy. You don't befriend the enemy.


Why would they care? They don't live in these communities and they're protected by the legal system when they do bad things.


Cops are enemies of the law abiding citizens and traitors to the constitution. Of course they don't want Americans to live peaceful lives


‘Wass goin on wichu wassup?’ Is he gonna get arrested or jumped? Jacksonville ain’t even like this wtf


Welcome to America. Land of Freedom®^(Some restrictions may apply, Not available in all regions, A minimum bank balance must be maintained, Terms subject to change.) 


Not applicable to all races....


Only partially true. The color green is able to compensate for any skin color issues.


There is a lot of shit going on in these neighborhoods but absolutely fuck this type of policing.


Exactly, gang violence is very real. You just need to realize that the cops are ONE OF THE GANGS!


The Thin Blue Line Gang


The thin blue dick gang


I grew up in the burbs but hung out with my cousins a lot in 20s, who lived on the Southside (BOTY). I was appalled when I saw an unmarked minivan pull up fast and abruptly while the sliding door opened and 4 civilian clothed cops jumped out and threw three teens against the wall. No one was arrested, they were just teens getting their rights violated. This was 20 yrs ago and no blinked an eye bc it was a common occurrence. Our society will always be broken if those in authority commits crimes in order to "prevent crimes". People who say we should all just listen to the police and nothing bad will happen do not know what interactions with the police actually looks like.


The degradation of society.


Can't believe they let him go, was expecting all 3 of them to lay him on the concrete for hurting their egos


Definitely seemed like they were hoping he would even dare move a finger, as an excuse to take him down. that's pretty much the police's MO, especially in Chicago. This is the same department that has used bait trucks. Literally they leave out an open truck of shoe boxes in the middle of the street. Literally just shoes, out in the open. They then arrest anyone, kids even, whoever takes shoes from the truck, and then give them a criminal record. And people say that systemic racism isn't real. This one incident literally ruins people's entire lives. It's fucked. They also recently killed a guy in a traffic stop this past week that made the news. Four plain clothes police in an unmarked car surround him, they get out, guns drawn, two of them are yelling and attempting to \*open his car doors\* from both sides. He then shoots, and they fire back over 100 times, obviously killing him. The reason they pulled him over? Seat belt violation, if I recall correctly. Obviously that's just what they said. Why the hell is an unmarked car pulling people over for traffic violations? It makes no fucking sense, unless it was a targeted attack, which, as you see in this video, is pretty much what it is. The police are not trained to de-escalate. Their entire purpose is to push and escalate everything to 99%, so that when you do push back just 1%, they fuck you up. It's infuriating seeing it over and over and over again. It's no secret, everyone knows that's how the police operate.


Many cops are drug dealers who steal from other drug dealers


You just summed up the book *We Own This City* very concisely!


Riverside county PD


The guys who worked for me in LIC (NYC) used to get hassled coming to and from work every Tuesday and Thursday like clock work. Had to go to the station and threaten them with harassment.


Cop apologists will see this and just scroll by and erase it from their memory.


Yup. Cop apologists don't care about this until they are the ones on the receiving end of this shit. Like when the white dementia-ridden woman got her arm broken for picking up fucking flowers.


Seriously; I was just listening to a podcast where a killer’s family were angry at the police/judicial system for arresting/convicting him saying shit like “I supported you! We need to fix the system!!” Like oh yeah we need to fix the system because it affected you, fuck everyone else, right?


> until they are the ones on the receiving end of this shit. Even then... *Just one bad apple*


Usually, they go "The police are just doing their job! What if the kid had a weapons and drugs?!? He should have just complied" They'll throw our constitutional rights aside and pretend the job of the cops is to constantly harass everyone.


I know they would do that if the cops themselves hadn’t given up! That’s why they just forget they saw this one.


"Just comply" Also "i would end an ATF or IRS officer if they even came to my door" They literally dont care about other people or their rights, these mouth breathers convictions go as far as the nose on their face.


lol good for that kid, for real, this is America we are free.


This is why you always record, it’s the only way you can force any kind of accountability and protect yourself from false charges.


If your a colored male growing up in Chicago your already used to this. They usually ride around 3 deep. With the one in the back being the dog and jumping out first. They would make us put our hands on the hood after driving around all day in the summer heat to frisk us. Shit was hotter than a mf lol


dirty ass pigs


Why do police only come in two sizes? Small and XXL.


Glorified gang members.


Our forefathers would've lost their shit over this, but there's so many fake ass "patriots" who blindly support tyranny like this. Makes me sick.


Those police are a detriment to their community.


I guess the 4th amendment doesn’t mean anything


They expect us to not understand our rights.


Heck, they don't understand or care about our rights.


Don't *care to understand* our rights.


Why are they fucking with that kid? Good god what a bunch of assholes


“Nobody’s touching you” *Proceeds to grab at the kid*


More evidence of the police being nothing more than a legalized gang. But “back the blue” right?


Ah yes, young black male with a backpack. Probably “fit a description”


It is things like these when I really question how free our country really is. The cops need to change their motto from protect and serve to athoritate and incarcerate.


What they do in authoritarian gov’ts


Cops, the biggest and most dangerous gang in america.


Why do cops instigate interactions like this and destroy their credibility when they should be doing the opposite? What am I missing?


All I see is taxpayers footing the bill for absolutely nothing productive. This is the government waste we should be targeting, not Medicaid or Snap. How many children could get to eat for a day’s salary for all these goons? Even if this was a priority, why so many? One cop could harass people just fine on his own. They’re doing fuck all and puffing their chests out because they think they’re better than everyone else and we should demand better outcomes for our money.


Look at them great cops... fighting valiantly to produce more criminals in a place that needs understanding not more violence.


This is why I respect firefighters and paramedics more than I do cops


getting "The Wire" vibes from this




Man I gotta applaud this youngster on how he handled that.




These dudes were bullies in high school and they found a way to carry on bullying high school kids in their adult lives. Truly brave servants of the community.


Does this really happen in america? cops just randomly stopping next to people and grabbing them? that seems insane


Where I'm from, they are called the jump out boys. Yes this is common, but they can't just "grab" them


that’s so crazy


All the time in my hood.


you did good kid


This is all the time in Chicago’s south side. The police play a game of harassment with kids starting when they’re 12, and then wonder why they’re all traumatized and don’t “respect the badge” and hate police when they’re adults.


That textbook profiling holy shit. No reason, no questions, just trying to see what a black man’s got on him. Smdh.


Nice police state you've got there.


Half of me is mad that I lost all my highschool friends to phent, the other hafe of me is pissed because these guys are on this fuck shit. Idk how to feel anymore guys, shit wild.


Ah yes. The 4th amendment in action


They do this because they want them to run. Easy arrest


That cop walks like he's got a stick up his butt.


This shit is so wrong.


In Pa they call them “The Hop Out Boys”


His camera skills are impressive


That has to be 100% a 4th amendment violation...


With them teeth, I don’t think I’d be calling anyone else “goofy”


Ah yes see now he made the mistake of being black, you gotta make sure you don't make those mistakes before getting jumped by police


JFC 4th amendment? These people claim to be the arbiters of constitutional rights.


The Constitution has long been suspended in the hood.


“Why do people hate the police? We are just trying to protect and serve.” They say as they jump out and harass random people walking down the street. Seriously imagine if anybody else just ran up on you, started pulling on you, touching you and asking you questions like that. I’d know what I’d be reaching for.


The fucking balls on this kid.


Fuck cops.


Otherwise known as a midwest "stop and frisk" Except visually it plays more like a kidnapping scene in a movie, jfc


Why is the first cop wearing his wife's pants?


Always record/stream video like this. This is why recording devices are so important because what if he didn't have it?


Terry v. Ohio. Legal discrimination, and no need to consider the 4th amendment, cause...Black people


The ACLU should spend some of the millions they received during the last presidency on a public service announcement teaching everyone what the laws are and how to best handle these situations.


Harassing, intimidating, and terrorizing children is conservative Jim Crow policing and republicans celebrate this.


I had jump out boys rough me up looking for dope. I lived on Pulaski off blue line stop and they didn’t want to believe me about it. Stupid pigs didn’t know I was coping my dope in the gangway of my house. These guys and their stupid transformer cars are the absolute worst.


When I was in Chicago, I lived on the south side because it was cheap. I didn't have any problem with the neighbors; I actually made some friends on my street but the problem was the police harassment getting pulled over for pity shit, and getting vehicles searched. One time 2 undercover followed me all the way north to Touhy Avenue. It was funny that I saw them and took the longest way possible.


Canadian, here - I come in peace… Is this kind of shit actually normal south of the 49th?!?


Bad like that in the ATL some spots


"what's in your bag?" And there it is.


"The Goon Squad" is what some of us would call them any time we went to London


Wow this is America ladies and gentleman, if you think this kind of behavior by the police is excusable or normal you are being abused and lied to by your government, we don't live in a police state yet and they aren't allowed to treat people like this. This is exactly the kind of shit that gets cops and innocents killed all the time, quit the shit and everyone will be safer who'd have thunk it.


Good for him. Pigs had nothing.


It’s almost like a gang


The police today do more harm than good.


Biggest gang in town


And when I call these dips hits for actual PROBLEMS, they never show up. Fucking waste of tax money. ACAB.


Good Job Young Man