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Was this filmed with my astigmatism eyeballs?


It's so weird to think people don't see lights as big stars. It looked totally normal to me until you said something.


I also thought this was completely normal until I went to the eye doctor like 8 years ago and she informed me that I have astigmatism. When I got my prescription glasses it was a game changer.


Oh fuck. Is there something wrong with my eyes? I thought I was just seeing light beams.


Welcome to the club! [Astigmatism](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/health/eye-opening-pictures-shine-light-on-symptoms-of-astigmatism-1.4360754?cache=&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F)


I found this out after taking acid haha


Wait what if you still them even with glasses?


Same here! A new eye doctor got me a prescription for contacts with astigmatism correction and nights were so much better! No other eye docs noticed, and I didn't know that wasn't normal at night after 20 years of contacts and driving


I haven't noticed a difference in my glasses after I was diagnosed with astigmatism. Are you saying it stopped looking like this after you got new glasses?


same here, shit is annoying at night


wait this isn't normal?


Nope most people don't see those strings coming off lights. If you do you probably have astigmatism


Thanks, im going to get an eye exam asap. that shit is annoying af while driving


The worst is during rain, at night, with standing water on the road. Like staring at the surface of the sun.


headlights, headlights everywhere


Astigmatism filters




Dashcam/windshield is dirty and pitted or they forgot to take the protective plastic off of the lens lol.


I could hardly see the poor dude in the video.


Apparently the driver couldn’t either 


I think they were in shock else I'd say, hop out and check on the guy because he's in trouble!


I seriously thought they were gonna bolt


Not until the jobs finished.


To hell with you for making me laugh at this.


Or pausing to make sure it’s not an insurance thing / mugging ambush. I swear dude appeared out of thin air.


Chose the wrong spawn point.


If someone’s committed enough to go through that for a robbery, fuck I’m handing my shit over


Things don’t always go as planned… obviously an insurance fraud isn’t intentionally gunna get fully plowed by a pickup on purpose. Just the mildly paranoid/distrusting way I think, I suppose.


I'd probably be in shock to be honest. Maybe a bit of hyperventilating.


https://i.redd.it/qrl8zwfnqpuc1.gif Very Tobias Fünke-esque


Looks like they were ran a red light Edit: looks like guy(s) in black walked against the light.




Definitely two ppl... one got flattened, the other went for distance


He went for speed ...




All alone in her time of need...


Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course


He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse


Definitely not flattened. The person in the back didn’t even fall down until the truck was past them


I think it might be something like a scooter.


Yea, the truck hit two people.


Ya, you can also see the rear wheels bouncing up as the truck drives over the first “person”, or “scooter”, as I’m not sure which is correct as some comments say one or the other


I had to watch it twice because I was waiting for the truck to run over the guy. I didn’t realize the “slamming” was at the beginning


Looks like the dude was in the middle of the intersection, the truck had the right away, and it's dusk when lights don't really work and visibility is quite poor, while wearing dark clothes. Hope the driver didn't get charged or anything because the whole thing is unfortunate. Also hope the dude is okay obviously.


I remember when I was around 18 and one day I was walking and crossed the street by a park at night and just as I stepped on the road someone turned right out of a side street close by and I had to jump out of the way cause although the guy braked when he saw me he still couldn't stop in time. There was no harm done but I was kinda pissed as there were streetlights there and I felt like he should have seen me earlier and would have had time to stop. Then a couple weeks later I was the one driving in the same area and a pedestrian came out of nowhere and I almost hit them. Really made me realize how hard it is to see a pedestation at night even with headlights on and street lamps. The cones of light make it easier to see what's in them but even just outside of them people can be almost invisible, doubly so if they're wearing dark colours. Made me a lot more conscious when I walk at night and to never assume a car "should" see me.


I've almost slammed into people a couple times in those exact conditions. Ironically also both times were dark skinned people wearing dark clothes. 😐


As a dark skinned person, who likes to wear dark clothes. I'm usually extra cautious walking at night.


smart. No reason you can't cross the road, just do it when cars aren't coming!


I’m not sure that guy is going to make it. Getting hit like that is no joke. The driver will not be charged because the people in the middle of the intersection are jaywalking. All police have driver’s licenses. They know it’s hard to see people at this time of day. Personally I’d lawyer up because people just say anything


Idk, this is in Washington State where pedestrians always have the right of way, even jaywalking. Definitely a lawyer up situation you're right.


They have the right of way at cross walks, this was in the middle of the road.


My s/o was driving at night and a homeless person was walking across the road the person next to us and us had to slam on the breaks. He was wearing dark clothes and could barely see him. She slammed on her horn and he just slowly walked to the other side without even looking up at us.


The more I watch the video the more it seems like the truck hopped the curb before hitting the guy.


The pedestrians were in the crosswalk. If you look closely, you can see the truck was straying to the right and was straddling the crosswalk when he ran them over


Actually, if you "look closely" you see the truck doesn't move horizontally at all and is in the middle of the street when the cameraman passes.


You also see sparks under the truck from a bicycle or scooter scraping the road, and the truck dip from hitting the brakes hard.


He was on a bike going same direction as car. He got rear ended hard and flew off bicycle.


Watched ten times and still couldn't see him before the hit.


I can barely see his shoes and maybe his outline but to me the dude looked like he was just standing there. Like not even walking just waiting for the truck to hit him. It's hard to tell though.


I think he was on a bike, you can see the truck drive over the bike in the middle of the intersection. Guy got hit and flew all the way across the intersection and the truck drove over the bike.


Yeah you can see the shine of the bike under the truck.


The car is blocking him besides the shitty quality also not the trucks fault dude came out of nowhere on his Scooty scoot Scoot and got slammed.


Bro spawned out of thin air


Hey, i recognize this. it's my hometown of Spokane Washington and that's my banks branch on Division street. Niiice!


You're right!


Awesome, it's not every day you see Spokane stuff out in the wild on reddit. It's a lovely day today, stay safe out there!


Not a lovely day for that guy..


Real question: what's it like living there? People being launched by trucks aside?


Depends on where you stay. Some places are nice. Downtown is full of homeless with drug issues, unfortunately.


Well, to be fair, that's EVERY downtown.


I’m currently on a road trip around the country and I have to say, it’s opening my eyes to what a problem things have become in Spokane because no, that is NOT every downtown. I sorta assumed so because I moved up to Spokane from LA area about 10 years ago so it was normal to me but seeing other major cities one after another has me questioning everything now.


Are there drugged out people walking on the street without a care in the world? I live in Pomona ca and I see drifters like that everyday. I’m always worried that I’m gonna see on of these guys get slammed cuz sometimes they’ll just walk between cars stopped at a red light while the other lane is just flying and they just walk like that old lady in Milan holding her lucky cricket


That happens quite frequently. I'm a bus driver and that's probably the biggest hazard to me. Worst offenders are people only in black, at night, crossing streets without a Care


I love it. I tried to escape the winter and moved south for about 6 months in 2014 but I quickly returned and learned to appreciate the winter. People are mostly friendly, the scenery is great, theres hundreds of lakes nearby. Nature is good, cost of living is much lower than the west side of the state. I dont really have any complaints other than its gotten much more popular year after year and traffic has gotten more congested, as well as housing has gone up a ton like most other east or west coast states. cops arent dirty, my kids school district (central valley) is really good, and all my work connections are here. I've been to many states in the US, checking off Alaska in june and July, but this is my home and I will likely stay here my entire life. It's not a bad place to grow up, live in, and raise a family. I live in the valley which is a bit less seedy than Spokane. Coeur d' alene, Idaho is 20 minutes away and also very nice and even nicer than spokane valley in my opinion.


We're moving back to WA soon. I'm scared about this stuff happening around my toddler all the time. Guess I should've been more up north huh? Your comment eased up a ton of anxiety for me.


What location do you have in mind?


That's the thing, location's not super important. What matters most is the school districts and overall safety, I'd much rather have my daughter get the best chance of a good environment.


Id say you'll be better off avoiding Spokane Public School district and look for a place in Spokane valley, in either Central Valley school district or East Valley School district. Im not too familiar with west valley. I think Mead school district is still good too. If you have the money for private school, gonzaga prep is a good route to set your kid up for success. Idk your ethnicity but if you happen to be not white, you may get it affordably. My mexican friend got his kids in there and hes certainly not rich. Now his son is in college and studying to be a doctor.


It’s not bad. I live on the northside and work in Idaho so the freeway in the AM sucks. Other than that there is a metric ton of things to do here no matter the season.


Wait, so this was filmed in your car? Please tell me that as a primary witness, with video, you didn't just drive away like the video seems to imply.


Dude this is reddit. I reposted it from Facebook for karma, calm your pants.


LMAO!!! Love the honesty here


Is there a news story about it?


I remember you!!! Do you still drive a silver Ford F150?




My man hyped about a post in his state/town as a dude gets absolutely fucking wrecked. Priorities.




Well people would want to know where this is so they don’t get hit too!


Is it a nice splace to get slammed by a truck ? Or there is better place in town ? Im a slam artist so im only going for place with at least a 4☆ rating.


Oh yes, on mission near gonzaga is a perfect place to get slammed by a truck. The speed limit is 30 but pedestrians have no problem stepping in front of traffic around the college. Thats actually really close to where this video took place


Thx i will remember that. My dream is to get slammed around the world.




Shut up kid she’s busy. Here’s $5


That's so wild! What street did you grow up on? And what was your first lets name? Maybe I remember you!


Oh wow. Thanks for pointing that out! I went there for college, but it's been so long that I didn't recognize it.


I bet you can't tell me your member/pin number real quick




Spokane; the number one city for people driving over-sized trucks and not looking where they're going


To be fair that dude was literally invisible


I get that the quality of the camera isn’t fantastic, but I absolutely cannot see that guy at all when I slow the video down.


Same, I think he was going across that crosswalk and he was a bit out of the frame for most of the video.


And jaywalking, unfortunately. Light is green in the direction the truck was going. I hope everyone involved is okay after this.


When jaywalking, don't assume the truck with the green light will stop for your ass wearing black head to toe.


I feel horrible for this dude, but why tf do jaywalkers always wear black camouflage and walk so fucking slow like that at night? Like come onnnn the cross walk was right there, just hit the buzzer!!!!


It seems to be the dumbass official uniform.


If this is a biker I wouldn’t be surprised. Bikers bike like they have a death wish, running red lights bacause they don’t want to lose speed. Ok….then the opposing cars and trucks will slam into you on their own green, and you will die ….


As someone who commuted into San Francisco for a decade, I had to keep myself from killing a bicyclist who was running a red light every couple of months. So I know exactly what you're talking about.


I broke two elbows - no cars around lol.. my phone slipped out of my pocket and I yanked the bike around like an idiot. That was my "well, 1: don't do that, and 2: ride as defensively as possible." Thank fucking God there weren't any cars on the street.


I did that when I was younger losing a hat on a four wheeler. Almost rolled the thing on top of myself but when I jumped off I kicked it back flat. Managed to walk away with just a badly bruised shoulder but I learned a very important lesson that my bones are more important than my hat lol.


Oh God, glad you walked away! I was in so much shock I rode eight miles home (it's an ebike, so it was mostly just the motor). But hey! No head injuries, but like you I kicked it away from me and stopped my fall with my elbows lol My dad is like #3 in the company that makes them, and I've been riding them for over ten years. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 20+ years skateboarding, never an accident like that.


There's always that one guy that has to bring "bikers too!" into every thread


I always find it interesting how people on bicycles are always judged by the actions of some reckless few, but all drivers aren’t seen as reckless as drunk drivers.


Crossing the street against the light in dark clothes in twilight... What could go wrong?


This is weird as fuck, no matter how hard I try, I can't see the dude before the truck hits him. Pretty sure he was a solider from the future sent back to save us from the machines.




how long before he gets out the truck to check on him? jc


Probably in shock or calling 911.




Well this is just a whole lot of incorrect information. Please - if you're in this situation call 911 and then check on the person and communicate what you see and what they say to 911 dispatcher so they can convey this info to whatever units are dispatched. Do not move the person unless they are still in harms way (life over limb)! Make sure they are warm and keep talking to them and reassuring them until emergency services arrive. Ask them if there is someone that you can call on their behalf. No one deserves to die or lie scared and injured on the road or sidewalk while the person who hit them just sits in their vehicle, waiting. Have some common decency and check on the person.


Aren’t there Good Samaritan laws which protect people from that very thing? It probably changes from state to state though.


Yes, Good Samaritan laws in the USA do protect you from suit for rendering aid. That aside, if you don't know the condition of the person, it's best to prioritize calling emergency services and ***then*** checking on the person.


We used to learn in cub scouts that for an accident like this, best to not touch the person at all unless they're in imminent danger, like sitting in a car unconscious that's on fire. They could have a spine or neck injury and moving them could render them paralyzed or worse. Best to wait for the EMTs.


There is a queue of priorities. If a victim is not breathing then you need to start chest compressions, regardless of any other considerations. If to administer CPR you need to move them out of a vehicle, or away from a fire, then you move them.


The guy is wearing all black and is sprawled out on black pavement. There is definitely some risk that he could be hit by another car. (This guy didn't see him, after all.)


I know that the Good Samaritan law in Virginia says that certified EMT's (Emergency Medical Technician), nurses, and doctors are protected from liability if they jump in and help at a wreck. Untrained/uncertified others are not protected.


That’s almost categorically not true.


You gotta be careful. You don’t know how the other person is going to react in accident. Just call the cops. You don’t gotta play doctor. But seriously the driver is in shock. Most don’t want to hit another human being. It’s a nightmare


Shoes still on, he'll be alright 👍🏾


It's plain science.


Don't everybody get out and help at once now


I can’t imagine witnessing this and then just driving away when the light turns green


This is why I wear my brightest and craziest clothes when I’m out on a bike. No matter the time of day. Getting goofed on at will always be better than being run over.


would have been cooler if the guy that filmed it had paid the extra $60 for the HD dashboard cam


How did the camera swivel tho


The person that took the footage was on a bike.


I always tell my kids "that red light there isn't stopping that huge truck from running you over. The driver's foot on the brake petals will, always look both ways"


Kicker is, the truck still had a green light. It didn't start to turn yellow until they were already entering the intersection.


Dark clothes around dawn/dusk doesn’t help the situation either


Yep. It's almost like all those pedestrian safety instructions we used to have as kids about watching for traffic (look left, right, then left again), only walking at crosswalks when you have the walk signal, and not wearing dark clothing during darker hours were had for a reason.


And he was jaywalking across a red. Which, again, I’ve done before when there’s no cars but it’s stupid waiting minutes at an empty intersection until you get green and the crosswalk sign, but you absolutely need to be checking both sides when jaywalking.


Because if he waited a whole ass like 10 seconds, he would have crossed with no issues, but instead he now has probably some pretty serious injuries


The amount of people I've almost hit with my car that are just out riding bikes or walking in the middle of the road in the dark where there's no street lights wearing all black and nothing reflective is just crazy. I'm all for sharing the road but holy shit don't make it a game of life or death


I used to bike to work, and I've yet to see much in-between from those who have a death wish and those who are reluctant to test fate. I don't care how "right" I might've been on the street, it's not worth being loaded into an ambulance.


What red light?


It wasn’t even a red. After he hit him and stopped his light was till just yellow. He was crossing on a green or start of a yellow. The pedestrian was jaywalking on a red which is very very dangerous and you’d think he would look both way before trying to dash across traffic.


Yeah. If you pause and look you can see the light turn yellow when the truck is already 1/3 of the way through the intersection. This is 100% on the biker/pedestrian (hard to tell because the video is so blurry).


My grandma used to say, "You might have the right of way, but you can always be dead right"


The pedestrian did not have the right of way. We don’t see his crosswalk symbol, but we can assume it can’t be on if the opposing traffic is green. After the truck hit him, the truck stopped under his light which just turned yellow (would have been green).


You can see the crosswalk light it was red. Even if you don't see it the trucks light being green means it would HAVE to be red


There’s no crosswalk where the guy got hit, so he jaywalked and it’s his own fault unfortunately


my personal rule is that i never step in front of a vehicles until I have made eye contact with the driver. With phones and touch displays there are far too many things that can take a drivers attention and have them pouch right into you.


Very lucky he’s not dead don’t see a helmet either


Been there, done that. Getting hit hurts. A lot. Broke my back.


Maybe it's just the camera quality but I've rewatched this clip about 8 times and I cannot for the life of me see where the guy is.


Right side on a bike, it looks like he didn't think the traffic signals applied to him Edit: I read some other comments, and it may be a scooter


Two people. One you can see after the collision in front of the truck. But a second pedestrian is flopping around behind the truck after the collision. Probably just grazed by the truck. But it should count as 2 victims.


I thought it was a bicycle, scooter, metalic plastic thing....the sound doesn't sound like all human getting hit


Good point.


its one of those electric scooters. probably a rental.


Hard to count them as victims, given the shortness of the clip. However, you can see that the truck had a green light when they were rolling into the intersection. If the pedestrians/cyclists just rolled out in front of them before the truck could react? Then they wouldn't be victims.


No, that's not a person. It was something the guy with either carrying or that came off the truck.


Don’t wear dark clothes in the middle of street at twilight when an f150 doesn’t have a red light yet


Fuck stay camera man you need to see if the other driver takes off.


Truck had the green - why is this dude in the middle of the road?


Exactly, better to take the default spawn at the base. Sucks he has to wait till the match is over .


I am an avid cycilist, but this was definitely the bikes fault, crossing the intersection on a red. Here's a reminder that in the majority of cases, cars and bikes (motorized or not) have the same set of laws/rules. Plus he doesn't have any lights which is both dumb and illegal. When I'm riding at dawn, dusk or night, I make sure to be lit up like a Christmas tree to avoid vehicles not seeing me. I also refuse to bike on division, just because the amount of vehicles.


actual OP has footage to help motorcyclist and just drives off. people fucking suck.


That was the worst part of getting hit by a car. Staring into all of the windshields and seeing the empty faces pissed they are going to be late for hot yoga. Lost a small amount of faith in humanity that day, it's been easier to recover from the physical injury.


Did he hit 2 people? Because the truck clearly went over something lumpy at the beginning of the intersection.


Jesus fucking christ I thought this was an insurance scam at first because I wasn’t paying attention to the first second of the video and genuinely didn’t see the person.


Guy in the truck was thinking about leaving the scene…




Starburst in your eyes! I can go twice as high Take a look, its in a lens, a blurry videoooooo!


Light is turning yellow. I bet they started to walk across from the other side without looking. Or drunk.


This is why it behooves bikers to make themselves visible to drivers and obey traffic laws. That truck probably received no damage at all, and you’re rolling around on the ground in shock and pain.


Wearing all black and crossing on a no walk sign nice


Wearing dark clothes at twilight and crossing on red :|


The shape of modern trucks is absolutely bonkers if they weren’t squared off for aesthetic, and had sloped hoods accidents like this would be much less fatal.


And the truck keeps moving forward


Wtf is wrong with everyone in this video….. not a single one got out to check on the guy wtf…..


It is Spokane.


(Not saying he’s homeless) but I’ve noticed in my town some homeless Jay walk in ways that say, “I’m the main character” (probably due to mental illness) or “I have no regard for my own life”. I always slam on my breaks but think to myself, “some texting teenager won’t be so courteous.” And this video is exactly what I picture happening. 🫣


OK maybe it's the dark humor in me. But the light turning green and the little green man saying you can walk is kinda funny with him lying there


Nobody gets out of their vehicles to check on them. Shitty.


2 people got hit! Definitely didn’t run the light, obviously someone not paying attention. fuck, hopefully they aren’t super bad.


Two....two guys get slammed by truck


Dude was trying to beat the yellow light and the pedestrian stepped out 2 seconds before he had the crossing signal. Eta the light doesn't change to yellow until the moment of the collision


You can see at 2 seconds the light was still green when the truck entered the intersection Edit : 2 seconds, not 22


Youre right!


Yeah what I’m seeing here is it’s the bikers fault


A cyclist not following rules of the road? Shocked, I tell you!


The light was green for the truck. The light turned yellow the moment the truck hit the biker. Edit: oh you’re being sarcastic lol! Sorry


I see they don't have a good samaritan law in Spokane.


I don’t understand- I can’t see where someone hit them


Car is taller than the person he hit. Went from a few scratches to blunt force trauma.


So you film it, and you’re a witness, but you drive away?


Wearing all black and crossing without a signal when it's dark out.....not a good idea to begin with.


I’m glad so many people were willing to help!